Stirring Up Chaos

Started by Sirius Griffon, January 15, 2007, 12:46:25 PM

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"Overeager..." Stygian muttered to himself, but then smiled and played along. "Allright... Personally, I would have gone with the ghosts at first, but two can do as well as three there, and my other talents are best put to practice in action, so..." He turned his head a bit, and glanced over all the ones present in the room. He pondered.
   "I think then that I should take Shadou and our friend the reporter with me," he said, shooting an eye at Jack again. "Gareeku could come too, and E, unless you want to go with Stalker over there. I would enjoy the company of some proficient fighters though, to watch my back while I do business. And someone good with computers is always good to have at hand, though I think Moira could take care of that..." He scratched his chin, and looked in the ceiling for a while. "We have the manpower to split into three groups, but do we have the objectives? Hmm..."
   He sat wondering like that for a while, then sighed, and looked down again.
   "The ones headed for powerplants could manage as one group and then proceed to the dump. But that would not be very clever, considering that we quite obviously have different tolerance to things. So I'd say that Cog should come with me instead, I call in some support to play the machine part, and E heads off with Stalker to the dumping depot. What say you?"


Stalker watched the catwoman flare up and leave the room, an odd expression of surprise on his face. "A cyborg? Why would anyone think..."

He quickly regained his composure and nodded to Stygian. "I am satisfied with any arrangements the group decides on. I might point out that one group could head for both the dump and the powerplant, and split at the powerplant before continuing to the dump." He shrugged. "But it is only a suggestion."

Stalker nodded to E. "In any case, I would be delighted to have you along, E. I'm sure your skills would be useful."


Jack took out a Jack of Spades and began flipping it with his left hand while listening to the conversation. He similed to Adrian's comment about his camera . It would work. "It doesn't use batteries, it use a multidimensional crystal to record things both visible and invisible." He said.

Jack stopped flipping his card when PBH left the room. Poor girl. Jack thought. She didn't seem too stable at the time and you couldn't really blame her. She got into this by accident and Stalker didn't go light on her. Maybe... someone should talk to her. Jack himself wasn't too good at talking and many of the people in the room seemed quite insensitive. Leona was probably the best but she was quite busy. Nye... I can go and ask if she's alright if she doesn't return soon. Jack began flipping his card again.
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"So, then, Stygian and I shall do our worst at the powerplant, and Stalker shall get the materials that he needs from the dump." Cog put his head in his palm. "Very well and good. I'm not too technical, but Stygian seems to think that he knows someone who will take care of that part nicely. Stalker and those who need various things will likely find them at the dump, and those who feel they would be suited for one task or another will come along as they please. I suppose, then, we'll meet up later and figure out where to go from there."
Cog returned to the table for one last drink. "It sounds like a plan, gentlemen." He poured himself yet more of that sweet and clear, and murmured something before he swallowed. "To luck, and chaos." he said, and set the glass down unfinished.


"So, wait, eh?" Shadou drained the rest of his drink and sat up a bit straighter, "We're divying up the jobs already? Stygian, you said you wanted me along while you and Cog go to the power plant?" As PBH left the room, the monster began to feel even more lost, "Alright, distinct impression that we skipped a step here. Our targets are the castle, to be spied on, the spires, to also be spied on, the dump, which is essentially an ammo run, and the power plant, which we'll be spying on and then trying to take down, yes? I'm volunteering for any spying, as I've got a few, ah, talents in that area o' expertice. I say we save picking teams for some of these jobs until later, when we actually have to do these jobs. F'rinstance, how will we know what we need from the dump until the intel from the castle and power plant let us know what in the sparkley blue hell we're up against?"


"Oh, I'm sure that we can keep in touch with each other. Either our good hostess has thought of that, or I or someone else can probably arrange it," Stygian said, and then gave Leona an innocent look, for some reason.


Vincent nods and sits up as everyone acknowledges him and Adrian as the primary scouts.  "I'll take either the dump or the plants, I probably can't enter the castle since the priest guy has probably consecrated the heck outta it just for luck.  And yes, irony hates me.  Anyway, sorry Adrian, but you might have to solo that."  he looks to her and shurgs a 'what can ya do' shrug. He then turns his attention back to the rest of the group "If there's a way for me to stay in touch with everyone else without needing a solid device, I'd love to hear it."
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


"So we have a group going to the plants..." Takes another puff on his pipe. "And a group going to the dump..." Takes another one. "What about rounding up the chaos groups that have tried to combat this and try and get them on our side?"


E who had been patiently waiting for Leon's  more detailed files acknowledged Stalkers  statement. " i have no problems with raiding a dump. there may even be some useful tools and abilities their that i can  copy. but for now i wish to find and destroy any robot that may  think that it is superior to myself. " he grinned with a certain dark humor. "and team red and blue seem to fit the bill. after all when you guard the big cheese then you tend to think you are the best of the best."
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Stalker nodded. "Sounds like we have a general course of action, then. I'll leave further details to you." He looked towards the door, then bowed to the group. "If you will excuse me..."

