(http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/8378/cccnm9.png) (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,5673.0.html)
Hey all! This is something Mao Loren and I have been planning for a while. Here's how it works.
- You sign up.
- During the morning of the 25th (or later if you live far East), you'll be assigned a recipient for your gift.
- You make your gift (more details on this below).
- You submit your gift.
- Once all the gifts are in or on the 25th of March (whatever comes first), all gifts will be published here.
About the giftsGifts can be anything as long as you somehow create them. Drawings, poems, stories, artistic photos, music... go wild! Just try to keep your recipient in mind when you make it.
I'm not sure what Mao's participation will be. For now I'm leaving it open so that he can either participate like everyone else or help with organizing the exchange.
Additional notes-If you want to receive a gift with a particular theme, you may request it before recipients are assigned. You may post references of your character(s) or anything you want to be somehow represented in your gift. Don't go overboard, though. Your gifter has no obligation to do everything you want, especially if it's too demanding.
-If you need some kind of reference from your recipient that has not been provided, you may ask me and I'll pass the request on to that person.
-This is not about creating a masterpiece, nor receiving one. It's about doing something nice for someone else on the forum. Please keep that in mind.
People owing gifts:-Ketchup-Crumbles (owes WhiteFox a gift from Round 10).
-Liatai (owes Inumo a gift from Round 15).
-llearch (owes e_voyager a gift from Round 15).
-JaxiD (owes Inumo a gift from Round 16).
-VAE (owes WhiteFox a gift from Round 17).
-Basilisk (owes Inumo a gift from Round 18).
-Arroyo (owes Merlin a gift from Round 18).
Signups open... now!
Count me in Gabi- I'm usually all for such stuff- it's just too much fun. :mowmeep
I'd feel comfortable participating in something like this. I'll do it. :3
Booyah! I'll do it!
Sounds fun. Count me in!
I guess I might as well join. :3
Would one be able to join at a later date? I've got a lot of crap going through, and I'm not sure I'd be able to do it now, but once my schedule clears up a bit, I might be interested. (Especially since I need a deadline to keep motivated)
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on February 17, 2009, 08:26:13 PM
Would one be able to join at a later date? I've got a lot of crap going through, and I'm not sure I'd be able to do it now, but once my schedule clears up a bit, I might be interested. (Especially since I need a deadline to keep motivated)
Hmm... I hadn't thought about that. Would Sunday be a good day to close registration, or do you need more time to decide? I was thinking about giving people 4 weeks to make their gifts, but I'm open to suggestions.
And yay to the people who have joined so far! ^_^ This is going to be interesting. :3
Oh hai thar. :U
At this point I'm not sure in what capacity I'll be participating but I'll certainly be helping with this in some form or another. If we get enough people I may try and focus on the organization, but if not.. well maybe I'll see if I can't churn out something nice for someone. :D
Thank you all for showing interest so far. If you can think of anyone else who might be interested in this, please let them know by all means.
Big thanks goes out to Gabi for doing this. When we initially spoke of it, it was just a passing idea, no more than one pm, but she's gone and started something that I think is quite wonderful. I had no idea she was going to take this idea and run with it. :D
I'm going to have some free time soon, so I think I could jump on in. I haven't drawn anything in about 3 years, so I'm not sure if I'm capable of producing even decent work. Still, if it's not limited to just drawings then I might be able to come up with something, possibly involving 1000 lines of Java code...
By all means, but please try to ensure the code isn't anything malicious. ;)
That goes for all of the entries really. Despite what cartoons tell us, lit sticks of dynamite don't make for good presents.
shhh.... blasphemy... violence solves everything
that being said, i'm kinda in the same boat as corgatha, where, i'm interested, and yet, i'm not soo sure about time... if you can hold off till like next tuesday, i can get a definitive answer...
Quote from: Mao Laoren on February 18, 2009, 10:55:08 AM
By all means, but please try to ensure the code isn't anything malicious. ;)
Hey, I'm not as crooked as I'm supposed to be. :U
That said, my biggest worry is lack of skill, software projects seem a bit cumbersome for what I imagine most people here are looking for. I'm not sure about my artistic skills and I'm a terrible writer.
Quote from: The1Kobra on February 18, 2009, 11:40:36 AM
Quote from: Mao Laoren on February 18, 2009, 10:55:08 AM
By all means, but please try to ensure the code isn't anything malicious. ;)
Hey, I'm not as crooked as I'm supposed to be. :U
That said, my biggest worry is lack of skill, software projects seem a bit cumbersome for what I imagine most people here are looking for. I'm not sure about my artistic skills and I'm a terrible writer.
Sometimes, all it takes is a camera and a bit of patience. Creativity comes in many forms. Gifts too. Just think about the person and what they might like and try to run with it. If nothing else the real gift is that you're thinking about them and have done something to show that.
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on February 17, 2009, 08:26:13 PM
Would one be able to join at a later date? I've got a lot of crap going through, and I'm not sure I'd be able to do it now, but once my schedule clears up a bit, I might be interested. (Especially since I need a deadline to keep motivated)
Quote from: Basilisk2150 on February 18, 2009, 11:24:21 AM
shhh.... blasphemy... violence solves everything
that being said, i'm kinda in the same boat as corgatha, where, i'm interested, and yet, i'm not soo sure about time... if you can hold off till like next tuesday, i can get a definitive answer...
Hmm, well I don't really mind delaying it a bit personally, but this is Gabi's show as far as I'm concerned. We'll have to set a date before we go any further though as otherwise this will get out of hand right quick.
I'm ok with that. (http://img49.imageshack.us/img49/2766/up3yi.gif)
So... Tuesday?
So the final day to sign up for this is Tuesday, as in six days from now?
Sounds good to me.
Thanks for the extra time, i'll see if i can't find out sooner, but tuesday is the latest i'll know how messed up my schedule will, or won't get...
How long will we have to make our gift? I might need a bit longer than others.
The preliminary deadline for the gifts is March 24th (2 days after my birthday), but if some of you need more time we can give you an extension. How long do you think it may take you to finish your gift?
That's a whole month- it should be enough. At least for me.
Quote from: Gabi on February 19, 2009, 09:14:40 AM
The preliminary deadline for the gifts is March 24th (2 days after my birthday), but if some of you need more time we can give you an extension.
That should be enough, but if something does come up, i'll tell you.
Anyone else? Tomorrow's the last day to sign up.
i should be good actually, i'll have a fairly open schedule until like mid april... midterms, then nothing too big for like a month
I'll be glad if you count me in. My free time is not that free lately, unfortunately, but I am open for stuff like this.
Greetings!!! :mowwink
Hope it's not too late, but I think I shall join in too. This looks like fun, and I'll be practicing my artwork and doing some nice things for peeps. I'm in for this round Gab. ^^
So for participants we seem to have:
To the three people with (?) after their name, it doesn't seem clear to me if you've decided to join in or not. If you could clarify that with a yes or no, that'd be awesome.
I think that's a 'yes' for The1Kobra and a 'no' for Corgatha and Pagan. The matchups will be done within the next few minutes.
(Shrugs), I suppose I'll opt in,... I haven't done anything artistic in a few years so I hope whomever receives something from me doesn't expect too much...
Quote from: The1Kobra on February 25, 2009, 10:44:57 AM
(Shrugs), I suppose I'll opt in,... I haven't done anything artistic in a few years so I hope whomever receives something from me doesn't expect too much...
It's (hopefully) not about getting some 'super-awesome-omfg-wicked' gift. It's about doing something nice for someone else. It's about having someone think about them. Know what I mean?
Alright! All players have been asigned, and Mao's in too!
Remember you have time until the 24th to submit your gifts.
In the meantime you can use this topic to provide any information you deem useful, or anything your gifter requests.
Alright, so we can use it to put up character refs, then? If so, for whomever has me, I thought I'd put up a few picture references, that is if they do want to do pictures. x3
One of the best references I have for Aisha. General colors and appearance, minus the yellow portions of her clothing, are spot-on. (http://kivwolf.deviantart.com/art/Aisha-50964097)
Another reference, also a good one for her sword, Dragonblade (minus the blood) (http://risendecabre.deviantart.com/art/Oath-By-Sword-Colored-100372207)
Another good reference for the Dragonblade. No, Aisha's not really a dragon. x3 (http://risendecabre.deviantart.com/art/Dragonization-2-The-Huntress-54156546)
A reference for her bladed boomerang weapon. It's a silvery color. (http://img231.imageshack.us/my.php?image=1219170779reynard86req0li9.gif)
I don't care really how one draws her, fighting pose or peaceful scene...just nothing too mature. Just do your best. ^^ Also, I'm curious, but if we want to ask our giftee something specifically without revealing ourselves, can the questions go through Gabi or Mao? Just making sure. x3
Sure, you can do that. :)
And yes, this is the place for character references and the likes.
Stupid work, sucking my life away. I can't believe I missed this.
Sorry to hear that, WhiteFox. If this succeeds, we may have a new one some other time.
Question for Dannysaysnoo (from his gifter): do you want anything in particular? Your gifter has been taking some cool photos (quoting, as I haven't seen them myself), but would like to know if there is anything you want to have drawn or something.
And since we're at it, The1Kobra's gifter asks a similar question.
Mr. Gifter
Quite frankly, i don't give a damn. so long as you enjoy and challenge yourself while you so it.
To be honest, there really isn't anything in specific which I want. I'm not really going to be picky, so, really, anything artistic with some effort attached would do. I'm not trying to ask for very much.
New question! Beever, is there anything you would like to see in your gift? Any theme, character references, etc.?
this seems nice but i'm not sure i have the skills for it. that reason why i've only take place in one secret Santa was because i felt that i wasn't skilled enough to give the other poster members a worthy gift.
But e, it's not a matter of skill! Really, if you can play IF, you can participate in this too. When signups are open, that is. The idea seems to have caught some interest (and I'm glad for that), so I think we may do it again some other time. :)
Quote from: Gabi on March 14, 2009, 09:47:45 AM
New question! Beever, is there anything you would like to see in your gift? Any theme, character references, etc.?
Wow thanks Gabi, hmm I really consider it an act of free will but,..Hmm.Judging from the Avatar, you could use the eye glasses as a key and transfer the image of the character in a funky or jazz club .It is not really necessary, but something of that kind is what i had in mind.Improvisation accepted anytime.Whatever you create I will be pleased.
Thanks once again ! :mowwink :)
And now, a question for Ren from his gifter: what color are the wings of your awakened form?
Quote from: Gabi on March 19, 2009, 12:03:33 PM
And now, a question for Ren from his gifter: what color are the wings of your awakened form?
They are white with some red at the tips of prime feathers and a little glowy (just a little, so you won't notice that in the sunlight).
just my luck i get a new computer and i miss the event >.<
4 days to go folks. Hope you're all nearly finished!
At this rate I think this won't be our last CCC.
However, I'm sorry to inform you that the gift for The1Kobra is likely to be late due to computer problems.
Beever's gifter is still confused by the fact that the character in his avatar is "pretty much a dead ringer for a character in the webcomic Broken Plot Device", and would like to know whether that is the character he wants drawn, or whether he would like another random species.
And here is the Beever's answer.
If this could ease my gifter, the character is a kind of muscular humanoid lizard.But I'd like to include here, that the face(the snout), itself, has features more in common with a dinosaur, rather than with an actual lizard, so some kind of a mix you know :)
Thanks, I'll be looking forward to it :mowsmile ;)
Hey folks, I hope you've all finished up your gifts!
Anyway, I've gotten a few questions about how we're going to handle the exchange. At the moment I have to say: I don't know. I should have asked Gabi last night while I had the chance. XP For now, PM them to her is the best I can suggest. If it looks like that's not going anywhere, I'll come up with something simple. :D
...And here are the gifts! Thanks to everyone who participated. It has been fun. :)
Kipiru drew this for
Ren: Ren Unleashed (http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/2294/rengaulenv.jpg)
The1Kobra drew this for
Jairus: gift (http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o266/The1Kobra/CCCForJairus.jpg)
Author's note - /* Author's comments
Well, here is what I've made, I tried to make an anthropomorphic rodent sitting by a cliffside, eyes closed, or at least something to that effect. I haven't drawn anything in about four years, so it's probably not the best piece of work out there. I found drawing the thing in pencil hard, though... having to make some corrections in MS paint using a touchpad didn't help, but I think the worst thing was me trying to jury-rig my cellphone as a camera, which didn't do wonders for the image quality, notably making the background a lot darker than it should have been. Still, I think it came out alright for a sketch (I briefly tried coloring then gave up in frustration.) I think the worst part, as far as making the thing, were the hands and the shoes, to which I kind of made the shoes look like boots and had the hands covered in mittens. Anyways, there it is, I hope the viewer enjoys.
Aisha deCabre made this for
Beever: here's the link to Beever's picture. (http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c108/RisenDeCabre360/Beever.png)
Author's note - Hope he finds it to his liking. It's been fun participating. :3
Basilisk2150 made this gift for
Dannysaysnoo: Portrait (http://img53.imageshack.us/img53/7564/portraitb.jpg)
Author's note - After hitting a sudden patch of motivation, i managed to finish it on time... barely... as a side note, drawing detailed sunglasses sucks... a lot...
and sorry to Dannysaysnoo about the image quality, my scanner refused to co-operate, so i had to use my camera to take a picture of the drawing... i'll see if i can't correct that, but it seems the scanner itself is actually dead...
Mao Loren drew this for
The1Kobra: gift (http://i40.tinypic.com/316lts2.jpg)
Author's note - Explanation:
I had a hard time with this because I really wasn't sure what to do for Kobra. However I decided that given the little bit I did know about him that I could probably do something along the lines of dragons and chess. Unfortunately not long after I finally had that idea, my computer died. Now, given that I need reference pictures to draw, this pretty well blew everything out of the water. Thankfully saturday I got my computer back, but time was getting tight. I rushed about trying to get something, anything done, but nothing came out. I even drew a short comic featuring me detailing this situation. Thankfully though, sunday night I was smacked in the face with inspiration. I was reading through the DMFA archives and came upon this. It was perfect. I saw exactly what I needed. So I set the image up on my screen as a reference (so big credit to Amber) and within an hour a rough sketch came out. I tweaked the image the next night while watching t.v. Today I scanned it in after work and as quick as I could, colored, shaded (poorly) and added text. I hope Kobra likes it.
Fun Facts: I had also thought about drawing one of his characters that I found in the RP forum, but nothing came from that idea, mainly because I just couldn't picture it.
Beever made this for
Kipiru: Kipiru The Starrider (http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/9683/kipiruthestarrider.jpg)
Dannysaysnoo says: "The time i had to work on my gift has been lost. It'll be delayed. Sorry."
I will post his gift for Aisha once I get it.
Jairus has responded to poking and sent this poem for
Quote from: Jairus on March 25, 2009, 07:56:27 PM
Here it is.
"Nature's Wanderers" for Cogidubnus
The woods are quiet: nature's sounds
Are all one hears from all around.
A silent hunter prowls through here,
The gray wolf prowls without a fear.
Not far from there, a swordsman stands,
Whose shoes have tread from distant lands.
All that he owns within his sack,
And a sheathed sword upon his back.
An autumn breaze knocks off a leaf,
And slowly sings a song of grief.
The whistling sound cuts through to bone,
And makes one feel so all alone.
The setting sun sets land ablaze,
The lands cools down o'er shorter days.
Soon winter's snow shall come again,
Jack Frost's white quill shall frost the glen.
But here, for now, the land burns red,
As if some great beast here had bled
Within the wake of some great fight,
Before it fades with the coming night.
The swordsman knows that night comes fast,
And knows to camp before the last
Rays of sunlight light up the sky.
He sets his pack with weary sigh.
And that is when their paths do cross,
Within this glen now green with moss.
The wolf and sword, two hunters' gaze
See eye to eye in failing rays.
They stand but for a moment there,
Their eyes locked in a frozen stare.
And then it ends, and they go on.
As equals met, not battle won.
Ren is going to be late. He says it slipped his mind in the wake of all his RL/internet problems.
I have no news from Cogidubnus, sorry. I'll poke him to see if he responds.
soo... out of curiosity, am i waiting on ren or cogi?
You're waiting for Ren. Which I guess is a good thing, because I've already communicated with him, even if it was through a proxy (thanks to Jairus for this).
Quote from: Basilisk2150 on March 25, 2009, 08:17:58 PM
soo... out of curiosity, am i waiting on ren or cogi?
Quote from: Gabi on March 25, 2009, 08:19:36 PM
You're waiting for Ren. Which I guess is a good thing, because I've already communicated with him, even if it was through a proxy (thanks to Jairus for this).
I'm terribly sorry for my slowness, I'll try to make up for it. :3
Quote from: Gabi on March 25, 2009, 07:50:04 PM
Kipiru drew this for Ren: Ren Unleashed (http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/2294/rengaulenv.jpg)
Wow! This picture looks awesome! Thanks, Kip. This is great. Looks like Warhammer 40K crossed with Trigun and /or Devil May Cry (I can't decide which). :]
don't worry about it, i'm a patient person... if you need a few days, that's fine by me, just so long as you have fun with it
Excellent work everyone! They all look great! Except for mine, sorry Kobra.
Quote from: Gabi on March 25, 2009, 07:50:04 PM
Beever made this for Kipiru: Kipiru The Starrider (http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/9683/kipiruthestarrider.jpg)
MINDBLOWINGLY AWESOME DUDE! Thanks a milion for this buddy! You really surprised me there- I never thought I would be so proud with someone else's vision of Kipiru. Marvelous!
Dear Aisha
I'm almost done. Hang on.
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo on March 26, 2009, 12:36:21 PM
Dear Aisha
I'm almost done. Hang on.
Hey, no problem, I'm rather patient. Thanks!
well, i had a lot of fun with this... and i learned that detailed reflections are the bane of my existence... other than that... i'd be up for another round if your going planning on doing one some time in the near future
Quote from: Mao Laoren on March 26, 2009, 07:41:37 AM
Excellent work everyone! They all look great! Except for mine, sorry Kobra.
In all honesty, I actually think what you made for me was better than what I made. I suppose that of course, is up to the viewer to decide.
Hehe, I can picture that Abel vs Pyroduck scene, with Pyroduck simply saying "Checkmate". :)
Ren's gift for Basilisk is here!
Author's note:
I didn't know what exactly to draw for Basilisk, but from a trusted source I learned that he seems to like Frank Herbert's "Dune", so I decided to draw something Dune-themed. I really hope he likes it. neko 2
haha, i really don't know what to say, besides awesome work Ren... i'm impressed as always
Cogidubnus has finally submitted his gift for Mao!
Mao Laoren
I met a man where pixel's bend,
who I perceived but from afar,
but in shadows yet we met as friends,
for where we met, was where we are,
a place where shadows do embrace-
the masked in confidence declare,
friendship's heady draught they'll taste:
I've not been dissapointed here.
Oooooh. Pretty! I like it! Thanks Cogi! :D
Sorry for the lateness, guys. :animesweat I had it written out actually quite awhile ago, but I ended up not typing it up for several days, and then I got sidetracked with school projects and the like, and staying up until 5am for aforementioned reasons...>:
But I'm glad you like it, Mao! And Jairus, I like yours very much too. :3
I'm not sure, but I believe with that we're done for this batch of the CCC. If so I'd just like to take the time to thank you all for participating. We've seen a lot of great stuff (excluding mine) and people have really put some time into their gifts and given it real thought. I'm very pleased to see this.
A big thanks goes out to Gabi who hosted and ran this on her own and who without, this would not be possible as such. She took this vague idea we both had and has really turned it into something awesome.
When's the next one? :3
Seriously though, I hope there will be another one.
Er...I'm afraid not everyone seems to have put theirs in yet. :/
Ah well, I too would like to enter the next one. It's fun to draw anyway. x3
Would I be able to write a poem or short prose piece? *Can't draw at all* If so, I'd lke to trymy hand at this.
Quote from: Aisha deCabre on April 01, 2009, 06:42:30 PM
Er...I'm afraid not everyone seems to have put theirs in yet. :/
Ah well, I too would like to enter the next one. It's fun to draw anyway. x3
No? Ok. I'll put a hold on the celebrations. :S
as i said much earlier, i'm in for round 2 whenever it starts up... hopefully with a little more direction, or sans highly reflective surface (please don't ask me to put sunglasses on your character)
who are we waiting on?
(-> = did art for)
Kipiru -> Ren
Cogi -> Mao
Dannysaysnoo ->Aisha
Jairus -> Cogi
Ren -> Bas
Kobra -> Jay
Basilisk -> Dannysaysnoo
Beever -> Kip
Aisha -> Beever
Mao -> Kobra
oh... wait... i see... hmm... Gabi or Mao, think you could poke dannysaysnoo?
Don't poke, It'll be done, eventually.
I've still got to do a second day of filming, but with a house full of family, it's impossible. Next time i get the house to myself, i'll jump right on it.
Sorry. :<
I guess we can start taking signups for round too, since people seem to be interested. Hopefully Danny will post his gift for Aisha before the next round begins.
Well, you know you can count me in for round 2!
Quote from: Gabi on April 02, 2009, 05:30:52 PM
I guess we can start taking signups for round too, since people seem to be interested. Hopefully Danny will post his gift for Aisha before the next round begins.
..You have my sword. I mean, pencil. Argh, just count me in! :B
I'm in! I'll actually draw something this time! Maybe.
Ur... Yeah, sign me up for this round. <nod>
Ah heck, I'll sign up for this.
(http://my%20da%20has%20some%20references) but if you want better refernces just ask : 3
Hmmmmmm.... I'll try. Though as a warning, I have never drawn anything anthro/furry, unless you count some scribblings of a cat dude when I was about 7.
Like I said, I don't draw, but if writing is acceptable, count me in.
Writing is perfectly acceptable, and for those who want to draw the genre is up to you (just make sure your gift does not offend your recipient, it's supposed to be something nice).
Are custom sprites allowed? I'm just curious...just in case I can't draw my gift on time.
It's art, so I guess they're OK.
I'd be up for doing it again. I don't think I have any huge papers due anytime soon. :B
Sounds fun though I hope my writing skills have matured
Me too, again I'll be glad to participate.It took effort for the first one, so it will be challenging for the second as well.That's 100% for sure! :)
OK, I have no news from Danny, so I guess we can startthe new round on Thursday and leave signups open until then. If you know of anyone who would like to participate, please let them know.
Just to keep my hat in, I'm in! Wait...
And so... round 2 begins! We have 10 participants this time. I will start sending the PMs now.
uhh... did you miss someone... i'm counting more than 10
Er... 13. Yes, that's 13. You missed WhiteFox.
Now, Arroyo's gifter would like to know what Arroyo is. I could say it's the Spanish word for a narrow stream of water, but I think the real question is what race/species Arroyo's character is.
Awesome...my refs again are on page 2 if my gifter needs them. :3 If they're gonna have any use for them, anyway.
Also, I dunno if anyone said yet, but how long do we have until this round ends?
You have until the 7th of May. I thought it was in the PM I sent everyone, sorry if I missed it.
Also, Kipiru's gifter would like to know more about Kipiru's character.
And a question for both Aisha and Zedd: do you want anything specific, or are you just looking forward to a surprise?
Before someone has to ask for any profile info on me, I'll post a quick description of my avatar.
Name: WhiteFox
Species: Arctic Fox, in either winter (See avatar) or summer colors.
Appearance: Mainly humanoid facial structure, but anthro' features. Black nose, foxes ears and eyes. Digitigrade feet (Paws), humanoid hands.
Hair: Shoulder length pony tail, light gray hair. Facial hair includes a short beard (>1/2 inch), mustache, and a strip along the jaw. A la William Riker, pretty much.
Build: Slim, Athletic. Average height.
Apparel: Polo shirt, trousers. Never jeans. Anything semi-formal also works.
Though this might be overstepping my bounds to suggest... other then a drawing of my avatar, I'd also gladly accept arts of my characters from DSOF (http://www.northernelectric.ca/~whitefox/comics/dmfa/archive.php).
(Edit: few tweaks. Durn it, I need a character sheet for myself.)
That's very considerate of you. :)
By the way, there's a request for some profile information on Basilisk2150.
To answer my gifter: No, I'm not really looking for anything specific. Other than the stuff I gave out on my character, feel free to surprise me. ^^
Kipiru is a multiverse characters- that would say he could be portrayed in either a medieval or modern or futuristic scenario and clothing. Other than that his appearance is that of a tall well built male unicorn anthropomorph with an affinity towards blue clothing and armor.White fur and mane(though you can improvise), blue eyes and a gold horn. Weapons differ according to the settings, but two remain constant- a large two-handed sword and a big revolver gun(somewhat similar to Vash's gun from Trigun). Glasses are optional.
Here are some ref pics:
Kipiru as drawn by Beever (http://img410.imageshack.us/img410/9683/kipiruthestarrider.jpg)
Aisha's version of Kipiru (http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c108/RisenDeCabre360/Kipiru.png)
My own show of Kipiru's figure (http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/4699/kipiruandbeevervacation.jpg)
Information about Jairus (direct quote from IM):
Quote(02:14:43 AM) Jairus: He's a roo-rat, obviously.
(02:14:56 AM) Jairus: Dark brown/black hair, hazel eyes, glasses.
(02:15:09 AM) Jairus: I'm a bit of a book/tech/magic nerd.
(02:15:21 AM) Jairus: Well, fantasy nerd.
He may provide more information in a future post.
I'll just shamelessly ripoff WhiteFox's setup.
Name: Jairus
Species: Kangaroo rat.
Appearance: Have a look here (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/1582244/).
Hair: Dark brown, about two or three inches shorter than in that pic
Build: Slim, Athletic. About 4-5 feet tall.
Apparel: T-shirt and jeans, usually an unbuttoned short-sleeve shirt thrown over the t shirt. Usually blue, black, or gray clothes. Also, I wear glasses now.
Um, as for the setting, really, you can set him anywhere. SoGverse-wise, he's an inventor and builds lots of crazy gadgets. Fursona wise, like me, he's a reader and writer and a fan of science fiction and fantasy. I don't think he's ever been portrayed in a fantasy setting, but even if he was he'd be the kind of mage with lots of crystals and magitech devices.
Dear gifter, i haven't really established a definite fursona yet... but so far the one i've been working on is based closely off the appearance of my dog (partially because he has a personality very similar to my own, and partially because i find his coloring particularly beautiful)
if your going to try a drawing, you can give me a setting, and i could give you more, or, if you really want, you can do something completely on your own...
if we're talking DMFA style character, based on personality and action, either demon or cubi... but probably more demon (i'm gonna be honest)
anyways, for my overall fursona that i have established (basically me)
personality wise: very laid back, yet also very social, little bit arrogant, somewhat sarcastic, spontaneous, empathetic, creative and a little bit devious (the last 2 are what make me oh so interesting to deal with :P)
Appearance: Black topcoat with a silver undercoat, clothing really depends on mood, though usually bluejeans and T-shirt.
Slim, and athletic, he has a somewhat stretched appearance to his limbs, with both arms and legs being slightly longer than "perfect proportions." he's also rather tall (much like me and my dog) standing in at a little over 6'2"
as for the face, his raccoon like mask of black fur combine with oversized ears and massive teeth give a bit of overemphasis on his facial expressions...
if you want or need anything else, just let me know
I have a small bio of my character for this round:
QuoteFull name: Arroyo Mathew Milori
Alias: River Blues
Nicknames: 'Royo, River, That yellow Lion
Gender: Male
Species: Feline (Lion)
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 138.5 Lb
Weapon: "Eye of the storm" (multi-segmented sword)
Weapon charm*: Two eyes intersecting each other horizontally and vertially, with the pupil in the center of both eyes.
Aquaknesis(The ability to control water)*
-Flowing River style* ("Red belt")
-Note: He can also use his own blood as a weapon as he would for water but can only control his own blood
Personality- Very Egotistic at certain times and somewhat shy. He is most of the time full of energy and somewhat rational.
I got tons of them but to let you know: the ears are a bit curved at the tip (http://arroyo-river.deviantart.com/gallery/#Arroyo)
My apologizes for not answering. Still kind of new to the forums ^ ^;
If there's more needed just ask.
EDIT: More info added I forgot to mention. ^ ^;
Thanks, Arroyo.
An anonymous gifter wishes to ask Corgatha Taldotar to tell him/her more about his character or what he would like drawn for him.
And Teh-Hobo's gifter would like him to cough up a little info on himself.
Well, for starters, I don't particularly care what you decide to draw, as long as it's tasteful.
As for Corgatha, he was a character I created, and became more attached to than usual, for a wheel of time set RP. (I'm going to assume you know zero about Wheel of Time, so if I'm saying stuff you already know, my apologies)
He's human, standing at six foot three, weighs a bit over 220 lbs, muscular. Very short jet hair, dull gray eyes, high rigid cheekbones, a very long, narrow face. His nose is somewhat small for a man his size. His eyebrows, and indeed most of his noncephalic hair has been burned off at some point or another, with the follicles damaged. (no beard or other facial hair) His skin is granite gray from years of using a certain armoring "weave" (Read, magical spell) He's a bit over eighty, although magic users age slowly, so he has the physique of someone in their mid to late twenties. He oddly, as his hips were broken and never healed exactly right. He has extremely quick arms, and tends to fiddle with his hands when bored. He is covered in old scars, most either due to weapons, or more commonly due to festering sores of Saidin rot that healed over later. He always wears a long, black coat, with a silver sword pin on the left breast and a golden dragon medal on the right. (They're both small enough to fit in the palm of a much smaller man than Corgatha). His pants are also black, leather, flexible. Tends to wear low boots. He keeps a greatsword made out of toughened obsidian scabbarded across his back, with the hilt over his left shoulder, although he rarely fights with a blade, often preferring his magic. He keeps a knife in his belt, although it's not hidden at all, along with a few pouches for things like money and maps.
Now, in the Wheel of Time setting, due to an attack by the BBEG, the power source that male magic users draw on, is "tainted" (It gets removed eventually). This taint makes them go crazy and causes physical deformities. Corgatha....... was using it for 50 or so years before the taint got removed and a sort of successful attempt was made to rid his mind of the worst of it. He's still a bit odd, thinking in weird patterns. He's rather paranoid, especially where Aes Sedai (An order of female magic users, one of whose duties is to hunt down and capture, and sever from the magic source any crazy man channeling they could come across) are concerned.
Talent wise, he works primarily in earth-based magic, although he's quite talented with fire and a few more exotic things. He can usually be seen juggling rocks telekinetically, often at dizzying speeds.
Personality wise, he's kind of difficult to deal with. He still talks to rocks, and as a writer, I've always been trying to keep it ambiguous whether he has access to some sort of higher knowledge or is just gibbering. He no longer thinks on the same plane as other people, and has trouble talking coherently. He is however, extremely good at math and other forms of calculation, and is an extremely clever tactician on the battlefield. He has no inspirational ability, but he is good at arranging his own troops for maximum firepower and minimum losses, and has something of a mystique about his command, a reputation for invincibility which was starting to become a self fulfilling prophecy.
He has no real hobbies or social life. He views it as imperative to keep those under him alive and in good standing, and considers it something of a betrayal to them to have a personal life. The pressure *is* building on him, although he's kind of ignoring it at the moment.
EDIT- Something I'd like to add. Corgatha's appearance is partially based on the Nameless One from Planescape Torment. My avatar is Vhailor, an animated suit of armor from the same game. He has little relation to Corgatha as a character, besides a certain singlemindedness Vhailor is an executioner for a certain faction in Sigil that believes so firmly in his mission to wipe out the taints on the universe, that it lets him defy his own death. He is all that is cool.
Hope this helps.
Eh, not much to tell. I don't really have a character or anything. My avatar was just something i drew up that went with the name. If youre looking to draw something based on that, well, he's a hobo. Ratty, torn up old clothes, wild unkempt hair, beard. Probably would wear boots, jeans rolled up past them as i sometimes do. Quite probably a bit crazy, personality wise, since i generally go by Deranged_Hobo. Not sure why i decided to change it up for this forum. Theres no need to go by this description, though. Go as crazy as you want. If theres anything else needed let me know.
More reference requests, this time for Beever and Cogidubnus.
In Cog's case, his gifter would also like to know if he wants his character to be drawn in a particular environment.
It seems that drawing is still the most popular form of art around here.
Beever is a wild, compassionate and a friendly guy, who is ready to help in a difficult situation by all means necessary.He is big in nature, tough, and very often his face reveals more charm rather than vengeance.He is mostly calm, but when he gets pissed off then , you may only guess how wild could he grow. If it is possible, I'd like to see the character in a battle position. Doesn't really matter if he fights against something or someone.Just it would be cool to see the movement. Thanks very Much!!!! :) :) :) :mowwink
You have the Avatar already
here is the character depicted by Aisha
Beever drawn by Aisha (http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/9748/beeverdrawnbyaisha.png)
and Beever pictured by Kipiru
Kipiru and Beever in Vacation (http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/4699/kipiruandbeevervacation.jpg)
when does the third round begin?
I don't know. In any case, not before the 2nd round ends.
Round 2 ended today, yesno?
I believe so.
People will probably start posting them in the evening, tho.
Cept me, I've hit some complications. I'll still be posting something later, tho.
Gabi should make an official post like last time, revealing who had who and what they did for them, so nothing is over till that happens. :)
Quote from: Kipiru on May 07, 2009, 02:31:02 PM
Gabi should make an official post like last time, revealing who had who and what they did for them, so nothing is over till that happens. :)
That could work. It could also help those who can't come online on the day this is due and still be able to present their gift. : 3
*Checks Messages*
Or, you know, we could send our submissions in to gabi like we were supposed to.
Crap. I should get on that, shouldn't I?
Unfortunately,I can't post my gift this evening due to some complications that does not depend actually on me.This is why I am pissed at some people regarding this.But nothing I can do in the moment.Very soon I'm going to get my own scanner and I'll not be bothering anyone anymore!!!
Apologies :[ :c :mad :stalk
This is the official post everyone was waiting for. :mowgrin
13 people have registered. Out of them, 8 have completed their work in time. Here are their submissions.
Aisha deCabre drew this gift (http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c108/RisenDeCabre360/DSOFJade.png) for
Comment from the gifter:
QuoteI hope you like how I did Jade, and that you don't mind I chose to do one of your comic characters rather than your fursona. ^^; I did the best I could since her design kinda changes a bit during the comic. x3 She was fun to draw.
Kipiru drew this gift (http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/5580/corgathataldothar.jpg) for
Corgatha Taldorthar.
Jairus wrote the following gift for
Quote from: Jairus on May 07, 2009, 01:29:15 AM
And now it's time for Bum Reviews (http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/bum-reviews), with Chester A. Bum. Tonight's review... Teh_Hobo. (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=1964)
"Oh my god, this is the greatest bum I've ever met in my life!
There's this guy, called Teh_Hobo–
– what kind of guy calls himself "Teh?" Couldn't he get a spellcheck program or a dictionary? "Teh" isn't a word! It is however the name of my cat! –
- and he has a long beard! I used to have a long beard! But then I shaved it off! Well, my rats ate it. And then they all ran away. I miss them so much! Darryl!!!
