Stirring Up Chaos

Started by Sirius Griffon, January 15, 2007, 12:46:25 PM

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"And besides, what would happen if the Order fought back?" Maeve input. She had moved from her seat at the back, to sitting nearer to the front, a glass of wine in her hand. She glanced to Stygian, "And, while temporary, it could buy you some time to prepare a new strategy." Again, excluding herself from the picture. Maeve really had no need to claim she was to go with them, and was, in fact, going to do quite the opposite.

To think, a member of the Order such as Maeve had gotten the flyer.

Adrian watched Maeve as she spoke. She got an uneasy feeling from the fairie person, which made her want to sink into the furniture. A bad feeling, to put it simply, though she wasn't certain if anyone else felt it. Glancing around the table, Adrian tried to read the other's faces, wanting to know how they also felt of Maeve, one of the frew late arrivals.

Prof B Hunnydew

Quote from: Boogeyman on January 28, 2007, 10:43:44 PM
"The big frigging KABOOM, for one," Shadow took another swig of whatever potent cocktail he was drinking and gave the impression of grinning despite not having any visible mouth, "Shortly before you showed up. Bright flash, loud noise; you made quite the entrence."

"A Kaboom? Before I arrived, Well that is a good reason why I didn't hear it.  Are you sure you have not been affected by your drink, sir?"  

Upon hearing Stygian, PBH ear perked up
" a power grid... What kind of power..If it is a electrical, you need only short-out a few relay stations at the same time. and maybe overload some of the circuits and your have a cast-cading effect which would take out a continent.  I could make it look like a large solar flare"



Stygian looked a bit perplexed at the quick response from the professor, but pondered her words. He wasn't sure of the configuration, but...
   "I don't think that's a lasting plan. I know solar flares, and the EM-discharge might well be great enough, but I also know how good a well-drilled military can be at getting repair crews and spare parts moving. We want to keep the power down, not just out. That means striking at the hub powerplants from the start."
   Noticing Adrian's look, Stygian turned his head a bit to the side and faced her. He didn't know what was up, but he held her gaze. What was she up to?

Prof B Hunnydew

Sure you can repair a relay station or two in a few weeks, but a massive Solar flare would take down 70% or more of transforms and relay stations across the grid.  Enough that it could be 12-18 months to restore power to the whole grid.  As each power station drops out it's load is added to the remaining power stations on the grid. 

But why would want to take down the power grid in the first place? 

**PBH is finally wonder what this group is up to and looks at Maeve first and then back Stygian**


Cogidubnus quirks his head at Stalker's inquiry and quirks a smile. "No more odd than anyone else. Which is to say, very much." He seemed to trail off for a moment, and looked at him sideways. "Considering the entrances that I have seen tonight, she seems to be less strange than the rest." He stood.
"A question, however. You say you can make an EMP - but you also mentioned collateral damage."  He pushed his shades farther up the bridge of his nose. "Exactly what do you mean when you say 'collateral damage'?" As he waited for an answer, he greeted the newcomers.
"Cogidubnus Mithlome, good sir and madam." 


"Perhaps it's nothing, then..." Stalker trailed off, then focused.

"It all depends on what type of biomass I have available for shielding, and the pulse strength itself, of course. Since I currently only have limited organics, it would have the side effect of detonating a small thermonuclear device on anything organic around me for, say, two miles?"

Stalker picked up a nearby glass and swallowed it whole. "Of course that would be terrible, since we've already agreed that there not be any violence on the Medians. But properly shielded...I can guarantee a blast radius of a about ten feet on a five-mile pulse."

His gaze lingered on the spacesuited catwoman. "I've done this before, you see. My children have always been rather aggressive and ill-prepared when they died..."


Death is not something to enter with hate. take it form me I've been dead before and i know that dying with unfinished business is something that will often cause deep regret. still PBH plan interest me, it sounds like  overloading  of a power core. how would it work exactly?
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Eric smirks a little at the mention of Death. Under his breathe "death was a panzy" then took another drink looking up to the Leona.


