Stirring Up Chaos

Started by Sirius Griffon, January 15, 2007, 12:46:25 PM

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E nods the stops for a moment, his normal method of travel was teleportation to the outskirts of his destination. this was useful though he like zero could maintain energy for long treks and extended battle he did not care for them." i have a Question. how are we to arrive at out location
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Stygian nodded a thanks toward Leona, and then eyed Cog, Jack and Shadou in turn. Then he shot a quick look to Gareeku, raised an eyebrow, and turned his eyes to the ghosts.
   "If you need any sort of assistance, call me immediately. You don't run the risk of dying, so hopefully we won't have to drag anyone out, but..."
   He smiled, and stepped outside. Immediately his hand went to his pocket and he pulled out that same little black "pocketwatch" he had been playing with earlier. He thumbed it a bit, some sharp clicks coming from it, and then flipped it open. A soft green light emanated from within, symbols and circles moving around a bit as he continued tapping the thing a bit. Then, another sort of light began streaming out, and a face came into view through a scrambled and hazy transmission.
   Stygian watched just a bit, seeing how distorted the image was.
   "Pack up and lock onto this signal. Bring the ship and the Lambda chassis and whatever you feel best with. Support and engineering role."
   It took a few seconds before the figure nodded.
   "Got it. It will take some time." The face dissappeared almost immediately after those last words.
   Stygian flipped the watch together and put it in his pocket again, smiling a bit. He turned around, and watched for the others.


Jack took off his backpack and moved his lizard so that it sat right over the MSA emblem (that, by the way, looks like the UN emblem but with a compass like thing instead of a world map). If they got into a fight he didn't want to have the lizard on his shoulder, it was much more convenient to have it on the back. Jack then swung his backpack over his left shoulder and picked up his staff before following Stygian out.

Jack didn't see much of the transmission but he heard more. The part about a ship worried him a bit. Ships were large. Large targets and easy to spot.
"Hope the ship is small and stealthy." He said.
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Stygian tilted his head a bit to the side and eyed the feline curiously when he spoke.
   "That depends on what you mean by small. Stealth, I really wouldn't worry about. Personally, I think it will do."
   In truth, he thought that it would do more than just that. He kept a smirk back. "Jack", if that really was his name, had smelled of a lot of familiar things when he arrived. But he wasn't all sure about circumstances, so he was just going to follow his instincts and get familiar with the boy. Who knew? Maybe he'd turn out to be useful.


Cog stepped out into the night air with the others, and rested his hand on his sword hilt. He watched the others for a moment before turning toward the wind, trying to keep his hair from blowing in his eyes.
"How long will this take?" He asked Stygian, looking at the stars. "We should try and attack while it's still dark. Element of surprise and all."


"About as long as it should take for Moira to trace the lock, charge and attune the gateway, ready up all the equipment, get her own ass into gear and then arrive at this destination," Stygian said. Then he chuckled, and turned around and eyed Cog over his shoulder.
   "Of course, destination meaning approximate place and time. Which means she should be here... any minute now." He grinned, and turned his head toward the sky.

   Far above them and quite some distance to the north, some 84 kilometres over Median's surface and descending fast through a ball of flame, a large object was screaming toward them, the emission trails of its engines slowly fading as it just fell. It would be at their destination very shortly...


Stalker followed the group outside, and glanced upwards, eyes scanning through several wavelengths. "Impressive," he said to Stygian with actual respect in his voice.

His right arm and hand shifted into a catcher's mitt, and he whistled "Take Me Out To The Ballgame".

Prof B Hunnydew

*following the others outside with her helmet on*

"So, ah Captain, you have a spaceship coming or something?  What kind of lift does it have that will make that quiet?  I have not figure out antigravity fields, yet  Well, not any that are not about a space-city size."



Shadou gave a low whistle at Stygian's fancy watch, and his use of it to call what would probably turn out to be an equally fancy transport.
"Classy. So, we go in, figure out how everything works, mebbe scare the ever-loving hell out of some security staff, and come back? That the plan?" He ran a hand along the knife, still in its sheath, "Question, what's the plan for if things go to hell in the event that we don't have time to make a plan?"