And he has this funny hat, that has his name written on it-
-Why does his hat need to say his name? Can't he remember his own name without it? I don't need to write my name on my clothes to tell me who I am! Well, okay, maybe I do. But only so I know where I live: In a can of tuna! That's how I know that I'm a prince! Prince Chester! Hooray!
And his hair is all messy, just like mine! That's because we both use Le Bum, the only shampoo for bums! Well, okay, we just don't wash our hair. But the point still stands!
And his clothes are all messed up, just like my clothes! Wait a minute, did he steal my clothes! Clothes-stealer! You left me standing naked in front of the camera... oh wait, never mind, I still have my clothes. We just shop at the same place.
And he likes to go drawing! I like to go drawing! Except I'm not very good. And I ate my art supplies. The red paint was the tastiest! And my brushes are my friends now! I named them all Neil! They're all going to the moon! Whoosh! Maybe Teh_Hobo will go to the moon with us. "That's one small step for bums, one giant leap for bumkind!" Hooray!
And he drew a pirate blimp! Pirates are awesome! They should make a movie about pirates! And it should star that psycho razor guy from Sweeney Todd! And there should be a bum lying in the mud with a bumch of pigs! I could play that bum! And blimps are cool too. I dreamed about a castle on a blimp once. How freaking weird is that? Really weird! Oh, and he drew a mountain of amps. Rock on, my brother. Rock on.
Oh, and apparently he's a little bit nuts. Crazy. Loopy. Bonkers. Deranged even. But I don't see it! He's not deranged! I know deranged! My rats all ran away because I was deranged! And so did my girlfriend! She was deranged too! Maybe she ran off this this guy. Teh_Hobo! You stole my girlfriend! Eh, that's alright, you can keep her.
So, anyway, I like Teh_Hobo, even though he stole my girlfriend! In fact, I really like him. He's like the brother I never had! Well, except I had a brother. His name was Sally. Actually, my brother was my sister. Maybe Teh_Hobo is my sister?
This is Chester A. Bum saying... change! Ya got change? Aw come on, help a guy out, will ya? Come on, change! I've got to finance our expedition to the moon!"
(PS: Seriously, Teh_Hobo is way cool)
Pagan drew this gift (http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j184/darkosilis/Zeddspic.png) for
Cogidubnus wrote the following gift for
Ren Gaulen:
Quote from: Cogidubnus on May 07, 2009, 03:58:29 PM
Ren Gaulen
I remember when I sat,
beneath a dragon moon,
and saw the thrice-wingèd Seraphs
Kings with coat and bloody sash
ascend the purple dune
One arose a Holy King,
of an ancient knighthood swore,
with snowy hair and ivory wing,
oathbreaker, keeper of the door
One, oh, a Demon Prince,
girded 'round with ashen drape,
Eyes like cruelty without sense,
and rapacious grin he'd make
But not long did I stare-
The rising Kings
Rose quickly through the air
I heard them sing, with lifted wing
two songs that I shall share.
The Song of the Holy King:
The great cold town of Avalon,
is drenched in holy blood,
and shimmers with the image of
the great cold stars above
but bloody ice and sinful vice
cannot stand the Sun
The world is as a heliotrope,
the catches all the light
of good an bad and wrong and right,
a flame in the sun and pall at night,
sick of sin when nighttime ends,
like sick men blanching white
Come yet, all who tire of night,
out from the bloody loam,
I shall wash the crimson foam
and clean, and then shall take you home,
weary ones, sleep in the sun,
and memory of light
The Song of the Demon Prince:
To you who see the setting sun
stern rays that melt the gentle ice,
follow me, the winged one,
and I will show you paradise.
Where fire keeps the chill at bay,
and crimson wine will help us play
and he who'se fated doom is dire,
know that you are welcome here,
with clothing made of silken sheer,
and kisses fresh with eager fear,
I'll keep away the cold with fire,
while the moon shall ever rise but higher.
Arroyo Milori drew this gift (http://img25.imageshack.us/img25/1315/image0016f.jpg) for
Beever, and sends his apologies and regrets. O_o
Corgatha Taldorthar wrote the following gift for
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on May 07, 2009, 09:56:37 PM
Nausea was fighting a duel to the death with dull, throbbing agony over the title of predominant sensation. His bones felt one size too large for his skin, and as if they had grown elbows and were struggling over what little room remained. Despite the fact that, although his eyes were closed, he knew himself to be prone, he could not shake the sensation that the room was lurching, spinning,
Where am I?
Eyes opened a crack, and a dull, soft light flooded into the open eye slits. The room was all dull shades of blue and grey and off white. While well illuminated, it wasn't clear exactly where the light was coming from. Craning the neck, while worsening the nausea, revealed a rectangular room, perhaps ten by eight feet. Off to the left, there was a short washbasin, a sink and mirror, with some toilet arrangement adjacent to it. He realized he was off the floor, on some sort of softly yielding raised platform.
Who am I?
A sense of Déjà vu washed over him. He knew, somehow, that if he could make it to the mirror, he could regain some of himself. It was four feet off to the left, a lifetime's journey. Swinging his upper body into a sitting position produced another wave of nausea, and he distinctly counted two hundred and fifty seven seconds spent retching. An odd corner in his mind knew that thought should not be so difficult, that sensation should not be so blatant, so vivid. Somehow managing to gain his feet at the side of the bed, he started staggering off to the washbasin.
"He's awake again. Do you think this one will be the time?
"Possible, but doubtful. The tetradracophyll treatments haven't been as effective as we'd hoped."
"Would it be safe to increase the dose?"
"It isn't safe to keep him at the dose he's on."
"So what? We wait?."
"We watch. And wait."
He clutched the sides of the basin until his fingers cramped. He could feel individual currents of air, slowly sifting through his fur and skin, and wondered where it was coming from. There was no visible ventilation, no windows, no breaks in the bright walls. He glanced up, to the mirror, retching as he moved. Brown eyes glanced back at him. He had a short kangaroo's face, dull brown fur. He was short, although he couldn't remember any sort of frame of comparison. His build was slight and healthy although not athletic nor muscular.
The sight sent a bolt of lightning through his brain, and he felt a tingle in his fingertips. He felt like he wanted to shout, although only whispered, as noise would somehow profane this room. "Jairus. I am Jairus. I am here to....... To work."
He felt a burning sensation, emanating from his sternum, effacing the dull aches in an exaltation of passion, with the fury of lava. The nausea remained, and the pain altered, less dull and throbbing and more keen and fiery, but a burst of excited energy effaced their effect. Knowing the layout of the workshop to an ounce, he dashed off to the door, unlatched it hurriedly, and raced into another room, following the faint odors that his sensitive nose was picking up, off to the chemical lab.
"It's taken effect doctor. He's working again."
"Well, we can hope this time it will work. We're running out of time here. Zentaiir fell this morning."
"Zentaiir? That would mean the fourth.."
"Is gone. Just like always, they just appear above the orbital plane, no advance warning, despite everything we know about hyperspace. Quick burn into range, and we fire energy beams at them. They don't stop. We fire missiles when they get into orbital range. They bounce off whatever it is they use for hulls. When they get into atmosphere, we dump poison gases and chemical weapons on them, They slow, just a little, although that might be adjusting to a nitrogen oxygen cocktail. They hover for about a minute, and fire that green stuff, and then the entire planet goes dead. And here we are, going back to square one on every iteration. "
"The forgetting is necessary. You've seen the theory, all the mental enhancement is bunk if the mind is channeled along a"
"Familiar path. Yes, I know. I worked on the development of tetradracophyll, remember? And I opposed this idea, and our genius government decided this made me the person to oversee it."
"Besides him, you're the best, opinions or no. Someone is going to have to decode the scribble he puts out, and nobody else is really qualified."
"Flattery will not get you advanced around here, get back to your work."
Trembling, jerky fingers held beakers unsteadily, mixing and shaking and pouring like some mad magician's show. Jairus knew, even if he wouldn't admit it to himself, that this wasn't science that he was performing. There was no attempt to analyze, no attempt to discern, no attempt to reason out how to create the precise compound that he needed. He wasn't even sure what it was that he did need, just that he had to keep mixing substances together until he found it.
Act, act, act. Despite the environment of his workshop being so perfectly controlled that he was completely unaware of being hot or cold when he was walking around earlier, exertion made him feel hot, and he could have sworn that his heart was taking a sledgehammer to his ribs. In fact.......
He forced himself to stop, requiring him to put down his implements and actually grip his desk until his knuckles turned white from strain. Closing his eyes, he listened, wishing he could put his ears to his heart or had a simple stethoscope around. Still, he tried, and heard that lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub, over and over and over again. He concentrated, counted, trying to keep his upward track of two separate numbers focused.
When he reached sixty seconds, he had counted eighty three heartbeats, and although he couldn't quite pin down what was a normal heart rate for a resting being, he knew that he wasn't in lax enough shape to be running that quickly. His head was starting to ache from the effort of keeping away his mania. He let go of the table, paced around the room briskly to get a handle on his thoughts, arms clasped behind his back and head on the floor.
It came to him in such a jolt that he bit his tongue. General aches, amnesia, followed by mania and an intuitive sense of purpose. But his bones knew chemistry, down so far that even removal of his cerebral cortex could impair it too much, and he knew that while the stuff he'd been dosed with was a mild stimulant, he wouldn't have a heart rate this high unless he'd been on a steady diet of the stuff for weeks.
Biting back a laugh, he dashed over to the desk, seized a pen and one of the notebooks, and scribbled "whywhywhywhywhy" for half an hour.
"He's become aware of his treatment. Should we put him back to sleep?
"Not just yet. Even if he were to concoct and imbibe an antidote right on the spot, he'd just re-agree when he came to himself."
"You know as well as I do he'd spend a week in recovery. At this rate, we'd lose two more systems."
"We can put him down almost instantly, we can wait a little bit."
"Why a chemist anyway? A physicist to make a laser, or perhaps a more efficient fusion weapon I can understand, but a chemist? What's he going to do, engineer some disease for the Outsiders?"
"We've been given our orders to focus on this one."
"And you know as well as I do that it's people like us who write those orders. You have your share of pull in Command, and I'm telling you it doesn't make sense."
"Think child. For all your mentalics, try using your own brain once in a while. Our psis can't even pick these people up. They move in some sort of non-Euclidian fashion, tearing through space in some unknown way. It's like they don't even exist in our universe. Our energy weapons either deflect around them, or occasionally pass right through them. Even a fusion bomb simply bounces off their hulls. They don't come from anywhere around here, and the only thing that's ever slowed them down is that brief transition from deep space to atmosphere. Comm-"
"Don't bullshit me. You."
"Fine, I think that there's something to be found on the sorts of worlds that we inhabit that can hurt them, and he's the best mind we've got in the field. Besides, there's the legal issue."
"As if. None of that matters now and you know it."
"Perhaps, but we need to get back to observing him. What's he doing now?"
"He's making something, he's taking about 10 mL from that green stuff on the left, mixing it with some of the clear-"
"Can't you be more specific?"
"No, as a matter of fact I can't. His mind is running on instinct now, and I'm not a chemist. He's not articulate enough for me to pull the data from his mind. Should I put him to sleep?"
"How is he reading on fear?"
"Almost none. He's more excited than afraid. And there's a strong undercurrent of intent."
"He's making something for himself. An enhancement perhaps, let him make it, let him drink it. Knock him out twenty seconds afterwards."
"Yes sir."
It took almost twenty minutes of frantic alchemy, Jairus could not convince himself this was science, to make his new drug. They were pumping tetradracophyll into the air somehow, at least 50 parts per million. He had created the stuff to be used in much smaller doses, to aid in keeping alert in dull routines, not, not for something like this. He was risking a lot with this concoction, hoping to retain some of the enhanced acuity while discarding the amnesia and hoping that the focus would remain, but he had this pervasive subconscious knowledge that he had been in this lab far too long, and that he needed to get up and to get out.
A dim recollection cracked its way past the wall of amnesia, of an old comic book he had as a child. It depicted a funny little alien, tall, reedy, thin, with fur only covering the top of his head and an odd ability to stretch his extremities. Supposedly some sort of
omni-disciplinary genius, he would invariably gulp down any new concoction he had made, or test any odd dimension bending machine on himself, no matter how stupid that course invariably proved to be.
"Hate to think I'm now as dumb as a comic book character." Closing his eyes, he seized the now ready graduated cylinder and swallowed the contents. They were odorless, tasteless. The mixture itself proved to be ever so slightly viscous, edging its way down his throat like bad syrup.
He felt another breeze against his fur, could almost taste it, knowing that another puff of drugs was being entered into his system. He made a quick, jittery count to twenty, and then realized he had made a crashing mistake. An icy sensation formed in the pit of his stomach, spreading back up through his chest, in a moment reaching his head.
Jairus heard, rather than felt, himself fall to the ground, and recalled some old leper's fear of damage that one had to see to understand. He tried to crane his neck, to look at anything other than the leg of the table he was now facing, but his muscles stubbornly refused to obey his will. The odd feeling in his head was making it hard to think, but his last thought before the darkness claimed him was that it was happening to q-
"He's out."
"Have him moved to his bed, and get a blood sample in about an hour. I want to know what he's put in himself."
"Of course boss."
"It always scares me when you agree with me without even a hint of a fight. What's bothering you?"
"It's nothing I can't handle."
"Very well."
Jairus woke, with his eyes still closed. His ears were working, detected a few specks of dust, about four feet off to his right, being pushed along by a gust of air, the tetradracophyll reminding him of the cinnamon stick he was eating when he came up with the breakthrough for the compound. He felt exactly .971 atmospheres of pressure, laid out from scalp to tail tip, and the sheet of the bed was crumpled messily under it.
For the first time in weeks, his head was clear. Completely, one hundred percent clear. It let him know how each and every one of his sensory nerves was firing off at random, mixing signals of pain, heat, cold, itch, and pressure in places he didn't even know he had beforehand.
"The mind is strong!" he shouted, as if to defy his materiality. He knew,. Jairus chuckled as he bit that last statement off in his mind, although it came out more as a raspy wheeze. That was what he was now, a knower. It was fortuitous that the mentalic tried to contact him while he had taken the drug, and he was able to hijack that connection....... He let out a yelp of pain, muffled it by putting his fist to his mouth.
Reasoning that the pain wouldn't be any worse than it already was, he groaned himself into a standing position, looked directly at one of the bugs installed in the room.
Fighting to keep his voice steady, even, he spoke in the verbal equivalent of an implacable gait. "I suppose it truly was stupid and arrogant of me to assume that a brain stimulating drug was all I needed to come up with the miracle weapon against the outsiders. That it worked is irrelevant, I could not have known that coming into this, this mess. "
He stopped to breathe, to pant, his earlier resolve no longer sufficient to keep him straight, but even as his shoulders bent, he spoke directly into the hidden camera.
"Listen, you have to listen. The secret, the one that's been staring us right in the face is that those ships, and I don't know how they keep it stable, although I have some ideas, but those ships are one, extremely large ionic lattice. The inhabitants are probably some sort of vapor, I can't see how a solid being like us would survive in the sort of energy you'd need to hold the thing together. You can't blow it up, adding more energy to the system will be absorbed, and then shunted out, probably as more propulsion"
Jairus pushed himself off the floor, wondering where in that speech he had fallen prone. His mind wandered back to a time as a boy, when he had to have a tooth pulled that was shattered in some schoolyard scuffle. His fascination with gases and drugs stemmed from that point, he know knew, how just a whiff from a mask could make him giddy, loopy, how the dentist scowled at him to stand still or they'd accidentally cut his tongue. A knife could cut, a gun could kill. Both could induce fear. But neither could alter what a person was, not the way that a few little liquids and gases could.
"They're afraid of atmospheric fighting because they're hot, glowing, radiating. In space there's no adjacent molecules to lose heat to, but in atmosphere, they can freeze in fairly short order. What you need is a damper, something to trap and slow them long enough for simple thermodynamics to destroy them. First, you'll need an energy absorption of some sort, and while I have some ideas, you might want to ask a physicist on those, but I do have this interesting idea for an insulation material......"
A young psionic and a grumpy old professor smiled.
Teh_Hobo drew the following gift for
Pagan: (http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/8425/cccforpagan.th.gif) (http://img8.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cccforpagan.gif)
That's it for the on-time submissions. WhiteFox has explained that he's going to be late but will submit a gift soon. I have yet to hear from everyone else.
Everyone who's going to be late, please post your gifts on the topic directly. And Aisha, I'm sorry, you seem to be out of luck. I'll keep pestering your 2 gifters until they post.
I'm going to be a little late, but I'm sure I'll be able to post my entry here in a few hours. Sorry for the delay.. :[
And I want to thank Cogi for a great poem. I loved it. :)
It is done! :> My entry - a present for
Kipiru. :]
Kipiru Starrider. (http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh121/RentheKnight/KipiruStarrider.png)
Once again, I apologise for the slight delay.
Aisha: I can perfectly well understand the difficulty in trying to draw a character without a visual reference, so I don't blame you at all.
At the same time, getting art of one of my characters is incredibly freaking awesome! Makes me feel like a real cartoonist, with fans and stuff. So, thank you very much for the pic. And it is very much awesome indeed.
BTW: I think someone's interpretation of Jade would be as cool, if not cooler, then a 100% comic-accurate drawing. The character design is for the most part spot on, with only a few minor differences, so no worries there.
So, my gift is not yet complete. Story time.
(Before I launch into this epic:
Basilisk: most of the sketches here are just that: Sketches. I'd like to settle on a design that you like, so send me a PM. Lemme know if you do/don't like any of these, what you do/don't like, and if there are any changes you'd like to have made. Designing a character without being able to talk to it's owner is really hit or miss)
Well, let me just say that the German Shepherd has got to be my second favorite breed of dog there is. The first happens to be the Alaskan Husky, which looks quite similar (Mostly, I love the ice-blue eyes some of them have. And where I grew up was very, very far north: I knew people who had sled dog teams. But I'm rambling now). So I was very much looking forward to drawing a furry character of that sort.
Which I had started doing several months before the request here. This is Sebastien, a character for my comic, DSOF:
(It is important to note that the bored-out-of-his-gourd expression is integral to his design. I'd rather not say much more about his character then that, since he hasn't actually shown up in the comic yet)
This is pretty much how I settled on how to draw German Shepherds: there's a devision that goes from the eye, up the temple, then curves in to a sort of widows peak. What's below the eyebrow, though, gets inverted, so there's a spot of tan in the black and a spot of black in the tan.
So when Basilisk posts his profile, I think to myself: Cool, I get to design two German Shepherd characters.
Bas got sketched a lot, actually, over the past month. I was refining how I was going to draw German Shepards in general, and whenever I drew Sebastien he always came out with that terminally bored expression. Which I love and all, but... well, I needed some variety.
Let me take a second to thank Basilisk for the personality description. It was a range of traits, but felt still like a coherent character. Given the way I had the fur pattern planned out, it was very fun to work with when doing facial expressions. So, when I felt like playing around with expressions, Bas was first choice. (Coming up with a hair style was not as easy)
Here's a few scans from my sketchbook:
The color is done with colored inks, and this little sketch happens to be my first time using them. The gray is all pencil, which is why it isn't as dark as it should be.
On the left is one of the horn styles I was considering, since I was going to draw him as a DMFA demon (I think I read somewhere that all demons have horns in DMFA, EG: the spike on DP's nose). I like the one on the right, tho, with the perked eyebrow. Expressions are fun.
Demon Basilisk trying to chat up some cute chick, whom he does not realize is intimidated by his manly, gargantuan... horns. (http://www.northernelectric.ca/~whitefox/images/dmfa/basilisk/basilisk4.png)
At this point, I was kind of goofing off with the horns.
"... Like sharks passing in the night." (http://www.northernelectric.ca/~whitefox/images/dmfa/basilisk/basilisk6.png)
Sebastien and Basilisk walking past each other. I was trying to make them look as similar as possible, but give them distinct facial expressions. Also, I was really trying to push the angle and the pose, like they were turning to share a look as they went by. I can't tell how well that came out.
Another horn design, the idea being that they came out, down, and forward. I was really pushing the angle on this one, but I kinda liked it. (The horn on the left got a little messed up in the inking)
Now, sadly, I do not have the Gift I had in mind prepared. However, I did scan and color one of the earlier sketches I'd drew and inked. (It leans towards his Diabolical/Sarcastic/arrogant side. Can you tell?) Think of it as a temporary gift:
All in all, I got to spend a lot of time working with facial expressions that I had done before.
So, wrapping up here, you're all probably wondering why I don't have my gift ready if I had time to ink and sketch all that. Also, the outfits are quite different then the ones in the character bio. (And I didn't necessarily have to make him a demon, for that matter.)
After a couple of weeks, I decided that I was having so much fun with this guy, I wouldn't just draw a pic. I wanted to cameo him in my comic. Nothing fancy, just a quick appearance in the background, but still. The timing was perfect, too: I update on Friday, and there was going to be a scene at SAIA which seems to be DMFA's premium cameo territory (yes, even though he's a Demon).
Alas, a variety of complications have arose. I haven't yet finished last weeks comic, let alone this weeks. That being the case, my actual gift art won't be going up for, well, maybe a week or two.
Okay, I'm done now. Man, I talk too much.
Quote from: WhiteFox on May 08, 2009, 10:24:25 PM
Aisha: I can perfectly well understand the difficulty in trying to draw a character without a visual reference, so I don't blame you at all.
At the same time, getting art of one of my characters is incredibly freaking awesome! Makes me feel like a real cartoonist, with fans and stuff. So, thank you very much for the pic. And it is very much awesome indeed.
BTW: I think someone's interpretation of Jade would be as cool, if not cooler, then a 100% comic-accurate drawing. The character design is for the most part spot on, with only a few minor differences, so no worries there.
You're very welcome, I'm glad you like it and that it came out well. ^^
Ren, that picture ROCKS! With granite boulders! Perfectly awesome dude ,thanks! :mowmeep
Quote from: Kipiru on May 09, 2009, 07:28:37 AM
Ren, that picture ROCKS! With granite boulders! Perfectly awesome dude ,thanks! :mowmeep
Thanks. :) I'm glad you liked it. :3
Kipru, Wow. Just........ Wow. In some ways it's almost too perfect. They say that good art is beautiful by default, and Corgatha almost looks too handsome. (I've scared small children with his appearance IC in the RP!) But, it's an amazing drawing. How do you get the details so well done? I really like the tension in that little whatchamacallit connecting the thumb to the rest of the hand in the left (clenched) fist. And the expression is pure Corg, especially if someone is talking to him, gazing off a bit past something he's doing.
You rock!
I'm glad you like what I did Corgatha. At first I thought this would be a bit tough to do(because you put so much backstory into this char), but as I started some kind of inspiration hit me and the result is infront of you. :)
Quote from: Ren Gaulen on May 08, 2009, 11:51:40 AM
And I want to thank Cogi for a great poem. I loved it. :)
I'm glad you liked it, Mr. Gaulen. :3
Here is my gift for Cogi, I hope he likes it :) :) :P
Cogidubnus (http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/9272/cogidubnus.jpg)
Cogdubnus Background (http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/4571/cogidubnusbackgroundadd.jpg)
Thanks Jairus! I lold pretty hard. Good stuff.
Quote from: Beever on May 10, 2009, 01:49:05 AM
Here is my gift for Cogi, I hope he likes it :) :) :P
Cogidubnus (http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/9272/cogidubnus.jpg)
Cogdubnus Background (http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/4571/cogidubnusbackgroundadd.jpg)
I like it! xD - It's good stuff, sir. I see you included his hat, and any plen where you has hyu hat is gut plen. :3
Thanks Pagen,Sorry am abit late and I am still trying....
Danny's gift for Aisha (for round 1) is finally here!
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo on May 08, 2009, 06:16:56 PM
There. No one is more glad it's done than me.
Quote from: Gabi on May 10, 2009, 08:14:16 AM
Danny's gift for Aisha (for round 1) is finally here!
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo on May 08, 2009, 06:16:56 PM
There. No one is more glad it's done than me.
Wow...I certainly wasn't expecting a video. I like it! :3 The song's cool and the rocking out with plastic instruments goes well with it. Quite worth the time, methink. Thank you! ^^
Quote from: Aisha deCabre on May 10, 2009, 02:08:59 PM
Quote from: Gabi on May 10, 2009, 08:14:16 AM
Danny's gift for Aisha (for round 1) is finally here!
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo on May 08, 2009, 06:16:56 PM
There. No one is more glad it's done than me.
Wow...I certainly wasn't expecting a video. I like it! :3 The song's cool and the rocking out with plastic instruments goes well with it. Quite worth the time, methink. Thank you! ^^
I'm really glad you like it! I've had the idea for a while, and the CCC gave me a chance to do it. I spend a whole lotta time looking at all the stiff i did for that video and thinking "This is terrible", but it isn't! It feels so good!
wow it looks like everyone had fun. this is a good thing
That's the point of it E :mowsmile
So, when is the next round?
I don't know... when would you like it to be?
Whenever it is- count me in!
Soon, and count me in as well.
OK... I guess we can start taking sign-ups, then.
When would the round end? I should have a lot of free time in another week or so, so I should have ample time to make something for this after that.
You can count me out of this round this time...I want to give my art muse a break for a while. Maybe I'll be in the one after.
Also, don't worry about Basilisk; he keeps me informed on the progress of the picture. He's working tediously on it and keeps losing his muse while he does, as well. x3
Quote from: Gabi on May 13, 2009, 02:38:11 PM
OK... I guess we can start taking sign-ups, then.
Signing up like Fist of the North Star!! >:O
(Count me in. :3 )
I guess I can count you in, then, Kobra. I always give people 4 weeks to get their gifts done from the day the round begins.
I'll do it again! Its great practice I guess. But I don't believe I got anything form the previous round...oh well I enjoy making things : 3
Quote(09:55:32 PM) Zedd: I'm still working on it...I barely know who Arroyo is :<
Quote(11:03:31 PM) Zedd: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d156/HuskieBoi666/Files%20of%20random/GiftforArroyo.png Here it is
So there you have it. :)
Gabi, I have to say you are freakin' awesome for organizing this! You can count me in too! I'll do my best o^_^o :boogie
Quote from: Gabi on May 13, 2009, 05:55:27 PM
Quote(09:55:32 PM) Zedd: I'm still working on it...I barely know who Arroyo is :<
Quote(11:03:31 PM) Zedd: http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d156/HuskieBoi666/Files%20of%20random/GiftforArroyo.png Here it is
So there you have it. :)
Oh awesome thanks. : 3
Eh, why not? Mind if I join in? :3
I'm in for another round.
Quote from: wuffnpuff on May 13, 2009, 07:30:56 PM
Gabi, I have to say you are freakin' awesome for organizing this! You can count me in too! I'll do my best o^_^o :boogie
Aww, thank you! *Hugs.*
OK, you're all in. I wonder whether or not e-voyager will be joining this time around.
*Hugs back* ^_^ Thanks!! I'll go harass E..
comment received and logged. Yes count me in this round!
I'd be willing to participate. :3
Gigantic! Gabi you are great! :) :mowsmile I'll be glad to take part in number 3. ;)
I'm in too.
This looks fun; I would like to join in as well. :)
OK, I'll take signups until tomorrow morning and then round 3 will begin.
I think I shall join again as well. Yes, sign me up.
Sorry for the delay, the power went out.
So we have...
-Corgatha Taldorthar
-Aisha deCabre
-Ren Gaulen
-Arroyo Milori
That's 14 participants! I'll start assigning the matchups now.
Quote from: Gabi on May 16, 2009, 01:23:24 PM
Sorry for the delay, the power went out.
So we have...
-Corgatha Taldorthar
-Aisha deCabre
-Ren Gaulen
-Arroyo Milori
That's 15 participants! I'll start assigning the matchups now.
Er, actually Gab, I said earlier that you ought to count me
out of this round for now. ^^;; Sorry.
Sorry, I misread your post. It's OK, I'll assign your recipient to your gifter.
Oh, Cog and Ren... there's a request for information about your respective characters.
And Arroyo, your gifter wants to know what you would like for a gift.
The1Kobra, I've asked you via IM, but please remember to post your answer here.
Oh! This might be helpful, I suppose.
http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j5/Cogidubnus/CogidubnusColoured_002.jpg (http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j5/Cogidubnus/CogidubnusColoured_002.jpg) Reference!
Questions from
wuffnpuff's gifter:
Quote from: wuffnpuff's gifter on May 16, 2009, 06:52:30 PM
Yes, if you would, I have a few questions for wuffnpuff: Does she have any preference for Chance, Asha, or some other character? What are Chance's colors, and does she have any other markings than those shown here (http://wuffnpuff.deviantart.com/art/Chance-2-122115852)? Has she decided on the color of the marking under Asha's eye? And which side flank/hip is the heart marking on (and is it also white)?
hmmm... how about I change it up a bit and let my gifter draw a different character of mine~
QuoteName: Citrine Stone
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species: Mountain Candus
Eye color: Brown
Personality- Citrine can be very cold to others most of the time and shuns those who can't live up to their potential that she sees in them. Its extremely rare to see her soft side than this tough side that everyone sees. She can also be very strict too!
Fighting style- Muay Thai
Reference pictures: Best one I have so far, although she is a bit more muscular.... (http://arroyo-river.deviantart.com/art/A-Fighter-s-Grace-122087778)
"Fun" facts- She wears fighter wraps on her feet.
Anything involving a fighting stance or training will be ok with me : 3
Fibre's gifter has asked the following questions:
QuoteDear Fibre's
do you have a favorite color ?
what kind of animals do you like?
what is your favorite time of year?
I hope this person has not mixed up CCC with Invisible Friend.
My favorite color would probably be blue. I especially like fennecs, foxes in general, German Shepherds, coyotes, and other canines. Winter is my favorite time of year. Thanks!
Quote from: Gabi on May 16, 2009, 07:00:03 PM
Questions from wuffnpuff's gifter:
Quote from: wuffnpuff's gifter on May 16, 2009, 06:52:30 PM
Yes, if you would, I have a few questions for wuffnpuff: Does she have any preference for Chance, Asha, or some other character? What are Chance's colors, and does she have any other markings than those shown here (http://wuffnpuff.deviantart.com/art/Chance-2-122115852)? Has she decided on the color of the marking under Asha's eye? And which side flank/hip is the heart marking on (and is it also white)?
I suppose I would prefer Asha but I am certainly cool with anything! I'm still trying to figure out Chance's colorings XB but I think I like black and white.. even white hair and wings with the black tips like my avatar's head wings. Also the black tips for the hair just like the avatar.. umm.. as for other markings she has a red 'V' shape on her right butt cheek :giggle it just has little squiggilies coming off of each end of the "V".
As for Asha the color for the marking under her eye is black and the heart is located on her left hip and it is white =) I hope that helps ^_^
In response to what I was asked:
Well, I don't really have a developed fursona, my avatar is taken from a screenshot in NWN. I figure if my gifter wants to draw something, I guess I could ask for the main NPC of the RP I'm running, Kassin Starshine, an 18 year old angel. There aren't any reference pictures unfortunately, and I'm not great with physical descriptions.
Kassin is a young tiger angel. His fur is mostly a light cyan color, covered in orange stripes. His eyes are bright gold, and have a look of youth to them. His hair is also bright yellow, parted to the right. He keeps it short, clean, and usually neatly combed. His tail, around four feet in length, is rather fluffy, and is striped his usual bright cyan and orange coloring. His somewhat small, feathery wings are bright yellow in color, the feathers along the top rims are slightly darker, but get lighter as they reach the bottom of his wings. He stands around five feet, eight inches tall. His body looks somewhat scrawny, though far from unhealthy. He isn't very strong, though he does have good reflexes.
As for his clothing, the RP takes place in the winter, so, he dresses warmly. He almost always makes sure that his entire torso is covered, including the back part excluded in most clothing for winged characters. He prefers wearing bright colors, RP time he wears blue pants, a red sweater, and a yellow shirt underneath it, which the collar comes out of the sweater. His shoes are black with white stripes.
Personality wise, he's a rather simple person with simple needs, generally only wanting himself and those around him to be happy. He's a very talented healer, and is willing to use his powers on just about anyone who needs it, and asks nothing in return. He's generally easy going, friendly, and a bit juvenile. He also is somewhat easily scared, and has become rather insecure since, in the RP, he's become one of the worlds most hated creatures almost overnight, for reasons that aren't yet clear.
As for abilities, he's an extremely talented healer, able to magically cure grievous injuries, diseases, and many other maladies with extreme ease. He is hypersensitive to the pain of others, to the point where enough of it can be debilitating to him. He has also seemingly developed prophetic dreams, though the truth of such visions is still questionable.
If you have anything else you need to ask, please let me know, and I'll endeavor to answer to the best of my ability.
Thanks for the replies.
Jairus's gifter would like to know if he wouldn't mind a drawing as a gift or if he was jonesing for something else. Whatever 'jonesing' means.
Beever's gifter asks the following question.
QuoteMy question to Beever is, would he like to see something with his character as described for previous CCCs, another character (for which I suppose I would need a description), or something else/random?
Quote from: Gabi on May 17, 2009, 10:17:12 AM
Thanks for the replies.
Jairus's gifter would like to know if he wouldn't mind a drawing as a gift or if he was jonesing for something else. Whatever 'jonesing' means.
jones |jōnz| informalnouna fixation on or compulsive desire for someone or something, typically a drug; an addiction :
a two-year amphetamine jones.
verb [ intrans. ] ( jones on/for)
have a fixation on; be addicted to :
Palmer was jonesing for some coke again.ORIGIN 1960s: said to come from Jones Alley, in Manhattan, associated with drug addicts.
And I'm cool with a drawing. Does my gifter need more info on me?
Not that I know of, if your gifter asks anything, I will post it here.
Thanks for the info, I was hoping someone would explain it. :)
Arroyo's gifter wants to know if there's any other info on who he wants drawn (like "part in a story, biography, personality information, etc."), and whether he's OK with a writing as well.
I'm ok with Writing. And I'm not sure what you mean, do you just want a biography of her childhood up until now?: 3
QuoteCitrine's background:
Citrine grew up on a small island village (which was the whole island itself) that was considered part of the candus islands in the south. Her family held traditions very closely and was not allowed to be a trained fighter for being the youngest member of the family and being female. Her brother, Cadell, was expected too much from her father and failed to live up to the family' name. Citrine looked up to Cadell and was very attached to him until one day they were torn apart from the envy of Citrine carefree life and lessened expectations from their father, enough to tear apart their bond and change their views on each other. He one day left the island and "betrayed" his whole family by joining a local military known as the Martyrians. Citrine was heart broken by his brother's words and drove herself to betray her traditions and become a fighter and started training at age 9. Her family was broken apart at this time and she moved to the largest city known in Arcadia called Zephyr City whom she meets all her current close friends and continues her training in the city. She holds pictures of herself with her brother in a dairy kept hidden from all her friends to remind her what she was fighting for.
Pose? Well, two things come to mind, though I'm really not all that picky in this regard.
Well, the first, is simpler, he could just be standing in a snowy background.
The second, would be him sitting by a cliffside, gazing up into the sky during a starry night.
Personally, I'm not very picky about how you do this, though just keep in mind he's a rather laid back character. He rarely wears a cold-serious expression, nor would he have a pose of some kind of action hero ready to fight a villain. (Actually he can't really fight at all, due to his hypersensitivity).