Jack let himself be pushed around a bit. After all, he didn't know the house or what seats were taken. After having a bit violently been showed where to sit he started to look around to get a better look at the people in the room. Wolf anthro, human, fairie, robot... yup, looked like chaos. He then answered Stygians question about what paper he worked for.
"I work for MSA News." Jack said. It was almost true. "You have probably never heard of it." Jack said. He then listened to the conversation about the EMP. He didn't like EMPs, they messed with his equipment.
"Are you sure the power grid isn't shielded against EMPs?" he asked. "And a five mile blast isn't much if you intend to attack the local nodes."
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Prof B Hunnydew

"Look, a strong EMP pulse in the Ionicsphere would spread over a wide area and a few key relay breakers switching out-of phase with each other and a few other fused together would send the EMP down the whole grid, if they is system is design to maintain as much of the grid powered as possible in an emergency.   No engineer thinks that more than one or maybe a few main relay will fail closed at the same time."

"So you setoff EMP during the peak power demand time, and during a solar storm or make your own. And you fry most of the power grid in about 30 seconds."

"Still who are you fighting? and why take out the power grid?  The common people will suffer more than the elite or ruling members you are after.  Can I get a quick run down on Who or what is the threat?"

***PBH is still looking worried at Stalker, 1) he looks Human, and 2) he is surely a cyborg or something.. but her stare wanders to Maeve, her species/something is haunteningly familiar somehow, but PBH is very wary of her, that her gut tells her not to trust her.  If anyone of these people can be trusted, Maeve maybe the least of them.  Still Leona has not said anything, yet.  She turns back to Leona and Stygian while keeping the corner of eye on Maeve and the other humans***



"It was a huge flash! How could you have missed it on you w- right, teleportation," Shadou facepalmed, "Mebbe this stuff is too strong. And before we get to planning how we're to blow stuff up, I for one suggest we wait for our hostess to conclude the briefing."


"Really? You think?" Stygian said, his words dripping sarcasm. "I was referring to those very people earlier. And we still don't just want to knock out the power grid, since that can be repaired. Not to mention that it might not be electricity-based. So let's listen to Leona." He leaned back in his chair and waited.


Eric puts down his drink. "If this is going to take any little longer, i might as well get comfortable." He pulls out a pipe from what looks like an symbol from his staff. From his robe inner pocket and brings out some kind of leaf and stuffs it into the pipe opening. "Does anyone mind?" Looking around room for any objections.


Vincent returns to his seat and more or less falls backwards into it, resulting in a somewhat slouched position.  "Great, five minutes in and already I'm proving the be the most useless."  He grumbles to himself as he waits and listens to the conversations as best he can.
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)

Sirius Griffon

Leona nodded towards Eric, glad that she could answer his question. It seemed he was looking for someone... she hoped he found them.

"HUman leaders," she replied towards Stygian with a nod. "Well, human and anthro but you get the idea. "The Order from what I have been able to gather programs and orders the machines directly themselves. Each general has their own fleet to command, and modify to their wishes. She blinekd at his next question and a rare soft smile formed.

"Of course," she replied, dipping her head slightly. "It would be of the greatest appreciated help Stygian, for this world will need all of the help it can get once the dust has settled too!"

She looked towards another individual she could not remember seeing or speaking to before, at first figuring the woman to be a late arriver. But after the moment the woman spoke the word you Leona's ear twitched ever so slightly. There was something... off. A spy perhaps? But Leona has already been warned by Eris that there would probably be more than a few present here.

"The exact time and date as of now is still undertain," Leona replied honestly, not one to lie. "We hope within the next week to allow for preparations..." Actually, it would be a day or two at most if things went right. And it wasnt like it would be an all out attack at first...

"No," Leona replied towards Adrian, sending the thoughtline back. "But I dont trust her... Mom said there'd be a few spies though and I get that distinct impression she IS one..."

Leona nodded towards Shadou. "It all ties into the machines themselves..." she replied towards him. That was why she was hoping a soul or here might be technical minded, because she certainly wasnt! To make them notice we need to affect the very machines they are attached to... as for coping. Well Im certain if we can show them, work with them afterwards... show them what sort of things life can and should hold, then things will turn out alright. I remain optomistic although the task will be far from easy..."

She nodded towards Gareeku then. "Exactly," she replied. "People have a strong will, once they awaken it!" She shook her head then. "And yes... were here only to take care of what needs to be taken care of, not destroy everything in sight. Again, the purpose would be defeated if that were done." She noted Shadou's response and knew it would be dissapointing to a few here.

"I assure you Shadou, theres a time and a place for everything, even that," she added, with a slight amused look in her golden eyes.

