Stirring Up Chaos

Started by Sirius Griffon, January 15, 2007, 12:46:25 PM

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"Well, I can understand that, it's just not often one hears of a person who is..."  He paused and debated for a few seconds on the appropriate word "Allergic?...  I guess to ghosts.  As for history, my parents were history professors so I learned alot from them, but that was all about my dimension... or planet... and well, one thing led to another, but the short version is that my planet is a radiated wasteland so my 'history' is about as useful as a hill of salt in the middle of the Dead Sea." 

Vincent then looked to Adrian, "Eris..."  He thought about the name for a minute.  "Isn't she a Goddess of Chaos or something?  And what was that about 'remain with the living'?  Is there some sort of risk for me to 'pass on' or something?  'Cause I'd like to know how to uhm, not do that."
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


Eric is just sitting their drinking his drink waiting for the other reason he came here for. He also is looking around seeing all of with has already come. So far none of them look horribly scary, but stalker has already gotten on his bad side by what he did. He continues to look around the room but not really paying any attention to anyone in particular.


Stalker withdraws his hand and smiles faintly. "No, of course you wouldn't, E," he says. "Especially with a fusion device inside you."

He glances around the room casually. "I've only been introduced to you and Master Kile. Any idea who any of these others are?"


Cogidubnus bowed at Stalker from where he stood. "Cogidubnus Mithlome." He said softly, staring at him calmly from behind shaded lenses. "I wish I could say a pleasure to make your acquaintance, sir..." As he spoke, he changed the way he stood, his heels touching slightly and his arm resting loose at his side. "Though, first impressions are so often skewed. Don't you think?" He said, one eye narrowing from behind his shades.


Stygian looked at the ghosts with an amused look. They were looking for a way to stay dead? He wished he could say the same. Then again, death was really different for him. He sipped his tea, and very, very casually let his shadow move a bit to brush against Adrian's leg when he did. It touched her, feeling her as if she was solid. That was good, he thought.
   "Eris. Discord. Godess of chaos and strife. Opposed, if I am not mistaken, to Harmonia. I wonder, will we be facing another godess?" he said, and looked at Leona a bit. He sipped his tea. "Quite a few bad things said about her. Some legends even depict her as a... Well, I won't be discourteous." He brought the cup to his lips again, quickly watching and listening to the other conversations taking place. "As for the staying a ghost part... The best way, I believe, would be to have some business, or errand to hang on to. But then again, you could always be cursed too..." He said that last part with a sly look to his face that told he'd gladly help with that part. "Though most spirits I've read about that are cursed are changed a bit by their state. Oh, and as for my 'allergy', that's a different point."

Sirius Griffon

Leona blinked as Adrian had walked through, which she knew was a typical thing Adrian loved to do to freak people out. But she wasnt sure OTHER people would be expected, and indeed, what happened next to Stygian certainly was unexpected to say the least! She breathed a soft sigh of relief he wasnt hurt, and was relieved to see tehre were no hard feelings.

She would have hated if a battle had broken out in this room!

But then tensions were high again, and she could smell them, as another pair came in. A pair, which was was quickly reduced to one. "That would be me Sir," Leona replied, walking over towards the man who had by far had the most dramatic entrance this evening! She nodded her head, then turned to face him with a serious look to her golden eyes few got to witness. "I must ask please, that we dont have any more quite so dramatic scenes here... though I do understand this is a part of some beings nature," she added softly. "Ill explain the details in a moment as to why but yes... it is nice to meet you Sir," she added with a soft bow as her attention was directed yet again in a new direction and the newcomer walked off.

At Gareeku's question nearby she looked to him  and nodded. "It would defeat the purpose if tehre was," she replied with a genuine, soft smile. "I really dont wish to see any more people harmed here then there had to be... I do understand your concerns Gareeku," she added then. "I really am about to explain things better in a few moments..."