Quote from: Gabi on May 17, 2009, 10:17:12 AM
Thanks for the replies.
Jairus's gifter would like to know if he wouldn't mind a drawing as a gift or if he was jonesing for something else. Whatever 'jonesing' means.
Also, Beever's gifter asks the following question.QuoteMy question to Beever is, would he like to see something with his character as described for previous CCCs, another character (for which I suppose I would need a description), or something else/random?
Sure yes, if it is possible I'd very much like to see more motion in my character.If you are worrying about the colour don't be : green , brown , mixed , doesn't matter.The character is well-built humanoid lizard whose facial features are more of a dinosaur.The face can show charm as well as seriousness in different situations.He is compassionate as I described earlier in the thread, but he is able to stay focused in difficult situations and when it comes to protectiveness, he is on spot.
I hope this could be useful in drawing my guy either in a battle style or in a kind a relaxing style scene, or maybe somehing else. Just improvise... I'll be much much glad to see the final result.
Thanks :batman ;) :)
Questions for
Quote from: wuffnpuff's gifter on May 17, 2009, 11:13:13 PM
Sorry, but I have a couple more for wuffnpuff. So, is Chance's chest the same color as the rest of her main fur color? (Since it appears to be marked differently than the main area.) And do Chance and Asha normally wear clothes (as opposed to, say, Buggs Bunny nude or whatever) and if so, would they have a usual outfit?
Jairus's gifter has been doing some research and would like to know what Jairus's favorite Sci-fi movies are.
This is turning out to be an interesting round.
Quote from: Gabi on May 18, 2009, 08:52:14 AM
Also Jairus's gifter has been doing some research and would like to know what Jairus's favorite Sci-fi movies are.
Hm... the
Star Wars movies,
Iron Man,
Doctor Who... oh wait, that's a TV show. How's that?
Chance's chest fur should be about the same color as her main fur (perhaps whiter if anything) I'm not exaclty sure why I drew it that way.. :giggle oh well.
As for the clothes I haven't made it that far into my character creation :animesweat I am open to anything really.. though I think I might like to see Chance in a skirt of some sort. Asha is more of a free spirit so she would most likely not wear clothes :giggle
I hope that helps :animesweat
Request for Pagan: can you please describe your character? And is there anything in particular you'd like your character to be doing? I'm paraphrasing the request here, but I believe this is what was meant.
Describe Pagan's physical characteristics? He's a spotted hyena with brown hair and brown eyes. He has a dark muzzle. A distinguishing mark is the metal plate which covers his right eye and most of the right side of his face. Here's a reference (http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j184/darkosilis/Pagan1.png). That's about all I've got to give for his physique. Although, if it is possible, I would very much like to see Pagan as an undead.
As for something for Pagan to be doing? Perhaps casting a spell or something similar? Or reading a book?
Sorry if the description isn't very much.
Quote from: Gabi on May 16, 2009, 02:01:47 PM
Oh, Cog and Ren... there's a request for information about your respective characters.
Sorry for not answering earlier.
Ren is a half-tiger/half-generic feline. Some of notable features of his appearance are black markings on his face - two on his cheeks and one, diamond-shaped, on his forehead - and his two-coloured hair. Most up to date reference to his appearence can be found here:
Ren is a former adventurer who became a Daemonslayer of a militaristic and high-tech Holy Order of Asheron. Ren is a swordsman, though he does not mind using firearms as well. Here's a reference to his "Knight" uniform:
You can draw him in some civil clothes, though, like those in the two "Birthday" pictures above.
Alternatively, you could draw Siegfried aka Zig, another prominent character of mine. He is a leopard. Here are some reference pictures:
Siegfried likes flashy clothes, and looks rather effeminate, but he is actually an excellent swordsman, and a very good fighter in general. He also joined the Holy Order of Asheron, and wears the samy uniform as Ren sometimes.
Hope that information will be of some use. :3
What's a generic feline? Anyway, that's my question, not your gifter. What your gifter is asking is for some details of your character's personality and history.
no request for me?
Yes, e_voyager, there's a request for some more info on you now. But you know you can post whatever details you want without waiting for a request, right?
And Ren, please reply to the last post on the previous page.
Hey! Do I have to start poking people again? Ren and e, please post!
And Pagan's gifter wants to know what kind of character Pagan is: "cunning, evil, sly or just the opposite". The opposite of what?, I wonder.
sorry. I'm just now seeing this. but since they asked an had to wait so long i'll give them a full story. i just which they'd asked something direct like if i had a favorite place or subject or something.
In truth E's not a real robot and his name is not voyager. voyager is a title that he inherited. he achieves his robot form by use of a technology. this technology is centered in a belt that he wears. the belt was designed to allow him to explore hazardous locations by a note worthy inventor who pioneered the robotization process. the belt was upgraded several times and it's power sources change to allow for different not robotic transformation. E's originally human with but left his human life behind at age 25 when he fell in love with a golden kitsune girl. an accident with a project that he was working on left him drifting through time and space often arriving on world without a physical body. do to this and years of experience e's learned how to build virtual bodies. after 60 years of wondering e found his way home to his love who had waited for him he was amazed that she'd waited and she was amazed that he'd not only come back alive but that he'd somehow stopped aging during his journey home in his early thirties she it was still a robust young man that she remembered loved and not the withered husk she might have expected. but love is never easy form time to time e is sometime yanked away form her and the world in general flung to some far off location for days and months t at a time. he always has and always will return to her so long he he lives and can find the way home. at this point she's near middle age at around 500 years old and despite a body that's in it's early 30's he's in chronological terms in 130. when away from his lovely wife e will normally revert to robot mode and arm himself what items he thinks with what Evey he needs from a inter- dimensional storage space that was a byproduct of his technology research. in this space he keeps several robot body's built for battle and about 12 belts who's tech is very difficult to make with the right tool and knowledge
e's robot forms have 3 basic color patterns Blue with light blue / yellow trimming. black with purple/ red trimming and gold with silver/ platinum trimming.
e's basic belt transformation are about the only forms that become permanent for him though he no longer needs them to change his appearance. the bio bodies he built at this point are unstable and only last about a month he's he is not restoring his forms from the data store in his belts which backed up his original DNA but somehow also picked up the anomaly that's slowed his aging as well.
E has 6 forms that he uses. human 5"7' 210 lbs. short hair trimmed beard . skin color optional. vulpine 4'11" 178 lbs twin tails ruddy red fur white highlights and black foot paws. lupine. 6'2" grey fur single tails green eyes folding feathered wings. Feline. 6"4' grey fur ( most of the time) tiger stripes. folding wings. E's forte a stole backup of the robot forte form the first planter e arrived on with out a physical body. same size as the original upgrades stars form years of use. PBH's E a test firefighter robot rebuilt to hours e's memory core when his original forte body was destroyed. it was later rebuilt again into a feline version that can be seen here http://www.furaffinity.net/view/1848293/ a defense body it's main feature is it';s defense screen which can cover either it's arms as a shield of various length or can be expanded into a mobile global by surfacing about 1/2 of the shields maxime strength.
Quote from: Gabi on May 27, 2009, 04:55:40 PM
Hey! Do I have to start poking people again? Ren and e, please post!
I apologise, I had a lot of stuff going on, and forgot to post a reply. :<
Quote from: Gabi on May 20, 2009, 02:01:19 PM
What your gifter is asking is for some details of your character's personality and history.
OK. Ren is generally an open and friendly person, though he can be a bit too serious at times, and he tends to be a little shy around girls, unless he already knows them well. He is also courageous and has a very strong sense of justice, but he can get rather headstrong at times. He seems to pursue a mission to protect everyone he can, even if they don't want his help. When dealing with his foes, he may try to convince them to stop fighting and give up their evil ways, and generally tries to avoid killing. However, if his enemy manages to get Ren really angry (by hurting the innocents, for example), he may go all out against his enemy without any regard for his or her life.
As for Ren's history, he was born on a planet Kirindor, a medieval world with a very low technological level. Ren was an adventurer and a royal knight there, serving as a guardian of a young princess, who herself liked to go adventuring (her parents could not do much to stop her, since she was a powerful, in inexperiencer sorceress, and could slip out of the castle and the capital whenever she wanted). Later Ren got involved in an ancient conflict between the powers that were protecting his world and the forces of Hell that were trying to claim Kirindor. Ren plaid a central part in the conflict, managing to save his world and defeat Azriel, one of the Princes of Hell. However,he himself waspartially turned into a daemon during that conflict, gaining an ability to transform into a Hell Knight daemon; thankfully, he learned to control his daemon form, turning it into an effective weapon against other Netherworlders. After Kirindor was made safe from any Netherworld intrusions, Ren decided to travel to other worlds and fight the Evil there, discovering a world of space traveling and advanced technology for himself. He ended up joining the Holy Order of Asheron in the Federation of United Terran Stars. Since then, Ren and some of his companions from his past adventures live on the territory of the Federation.
As for Zig, he is usually laid back, carefree, mischievous and irresponcible. He may seem to be a total jerk sometimes, and he is rarely nice to people who are not in the inner circle of his friends. However, for those close to him he is a loyal friend. Zig has a strict code of honor, and he is ready to do anything for his comrades, but he does not really give a damn about others. Though lately his views are slowly changing, and he seems to be more considerate about people around him, whether he knows them or not. Still, in battle he becomes a ferocious fighter that would use every dirty trick to win. Also, Zig has a soul of someone else sharing his body with him. This someone, known only as Samiel, seemed to be trapped in the bloodline of Zig's father, passing from parent to child, and remained dormant until now. Samiel has little memories of himself, but he seems to have been a great warrior in the past, quite knowledgeable in the ways of magic as well. In times of great emotional stress or peril Samiel may sometimes take over Zig's body, controlling it as his own. He is a cruel and violent person, and he wishes to get his own body, or at least use Zig's body as his own, but he cannot stay in control for a long time, and so for now he helps Zig from time to time. However, over time Zig was finding part of ancient enchanted armour that belonged to Samiel while his body was alive. While this armour gives great power to its wearer, when Zig wears it it also increases Samiel's power, including his power to control Zig's body. Nobody knows what would happen if Zig ever gathers the whole suit and wears it.
Zig was born on the planet Karid, in the Demon clan Lynn'Daira. His mother was one of the wives of the leader of the clan. His father, however, was not a member of the clan - he was an angel, instead. Being a half-demon/half-angel, Zig was really not liked by the rest of the clan. At an age of sixteen he was exiled from the lands of the clan. Soon, when he wastraveling in a nearby human kingdom, he was captured and made a slave. Later he was "rescued" by the Demon Prince Seth, only to become his slave instead. When he was twenty two, Zig rebelled against seth and killed him, taking his place. From that moment he slowly started to create his own Demon Clan, gathering together lots of different people - not only Demons, but anyone who had nowhere else to go and could be useful. Eventually Zig got drawn into a conflict between Demons and Angels, managing to spark an all-out war between the two races. He managed to unite multiple Demon Clans for that war, something, that hasn't happened for centuries, as the Demons were usually preoccupied fighting with each other even more that with the Angels. However, as Zig found out, there was more to this conflict than it seemed, and in fact it was all planned by the gods of his world. He and a small group of his companions fought one of the gods and managed to kill him. However, that made the rest of the gods see them as a threat to themselves. Zig and the company had to go into hiding. And the best place to hide was out of their world, in the Outer Universe. There they were hoping to find some allies or something to help them free their world from the malevolent gods. Zig and the company ended up on the territory of the Federation. There Zig met Ren. At first there relations were less than friendly, and Zig was targeted by the Holy Order itself, being a Demon and all, but the problem was solved when Zig reluctantly decided to join the Order instead of trying to fight it or hide from it. That gave him a freedom to travel around the Federation. During that time Zig and Ren became good friends.
did i bootstrap myself into this by asking if anyone had asked for information about me?
I don't know, E, but your information was quite interesting.
well pbh has most of it and Boogie help me fix up par of it in and rp a boy two years back in the character lounge it's in the 60's some where. It described a lot about what happens when a voyager retires his title and power. but i don't really think that's important. i hope that my prior post answers their questions as for me right not i'm still working very hard on their project hoping i don't have to ink it all over again but it looks like i may have too.
The first gifts are up (i.e. the on-time gifts). Here they are!
wuffnpuff has made this gift for
Jairus: Jairus The Jedi (http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c296/wuffnpuff/jairuscolored1.jpg).
Fibre has made this gift ( for
The1Kobra has made this gift for
Arroyo Milori: Full (http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o266/The1Kobra/CCCForArroyoP2.jpg) - Closeup (http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o266/The1Kobra/CCCForArroyoP1.jpg).
Quote from: The1Kobra on June 06, 2009, 06:53:42 PM
/* Author's Comments:
* As requested, I drew to the best of my ability, which admittedly isn't much, Arroyo's character Citrine Stone. I found the reference helpful, and I also researched what a Muay Thai stance would look like and try to draw the character in that stance. I did deviate from it in a few places, most notably the left arm, which is supposed to be raised in the air rather than across the chest. I couldn't do the feet spread accurately (though the character does wear a skirt which I don't think boxers are supposed to wear, and I would imagine the tail would give a whole new spin on balance, but I didn't know how to really factor that in.
I'll admit, I think the face came out quite well, but the rest of the drawing was kind of... meh. The tail looks stiff, the fists.... well, don't look like fists. Obviously, I can see what the original looks like, and scanning it onto my computer with a jury rigged cell phone didn't do the image quality any favors.
Anyways, I took two pictures, one is a picture of the head and shoulders, one is a whole body picture. Both are taken from the same piece of paper.
Regardless of the shortcomings, I do hope my receiver enjoys this.
modelincard has made this gift (http://modelincard.deviantart.com/art/Covert-Courtesy-CommutationINK-125050719) for
wuffnpuff, with his note attached:
Quote from: modelincard on June 06, 2009, 11:10:35 PMThere's also a link to the sketch from that page. I do plan on coloring and shading this, but odds are that's going to get put off until, like, next weekend after school ends for me. I'll let Wuffnpuff know myself when that's done, unless (for whatever reason) the list hasn't been posted before then.
e_voyager has made this gift (http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/4991/scan00041.jpg) for
Fibre. He had me choose among 4 different versions. Bad E.
Beever, Kipiru and Corgatha Taldorthar have written to me saying they will need some more time, while Arroyo has responded positively to prodding but will also be a bit late.
I have yet to hear from Ren Gaulen, Teh_Hobo, Cogidubnus, Jairus and Pagan.
Quote from: Gabi on June 07, 2009, 09:13:10 AM
* e_voyager has made this gift (http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/4991/scan00041.jpg) for Fibre. He had me choose among 4 different versions. Bad E.
Thank you, E, I love it! :)
i'm glad that you're pleased. i chose an aortic fox because a fennec would look out of place in a winter scape.,
and Gabi sorry about putting you in the final judge seat but i'm not very skilled in art and was in need of you insight. i actual created about 20 similar images including some that were just the fox alone.
Thanks for the gift Kobra. : 3
Sadly, I'll try to get mine up as soon as possible.
Oh Modelincard!!!! That's awesome! I love it! :giggle Very cute scene!! Thank you so much!! :boogie Take your time with the coloring, no hurry =)
Beever has sent me this gift for Pagan: Pagan immortal (http://img410.imageshack.us/img410/2069/paganimmortal.jpg).
Apologies for not getting mine in, but a combination of thinking it ended on the 16th and final exams have prevent me from working on it. I should have it in Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning. Again, I apologize.
I also apologise for the delay. I'll have my entry in later today.
Me as well. Mine will take a bit longer though. Possibly not until the weekend. My apologies.
Sorry for the delay this time, but it is here- my gift for Cogi:
Cogidubnus (http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/1713/cogidubnusslash.jpg)
I hope you like it :mowwink
Aaaaah, late late late! :dface Sorry, couldn't finish my entry yesterday. But here it is, my gift for Kipiru:
Liberator 2: Judgement Day. (http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh121/RentheKnight/Liberator2-JudgementDay.png)
Just to clarify what's going on, Kipiru carelessly asked a certain person to do something a little while ago (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,4158.msg282689.html#msg282689). >:3
..I hope you'll like it, Kip. :> And, sorry for that. :B
*gasping for air after laughing my lungs out*This is hilarious Ren! That's not what I imagined when she offered liberation- I guess that's why my horny(as someone recently pointed out) alter-ego is now picking up speed in the opposite direction! Absolutely marvelous work Ren, thank you!
Quote from: Kipiru on June 10, 2009, 10:42:49 AM
*gasping for air after laughing my lungs out*This is hilarious Ren! That's not what I imagined when she offered liberation- I guess that's why my horny(as someone recently pointed out) alter-ego is now picking up speed in the opposite direction! Absolutely marvelous work Ren, thank you!
I'm glad you liked it. :] And you are probably right about the little misunderstanding between Rio and Kip. >:3 (Although, I somehow think that Rio herself did not know what she meant by "liberating the hell out of the galaxy"; it was probably just an excuse to fly around and plunder random planets - liberating them from their stuff. :B )
so, this is a placeholder sketch from the previous round, as my real one has been lost for several weeks by the airlines...
The resulting implications killed my muse... and i must profusely appologies to Aisha for taking soo long... i've been trying to get the real drawing back, as it's inked, larger, and better... as is, muse hit my this morning, and in about an hour, i did a quick sketch... i am soo sorry even this took forever...
The basic idea is that she's flourishing her cloak, revealing the dragon blade... most likely after someone made a quip about her needing "protection" or some other equally corny and sexist joke...
hope you like your placeholder until the real one is returned...
Quote from: Basilisk2150 on June 10, 2009, 12:20:45 PM
so, this is a placeholder sketch from the previous round, as my real one has been lost for several weeks by the airlines...
The resulting implications killed my muse... and i must profusely appologies to Aisha for taking soo long... i've been trying to get the real drawing back, as it's inked, larger, and better... as is, muse hit my this morning, and in about an hour, i did a quick sketch... i am soo sorry even this took forever...
The basic idea is that she's flourishing her cloak, revealing the dragon blade... most likely after someone made a quip about her needing "protection" or some other equally corny and sexist joke...
hope you like your placeholder until the real one is returned...
Many thanks, Bas! The sketch is cute x3 No worries about the time taken. I honestly don't know what this curse is with me and gift exchanges, but I appreciate the placeholder and I hope you get your luggage back. :hug
i have to agree very well done i wish i could draw so well.
Sorry for the delay. Heres my gift for Modelincard.
(http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/580/modelincardccc.gif) (http://img198.imageshack.us/i/modelincardccc.gif/)
Ooh, nifty. :3 I'm not sure that I've ever actually seen my username stylized like that before. (It does spend most of its time as sans-serif plain text. :B) I'll have to figure out some way to display that now.
Thankies! ^_^
Sorry for getting this in late. Okay, my all-in-one printer/scanner/copier hates me. I can print stuff, but when I got to scan something it says that the USB port is not connected. Aren't machines wonderful?
Anyway, I just used my digital camera to take a picture to show you what I've got, E. When my scanner eventually works, I'll upload a higher quality version. Don't worry, I'll be cleaning it up, but I guess now's a time to tell me if I got any details wrong. And yes, it's a chibi: I'm not much good at real proportions. Anyway, enough stalling...
Chib-E Mega Voyager (http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e143/J-RasZ/IF%20contest/sc0050f7ca.jpg?t=1244866315)
So, yeah, it's Mega Man. Kind of a cross between a few different linearts of him that I've seen.
Random trivia time: Mega Voyager is actually a giant transforming and combining mecha (http://www.supersentai.com/database/1997_megaranger/mc-megavoyager.html) from the Japanese tokusatsu show, Denji Sentai Megaranger (Electromagnetic Squadron Megaranger). The footage from Megaranger was adapted into Power Rangers in Space, where the Mega Voyager became one of the few machines to share a name with its Japanese counterpart. And now I'm done wasting your time.
EDIT: Oh, sorry. Thanks, wuffnpuff. *collapses from tiredness*
EDIT 2: My scanner is finally working, so I got a better version up.
EDIT 3: Uploaded a better, cleaner version.
i understand and he's a cute little wolf voyager thrust into the roll of an mega man. what was your inspiration?
Quote from: e_voyager on June 12, 2009, 10:30:44 PM
i understand and he's a cute little wolf voyager thrust into the roll of an mega man. what was your inspiration?
A while back I saw this chibi-to-the-second-power version of Mega Man. I combined that idea with the original old pictures and lineart to kinda dial the chibiness back a little bit.
Not to brag, but I am really satisfied with this pic.
Sorry it's so late Ren, but here it is, finally finished. Maybe you can think of it as a birthday present. Anyway, without further ado here it is.
Hunter's Cry
Ren Gaulen didn't flinch from his half crouch as the green lance shot past his shoulder, even as the heat of the blast scorched oxygen into ozone that managed to produce a stench that got through his armor's filters. It struck the transport shuttle, dissipated harmlessly over the armored hide.
He did react to the incoming fire though, turning without rising and firing a suppression pattern off to the northeast, where his thermal sensors picked up something like a life sign, and shouting "hurry, we have to make delivery time!" at the pair of figures in armor, one thin and lithe, the other short and flabby, sprinting through the field, bearing the prize of this expedition. A bit of mental calculation told him they would make it on time, if barely. A double click on the comm. alerted the rest of the squad, who ceased their attempts to score kills, and focused on shepherding the two somewhat flabby figures in.
No sooner had they touched down on the metal ramp leading into the ships bowels was their another click on the comm. and six seconds later, the ramp was up and the shuttle was accelerating at 15 kilometers a second away from the surface. There was fire from the ground, but all of their real anti-space vehicle weapons had been disabled on the way in, and the assault shuttle was on its projected rendezvous with a jumpship.
Easing his helmet off, Ren approached the two contractors, who had wasted no time in doffing their powered armor. Ignoring the slight chafing in his own elbows and thighs, he asked, in a finally unaltered voice "I assume you have it?" An awkward silence of a smidgen more than a second ensued.
One of them, a short overweight, brown tabby being, was busy fiddling with a stack of datadisks and some sort of personalized hand-computer that Ren wasn't familiar with. The other, a thin, young samite canine with a dark ring in the fur around her left eye, perky breasts, and inky cephalic hair looked over at her companion and then to Ren. She had a voice that seemed rusty with disuse, and perhaps just a touch of an alcohol habit, although there had been an enforced abstinence 36 hours before the drop. "Well, we haven't decoded them yet, but if it was in the system, we got it. You can report to your bosses that the raid was successful."
Trying to appear gruff, and in command, Ren simply nodded, although the instance his back was turned he broke into a jaunty grin, and fought back an urge to whistle. They wouldn't hit the jumpship for another 2 hours or so, but Deliverance their craft, had a fully operational fatline, so Ren could make a call outwards, if not a full conversation.
Hurrying over to the comm. station, Ren idly thought of some of his ancient history, and the resemblance that the fatline held to some archaic invention called the "telegraph." Sending a communication wavelength at faster than light speeds, hence the name FTL line, or Fatline, took an enormous amount of energy, and was usually quite expensive. Most of the time, such instantaneous communications were only done when a craft was already in warp, when distances held less subjective meaning and back and forth conversations were possible. Thinking for a second, trying to put this in the briefest possible terms, he eventually pushed the send button, and spoke, as quickly as an automatic weapon into the receiver. "Data received. Jones and Blake walking wounded. Shuttle on time, decode work in progress. End Transmission."
Business done, Ren retired to the locker room and switched from powered armor into a drab olive uniform of the Holy order of Asheron. He was the only brother along with this jaunt, working with a primarily Federation crew. As such, it afforded him his own quarters "for services". Not being a particularly religious man, Ren mostly agreed to the privilege on the chance that he would need to do something out of the eyes of his allies, but such a need for subterfuge didn't come up. Sighing distastefully, he looked over the small desk and yielded to duty, preparing datawork until he heard the proximity sensors go off, announcing their pickup by the jumpship Wide Load. Thirty seconds later, he felt an odd sensation, akin to nausea, but almost as if he were somehow inverted in relation to something that he couldn't quite describe that was his metabolic reaction to warp space.
Ren let out a sigh of tension that he hadn't realized he had been holding in. Despite all the Intel, or the lack of a response for over two hours, he was never comfortable in an essentially unarmed spacecraft in hostile territory. He pressed his fists to the small of his back, arched outwards until he heard a pop and felt the muscles loosen. Scooping up his pad, he decided to head towards the lounge. Counting the slow burn in, it had been nearly a week since he had a chance to blow any of his pay on something, and just perhaps he'd run into that slicer that had been on the mission.
His purpose was thwarted however, by an annoying beep to his private comm. A voice that he did not recognize, harsh and guttural, rang out from it. "Trooper lance-class Gaulen. Your presence is required in the signal room. Acknowledge." Not trusting himself to speak, he sent the single click response that was known all over civilized space as an affirmative. He could understand the Federation's balancing act, not even wanting paramilitary organizations running along in its jurisdiction with only loose oversights, but the Order of Asheron had never caused trouble, and while often ignored on the ground, it was official policy not to use Asheron ranks, instead referring to personnel by the closest applicable Federation equivalent.
Still, orders were orders, and he was on their ship, after all. He jogged over to the lifts, jabbed at an unoffending button, and whooshed his way down to the comm. hub. A part of him wanted to believe that this was some sort of stupid prank, but jokesters generally weren't officious enough to use that sort of tone and verbiage. Sure enough, when his shadow darkened the doorstep of the communication center, a gray furred mouse wordlessly beckoned to him and set him up in a private booth.
Turning on the receiver, Ren was glad of his quick reflexes. He was sure that his shock was only visible for a moment, if that. The transmission was full video, something not ordinarily done, especially for a field trooper. Secondly, while he did not recognize the somewhat aged looking wolf on the other end, he did recognize a Prelate's robe, and wondered why someone so far above him was speaking to him directly. Partly to cover his momentary lapse, he saluted smartly, fist to heart, and waited for his superior to speak.
He had the feeling of intense scrutiny from the other end of the comm. line, but finally his superior spoke, with a rich, loamy sort of voice that radiated care and concern. The skeptical part of Ren's mind wondered how much of it was genuine. One did not rise that high without a certain Machiavellian tendency. "I am Prelate Ekhensen. I trust you are sufficiently recovered from your data raid. If you would like some rest though, this call can wait."
Ren shook his head slightly, with an almost queasy feeling in the pit of his stomach. Something about the voice and tone and words were....... too sweet almost. He could never consider keeping a Prelate waiting, and both of them knew it, which meant that the offer was...... Ren discontinued that line of thought, and took refuge in formality. "Orders, sir?"
The prelate leaned backwards ever so slightly, and asked, "Have you ever heard of Begma?"
Ren's mind whirled, across stellar clusters, famous worlds, political bodies, but came up with nothing. Perhaps he was silent too long, for the Prelate deepened his smile and said "No reason why you should have. It's a semi-independent
confederacy of about a dozen worlds, off way in the boonies, almost at the Galactic edge. It's technically a signatory for Federation aid in certain circumstances, and they claim to have been assaulted by a group of invaders. What makes their claim interesting is that these "Outsiders" are supposedly extra galactic in origin. There is some.... circumstantial evidence to their claim, in things like ship design, enough that while The Order is not sold on the idea, We consider it plausible enough to be sending in a task force of our own, in addition to the aid that the Federation is providing. The Wide load ought to be redirecting towards the Rim momentarily, and you should be in the theater within a week and a half or so."
Ren nodded, but remained silent, and ever so faintly suspicious.
"How have your...... problems been, Ordinator?"
"Problems? I am unaware of any problems."
"There is no need to be guarded, this is no Inquest."
"I am unaware of why I need to be guarded; I have had no problems with the crew or the soldiers I have fought alongside Sir."
The crispness of his voice seemed to bring about a slight spell of coughing on the other end of the line. After it subsided, the voice came back, more saccharine than ever. "Some time ago, you were infected with a...
Ren felt his face grow hot, unsure whether the flush was from shame or wrath. Not caring about how insubordinate he was being, he spoke over the Prelate, with an edge but no heat. "I have not had any transformations within three years, for any cause. I have had no unprovoked transformations for two years before that. I dose myself readily with the drugs that the Order's medical team provides. All of this is on my record, which should be readily available. I resent this-"
"Peace, peace, my son. I am sorry; I wished to be more tactful and failed. Let us forget about this incident. Tell me, are you still qualified to fly an AIP?"
AIP stood for "Armed insertion pod", and were kind of a specialized fighter with a reinforced nose. They were usually somewhat slower and less maneuverable than a pure space attacker of a similar weight class, but were capable of ramming into most torchship or larger class vessels along armor seams to bring the pilot, and sometimes a small team in for a low scale boarding action. They weren't in wide usage, as few had both the skill as a pilot and the ground training to make them useful. Furthermore, piloting in powered armor was difficult. Ren was only aware of five others within the Order who measured up to AIP usage.
"I will want to run a few sims before engaging in active duty, but yes, I should still be qualified."
"Good, good. From all indications, these invaders seem to have no fixed base, a wholly migratory species, living on their ships. It might be necessary to have someone with your level of expertise to handle this foe, and indeed, it is because of you that we are requesting this jumpcraft, and any Federation personnel that happen to be along. Go forth, and do the order proud."
The transmission cut, and Ren was privately glad for the interview to be over. He resolved to go find the bar and get himself drunk enough to have a hangover the next day.
The next day, the powerful rebuke of his pounding headache made him regret his earlier declaration. He had some sort of vague memory of challenging a big, beefy, slug-faced.......... technician? He couldn't quite recall, to some sort of game that involved drinking and arm wrestling in equal measure.
Thankful that in space, time of day didn't mean quite the same thing that it did planet side, and that the mess was open for all of a twenty four hour standard cycle, Ren attended to his personal hygiene and shuffled into the mess, acquiring for himself large quantities of kaf, as well as some foods with unhealthy levels of sugar and gluten and fat. As he bit into a pastry and scanned the cafeteria for familiar faces, he idly wondered why a supposedly military vessel was serving such unhealthy food.
Nothingnothingnothingnothingnoth he saw the data team from the mission, sitting at a table next to someone from whose build Ren guessed was a marine from a high gravity world of some sort. A longer glance in their direction got a wave out of the girl, and this time giving into the urge to smile, he sauntered over the table and sat.
Before he had finished settling his tray onto the table, he opened up with words leaking out of a self depreciating smile. "You know, it reflects badly on my abilities as a mission leader, but I never did get the names of you two. As with in the shuttlecraft, the two looked awkward to be addressed by someone of more blood than silicon, and after a second, the canine girl spoke. "I'm Floramiel Dastramienien, Flora for short." nudging her companion with a fork, she laughed and said "this untalkative lump is Fezrish. He's never admitted to a last name, and his personnel file is too secure for me to break into. And besides, we were just the little lambs that you boys were shepherding in. Go in, get the files, and get out." She smiled; showing even and well cared for teeth. "We would have been bored with discussions of different weapon systems and how far one can jump in those suits, so it's just as well. Did you hear about our new orders? Double time, all the way to the rim. And the tac profiles? Some sort of new bogey. I haven't looked at it myself, but they're plastered all over tactical, with orders that field personnel ought to look at them. You really should go at some point."
All of this was said in one long, almost breathless, unbroken sentence that left Ren unable to get a word in edgewise. At the conclusion of it, she went back to talking to Fezrish, about something called a "Trowski splice" Sensing a dismissal, he continued eating in silence and left. Although it probably was best to read up on whatever data was available about these "outsiders". Still, he couldn't force himself to head to tactical, and instead decided to walk towards the gym. A workout in an artificial gravitic field of 1.7 should leave him too tired and sweaty to think. He strode off purposefully.
How she managed to sneak up on him, with him through combat awareness training and she just a computer girl that got conscripted, he wasn't sure. But sneak up on him she did, and the first realization that she was there was when he felt a soft hand on his shoulder. He almost felt the words, more than hearing them. "You did great back on that data raid. I'd never been in the field before, not something like that, but I've read the statistics, and to pull everyone out alive like you did, well, that was really amazing. I'm busy for most of the next cycle, but I can make sure that I get the flight simulators when I want, easy enough when you know what to crack at, would you like to show me how to fly a bit? I read your dossier, and I know that you're the top scoring pilot on this craft, even if you haven't flown a while, you would show me the ropes, wouldn't you?"
Ren agreed, breathlessly, although he was reasonably certain that Flora would have reacted the same way even if he had said an emphatic no. She suggested a sim time and darted off.
Realizing he had close to twenty hours to kill, he decided to go to tac, look up these invaders. Sitting down at a terminal, he pulled up all data that the Wide Load had to offer on them. A lot of it was battle cam footage, not necessarily all the best shots, and a lot of sociological data that was probably just speculation. Whoever they were did have transmissions, and they were either coded in some manner that defied decryption, or were in a language that wasn't related to anything anyone knew about. If they were really extra-galactic, both would probably be the case. Unknown physiology, unknown atmospheric/pressure/temperature preferences. Nobody had ever seen one land. They had mostly been attacking asteroid mining bases, simply slagging the entire facilities. One damaged and barely operational camera seemed to indicate that they were attempting to pull out certain heavy metals, as well as any stray pockets of hydrogen, although even in these operations they didn't reveal their actual people, just small ships scurrying about with tubes and scoops. There had been two pitched battles with Begman space forces, and although the invaders won each time, they did seem to be avoiding organized resistance, preferring to hit undefended targets. A subnote to the article suggested that they were a wholly migratory species, living on their ships, probably harvesting hydrogen for fuel. If this were the case, it would be difficult to track down and defeat them, Ren thought, given that they have no static worlds to defend, can just pick up and jump out on a moment's notice. From the timing of their attacks, they seemed to move fairly slowly through warp, suggesting a sort of technological primitiveness, arguing against an intergalactic trek, although another side note suggested that if they had advanced cryogenics, the logistics became fairly simple.
Shaking his head to clear himself of the scholarship, Ren turned to the tactical displays, calling for footage of the two battles, which each lasted about an hour, and then, searching for a bit of familiarity, specifics of the Begman fleet. It was about on par for an outlying sector Federation fleet. One dedicated carrier with fifty four fighter berths, one strike cruiser, a trio of destroyers, and a screen of eight smaller frigate class vessels. Over the course of the conflict, the Begmans had begun conscripting larger freighters into small strike vessels.
The outsider ships, and their tactics, were far less familiar. Each strike seemed to bring along a vessel of truly massive proportions, which had been tentatively identified as the "home ship" While never fighting itself, and seeming to have no visible armament, the craft was colossal, almost brick shaped, 20 kilometers long, eight wide, five thick. It would however; launch smaller strike craft, similar in size to single man fighters, opening each battle with a launch of five hundred craft. None of them seemed to fly particularly well, and both their poor skill and their rather suicidal tactics, including straight bore "charges" and ramming ships when low on fuel or damaged, seemed to imply some sort of cybernetic pilots, a theory further supported by their losses in between the first battle and the next, 617 craft, which were all fully replaced for the second fight, only four days later.