Cog grinned at the burning light in the sky. "I like the trans-temporal transportation," He said to Stygian, giving a nod. "That must come in handy for early-morning appointments."
He nodded at Shadou and patted his sword. "I believe the plan is to disable the powerplant by any means necessary, and to gather whatever the various members o the party need from the dump. Reconnaissance should probably be done on-site..." He said, gripping the sword tightly. "Of course, should things go to hell, the best course of action would be to give hell back in full measure. I assume the members of our party are largely schooled in the ways of kickassery?" He said, still grinning. "A few security guards should be no problem. Heck, a few platoons would probably be alright."


"I was actually hoping for the whole defense force, if you don't mind? It's mostly a hit-and-run game anyway," Stygian said, and smiled. "Kickassery is something very subjective, if you understand what I mean."
   Then, he cocked an eyebrow, and picked out his watch again, peering at it for a few seconds. He then smacked it shut.
   "That direction, to a clearing just north," he said, pointing with his whole hand, and then trodding off in that direction. "Stay clear if she comes down late."
   While he paced forward, he thought of having to explain the whole ship to the group. The thought nearly made him shudder. He wondered if someone of them might know of technology that was close to his own. Still, the bunny in the gaudy armor might have been talking about gravitoelectromagnetic effect. Or not. He was about as sure with that kind as with a crazed cat on LSD.


"And here I thought it was a recon mission." Jack mumbled to himself as the others were discussing how to attack the guards. Ah, well. This wasn't his fight. He would try to keep out of the way and if he was lucky Order might not even target him.

Jack took a photo of the descending ship and followed Stygian north. So far, he wasn't impressed. Lets see what this ship is like up close.
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He watched Stygian stride off, then tossed his oversized ball glove aside, his arm and hand reforming. "Personally I prefer they send plenty of troops as well," he commented. "My last snack is starting to wear thin."

Stalker followed after, curious to see exactly what Stygian had conjured up as transportation. He glanced behind at PBH, and raised an eyebrow. "I suspect this vehicle will be more in your areas of expertise, Milady."

Behind them, his ball glove grew a set of ten legs and two small feelers, and scuttled off into the dark.


Eric looks to Adrian. "Well then..." Takes another puff. "Shall we go and do what we need to do?"


"Kickassery doesn't begin to describe it," Shadou again gave that impression of a grin, "I'm quite good at what I do. However," He leaned back, folding his arms behind his head, "I find meself wondering what you lot do. Best we know one another's abilities. Cog, Styg, whatcha got?"


Stygian very nearly flinched. The monster wanted him to reveal his capabilities? That was insanity. Then, when he pondered it, maybe it was the kind of insanity that could be accepted under circumstances. He shrugged. At least one could be somewhat vague.
   "Sixty years as an assassin, a couple of decades as what I am now. Some assets from a company at my back, along with a pretty good collection of guns, 'quip and info. I like to think that I've acquired some skill over the years, but one can never know how true that is..." he said, and scratched his neck a bit while looking over his shoulder at Shadou. "Most you'll get out of me is damage output. I'm kind of a fixer. You point, I take care of it." He grinned a sharp-toothed, yet friendly smile.


Cog bowed to Shadou and grinned. "In the old days, such a question would have been insulting. Today, however..." He said, grabbing his sword. "I have certain capabilities which allow me to...manipulate my internal energies in unique ways. Such as physical manifestations of force." He dug in his pocket for a moment. "Neither is my sword for show. I have studied my art for almost...two-hundred and eighty years now..." Taking a silver coin from the pocket in his coat, he held his right and left hands in front of him, and flicked the coin into the air from his left. It spun in the air for a moment, the silver glittering brightly in the night air before beginning it's decent back to the ground. As the metal coin twirled through the air, the sound of metal scraping on metal suddenly rang out, and the coin split in the air.
Cog stood about an inch or two from where he had just a moment before, and he had already resheathed his blade when the coin fell back to the ground in two pieces. He left the coin where it lay, and removed his blade again, checking the edge. "Quick-draw swordsmanship. It's served me well thus far" He said, replacing the sword and grinning.


