Stirring Up Chaos

Started by Sirius Griffon, January 15, 2007, 12:46:25 PM

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"EMP bombs? Terrorist attacks are indeed an effective strategy, but you sound as if that sort of equipment is readily at hand. I suspect that we don't have that kind of means available to us," Stygian said seriously. Inside though, he was almost laughing. This had proven to be bigger than he expected, so he might just tell Moira to come over and help... He thumbed the little watch-like device of dark metal in his pocket. He wouldn't have anything against gambling some property against potential gain from a whole world.


E chuckles. Stygian had a point. even if he were to somehow rework his thunder wave weapon into and emp projector it would not last forever. it might not ever work very well. after all he was not X when it cam to weapon adaption. " your thinking well but we need to figure targets to attack" E thinks to himself that some public reeducation via the monitors would help stirs them up into a frenzies as well. after all if they were obedient drones then they could be told to leave these monitors and   drag their neighbors into the  middies of the city. oh what things could be. done. in time they would become  free things solders in the army of Wily. No wait. i'm thinking like the old man again. " how about we make the people into our army?
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


"Destroying the power plants is a sound idea, Master Mithlome," Stalker said, "as well as offering the most...amusement."

He lowered his head almost humbly, glasses re-forming over his eyes. "An EMP isn't all that difficult to generate, however, if one does not mind a bit of collateral damage. If anyone has large amounts of pitchblende, or perhaps a few barrels of waste radioactive, I can provide such an effect."

Stalkers lips twisted wryly as he thought, "Yes, and it would render me nearly immobile and keep me from assisting others. Perhaps that would be for the best, but the unexpected always happens."


After quite a long walk Jack arrived outside the large lodge which was the meeting place for chaos. A glance at his watch told him that he had most likely missed the introduction.
"I guess I'd better knock." Jack said to himself and hit the door three times. Hopefully the people inside wouldn't mind him interrupting.
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Vincent heard the knocking and looked at the door.  Could order have found them so fast?  No, it must be some one to help the cause, whatever the case he stood saying "I'll check it out."  He then walked over to the door and pushed his head through, getting a good look at the newcomer.  "An anthro-feline with a lizard on his shoulder, yep, reaks of chaos."  He pulled his head back in to anounce "Hey, we got a new guy out here, anyone care to open this thing?  I would, but my muscles were reduced to atoms."
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)

Prof B Hunnydew

Location: Hunnydew SpaceLab Research Station, L-5 orbit, Furra, Furra StarSystem, Milkway Galaxy
Time : 2208 hours

"Larry, I told you to power down the Tesser gate gyros for the night" said a blue female anthro cat looking down in a large 10meter high lab from the control room.

"I did, Prof Hunnydew" said Larry, a orange mouse intern with black hair..

"Great, I guess I will have to go down there Myself and for a local shutdown.  And my regular suit is in the shop." said Professor " I'll just have to use my new battle hardsuit" 

"Ah Prof H, you only try that one out once and it didn't do to well in a vacuum" worried Larry

"but it is not a vacuum in the Lab, beside it can't be helped That Tesser gate is powering up beyond just standby mode.  If it is not shutdown, it could take the station with it, but what is weird that the station power is not showing a load on it. I'm suiting up" said PBH

In the Tesser gate Lab, PBH reaches the manual shutdown breaker and shuts it down, but not before a sudden peak in full level, and full activation of the metal hexagon archway flashes before her eyes.

A letter size piece of paper flutters to the floor in the now dim lab just before the arch.  Prof Bambi Hunnydew in her battlesuit picks it up and looks at the writing on it.  She can read ancient Greek and many other languages, but this is something more ancient then anything she has seen.

"Larry, Do you know anything about this " holding the text up to the cameras and the control room, PBH said and turns the page around again "You know the only thing that makes any sense is this Sid-he rune here for Chaos"


The people in the lodge hear a thunder boom and bright flash from a clear sky.
Prof Bambi Hunnydew finds herself planetside outside a large lodge in the night... wondering what the letter in her hand says and how in the universe the Tesser-gate activated without power. 



((OOC: It's night? Ok.))

Jack was surprised by the sudden flash. He instinctively dropped no the ground while reaching for his handgun. The thing was that he hadn't brought his gun. Instead he got his camera.
Ah, well. That anthro looks confused, not hostile. Jack thought to himself and snapped of a photo while kneeling.

"Hey. Are you here to join chaos?" he asked with a friendly tone.
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Stygian was frowning at Stalker's statement when he noticed a presence, just a fraction of a second before there was a knock on the door. The other ghost, Vincent, got up to deal with it, and somehow seemed to be able to deduce that the one on the other side of the door was a friend of Chaos. Not that it mattered much to Stygian himself, but to do such a thing so quickly... He left that train of thought behind quickly, took another sip of tea and then put down his cup on the table beside him.
   Then, Vincent asked for assistance, and there was a sudden flash. Stygian muttered something, and then began to get up.
   "I'm getting it," he said, which was true. The next second he was gone, vanished. There hadn't been any indication whatsoever. He was simply not there anymore.