For larger craft, they had something which the Begmans labeled a "Beam Frigate", an entire small class of ship built around one large ion cannon as its spine, designed to engage larger foes and fight "up" as it were. Their lack of secondary armament left them vulnerable to anything that wasn't directly in front of their bore, and anything more maneuverable would pull them apart. They had numerous vessels of destroyer size and larger, but either they were rotating ships in and out of the theater, had a huge fleet, or were retrofitting the things in between sightings. Either way, their capabilities beyond speed and maneuverability, both below Federation level for ships of their size, were unknown. They also appeared to have five cruiser level vessels, which never fought directly, indeed never left near the home ship, as well as smaller carriers than the supervessel. All told, it was a fleet of a projected size of over a hundred capital ships, and even if they were only half as powerful as the local vessels, they seemed to be way more than what the Begmans could handle, although were not nearly strong enough to harm the Federation itself.
For all of his sense of strength on his side, when he left the tac room for a bit of a workout, he was troubled. Even if they were materially disadvantaged against a comparably sized Federation ship, these aliens showed an extremely high level of tactical coordination, especially managing to interlock their fields of fire well above what he was used to seeing in his own side. Secondly, while the full weight of the federation fleet would grind what he had seen into paste, the Federation obviously couldn't send its full weight. The Yedagon confederacy was causing trouble again, and Halbergida was always hotly contesting their borders. Worse still, if these forces truly were nomadic, then tracking them down and exterminating them would be difficult, perhaps impossible. He wasn't certain what kind of fleet was being put together for this expedition, but anything large enough to defeat what sorts of recordings had been showing would be too valuable to be kept out in the galactic rim for months or years as they searched every last gas pocket for a fleet.
Still, Ren shrugged, it wasn't his problem. He was just a ground-pounder, a skill set unlikely to come up in this kind of conflict, and a sometime pilot. As long as he didn't get lanced down, fighting one enemy seemed much the same as fighting another. Maybe it would be a good idea to get some sim time in above and beyond what he would be spending with Flora.
The ten days spent in transit were hectic, and he didn't get nearly the amount of recreational time that he would have wanted. The captain of the Wide Load one Argleb Ferth, seemed to require no other sustenance than barking regulations at anyone who seemed to be slacking off at any moment. The crew was only fifty people, most of them cowed into total submission, which left him plenty of time to berate any marines and computer specialists who happened to be lounging around too much for his Spartan tastes.
Still, Ren wasn't completely against the idea, especially when going up against an unknown foe. The simulator, with a bit of work, was able to do runs with AIP's, and Ren managed to get at least some of his edge back, managing inserts under fire without cover four out of five times, and if the situation in the field was that bad, well then an insertion probably would be a wasted gesture. Still, his reflexes were better and his situational awareness adapted to three dimensional fighting. And it wasn't as if he hadn't time to flirt, just not enough that he could make a full time commitment of it.
Perhaps it would be for the best. When the fleet assembled, he was going to transfer over to one of the Order's vessels, and she to one of the more protected federation ships, making it hard for them to actually be together.
They had tried to spend the last day in transit together, or at least mostly together as they could arrange their schedules. But Captain Ferth's officiousness, combined with his soul of a drill sergeant, had them running triple shifts that last 24 hour period, producing in the ship's bowels a grumbling theory that he wanted to test how well they could fly asleep. Ren's sim scores, usually enough to get him to the rank eight gauntlet and beyond, dipped near the start of the day and went on a fatigue induced death spiral, culminating in a final run where he managed to crash into the interior of his hangar while trying to join the battle.
So while there was a weight in the separation of his gut and his chest when he left the Wide Load, Ren was relieved to get on a shuttle off of it, nursing thoughts during the short trip about whether or not the man had deliberately went down harder on an Asheron paramilitary than he would on a Federation soldier. Flora had promised to send the jackass a "parting gift" and Ren gave a resigned little smile figuring he'd never exactly know what it was.
It took maybe twenty minutes to projectile over to the carrier Ren was to serve on, one of the more venerable Asheron launching pads, the Screaming Enkan. It could house fifty four fighters, and was the flagship of the Holy Order's part of the fleet, standing in the center of lazily trailing thrust jets from a pair of destroyers and several trailing frigates. The Federation contingent was considerably larger, and while they would be numerically inferior to these outsiders, if the Begman profiles were accurate, they would enjoy a significant firepower edge over their foes.
Ren found himself, to no great surprise, the only AIP qualified pilot in the Holy Order's task force, although he heard mention of two others inside the main federation fleet. Nonetheless, he would not be directly coordinating with them, and in fact, was not in command of anything other than his own craft.
It was an ugly, blocky thing, designed to only be flown once. They actually had four in the flight deck, given that this might be a protracted campaign. Ren thought wistfully of the pilots who flew atmospheric craft, with their smooth lines and wings. Deep space fighter craft, on the other hand, tended towards massive engines and pod weapons. Unlike most craft, which tended to be flatter, the AIP held a massive, cone shaped nose, with multiple layers designed to peel off the craft once it made contact. It also had a far roomier cockpit than almost anything else flown by a single individual, although the controls were tremendously difficult to manipulate inside a power suit.
He was wearing that suit when he first met the leader of the 5 man unit that was going to be his escort, the AIP being something of a clumsy craft. The extra bulk offered by the armored shell caused him to tower over the man, who introduced himself as "Blair". Ren had looked up the man's combat record, which was impressive, and felt himself as secure as he could be in the upcoming conflict.
The end of his first day aboard the Screaming Enkan had him still in his armor, pacing along the flight deck, artificial atmosphere thick enough to produce clanking sounds as his magnetized boots hit the floor. Some sixth sense seemed to be warning him that he'd see action soon, and that while most of the ship was asleep, he was unable to relax. So he'd come up to the deck, with all the fighters cleared away for now, to stretch himself with the armor.
The boarding marines weren't on the carrier, instead on their own little assault shuttles kept somewhat protected in the cluster of frigates. Powering up the jetpacks, he darted out of the flight hold, tethering himself with a snapshot of a grappling hook to the lip of the hangar. For all of his ground experience and Ren Gaulen had over a hundred drops under his belt, this upcoming boarding action was worrying him, far more than the flying. Good news had come in while he was in transit, a small skirmish which the Begmans managed to fend off an attacking force of about a dozen fighters, shooting eight down in the process, and sticking around long enough to recover three. No pilots were found, or even remains, but the crafts themselves gave some indication of what these outsiders were like. He jumped against the external hull, trusting his armor to stand up to the vacuum for the length of this run.
The shattered hulks were formed of a dull, grey aluminum/nickel/iron alloy. They appeared unmarked in the visible spectrum, they had a lot of images sprayed on in the infrared. The snapping of the tether brought his boots back to the underside of the deck with a clank that forced him to bend his knees to reduce the stress. He let go of the tether, and started to slid the magnetized boots across the hull. The inside was covered in this odd silicon and sulfur atmosphere, definitely exotic, definitely a problem for invasion. The ambient gravity on their craft will be an unknown. Outside the ship itself, his footsteps were eerily quiet as he jogged across the half a kilometer length of the ship's "underside". This far out, the stars were few and far between, a depressing emptiness that smiled like a broken mouth at him. Still, at least we'll know what they look like, if we can get aboard their ships. No AI ever created could completely run a capital class war vessel. He had reached the other side of the vessel, legs aching from the exertion of breaking the magnetic grip between his boot soles and the vessels deck. Climbing back into the other end of the flight deck, he endured a mild reprieve from one of the flight techs for being outside of the ship on a pointless stunt like that, and exposing himself to zero atmosphere needlessly.
Ren nodded and headed towards the showers, and from there to bed. His dreams, if he had any, remained unremembered come awakening.
There is nothing quite like a battle siren to jolt one from a sleep, especially if the sleep was troubled in the first place. As it was, Ren jolted out of bed, had his armor on in ten minutes, and was in his AIP and circling the Screaming Enkan in twenty, almost twitching with the adrenaline flowing through his arteries along with his blood. The commentary was fragmentary, but apparently they had jumped while he was sleeping, into a running battle between a badly outmatched force of Begmans and the invaders. They hadn't all come, only a third of the Holy Order's group and less than that of the Federations. It provided with odds that were a bit too close to equal for Ren to be entirely comfortable with, but they wanted information, and that meant captures. That meant they couldn't scare off the invaders with overwhelming force.
There wasn't much time to plan a meticulous rescue; just on the order of get in ships there fast and try to save what can be saved. That meant that the strike craft, accelerating faster, would get in there first, and as the tiny ships burned in, Ren was glad of his powered armor, offering some protection against the acceleration forces that he knew were pressing him into the cockpit. As he zoomed, towards the tail end of the cone shaped fighter formation, he heard orders drifting into his ears.
"Ordinator Gaulen, can you read, can you read? Icepick flight will form up around you. You are to probe one of their frigate class vessels for insertion and engine disabling. We wish a capital ship in reasonable condition. Do you read, do you read?"
Ren clicked his comm. in affirmative.
After a few seconds consultation with Icepick flight, Ren, Blair, and a wingmate whose call sign sounded something like "Snerl" would do a flyby of one of the Outsider cannon frigates, while the remainder of the flight would stay behind to shepherd in an assault shuttle.
With a grimace, Ren dove into the thick clouds of trailing strike craft, his two escorts behind him, and spread out, ready to fire upon anyone that paid too much attention to his odd little ship. The enemy seemed to take no notice of his craft, and he whirled past a sextet of tiny fighters, far smaller than anything the Federation flew, without them reacting.
Being a bit lacking in maneuverability, the AIP had a rear turret, covering a reasonably wide arc. Normally, it was for simple deterrence, but with the Outsider fighters seemingly oblivious, intent upon approaching one of the Begman flights, he decided to turn away from the forward face, bring up the rear view, and fire upon one of them.
The thing didn't even attempt to take evasive action, and almost disintegrated under Ren's casual fire. The other five fighters in the group altered their formation, but did not react to Ren's assault otherwise, instead flying into a group of Begman fighters and starting to dogfight.
His comm. flared to life once again, with just an audio of Blair this time. "We have an incoming group of four fighters. We're going to head them off. Do not fire on targets of opportunity. They don't seem to care too much about scouts."
Nodding grimly, Ren burned off towards the closest of the cannon frigates, flew a tight spin around its hull, looking for an engine. It wasn't hard to find, and soon Ren not only knew where he wanted to insert, along an armor "seam" about a hundred meters up the hull, but had locked the location into his computer and radioed the rest of the assault team to make their run.
He started to level out, building up a little bit of distance so he could accelerate smoothly to ramming speed, when a pair of those little pinwheel shaped fighters decided that he was getting too obtrusive for their taste and started lining up for a shot. Setting his rear turret to computer automatic, Ren hoped even the idiotic AI would be able to keep them from getting too close to him. Switching to full evasive maneuvers, he shouted into his radio "Damn it Blair, where are you?"
A response came back almost a second later, "Sorry sir. I'm flying naked now. I'll be able to cover you soon." Swallowing glumly at the terse reply, Ren bobbed and weaved, noticing little pieces of his armor flying away as a few odd metallic projectiles collided with his craft, thankful that the things didn't seem to be armed any more heavily. He managed to keep most of the hits away from his nose cone, which he would need to break into the hull of the frigate. By the time that Blair came in and drew attention away from the two fighters, his rear and sides were pretty pocketed, but they actually weren't all that close to a breach.
Ren sent a short "Many Thanks" message over to his escort and leveled out. Glancing at his sensors told him that he'd probably be alone on the hostile ship for a bit over a minute before the shuttles with reinforcements could get in. Managing to shrug in the armor within the tight confines, he stomped on the acceleration pads, setting his rate of acceleration as quick as the metal could handle.
The impact was cacophonous, and even though he knew sound couldn't travel through vacuum, Ren could swear that he heard the tortured screams of metal scraping against metal as the nose cone disengaged, widening the hole that it made upon first contact.
The instant he regained control of his body, Ren vaulted out of the craft, and magnetically locked his boots to the floor, hoping to avoid being blown out with the rapid depressurization. In that, he was partly disappointed, as some sort of greenish membrane seemed to secrete out of the walls over the gaping hole, preventing the atmosphere from flying out.
It was only then that Ren noticed the interior of the vessel. It was dimly lit, although his infrared camera was showing all sorts of activity along different parts of the interior. As far as he could tell, the ship was hollow, forming almost a tube like construction. The same silicon/sulfur atmosphere that the shattered fighters had traces of was present, and in abundance. The pressure reading stated that it would be almost four times the density of the sort of world he'd feel comfortable in. The overall ship was hot, well over 303 Kelvins, and as far as he could tell, running as quickly as he could while keeping his eye on the thermal scanner, devoid of life. There were no heat spikes that indicated a living creature anywhere on the vessel outside of his own armored shell.
Thinking this important enough to fiddle with the radio about, Ren diverted power away from his weapons and tried to boost through the static that the battle had to be kicking up. "This is Ordinator Gaulen, I am on a hostile ship, found no life, may be entirely cybernetic. Repeat, we may be facing an entirely cybernetic foe. There is no heat concentration anywhere along the ship. Gaulen out"
It wasn't sight, or sound, or any sense that Ren could describe as more than instinct, but he engaged his thrusters and leaped backwards out of the way of a small metallic projectile that hurtled from somewhere along the hull. Ok, there is definitely something here that wants me gone. A moment's search revealed the small cannon, and a small burst of laser fire melted the barrel.
Deciding to take advantage of his three dimensional arena to work with, Ren demagnetized his boots, and then shot off towards his subjective left and up, and then after a second and a half's burn, went laterally to his right, spinning his body and sending out random lances of laser fire to keep whatever it was somewhat occupied.
Right before he collided with the far wall, he noticed two things occurring around him. Firstly, the gas density around his area was spiking, well over 15 atmospheres now. More importantly however, was that the two shuttles following him in managed to find the weak membrane, and punch through it, rapidly disgorging over sixty marines. With his back covered, he checked to make sure his charges were still set on his belt, and started to jet towards the engine compartment of the frigate.
Another one of those little balls struck the side of his helmet, and Ren blacked out.
The first thing he was aware of was a feeling of weightlessness, buoyancy. The second was that he didn't hurt. The third was that he was out of his suit and breathing normal, nitrogen/oxygen air, with a very nice one atmospheric density. He cracked open an eye and light flooded into his orbs, stinging them.
I must have been out a long, long time. Blinking through the tears, he noticed that he was in a dull green padded room, kept under artificially low artificial gravity. Craning his head more he saw,
"Flora? Where are we? Wh-"
She flicked a finger into a shushing position, and lightly bounded across the room. "We're on the medical ship Nebula. They got you good, at the frigate, but you pulled through all right. A pellet cracked your suit, and that toxic mess in the ship got in."
Ren was surprised at how alert he was. Usually, coming back from a wound left him muddy-headed for days after regaining consciousness. "We must have taken the ship over then, if we're back safe. How many did we lose?"
"Not so bad as we thought, although the Begmans got hammered quite badly. There's been some grumbling that Admiral Krennek, our big boss, let the Begmans get hurt so that the Federation could lean on them harder, maybe even force full incorporation. I don't know the full losses to your assault team. Light though." She smiled, and spoke with the sort of desperate quickness that implied she memorized a set of details she didn't understand. "They laid down a leapfrog advance pattern, and jumped a demolition team into range of the engines, set down a set of explosives and slagged the propulsion. Then they sent in a message to the rest of the fleet, which came crashing in. The Outsiders jumped away a few minutes later, only pausing to collect some of their closer strike craft."
"So we won."
She moved in closer. "Oh, we more than won. We learned. You should have seen the xenobiologists that got dragged along. They're in a collective state of euphoria. Apparently that gas stuff that we thought they breathed? They don't breathe it, they are it. Somehow, that silicon crap is alive, and it's what's crewing the ships. They're guessing that when they want a pilot for a ship, they just squeeze off a bit of gas, and it becomes the new pilot. Crazy huh?"
Ren suddenly felt tired again. "Yeah, crazy." He seemed to be able to hear a faint buzzing along the wall. Flora apparently heard it too, because she looked askance at the wall. "Sorry, looks like one of the orderlies is coming along. They'll kick me out for sure. I'm glad you pulled through." She leaned over the bed and kissed him, hurriedly but sweetly. "You recover enough so we can celebrate the victory more thoroughly, ok?"
With a laugh, she darted out of the room, leaving Ren feeling buoyed in more ways than the low gravity. He whistled to himself while waiting to see who would come to see him next. To his slight surprise, it was not a medical man, but a very tall, slightly overweight green equine, in a brilliant white Federation Admiral's uniform. He was holding a datapad and what looked like a bottle of pills in his hands.
At the sight of him, Ren moved to rise, but a short gesture from the man cut off that motion. "You're hurt, you lay still and recover." Ren couldn't quite place his accent, and it troubled him for a moment. "Prelate Ekhensen informed me that you have some exotic illness and that you're supposed to have this" indicating with the bottle and placing it down on a bed stand near Ren. "The doctors cleared it and everything, you know, the way they act, you'd think I was just some raw recruit trying to smuggle something in."
He straightened, backed away ever so slightly, and smiled. Something about it reminded Ren of the way the recently mentioned prelate did, although it crossed species and unimaginable distance. "Listen son, I know you got hurt, first one in boarding that ship, and you might have given us the data we need to win this war. Avowed Federation policy is to allow a rotational period out of the theater, and three weeks leave, and I believe the Holy Order of Asheron has the same view of things. But we need boarders. We sent in two attacks into the docking bays of their carriers, and they got slaughtered, so we need AIP pilots. And one of them got shot down out there. That leaves you, and this hotshot punk calling himself Scott Rubel. Between the two of us, I don't trust him to fly straight if he doesn't feel like it on that day, so I'm here to beg you, for the good of the task force, to sign a waiver saying in effect that you want to stay and fight. I'm not trying to browbeat you, or shove you wounded into the fray. The report I got said that you were effectively fine, that they managed to purge the enemy out of your system, quite literally. Can you help us out here? The Begmans need our, need your help. " He started pacing around. "I want to impress this upon you son. This is classified data, and if you even breathe a word of this in your sleep, I'll deny even knowing you. Omicron seven got hit three days ago. Turned an entire city dome into glass and the death toll is looking to be over a hundred million. We're winning, we're going to drive these blobs back into the emptiness they came out of, but unless we're right every time, a lot of innocent people are going to die. We really need everything we've got at our disposal, and that means shouldering more than would be your fair share. I'm sorry."
The light feeling seemed to fade into a crushing weight upon his chest. It wasn't just hearing the damage, although he was horrified at this kind of viciousness, he felt himself being manipulated, and didn't like the feeling, especially since he wondered why someone would be making such an effort to get him to do something he probably would have done anyway. He did feel fine, maybe a bit groggy, but that was probably from whatever sedative they kept him on. To cover for himself, he searched the bed stand for ... yes, a small water bulb, and shook a set of two pills out of the bottle. Smiling sadly, he swallowed the two with a water squirt. "I really do need this stuff. Thank you very much for delivering it sir. Of course I'll sign." He took the proffered datapad, planted a thumbprint at the appropriate spot. "Just don't expect me to vault back into the cockpit in a few minutes."
"Of course not son. In fact, if I don't withdraw soon, the meds are likely to chase me out with a scalpel, rank or no." He left hurriedly, and Ren thought he saw a strange gleam in the man's eyes just before he turned to leave.
The rest of the day passed in a haze, as he was put under another sedative. When he came to next, he was aboard the Screaming Enkan, with a gaggle of young troopers cheering over him as he awoke. There was apparently an impromptu party going on, and food and beverages (Ren noted, with a hint of distaste, that the discipline in the food at least was tighter here than on the Wide Load, nothing sugary or alcoholic was present.) It went on for a few hours, and was only dampened by the absence of a certain canine girl, who probably would be denied access to a Holy Order vessel to attend a party she might not even know about.
It subsided, as such things eventually do, and Ren settled back in to his normal activities. He simmed often, but didn't fly much. The Outsiders tended to run when spotted, and the general consensus was that they were waiting and trying to rebuild what they could of their fleet before risking another confrontation. Good news trickled in from the analysis teams. Apparently the Outsiders had a funny form of superluminal travel. Instead of the usual continual warping of space throughout time traveled that was common in the Federation, these outsiders tore little holes in the fabric of space and "jumped" through, often light years at a time. The thing was, analysis of the captured frigate indicated that they didn't have enough power to make multiple jumps. If they could catch their fleet soon after a jump, the enemy would have no choice but to come out and fight.
They settled into a routine that was boring, yet exhausting, a nasty game of cat and mouse that involved keeping in hyperspace until the Outsiders showed up, and chasing them off, sometimes downing a capital ship or two. Every time the enemy fled, Ren felt this maddening itch between his shoulder blades, and an icy feeling in his stomach, something he couldn't get at in his powered armor. He told himself it was just worry, that the thought of them getting away to slaughter another city enraged him. The more pessimistic part of him worried that it was some exotic aftereffect of the injury he sustained earlier, and that he might be taken off of active duty.
Roughly a week after Ren went back into active duty, new orders drifted down from command. Once again, the bulk of the fleet was to depart the general vicinity, prompting a raid on one of the Begman mining outposts. The raid would be responded to with a minimal force, not enough to defeat the raiders. It would however, attempt to capture one of the capital ships and send in a computer team to try to break into their computers. If they could discern the fallback position, they could mop up this fleet soon. Ren went to his sims with an almost feverish intensity, and paid special attention to this new "atmospheric disruptor" weapon that was being distributed, which would hopefully break apart the necessary proportions that the "gassies" as they were being called, needed for their form of existence to be stable.
It seemed like no time at all, although the standard calendar ticked away thirteen more days, that they were finally called into action, prompting a joke about relativistic speeds from Ren and a groan from the assembled pilots to be covering him. The fleet that shot out to intercept the outsiders was a mere destroyer and frigate flotilla, although buzzing with a small swarm of strike craft, most specially attached to one use rings for launching outside their standard carriers.
Ren managed to count to three hundred, starting from when the first wave of fighters was launched until he was released to join up with his little cone of escorts for the upcoming boarding action. Blair and his flight of light fighters were apparently already in the fray, leading Federation Wishbone class heavy fighters to make up the escort. Ren nodded in satisfaction. The wishbones, named for their distinctive shape, weren't as quick or agile as some, but they packed a punch and could take some hits.
Somewhat to his surprise, he heard Admiral Krennel himself over the comm. as he launched. Apparently he was directing the battle himself from the destroyer, and Ren privately smirked thinking about dumping the guy into a smaller ship. He wasn't part of the Order, but he was dedicated, Ren would give him that.
"Alright, boarding flights, you know what we're here to do. You guys are the key to this whole operation. All you need to do is get that computer team to the enemy intact, and pull the information as to where their fleet will fall back if attacked. They have to have those coordinate preprogrammed in. Your computers should have what frigate you're suppose- What? Now!?"
The comm. blanked out for a second and then went back in. "I just knew this would happen. AIP pilot or not, I am going to bust his ass down to toilet cleaner. Pilot Rubel says he can't fly, vomiting in his armor or something. This is up to you now. We have to have a boarding action, and that means an AIP insertion. Get that frigate, and I'll be here on the Dominion praying for you. Get it done."
Gulping with the pressure, Ren sent his 'ready' signal and watched as the rest of the column moved forward, him a small nut at the center of the geometric figure. Twice fighters broke off from the escort, now reinforced with the group that was going to go with Rubel, as well as his compliment of computer specialists. Normally one to ignore the pressure being directed at him, Ren found himself with his own set of shakes. Suppose they missed where the fleet was coming again, and this time Begma prime was hit? Ren was an old enough flier to know that knotting his guts up wasn't going to help, but he felt the tension building, understood how Scott could break down under it.
Need to focus. Need to just relax and fly. His comm. clicked on again, it was just a four word message of "You can do it", but Floramiel's voice managed to banish his muscle knots, even a good deal of the sweat. Breaking policy, he let out a loud whoop on all open channels, and accelerated his craft towards the frigate that was his target to penetrate, to break, to capture.
A few thousand kilometers away, the Dominion rotated around its central spine, and at a wearied command from the admiral, opened fire with four lances of energy.
The comm. channel of Ren's flight was in total chaos.
"What just happened?"
"Was it friendly fire? The dauntless isn't supposed to?"
"How bad are we hit?"
"Are we omega?"
"Panic, panic, I'm leaking oxygen."
"Mission is a scrub. Repeat, mission is a scrub. We have lost all of our technical vessels. We are calling in the main fleet, stand by for normal carrier landing."
Ren sat in the cockpit, not controlling his craft at all, just flying a speeding arc, his fingers too numb to alter the controls. Just like that. Just like that. She's... The itch across his shoulder blades was starting again. They must be planning to jump out. Maybe they did it already. I am going to KILL you Rubel. If she had stayed with you, she'd be safe! Ren could taste blood in his mouth, and his teeth ached from clenching. His whole body ached actually, felt too tight. His craft's motion was arrested as two of the Wishbones following along pinned him with their tractor beams.
His suit was definitely feeling tighter, no matter how shocked with grief he might have been. What? No? My meds! Not Now!! There is sound inside of an atmosphere cockpit, and Ren could feel his rage feeding his demonic form, one which had quite a bit more mass and bulk than his regular furred self, tearing the powered suit open from the inside with a hideous screech that reminded him of how he toyed with a prisoner that he rent between his claws.
Lightit'shot.IwanttoKIllSOMETHINGRIGHTNOW!RUBEL!DIERUBELDIE.ICan'twrestlethese controlsfree! I hate you. He tried to turn his weapons that could move on the Wishbones, but the pilots were too deft, kept gliding away from his angles of fire while maintaining their tractor lock. A voice rang in on the comm., and he realized it was shouting, before it penetrated his blood lusted haze. "HUNTER! HUNTER ONE! We need to know where they went RIGHT NOW! You can find them; you can track anything through their warp. If you tell us where they are, you can kill them. They took your mate from you Hunter. They must pay, but for them to pay, you have to tell us where they are." Ren could hear some sort of gas seep in from his seat. It calmed him, somewhat. His mood was murderous instead of mindlessly furious.
The glass of the cockpit was somewhat reflective, and Ren closed his eyes, so as not to see the scaled green face, as wide as his shoulders, with tusks protruding from both the upper and lower jaw. He focused, following the rips that the Outsiders made, thinking it into coordinates, relating them to the other ship. As soon as the words were out of his mouth, a second green haze seeped in, not quite making him lose consciousness, but enough to blur him up. He had no sense of direction or time, and could only say that some time later, he found himself in an empty room with Admiral Krennel.
"If you want someone to blame, blame me. I heard about your condition, and know a few things about how you hunt with it. I don't pretend to understand everything, but apparently your demonic form smells, for lack of a better word, by opening up small holes in space. It's how you were able to track the Ashen Veil cult across worlds, that first time. Yes, I have your whole service record on file."
He sighed, paced around the room. Ren realized that he was in a chair, in a dull white room, bound with something that would yield to his new musculature. He strained at the bonds, as the admiral continued speaking. "It was after that attack that I came up with the idea. It was damn hard to predict where they would hit next, you see, and I had to keep another hundred million people from dying, or more. The whole operation was a bluff you see, a bluff on you, not the enemy. Scott Rubel never has nerves, he's a virtuoso. And we can't understand how their computers work. We can't even understand how they manage to think, being gas. That operation didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of succeeding. But you could track them, or so my people assured me, if your demonic form could be made tractable. The main fleet jumped into their rally point half an hour ago, and are crushing them as we speak. They can't go superluminal, so they'll have to fight. And they'll die, we outgun them too badly. They'll be punished."
Ren managed to snap his bonds, stood, stretched. The admiral backed away, but gave off no stench of fear that Ren could detect. "I just need to say one more thing. I tampered with your medication, so that I could be sure you turned into a."
To Ren, his blood tasted rich, but a bit thin. He crushed the skull against the deck plate into a consistency of raspberry jam, and sat on his haunches and howled at the sky.
Oh gods this is awesome! :O Thanks, Corg, that was definitely worth the wait. :]
I apologize profoundly for my lateness. I was completely stumped as to what to write. However, this is what I came up with. It's not as funny as Jairus's tribute, but it's all I could do. I hope you like it.
The Homeless (For Teh_Hobo)
I write about the kings of old,
elder men with sagacious air,
men who prophecy fortold,
and empires move, with gentle care
Then this confronts me
a man of destitution, homeless,
wandering from street to sea,
anchorless, aimless, causeless, free
And in his aged, weathered face,
and image crumbling in the sun,
I see the folly of the race
that gentle life need not be run
That Kings and Princes, mighty, strong,
to those who lack are weak,
Immortal Kings aren't immortal long,
To be eternal - less, not more, you seek.
Seriously. Damn good. Now saved on my compy.Thanks much!
Is there any news as to when the other entries in this round will be ready?
That's something I would like to know as well.
i try to be on time i really7 do but i make be a little late for IF this round.
IF? I think you've mixed up two topics.
Should we just give up on the last two and start a new round?
We could do that. Then again, I'll be at AC next week, so it won't be easy to start the next round from there.
I can start taking signups, but I don't think I can actually begin the round until at least the 8th. So, with that in mind, feel free to sign up.
I'm in, i've been doing plenty of sketching, and my muse is showing no signs of fading in the near future
With the hope that my luck changes for this round as it was to be before, I'm in as well. :3
I'm in! =D There's something new I want to try... >:3 :boogie
I'm in. Only question is where I can get access to a scanner here. I'm sure I can find one though.
Sign me up Scotty!
Signing up like Fist of the North Star!! >:O
i also wish to participate again.
Thank's Gab, count me in once again. ;)
I've been tempted to put my name in for this at least once, been feeling the need to have a reason to be creative other than for my own needs (which has proven to be rather counter productive). Can I be put down as a tentative maybe :P....though all I'd be able to offer up is writings of some form.
I heed thy call.
I mean, sign me up.
Quote from: Dekari on July 01, 2009, 11:12:43 AM
I've been tempted to put my name in for this at least once, been feeling the need to have a reason to be creative other than for my own needs (which has proven to be rather counter productive). Can I be put down as a tentative maybe :P....though all I'd be able to offer up is writings of some form.
Sorry, but a tentative maybe is the same as nothing. When I get back home I'm going to need a confirmation in order to see whether I have to assign you a recipient and a gifter or not.
Everyone else is in.
Quote from: Gabi on July 03, 2009, 08:19:20 PM
Quote from: Dekari on July 01, 2009, 11:12:43 AM
I've been tempted to put my name in for this at least once, been feeling the need to have a reason to be creative other than for my own needs (which has proven to be rather counter productive). Can I be put down as a tentative maybe :P....though all I'd be able to offer up is writings of some form.
Sorry, but a tentative maybe is the same as nothing. When I get back home I'm going to need a confirmation in order to see whether I have to assign you a recipient and a gifter or not.
Everyone else is in.
Ok then, yeah put my name in.
OK, then. You're in. :)
I should have enough free time available in the next month or so to complete something, I'd like to participate again as well.
Sure, why not. Sign me up.
I wish to destroy someone's dream!
By which I mean I'm in.
By the way, if anyone does get me, feel free to ask (via Gabi if she doesn't mind) for a theme or idea or something I like if you get stuck, I'm likely to do the same with whoever I get.
Thanks for this Gabi!
I have an idea for new stuff this time. Sign me up. :3
Aw hell! Sign me up too.
OK, then we have Corgatha Taldorthar, Basilisk2150, Aisha deCabre, wuffnpuff, modelincard, Kipiru, Ren Gaulen, e_voyager, Beever, Dekari, WhiteFox, The1Kobra, Zina, Sofox, Cogidubnus and Dannysaysnoo! That's 16 players!
Matchups will be assigned momentarily. You have time until Thursday, August 6th to submit your gifts.
OK, first questions!
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo's gifterMight as well start asking- ask Dannysaysnoo- what he would like to see drawn- if it's some kind of character- I'd like some description and references if any!
Quote from: Beever's gifter
Does Beever have some sort of a character/avatar/fursona in particular?
Quote from: Wuffnpuff's gifterCould you send Wuffnpuff a request for information, concerning which character she wants a piece of artwork concerning, and especially what sort of personality they have and what sort of activities they'd do?
Quote from: Cogidubnus's gifterTell me about yourself; your favorite music (perhaps list examples), favorite movies, favorite food, vehicles, weather, season. Just anything and everything. It can be completely random but I need it. Perhaps even a favorite memory or a funny happening. Best friends on the forum even. The more things you list the easier my job is. :)
And e_voyager's gifter may or may not ask for a character description.
Important: remember that if you want anything in particular to feature in your gift, you can post it here regardless of whether you have been asked by your gifter or not.
Well, thank you, Mr. Gifter. i'd prefer a character drawing, but if that isn't your thing or such, you can do something else. If you'd like to do a character drawing, i have a reference here.
By WhiteFox (http://img223.imageshack.us/i/cast2draft.jpg/)
Quote from: Cogidubnus's gifterTell me about yourself; your favorite music (perhaps list examples), favorite movies, favorite food, vehicles, weather, season. Just anything and everything. It can be completely random but I need it. Perhaps even a favorite memory or a funny happening. Best friends on the forum even. The more things you list the easier my job is. :)
Oh my. I don't think I've ever been interviewed before! *grins*
My taste in music is difficult to define, for me. Mark Knopfler's later work (Sailing to Philidelphia, the Ragpicker's Dream) are favorites, and perhaps the song Sailing to Philidelphia and Sands of Nevada are two works that I have loved since I first heard them years ago. Certain kinds of classical music (the Prelude in C Minor, the Toccata and Fugue) I like. If you've ever seen the anime Kara no Kyoukai, I'm listening to the soundtrack right now. It's ethereal, but not insubstantial - a woman in white in the snow, rather than a ghost in the rafters, as it were. Led Zeppelin, Eric Clapton, Coldplay, Apocalyptica (Hope Vol. II, in particular). What I've heard of the Diablo Swing Orchestra, I like. Nightwish is alright on occasion, although after listening to it for awhile, it seems a bit canned, if you know what I mean. And who could forget The Who?
Favorite movie right now is Gran Torino. Favorite food is...I'm not sure. Probably curry. :B - and I do not have a favorite vehicle, I don't think. My favorite weather is rain, as it does not snow here - but if it snowed, I'm sure I'd like that too. My favorite season is autumn. I enjoy practicing my swordsmanship (Muso-Jikiden-Eishin-Ryu Iaido), reading, writing, and doing things on the computer. I read good poetry and write bad poetry (no long walks on the beach, please). I am attempting to learn calligraphy. Despite living in Texas, I have never once seen an honest-to-god cowboy that I can recall. I spend a lot of time in the RP section, and I am also addicted to coffee.
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar's gifterIf he has anything in particular he would like drawn, I would like to know.
Quote from: modelincard's gifterThis is going to sound completely random, but, give me a theme and an emotion.
Quote from: Zina's gifterHello Zina,
if you could provide me with a little information about what you'd like, that would be great. If you want me to take a shot at your fursona, i can do that, or, if you'd like something different just let me know and i'll get working.
And Sofox's gifter wants to know what he would like to receive. The gifter in question "can write and draw, (albeit with questionable prowess)".
I have a few characters that I write and am attached to, but most of them are various humans. The only furry I have is Kedered Aldoraethar, from the Shattered innocence RP. I don't particularly care what is drawn, as long as it is in good taste.