Shadou looked at Cogidubnus in surprise, giving a low whistle at his display with the sword, "Insulting? How? When an employer is hiring a group whose members are otherwise unaffiliated, it would be crazy not to know what they can do. Otherwise how the hell are you supposed to figure out a plan?" He ran a hand along the sheathed knife again, "I'm a proffesional. I'm used to things being straightforward. Anywho, my abilites are fairly simple; infiltration and, from there, destruction," He reached into one of the pockets in his bandolier and pulled out what looked like a small firework, "I can alter my size and density based on how much light there is around, and cast myself against objects much like my namesake. Basically, give me enough or little enough light, I can be as strong as steel or as intangible as a patch of fog. Few little other quirks, but I wont bore you with the details. Couple that with years of experience as a Guardian and a Taskman," He pocketed the firework, "And I'm pretty much the world's least subtle assassin."


Stygian quirked an eyebrow at the monster, and stopped, folding his hands across his chest and looking at him very intently.
   "You're saying that you're a shadow, is that it?" he asked, quite seriously. But within a second or two, just a slight quirk to his lips appeared. His eyes were dark.


"I'm saying I'm me, Styggy boy. If being me also means having tendancies much like an area that lacks light, so be it," Shadou gave that impression of grinning again, "Anything more than that I either don't know or can't explain."


Stygian barked a laugh and shrugged, and began pacing again.
   "I can't really explain what I am either, but I know some things... and it would have been nice to have company," he said, grinning. "I suppose you're still alive too?"
   There really wasn't enough time for that question to be answered though, because the next moment there was a howling, screaming and rumbling sound from above as something reversed its thrusters.
   It came down from the sky through a low cloud, spreading it around and leaving some trails, and at first it was hard to catch with the eye, because with its camouflage still active it mimicked the surrounding colours and images pretty well, even if the contoures could be distinguished somewhat. When it switched it off though, it was clearly visible toward the sky, a black and gunmetal-coloured shape, like a long disembodied beak or claw carving its way down through the sky. Its enormous engines, pivoted downward, breathed a tainted blue plasma from some sort of conductors, and slowly dimmed and turned around as it seemed to switch on some landing drive, the air rippling slightly around it as it went. It touched down at the edge of a lake just ahead, and waited.
   Up close, one could see the armored plates, ceramiplastic lacing and the metal that was its cover shape, dented and cracked at some places, torn and burnt at others. With its landing gears out the thing's long nosecone, hard shell, lack of windows and unerringly functionalistic design made it look like some huge, monstrous insect. Because it was huge. It had to be at least forty metres from tip to tail, not counting fins or jutting sensors. You didn't dare guess its weight though.
   When the thing had touched down on the slightly singed ground, Stygian walked up to it and affectionately eyed it, staring at its armored underbelly where some sort of long conductor which could only be a cannon of some kind was locked in and partially shielded.
   "Ladies and... things. I present to you, the Husk!" he said proudly.

(Mind you, that's only a rough sketch)

Prof B Hunnydew

The problem Shadow Boy, is you're not our employer, or a team leader, I think...I no doubt am the "kid" of this motley crew.  I've but 27 years to my life experiences, but I know physic and math knowledge, I have master degrees in Robotic, and computer, I invented my first AI programs when I was 10, and discovered a room temp superconductor material went I was 6..  I want my little pony White Pony to fly in My uncle's quantum accelerator.  The material slug from the explosion was a chemical compound that was a superconductor.  

My suit has 100 mini-missiles with High explosion tips, a laser torch/gun, and I can fly.  I gives me IR and UV vision, as well as  x-ray scan.. and will protect me from high radiation, poison gas, and extreme heat and cold.            




Alive? Eh? Unfortunatly, Shadou didn't have the chance to reply before the Husk came plummeting out of the sky. He looked upon the machine appreciatively; even if the technology back home was about 21st century level in the best of places, he could still muster that basic male respect for a large, powerful machine of transport.
"So, that thing's yours, eh?" He paced around the side of the Husk, scrutinizing it with his hand on his chin. He then glanced over at Stygian again and flicked his ears.
"Beautiful machine like this and you give her a name like The Husk? Yeah, this is my sports car, I call her the Scrapheap," He chuckled a little, "I suppose that it's able to run a tad more silently while we're on the job?"
Overhearing PBH Shadou flicked his ears again, this time in annoyance.
"No, I'm neither, but these teams aren't big enough to have unquestioned leaders so much as weighted suggestors. Even if they were, wouldn't it make sense for that team leader to know what he's got to work with?"