She looked back towards Stygian. "All VERY good questions," she replied. "We do need to do some recon work here Im afraid. We need too investiage within the castle itself for one. THAT is one of the main places we need information on first and foremost, but Im fairly certain we have a few here who can do it. As for key people..."

She pressed a button on her tabletop device once more. This time there was an image displayed of a tall anthro cheetah, a male, who bore a long white beard and more than a few machines attached. A pair of machine attendants, shaped as burly robots in red and one blue, stood to either side of him. "This would be the head of Order currently, "The High Priest of Median Arigra Meliticular Svendros. I like to call him Ari... much shorter and easier to say!" she added. There were other names she liked to use as well, but none were all too polite for formal conversation! "Anyways, High Priest Ari has an override, a control, for most everything one can think of from his station at the very heart of the castle. His room can be moved up or down, with a range of twenty stories either direction. Again, we havent the tech to know how this works or anything but there are more than a few stories out there to confirm it." She took a drink of water, before gesturing towards the two robots.

"Ebert and Klein, Red and Blue respectively, are his top guards. They are magic resistant, and will follow any command given to them. They also work as a team to defend Ari. Thus far, he does all of his appearances himself so we dont have the information upon his underlings as of yet..."

She nodded then, pulling up an indepth map of Median. "We are right outside of the main city, in a pretty wooded area," she said, pointing towards the city borders. "Its a slight bit of a trek to get there admittedly, so please dont get lost!" she added, and thought she wore a smile it was clear that she meant it. The woods were thick and if one wasnt careful. "But yes, a mere hour or two and youre everywhere you could need to be," she added. "To our south are the mountains, to the east and west a river. All of these can be used to our advantage in future missions I believe."

When Vincent mentioned about Chaos and Order switching duties Leona flushed a bit, her ears twitching and shaking her head. "I know Vincent, its a bit wierd," she told the ghost. "But one does what they have to do to restore things. And besides, isnt it the more elboarate plans that fall to Chaos? Although in this world, things do seem a bit strange, but I have faith its a change for the best given the matter at hand. To KEEP things in balance afterwards, well, after the people are restored I have faith the rest shall come. Ill personally help to keep an eye on things, rest assured however." She knew it was a massive task, that, but she never kept track exactly of time well either.

She bowed lightly towards Stalker. "Thank you, I believe you. And I am most appreciative of your word," she added.

She listened towards Cog, grateful to see someone mention this. "It was thought that perhaps, at first, we need to plant the ideas of chaos, the ideas of freedom and what it can bring, that it exists... to the people first and foremost. This could also be done by yes, sending the right signals to their machines... but we would need control of one of their radio towers. Those can be found in the spires of the castle itself... not the easiest of targets to say the least! Afterwards, then, yes, destroying and destroying and disconnecting the machines would be best."

"Radioactive watse..." Leona thought, tapping a finger against the table a moment as she looked towards Stalker. "It could be found at the Dump I am certain... but tehre are more than a few hazrds there and it is a bit more of a distance. The Dump can be found here," she added, bringing the map south, past the mountains, to the other side where she tapped a small red dot.

She nodded towards Vincent, grateful to those who could go. "Thanks," she said towards Adrian, and nodded her thanks to those who could see her as well.

At Stalker's question she frowned deeply. "In order to get them out and dispersed, the sfaegaurds were a few minium commands. "Im afraid the Chaos around here wasnt powerful enough to be more specific... although I know for a fact a few were destroyed as well..." She sighed. "I wish we had the respurces to where I could have been more picky, but we had to work with what we had. But even if we were careful, one of those few dozen letters I am certain would end up the wrong place... chaos magic is well... chaotic at best," she explained.

As the newcomers came in, she bowed lightly to them and then once righted waved cheerfully. "Welcome to you all," she replied. She looked towards Sygian, in agreement. "Certainly... the Order would restore whatever was lost in due time," she agreed. "That is why it would need to be part of a larger plan, a plan we all can come together to help create once we have more intel..." She looked towards Jack a moment, studying him. 

"Alright..." she said. "Jack... have a seat please," she said, giving a nod. She would trust he was just a latecomer for now, but becertain to keep an eye out, just in case he was reporting to a place that could cause trouble..

"It is expected for the Order to fight back... Leona replied towards Maeve, wary. We need to find out, before even putting the grids down, exactly who or what would repare it and stop them as well. I agree, we need to see the larger picture of this all, and know it wont take but one or two steps, but rather a multitude, some more than once..."