He's a Jaguar Incubus, five foot eleven, slight build. His wings have his same light spot pattern as his fur, but they are rough and leathery. Emerald green eyes with large irises, no cephalic hair. He has large hands, and his clan symbol is a blue circle pierced by a kind of tripled wedge. It is on the inside of his right palm, but he usually wears gloves or keeps his hands closed to conceal it. He tends to dress expensively, and has a cold, aristocratic face. He very rarely shows strong emotions, regardless of what he is actually feeling.
As for Humans, I have my moniker of Corgatha Taldorthar. I've got the description around here somewhere.
"As for Corgatha, he was a character I created, and became more attached to than usual, for a wheel of time set RP. (I'm going to assume you know zero about Wheel of Time, so if I'm saying stuff you already know, my apologies)
He's human, standing at six foot three, weighs a bit over 220 lbs, muscular. Very short jet hair, dull gray eyes, high rigid cheekbones, a very long, narrow face. His nose is somewhat small for a man his size. His eyebrows, and indeed most of his noncephalic hair has been burned off at some point or another, with the follicles damaged. (no beard or other facial hair) His skin is granite gray from years of using a certain armoring "weave" (Read, magical spell) He's a bit over eighty, although magic users age slowly, so he has the physique of someone in their mid to late twenties. He oddly, as his hips were broken and never healed exactly right. He has extremely quick arms, and tends to fiddle with his hands when bored. He is covered in old scars, most either due to weapons, or more commonly due to festering sores of Saidin rot that healed over later. He always wears a long, black coat, with a silver sword pin on the left breast and a golden dragon medal on the right. (They're both small enough to fit in the palm of a much smaller man than Corgatha). His pants are also black, leather, flexible. Tends to wear low boots. He keeps a greatsword made out of toughened obsidian scabbarded across his back, with the hilt over his left shoulder, although he rarely fights with a blade, often preferring his magic. He keeps a knife in his belt, although it's not hidden at all, along with a few pouches for things like money and maps.
Now, in the Wheel of Time setting, due to an attack by the BBEG, the power source that male magic users draw on, is "tainted" (It gets removed eventually). This taint makes them go crazy and causes physical deformities. Corgatha....... was using it for 50 or so years before the taint got removed and a sort of successful attempt was made to rid his mind of the worst of it. He's still a bit odd, thinking in weird patterns. He's rather paranoid, especially where Aes Sedai (An order of female magic users, one of whose duties is to hunt down and capture, and sever from the magic source any crazy man channeling they could come across) are concerned.
Talent wise, he works primarily in earth-based magic, although he's quite talented with fire and a few more exotic things. He can usually be seen juggling rocks telekinetically, often at dizzying speeds.
Personality wise, he's kind of difficult to deal with. He still talks to rocks, and as a writer, I've always been trying to keep it ambiguous whether he has access to some sort of higher knowledge or is just gibbering. He no longer thinks on the same plane as other people, and has trouble talking coherently. He is however, extremely good at math and other forms of calculation, and is an extremely clever tactician on the battlefield. He has no inspirational ability, but he is good at arranging his own troops for maximum firepower and minimum losses, and has something of a mystique about his command, a reputation for invincibility which was starting to become a self fulfilling prophecy.
He has no real hobbies or social life. He views it as imperative to keep those under him alive and in good standing, and considers it something of a betrayal to them to have a personal life. The pressure *is* building on him, although he's kind of ignoring it at the moment.
EDIT- Something I'd like to add. Corgatha's appearance is partially based on the Nameless One from Planescape Torment. My avatar is Vhailor, an animated suit of armor from the same game. He has little relation to Corgatha as a character, besides a certain singlemindedness Vhailor is an executioner for a certain faction in Sigil that believes so firmly in his mission to wipe out the taints on the universe, that it lets him defy his own death. He is all that is cool."
(Some extraneous stuff, whatever)
Kipriu drew a picture, here (http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/5580/corgathataldothar.jpg). It's a bit too perfect though, Corgatha is supposed to be ugly enough that strangers flinch when they meet him for the first time.
If neither of those appeal to you, buzz me again, I've got a few other things floating around in there.
To muh gifter: :boogie
I'd like something of Chance. She has a bubbly personality, really positive and fun-loving. (and loves to give hugs >:3) Though she can be a hot-wire at times so don't make her mad :).
Activities for her (besides huggling) would include flying, swimming, wrestling... and she really enjoys sneaking up on people (especially pouncing from a tree). She also loves being in the woods.. trying to catch butterflies and fireflies. :giggle
I hope that works, if you need anything else let me know ^_^ (Oh, and if fighting stances are more your style.. she is a fighter and has two long daggers =) She loves peace but isn't one to go down without a fight).
I don't mind what I receive, it's the thought that counts.
Quote from: modelincard's gifterThis is going to sound completely random, but, give me a theme and an emotion.
Right, I suppose I ought'a respond to this. :V A theme and an emotion, hmm...not quite sure what you mean by a theme, per se. I dunno, fluffy tail and warm fuzzies. Not sure that's what you're looking for though. :/
I'd be happy with anything, really. If you want to draw my fursona, I'm fine with that.
I also enjoy pics of Dorian
Or Ichabod
Take your pick. :3
Quote from: modelincard's gifter
Haha, yeah, that's not exactly what I meant. Though I probably should have mentioned that I have very little drawing ability, extremely sub par doesn't even come close.....I make stick figures look bad ><. If you want I do have a back up plan that I was going to start working on tonight if I didn't get a response from you if you want me to just go ahead with that.
Quote from: Sofox's gifterOkay, Quality aside, what would you like me to make? Any fursonas or something else you want me to draw? Or is there anything in particular you want me to write about? A story about a specified character? Some kind of lead would help immensely.
Quote from: modelincard's gifter
Haha, yeah, that's not exactly what I meant. Though I probably should have mentioned that I have very little drawing ability, extremely sub par doesn't even come close.....I make stick figures look bad ><. If you want I do have a back up plan that I was going to start working on tonight if I didn't get a response from you if you want me to just go ahead with that.
Whatever you want. I guessed this was a writing thing myself. Whatever you want to work on, go ahead. I can still try to furnish a theme and emotion if you want, but it might be nice if you could be a bit more specific as to what you mean to "theme." Else wise, go with whatever you want to do.
Quote from: Kipiru's gifterKipiru you have such excellent art skill that i don't think anything that i draw for you will measure up. but perhaps i can do something else for you. do you have a back story for kipiru that you'd like explored? or perhaps some involving other charcter that you'd like captured in poetry?
I'm pretty relaxed in what I get. I'd most enjoy something that you enjoy creating. Art of my fursona is fine, and so's a story.
To be honest though, recently I feel I haven't been getting enough laughs. Maybe a humorous story would be a good idea.
I kind of hate to say this, since so many writers are participating, but I've got some vision problems that make reading somewhat difficult. I would prefer a drawing, no matter how inexperienced the artists, but I wouldn't mind a written piece as long as its not *too* long.
Danny's gifter would like to know if he could please give a written description to go along with the ref pic- things like breed, prefered clothing, weapons, disposition and such. As well as colors for all the above including eyes, hair and fur. Thanks.
In turn, E's gifter would like to know if, out of this character description (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,5673.msg281617.html#msg281617), there was any specific form he would like drawn.
Quote from: Gabi on July 16, 2009, 12:44:39 PM
Danny's gifter would like to know if he could please give a written description to go along with the ref pic- things like breed, prefered clothing, weapons, disposition and such. As well as colors for all the above including eyes, hair and fur. Thanks.
Oh wow, never really written most of that stuff down. erm. Lemme bullet point them for you, mon Gifter.
Breed - He's a cocker spaniel. Hence the long, floppy ears and the short tail.
Clothing - Danny is a big Rush fan, and typically wears a t-shirt with this (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/c9/Rush_2112.jpg) album art on it. Though that can change. Oh, and he wears baggy cream trousers and red shoes.
Weapons - He's a big fan of Westerns, and holds a special place in his heart for his Winchester M1876 (http://www.rarewinchesters.com/gunroom/1876/M76-00912/76-00912-01.JPG), and sees it as a very good and loyal friend.
Disposition - He's almost always completely friendly, and willing to make friends of most people. However, when angered, he can get VERY angry.
Eye Color is green. He doesn't have hair, just ears, but his fur is white, with orange patches.
if you feel up to the it vulpine version would be a great pick. i never did describe the dragon because i consider him a serrate entity most time
Quote from: Kipiru's gifterKipiru would you care to tell me more about well Kipiru? what does he drink? does he socialize in bars? play pool? does he worry about his mane and horn? how tall is he? does he work? if so what know of job? his his world future tech or magic powered? what kind of buddys does he hang around? and so forth
...And one of the gifts is already in! :mowhappy
Dear gifter, I'd be glad to tell you some more about Kipiru. He is a character to traverse universes, he is an all-being, meaning he can thrive in any setting he is placed in, from sci-fi to fantasy. He is not preoccupied with his look, though he always manages to be subtly neat and cool about it. Being omnipotent, he usually tends to make the best of any situation and have fun. That does not however mean he doesn't get angry- worlds have perished over his anger and it is a terrible site to behold. Usually though, when not smiling or laughing, his expression is one of contemplation. He enjoys bars and discos as much as the next guy- he loves blue alcoholic drinks with bendy straws. Among his best friends are Hasstorr- The White Ninja Tiger (http://img25.imageshack.us/img25/1568/hasstiger.jpg) and Beever (http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/4699/kipiruandbeevervacation.jpg). He is a warrior in all senses, he is 3 meters tall (a little over 9 feet) and has a muscular build(but not overly so). His favourite weapons are his two-handed sword and a large calibre revolver(reminescent of that of Vash from Trigun), other than that he is lethal with anything in his hand, even a tea spoon. :mowwink
2 gifts in, 14 to go! Please remember the deadline is on Thursday, August 6th. That's 11 days from now.
Quote from: Dekari's gifter
I need more profile information on Derkai. So far, I've been working with the one pic by Kip, but that's not enough for me to go on.
Quote from: Dekari's gifter
I need more profile information on Derkai. So far, I've been working with the one pic by Kip, but that's not enough for me to go on.
Visually speaking, Dekari is still very much a "work in progress". True I do have a base line "look" for him, but I'm more than willing to give anyone who is drawing him full creative freedom. If you think something would look better one way than another, by all means, try it out. However, in my base line look there are a few things that have to be the way they are. I'll bold those points for you.
Race: Cubi/Dragon/Mythos crossbreedIn the universe Dekari is from, he was the prototype result of a military genetic engineering program. The basic idea was to create the ultimate Black Ops solder with all the powers and strength of the three races to be used in missions of infiltration and espionage, information gathering by means of torture, and all other forms of high risk missions. However the program never got to that point. Short version: Dekari decided he didn't want to be the "guinea pig" anymore and when the project leaders tried to "dispose" of him, bad things happened.
Hair color: Dark Blond with silver streaks
That was my original idea. However I really liked what Kipiru did.
Wing style:
Back wings: Dragon style
Head wings: FeatheredWhen they are visible, I wanted to have both his Cubi and Dragon sides show through.
Fur color:
Being form: White
Incubus form: Mostly crimson red. White hands, feet, forearms, shins, chest/abdomen, lower jaw, and end of tail.
"True" form: Mostly crimson red. Dark colored scaled hands, feet, forearms, shins, chest/abdomen, lower jaw, and one tail. Other two tails, crimson red with black ends.
Again, this was my original idea. Seeing as he is part Cubi, I was thinking of him having three forms. Being form: Basically the way you will normally see him. This is his attempt at fitting in and living a "normal" life. Incubus form: He's part Cubi, why wouldn't he have a Cubi form. "True" form: This is the way he really looks (and the way you really don't want to ever see him. if you do, just lay down now, your done :P), and this is the form I'm still up in the air as far as the final look. The entire tri-tail setup was kind of an after thought, I'm still debating weather to go with it or not.
Eye color:
Being form: Blue
Incubus form: Red
"True" form: Red with black scleraIt's just eye color, not too much to say here.
Clan marking location and color:
Left side of face. White
I was thinking of making it white as a sort of cheat so when Dekari was in Being form, it would be the same color as his fur and not show up. As far as the location, I wanted it covering his left eye, so to speak. But anywhere on the left side of his face is fine. Oh, here is the original picture I had set to use as the mark. (http://s70.photobucket.com/albums/i111/drakedekari/?action=view¤t=Tattoo.jpg)
Um...I hope I didn't just make this more difficult for you. Let me know if you need anything more specific. Other than that, just have fun with it, do what you think works :mowwink.
Quote from: Dekari's gifterYou didn't mention what kind of furry he is as a Being.
Cat? Dog? Alligator Snapping Turtle?
kthxbai, glhf :)
Quote from: Dekari's gifterYou didn't mention what kind of furry he is as a Being.
Cat? Dog? Alligator Snapping Turtle?
kthxbai, glhf :)
Oh, sorry. Being form, wolf. Cubi form, wolf. "True" form, you can guess that one for yourself :P.
Dear Gifter,
I'm curious if you need references, or anything for working on your gift? If you do, please let me know, if not, i'll let you get back to work.
...And most gifts are up! Either most people left everything for the last minute or the mass poke was effective. I have yet to hear from Cog, and Ren said he was working on his gift but didn't say when he would finish it (only that he hadn't had many chances to draw lately). Kipiru and Beever have both said they'd be 1 day late, while Zina and modelincard are having scanner issues and will get theirs up as soon as they can. So that's 6 gifts that are going to be late.
Also, WhiteFox has sent me his gift for Dekari, but has requested Dekari's approval before posting it, so I've forwarded the PM to Dekari.
Here are the other 9 gifts:
Corgatha Taldorthar has sent this gift for
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on July 21, 2009, 09:27:05 PM
The Chase.
A small rushing sound somewhere over her left shoulder, perhaps fifty feet behind, propelled her legs, locked in a restful euphoria, forward, darting for new cover. Chance knew that to invite too much noise would leave her in deep trouble, so she took the extra effort, moving softly, slowly, not silently, but with the sort of natural motion of the forest, timing her short, staccato rushes with the sighing of the breeze.
It was exhausting work. Muscles do not approve of rapidly shifting from very high gear to complete rest and back, quickly and at random intervals. She thought that simply running would be far less tiring. It was bad enough that for all thoughts of pursuit,she found a small bush to crawl into, and rested for a few moments before emerging. Still no sign of being followed, but she knew she was, and she couldn't allow herself to be caught.
Chance winced as her tail, in a reflexive swishing motion, knocked aside a few leaves on a nearby bush. She was on all fours, stealthily moving through the low brush, but such an obvious sign was sure to be followed. She bent her head down and licked a paw, holding it into the wind to check for direction, and then darted with the faint breeze as quickly as she could make it. No chance for being trackless, but she needed a bit of distance before she could start erasing signs of her passage.
She raced, taking a slightly down turning path through the brush, gathering vague impressions off to her left that there was a dry stream bed, or perhaps an area that got blasted out in that fire last year. The rocks wouldn't be easy to spot her on, and she made good time, still on all fours, with wings folded in, feeling the bunch and flow as her muscles raced outward, glad for the good honest push.
It was her nose that alerted her, a faint whiff of the odor of someone who spends quite a bit of time outdoors without a belief in the benefits of such things as regular showering. Thankful that she had remained downwind, and alarmed at the closeness of the scent, she made a sharp right turn and dove for more immediate cover, some dried and dying brush. Chance licked her lips. It was dry out, and she had had no water since beginning this game of cat and mouse. She was fortunate that there were already dead leaves falling off this area, and in numbers that a few more wouldn't really be noticeable. Forcing her breathing to quiet, she peered out of her cover, looking for pursuit.
It raced by less than a minute later, a shaggy brown hound being, with dull green eyes that looked sleepy, but rarely missed anything, ears stiff and perked, but running along the stream bed quickly, passing over Chance's hiding place with nary a second glance.
Chance slowly counted to a hundred, fearful in each count of having that brown sneak up behind her hiding place. She was pretty sure she could outrace him, at least over short distances, but crouched like she was, she could only hide, not run. Still, she knew he did have endurance, and she did not want to be spotted, that would complicate things. She preferred not to think about what would happen if she did not make it out of this forest before the sun went down. No, she had to make it, and to make it, she had to get around around him, by avoidance rather than direct flight. It would still be a few hours journey at best to make it to the edge of the woods.
Not an inexpert tracker herself, Chance was able to notice the trail left in front of her, and crossed over to the other side of the stream bed, angling away from the tracks and towards the edge of the forest, albeit by an indirect route. She decided to walk. It took too much time to skulk and scurry, and time was starting to make itself known. She wished she had some water, this was thirsty heading. Besides, it might take him half an hour or more to discover he had been on a false trail, and in that time he wasn't chasing her. She wondered if chewing on some leaves would help. There had to be water contained in the tree leaves somewhere, but she wasn't sure if she could get them out with just a bit of teeth mashing and saliva. Besides, eating a plant raw, and dirty in the forest was likely to make her sick. When she got out of here, she promised herself, she was going to devour a meal, something hot, and fresh. If she had to eat a live sheep to get it, so be it.
She shook her head to clear it, and mildly reprove herself. She couldn't afford flights of fancy like this, she had to get going, get out. The sun was already low in the western sky when she looked over her shoulder, dim dapper light making it through in shifts and patches from the forest canopy. She couldn't be much more than a mile from the edge by now, although one never could walk exactly a straight line in a forest. She broke into a jog.
An oak tree.... scattered clumps of some bush with black berries off to my right, do I have time to slow and eat?.... a short exuberant laugh as a leaf tickles my nose, followed by regret for letting out the sound. Still, this is fun. In fact....... Three trees, equidistant from one another, as if someone had planted them, hopping over the root that sticks out. Bright light ahead, or relatively bright. It is close to sundown. Breathing hard from the exertion, I really do stay inside far too much. Light I'm thirsty. The trees are thinning out, both in number and in age. A young, smooth skinned birch to my left. I must climb it someday, startle a bird nestling on its branches. Odd, how I haven't heard birdsong, no, there it is, ahead of me some thirty feet. Tripping and recovering myself on a fallen branch. I see it, is it? The edge?
Chance darted out of the tree line, and then almost fell over, caught herself at the last minute, clutching her knees and breathing hard. She failed to hear a soft thunk behind her, but did notice a clap on her shoulder and a soft "gotcha".
Breathlessly, her panting hiding any emotion she felt, she asked. "How did you find me? I saw you go off in the wrong direction after that stream bed. And I would have noticed you following."
A gravelly, deep voice answered her, in a mildly amused tone. "There were only so many paths east out of the woods. I realized I lost you quickly enough, but I went east, not doubling back to find you. I managed to find your trail, guess where you were headed. I've been up in that tree for the past twenty minutes, waiting for you to come out."
She squealed and turned around, hugging the brown dog tightly to her chest. "Doesn't matter Detton. I still win. I cleared the tree line."
He grinned back as he disengaged, sticking his tongue out. "Did not you little chipmunk, there are still five more trees between here and home in the next 60 yards alone. This is still forest."
"Do anything to win, even redefine what counts as woods. I should have known better than to play catch and release with you, everyone in the village tells me you cheat, and I should have listened."
The sound of playful bickering continued all the way down to a little hamlet, on the other side of a hill.
Not my best work, I'm ashamed to say. I don't work well with effervescent, happy characters without neurotic tics, and I've never narrated out of a female's point of view before. Anyway, I hope it isn't too bad.
The1Kobra made the following gift for
Sofox: Page 1 (http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o266/The1Kobra/CCCforSofoxP1.jpg) - Page 2 (http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o266/The1Kobra/CCCForSofoxP2.jpg).
/* Author's Comments:
Well, I wasn't entirely sure what to make, so I read through my giftee's 'Marty the Platformer'. There was enough there for me to work with, so, I made a 'fan-comic', as it were.
It wasn't easy for me to make, I'm a terrible artist, and since I didn't have a good scanner, I couldn't really draw it in with a pencil. I used MS paint, and making this would have likely been a lot easier (competance issues aside), if I didn't have to work with a touchpad to make it.
Anyways, I think I did a reasonable job with the dialog, with the 'irritating shopkeeper' scene. I hope my giftee enjoys this.
Basilisk2150 has sent the following gift for
Zina: (http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/3940/scan0002j.th.jpg) (http://img39.imageshack.us/i/scan0002j.jpg/)
/* Author's comments:
Dear Zina,
I'm sorry that the hand/hooves didn't come out quite right, it's something I've been trying to work on, but still does not look quite right. Besides that, i did have fun drawing Doria, and i hope you enjoy your gift... if i can find a way to get the hands better in the near future, i'll send you the updated version... either way, I enjoyed the challenge and am glad to have been given the opportunity to draw something for you.
Bas */
Dekari has made this gift (http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dfspnqnx_0ch55bwft) for
Aisha deCabre drew this gift (http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c108/RisenDeCabre360/New%20Art/Kassin.png) for
/* Author's comments:
It's his RP tiger-angel character Kassin, whose description I found a little ways back in the thread. Hope he likes it, as I did the best I could with the description at hand. */
e_voyager wrote the following gift for
Quote from: e_voyagerKipiru's liberation
Kiripu checked his mane in the mirror. Everything was intact. It seemed that it really was just someone's ideal of a joke. Snapping his fringes he called forth a small burst of magic and smiled. It seemed everything was truly back to normal. Fun was fun but next time he'd bee the one pulling the prank on the stranger when they met again. Kiripu put on his armor. They would be expecting him at the meeting place soon and his little run in this morning would be a thing of the past. Even so he remember how it all began...
Stay tuned to this station for the latest on the crusade of Admiral Riona to liberate the people of a world named Furatis by the inhabitants. The news cast ended with a view of the admiral directing her troops from the frontline. Her hair was blowing and as artillery whizzed by. Kiripu's eyes the vid segment "Boy, she looks determined. Heeeey, I'm over here and am of need of liberation, helloooooo. Pretty admiral lady?!" "You realizes that this is a just a broadcast recoding don't you?" asked his buddy Beever. "Yeah I know but wouldn't it be something is she really did come here?" The new arrival at the end of the bar laughed but offered nothing else.
Kiripu sipped his neon blue drink. That guy at the end of the bar there was something familiar about him but he wasn't sure what. Either way he wasn't about to let that spoil his night. He and Beever joked around for a few more minutes that started to talk about and old campaign they'd been one a few years back.. As the night wore on the guy at the bar left and plans were made for later in the week. Yarning they decide to call it a night and Kiripu was soon ion his home polishing up his armor. No since waiting for the last minute like some many others did. Besides he took prides in his tools and made sure to take proper care of them.
The campaign had been ad eventful and successful one. Kiripu invested his money on have his gun tuned up. It wasn't bad yet but about half way through the mission it started pulling to the left around 3 feet at a distance of 20 meters. He'd run into that stranger around town twice more since the night at bar and still didn't know who it was but was sure that they'd met before. He wasn't hurting anyone and didn't seem to really want anything he just hung out near the bar. He'd done a few odd jobs but no one knew who he was or what he was doing here. It had been almost a week. Kiripu had almost forgotten about him until he saw him painting a local shop one his way back for the weapons store.
The stranger waved his hand without speaking with out even turning around he'd know someone was there. Kiripu felt sure that the stranger had known who as well.
It was a cloudy night a hair's breathe after 2am and Kiripu was lying in his bed. He'd woken mere moments before by the feeling of a presence in his room he wasn't sure exactly were they were but he knew they were close. His eyes were closed but he had other senses that he used the probe the room around him. The intruder was silent Kiripu couldn't even here his breath or heart beat. He knew who it was after all there was only one person. Who it had to be but then said nothing they did nothing but waiting in the shadows. Minutes passed and he wondered in the stranger would attack or speak or what.
"Be careful what you wish for..." the voice was odd and seemed to echo it's self in a whisper that was more of a suggestion of sound then actually speech. "Sometimes what we wish for is really the last thing you want" the presence seemed first to fade then to intensify with out coming any closer. "I know you're not sleep but that is fine. You are not the one I search for either." Kiripu was out of the bed in less then a second faced the dark coroner were the presence was. Nothing was there. He was sure he'd felt someone there but now there was no one in the shadowed corner. The moon light filtered into the room as Kiripu watched a dark orb appeared in the corner under the moon light. It was small about the size of a marble and it was hovering at around eight feet 7 inches high.
Kiripu held his hand out over the orb not touching it. He didn't sense any malevolence force in the orb. In fact, he barely sensed any magic in the thing. So what was that it doing here in his room? What was this nonsense about wishing and being careful what you wished for? Suddenly the orb flashed expanding into nothing. Kiripu blinked rubbing his eyes. It had been so sudden he'd not had a moment to implement a defense. What had happened? He looked around felt around everything seems unchanged even so he didn't like it.
The rest of the night had passed slowly for Kiripu as he'd rechecked his gear. He was uneasy and he didn't like it. The armor checked out so his sword and gun. Still something wasn't right here and to put his mind at ease he decided he'd go for a walk. It seemed that the visitor had simply been there to mess with his mid but he still wondered why he'd bother to come at all. As he was walking past and ally he hear and familiar voice saying "...and I'll not rest until all the oppressed people of the galaxy are liberated from this injustice." Kiripu smiled and chuckled. "I sure wish she'd come here and liberate me" he said. The block ended and he sighed. The sun would rise soon and he'd been walking for a few hours. He didn't know what he expected but he hadn't found.
The sun had just started to rise as he passed by and ally near where he's heard the broadcast. Who ever had been listing had shut off the vidcast. "Be free of your burdens downthrown soul!" Kiripu heard before his instincts had him lunge away form where he stood. Turning he saw a nightmare made flesh. She roughly resembled the Admiral but she was almost necked and wearing what looked liked some sort of lace exo suited. That was not the worst of it, where he had stood mere moments ago were several jagged leg like appendages were just shy of ripping into the street. They looked liked solid lighting flickering in the half light had shadow of the approaching dawn. "Do not worry shall I shall liberate you form the burdens of this world. Kiripu jump back his had reached for his gun only to realize he'd left it at home. "Liberate me?" he asked trying to figure out what this ghoul was going one about. And where were his powers? He could still feel them but he couldn't seem to actually access them. It was like he was bound with his own might holding him back. What would you want to do that?" " Come on Kiripu, Didn't you say that you wanted to be liberated?" the ghoul asked her blades seeming to drip with a hunger for his blood.
The wish! Kiripu realized. That's was the person was talking about! " Thanks but I think I'll pass" Kiripu shouted and ran for his home and his weapons. The ghouls laughed fading into the light of day as the rose dismissing the dreams of the dark. In the shadows the stranger shook his head. It wasn't the person he was looking for but seemed have more sense that lost boy who would have stood around trying to fight and gotten killed with his powers seal inside of him. This Kiripu how ever seemed realize that this was more or less a joke at his expense and decided not to take it any further.
So very few people realized that voyaging becomes such drudgery after a while and when the goal is not in sight a diversion is welcome. Kiripu was never truly in danger anyway. As strong as his powers are they were impossible to surpass completely even with the psyche impression orb that he'd left in his room. The stranger turned and walked into the shadows of the fading night. He would rest in Erebus today and tomorrow the journey to find his missing lighter half would begin again.
Dannysaysnoo drew this gift (http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/6280/epson002.jpg) for
/* Author's comments:
E asked me to draw his Vulpine character, and i sorta imagined her as a mage, spellcaster sort of thing. But then I sorta saw her as a sci-fi sort of spellcaster, hence the staff that looks electronic and what not. */
wuffnpuff has made this gift (http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=e296310d605dbf050de4fc1039a01674e04e75f6e8ebb871) for
WhiteFox was next, but his gift is not yet available for public viewing.
Sofox has made this gift (http://sofoxcentral.com/supersecretawesome/AishaGift.jpg) for
/* Author's comments:
Hope she likes it! Not the happiest with it myself, but I think it's got a certain something to it.
Sofox */
...And that's it for now. Everyone else, please remember to post your gifts here.
Quote from: Gabi on August 07, 2009, 10:30:57 AM
-Sofox has made this gift (http://sofoxcentral.com/supersecretawesome/AishaGift.jpg) for Aisha.
/* Author's comments:
Hope she likes it! Not the happiest with it myself, but I think it's got a certain something to it.
Sofox */
Thank you Sofox, I like the pic, it's quite cute. ^^ *Puts it in her collection* And everyone else's gifts look pretty awesome too!
Quote-wuffnpuff has made this gift for Cogidubnus.
Wuffnpuff, you are a sweetheart. xD - I love it. Thank you very much. :3
Also, my gift will be somewhat late, as I've had a bit of writer's block, and my original idea wasn't feasible. But I'll try and get this done ASAP.
The gift I got from e_voyager blew me down- a great interpretation of Ren's joke! I almost busted a gut when I first realized where that was going! Thank you E!
And here is, with a little delay, my gift for Dannysaysnoo:
Dannysaysnoo (http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/3066/dannysaysnoo.png)
I hope it's liked :mowwink
CORGATHA!! Oh my goodness!! :tighthug I absolutely love it! A fine work of writing! I was on the edge of my seat the entire time! XD I love the surprise ending as well. >:3 :giggle
Quote from: Gabi on August 07, 2009, 10:30:57 AM
-The1Kobra made the following gift for Sofox: Page 1 (http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o266/The1Kobra/CCCforSofoxP1.jpg) - Page 2 (http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o266/The1Kobra/CCCForSofoxP2.jpg).
/* Author's Comments:
Well, I wasn't entirely sure what to make, so I read through my giftee's 'Marty the Platformer'. There was enough there for me to work with, so, I made a 'fan-comic', as it were.
It wasn't easy for me to make, I'm a terrible artist, and since I didn't have a good scanner, I couldn't really draw it in with a pencil. I used MS paint, and making this would have likely been a lot easier (competance issues aside), if I didn't have to work with a touchpad to make it.
Anyways, I think I did a reasonable job with the dialog, with the 'irritating shopkeeper' scene. I hope my giftee enjoys this.
Thanks Kobra,
I've never received a Marty fanart or fancomic before, I really like it. I can really see how you put attention into the details and, heh, I can really see Marty loosing his patience like that.
Thanks again, I'm going to hold onto it.
Aisha: I'm glad you like my gift.
Looking over it again (on a different screen so that might be the reason) I see a lot of whiteness that I don't remember seeing when I made it. I'll try to get that fixed and upload a new version to the same location.
Quote from: wuffnpuff on August 07, 2009, 01:00:04 PM
CORGATHA!! Oh my goodness!! :tighthug I absolutely love it! A fine work of writing! I was on the edge of my seat the entire time! XD I love the surprise ending as well. >:3 :giggle
To be honest, I'm not entirely satisfied with it. It's mostly just a 2 page long description of forest and a bit of faux tension with a cheapshot ending. I don't really do well with effrevescant characters, and I spent a lot of time trying to come up with something that would fit Chance's personality while adding some element of conflict. (Because the land of the Happy People is boring to read about)
That being said, I'm glad you liked it.
Aisha, slightly revised version here (http://sofoxcentral.com/supersecretawesome/AishaGift2.jpg). Turned out my regular monitor was at a setting that made me not notice some slight colour issues the pic had.
Quote from: Kipiru on August 07, 2009, 12:19:59 PM
The gift I got from e_voyager blew me down- a great interpretation of Ren's joke! I almost busted a gut when I first realized where that was going! Thank you E!
And here is, with a little delay, my gift for Dannysaysnoo:
Dannysaysnoo (http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/3066/dannysaysnoo.png)
I hope it's liked :mowwink
Oh... oh wow...
That is super dupe awesome! :D Thanks you very very much! :D
Quote from: Sofox on August 07, 2009, 03:11:03 PM
Aisha, slightly revised version here (http://sofoxcentral.com/supersecretawesome/AishaGift2.jpg). Turned out my regular monitor was at a setting that made me not notice some slight colour issues the pic had.
Ah, that does look a little better. Thanks!
Hi there, here is my gift for WhiteFox finally finished!
I hope he likes it. :) :mowsmile
WhiteFox (http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/7572/whitefox.png)
I think I mentioned, once, ages ago, that I did period fencing. This is just perfect.
Thank you!
Sorry for the delay, here is my gift for Basil:
Baseel (http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh121/RentheKnight/Bas_Demon.png)
Sorry, it's just a sketch; I didn't have much time to draw anything lately. :< And I picked the description from Rhyfe2002's thread, where Bas posted a rather detailed description of his character. I hope he likes it and does not mind that Baseel looks positively evil in this picture. :B
hehe, don't worry about it Ren... It is awesome :hug
Thank you so much... again... as always, i love your work :3
I'm glad you liked it. :)
It's incredible! Tis better than anything I could draw for sure. Thanks again.
Well, I wanted to pass this by Dekari before posting it 'cuz it's a very liberal interpretation of his character, and I didn't want my artistic license revoked for going over the line.
But, Dekari has since given his approval, so here it be.
(Warning: Blood, and some PG13 Nudity)
Page 1 (http://www.northernelectric.ca/~whitefox/images/dmfa/tiamat_1.png)
Page 2 (http://www.northernelectric.ca/~whitefox/images/dmfa/tiamat_2.png)
Oh, those wacky insane megalomaniacal scientists. Will they ever learn?
Probably the most significant element I added in there was the quadruped frame. But, I mean, he's part Dragon and Mythos... how could I not?
I only realized afterwards that Dekari's character was supposed to be red/dark red, and I thought it was Red/gray, probably since I was thinking of Kip's rendition at the time. Too many things in the comic wouldn't look as good if I did fix it, like the clan mark fading in and the scales forming. So, I put together a colorized sketch more faithful to the description:
Anyway, there it is. I think it's pretty cool, and I had fun doing it.
Dek, if you do settle on a design, let me know and I'd be willing to draw up an accurate rendition.
Quote from: WhiteFox on August 08, 2009, 12:45:07 AM
I only realized afterwards that Dekari's character was supposed to be red/dark red, and I thought it was Red/gray, probably since I was thinking of Kip's rendition at the time. Too many things in the comic wouldn't look as good if I did fix it, like the clan mark fading in and the scales forming.
Well, more or less some setup of red and black/gray/something dark or something to that extent was a color scheme I had in mind....but lets just call it "dramatic lighting" :P. And I think it looks better red/gray. The red on red one is maybe too much red, but still looks good.
Quote from: Kipiru on August 07, 2009, 12:19:59 PM
The gift I got from e_voyager blew me down- a great interpretation of Ren's joke! I almost busted a gut when I first realized where that was going! Thank you E!
And here is, with a little delay, my gift for Dannysaysnoo:
Dannysaysnoo (http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/3066/dannysaysnoo.png)
I hope it's liked :mowwink
i'm glad you liked it. i need to make a few wrong word edits but i'm planning on putting it on fur affinity and DA if you don't mind.
Quote from: e_voyager on August 08, 2009, 11:00:52 PM
i'm planning on putting it on fur affinity and DA if you don't mind.
Not at all.
Quote from: The1Kobra on August 07, 2009, 07:38:06 PM
It's incredible! Tis better than anything I could draw for sure. Thanks again.
Very welcome, I'm glad to hear you found it an acceptable likeness. :3
Danny, Danny, Danny i must say you've really surprised me. i like they way you gave her a techno mage appearance. i never e really did give her much of a background and you've given me a wonderful ideal for a story about her. thank you. i would have put this response up yesterday but i need to be sure of what i wanted to say and was kind of busy babysitting and barely had time for any post on the forum then.