"We don't exactly have a team leader, now do we?" Stygian said, cocking an eyebrow at Shadou, still with a bit of a smile on his face. That was all entirely to his liking.
   "She'll run silently enough. There's a few million newtons of excess thrust at all times..." he said, rolling his eyes just a bit, "but she can quiet down very nice and easy. She's a sneak, just like me."
   He gazed over the long, hard-edged shape, looking at the machine parts, at the armored wiring, the framework, the charred and nicked edges of the plating and the dark, burned black that made the ship's eyeless shape what it was. She was ragged, but beautiful, he thought. Just like he liked it.
   "It's a fine name," he said lowly to the other monster. "And it's got a reason for it..."


"That's the impression I got as to the organization, but the Techie over there mentioned leaders," Shadou looked over the Husk again, "Well, she's your machine," He muttered back, "I'll take your word for it," he didn't specify whether he was talking about the capabilities or the name or both.


Stalker looked over the newly arrived ship, obviously impressed.

"Very nice, very nice indeed." He turned to Stygian. "A very fine machine."  He glanced over his shoulder.

"I can consume nearly any substance and reshape it at a molecular level to manufacture almost anything you desire, given enough material. I can build constructs of living matter, and I am nearly invulnerable to all forms of magic." He held his hand palm up, and a tiny winged creature formed, danced, then was re-absorbed. "I'm particularly adept at deception," he said, shifting first to a heavyset, balding old man, then to a thin, tall, curvy young woman before returning to his "normal" form. "...Though of course, I've given my word already." He smiled tightly, silver teeth showing.

"I won't bore you with the minor details." Stalker waved his hand dismissively, his smile disappearing like a snowflake on the sun.

"As for leaders," he said with an odd expression, "I will be pleased to consider any suggestions you have."

Prof B Hunnydew

Jumping up and down ***
"Oh My Gosh, ooooo Can I look in the engine room, or the Bridge? ... What does the reactor or power supply use for fuel? And a CLoaking device?!!!! Can I see that  CAn I ? CAN I ? PLease....."  * begging with cute kitten eyes sprinkling at Stygian...

"and tell me if you got FTL drive?  O Please we really need that?"  and she begging on her knee."forgot the Cloaking device...a stardrive is really really what i need."


Jack took another photo of the ship. He really wanted to laugh at the so called cloaking but the engines looked decent and the weapons would probably be able to take on the forces of Order.
"It will do." he said. He then raised an eyebrow at PBHs reaction. Stygian didn't seem like the person that would let such things out without getting paid in some sort of way.
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Stygian looked at the overexcited professor with a high and wrinkled brow and an oddly amused look on his face. He walked around back to her and Jack.
   "Well, some things I am not entirely sure whether you'd like as a researcher, but as a scientist..." He started walking in under the ship's body, which sat just high enough over the ground that he did not have to bend his neck when he stood straight.
   "A highly efficient form of aneutronic fusion reaction with a DSF drive, from a Hammill mark five fusion core. Can't put AM-engines in something like this." He was going to get paid after all. And there was much more to the Husk than could easily be seen. He hadn't missed Jack's smirk, or the smell of his bemusement up close.
   "She's got enough impulse to accelerate away from practically anything, and the EEV is high enough for about 36.000 kilometres per second, if you ever get the chance to go that fast. Which you won't. The FTL drive is just the ordinary for this sort of ship, but boosted a little. An Ingham Principle drive, if you know what that is. General relativity and that sort of thing."
   He patted the ship's underbelly, at where the huge conductor was housed.
   "It's really designed with one thing in mind," he said, smirking.
   Then, something hissed, and a few clacks could be heard from further back the ship's length. A hatch opened, and swung down.

Prof B Hunnydew

"Just General Relativity?!!!"  ** PBH is deflated**
"aww Thanks Stygy but Special Relativity holds in my universe, and we have another problems with it.  As you increase speed beyond 0.1C, you need to accelerate at higher levels the faster you go, which means higher and higher G-forces on the crew.  Along with higher fuel and energy levels for acceleration And then the time lag problems. 

I will have to stick with my Tesser gate project..So lets get this show on the road..