She looked towards Cog who had come up as well and nodded. "I understand your concerns," she replied. "Believe me they will be addressed. Gareeku, believe me, if I thought innocents would be harmed I would stand beside you in that fight," her tone sincere as well as expression.

Leona nodded when asked about Eris then. "Yes... Ill explain her as well. Please folks, take a seat if you will. I can see we need to go ahead and get explanations out of the way before we have more confusion then we can all handle!" She bowed lightly, then had taken to her housecat form. Using that form to climb a few drapes, she took to a higher vantage point near the  roof's support beams and shifted back to her regular form, balancing upon a beam. Pulling a megaphone then from her Inventory Pocket, she cleared her voice.

"Please, could I have everyone's attention?" she asked kindly. "I would appreciate it if everyone takes a seat, and Ill explain the hows and the whys that we are all assembled here today!" She then gracefully jumped from her higher vantage point, pocketing the megaphone along the way, to take a place at the front of the long table. She motioned towards the seats lining the table, hoping everyone had heard her and would comply, those not seated already anyways...


"well, I don't think I'm cursed and, well, there is only one thing tha-"  Vincent stopped as Leona asked for everyone to be seated.  "Oh well, it's for the best I suppose, the only thing I could think of isn't exactly meant for...polite conversation."  He said as he walk over and took a seat with empty ones beside him.
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


"It's fine. I'm just not used to people touching me. In fact, you're the first," Adrian said with a slight smile. "But, to answer your question, I have seen some specters who were authors. They possessed pens to write, though were quite drab in personality." She looked to Vincent, raising a brow and licking her lips. "It's to be believed you retain the form you have when you died, though I don't believe that. I met a man once who died from blood loss 'cause his arm got torn off from a Beast. But, he had his arm on as a ghost. With that in consideration, I think you take the form you most appreciate." Odd, considering her face was still skinned after death, and in no way could she change it, even with all her years of being dead.

Stygian touched her again, causing Adrian to involuntarily shiver and glance his way. She didn't mention it, however, and continued the topic of Eris. "Eris, Leona's mom, isn't actually as cruel as myths make her out to be. She's as calculating and insane, however. I think you'd find her decent, Vinc."

"Staying busy isn't as easy as it seems. I've come close to moving on a few times," she told Vincent. "But, moving on isn't a big deal. In fact, life on the other side is a bit better. But, I like staying with the living. It was a choice I made personally, to be committed to this realm, no matter how much the other calls me. You'll probably be different. The realm of dead is quite appealing, I must admit. It doesn't hurt, moving on. There's not much to fear from it." Adrian glanced to Stugian, shaking her head gently. "I don't believe I'd wish to be cursed," she agreed with Vincent.

It was then Leona called for them to sit, and Adrian moved to the table, making sure not to drift through Stygian this time. She sat next to Vincent, as moral support, but still near enough to Leona to make little fangs as with her fingers to signify she wanted to see Leona's Hellcat form! It was so cute, and creepy, and kinda scary too! Adrian's favorite. Though, the hosuecat was adorable too.


Eric looks up at Leona. He thinks 'finally why we are here.' since he is already seated, he stays seated waiting for the rest to seat as well.


Shadou poured himself another drink and collapsed into a nearby chair. Mission briefings were always more pleasant inebriated.


Hearing Leona's words, Gareeku smiled warmly.
"Thank you Leona, you've put my mind at rest. Although if I'm going to honest there's one or two that I do not trust." the wolf replied, bowing politely in thanks.

Pouring himself a drink, namely a cup of tea, Gareeku took a sip as he sat down in a chair, listening carefully as Leona briefed them on their "mission". Something told the wolf that this would be far from being a walk in the park...


Stygian stirred his tea and sat down in a nearby chair, peering into the still steaming cup. Hopefully, this would be some sort of finite description and order. That would be very convenient indeed. And then he could get to work on clearing the field here, and on spreading his own kind of havoc afterwards. But there still seemed as if... He could not believe that a message that would have been sent on such a grand scale would call so few to it. He hadn't even seen representatives from any great powers or organizations apart from Eris' own liage so far. Still...
   He leaned back in his chair, downing the last of the still-too hot tea and then fished out a dark metal etui from within his coat. Then, Stygian flipped it open.
   "Do you mind if I smoke?" he asked.