Thanks, E. I'm really glad you liked it :D
It's been a week since the last post. Should we start up a new round?
I'm itching so bad to start again!
...oh wait.. that's just the rash....
Either way, whenever it happens I'm in (just in case I loose track of something, I don't wanna miss it :animesweat )
You know, guys, I hate to mess with a formula that (mostly) works, but do you think we should give a one or two week time period to do the arts rather then a whole month? I mean who here actually started work on their gift before the final week? The theory is that with a shorter deadline, the creators will focus on it earlier and finish it faster, without it hanging over their heads causing additional stress.
One week's a bit short. I spent 3 days of intensive effort, never mind how much time it took to get references down and to plot out the story, to write Hunter's Cry. But I'd say 2 weeks, or maybe a bit longer.
Quote from: Sofox on August 17, 2009, 07:20:18 PM
You know, guys, I hate to mess with a formula that (mostly) works, but do you think we should give a one or two week time period to do the arts rather then a whole month? I mean who here actually started work on their gift before the final week? The theory is that with a shorter deadline, the creators will focus on it earlier and finish it faster, without it hanging over their heads causing additional stress.
i did. i started they day i knew who i was gifting but i needed to know more about them. in filbe's case what kind of things they liked in general and in Kiripu's case what his character's emotional standpoint, power limitation and general behavior were like. and then you still have to have time for the people your are gifting to replay to your question and all. then if the gift needs fine tuning you need to work on that as well. i changed the first part of the story when i found out that kiripu was not person that need to worry about his hair and all that entailed. form there the view of the story changed from being present tense to past tense as he was checking himself out after the prank rather then getting ready for what he hoped would be a date with the admiral.
Alright in that case it's fine then.
To be honest, I actually had something bigger planned for my gift, but it turned out to be too ambitious even thought I started it early. I just thought it was worth at least bringing up the issue.
I would personally object to it being that short (though I haven't participated since the first round) simply because we don't want to put pressure on people. This is supposed to be fun and a nice gesture for others. Not work or stress.
Yes, I don't think it would be a good idea. Some people have many things to do outside the forum and need time to finish their work.
...While others should be more responsible and meet the deadline. Whatever happened to Cog? As for the other two... I take it they haven't solved their scanner issues yet, but they could at least send a doodle, or a note with an apology.
How about I send inks and an apology? I really am sorry, I'm a dinkbutt and meant to get this in sooner, but failed. :< I'd make excuses, but I don't see much point in it.
As for actually getting something done, this (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/2679568) is for Beever. I don't think he's a riveter, but I was having a hard time coming up with a pose. (This won out over a giant Beever tossing a DMV building. :P) I hope I got his character right, as I didn't have much to go on, just the beach picture Kipiru did.
Also, the sketch of that picture is linked from the link above, for the record.
Again, sorry for being late. :<
My deepest apologies to Ren (I think it's safe to say his name now), but I've been having extreme difficulties getting anything down on paper right now. I'm currently trying to find a job, and the nagging unpleasantness of not having a job and needing to make rent makes getting the right frame of mind for writing exceedingly difficult. It's no excuse. I apologize profusely. I figured I owed an explanation, however.
I'll get this done just as quick as I can. I'm going to try and make it something special, since you've had to wait so long.
Quote from: Cogidubnus on August 20, 2009, 08:08:50 PM
My deepest apologies to Ren (I think it's safe to say his name now), but I've been having extreme difficulties getting anything down on paper right now. I'm currently trying to find a job, and the nagging unpleasantness of not having a job and needing to make rent makes getting the right frame of mind for writing exceedingly difficult. It's no excuse. I apologize profusely. I figured I owed an explanation, however.
I'll get this done just as quick as I can. I'm going to try and make it something special, since you've had to wait so long.
It's OK, Cogi. I can wait. I hope you manage to find a job soon. :)
...So that only leaves Zina. Does anyone know what became of her?
We can start taking sign-ups for the new round.
I'm in, head first.
i'll play too... my muse is still high and i've got time
Count me in.
I think I'll not be participating this round. Between everything going on, my free time is going to be spoken for straight through to...some time next year. :<
Oh, sorry to hear that. I know the feeling.
I'm game to participate this round.
Red five standing by.
>.> count me in :boogie
Sign me up!
As interesting as the last round was, I'm going to have to sit out the next few. I'm going to be taking a Photoshop class starting next week and then an Autodesk Maya class in the winter. Maybe I'll be able to hop back in come spring and do some 3-D modeling for practice once I get my hands on the student discounted programs :mwaha.
Count me in.
i'll be there if i can
I'd like to sign up again as well.
OK, I'll leave people until tomorrow to sign up and then begin the round 5 on Wednesday.
Zina has contacted me, she will post her gift for Round 4 when she finishes it (she's busy right now).
sounds good. count me in as well.
Oops! Little problem. I'll start the new round tomorrow morning. Sorry for the delay.
On the bright side, I have a new computer now! ^_^
Quote from: Gabi on August 26, 2009, 07:20:40 PM
On the bright side, I have a new computer now! ^_^
Grats. Have you named it yet?
Mmm. New electronics smell.
Which is probably a toxic chemical that will kill you... But, heck, we love it anyway.
Hurrah, congrats on the new compy.
Quote from: WhiteFox on August 26, 2009, 07:32:24 PM
Quote from: Gabi on August 26, 2009, 07:20:40 PM
On the bright side, I have a new computer now! ^_^
Grats. Have you named it yet?
Heh, heh, heh...
Geeks, we're them!
Oh man, so sorry this took so long. Between traveling from one country to another and work, certain stuff just kind of got pushed into the back. My bad, bros.
Anyway, this was a bit of a challenge for me, and I did my best to accurately draw Corg's character. It was fun regardless, but ugh. I gotta work on my muscles.
I wanted to color it, but...no time. Maybe someday.
Hope you like it, Corgatha~!
Oh, and Basilisk2150? LOVE. Thanks so much, I know llamas can be a bit of a pain, but it's obvious you tried hard, and I love it. Thanks a ton, sir. :>
I see Kipriu's open vest coat style has become popular, or is that just because Amber put a similar one on Dan? :P
Love the scarring work, especially the one that goes through his mouth, although the finger ones are also quite nice. And something about the eyes. Large irises and no visible pupil makes the stare, almost creepy in fact, and I think the lack of color accentuates how alien, how off (and therefore unsettling) the piece is.
Great work, sorry to hear about your bouncing, and hope you can settle in Zina. :)
Quote from: WhiteFox on August 26, 2009, 07:32:24 PM
Quote from: Gabi on August 26, 2009, 07:20:40 PM
On the bright side, I have a new computer now! ^_^
Grats. Have you named it yet?
Mmm. New electronics smell.
Which is probably a toxic chemical that will kill you... But, heck, we love it anyway.
Well, it's not really new. It's about as old as my old computer, just new for me (and with better components). It has my old hard drives and power source, and everything else comes from my brother's old computer. He suggested naming it GalaxyTula, as it's a hybrid of his Galaxy and my GoldenTula. But since it has my hard drives it still recognizes itself as GoldenTula.
Thanks for the congratulations, Sofox!
And thanks for posting, Zina. May happiness be with you.
And so, Round 5 begins!
The participants are WhiteFox, Basilisk2150, Corgatha Taldorthar, FSharp, wuffnpuff, Kipiru, Sofox, e_voyager, The1Kobra.
I'll be assigning matchups now. What I must ask everyone is that you
please be responsible. Anyone can have a problem and be delayed, but in that case please let us know what's going on so that your recipient doesn't feel neglected.
I hope everyone enjoys this new round.
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on August 27, 2009, 09:55:49 AM
I see Kipriu's open vest coat style has become popular...
Why wouldn't it- it lets muscles on the chest be seen with male characters and it makes for grand cleavage with female ones :mowmeep
Oh. By the way, the deadline for submitting your gifts is Thursday 24/09/09 or 09/24/09 or 09/09/24, whichever you understand best (they're all the same day anyway).
Quote from: Kipiru on August 27, 2009, 10:01:30 AM
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on August 27, 2009, 09:55:49 AM
I see Kipriu's open vest coat style has become popular...
Why wouldn't it- it lets muscles on the chest be seen with male characters and it makes for grand cleavage with female ones :mowmeep
It's more because he's a Wheel of Time character, and nobody really dresses that way in the books..........
First requests are in!
WhiteFox's gifter is asking for some information: "the usual, appearance, setting, personality, history".
The1Kobra's gifter wants to know if he has any requests for what he'd like for a gift, whether it be drawing or writing.
Well, I'm afraid I don't really have anything I'd like on a writing end...
If drawing is your thing, you could make another picture of Kassin. (Info : Picture by Aisha DeCabre (http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c108/RisenDeCabre360/New%20Art/Kassin.png), Description here (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,5673.msg279731.html#msg279731))
If you don't want to do that, you could make one of my NWN characters, (Neverwinter Nights, using DnD 3.0)
He's Kurchin, a Chaotic Neutral kobold rogue. He's quite eccentric, and is far from the typical 'Lawful Evil' kobold package. His personality can be described as something of a combination of a 6 year old child, a hyperactive puppy, and a pampered housecat. His favorite activity is jumping on a 'big person' and hugging them, while having his head petted. He also likes eating large sums of cookies (even though enough will make him vomit, he only has a Constitution of 12), cake. He's a rather unusual kobold. He also has a habit of licking people's faces (which many who are not used to his antics find somewhat disturbing). I didn't give him a detailed physical description (since I was pretty much going by the NWN model). He's approximately 2 foot 8 inches tall. His scales are blue, and lack any obvious blemishes. His sapphire-like eyes are large and beady. The short horns atop his head are neatly polished, and look to have been filed down (their ends are rounded). His appearance is roughly based off of Variant 2 here (http://nwn.bioware.com/builders/creature_profile1.html). He is however, supposed to be considered cute. (His Charisma is 14)
If this is inadequate, please let me know, and I'll endeavor to correct it.
WF being an avatar, the "Setting" could be considered modern day Atlantic Canada.
Arctic fox. Currently using summer colours, but by 10/24/09 (or 24/10/09, or 09/10/24), that might change. Either colouration is good, though.
Pony tail about a foot long, beard and 'stache as per avatar image on the left there.
Dresses business-casual. Likes Polo and button-down shirts, preferably blue, and tan or light gray slacks.
Average height and pretty damn skinny: No fat, not much muscle.
Mid twenties, artist and graphic designer.
Not likely to come up, but I'm blind in my right eye, and the pupil is permanently dilated. Which makes me look kinda like a druggie.
Aside from my avatar, I'd welcome art of any of my comic characters:DSOF archive here (http://www.northernelectric.ca/~whitefox/comics/dmfa/archive.php?comic=today).
We have more questions!
Quote from: e_voyager's gifter
Could you ask my recipient what he would like to receive please? I can draw and write, but I think I'm better at writing.
Thanks in advance.
Quote from: FSharp's gifter
Ok, I have a few questions for FSharp
What would you like as a gift? I know it's a tough question sometimes :) But if you really are unsure then could you give me either a lot of info on yourself or a character that you have?
Quote from: FSharp's gifter
Ok, I have a few questions for FSharp
What would you like as a gift? I know it's a tough question sometimes :) But if you really are unsure then could you give me either a lot of info on yourself or a character that you have?
If it helps to have something to work with, I collected some of my favorite NPC descriptions from a game I used to write for here (http://www.panicepisode.com/elementals.html), and any one of them would work. My overriding preference is any subject that inspires the creator and makes the work enjoyable to create. Whether that's one of my characters or something entirely different, I'll be happy with it.
Hello there gifter,
If you're reading this, i guess i'm kinda open as to whatever you wish to go for... If you're doing art, i can get you detailed character descriptions, as well as sketches...
if you're doing art/poetry, just ask Gabi to ask me for any specifics, and i'll get you what you need... sorry that it's not directly helpful, but i'd rather not limit your muse, especially this early in the round
Aww, I wanted in but I guess it's too late for that :<. I keep missing the signup period for some reason, grrr.
deer gifter which are you more comfortable doing? if you wish to write something it's fine and i can give you information on any of the character that strike you interest. if you wish to draw then i have several references about the characters that you can view. ( i would do it now but i'm too tired to see strait. )
Quote from: rhyfe2002 on August 30, 2009, 03:22:34 AM
Aww, I wanted in but I guess it's too late for that :<. I keep missing the signup period for some reason, grrr.
You could make a gift for me. ;)
Or you can keep an eye on the topic after the 24th. By the way, I meant September, not October. As busy and tired as I am, 2 months is a bit too much. Sorry.
Now this is for Sofox:
Quote from: Sofox's gifterDear sofox.
What species are you?
Do you have any favorite video games?
What time of year is it were you are?
Are you a writer or a drawer?
Do you have any favorite characters ?
Quote from: e_voyager's gifter
I'm more comfortable writing than I am drawing. If you could post links to whatever character you would like me to write about (if you don't have anything particular in mind, just link as many as you can think of and I'll choose from there.), it would help immensely.
Quote from: Basilisk2150's gifter
I read Basilisk2150's post on the art exchange thread and my preferred medium is drawing. Can you ask him to reply with character references or any other details I should include in the gift?
if you insist. take you pick and i can send you a little more information and any that you chose
http://eliander.deviantart.com/art/Wingless-eliander-at-the-beach-69779843 the dragon
the family in general http://eliander.deviantart.com/art/familiy-gathering-1-27061448
Eskavar , Erutan, Erica E, Estavon. Estavon is the fox withe sword and Eskavar is the wingless wolf( he has wings but they are folded away) with the old style home made look scythe it time he's release his wings and take over e's job at the time incarnation of death. ( e never really liked that job but hey you do as you must) this family photo takes place about 800 years in the future of the current e story line and the tags the boys have do have meaning . the feline Erutan is the only real passive of the bunch but like the others he can fight when he needs too. e's horns are the beginning of his body's transformation into a lager more dragonish form originally named valderen
as for the robot e's you've seen on this forum that haven't been blatant forte copy's. yes i said forte copies in the storyline e befit of body on the rock man world was captured by wily withe hops of using him to power a super robot to defeat rock man but before he cold do so rock man in the process of stop wily accidentally freed e who got into Wiley's system and took over one of forte's back up spare bodies. any way information them can be found here http://www.furaffinity.net/view/1679193 and here. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/1812628/ there is a part three but i have yet to type it up from my notebook. it explains the up grade to feline bot http://www.furaffinity.net/view/2533792/
Ellis my only cubi and one of my least explored character can be found here http://www.furaffinity.net/view/1812628/
but then now that i'm had my wind and told you all of this i'll tell you, you don't have to write about any of this character specifically. the basic concept behind my character is that he's and explorer who unless anchored can't stay in one place fore any extend period of time. he can go to sleep on the side of the road after long days travel and wake up in the middle of the mushroom kingdom or a robot war 100 years in the future of the rock man / mega man universe. the kids and there mother gave him and anchor some where to return to and stop his endless voyagers into the unexplored and unexplained. it should be noted that he truly dislikes time travel but is some times forced into it like an involuntary teleportion ( the way nightcrawler of the X- men used to) if he needs to be somewhere for some thing to happen he will be like it or not.
Quote from: WhiteFox's gifter
"I saw earlier in the thread that you don't really want something written. Since my drawing ability restricts me to stick figures (and bad stick figures at that) would you rather I try my luck with drawing or be willing to entertain a brief written piece?
My apologies,
Your Gifter.
No apologies necessary. I wouldn't mind a written piece; a short story would be alright.
As a note; medium to short paragraphs, with a line space between them, are easier for me to read.
Quote from: e_voyager's gifter
Could I get some Biographical and personality information on Eskavar, Erutan, Erica, and Estavan?
Also, about Ellis, I think the link you posted is broken, it put me to the second part of the PBH/E story. Could you post up a corrected link when you can please?
my mistake here the correct link http://www.furaffinity.net/view/1789151/
for eskavar http://www.voyagerhq.bravehost.com/eskavar.html
for erutan http://voyagerhq.bravehost.com/eurtan.html
i've never written much about Erica and estavon aside from that estavon is a combat prodigy and a black bet at age 8
Many apologies dear gifter, i've been getting back into the swing of college and checking this thread completely slipped my mind...
If you feel like doing my main character, Bas/Basilisk/Baseel, His body type was done perfectly by Ren, and his fur patterns, particularly the face done by rhyfe
Ren's rendition (http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh121/RentheKnight/Bas_Demon.png)
Rhyfe's rendition (http://s80.photobucket.com/albums/j190/rhyfe2002/?action=view¤t=sketches_baseel.jpg)
As for a physical description of Him...
Name: Baseel (pronounced Bah Seel) (AKA Basilisk) Wolkshammer
Race: Demon
Gender: Male
Species: Demon Canine, Shepherd
Physical Description: Tall, and thin, yet well muscled, one would find him to be the poster child of the demon race, at least in appearance. He Looks to be in his early 20's by being standards.
Across his back, starting at the top of his head, and running all the way down his back is a near jet black fur across his front is a silver tinged with a hint of brown, running across his face, down his throat and down his body, and ending in pure silver extremities. He has full black patches around his eyes, giving him an almost raccoon mask coloring. His muzzle is also mostly black, with brown around the corners of his mouth, and a silver ring right as his snout begins to broaden. A black diamond shape sits between his eyes and goes from the bridge of his nose to the crown of his head.
His cephalic hair (human like, head hair) is a reddish blond, and is worn in tied into cable-like clusters, and held together with silver rings. (basically think stylized for personal effect)
Bas sports a rather impressive pair of horns that sprout just behind his eyes, they curve up and around, facing slightly forward at the tips. (http://www.northernelectric.ca/~whitefox/images/dmfa/basilisk/basilisk4.png reference by whitefox)
His wings match his fur patterns quite nicely, dark at the top, moving to brown about the shoulders, then silver at center mass down. though the bottom wings are rimmed in black as well. His wingspan is 16 feet at maximum, and given his musculature, he seems capable of flight.
For clothing he usually wears a dark, forest green robe, with black trim, along with similarly patterned pants.
If you feel like trying something more sci-fi-ish... Darkshine is another one who i'd like to see someone else's take on...
Race: (heavily modified at the genetic level) Leopard
Age: Estemated at about 140 (though looks to be in his early to mid 20's)
Height: 2 meters (about 6'6")
Build: thin, lithe and sinuous
Features of note: Black tipped ears, Speckle directly under and on his left eyelid. Orangish-cream overcoat, Creamy/white undercoat, Speckled, Black tipped tail. Is almost never seen anywhere without his armor...
Armor (http://s41.photobucket.com/albums/e268/EWork88/?action=view¤t=DSarmor-1.jpg)
Lucheek's Sketch (http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k295/lucheek/Mechaleopard.png)
as for other characters, if you feel like trying something else, just let me know, and i'll get you some character descriptions and sketches :3
Sorry, forgot to keep checking here.
What species are you?
Purple Fox, best reference so far is here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/2175067
Do you have any favorite video games?
Yes. Favourite shooter is Half-Life, for atmosphere, gameplay and levels; though Max Payne comes a bit behind for its mood and setting and self awareness. I was a big fan of the Sonic the Hedgehog series up until Sonic Heroes and played the odd platformer too. Childhood favourites included The New Zealand Story and Bubble Bobble, and I also got into adventure games such as The Secret of Monkey Island for their humour, imersiveness, interaction, story, characters and challenging (but not frustrating) puzzles. I like the odd RTS such as Red Alert for just building big armies and crushing the opposition.
What time of year is it were you are?
Was Summer, now in the middle of Autumn.
Are you a writer or a drawer?
I've got some basic sketches under Sofox both on DeviantArt and FurAffinity, I also had a webcomic at www.martytheplatformer.com , but I've also done a bit of writing here and there, both comedic and otherwise.
Short answer is that I dabble in both, but wouldn't say I'm the best at either.
Do you have any favorite characters?
In my childhood I loved Tails (his flight, optimism, and always hoping to be better), and sorta ended up basing my character on him (long story). I've liked Lucario for character design, though I don't know much about him. Renamon from Digimon. Quite a few from DMFA.
On the non Furry side of things, I liked Bernard Black from Black Books with his depressive sardonic mood being practically tangible; I liked MacGuyver for his ingenuity and general pacifism as well as general good nature; Parker Lewis for, like Sonic, being the epitome of early 90s coolness; Merton from Big Wolf on Campus just for being hilarious and very energetic; Nemi ( http://www.metro.co.uk/nemi ) for her honest, brutal viewpoint of society and those around her as well as her childish glee which she never lets go of; (real life) Richard Branson for his drive, entrepreneurial spirit, sense of fun and willingness to just go out there and live out his ambitions;
Hey, everyone, remember that today is the deadline for the gifts. I have only received 3 gifts so far.
I'll post everything I have tomorrow morning.
Alright, here we are! Sorry for the delay, I wasn't feeling very well earlier today.
Fsharp has made this gift (http://www.panicepisode.com/fanartgallery/gallery/fanart/images/darkshine.png) for
Basilisk (now without the 2150).
Sofox has made this gift (http://sofoxcentral.com/supersecretawesome/WuffGift.jpg) for
Author's comments:
I hope she likes it, it was quite a challenge for me as I hadn't ever drawn something in quite that pose before. When looking through Wuffnpuff's FA and posts, it seemed that what she wanted most was something like this, so I decided to take a Chance (sorry, couldn't resist!)
Well, all the best,
Wuffnpuff drew this gift (http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c296/wuffnpuff/fsharpgift.jpg) for
WhiteFox's gift for
Kipiru isn't quite ready yet, but he has sent this:
Quote from: WhiteFox on September 24, 2009, 09:42:40 PM
As usual... I lost track of dates for the CCC. Kip's present isn't ready yet, but like last time I have a peace offering.
Rougher then I'd like, but it gets the joke across.
After coloring a few of Kip's pieces in the Open Collab thread, I couldn't help notice that most of the armor designs were... less then practical. What goes around comes around. :)
Just so you know, I'm not planning anything silly for the actual gift art.
e_voyager drew the following gift for
(http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/1346/oberonscliffs.th.png) (http://img3.imageshack.us/i/oberonscliffs.png/)
Author's comments:
i was trying to recreate and impression view of the cliffs beneath Oberon's castle but it didn't come along as well as i would have liked
The1Kobra wrote the following gift for
QuoteA Stare into the Abyss:
Eskavar groaned as he felt his back ache. He groaned softly, as he felt his head brush against the ground. It felt rough, coarse. His eyes were still closed, his breathing slow. He raised his right arm up into the air, and made a loud yawn. "My head hurts." he thought, he slowly managed to sit up, and then open his eyes.
The landscape around him was barren, entirely devoid of any life except his own. The ground itself looked to have been composed entirely of a brownish barren rock, rough on the surface, and supporting no life. It seemed to extend all across the horizon, for as long as could be seen. The endless mass was entirely featureless, save for barely noticeable bumps and cracks within the rock. The sky was just as barren, dark night was in the sky, even the stars above seemed scarce and insignificant. The sky also had the patternless mass appearance, showing no variation throughout.
Eskavar took a moment for his other senses to kick in. He didn't ponder where he was or why he was here before he got a good look at his surroundings. His breathing was slow, the air was stale, as if it only had trace amounts of oxygen in it. Above all else, it felt dead. He couldn't hear any sounds, save his breathing and the beating of his heart. He could smell no odors other than his own, and that of his clothes and other belongings. His mouth felt parched, but more so, felt empty.
Quickly, Eskavar checked himself to see that he had all of his belongings. To his dismay, most of them were missing. However, he still had his home-made scythe. He pulled it out. He felt a sense of renewal as he held the weapon, his arms felt strong while holding it. In a flash, he made a few swings, almost as if in an exercise routine, or as if swinging at some imaginary foe. He stopped after he heard a 'crack' as the blade cut into the ground. It left a small mark on the ground, yet, his scythe looked entirely undamaged. With a nod, he put the weapon away and began to explore.
To Eskavar's dismay, the scene never seemed to change, the only distinguishable marking that he had made rapidly disappeared from view. He made glances about, but nothing seemed to change. The place seemed entirely barren, devoid of life, save him. The loneliness usually didn't bother him, as a wanderer, it was something that had to be dealt with frequently. But there was something here that bothered him, the place was almost too barren, no plants, no animals, even the air and sky felt dead, it almost felt... sinister.
Eskavar stopped. He had already walked a mile. He had a brief feeling that he had been running around in circles. Yet, he hadn't spotted the mark he had made in the ground, and he consistently went in the same direction. He sat down to catch his breath, to ponder on where he was. Where am I? How did this happen? How did I get here? He had questions, but he had no way of answering them. He felt dissatisfied with a resigned sigh.
"Lovely? Is it not?"
Eskavar heard a voice in his head, he immediately sprang to his feet and looked around, but saw no one around. The place was still just as dead. No sound, the air still thin, nothing.
"One would say... for you, it should be familiar."
The voice let itself out in an almost condescending tone. It remained calm, yet had a certain commanding tone to it, as if demanding an answer. Eskavar gritted his teeth, and glanced around some more. Damn it all, nothing, he thought. With that, he shouted into the sky. "Who are you? Reveal yourself!" His voice echoed throughout the landscape. Eskavar himself could hear it several times before it died down.
"Who I am isn't important, who you are, is." The voice kept a stoic calm to itself, while retaining it's commanding tone.
Eskavar felt a chill go down his spine. He didn't respond, and kept going. He counted how far he had went, 'two miles, three miles, four miles... five'. Each stretch seemed to get longer than the last. Eskavar estimated he had already spent two hours here, since he awoke. His heart started racing however, when he found a structure in the distance. Excitement rushed through him as he rushed forward, rushing towards the structure.
However, his heart sank when he found it to be as dead as the rest of the place. The structure looked brittle, made out of a sand-colored material. It looked like a crude one-room building, possibly a house. There was however, no flooring, just a few walls, and a ceiling. Eskavar gently touched his hand to one of the walls, and in an instant, it crumbled into dust. He recoiled his hand as if he had touched acid. He watched as the crushed dust fell to the ground, his mere touch left a sizable hole in the wall.
"Please don't tell me that you don't like what you see." The voice suddenly said, it left Eskavar terrified, but at the same time, angry. "I told you this would look familiar, doesn't it?" It died down, as Eskavar didn't respond, but after a moment, it spoke up again. "You almost destroyed your world once, how did it feel?"
Eskavar felt a chill run down his spine. He froze in startled surprise. How did he know that!? He was speechless, that whatever was speaking to him knew, all the while in this cold dead place. Eskavar had nearly destroyed his world, and the actions that took place haunted him every day. He did his best to try and put it behind him. He was an explorer at heart, he could never stay in one place for too long, though sometimes he felt as though he left home to try and escape what he had done, too much of a coward to face up to what he had done.
"Speechless? Is it fear? Or are you basking in the magnificence?"
Eskavar gritted his teeth, a surge of anger went through him. "I'm not afraid. And this isn't magnificent at all."
"But you've destroyed before haven't you?" it replied. "That's why you carry that weapon around, isn't it?"
The responses kept edging in on Eskavar's cool, he had to take a few deep breaths to calm himself down. However, the matter was a touchy one, especially when mocked. He had been forgiven for it by some, but it always felt hollow somehow. He finally looked up at the sky. "What do you want with me?" Eskavar said.
"What do you think?"it replied.
Eskavar gritted his teeth, anger once again surged through him. He gripped his weapon, almost as if it were a crutch. He was silent, and awaited what the voice said next. "No answer?" It began. "Well, I can tell you, if you don't want to even try to guess." Eskavar remained silent, irritation building in his nerves. He glanced about mutely, sharp eyes glancing about like a predator. "I want you to know what you are."
Eskavar raised an eyebrow, suspiciously. "I already know who I am, better than you. I am Eskavar v..."
The voice interrupted. "That is a name, a title, it means nothing. It has no bearing on who or what you are." A soft pause. "In fact, I'm dubious that you know who you are, better than anyone else. You see, from my perspective, you're a coward." A pause, the voice appeared more critical, sardonic, mocking in a way. "You're afraid of what you are, and your ignorance is a shield. You're afraid of embracing what you are. That's why you run around, hoping that you can escape what lies within. But we both know the truth, you can't run away from a foe like that. Every step you make moves you closer to him. You hide behind a title because you can't..."
Eskavar was furious from what was being told to him, he yelled into the air, interrupting him, "Shut up!" he cried, as he swung his weapon around as if blind. A sickening 'crack' was heard as it tore into the structure he was near. It cleaved through it like a hot knife through butter, striking points turned to powder, as it soon slowly dissolved. Portions fell off from the impact, and upon touching the ground, turned into fine dust, slowly picked up by a gentle breeze.
"Now that is more like it, but not quite, it's just a hollow thing..." The voice continued, but Eskavar wasn't listening. He looked at the ground. He tightened his grip around his weapon, and continued exploring the barren landscape. "I will find you..." he muttered under his breath. He chose a direction to go, and walked along. The place seemed entirely barren, but he kept his eyes and ears alert, as if he thought something would spring upon him from nowhere. He did not hear that voice anymore, but he was certain that whomever it was, whatever it was, still lurked just beyond his perceptions.
Eskavar came to another abandoned, old looking building, even more ancient and brittle than the last he had come to. Large, decorated, yet ancient and fragile looking pillars held the structure up, the base appeared to be elevated. Large stairs were at the entrance, which were as worn as the rest of the structure. Large double doors covered the entrance, they looked to have once been magnificent, yet to have decayed to the point of worthlessness.
Curious, Eskavar approached the structure, he had a feeling this was where his answers lay. Instinct guided his actions. As he walked up the stairs, he heard the voice again. "It's a familiar feeling isn't it, to scar every place you walk. What you do to every place you go, what is etched in every minuscule particle of existence that you walk upon." Eskavar instinctively looked down at his feet. The stairs he walked upon seemed to disintegrate beneath his step, fine powder covered his feet. He gritted his teeth, walked up, and touched the doorknob on the large doors. "To defile everything you touch." Eskavar looked as he saw the ancient structure seem to collapse with even a gentle touch. "It does not matter what you perceive yourself to be, it does not even matter what others perceive you to be, there's only one thing that matters." Ignoring what he was being told, he continued inside.
The inside was as barren as the landscape around it, save one thing. There was a statue there, it was a marvelous piece of work, made from marble. The figure looked powerful, confidant, it's face wore relaxed, amused expression, as if gazing down upon someone to whom it felt was inferior. The gemstones in it's eyes gleamed with light.
Eskavar however, missed many of the fine details. "And so you come face to face..." he heard. Anger slipped through his fingers, he sheathed his weapon, and approached the statue. Somehow, it seemed alive to him, and with every step he made, the figure seemed different. It appeared more fragile, old, afraid, as if suddenly as he stepped, it went from being a powerful authority figure to someone begging for solace. With a grimace, Eskavar grabbed the statues neck, and squeezed with all his might. It at first didn't budge, he gripped harder, and harder. A moment's exertion later, and he had cracked off the statue's neck. It fell to the ground with a thud. Eskavar took a deep breath, as if relieved after a difficult task. Finally, it's gone... he thought.
He took a minute catching his breath, but something felt wrong. He crouched on the ground in exhaustion, panting for breath. He heard noise, but it wasn't a scream, it felt too satisfied. Laughter. Eskavar clutched his head and screamed. No! How could he have! Who was this thing? "You!.." Eskavar started.
"I'm impressed." The voice began. "You want to blame this on me don't you? You want to hold me accountable? Unfortunately, even if I wanted to hold myself accountable, I could not. You see, this is a product of only one thing."
Eskavar's anger took almost complete control of him, he bared his weapon, swinging around the place like a madman, as if it would make whomever was talking to him stop. It only made everything worse though, the voice became more audible with each swing."
"To destroy, it's a paradox. It's so difficult for many to make that first little step towards destroying something. Anything. There's too much holding you back. Guilt, fear, clumsiness. Yet, you make that great effort to go beyond that, and there's a snap. And suddenly, you find it hard to stop. It grows on you, makes you feel powerful, confident, sure of yourself. It's addictive isn't it?" Eskavar tried to keep the voice out of his head, he couldn't. He looked around, and saw that the entire place had become a pile of dust and rubble, the statue gone with the rest of the barren land.
"But you see, there's a way back, but it takes that effort to stop, the same effort it takes to start, and you have to keep it there, or else you lose yourself. Every time you let go of your control you slip back down, all progress becomes lost and it becomes even harder to control yourself, unless you want to admit it into yourself." Eskavar kept his hands on his ears, but he still could not block what he was hearing.
"And it will never stop until you know what you are." Eskavar stood up, and howled into the empty sky.
Author's comments:
It's done. The piece below is certainly not my best piece, but it should suffice. I hope my giftee enjoys.
Corgatha Taldorthar has PMed me saying he will be a bit late. Oddly enough, I still have no news from
Kipiru. Both of them can post their gifts here, and should do so as soon as they can.
I hope you all enjoy your gifts. :)
Well done you've captured how the mysterious entity and guilt haunt at Eskavar very well. i've never fully stated who the entity was but his role in the life of all growing voyagers seems to be to push them to uncover themselves ins Esk's case him power as an incarnation of death and his ancestral link to the avatar of rage. it's a bad combination if one is too young to control themselves. tell me i know that the stature was either of himself or of the entity (probably of himself as he's the one he's never forgiven himself for loss of control that cost so many lives.) but did he arrive and some alternate future on hims home world were he wasn't stopped in time or is this a recreation at the behest of the entity? a partial dreamscape as it were to show what could have been and force him to stop running and grow up?
Thank you for the gift e_voyager, I certainly didn't expect something like that.
i wanted to make it better but RL kept me so busy i didn't have a chance to redraw it again. i was going to paint offline and scan it but there wasn't time so i tried to approx it in mspaint if i have time in the near future i plane to remake it for you but for now i' just breezing throng to grab lunch on my way to my second shift of duty today.
Field Project
Theonor shifted uneasily, crouched on a low cot in his dorm at SAIA. A little spell he had learned ages ago allowed him to store sounds in gemstones, and while he normally used the magic to keep songs that he particularly enjoyed, a row of flawed amethysts held important snippets from lectures of Professor Maltorious.
Fighting to keep his breathing under control, he flexed out a tentacle and pulled the second gem from the right into his hand, crooning the words that activated the effect. It wasn't really necessary, but Theonor wanted a little reassurance, the proven life that routine exemplified, in order to help him face his upcoming assignment.
The spell finished, the low thrumming voice of his professor filled the room "For our purposes, a dungeon can be defined as a fortified position that exists parasitically with its surrounding countryside. As opposed to a castle, which is symbiotic, offering protection and administration in return for goods and services, a dungeon attacks the surrounding countryside, and pillages it for sustenance.
A high pitched, almost a squeak if not for its melodic tones enters in "But does not the dungeon then destroy its own host? If it pillages the country, what will be left to support it?"
The professor's chuckle is raspy. "And herein lies the crux of the difficulty, why dungeon keeping is not so easy. You need to raid, to take in income, raid too much, too hard, and you'll provoke retaliation, or worse, abandonment. You can possibly survive a team of adventurers or soldiers knocking on your door. If everyone gets up and leaves, then you'll have to move the dungeon. And it's very difficult to transport a fortification, or even worse, a protective stronghold reliant on stealth, so often you're stuck."
