Sweeping Darkness (IC) - Open

Started by Darkmoon, February 02, 2008, 11:40:23 PM

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"I know, I know. I just want to get back to that town. They where counting on us somewhat and now we're stuck here for some reason" Tarson stood there, then looked around the small town. "Damnit why didn't I just follow those monkeys. I wouldn't feel so bad if I was the only one here but no you guys had to follow me. I told you I wasn't a good leader" Tarson walked off abit after he finished talking.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


"i wouldn't worry too much if i were you." enigma stepped into full view. " i have a suspicion that this is not so random as it may seem. After all how often do incidental nobodies like us find themselves of some big bosses annoyance list to the extent that they are sent to a place like this? "
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


   DFX and Tank had been hovering around, just keeping an eye on the various members of the group. DFX had been listening to the entire conversation around Tarson, and made his way over as Tarson was complaining about being a ''bad leader' again.
   DFX stood behind Tarson when he stopped moving. Enigma also walked up, and started saying something. DFX nodded when Enigma finished. "I believe this fleshling may be correct, or at least on a correct path of thinking." DFX said to Tarson. "Also, the fact that we have come to be here does not speak of your ability to lead. Only the circumstances leading up to the fact may gauge this. If, as you say, your ability to lead was poor, that would imply you made a conscious decision that resulted in our current situation. However, we were merely following a trail through the forest to search for our objective. We weren't even necessarily following you at the time.
   "You have a duty now, fleshling. Your feeble protests and illogical complaints will not relinquish you of it." It was difficult to tell if DFX was serious or joking, and indeed if it was joking, it would be highly unusual. But the way he said that sentence, even with his toneless voice...almost suggested he said it with a smile, figuratively.


Aire followed after Tarson, "in no way is any of this your fault.  If anything, it is all of our faults, but that is irrelevant.  This situation was unforeseen, there would have been little way to predict such a thing.  If anything, it eludes to the possibility that we were on the right course.  We also have raised a bit of ire from what is likely behind the problems we are investigating.  This place may hold valuable clues to what we seek.  So let us gather and discuss it, but in the end someone needs to make a decision and that someone is you Tarson."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


"Alright, alright. The first question is what do we do. Go check out those two areas Aire found or check out some of the towns Garon. I'm kinda worried about trying anything cause I don't want to bring any trouble on this village. These people have cut out a living for themselves and I would hate bring them issues" Tarson looked around the village. "One thing for sure if we find a way to leave we're gonna have to bring these people with us, if they wish to leave. Anyway I say wait till everyone else is awake to hear what the plan might be"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Aeo was snoring, perhaps a little too loudly as he was awoken by a passing dwarf that kicked him square in his chest.  He woke up with a cough and spouted off a few choice dwarven curses that would either bite him in the rear later or cause the dwarf to blush.  He didn't count on the latter. 

After his rude awakening Aeo quickly scurried to find his comrades and was quick enough to overhear Tarson's question on where to go.  Aeo thought for a second, he knew ghost towns in their world were mostly harmless, but here they could literally be crawling with ghosts.  Of course following Aire's magic sense would most definetly lead them down adventure's path.  Of course Tarson was only concerned with keeping the village safe, which Aeo didn't really consider, he was being starved for excitement.  Anything would do... even the goblins.  Well maybe not the magical one, he was annoying.

"I say we follow Ms. Aire's magic sense." Aeo smiled with a second waking yawn.  "I mean let's face it, we need answers and I need something to keep me busy.  Dusty old towns ain't really going to hold that now are they?"


Tarosn looked abit annoyed when Aeo walked up.
"Where the heck you been?"
He then looked to Aire then to DFX.
"That's one vote for Aire. What do you think DFX? Any ideas?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


   DFX's metal head tilted in an almost quizzical manner. "I was not cognizant that this was an elective process. But Aeo Dall is correct. Aireluin Silithiel is the only individual here who has demonstrated the ability to detect the energy concentrations." His head straightened. "Locating the concentrations is our current objective, correct?"


"Both ideas have their merit, and I will give my full support to whatever course we decide to take."  