   There was just the slightest sound of something like cloth rubbing from behind Jack, and the next instant there was something of a presence there, like that feeling one gets from someone looking at you from where you cannot see.
   "Welcome to Johnston and Mills' Funeral Services!" a dark, melodious voice exclaimed from right behind him. "If you wish to die, please don't state your business." There was almost a laughing tone to that statement.

   Let's see how he takes that joke... Stygian thought humorously.


"I'll go see what's outside," Adrian volunteered. She looked to Leona, "Continue without me," she told the Shapeshifter, before vanishing altogether. Her physical form came before Professor Bambi Hunnydew, finishing the last tug on tying the ribbon in her hair. "Greetings!" Adrian said, in the friendliest voice she could manage. The ghost, whom appeared anything but a ghost, held out a hand to Hunnydew. "I'm Adrian Mneme, local geist, and I see you got Leona's flyer. The meeting's only just started, I'm sure you could be prompted on what you missed. Let's get inside, shall we?"


 Stalker cocked his head as he heard thunder and sensed two more beings. He savored the thrill of confusion from them, eyes half-closed.

Noting Stygian's disappearance, he nodded slightly. "Exactly how many invitations were sent out?" he asked under his breath, "And did they put any safeguards on them?"


Jack, much more prepared for the unexpected now, hardly moved when Stygian spoke to him. The first sentence puzzled Jack a bit, he was pretty sure he was at the right place, but after picking up the ironic tone in the second sentence Jack calmly turned around to face Stygian.

"I'm Jack Spades, a reporter... of a kind. I've been sent here to cover the events that will take place." Jack said and offered a handshake. He didn't really know why he was trying to make a good firts impression, no-one had tried to make a good first impression on him yet. Also, if he was too... orderly they might get suspicious around him and think he was spying for the Order.
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Stygian made a short laugh and eyed the... boy in front of him, he realized. He took his hand, shaking it in a rock-hard grip, and tilted his head to the side. The feline furre almost looked cute to him. Still, he wasn't scatterbrained, obviously. And he didn't make any odd comments, but simply stated something that sounded very ambiguous. There was an odour of machinery and synthetic materials on him, and then there was a feeling of sorts that could not be described in such simple terms...
   "Just a joke on my part. I'm Sebastian. Please, come in," Stygian said. He decided to keep an eye on the feline. Turning, he stepped back and opened the door, motioning for Jack to step inside. "Everything will be explained." While he talked, he began preparing a few routines for tracing and jamming communications around the house.

Prof B Hunnydew

***PBH dressed in a spacesuit which is form fitting with helm with a clear facemask, breastplate with a jetpack backpack, silver bracers with buttons and lights that cover her forearms, raygun-looking pistol and tool belt, and silver boots to her knees.***

PBH steps back as many symbols and images  flash across her face.. "ah Sorry, I am sure you're not here or alive..  where are you transmitting your hologram from?  Or more to the fact How can you be transmitting a hologram without a recieve  here?"  

PBH looks around quick, but return to Adrian..."Wait,Okay Hi I am Prof Bambi Hunndew of Hunnydew Labs, and Did you say something about a flyer... This paper has some writing on I don't understand.. expect for this Seeli-rune of Chaos.. Who is Leona?  Why are you have a meeting?"  PBH stops suddenly, "AH Sorry to bother you. If you direct me to the nearest transport..."  Looking more closely at Adrian

"Hey Are you of those alien human from one of those crazy UFOs?"



Hearing the commotion, Gareeku glanced towards the door, though he did not move from his position.
"Hmmm. It seems we have more people arriving. Though judging by the lack of confrontation, they're not here to attack us." the wolf muttered, waiting for the newcomers to make their appearence inside the cabin.


Adrian giggled at being called a hologram, letting Hunnydew ramble on a bit more with her questions and theories before deciding to explain. "I'm quite real, and somewhat alive. As I said, I'm a geist. A ghost, specter, undead, whatever it is you wish to call me. But I'm quite real, and at the moment physical. And yes, flyer. Leona, the creation/child of the Goddess Eris, who looks after chaos and discord, sent out those papers, calling for help. This world is in dire need of it. If you come inside, we'd explain everything. Though I'm assuming it's cold out here, and you must be hungry. We have food and drink, as well."

Pausing, she laughed and shook her head, "No, I'm no alien. I was a completely average human once. Just happned to pass on, yet stay here. If you wish to go back to your world, I'd think Leona would know the most advisable way to it. But I cannot help you in that area." A lie, a bit fat one too. Adrian could help her go back to her laboratory, though she didn't want to. Adrian was trying to lure the professor inside, to where she'd see somewhat decent people (with an expection or two) uniting for the good of an entire world. Adrian motioned back towards the lodge with a hand, smiling, though her facial expressions did no good, considering that Professor Bambi Hunnydew wasn't able to see them. "Please, if we go inside, you'd have much more service to help you."

Prof B Hunnydew

"ooo the undead...Well if you dead I guess you can be a human, too. Okay I'll see who is who and what is what.. Why the world needs saving from whatever..."  PBH moching fearfull and follows you in as she removes her helmet...