A small mutter brought the spell to an end,and Theonor fluidly got to his feet and strode out of his room, taking care to seal the doorway against intrusion. While he wanted to dash to his classroom, he knew that external poise often influenced internal balance, and he needed calm. Similarly, the disorientation of a Warp-Aci's teleportation would be something to be avoided. So he strode, occasionally nodding in greeting to a fellow student, but more often deftly weaving himself through the crowd to avoid trampling, wondering once again why he simply didn't add on a foot or so of height.
Still, smaller meant he was often quicker, if not faster, and he ducked to the side and wove around with practiced ease, making time almost as good as if he were walking in a straight line, and with far more elegance. One of the reasons he had stuck with the height he reached in adolescence was the simple pain it was to get used to a new height, weight, and center of mass. There was a reason Elementary Shapeshifting was called "The Chuckle room".
By the time he reached the classroom, there were two other students in attendance, Lakathi Tsatain, a tall, graceful blue-gold Gryphon with headwings, and a 'Cubi who only answered to Grek, another one with two 'Cubi parents and a penchant for shapeshifting. Today he was wearing a form that was almost as wide as it was tall, canine, and with a psychedelic blend of dull green and bright orange fur. It hurt to look at him too long at one time, which Theonor could have sworn was some sort of reflexive combat trick. The professor was nowhere to be seen, but he was late as often as not, so Theonor carefully avoided looking at anything too long to attract his interest, and gently rocked himself back and forth on a chair in the room, lowering his level of alertness somewhat.
Perhaps a minute or two later, the oaken door separating the room from the hall slammed open with enough force to make Theonor jump slightly out of his seat, craning his head around and shape shifting ever so slightly to allow him to turn his head one eighty degrees. He needn't have bothered, as he saw Belkazar Triotholus, a hugely imposing red jackal, stamp into the room and proceed to lean against a nearby wall. Theonor wasn't quite certain how the demon fathered incubus managed to get into a class like this, given that he could barely articulate a sentence, and his obvious reveling in petty acts of destruction. He had always marked the thuggish classmate to be down as an enforcer of some sort, but somehow he managed to always get very good grades, almost as good as Theonor's own.
A moment later, an almost singsong voice emanated out from the doorway. "Careless with school property again? You know Procurement won't like that Belkazar." Wearing long maroon robes, Professor Maltorious seemed to glide rather than walk to his teacher's podium, and once there, spent a moment scrutinizing the area, finally deciding to cast some spell that Theonor couldn't catch that sent a ray of soft purple to the impact crater on the plastered wall, erasing the mute evidence of its encounter with the door.
"I won't be wasting any more of your time students. For the next three months, you won't have to hear me drone. You're each to be given field command of a dungeon in a primitive little world called Alvestan. Your objectives are simple. Survive, and come back with a record of as much profit as you possibly can garner. I've prepared each one myself, and they're all awaiting the arrival of a trusted lieutenant of mine to manage things for a while."
He snapped his fingers on his left hand once, and a manilla folder appeared in Theonor's hands, and a glance around showed that the other three students received a similar parcel each. He internally debated whether or not to pen the package, when that high squeak rang out "Part of this lesson is to be able to think and adapt on your own, so I will not be helping any of you with this project, not directly anyway. I will be monitoring your situations, and will intervene to prevent something resulting in certain harm, but be aware, if you get your stronghold sacked by adventurers, you will almost certainly fail the project.. Run along now, and look over your folders."
With a dismissal so blatant, Theonor saw no point in remaining in the classroom any longer, and drifted back into his own room. While not worried that his classmates would sabotage his project, he saw no point in allowing the possibility of someone reading over his shoulder or poking into his mind for details.
Carefully, he opened the parcel, takings care that the entrance faced away from him in case it contained an angry spirit, but nothing more than paper came out of the container. While noting that something as mundane as paper was odd for an institution like SAIA, Theonor quickly gathered up the material and spat out a simple scry spell to read through the information quickly.
A minute later he had finished. Two seconds after that he had flung the papers across the room and let out an inchoate scream of rage. Five half demons? That's what he had to work with? He probably could defeat all of them by himself, and move faster and more stealthily besides. Still, he curbed his first impulse, which was to break into the Professor's office and snap his neck, on the basis that it would probably get him annihilated in about twelve seconds after he kicked the door in.
Bit by bit, he got his temper back under control. The assignment was the assignment, and there was no use getting irritated about it. Professor Maltorious had always had a reputation for fairness as well as difficulty, if he was only given 5 half beings, he likely wasn't being expected to come back with a king's ransom. In fact, this had some advantages. Mentally, he quickly reviewed the information given. Yes, this had some distinct possibilities.
Still, no time to get started like the present, so after locking up his room and securing the papers that he already had memorized and would do him little good afield, he motioned over for Re, and gave him the coordinates to transport to, and then promptly sent the warp-aci back to SAIA. Although extraordinarily well behaved for one of his kind, even Re might be too unstable for a mission requiring delicacy and tact.
After sending the little inkblot on his way, Theonor glanced around at the meadow that he had been deposited in. It smelled pleasant, and the lush grass was broken up by trees here and there, rowans Theonor thought, although botany was certainly far from any sort of specialty of his. There was a lightly cobbled path, which, if his information was accurate would lead to the dilapidated manor of a now extinct line of barely worth mentioning nobles, now the hideout for his little band.
A ten minute march confirmed his data, and Theonor stifled a groan at the condition of his new 'fortress'. The walls of the manor house wouldn't keep out a drunk farmer with a butter knife. Still, it was specious, and with a structure in that state of ruin, it meant that there were always good hiding places to lay low or to stash loot. It was quite possible that even if their home was taken, he and his band could hide with their takings, and no adventurer would ever consider staying in a locale like that.
There was a faint buzz of mental activity as he approached the front door, and smiling slightly, Theonor called out. "That crossbow won't do you much good, and it might make me angry enough to rip you in half. A certain mutual acquaintance of ours asked me to tell you that the salmon run would be late this year." Stupid code, that. Still, the door creaked open and three more half-creatures filed out, carrying an assortment of weaponry that was in decent, if not masterful condition. Theonor ignored their attempts at conversation, and simply nodded regally once, before striding into the decrepit structure.
The next month blurred itself in Theonor's memory, as he embarked on a campaign of drilling, information gathering, and banditry. While none of his "soldiers" had powers that could terrify the countryside, they all possessed a certain amount of low cunning, and were quite skilled at executing ambushes if he could supply information. With a large city named Thoraklen only half a day's march away, information was often something Theonor was able to acquire through judicious use of mentalics, and having reviewed the parameters carefully, he determined that such activity did not fall under direct participation.
Mostly they hit merchant caravans taking goods from the city. On the way in, they were carrying food as often as not, something too large and bulky with to make profit themselves, and it was less noticeable if a caravan didn't return than if one didn't arrive. They attracted little attention, only once having their lair raided by adventurers, but a few traps set up in the lair and what treasure they amassed kept either on their bodies or well hidden ensured that when they vacated their lair for three days and laid low, when they returned, their only losses were a handful of silver.
Still, there were troubling developments. To the east, apparently an area of unwashed barbarism, some new warlord calling himself the "Flame Bringer" was arising, forcing the scattered tribes into some semblance of unity and sacking some of the smaller towns. It cut down on travel, and what caravans that did move now often had more guards than he was willing to risk his small force against.
It was on the fifty third day of his project that Theonor realized the obvious next step, calling himself nine kinds of fool for not seeing it earlier. Thankful that all of his "boys" as he had come to think of them, could pass for beings, he gathered them up and loaded every last bit of treasure they had into a small wagon they had stolen and abandoned their base, relocating into Thoraklen itself.
Theonor's bout of self-congratulation for his choice due to closer proximity to their actual targets, and the ability to hide right in plain sight, as well as greater security from a large band of marauders lasted right up until he found the cost of buying a small warehouse to camp out in. Thoraklen was preparing for siege, and space of any kind was fearfully expensive. Instructions were to avoid any kind of "constructive" means of making money, so Theonor couldn't even sub-let out the space his minions weren't using. He was glad that his small band's overhead wasn't going to cut too deeply into his profits, as they had managed to amass quite a store of food before abandoning their lair.
Profits were less inside the city than they were outside, largely because he twice had to bail his thugs out of prison when they got caught pilfering from teamsters, but at least they weren't caught for any of the muggings, which would have had them taken outside of his reach. Still, he felt justified with his decision when he learned that the Flame Bringer was drawing up an army to the city, and would almost certainly have discovered his own little band. Unless Professor Maltorious was going to hold him responsible for an army disrupting the entire economy of the region he was in, there was no way he could be held accountable for these setbacks, and had even, to his own mind, demonstrated adaptivity and cleverness by relocating in the face of a large, ponderous threat.
He was in high spirits when he went up to the walls to see the incoming army for himself. He had two scant weeks remaining to this project, his hideout was stashed with gold, the silver that his boys often stole being converted for easier transport and storage, and he was sure that the walls of the city could hold out a hostile force long enough for his project to end and have him back ensconced in SAIA.
The motley collection of rabble outside on the plain filled him with something less than fear. There couldn't be more than six or seven thousand of them, and while he felt some magical emanations that indicated at least eight or nine full blooded Demons in the horde, he was certain they were only going to get in by starving the city, which could take months. He was scanning the mob outside the gates one last time to be certain when his attention was drawn to someone in rather garish war paint, making a speech from just out of spellshot from the walls.
As he looked in on the speaker, his blood froze. Bright red, considerably taller than the others in his horde, with an axe in his right fist glowing with a magic that seemed as bright as a moonlit night to his enhanced senses, Theonor suddenly realized who this "Flame bringer" was.
He sprang off the wall and down some stairs before his rush of obscenities could be heard by the guards and other onlookers. Belkezar would almost certainly attack maybe a day before the time limit was up, and performing tasks that seemed to be beyond his apparent mental capabilities had been par for that thug for years. A sudden lump in his chest told him that somehow or other, that idiot would manage to take the city.
Still, he knew, and could make preparations. That crowd outside looked like an undisciplined sort, and their only real means of marking themselves seemed to be garish black and white designs painted on the face and chest that probably signified tribal affiliation. It was simple enough to dip into some of their wealth and purchase paint for themselves, and to further exchange the bulk of their wealth for a handful of gems that could be secreted on their persons. Even if the city fell, He had a good chance of hanging on to the bulk of his profit.
But he sensed he could do more. Two days spent in his warehouse brooding yielded the insight that if the city was attacked in force, most of the local lords' guards would be conscripted and rushed to the hot spots, leaving their manors relatively undefended. And in the chaos of an actual assault, it shouldn't be too hard to lose pursuit.
When the assault finally came, on the moment of sunrise on his eighty ninth day away from SAIA, Theonor almost laughed at how easily it came together. He kept his men close and their heads down for what he judged to be three hours, and then sent them to the perfumed district, as it was called, where the nobles lived. Two hours after that they came in, two with minor wounds, one with a serious gash in his side, but bearing a reasonable haul of a dozen crystal goblets, as well as a heavy golden bust of some feline that Theonor didn't recognize.
He wasn't allowed to use his magic to simply erase the wounds, but he did bind up the cuts, and personally daubed on paint to the five of his underlings, using shapeshifting to build his own mask. When the cries of bloodlust and terror got close enough to hear, he led his own little contingent to run around, wave their weapons and scream like idiots, and gradually filtered their way out of the city, with the only loss of loot being one of the goblets shattering as it got jostled around. Theonor celebrated his escape by taking a sleep on the end of that day, when they made camp by the light of the burning towers in Thoraklen.
He woke up in Professor Maltorious's office, along with Belkazar and Lakathi. He wondered if Grek had died on assignment. Theonor was considering taking further courses with Maltorious, and if he got disciplined for letting a student die on a field assignment, his career could become complicated. But another moment of concentration from Maltorious brought the protean incubus in with them.
Theonor's heart hammered in his chest, and as the professor discussed with Lakathi her own endeavor, he bent his efforts onto maintain control over his own form, forcing his legs to keep from tapping and his breathing rate to steady. He mastered himself in time to hear Maltorious, his voice deeper than Theonor was used to hearing say,
"Well, you certainly made quite a stir Belkazar. You turned a band of a dozen demons into an army that devastated an entire kingdom, and quite probably will kill it, even with you gone. Still, your assignment was to garner profit, not to wreak havoc. You spent almost the entirety of your income raiding back to supporting your horde, and while I will give you the net worth of what can be taken away from that city your forces crushed, you do realize that you'd have to spend almost all of it to sustain them for a march somewhere else. I give you a C+. Leave now." Even Belkazar didn't contest that, and opened and closed the door silently.
He then turned to Theonor, and flashed a rare smile. "As you may have surmised, I had my own sources of information. You did well, very well. You didn't amass quite as much profit as Belkazar, but you had less to work with, and your band is more likely to hold on to it in the long term. More importantly, you reacted to circumstances, and proved yourself adaptable. Very impressive. You get an A-, and I look forward to seeing you in the future. You may leave now."
Theonor couldn't keep himself from skipping back to his room.
I tried to keep it at 5 pages, (for open office) and proceeded to get it exactly there although the level of detail isn't constant. Anyway, I hope it's readable, and that you enjoy the work Whitefox.
If it isn't clear, this is supposed to be set in DSOF, but near the beginning of Theo's college career, when he's just getting into dungeon keeping.
Best wishes,
Corgatha Taldorthar.
Oh Sofox Thank you! *huggles* It's perfect :3 I especially like the t-shirt since it really would be something I would wear :boogie And the pose is just awesome! Brilliance! Thank you!! :mowhappy :tighthug
Well, there are one or two technical inaccuracies.
All of which are entirely inconsequential. I swear, you must have been inside my head when you wrote that. The characters are spot on, and the earlier paragraphs about dungeons being parasitic really fit in well, thematically, with DSOF.
And, no, I didn't have too much trouble reading it. It was definitely a good read, at that. :)
Oh, and, FSharp? Damn, talk about raising the bar for the rest of us. Nice work.
Thanks E, I'm glad you liked it.
Though, the ambiguity as to what the statue is(or even who that voice is), that's intentional. :)
Quote from: e_voyager on September 26, 2009, 03:20:37 PM
i wanted to make it better but RL kept me so busy i didn't have a chance to redraw it again. i was going to paint offline and scan it but there wasn't time so i tried to approx it in mspaint if i have time in the near future i plane to remake it for you but for now i' just breezing throng to grab lunch on my way to my second shift of duty today.
What matters is the thought you put into it.
Quote from: wuffnpuff on September 26, 2009, 04:07:02 PM
Oh Sofox Thank you! *huggles* It's perfect :3 I especially like the t-shirt since it really would be something I would wear :boogie And the pose is just awesome! Brilliance! Thank you!! :mowhappy :tighthug
Awwww, you're welcome Wuff, if you really like it I'm happy. I from reading your stuff (nice written work by the way) and looking at what you drew, I figured something open, free and liberating would appeal to you. The T-Shirt kinda just happened, I like it when not overly elabourate, it makes the character of the person shine all the brighter (It's also a lot easier to draw, but shhhhh, that's our secret for now...).
Anyway, glad you like it!
Quote from: Gabi on September 25, 2009, 06:41:26 PM
-Wuffnpuff drew this gift (http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c296/wuffnpuff/fsharpgift.jpg) for FSharp.
Thanks! It's great. I really like how you drew the wings and the curlicues in the hair--they give it an art nouveau look.
hey, sorry for not responding sooner. FSharp that is absolutely awesome, and not, awesome as in "bro-speak" awesome as in, standing at the foot of a mountain, and are filled with a sense of awe... Truly, your rendition of Darkshine is beautiful, and i only hope to have the chance to give back for what you've given me.
Sorry about being late Kobra, feathery wings are giving me a bit of problems, but i'll be posting your picture after class :/ sorry for taking so long, but i wanted you to know that i haven't forgotten my responsibility.
I'm super sorry for my delay this round- something came up and I was away for quite some time. I'll be getting my act together as soon as possible so it shouldn't be long. Till then I have to say i almost busted a gut with WhiteFox's joke picture, thanks man.
apologies for taking so long, i played with over a dozen different poses with Kassin, and none of them really fit... I've got a quick sketch i'll post for now... just to let you know i'm still working... however in the next few weeks, i'll PM you something with a bit more
Well, the pic I originally had planned was taking too freaking long to color. I eventually reached a state wherein the more work I did, the closer I got to finishing, but the more work I had to do to finish it.
Kipiru Triptych WIP (http://www.northernelectric.ca/~whitefox/images/dmfa/kip.png)
Wielding the sword Ascendance, the Mega-Huge-Gun Omniscience, and pants. Which is all he needs to kick your butt.
So, instead of coloring the unfinishable monstrosity, I inked the original sketch and submit that as my gift to Kip:
Kipiru Starrider: Thou Shalt Not Mess With (http://www.northernelectric.ca/~whitefox/images/dmfa/kip_bw.png)
(...And at some point I realize that I don't actually know how to do hatching.)
Kip is too fun to draw. Not to mention, the biggest character I have ever had to draw. I half-inked a little height-comparison-diagram-thing for reference:
Height Sheet (http://www.northernelectric.ca/~whitefox/images/dmfa/kip_height.png) (Warning: Moderate NSFW. No clothes, but not anatomically complete)
On the right being Jade, the tallest character in my pantheon. That shrimpy dude in the middle is a 6'5" average person. Tiny.
Not to mention, he's muscled.
Anatomy Study (http://www.northernelectric.ca/~whitefox/images/dmfa/kip-anat.png) (Warning: Moderate NSFW. No clothes, but not anatomically complete)
In conclusion; Kipiru is awesome-fun to draw, and I hope he likes it. In conclusion-conclusion: I need to do things for the CCC that I am actually able to do.
WhiteFox- I could hug you man! That is sooo cool it's giving me chills! I'm super glad to hear you had fun drawing my character- it certainly shows in your work. Thanks! :mowmeep
To be fair Bas, that sketch is probably better than anything I could draw. I appreciate the effort you've put into this.
And here is my gift for Corgatha Taldorthar:
Corgahta a merchant? (http://img340.imageshack.us/img340/2262/giftc.jpg)
Sorry for the huge delay, this round cought me at a bad time.
Sorry, didn't notice this thread got updated.
The picture is nice, albiet odd. I like how the detail centers mostly on Corgatha's face and hands, and kind of fades into indistinctness as you get lower. With the two "customers" it's kept at a constant, emphasizing their non-human state by pulling away from their faces.
That being said, Corg's tied to a WoT setting, and seeing him as a merchant, to two non-humans, is..... odd. It's a good picture, but one that doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.
OK, it looks like we're ready for the next round. Everyone who's interested, sign up below. :mowgrin
I am so in :boogie
I'm game :)
Please count me in as well! :mowhappy
No screw ups this time- I'm in!
Hmm, I'm in, if anyone wants a tale written.
Once more into the breech!
Sign me up. And this time, I promise not to be overdue.
Count me in please.
Wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to be in.
Well, going against what I said at the end of round...4 was it?...I think I will though my hat back into the ring for the next round. Although, bad news is there will be no 3-d are from me, that class won't start until mid January. But good news, I'm coming into this round with a full licensed version of Photoshop CS4 to play around with (and some newly acquired skills with it). That way if I do make an attempt at drawing something, I can use that to make it less full of suck :eager.
i wish i could join i really do but life is kicking me around at the moment and kicking me hard
maybe next round
OK, the new round starts now! Sorry for the delay, I've been so busy it's not even funny.
The participants are: wuffnpuff, Basilisk, Fibre, Kipiru, Myr, WhiteFox, FSharp, Corgatha Taldorthar, Dekari.
The randomizer has done its job and I'll be sending PMs tonight. You have time until Wednesday, 25th of November to submit your gifts.
I hope you all enjoy the exchange, and sorry again for the delay.
Dear gifter, I'm would be just as happy to receive art or a story, so just be creative :mowwink
Some messages from our sponsors... I mean gifters.
First, some questions for Fibre. If I understand correctly, this is for a written gift.
Quote from: Fibre's gifter
I'd like to know these things:
One, does he have any specific theme and/or setting he/she likes? I will note (And you may add this part if you wish) that I refuse to do sex or highly romantic scenes. Just...no. A little drama, a little romance, that's fine.
Two, does he have a character in particular, or characters, that he would like to see? If so, I need as much information as possible on them-descriptions, personality, one gets the idea. Keep in mind I can only handle so many; with two/three being reasonable.
And Corgatha's gifter would like to know whether Corgatha wants anything specific, or can provide some motivation/inspiration.
Quote from: Fibre's gifter
I'd like to know these things:
One, does he have any specific theme and/or setting he/she likes? I will note (And you may add this part if you wish) that I refuse to do sex or highly romantic scenes. Just...no. A little drama, a little romance, that's fine.
Two, does he have a character in particular, or characters, that he would like to see? If so, I need as much information as possible on them-descriptions, personality, one gets the idea. Keep in mind I can only handle so many; with two/three being reasonable.
Hmm... I primarily enjoy clean humor. In general, I tend to stay away from romance/drama, actually. No character preferences, I don't really have any developed.
I hope that this is somewhat useful; I know it's not much, mainly I'd enjoy seeing what you come up with, and have fun with it. :)
Ok, before i start, I just want to make it clear that I tend to go way overboard with details, both on the creative and the receiving aspect of things. So this will be long, probably boring, and technical. It's a suggestion, not a demand, so feel free to completely disregard all of this and make something random if you don't like my suggestions.
Anyway, I was thinking that I've had enough Corg pictures, (They're very nice Kip and Zina), and I don't trust anyone else to write him correctly. I'm going to work with the assumption that you're either writing a prose piece or you're drawing something.
If you're writing, uhm, stay away from my characters, or at least don't give them speaking roles. I dunno, I feel both a sense of possession and a worry that other people will write them or make them act in ways that run counter-character, and I don't have a huge amount of reference material to work with. If you've really got your heart set out for a written piece, I can give some stuff about Kedered, the RP character I play in Shattered Innocence, maybe something about his life before he got to the RP campaign. Maybe from the point of view of someone interacting with him though, might be a better angle than actively trying to write Kedered.
If you're drawing, it occurred to me that I'd like something from an old Blades of Exile scenario line called the Arc. Now, I'm sure you've never heard of it, but it's a very well designed fantasy setting made via this RPG maker like tool. A major part of the Arc comes from this one guy known as the Sovereign, who magically engineers a number of species. Now, the game's seriously old, and the graphics were considered bad then, so I'm going to apologize right now for uploading some of them up.
Now that you're done shuddering, the five things are, in descending order, the Rokka, Seraphim, Godan, Boemen, and Legion. The first four are those magically engineered species. Legion is a demon that gets summoned. You don't get a huge amount in the way of written description, but I'll put in what I have
Rokka are generally around six feet tall, thin, vaguely reptilian. They never take off those robes, they're very highly magical, and they're not alive in the true sense of the world. They're more like elementals, a kind of expression of a certain creative force, although in their case it's the creative ideas of an insane God. They've never been seen to use weapons that I know of.
It's not really very clear where the Seraphim come from. They're about 15 feet tall, inky blue, extraordinarily powerful (Maybe 20 or so people in the world can take one 1v1) superlatively skilled both in hand to hand combat and in magic. They've got large, feathery wings, and a solid build. They all seem to have massive, wavy swords that ban be swung one handed by them.
The third row are the Godan, a kind of giantoid species. They're bigger than ogres if not as big as true giants, standing about 9 feet tall and weighing about 800 pounds. They use crude weaponry, mostly over-sized slings and clubs, and they're not really all that powerful. However, they're the most tightly bound to the Sovereign, and they're used as shock troops a lot.
Boemen are small, quick, vicious, magically resistant, and have a poisonous bite. They wear armor and use short swords sized down to their own size. They're about four feet tall and weigh about eighty pounds. They tend to walk hunched over, and fight ferociously, if not with the same kind of discipline that the Godan or humans have. Still, they're the main shock troops of the Sovereign, (the Rokka are more powerful but they're more allies, and not in a master slave relationship. There are only like 20 or so Seraphim.)
The last one is a powerful demon, Legion. About forty feet tall, with a sinewy, skeletal body and pinking claws in the place of hands. For all practical purposes, Legion is invincible. Nothing you've been shown as a character can scratch him, he causes fear just by being in the area, and can cut through armor like warm butter. He only seems to attack by running up to people and slicing them to pieces, but that seems to be enough. Extremely quick. Although the enemies summon him once, there seems to be some sort of restriction about when he can be brought into the world, at least while under some measure of control.
I don't really care what you do with the images, but some sort of picture of them would be nice as a memento of a brilliant CRPG line. I'll edit this post and put in some stuff about Ked if you want to go the writing route, but I'm a little short on time here.
New questions for Fibre and FSharp, who are different people and shall not be mistaken for each other, and the same goes for their respective gifters (if this sentence doesn't make sense, just ignore it).
Quote from: Fibre's flopping furnisherOkay. I'm just being sure here before I actually start, but you're saying anything goes outside of what you've mentioned?...As in, characters of my own design for said story, things like that? Forgive me, I'm rather tired lately but I feel the urge to have that clarified and that honestly surprises me.
And FSharp's gifter, who seems to have overcome the small identity crisis ;), wants to know whether FSharp has any characters, settings, or themes he'd like to see.
Quote from: Fibre's flopping furnisherOkay. I'm just being sure here before I actually start, but you're saying anything goes outside of what you've mentioned?...As in, characters of my own design for said story, things like that? Forgive me, I'm rather tired lately but I feel the urge to have that clarified and that honestly surprises me.
Sure. Honestly, I'm really open to
anything, as long as you enjoy creating it. It shows. :)
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on October 31, 2009, 02:36:02 PM
Ok, before i start, I just want to make it clear that I tend to go way overboard with details, both on the creative and the receiving aspect of things. So this will be long, probably boring, and technical.
It beats the alternative. I find vague descriptions to be much harder to deal with then complicated ones.
Disclaimer: I'm not Corg's gifter this round. I just thought it'd be worth mentioning this.
Oh, great. Now Corg knows who's not his gifter. Please don't keep doing this, people, or else some gifters will be guessed by default.
Anyway, Wuff's gifter would like to know what some of her favorite animals are.
Quote from: Gabi on October 31, 2009, 06:43:16 PM
Oh, great. Now Corg knows who's not his gifter. Please don't keep doing this, people, or else some gifters will be guessed by default.
Unless of course, he's lying. I wouldn't put it past Whitefox. :D
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on October 31, 2009, 06:46:24 PM
Quote from: Gabi on October 31, 2009, 06:43:16 PM
Oh, great. Now Corg knows who's not his gifter. Please don't keep doing this, people, or else some gifters will be guessed by default.
Unless of course, he's lying. I wouldn't put it past Whitefox. :D
Why, Cog... whatever do you mean? (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/1861879/)
Gabi: Je'm excuse. Wont happen again.
Quote from: Gabi on October 31, 2009, 02:46:49 PMAnd FSharp's gifter, who seems to have overcome the small identity crisis ;), wants to know whether FSharp has any characters, settings, or themes he'd like to see.
If you'd like something to work from I'm game for your take on any of the characters in my gallery (http://www.panicepisode.com/gallery/). If you prefer prose over illustration, while I don't really have backstory for any of the characters, you're more than welcome to write your own take.
That said, I'll be happy with anything I receive, so please feel free to go your own route if nothing I've posted strikes a chord.
Oooooo!! Well.... as strange as this may sound my favorite animals consist of the canine variety.. mainly wolves. Horses would probably come second.. dolphins are really cool too ^_^ Oh, and I'm not sure if you're meaning fantasy realm but I do like dragons and gryphons as well :3 (What? No cats?) Yeeeeaaaah... that's a different story :3
It wouldn't sound strange if you didn't have a cat as your avatar. :rolleyes
WhiteFox: It's OK.
Quote from: Myr's gifter
Please let me know if there's anything Myr would like in particular. In terms of options, I'm reasonably proficient as a writer and artist, can build simple Flash toys, and am willing to attempt just about anything.
People, please answer the questions. I don't like double-posting.
Quote from: Corgatha's gifter
Yeah, lets try going that route. Could you put up some info on Ked. Lets see if I have anymore success doing some writing than I am with drawing...I feel like I'm running head first into a brick wall right now :< (that and I can't seem to find any good reference images of that rpg you are talking about that are bigger than 70 pixels by 70 pixels).
Sorry about the low picture quality, the games' seriously old, and bleh, if I had more graphics skills, I probably could have expanded the pictures I did have without obliterating all traces of resolution.
Anyway, Kedered Aldoraethar. Aisha DeCabre drew an extremely good picture of him here (http://risendecabre.deviantart.com/art/Requests-Kedered-for-Corg-138443530). He's a DMFA style Incubus, in case it's hard to tell. (Although seriously, the headwings should give it away.)
Personality/history wise ( the two run together) he was born on a little world called Aeroch, on a continent of Atharra. It's not set in the main DMFA universe, so he's never been to SAIA, nor do I believe any such institution exists. Instead, he was raised and trained by his father to be the next leader of the clan. However, when Kedered was about 10, the Thularians overran his clan's lands (they were existing in a semi-feudal system ruling over the Beings that lived there) and the Aldoraethars, the three that remained, fled to neighboring Narukh, a territory filled with Demons.
The Thularians are a rather fanatical, ultra-organized nation of Beings, with the stated goal of exterminating all Creatures in the world. They're good at it too, using numbers, organization, training, and some uses of collective spellcasting to overcome advantages in Creature direct power. They do not rely on human wave tactics, and are extremely adept at hunting down Creatures, often taking little losses to themselves if attacking lone creatures. In a stand up fight, Kedered, who is an Incubus who is almost 300 and tough for his age, would have trouble taking on 3 of them.
His father trained Kedered to run the clan affairs and how to use magic and to fight, and in a much more demanding training than what SAIA seems to offer, making Kedered far more focused and single minded than what most 'Cubi seem to exhibit. They spent their time trying to win enough support to crush the fledgling state and reclaim their ancestral lands, but to no avail. The Thularians push the border into Narukh back a bit every year, and when Kedered was in his mid-thirties, helping his father fight and plan, his father and younger brother were both killed in a raid.
Since then, Kedered's taken up the mantle of the last clan-member, continuing a one-man war against the Thularians. He kind of knows he can't win, but his sense of clan obligation is too great to let him put the war aside.
Kedered doesn't really have an individual sense of identity. He *is* clan Aldoraethar, and he puts his priorities in the order of clan obligation, not personal preference. Pretty much everything he does is to either further that goal or to pay off debts of honor that he incurred in pursuit of the goal. His sense of obligation, and loyalty are absolute. He'll fight to the death to spare someone a scratch if they're under his protection, but he has very little compassion for people that he doesn't feel obligated towards. As clan head, he tries to keep himself presentable, and often uses magic to make sure that his clothes are always in perfect condition, and washes himself frequently.
Looking more inwardly, he's very tightly knit, rarely letting what he's thinking or feeling show on his face, he has enough control over his emotions that even other 'cubi have trouble, although it's by no means impossible, to pick up how he's feeling. It's like trying to pick up the light from a very faint candle at far away. He views non-'cubi as lesser life forms, and while he doesn't deny their power, he won't ever really consider a non-'cubi to be a social equal.
He never sleeps, although he'll pretend to if he's hiding his species, and will also not eat, unless again faking being a Being or some other type of Creature, and views both things as rather disgusting. In fact, when dealing with other telepaths, he doesn't even like to talk, instead preferring to send out a tight "shout" of thought carrying whatever it is he wants to communicate. He's somewhat asocial, although he can be charming when he wants to be.
He thinks primarily in terms of political power. He'd rather be the sort that everyone comes to for advice and permission than some archmage that can melt an island. He's also a very great admirer of subtlety, and while he won't shrink away from open fighting, he'd rather have things just happen, with as few other people as possible knowing about how whatever it was that he is pushing for came to be.
Ability wise, he has the standard 'Cubi gamut of shapeshifting, emotional abosrbancy (His preferred emotion is awe, but fear in general is good as well) He tends towards elemental styled magic, although he has a wide array of personal enhancement spells, for things like increasing speed and strength, that he likes to use before heading into battle. He never vocalizes his spells, but he does need to have his arms free to use most of them. He'll usually spin out some sort of flaming sword, wrapped around a core of hardened air (so it has some ability to say, block a blow, and isn't pure heat) in a hand to hand fight. He has a kind of arcane block, and has never been able to keep a spell going more than about 10 paces away from his own body.
More mundanely, he's trained in rhetoric (although he almost never uses contractions, and tends to speak in very formal, stilted, and semi-archaic tones. He's more of a speech-maker than a conversationalist. ), tracking, weapon usage (he's quite good with a bow that he carries) and large unit tactics. Prior to the RP, he spends most of his time trying to raise armies to harass Thularian troops that move into Narukh.
Anyway, I hope that's enough (and digestible) for you. If you have any further questions, I'd be happy to answer. Again, I'm somewhat irrationally possessive about my characters, so I'd ask that you narrate through someone working with Ked rather than Ked himself. If it isn't possible though, I'll understand.
Best wishes,
Corgatha Taldorthar.
Oh, sorry for the late reply. It's been a complicated week. Could Myr please post some details? Thanks in advance.
There is also a character reference request for Kipiru, for the character(s) that he'd like done.
Urk! Geeze, seems the notification thing bugged out on me! *Grumble*
Annnyway, now that I've finally gotten to be on the forum for the first time in a bit...
What I'd like? Hmm...
Well, I do a lot of writing myself, so I'd be right tempted for some art. Again, my apologies for the hideous delay in replying to your question...but, as it is, I'm game for almost any type of artwork, and I'm not picky about how it looks. I like to see an artist's concept of what my descriptions looks like. Almost all poses are fine, as long as...*Cough* They're not erotic-I hate those. Now, let's see...I have a healthy dozy for yah to try, and I'll stick to one character to keep your sanity in check:
Aylia Grimminscrade
Aylia is the member of a lesser-known order of knights called 'Wardbreakers'-warriors whom specialize in using magic to take down their foes, mostly by channeling it through the weapon of their choice. As their name suggests, a lot of their skills go towards destroying things like magical barriers or enchantments.
A female being of the rabbit persuasion, solid white coat, but with blue-green eyes. Sleek, well-muscled with a somewhat modest build (Somewhat flat-chested, which makes some mistake her for a boy) and having the thick, muscled legs and largish feet you'd expect from rabbits. While she doesn't have long hair (Her fur is uniform, or evenly layered for the most part over her whole body), she keeps her ears braided back in a manner that lets her hear well, but keeps them from being easily grabbed.
She'd be classified as your typical adventurer, and as such tends to be a rather capable fighter. Smart, somewhat witty and while nice enough she can be somewhat of a grouch. Ah, and she positively despises the more well-known knights, as it were.
As for what she wears...a little leeway here. When she's not on the job, she tends to wear a cloud-blue tunic and slightly baggy pants that reach down to her ankles of the same color, while having a somewhat well-kept, if old, pack strapped to her back where she keeps her equipment.