Stalker bowed formally to Leona as she speaks, then to Cogidubnus.

"As you say, Master Mithlome. I would very much enjoy speaking with you more at a later time." Stalker moved a bit nearer to the table and found an empty chair, and sat down. His glasses disappeared, and his grey eyes took on an earnest look of interest.


Cogidubnus nodded at Stalker and slowly relaxed. "I look forward to it." Cog said, turning around and finding a place to sit. He let his chin rest in his hand as he listened for Mistress Leona to continue.


Eric looks around at the rest of the group to see if everyone is sitting because he wanted this to contiue. He also takes another drink from his glass.

Sirius Griffon

Leona couldnt help but giggle slightly at Adrian's hand gesture, knowing EXACTLY what the ghost wa stalking about. The shifter really enjoyed that form as well, shame it wasnt all too practical in most cases!

She coudlnt help but smile slightly as she noted that most folks had varying forms of drinks as well, She wasnt sure if that would make this easier or harder! Oh she hated public speaking but in this case... it was needed. She took a deep breath, cleared her throat a moment, and smiled.

"Alright folks, we all set?" she asked, bouncing on her feet a moment.  Oh she was so nervous she could start spewing out butterflies at any moment! Or two ton crabs, wasnt that her last supper? She couldnt rememebr it had been some time ago! Digging into her Inventory bag a moment, she pulled out what looked to be a miniature projection device. She couldnt remember what world she had picked it up on, but today it would certainly come in handy!

She pressed the button, and a map came up. It showed, currently, an overview map of the entire world they currently resided on. "Alright, so, thank you everyone for coming!" she said. "I wanted to let ya know that first, because well, Im happy to see you all! Now, I know you're all wanting to know a bit more about what is at hand here, and well, why were wishing to cause chaos here! To know these things, you need to know a bit more about Median itself and its history!" She laughed softly.

"Yes, I know history can be a dirty word," she added, shaking her head. "But bear with me alright, have a few more drinks if ya need to! Anyways, Median here was once a world just like any other within the well, universe! Chaos and Order would go at it daily, in wars seen and unseen by the people. Things were in a pretty decent balance, although here Order seemed to be on the loosing side. The world would become chaotic a few centuries, and Order felt something had to be done...

"So, a thousand years ago, they enlisted the aid of other world Order forces, banding together. They sought help from wherever they could, planets that the people of Median didnt even know really existed yet! In other words, a dirty move. The only thing the local forces of Chaos had going for them was my Mom, who was visiting a relative here..." She sighed deeply.

"War broke out and all Hell was upon Median. It didnt matter what lives were lost, Order wished only to see, well, order restored. They didnt care where they waged their battles, another thing Chaos hadnt planned upon. After all, they may have been chaotic... but they did try NOT to involve mortals in an immortal war. That was, before Order broke it, one of the given rules of conduct.  And so the forces of Chaos were beaten... HORRIBLY. In fact, so horribly, this worlds local Chaos forces were completely... completely demolished. My mom was the last one standing, but even she was left in a terrible state of being...."

She paused a moment, flicking another btton on the machine. The picture changed to protray a woman with long flowing black hair, a grecian style dress, and red eyes. "OH! A quickie explanation as to Eris in general for Im certain many have crossed paths with her name. Eris is one of the Ancient Goddesses of Chaos. Shes also, currently, the Patron of Chaos here but preeeetty much drained. Really drained. She isnt evil, but rather likes to tip things her way. Shes agreed to arrange meetings if you need reassurance to her... uhm charachter. She can be devious, but she means well in the end.  So uhm yes, this is who you will hear about a LOT here okay? The Order forces I believe currently believe her to be dead or gone to another world... so this will work in our advantage!"