Aire turned to Aeo, "just Aire is fine Aeo.  Ms is not needed."  
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


"My interests in is finding the locking points and either escape or disabling them completely. while studying them might add to my inventory it's not worth the time it would take or staying here". Enigma smiled. "in short i say we go then before we do anything stupid we get everyone ready to get out of here"
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Tarson looked around the village then back at the group.
"Alright looks like we'll be tracking down those spots then. Now the real question that comes to mind is do we split up and go after them both at the same time or go after one then the other?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Aeo blinked.

"You don't listen to bards very often do you?"  Aeo chuckled nervously.  "Whenever a story has the group splitting into two or more you get endings like; 'And thus our doomed adventurers wandered into to death's open maw.' and such.  Besides splitting up seriously cuts our ability to take on... well ANYTHING including those jerky goblins.  I think we should stick together, I personally like breathing."


Aire chimed in after Aeo, "Indeed, splitting up is not a wise decision.  We should take on each of these objectives one after the other.  If our group was larger, we could consider taking on two objectives at once, but without significant reconnaissance we do not yet know what we face if anything."  

Only time would tell. She thought to herself.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


"Aire  and Aeo both have valid points." said enigma. "i say that vote on which sight to pick then we approach  sending in scouts first followed by the rest of the rest of the force either as backup for escaping or to arrive to help with researching a way out of here"
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Aeo looked to 28 and the large and imposing Tank.  He didn't doubt for a second that the constructs would agree with the logic part of his and Aire's argument, he was actually counting on it and hoping they wouldn't surprise him by voting a split. 

Then his mind (and eyes) wandered to Aire and just settled there for a few spare moments as the chatter around him went on.  He wasn't sure why but he was finding himself in the odd position of not wanting to sleep with the elf woman.  Instead he was feeling more inclined to do incredibly dangerous and impressive things to try and impress her.  Of course he also realized that their greatest danger thus far had been a group of goblins, one of which he really wanted to hurt...

Then his mind wandered to Tarson.  He liked Tarson, the guy just needed to lighten up a bit.  He didn't understand why the large man who looked like he could put both fists through their new giant friend was always in such a bad mood.  Of course Aeo did understand that whatever caused his unusual deformity was probably a lingering pain, but still he couldn't fathom letting one's pain rule their life.  He was determined to get their unofficial leader to at least stop acting like a sour puss all the time.  He'd settle for a happy hour every now and then.

Enigma, the shopkeep popped next into his mind.  He didn't really care for the greedy man.  Of course he did seem to have a few useful items on hand.  Aeo would just have to make sure the man kept his word and didn't charge the group to heavily for items used in a pinch.  Of course if the man was stupid enough to over charge this group he figured their might not be enough left of the man to identify him. 

Then there was Armita, the innocent looking necromancer who...  Aeo looked around for the boy.  Aeo looked in the sky for Armita's birds.  Then he noticed a distinct lack of said birds and he felt his heart plunge.

"Uhh.... guys, anyone seen Armita and his birdies?" Aeo didn't hide the fear in his voice.  He hated the prospect of loosing friends even and especially new ones.


     Alcir had been mumbling to himself while watching the events since the group had entered this place. He had waited through the night and now he listened as plans were discussed. He agreed that staying as one unit was the smarter choice. Then the part-tiefling had mentioned the abscence of the mage child, Armita.
     The undead walked up, and spoke "I have not seen the young one, but perhaps he is resting. The battle and the dimmensional transition may have sapped him of stamina." Alcir to look at the others with his one eye, a bit of morning light glinting off the metal plate bolted to his face, then added "I might be of some use scouting, lacking the need to breathe aids one in being silent."
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!


Tarson looked around at the group.
"Ok staying together it is then"
Tarson then looked at Aire.
"Well you're in charge of this litte jaunt as you the only one that seems to have any clue as to where we're heading"
Tarson then looked back at the Armita not being around comment.
"Well if the kid doesn't show up by the time we're packed and on the road I guess he'll be hanging out in town til we get back"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


The elf giggled slightly at Tarson, "silly Tarson, I will most definitely lead you to the locations, but you are still the leader.  You cannot shirk this duty."