He headed out through the door and down the hall, noting the basic design and structure of the lodge from habit. "Something about this place seems vaguely familiar," he thought, as he silently made his way outside into the starlit night.

Following the thread of emotion he neared the catwoman and stopped, close enough to speak but distant enough to be non-threatening. He raised his voice slightly.

"I would speak with thee as one, Milady Hunnydew," Stalker stated formally, "If it offends thee not."

Sirius Griffon

Leona smiled brightly, in fact, people doing well, what she wished to see! Working together! At Sygians words and looks she nodded. "Got it covered," she said with a wink. "So everyone hold your places for just oooone more second!" She pulled out her Inventory again, that seemingly bottomless bag that could fit in her pocket.

She started humming a song as she dug around, her whole arm seeming to vanish into the small pocketsized space, when she finally grinned. "AHAH!" she cried, pulling out a few what looked to be small metal dots. A gift from a long deceased, very close friend of hers by the name Digent.

"Alrighty, I only have a few of these," she said. But basicly theyre set behind the ear. All you have to do is eitehr press the top of it to talk, or send a thoughtwave to me. But it has to start with the word Puppy to go through. Easy right? I uhm... sorry about the word, Digent was a bit eccentric," she added, rubbing the back of her head with a flush before setting one in her own ear.

"Okay, so basicly, I cant give one to everyone yet so please be smart with them," she said with a soft sigh. She walked over and handed one to Sygian, one to Cog, one to Shadou, one to Stalker, and one to Vincent, then Eric as well. "Okay, so... this should cover all of the groups then," she said. "If you need anything please let me know and I will be there before you can blink. Ill be staying here, to help plan things better as they come, welcome folks in, and protect the base. Any questions?" she asked then, looking around the room. "And if not, good luck everyone! I do believe we can do this!" She was confident in that much at least, and she wished she could go. But... part of being in charge like this meant staying behind to work at a few other matters at hand. 

Prof B Hunnydew

PBH has been checking on the radio sceptum to see what radio frequencies are being use and for what.  Also trying to see if there were com satellites and where.. she was sure that the Net was being broadcast...As she works she hears Stalker and whirls around..

"SO, It is you,  I'm sure my little missiles will not hurt someone like you, whatever you are?"
PBH cautiously lowers her arm, but still keeps her guard up, "but one can't be too careful in unknown territory"

"Well speak your peace, Cyborg, and tell me when the Dump run will start or they going some place else first?"

PBH :mowcookie


Stalker blandly eyed the missiles. "I am not a cyborg. I am a humaseeri. On my homeworld my race was waiting when humans climbed down from their trees." His glasses flowed into his face. "Some believe we set human evloution back a thousand years," he stated with a touch of pride.

"That is not a concern, though. I have given my word that I would not harm a person on this world unless attacked, and I assure you my word is good. It binds me to this cause. Even if I were to discover that one of our group was an agent of Order, I would still be bound to do them no harm, or see them harmed without provocation." He stared pointedly. "Such as your missiles."

"I never break my word. And I never forget a betrayal." Stalker bowed gracefully. "By your leave, Milady. I believe the others are gathering to move as we speak."


E touches on of the dice and his forehead sensor glows a moment as he copies the systems.  his helmet alters slightly and he generates a device following the same system adapted for his physiology. he steps back and runs an analysis on his newly acquired  commutation tech add on and it fairly impressed. h thinks. This is a test. P.U.P.P.Y. People underestimate photonic pulse Yetis."
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

Prof B Hunnydew

** lower her arm and go to pick up her helmet.. **  "I will honor the peace Mr Stalker, but there are some who will not honor it but will not directly attrack us.  Some I feel a kinship to, but my insight says not to trust.  My only powers are my intelligence and intuition, what will that do against the demi-gods and superbeings in there, can you tell me?   ah, I will check my data on the radio frequencies as we pack up." 

PBH follows you in



Stalker walked just ahead of the catwoman, and shrugged fluidly. "Power is nothing without will or control. Intelligence and clear thinking are often much more powerful than mere "power" itself is."

He entered the main room again just as Leona handed him a metal device, a curious expression crossing his face. "I have my own ways of staying in contact, thank you," he said, holding the device out. "If anyone else can use this, please do."

Mentally he added: "Besides, constructs are much more reliable. And deniable. "


Shadou tucked the metal dot behind his ear and nodded.
"Well, it seems that a conclusion's been reached. Specters at the castle, Styg's group at the plant, PBH's group at the dump since she knows what to get. When do we move out?"


Something dark slithered up and snatched a metal dot from Leona's hand very quickly, and then flowed back under the table. The next moment Stygian was fastening that dot behind his ear, and pressed it a bit.
   "Puppy, this is Mongrel. Testing." Satisfied, he smiled, and then hummed a bit, seemingly thinking to himself a bit.
   Then, he stood up, and went back to the door out, opening it and looking over his shoulder at the chaos-child.
   "I assume then that it is allright that I call my associate for services? We can discuss prices later," he said, still in a friendly tone. He was a businessman, after all, and he would not try to rob her, but she had to understand the deal. "Everyone?"