She flicked another button, which brougt back up the world map again. "As you saw on the letter, my name is Leona deBezna, Eris's creation/daughter/whatever ever title else you use! Basicly, the only force of chaos she could get a hold of that wasnt here, hence why Im here now! But I tend to fight for humans, so Ill admit, I was skepical of the whole thing at first.. so now I need to show you guys what conviced me to take this cause on!" She nodded, poking a finger in the middle of a rather large continent with the words Median written upon it.

"The world itself iscalled Median... but the forces of Order have also named the main continent Median as well. It is here," she added, pointing towards a small dot, "That their ruling capital of Dormenshien is." She touched the button, the map zooming in to reveal an aerial city view of what looked to be a typical housing area. A typical, suburban housing area. Over in the distance stretched a MASSIVE castle consisting of multicolored spires of calculated size.

"Dormenshein, or Dormy as I like to call it, looks pretty normal doesnt it?" she asked. "When I saw it, I admit, I was ready to just walk on up and out, because it seemed like, well, the typical life everyone should be allowed to leave. But, as I promised Mom I would, I looked into it... now I warn ya the next image is a bit perhaps graphic? Not really but yeah... you NEED to know what we're dealing with..." She sighed deeply, her lionlike ears down, as she pressed anotehr button.

"THIS is what I came across... in every home..." she said softly. The picture revealed that of a person seated in what looked like a mechanical chair. There were television implants, speaker implants, all lining the back of her head, implanted directly in. The person was easilly three to fout times the size they should have been, their eyes dim, dull, without a spark. The skin pale, as though it had never seen sunlight. The woman just sat there, in her chair, staring at the television screen, the computer screen, whatever screen she happeend to pull up..

"I thought it was a fluke... but everyone home was like this. The children are all created in tubes, aged appropiatly, then sent when fully grown to lives like this. Order devised it so that the people would never have the will to rise against them..."

"Of course, there are still a few folks who think this is wrong. There are folks who have tried to break free of their systems. And that is where the laws come in... theres a law against sneezing. Theres a law against passing gas. Theres a law against anything which might remotely cause discord in a group... which is why people just started to stay home. Life evolved to change according to Order's rules, and what you see is just the result of a thousand years of that..."

She sighed deeply, bringing in a closer view of the castle. "Now, if the goal was to just bring down Order, we would all just go in there full force, massive scale attack. But THAT would defeat the whole point! The point here is to, well, free the people from this system. To bring a bit of chaos into this world, and show that life doesnt HAVE to be the way it is now for them. The will of the people is strong once freed, and it will just take a few to get the ball rolling... In other folks, the goal is not to HURT the people in any way, alright? This is a point I must make loud and clear, for anyone seen hurting the people here shall be dealt with accordingly. And please, I really dont wish to do that. Now then, ahem..."

"Problem is, Order has had those thousand years to build up quite an army, and quite the amount of arms! They wont make this easy on us to say the least!" She took a moment to flick off the machine, and leaned against the table.

"Ooookay, now that Ive probably bored everyone to death any comments? Questions?" She took a sip of a nearby tea, feeling it sucha shame alcohol had no effect upon her. Sad sad really... oh she hoped she had been able to say things right... she was TERRIBLE with speeches!


Eric was the first to speak... " I have a few questions. First are their any others like us on this plane... people that we might be able to call on for help." He was thinking of his own kids that, what he knew about them, wouldn't just go with what is easy. "Second, are their only humans on this plane... exception to us and maybe others that have came before us. Third, What kind of army? are we talking about human who have been brainwashed or other, like machines and such?" He takes another drink from his glass.

Sirius Griffon

Leona nodded gently. "Indeed they are! But they are VERY difficult to locate and find... and many, even when you do find them, are reluctant to come out. Mainly because those that are Free of the Order's system are afraid of what might happen should they be found..." She thought a moment, tapping the table as she did so.