Eric just keeps sitting in the chair drinking up a little. He looks up at the newcomers but really doesn't do anything else.


"Wonderful!" Adrian cheered, turning and leading the way into the lodge. She really hadn't seen the outside before, and it looked somewhat smaller than she remembered the inside being. Following the main path, it led to a door, which Adrian pushed open, allowing Professor Hunnydew in first before letting it close. Resuming the lead, Adrian went down the hallway, soon spotting Stygian with whomever had knocked on the door earlier. "Professor Hunnydew, this is Stygian. Stygian, this is Professor Bambi Hunnydew. And uh... I'm afraid I don't know the other fellow," Adrian introduced, stoping just outside the doors and once more allowing Hunnydew through first.

Prof B Hunnydew

How do you do? Stygian I'm Prof Bambi Hunnydew of Hunnydew Labs, out by L-5 skycity.. And who is your feline friend here? May I ask?" **PBH stares opening at the anthro cat, but quickly looks away.

"oh ah Lead the way Adrian.."



E smiles as the looks at the new arrival. " she seemed familiar yes he had not memory of her.  ah well the wonders of time travel and paradoxes never cease to annoy him. " a Professor you say? i hope your nicer the the first Doctor i meet a few years ago. he was an odd one that one." still the following doctors had been nicer to him and upgraded his body and his body replacement system.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Adrian allowed enough time for the other furry to introduce himself, or for Stygian to do so, before leading the way into the confrence room, motioning to the large table. "Here we are. That there is Leona, she's running the operation. Please, take a seat or get some refreshments, I believe Leona was answering questions just now," the ghost said, then glanced to E. "She appears to be quite kind," Adrian informed him, a smile in her voice before going and taking her own seat beside Vincent. She had forgotten by now the ribbon that made her 'real' was still in, considering she still couldn't feel much. Adrian kept an eye on Hunnydew from her seat, making sure the professor got herself a seat and was comfortable.

Prof B Hunnydew

PBH is a little nervous around the human or the humaniods in the room, but smiles and nods at the furre or robots.  Those with magic will a small magical aura around her.  She goes and gets a wine glass and sits near Eric.  Yet, She does not seem to know E or Eric or that matter anyone there...

Looks toward Leona, and waiting for the meeting to start...



Eric looks over to PBH lifts up his rather older looking paw to her. "Hi, i am Eric nice to meet you."

Prof B Hunnydew

"Ah Hi I'm Prof Bambi Hunnydew...Ah Nice to meet you, too (i think)" 



Shadou choked on his drink a little, what with the bright flashes and loud noises out of nowhere. Sputtering, he looked up in time to see the new arrivals.
"Nice to- coughHACK- meet ya..." he said, cleaning up what he'd spilled, "I see some special effects people or something have been brought along too. Name's Shadou, pull up a chair."


Stalker turned his head ninety degrees and regarded the newcomers, his glasses melting back into his face to reveal his silvery eyes.

"It is pleasing to meet you. I am Stalker, at your service." He flowed into a standing position, and bowed gracefully. A hint of the silver needles he possessed instead of teeth showed, and he quickly lowered his head. to hide them.

He stepped nearer to Cogidubnus and leaned in closer, whispering. "I sense something may be amiss, Master Mithlome, and subtlety is not my strong suit. Do you sense anything odd about the young lady who just arrived?"


"hello are you okay miss? " e asks as the notices what seems to be  a spike in her vitals. " you seem to be on edge and form my recent history on mobius that's not a good thing." he remembers that being robotic was not a bastion of trust when it came to the non human beings there. he heard her origins point and that didn't sound like Mobius to him.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

Prof B Hunnydew

"Oh oh yes I am fine or will be fine I am sure,  Stalker is a little ...startling to me is all.  Am not sure what to make of him."  as she takes one gulp of her wine and then turning to Shadou "ah what special effects it is just a clear night outside?"



"The big frigging KABOOM, for one," Shadou took another swig of whatever potent cocktail he was drinking and gave the impression of grinning despite not having any visible mouth, "Shortly before you showed up. Bright flash, loud noise; you made quite the entrence."


Stygian had practically shoved Jack into a chair, and then seated himself again, now with another drink in his hand. He eyed the feline for a moment, thinking hard before returning to listening. He hadn't tried prying in the cat's mind when he had contact with him out of wariness, but from the feeling and smell Jack was calm and focused yet tense in a very practiced manner that wasn't much unlike that of a fighter entering a ring, or a soldier facing a battle. And then there was the suspicion that if he tried reading the furre he'd encounter more trouble than what was normal. So he simply sat, and then turned to face forward against Leona a bit. He tried to get his voice in between Shadow and this "professor".
   "This is Jack Spades. Claims he's a reporter, though from what paper or channel, I don't know. You didn't announce this publically, I trust?" he said, the last question very rhetorical. He turned against Jack again. "We're currently discussing how best to strike at the Median power grid. I though would want to take the time and point out that such an action would be a temporary solution to our problem, at best."