She paused, noting quite a few folks here now were technical minded. It was good, having more than one opinion like this. "But yes, we do need to figure out amongst us if there are any safegaurds upon the grids as well... again, intel would help muchly. First and foremost, we will need to go on scouting missions."

Wow, this was quite complicated. Leona, admittedly, wasnt used to being at the forefront, being the leader of these situations. This was a first, and she could admire those who did so quite a bit more now! She took anotehr drink from her water, looking back towards everyone.

"So we need intel first upon the castle itself, the grids, the spires, and quite possibly the dump as well. Then we can discuss the details, using what more we know, for influencing and deactivating the machines." She smiled a slight bit towards Vincent, before looking back to everyone. "When it comes to intel, there will certainly be a few who can spy better than others," she added. "Alright, so, does this sum about everything up?" she asked.


E's eye's were drawn the the two robots "Ebert and Klein" the rest of the missions seems secondary compared to those two. he wanted to confront them and destroy them to prove his superiority. still the cases and record the rests of the converse and he examines the robots form their images and looked for any weakness. "Leon what else do you know about those two guards?"
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

Prof B Hunnydew

"I am also curious about those robots, and the computer and robotic tech levels here... They have robots but how strong are their AI or freewill  do the robots have?  In changing environments, can they think on their own or have to await on orders from a central command.  They can't have very much freewill in a very Ordered society, or the machines could maybe in direct and total control by ORDER, right under the Humans and anthro's noses."

**shuttered at the image of the individual hang up to the Net, just lying in a loung chair, watching the flicker screens around it.  A thing of horror movies, back home that could be come a realty on her home world, if FTL can't be found**

  "Also the Castle can't control the whole world without satellites and a multilayered data network, which I am sure has it's own power systems. moving an office around in a building is not too hard even if you make it spacious."

"And this DUMP, Do their reality just throw away nuclear waste out there,  By the god and goddess, that is really untidy from Order, and dangerous, if anyone wanders around at all.  Good God and Goddess.... ah ah " PBH stares at ceiling in horror and breathing fast and hard, before she stops and closes her eyes.  She slows her breathing and in a stern/hateful voice continues.. " Okay, Can anyone use the transportion systems or just use a vehicles outside of the governement?  If I am going to access the Net, I want to do in a different location than here.  If the authority find me, am screwed but I don't want to get anyone else caught.  Once I am on the network, I can find out about most of the data you will need but anything the castle.  I will need to go there myself, or have someone plug in a remote data relay for me." 

PBH look more determined about getting those responsible for these crimes that are destroy a habital world...


Stygian laughed out loud, softly but with a sharp edge to it, and then eyed the professor from across the table.
   "A remote interface or a direct hook relay? I can set you up with both, once I get my... associate over here," he smiled, then turned to Leona. "With your permission, of course. And that might be a bit expensive as well. Fuel costs, equipment... It's not too much, but it's some to consider."
   He studied the exalted shapeshifter, waiting for an indication.


Eric lights his pipe because he heard no objection to it. "I believe that scouting it out would be the best thing to do right now." Eric gets up and starts to walk around the room. The smoke smells very sweet compared to any other smoke. "I am ready to go. We have an edge to move now so lets go. Who is coming?"


Hmmm... Intel... Jack had done his fair share of sneaking around in bushes. He had played cleaner at hotels and infiltrated military bases but a city where all the inhabitants sat still and powerful forces quickly sweept away anything out of the ordinary? That could be tricky without the right gear.
The dump didn't sound too nice either, he could stand a bit of radioactivity but he would have trubble getting the stench out of his fur.

"Could I get a group photo before everyone splits up?" Jack asked and got up from his chair. "If everyone could just gather on one side of the table... " He made a motion with his left arm, as if he was trying to sweep everyone to one side of the room. Jack's lizard objected against this sudden movement by yawning slowly and twisting it's tail.
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"Nobody said we were splitting up just yet, kitten. We're still waiting for an answer," Stygian said. He had fished out some sort of black pocketwatch and was playing idly with it in his fingers. "I can be ready to go at once, as soon as I have a target. But there are other people to consider, and honestly there are some that I would like to speak to as well." His eyes were locked on Jack, icy and dead steady, not allowing objections. "And if we need to prepare, then just as our hostess said it might take a few days..."