"Im hoping that those few people will come when they hear theres a resistance group forming and shall find us, I dont wish to force anyone into helping us so dragging them here is out of the question. If theres anyone in particular you are thinking of, however, arrangements can be made to try and find them." She nodded at the second question, an ear lightly twitching.

"Oh yes, quite! I did forget to mention this world is as varied in its inhabitants as most. Humans, anthros, robos, machines... there are a few different types. Usually, Ive found, the anthros are the ones that are running in the free pockets, most of the humans in cities... but there ARE exceptions."

She nodded then. "To the last, well, they do have a brainwashed army of sorts yes, but they tend to use them more as bodyguards, and set out robots, machines, and their own elite soilders to deal with any 'Threats.' To be honest, noones been able to get into the Place yet to get a close look, and what we know upon their forces is strictly whats been observed. It is something that is hoped to be remedied shortly. "Does that answer everything Eric?" she asked, an ear tilted slightly to the side.


He nodded to her. "To a point yes... Thank you." He takes around drink and looks around the room for maybe another question from the others.


Stygian had been appalled by the images of the people that Leona had displayed. These people were what they were going to save? Something more like purge was what he thought would be proper! Anyone... anything like that would not have survived for five hours back on his homeworld. He knew that it was his own view earned down from decades in a society that unintentionally but strongly attempted to purge genetical flaws and didn't tolerate many weaknesses that played in, but it still did not lessen his disgustance that he knew. He only hoped that these people who seemed so technologically advanced had the means to set their society back on track once they had faced this trial, or else the whole scenario might turn into a Huxleyan nightmare.
   The mention of machines as opponents didn't discomfort him nearly so much, but it did unsettle him. Living and feeling opponents were more adaptable, but they were also a lot easier to confuse, to turn or otherwise control in whatever manner he needed. Machines were rational, worked at high speeds and while they did not often possess the weapons optimal for dealing with the likes of him, they could not be manipulated or tricked the ways living creatures could. He was used to finding the soft spots of his targets and going right for them, not smashing his way through a metal wall. But if that was what needed doing...
   "How well prepared are these forces then? If machines rationale are in control of their army it should be capable of rapid response, but if they have human leaders..." He sipped his tea and smiled. His eyes were grim in their intensity. Then, his face turned serious again. "Also, as much as it pains me to admit, I do not like the idea of saving such creatures as this world's populants seem to have become. I will do it, but..." he said, and put down his cup of tea on the small saucer in his other hand. "May I ask that I be allowed to monitor your society and... rationalize a plan of procedure to follow after we're through?"
   Stygian really couldn't believe that he was saying this. What he was suggesting wasn't too far from some of his plans, but it really was a huge responsibility of exactly the sort that he had shunned since he left the Company. It would take a large amount of work, and some more assistance, perhaps even a bit of cultural interference from Dyssea...


"Yes, question," came a voice from the end of the table. A women, with length blonde hair and bangs was seated there, wings folded against the back of her arms. She was fae, that much obvious, with moving tattoos that encompassed her torso. They bend structure and placement, though never moved from the line-like shapes that had originally been doddled as. It was Maeve, whom had managed to get a flyer, and come to the meeting in just the nick of time. None had noticed her, thankfully. Probably wouldn't have if she had spoken up. "When do you plan on attacking Median?"

You. Not we. Maeve had purposefully counted herself out, though made her speech smooth and somewhat slurred so it was harder to notice. Maeve was part of the Order, posing as one interested with Leona's plans. Which, basically was true, Maeve was quite interested in their plans. She just didn't wish to incliude herself into them.

Adrian Mneme, meanwhile, glanced down at the newest visitor. "Do you know who that is?" she inquired Leona, speaking mentally, so as not to disturb the general chat. She was a bit surprised by Stygian's suggestion as well, having never thought that of him. She got the odd sense he was slightly surprised by his own words as well. Everyone here seemed to be quite a bit more than they appeared. Good, in a way, but also bad, Adrian supposed. She stared at Maeve, however, not covering where she was looking. Something felt... off... about that fae. Really off. Like she didn't belong at all.