Prof B Hunnydew

Puppy?  *takes one of the dots *
What is this? and cellphone?
she places it under chin near her ear and "Puppy phone Leona hello hello Are you there?"



Jack saw as PBH and Stalker returned. Good, they haven't killed each other yet. He would try to keep an eye on those two. Jack glanced at Stygian who was now standing by the door, there was another one he needed to watch.

"I'm ready to go. Anything more anyone need to do or know before leaving? Would be great if we got to the plant before sunrise. Better pictures." Jack said and smiled.
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Prof B Hunnydew

I'm Okay, and ready to go.

*PBH moves to Jack**" I would like to see the Power plant but I will also need to see the Dump."
Wil there be time for Both?



"ready and willing" said E. "and with my copied version of your compacter i can keep in contact as well."
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


"What, wait, we're going now? We just got here!" Shadou looked around; after all, he'd gotten here after a long day at work, "The plan is that we get going now?" Darting over to where he'd dumped his bags, he rifled through it and eventually pulled out a bandolier covered with pockets, and what would have to be called a knife strapped to it. It had to be called a knife because nobody made greatswords that short. Slinging the bandolier over his shoulder with the knife behind him, he turned back to the rest of the group, "Sorry, thought we'd be putting in more time to prepare."


Cog grinned as he took the dot from Leona. "Puppy?" He said, brushing aside some hair and placing in his ear. "Ah, the glories of adventuring..."
He nods to the group. "Well, I'm ready to go. Just one question...does anyone have any idea how we are going to get there? The walking ticket is not exactly my idea of a good plan..."


That's when Stygian smiled, broader than ever.
   "Oh no, no walking. That's what I'm going to make a call for. No, we ride in style out of here."
   There was a lot behind that statement, that was for sure.


"All right i got a little confused here..." Takes another puff from his pipe. "Who is going with who and to where?" Looking around at everyone. "Also we need to take into the fast that the person that had called us all here hasn't even said a thing on what we are doing." At that he turns to look at Leona for a response.

Sirius Griffon

As various people tried their communication devices, leona nodded towards each in turn and replied. "Do they now?" she asked through the device. "I suppose it is easy to underestimate a yeti..." She told E.

Leona nodded towards Stalker then. "Ah, alright you're quite right," she thought back, surprised he coudld communicate in such a manner. But then, nothing should REALLY surprise her with the group gathered here!

"Mongrel this is Puppy, all is clear!" she thought back towards Stalker, more than amused and it showed with a slight grin on her face. "Certainly Stygian," she repleid with a nnod. "If anything, tehres a few items in my INvetory that should cover it. Believe me, I understand. I really woudlnt want folks to work for free anyways," she added. "That wouldnt be right!" Catching anotehr incoming signal she nodded.

"Im here!" she replied towards PBH through her device. She was so glad they were working so well! She knew someday they would come in handy.

Leona looked towards Shadou and nodded. "IM afraid the quicker we work the better," she explained. "Once we have all the intel, we can formulate a better plan and start taking some actions."The last part she coudlnt help but smile lightly at, simply because she perferred actions to planning any day. Although, for something this important, she would be patient.

"Yes Puppy," Leona replied towards Cog getting his signal. "I would have perferred Kitty but the inventor was quite stubborn!" Leona smiled towards Eric.

"Sorry, Ive been trying to keep up with everyone and get us all placed. Basicly, Adrian is leading a group to the castle for intel. Stygian is leading anotehr group towards the plant, and PBH shall be heading towards the dump with a group as well. Right now, bascily, we are going for intel. If a scene or two of chaos can be caused along the way with little trounble, well, then by all means. But the primary objective now is to obtain intel and return to base. I shall be staying at base to hold down the fort sort to speak, and will be ready to provide backup and emergency evacuation (Gods forbid that should occur!) via the communication devices. Folks, basicly, I wish you to go where you feel you can be of the most use... but if any still need rest they may stay here as well though I fear it shall probably be quite boring!" she added with a laugh.

Prof B Hunnydew

*yawns* "Sleep, Oh Father and Mother, that is something I missed, too...I am still on L-5 night time zone.  But I am also too keyed up for rest, an short catnap on the way with some coffee, or Strong Tea, Yea, strong irish tea would be good"

"Well, who is with me for a quick run to the Dump... We will go to see what is there..and pick-up any supplies we can see needing now.  we will need land transport or heavy vertical flying craft. the quieter the better. I can pilot a flying craft most likely."



E responds. " i'm in and i believe that Stalker wanted to run there as well. i hope i find some good tools to copy and use"
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


"I am ready to go whenever you are," Stalker said, nodding. "Even if I can't find particular substances to use, anything would be helpful."

He shrugged. "Besides, we could work as a diversion for the more important teams. Any nuisance we cause will allow others to see how well our enemies respond, and in what ways."

Stalker nodded to Stygian. "I believe our group is ready. If you please."