Jack tilted his head and looked at Stygian.

"Kitten?" Jack asked but then he shook his head. He knew he had a younger body but that human like guy seemed so hostile at times. Jack could not quite remember what he had done to get the doubtful hounor of Stygians attention this time. He could understand the odd look from Leona (maybe she felt that he hadn't used the letter) but Stygian... maybe he ate felines? Maybe not...
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Stalker absorbed this information with a slight frown. "Then the chances that our group is or will be compromised is a given."

He casually stepped a few feet closer to PBH. "I've scavenged in worse places than a dump before. As for hazards...I'm fairly confident that I could handle myself, and the extra biomass would come in handy."

"More information, of course, would be appreciated, though if none is available through electronic means, I believe I may be able to provide some assistance through...non-conventional...means."

His needle-teeth showed briefly as his form shifted slightly, new shapes forming beneath his skin facing PBH. "I'm more than willing to wait a few days if necessary," Stalker said. "Haste is rarely a good idea in situations like this."

Mentally he was reviewing what his sensor organs were telling him, while savoring the waves of horror and anger coming from the catwoman. "I trust none of these beings," he thought. "But this one and the young one least of all."


Shadou resisted the urge to clap a little at Leona's mention that rampages were possible. Going berzerk and intel gathering? I was made for this job, literally!
"Excellent," Again, that impression of grinning and taking another swig of his drink, "I like this plan. I am really and truly enjoying hearing about it. I'm proud to be a part of this plan."


"By the way it seems, you'd be proud to be a part of that dump, so long as you get to throw some cars around," Stygian grinned at Shadou. "Can't say that I'm not that eager either though." He straightened in his seat, and put down his now empty glass. "If we're all so invigorated, perhaps we should actually get a move on and make our way into town, and then once we've struck a minor blow and set up we can worry about planning?" he continued, sounding a bit excited.
   In truth, Stygian would have liked having a clear target and purpouse, but he had gotten an idea and was already prepared for most of what they might face, it seemed. That meant that it was perfectly fine to turn 180 and just go with the flow. So long as he kept his own motive in mind, that was.


"Vincent and I could sneak into the castle and find out intel. We're made for this sort of thing, right?" Adrian said, laughing softly and looking over to the other specter. "We'll start with secturity, and make our way inwards to find out what we can about Ari. They seem pretty advanced with technology, so I don't think they've thought about ghost raids." Adrian looked to Jack, a smile in her voice, "I'd think trying to photograph otherworldly beings might drain the batteries on your camera," she commented.

Maeve said nothing, simply listening and mentally storing all the jobs they were gathering. She looked up to Leona, her eyes sincere, "I'll start getting those 'ideas of freedom' out, considering I know nothing of robots." She was lying through her teeth, though no one would notice. No one ever did. Maeve knew they didn't trust her, she suspected Leona would go as far as to station someone to stalk her.


"It seems, then, that we have a few options." Cog said, pouring himself more of that sweet and clear stuff. "We need a group to scout the castle, the dumping grounds, and probably the power plant. And We might need to wait awhile for the computer types to find out what they need to find out..." He sat down, and rested his head in his hands. "I suppose we have some time to kill then. He smiled and nodded at Stygian. "Or, we can just start shooting, as the good sir says. Keeps us busy, at least."

Prof B Hunnydew

"There are no humans on my world, but we do have cyborgs and had Two Terror Wars with them.. So Stalker.. PLEASE I will give you a chance, if you give me a chance... OKAY...I will keep my fears in check as best I can so I can do my job,  but only If you do not give me reason to fear you...Also, we big fish to fry before we go after each other.  And I think that should go for the rest of us, We'll trust each other until you give us reason not to. or Get out now."and she looking at the Maeve and then the rest.

"This is Chaos, but we are lost before we start if we can't trust on another one... Even if it is only honor among thieves... Soo Stalker keep you teeth and tatoos to yourself, Please."

PBH goes outside for some air, and look at the stars..."God and Goddess, Have you forsaken this place, have you forsaken me?"



(OOC): Um, Hunnydew? You're responding to what my character was thinking, at least in part....


Eric takes  puff from his pipe. "So it sounds like the two ghost are coming with me." Takes another puff. "This would make it easier to do." another puff. "who else will be coming."