Shadou was appalled by what he'd seen. People were not meant to live like this. Never leaving their chairs? That suggested far too many unpleasant questions of both ethics, quality of life, and hygene.
"Question; if they're plugged into those machines, how will they even know we're doing anything unless we're directly effecting them? In order to get their attention enough to cause an uprising of some sort, we'd probably have to give 'em hell first to make sure they knew what was happening. I'm assuming that the news is censored here." He took another swig of his drink, to take the edge off of what he'd just seen, "And furthermore, as Stygian said, what they've become is not what they once were. What makes you think they can cope with the change?"
Hearing the fae, Shadou raised an eyebrow. "Where the hell did you come-? Bah, forget it. Besides, who said the word attack? Vandalism or public nuisance can be considered chaos. Besides, there's really not much culture to destroy from the looks of things; anything broken wouldn't be too great a loss. No fancy archetecture so far, no museums... With perfect order, you preserve everything but what's worth having. So who cares?" He grinned at Leona, despite having no visible mouth, "But it is a good question. When we going after 'em?"


Looking at the images while hearing Leona's explanation, Gareeku too was appauled at what he saw. This was no way to live. This wasn't order. This was evil and cruel tyranny.

Listening to Shadou, Gareeku nodded his head slightly.
"I see your point. However, in my view, as stop as we stop this and free them from what is basically slavery, then I will be happy. If they can experience freedom and happiness for what it really is..." the wolf replied calmly, although inside he could feel his rage towards the forces of "order" boiling beneath the surface. "People are stronger than what is first thought. When they realise just what they have missed all these years..."

It was then however, that Gareeku heard what Maeve and Shadou said.
"I agree. I for one will not be attacking anybody unless they attack first." the wolf commented, before looking around at the others. "And I hope no-one is planning on going on little rampages."

Gareeku could not help it, but there were still some who he did not trust. In his mind, a lot of creatures who created chaos were also those of sinister intentions. However, this view was shaped from his experiences in his home world of Furrae, where those with evil hearts such as demons were virtually always the ones who caused chaos.


At the mention of rampages Shadou looked away and scratched the back of his head. He'd been looking forward to doing just a little bit of rampaging. After all, he's a monster. It's instinct. Oh sure, those guys in the support groups say it's all mind over matter, but what about the people it doesn't work for? Sometimes you just wanted to smash something.
"Yeah, no rampages," He muttered to himself quietly, "Unless, for any reason, you find a structure or vehicle that had it coming to 'em."


Stygian laughed silently to himself. The whole room had started to smell and feel of discontent, anger and suspicion. Much of it was coming from the wolf from over the table. It felt a bit as if that girl - that ghost - was speaking to Leona directly as well, but he couldn't make out what was said, only sense the link. All those things were good to feel. It meant that these people might share many of his points and views if introduced to them right. As for Shadou's comment, he couldn't help but smile. Needless evil wasn't in it, but he wondered if the monster knew how much 'fun' they might have before this was all over.
   Stygian leaned back in his chair and bunched his fingers. He couldn't read much from a few images and just a speech. He was used to charts, schedules, blueprints...
   "Any specifics? If you have any information on locations, key people, tech... anything," he said. "I understand if your precarious situation denies you such knowledge. If we do not have that, I suggest we should instead get to analyzing our own situation and capabilities. One question I'd like answered is; just where the Hell are we?" The way he stated it, it was clear that he meant; where in Median were they?


Jack walked among the endless rows of shelves in the MSA main warehouse. Over his dark grey fur he was wearing a pair of blue jeans and an armless, green t-shirt with the MSA emblem on it's back. At the moment, however, no-one could see the emblem since it was covered by a black backpack that Jack was filling with various equipment he thought he might be needing. He had already packed food-pills, a laptop and his medical equipment. Now he only had one more stop, the armoury.