Aire blushed a bit as she realized how flighty and whimsical her remark had sounded.

"curse the faerie, I need to be serious now."  She muttered to herself.  Clearing her throat she composed herself before continuing, "when would you like to leave Tarson?"

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Tarson raised his left eyebrow at Aire's first comment. Then shook his head.
"I'm up for leaveing as soon as we can. Anyone that doesn't make it by the time we leave can chill out in the village til we come back"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Aire nodded, "I am prepared to leave immediately.  I will remain with you, unless you wish me to leave, so that we can be ready to go at a moment's notice."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Tarson actually cracked a small smile and looked at Aire.
"What makes you think I would want to get rid of a pretty lady like you?"
Tarson then went straight faced as he looked at the others.
"You all ready to get going people?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Alcir said in a clear voice, "I have no needs this village could fulfill. I am ready to leave now and for the immdiate future." He added in a mutter "I ate last night, but I'll need to hunt soon."
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!


Enigma shrugged. he'd recovered a great deal during his rest and while he might want to scope of the villager getting out of here was a number one priority. "we stay or go. either is but one step on a path with many more to be taken."
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Aire blushed deeply at Tarson's remark, but did not reply to it.  She was rather flattered and far too embarrassed to say anything for quite a while.  She waited for the group to begin movement and she stood ready to give direction when asked.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Tarson looked around the area for a bit.
"Alright let's get moving. Aire would you lead the way?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Aire started slightly as Tarson addressed her and blushed a bit more.  Shaking off the feeling, she focused and recalled what she had sensed last night.  Opaque tendrils of green rose from the ground and swirled around her for a brief second and she opened her eyes, "Yes, I am sure of it now... it is that way!"

The elf gestured over the rows of huts, past the blacksmith and off into the horizon.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


"So..." Aeo noticed the others more concerned with which direction to go rather than their comrade.  "Right yeah, survival of the fittest." Aeo muttered it to himself as he started back to his stuff.

"I'll be right back, I just gotta grab my stuff."  Aeo said with a quick smile.  He didn't want to leave the young necromancer behind or even think that something may have happened to him, but the adventure called and with any amount of luck Tarson was right and he was just oversleeping and would catch up.  At least he hoped that was the case.


A familiar looking crow landed on Tank's shoulder and started pecking something that had gotten stuck into the construct's armor plates.


   The two constructs stood like statues as the group decided on what do, realized that one of their number was missing, and decided to move on anyway (though Aeo moved back to get something of his he left behind, or so he claimed). DFX in particular was slightly troubled, but said nothing. He could not offer any reasonable hypothesis as to how the crow-laden fleshing had vanished during the night, when the two constructs were keeping watch over the group.
   But just as a few people started moving, and the constructs were about to follow suit, a familiar-looking crow swooped down, perched on Tanks shoulder, and began getting at a lodged impurity. Tank simply stood still as the crow pecked away. DFX watched for a moment, then said to the group, "I shall assume this indicates our comrade Arimita Zhelion is present. All group members are accounted for, we may move on." Quickly turning, DFX called out, "Aeo Dall! Please expedite the collection of your personal belongings. We are proceeding to the first energy concentration now."
   The two constructs turned to follow Aire, with the crow still perched on Tank's shoulder. The crow finally got the little obstruction out of Tank, a piece of bark. Tank turned his head to the crow and said, still in his deep voice, but actually quietly, "Thank you, little feathered thing. That was itching me rather awful."


The crow flew from the construct's shoulder down to the ground, gave a shriek and and started pecking the ground. At that very moment, another similar bird joined to the task, then another, and an another and one more until there was a small flock of crows pecking and srcathing the ground with their pecks and talons. Suddenly the ground fell a bit and the birds shunned away, keeping their distance near. An arm raised itself from the small hole and pulled itself to the surface. As it hit the ground, it lifted a body of a worn boy. Gasping for air, Armita cursed out loud: "Blasted spell, blasted old man and blasted these damn birds!" Covered in dirt, the boy started dragging himself from the tight pit that started filling itself as he got away from there.