Jack ignored the body armour section, he didn't intend to stay in the line of fire longer than he had to and a stiff armour would only slow him down. Instead he went for the shelves with staffs and picked one with a strong nano-structure and leather straps on one end. Next he turned for the grenades. A few smoke 'nades could be useful for distractions. he thought and reached for the can shaped grenades.
But then he spotted the jammer grenades. Jammer work like EMPs but you can not shield yourself against them, the downside is that the jamming effect wears off after a few seconds. Jack put back the smoke he was holding and threw five jammers into his backpack instead. Despite the short duration of the effect they were still very useful and could give people with implants a real headache without causing them any damage.

After picking up a Taser and a camera, Jack went to the shuttle that would take him and his colleague, King, to the world of Median. After having taken a seat and strapped himself down, Jack took a glanced at King's two large suitcases.
"Sure you didn't forget anything?" Jack asked sarcastically as the shuttle took off.
"Are you sure you didn't forget anything? That thing won't last a day." King replied and nodded at Jacks backpack.
"Maybe I did forget something." Jack smiled and started to dig around in his bag. "Wait! I lost one of my mittens. We have to go back."
Next thing Jack knew he was falling through the air towards Median.

"AAAAAAaaaaaaaaaa.........." THUD! "Ouch." Jack hit the ground hard despite the dampening shield that the shuttle gave him when he was ejected. After making sure that his lizard was still sitting on his shoulder Jack got up and looked around, trying to figure out where he had landed. If he wasn't too far from the meeting place for chaos he could walk there, otherwise he could just use the letter.
This generic comment was brought to you by:


Vincent sat patiently as he watched the attrocity of humans forced to sit and do nothing and listened to the other asking for information, but something struck him as wrong with the story unfolding before him.  "From the way you spin it, with order doing the unexpected and chaos being cohesive enough to plan, I'd say you guys actually switched duties, at least temporarily.  Regardless, we need to figure out how to not only get things back in balance, but keep them there."  Vincent then wore a face of deep thought as he began working on the strange puzzle of this land.
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


e nodded. he agreed this was an end to life in the form of status. life without uncertainties was not life at all. "form my understanding most of us are one entities armies. this is not unusual for this kind of planetary  or galactic shifts but still we must figure out what it is we wish to accomplish before we moving into action. it is not enough you say conquer the world we must know how we want to to it. Wily always came up short in the long run because he only long one step at a time and any time you want a chair reaction you have to plan beyond the first step."
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Stalker watched the projection with no change in expression, and listened intently to the conversation that followed. The emotions from the others in the room were indeed refreshing, but he kept his mind focused on matters at hand rather than snacking.

An entire world of near emotionless zombies? The very thought disgusted him, and once more proved how cruel and insane humans could be when dealing with one another. Better one should die than be a mindless slave, living to barely exist.

Stygian's question mirrored some of his own thoughts. "Milady Leona," he said, "the situation is indeed horrible. You have my pledge to do anything in my power to help these unfortunate beings, and if you so desire, I will not harm any person unless assaulted by them."

Stalker gestured to Stygian. "The gentleman raises a good question. Knowing our proximity to the enemy, as well as the terrain and resources available would be invaluable to our planning."


"We need to spread Chaos?" Cog said, quirking a smile. "I do think I was not the only one to notice those machines. These, in conjunction with Order's military forces, seem to be the driving forces behind their complacency. I recommend a cold-turkey detox." Cog said, unplugging an imaginary power cord. "It occurs to me, unless each machine is completely self-sufficient, they would likely be connected to some sort of power grid. Disabling the grid  on a wide-spread scale would 'liberate' cities at a time. This could be done quickly by, say, EMP bombing, destruction of their power plants, or even just strategic removal of specific points on the grid." He thought a moment. "It would be a good way to get people interested in what's going on, anyway."