If she's out doing her thing, which is mostly hunting monsters or rogue spellcasters, she wears reinforced leather armor that makes her look even more boyish, and fits somewhat loosely so she can move quickly. It covers her legs, with a leather cover over each knee, as well as strips along her arms. A piece that looks rather like a shirt covers her front and back, and has the worn insignia of a sword slicing a veil of flame. Her choice means of fighting is channeling magic through a sword she was given upon completing her training.
The weapon itself isn't made for direct combat, being a thin, blunt-bladed weapon nearly two feet in length with dozens of runes inscribed along both sides of the blade itself to allow for her spells to work correctly. The hilt and crossguard are rather plain; with the crossguard itself being nothing more than a slim iron bar. The edges, instead of being sharp, are ridged in a fashion that allows the one holding the weapon to block and parry attacks-and in her case, allow her the chance to kick them away with a powerful blow from her feet. When performing a spell she almost always points the weapon at her enemy, and her skills are variable-one of her favorite ones is create a blast of wind to knock opponents back, or to launch a fireball from the blade's tip.
If pressed into close range, she fights with a dagger in her left hand, and uses her sword to block attacks. Otherwise fists and feet are her method of pounding someone flat.
Hopefully that's what you were after, eh? Sorry for the delay!
Just pointing out that there are only 5 days left. Please start wrapping things up. Kipiru's gifter is free to do anything, since Kipiru hasn't answered the question.
All righty Fibre, here's what came to mind after a couple of weeks of serious thought.
I apologize for the slight drama of the scene, but, well, it's just how it turned out. *Chuckle* And yes, it's not the largest, but...*Sigh*. You have to respect life for the fact it can cause such discord when one is trying so hard to finish something! If you might want more, or if it's not satisfactory, I'll gladly make arrangements in either respect. Or
try to, anyway.
*Bows a touch foppishly*
This segment takes place in the desert city of Ra'heir, a place I had designed several years ago but had not ever had a chance to work into-outside of my character, Fjallimere, whom can be seen as a part of Aisha's artwork. Of course, he's only mentioned in this little piece...but, enjoy.
Casual Dealings
A Story Segment for Fibre
"Ah, a wonderful night, hnn?" Coribai said mildly in his own language as he relaxed into a somewhat plush cushion. The room they'd chosen was none other than his personal bedchamber; perfect for the delicate farce of a conversation he was having. Sumptuous cushions were set in the middle of the room, while genuine wax candles that were spaced artfully along the walls cast a faint, amber glow and added a slight, spicy scent to the air.
Against the wall behind him, as if in strange contrast to the silks pinned to the walls and the mild opulence of various baubles in general, was a rather modest, plain-looking bed you'd expect to see in most ordinary homes.
This fellow had some rather odd tastes, didn't he?
"Perhaps." His companion, a lean she-wolf with a slim, modest build said as she sat beside him. The clothing she wore was silky, yet somewhat loose-fitting and filmy in nature-perhaps intentionally chosen so as to tease whomever looked at her with thoughts of what lay obscured past it.
Or maybe to distract them from whatever she could be doing.
"Now, if you will tell me
why you have called one of my...talents here, my
liege..." She smiled slightly at the feline while reaching for a bowl of tea. Personally she didn't understand why the ruler of their fine city,
Fla'heir Coribai, disliked wine and other such dainties the wealthy preferred.
Maybe that was what made him a good ruler? she thought, shrugging mentally as the fellow reached for his own.
All in all, he wasn't really that bad-looking of a chap either; with that silky-smooth fur and the mottled, faded 'calico' patterning to it, further accentuated by the sleek frame of his family line. As well as those tufts of fluff on the tips of his ears that gave him an oddly lynx-like look. His tail had a slightly whiplike cast to it, and went well with his slim figure. Though, admittedly, one wouldn't have assumed him for having such an esteemed position just by looking at him.
Coribai worn nothing of what one would expect for the leader of any nation-or even of an isolated city such as theirs, deep in the Gerieden Desert.
Why, he merely wore a tunic made of soft fabric, and a pair of leggings that reached to his knees made of similar material. Granted, the fact the clothing seemed to have no color of their own, yet being glossy enough to reflect the lamp's lighting in a dull rainbowlike sheen when he moved made them seem exceptionally decadent.
Yes, if one didn't know better they'd assume he was of minor nobility instead of being the rather talented monarch himself.
Still, the feline was silent for a moment, his angular eyes focused on his drink as he debated on what he wanted done. Oh, no, he didn't want an assassination-though that wolf could undoubtedly perform that task-Coribai had something else in mind for her, that would be infinitely more important in his opinion.
One tufted ear flicked as the lupine with him shifted uncomfortably-he was well aware that she hated to be kept waiting when there was a possible job for her and the Guild she pledged service to.
If only it would be as simple as the wind, earth, and water we hold so dearly, he thought with a twitch of his tail.
And only if I didn't have to put on such airs to make this work out. He checked a sigh. Being dramatic was never something he liked...but it was the only way to get this done properly.
"First you must swear, on your pride and the honor of the Guild you uphold, that you will tell no one of what I want done." He glanced at her, silver-green eyes looking rather serious as he spoke quietly.
The she-wolf swallowed the mouthful of tea she'd just gotten painfully; she wasn't going to spray her liege with it, afterall! Even if he was a nice enough fellow, he still had a slight temper.
She nodded, an ear flicking back.
"I need your word, not a gesture Nie'kira." He paused, taking a sip of his own drink. "Or maybe your name in blood, if you are afraid of tarnishing your Guild's name with failure. You
are the leader of them, afterall."
One could swear her cheeks were flushing at that doubting insinuation, though her fur mercifully hid such from sight. "Fine,
Fla'heir, you have my word." The lupine's next words were painfully slow. "I swear, on my pride and the honor of my Guild, that nothing of this will be said by myself, or my own." Nie'kira looked away, suddenly a touch sullen about having something so...
binding extracted from her.
"Good." Coribai took another sip of his drink, looking thoughtful again as he spoke in a grave, pensive voice.
"My son, Fjallimere, has run away because I refused to let him see the outside world as of two days ago. I need you and your own to bring him back, alive and whole. I would prefer it is done with his willing consent. I will also give you considerable compensation for any and all losses, as long as you succeed." Of course, he
did fudge the truth a little there. The aforementioned son had actually been gone for nearly a week-but still, he didn't want them rushing to find him, or knowing
exactly where the younger feline might be just yet.
The she-wolf herself blinked, ears perking as she stared at their city's leader.
The implications!
No wonder he'd wanted her to swear something she wouldn't to anyone else! If word got out the prince; the sole current heir to Coribai's rather illustrious position, had run away...it would be chaos. The young feline was well-liked; why, you wouldn't even think of him as royalty, with how shy and unassuming he could be! For him to run away on a whim...it was
The feline smiled at her surprise. This was going better than he'd thought! "I know what you're thinking; your eyes say it all. Indeed, it would be chaos. But I could live with that." He sighed. "I just want him back here; where I know he is safe, for the sake of himself and our home. I chose you and your guild because you make a point to travel part of the world, so that you can do the tasks you are given with much greater efficiency. But..." He frowned, taking another drink, "Would you
do it?"
Nie'kira was silent for some time-perhaps imitating him from before.
Finally, however. "The
Fla'heir is wise in his choices." She downed the rest of her drink, ears flicking back as the bitter dregs at the bottom of her bowl made her muzzle wrinkle into a grimace. "We
would, and
will. The only excuse for abject will be the death or incapacitation of all whom will try, including myself. I swear that, unless fate is unkind, he will be intact and well. Well begin our preparations as of the morrow."
Coribai nodded in acquiescence as she stood, stretching in a rather luxurious fashion before quietly leaving his private chambers with a sultry flick of her tail.
Once he was positively certain she was gone-along with anyone that might have been listening in-the esteemed liege of their fine city downed his drink, sighed...and after laying back on the plush cushion he'd settled in...starting to laugh in his own curious fashion. Around seven days of planning this moment, and it had gone much better than he'd anticipated...though, it took the lad leaving on his own to allow for it.
Oh, that kitten! If only I'd done this sooner! Coribai thought as he started to relax into a more mild chuckle after a few minutes.
He might still need to come home, but I'd rather he see as much of the world as he could first; I wasn't any different at his age...though, pity be, my wishes were granted. It's good he's so stubborn. The fellow rubbed his nose, still smiling broadly.
Such a shame he had to put on such a serious facade, but by her own words, Nei'kira would be absolutely sure no harm came to Fjallimere because of it. If anyone intended the lad ill will in his travels, she and her allies would do their utmost to keep him well.
Not to mention he'll hone a few of his survival skills in the process of avoiding them. This was such a pleasing development!
The fellow chuckled again; almost purring at the fact things had gone so wonderfully. Maybe not for his son, of course, but still. He'd get his wish, and certainly be brought back home before any real trouble started.
Just...well, might take a few years first...given that young fellow's talents.
Coribai's tail twitched lazily as he sat up again, his expression much more businesslike. Now, to follow through with the appropriate precautions and whatnot that would, with good fortune, keep the city from going into insurmountable chaos...afterall, there were at least a couple of factions he was quite aware of that would attempt to wrest power from him now that his sole heir was out of the picture. Ah well, it would keep him as busy as that strapping young feline should be soon enough.
Now, to get some rest...I might as well be as ready as I can be. The feline shook his head before, with quiet dignity, getting up and walking towards his bed-they
had met in his private chambers, afterall.
Heheh, hope you enjoyed, at any rate. I know I did, at least. Just...well, wish things weren't so busy for me of late, or it'd been even larger, heavens forbid!
I'm going to follow Myr's lead and post my own story here to, for Fsharp.
"What? You want to hear about the wraith? Whatever damn fool thing gives you that idea? Listen you snot-nosed kid, I was around when she, yes, she was a woman before she became that thing, transformed, and I can damn well tell you straight that she's not screeching for any abandoned lovers.
Really? You'll pay? Then I'll have an Oswick, cold, and pull up a stool, this could be a long story.
I suppose you could say it started when we got called to a little place in the back end of nowhere called Gedron. Doubt you heard of it, and the town isn't there anymore. Gotta love Oswick whisky, the way it forces it's way down your throat. Maybe Ballantine is better, maybe, but for that warm glow, gotta go with Oswick. Anyway, where was I? Gedron, right. They were having trouble with some dragon. Vahkthoth, or Valshoth or something like that, it was a long, long time ago. What? Look here, see this badge? Eight order, first rank. You know how hard those are to get? Dragons ain't so tough, you just gotta know how to approach them, how to work out all the angles, not go running in half assed like these kids do, swords waving and slinging spells. Plan.
And that's how we did it. We did our research before tackling the wyrm's cave, and sure enough, that little vale wasn't the first place he'd terrorized. Rampaging dragons can't stay too long in any specific locale, they're usually after loot of some sort, and they tend to either get killed or drain the countryside within a decade or so. And there was this smith, see, from, forget where exactly, and his people had had some trouble with the lizard as well. So what does he do? He makes a magic sword, and get this, it isn't keyed to kill Dragons, no, it's keyed for that specific dragon, right on, went all green when we finally got it to the best, but we had to pry it out of some demons grip first.
Never did find out who they were or why they wanted it. Thed, bless his soul, didn't make it when she, well, that's later. Thed managed to lock onto the sword, key a teleporter to the location, or near enough. Dropped us into this labyrinth, kept magically dark. We managed to get a lantern going, but more than five feet from the flame and viiishh. Light's gone like it was swallowed by something. And Demons, with half demon spawn, all over. Most of them weaker, smaller types, gave us a fighting chance, with only 5 people, but we still did a lot of slashing and running. They didn't seem to be able to see in the dark any better than we were able to, which gave us at least a chance. Thed had a lock on the sword, but it was only good for a straight line, it was in this way, closer or further, and the corridors all twisted and turned and meandered back, it took us, must have been two hours of mayhem till we got to it.
Only room with light, from two firepits to the left and right, midway up the room. Basalt altar, huge, in the back, sword hung up on wires above it, a small pool of blood on the top. Couldn't see it, but it smelled acrid and coppery. Huge guy, in white and blue robes behind him. Found out later his name was Quolindixar, maybe you heard of him? Big nasty fight, somehow we made it all out alive, but look here, see? Got that when he bit me, right on the shoulder, hurt like crazy, like bronze spearlets rending through muscle. Got him good with my knife though, right between the ribs into a lung. Not enough to take the tough bastard down, but it slowed him down, a lot. Enough that she was able to brick in his face with a deathbolt.
Getting out was worse. We were hurt, tired, and low on our magical resources, but we did, eventually. I don't think there was any sort of organized search for us. And we had the sword. It's hanging in Xancrest Hall right now these days "Sword of Kings" in whatever language they used. Lockverne, I think the smith's name was, now that I think about it. Big, two handed thing it was, almost as big as one of those pretty parade swords they give to the ceremonial troops.
Ahh, bite your ass. I pay better than any two other customers here. And I want another Oswick, double time. Think the barkeep'd be friendlier, what's a little spit? The floor's already filthy. Where was I? Right, we went into his cave, and let me tell you, it wasn't easy getting all the way up to his lair. It was designed to be accessible from midflight. I suppose cave isn't really the right word, he lived in a cleft up in a mountain, but us poor suckers didn't want to risk being spotted a-climbing, so we went through some other cave systems closer to ground level. Was a real pain, getting through, and making our way up, but we made it in.
We entered the core lair while he was out. Easy to spot a dragon's cave, they have gold and gems stacked to the rafters. I plucked out this one emerald, big as a hound's nose, and so green, I held it up before her eyes, and saw shade on shade, y'get me? It was surreal. We all knew the Dragon was coming, and believe me, I was tempted at least to make out with a bagful of loot and scramble away, and the fear was like a pair of weasels clawing their way out of me belly. But we stood firm, dropped what we had already taken. Superstitious almost, like thinking that since we claimed it and left it there, we could take on anything that came at us.
They say that when a Dragon looks you in the eyes in that giant form of theirs, you chill to your marrow, but when he came back, still belching flames, it was weirdly anticlimatic. He was big, bigger than big, must have been fifty feet from tail to snout, an ugly bright orange which darkened around his head and wings. And he started laughing, a thin, mocking thing it was, probably at the spectacle of me, Thed, Baldy, Mcnemier, and well, you know. Five being adventurers shouldn't be challenging dragons. But when I pulled, it was something "onar" Onar meant king in their language, but when I pulled the sword out of the scabbard it started glowing like a second sun, and that shut that lizard up real good. Went in after us anyway. Maybe he couldn't abandon his hoard, or maybe he thought he could take us in spite of the weapon.
He went after Baldy first, a bad move with that magic shield of his. Or maybe a good move. Never told us how he got it, but Baldy had this huge shield, massive, going from shoulder to foot length, and heavy too. But, it made you feel warm and protected just being near it, and during that fight, with the magic that the old dragon was slinging about, I could swear that thing somehow deflected a few of his nastier spells at us. Maybe he was trying to knock the shield out of play, but it gave me a chance to hit him with the blade, while our spellcasters gave him some butter for his claws.
Didn't kill him right away, like we'd hoped, but the sword packed a punch. You shouldn't be able to hurt something that big and armored much with a normal sized sword, but every time I so much as glanced him with it, he let out a frightful scream, and there was a sizzle, like burned cheese, where the wounds were. After five or six whacks he was slowing, and after a few more, he'd had enough, launching himself into the air and heading back towards the cleft.
Once in the air, our miracle weapon couldn't hurt the scaled beast, and our magic was just irritating it, at most. And then, dunno how she did it, but Selene started glowing real bright, reddish, almost, and she shot, well, I'm no mage, but she shot something at the lip of the cavern, and brought down the rock. Didn't crush the dragon, but it blocked off his escape route. I'll never forget its eyes when it turned back at us. It knew it couldn't finish the fight, not with Kothas Onar, and us being tougher than he thought, but he was mean as cat piss, and ten times as deadly. He used, dunno what it's called, some spell, never heard of it cast before or since, and believe me, we looked, at her.
Should have been me. I was the one killing it, but of course, Selene was the one that doomed him. Funny how they think. At the time, spell didn't do much, just gave her a little discolored mark on her right hand, black and purple, like a swollen up corpse. I hacked its head off a minute later, and we took back it's gold and came back to Gedron as heroes.
Good, clean, Oswick burn. Really reminds you that you're alive, y'know? Sometimes it seems like things just faaaade into the dusk, get lost there, feels like forever.
It didn't look big, but it didn't go away either. And Selene tried not to show it, but that thing hurt her, bad. She was a trooper, for all the frailty that you hear about magickers, the most she ever let on was a bit of tightness about the eyes. It took about a week for us to realize that this thing wasn't going away on its own. Maybe it would've, but I hear that a curse cast as you're dying clamps down harder. Maybe that's why it stuck. We visited priests, we bought salves, we even tried those tonics that those half assed pushers on corners try. Didn't work, none of it. After a month, it had the whole of her hand, and started climbing up the arm. That's when the others noticed it was hurting her so bad. She'd cry out, and couldn't sleep, no matter how we comforted her.
Hey, hit me with another one dammit. Like hell I'm drunk. When I'm drunk, I'll piss all over your floor to let you know it, now send me another one. We really slowed down the adventuring then. Selene couldn't get around to well, and one of us kept with her in this manse that we had gotten. It's a park now, from what I hear. Couldn't go back to Lekanti afterwards. We still got out though. Were one of the first groups to trace down those new mythos, the green glowy ones. That's when we heard about Him, and He about us. Don't give me that stupid look, you know damn well who I'm talking about. Saying His name might draw his attention, and while I don't think I'm worth hunting down, I'd rather avoid His attention. I'm sure I've got a tracer on me, being Mcnemier's pal and all. But, we irked him, meddling with some of his plans in the tunnels. Sure, we couldn't take him on head to head, but he had a lot of schemes going on at once, and we'd knock over one or two at a time. And the Manse, it was fortified like nuts. Magic protections, way beyond anything our guys could make, enough to give pause even to someone like Him.
But He can hear whispers on the wind, not just His name, and, he found out, somehow. Gave her a a way out. Become Undead. The disease won't touch the half rotting flesh of the undead. I don't think she was scared of death, but that disease, it was rattling her soul. Or maybe that's just what I want to believe; bitter old men are like that sometimes. You'll learn, if you live long enough. She gave Him information, and how to get around the manse's defenses. Or maybe she took them down herself. She could still cast her spells, oddly enough. Just couldn't walk, towards the end, it had covered almost her entire body, and she whimpered like a dying kitten if so much weight as a cloth sheet was put on her. But she was still beautiful. Her face, her eyes, never changed, right up till she betrayed us.
We were all home that night. Normally, we'd reminisce, but, it was painful. I think we were all waiting for Selene to.. go. We did a lot of drinking. I wasn't awake when He came and attacked, but I managed to reconstruct what happened. Baldy and Thed didn't drink as much as we did, but me and Mcnemier were pretty plastered. Baldy must have used his shield to cover for Thed, and then bolted, he was the one to get Mcnemier up. Thed must have done something to hold Him off. Dunno what, even with his protections, and what magic he could come up with, he shouldn't have stood a chance for more than a few seconds. But Baldy got Mcnemier up, who teleported the two of us out. That shield effect, would have blocked the 'port. Seen it twice before, and He would have either captured Baldy, but more likely just killed him. And that was the end of our little band.
I do wonder though, if He bargained in good faith. Sure,she's a wraith now, but how much of a hold does He still have on her? Did He want anything more than just the chaos she causes? Hidden plans were always His style. Dunno. Once tried to work up the courage to talk to her, but how do you tell an old flame 30 years gone whose now an undead what's on your mind? Likely as not it'd come to blows anyway. So I sit, and I drink. Now get lost ya rat's, or I'll show you my blade arm's still firm. You've dredged up a lot of bad shit, and I'll want two more ballantine's to drown it back down again."
Anyway, there you go. I do like this one, let me play with the narration a bit. Something about a narrator knowing he's telling a story always gives me a little chuckle inside. Still, it drove me up the wall at this one point. The core of the story is really about how Selene becomes the Wraith, and you'll notice that the narrator doesn't dwell upon that very much, preferring instead to go with the Dragon hunt. It wasn't a complete accident, as I was trying to maintain character continuity, and I think he'd have tried to focus more on the highlights than the failures, but it still leaves something of a bitter taste in my mouth.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading this.
Best wishes,
Corgatha Taldorthar.
Seeing as Gaby is MIA, I'll put up my gift too.
Here's my gift for Corgatha Taldorthar. Was intended to be a 3-D model of his character Kedered Aldoraethar, but lack of skill and knowledge of the program got in the way :< (last time I did anything 3-D was for a drafting class 7 or 8 years ago using autocad). It will be finished as a full body character model with animation one day when I get better with the programs I have :eager.
I am NOT MIA! The deadline for submissions was yesterday, so I'm posting the gifts today. If you wanted to know about me, why didn't you talk to me on AIM/MSN/whatever IM client you use?
I guess I won't post the gifts you people have already posted. Here are all the other gifts I have.
FSharp's gift for Myr is here (http://www.panicepisode.com/fanartgallery/gallery/fanart/images/aylia.png).
wuffnpuff has made this gift (http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c296/wuffnpuff/basgiftccc.jpg) for Basilisk.
WhiteFox made this gift (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3090295/) for Dekari.
Artist comments:
So, Gabi gave me Dek for a second time around. I figured I'd do a portrait of Dek's Being form, since I did the "mega" form last time, and Kip did such an awesome job on the Cubi shape. And I still had the character description, so that was already taken care of. :3
I hope it's acceptable.
For some reason, I kept coming back to the idea of a white clan-mark on white fur. As though hiding such a thing wouldn't be that easy.
The streaks in the hair have a faint yellow tint to them, as "proper" silver does. The eye colour was pulled off a blue-eyed husky.
Fibre will be a bit late. I still have no news from Kipiru.
Thanks to everyone for participating! And people, please give me some more credit. Where have I ever abandoned you? You declared me MIA when I wasn't even late!
If I recall correctly, the original idea was to post the submissions a bit after the deadline to 1) give some leeway to late gifters and 2) give the organizer some time to actually, y'know, organize the stuff. So, in that regard, I'd say you're actually early, Gabi. ^^ As to why I'm posting this? Well, I may not have really stuck around on this I still feel I'm a part of it (in a pretty much just in spirit way) and don't want to see you down or taking any flak. :)
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on November 26, 2009, 10:36:02 AM
I'm going to follow Myr's lead and post my own story here to, for Fsharp.
Great stuff. The yarn is a particularly challenging narrative form because you're required to focus on both the story and the personality of the storyteller. In this case, the storyteller shows through especially well. I really like how he only recalls names after downing quite a few drinks; it hints at how the story is pretty painful for the narrator, and he's buried the specifics far enough down that only the whiskey can pry them out.
I also liked how he hints at elements that are assumed to be understood by the listener but not fully described, like the name of the villain. It lends credence to the story being part of a broader world.
Quote from: Gabi on November 26, 2009, 11:59:52 AM
I am NOT MIA! The deadline for submissions was yesterday, so I'm posting the gifts today. If you wanted to know about me, why didn't you talk to me on AIM/MSN/whatever IM client you use?
I'm sorry, I should have thought better. Please forgive me.
It's OK, Dekari. Just don't rush to declare me missing in the future.
FSharp...! Egads, that's amazing!
I'm rightfully pleased and impressed with the gift-I truly didn't expect to see something that wonderful! Thank you so much. *Hugs* I just wish I'd not had so much trouble getting the info to you sooner. Either way, I'm putting that up on FA so that others may view it. If you happen to have an account name on there, let me know and I'll put it there.
And...er, my apologies if I jumped the gun and posted my tale Gabi-was trying to keep as close to the schedule as possible and given the craziness that's recently invaded my life.
Glad to hear you liked it, Fsharp!
I'll admit, the refusal of the narrator to name the big villain more stemmed out of my love and inspiration by certain Celtic and Finnish style mythologies, where naming of powerful people draws their attention. (The whole Dragon hunt thing is *very* loosely inspired by the Sigfried story.)
I did toy with the idea of "slurring" words, but I decided that was too cliche.
More blahs as they come to me.
Dekari, nice muzzle there. Here's hoping you do get that expertise in 3-d programs. It would be really nice to have a 3-d model on the character profile :D.
Well... Wuffnpuff, your gift is finally ready. I'm really, really sorry that it took me so long before I was able to finish it. So, since it's so late, I just went ahead and put it up on FA here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3174660/
I know it's not the most well-drawn piece, but I hope you like it anyway...
Thanks Fibre! :hug and no worries, it's very nice ^^ My comment is on your page :3 :boogie
Quote from: Fibre on December 23, 2009, 12:28:30 AM
I know it's not the most well-drawn piece, but I hope you like it anyway...
that adorable must be declared well drawn,
de facto.
Quote from: WhiteFox on December 24, 2009, 06:32:05 PM
Anything that adorable must be declared well drawn, de facto.
Aw, thank you, heh. :)
Seriously, though, there are of course definitely some places (or all, probably) where it could be improved. To make it more adorable. :) I may try to rework parts of it here as I try to improve. I'm still trying to figure out basic techniques (such as the inking, as seen here (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3181052/), to try to make it not look so "sterile" and improve the shape that seems to be getting mistranslated from the original sketch).
I would appreciate advice on how to improve, if anyone has advice that they wouldn't mind sharing. (Besides "practice", which I am trying to do, of course.) Maybe I should start a thread here...
I think that would be a good idea, Fibre.
By the way, is anyone up for a new round?
Put me in
Heck, I'll roll with this.
Oh gods, what am I getting myself into...
Quote from: Tytaj on December 25, 2009, 09:33:33 AM
Heck, I'll roll with this.
Oh gods, what am I getting myself into...
Trouble. As usual. ;-]
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 25, 2009, 10:46:03 AM
Quote from: Tytaj on December 25, 2009, 09:33:33 AM
Heck, I'll roll with this.
Oh gods, what am I getting myself into...
Trouble. As usual. ;-]
Hey, I was never proven to be part of any of that last time! I was just an innocent bystander. :<
References... should gather references.... and orphans..
I'm in. Let's do this thing.
Please sign me up for the next round.
I'm ready for more punishment.
Though, I'm curious as to what state my gift is in. No biggie, tho.
Quote from: Fibre on December 24, 2009, 07:33:37 PM
(Besides "practice", which I am trying to do, of course.)
Actually, that's about 95% of it. No lie.
Quote from: Fibre on December 24, 2009, 07:33:37 PM
Maybe I should start a thread here...
If you post it, we'll comment.
I'm sorry, WhiteFox. Your gifter is slowly coming back to life. I hope he'll remember CCC soon, but as far as I know he still has a lot of pending tasks to complete. He won't be joining this new round in any case.
I'm not sure if this is necrothreadcy or not, but I was wondering what happened to this round? We seem to have stalled.
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on January 06, 2010, 10:50:43 AM
I'm not sure if this is necrothreadcy or not, but I was wondering what happened to this round? We seem to have stalled.
It's not necro, no. Frowned on, yes, but not yet necro. And what with Christmas lull and stuff? no biggie.
I guess we can start tomorrow. I was waiting for more people to sign up, but it doesn't seem like that's going to happen.
I'll throw my hat in as well, seems the shoulder isn't as big a problem as i'd feared...
OK, the players for the new round are: Corgatha, Tytaj, modelincard, FSharp, WhiteFox, Basilisk.
All PMs have been sent. Round 7 is officially on.
The deadline to submit your gifts is Sunday, 7th of February, 2010.
Logging in from my mum's computer, since my power stabilizer has sacrificed itself in order to save my computer from a power surge.
FSharp's gifter would like to know if he has any preference as to what he wants for his gift... writing or drawing. Or if he has a particular character(s) he wants the gift to focus around.
Basilisk's gifter would also like to know which one of his characters he'd like portrayed.
Also, modelincard's gifter wants to know what he would like to get.
I haven't seem much of my Cubi character Edaric, lately... I think he could use some love... Let Gabi know everything you need, and i'll get it together ASAP...
Though, for the Basic's, He's a rogue, who uses his shapeshifting abilities to replace any concealed weapons. He's somewhat absentminded when he's actually obeying the law, though startling clever and capable when he's not. In his normal form, he has longish blond hair, bright creamy orange fur with deep navy, not quite black, spots, his hair color is golden blond, with bright green eyes. His ear tips, tail tip and the hands (to just below the wrist) and feet (to just above the ankle) are the dark navy as well. Another distinguishing trait is a perfect circular spot on the front of his throat.
His tail would skim the floor if he were to let it drop.
Lets see, other basics... He stands just over 6', with an 18' wingspan (assuming his wings are exposed) His skills focus around shapeshifting rather than magic. He prefers to avoid a fight, but should one arise, he fights fast, vicious and with no holds barred. Oh, and he's got a case of Kleptomania that gets him in trouble from time to time...
I think that just about covers the basics...
Quote from: Gabi on January 12, 2010, 11:56:41 AM
FSharp's gifter would like to know if he has any preference as to what he wants for his gift... writing or drawing. Or if he has a particular character(s) he wants the gift to focus around.
I'm happy with whatever I receive vis-a-vis drawing or writing, so go with your preference. If you have your own character(s) you'd like to use, that's great. Otherwise, any of the characters in my gallery (http://www.panicepisode.com/gallery/) would work. If you prefer something more detailed, I also keep some of my old NPC descriptions here (http://www.panicepisode.com/elementals.html).
Tytaj's gifter would like to know if Tytaj prefers [graphic] art or writing. Also, quoting... "any detailed character descriptions and subject references are certainly appreciated. The more I have to work with the better the gift will be."
I myself would prefer graphic art, however if you are more comfortable with writing I would not object :P
I'll look up some specific references tomorrow, On my furaffity account there's plenty of reference material ( mostly in the scrapbook )
my furaffinity account is: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/tytaj/
If you use characters from there I would prefer you use one with an actual name xD
[ reminder to self: Update this post with specific references )
As far as what I'd like...Well, it would be cool if my gifter could draw one of my three characters. This (http://modelincard.deviantart.com/art/New-Conbadge-118929970) has all three on it, and they're welcome to trawl through my (small) deviantART (http://modelincard.deviantart.com/) or Fur (http://www.furaffinity.net/user/faeriealex/) Affinity (http://www.furaffinity.net/user/modelincard) accounts for more.
Of course, if you're more comfortable writing, just ay so. I cn type up some brief personality descriptions. :3
WhiteFox's gifter wants to know if he has a particular character he'd like drawn, and any references/descriptions of said character.
Gabi has informed me that my gifter is curious about Ed's affinities. His clan prefers confusion, and he has a personal taste for pain as well (assumed to come from the father, as Ed is pure-blood Cubi)
Dear gifter;
As far as DSOF goes, any of the characters are fine. I don't have any references for them online at the moment, but I'm not fussy about accuracy when it comes to gift art. I'm open to interpretations.
I do have a "style guide" for my avatar at FA, however; http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3104772/ and http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3294417/
I say "style guide" rather then "model sheet" because it's not how I draw my avatar, but rather how anyone, regardless of their art style, could.
Anyway, I hope that helps.
Hi all! I'm posting here to remind you that this Sunday's the deadline for round 7.
I have received only one gift so far.
Mine's close to completion, should make the deadline. If I don't, I'll only be off by a day or two.
Quote from: Gabi on February 05, 2010, 06:45:52 AM
Hi all! I'm posting here to remind you that this Sunday's the deadline for round 7.
I have received only one gift so far.
Gah, the pressure.
Pft, I'm probably going to be a late sunday one ( school-projects been a b*tch, yo )
It's in progress. No fear.
OK, time's up! Here are the gifts!
-FSharp has made this gift (http://www.panicepisode.com/fanartgallery/gallery/fanart/images/gen.png) for Tytaj.
-WhiteFox has made this gift (http://www.northernelectric.ca/~whitefox/images/dmfa/kendred.png) for Corgatha.
* Author's comments:
* My only real regret with this image was that I was unable to include his wings. They didn't fit in the margin, and expanding the image really threw the composition off.
This was really fun to draw. Jaguars are gorgeous looking. Drawing the spots was easy as long as I stayed fast and loose. I'm sure my head would explode if I had to draw him a second time. About 90% of the spots were done on paper, but I added a few on the arms and touched up some of the ones on the head.
The quote was something that popped into my head while I was sketching.
When I read his bio, he seemed to have a lot in common with the main character of my comic, Theonor (empire builder, has a vendetta, etc). That was very surreal, because Theo was originally going to be a jaguar himself.
Anyway, I hope you like it.
-modelincard has made this gift (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3382267/) for WhiteFox.
-Tytaj has made this gift (http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/2577/faeriealexcolourshaded.png) for modelincard.
* Author's comments:
Here we go, I wasn't able to finish the shading, and forgot to ad the wings, oh well.
Schools and work practicum obsorbed way more time than they should have.
-Basilisk has made this gift (http://img691.imageshack.us/img691/7914/fsharpthief.jpg) for FSharp.
That's all for now. I'm afraid I'm in a hurry right now, so I can't make a nicer post. I hope Corgatha posts his gift soon.
Edaric tapped along the slightly warm stone panels of the tower, held aloft a few feet in the air, supported on his tentacles. Holding himself completely horizontal was something of an effort, but one alleviated by shapeshifting his mass to distribute it more evenly. The tower was pitch dark, and being that this was a deal with wizard, he was using a witch's sight instead of an illumination spell, limning the whole tower in a kind of silvery sheen, with bright, almost painfully bright bursts of illumination centered around magical traps and standing spells.
He wasn't sure why this one Zachariah left his tower replete with so many instruments designed to burn, hack, and pulverize, and disintegrate intruders. As far as he knew, the little Being was just an unattached hedge mage. Sure, the guy was probably the most powerful in this city of perhaps twenty thousand, but he was just a being, comparing himself to other beings. Six decades were not enough to learn anything but the most rudimentary sorts of magic, as Edaric proved by easily slipping through his traps, actually deigning to deform the lines on another spell, designed to make opening a door trigger an explosion. Pitiful, really. The trap was still intact, and the being would have no idea that anyone had even been through.
Well, not until he noticed his missing items. Edaric hadn't chosen something in particular to walk away from this adventure with. He hadn't actually planned on this intrusion, until the arrogant being, at a party they had both been invited to, talked about the greatness of the city of Bethaltz, their ability to keep out any foe, even "Dragons and the 'Cubi.". Well, now this simply could not stand, not this sort of arrogant posturing. Nothing really all that bad, to be honest, but then again, Edaric was only planning a little bit of lighter vengeance. Steal something that caught his eye, leave the clan mark scrawled somewhere, let the being know to whom the world truly belonged.
But so far, nothing worth anything had presented itself. Basic traps, basic equipment, a basic set of bedrooms for apprentices, which were empty at the time, and he was already on the third floor of four. This one had some sort of workshop, but the only thing that had stood out from all the mess was a half-finished metal statue of a taur of some sort that Edaric didn't recognize, menacing even in it's incompletion, although much of that was the heavy strands of magical residue wrapped around the construct.
The hallway gently spiraled, up and to the right, and Edaric avoided a trap by suspending his weight on his tentacles on the upper walls, raising his legs over the floor and away from the pitfall. Along the slope of the inner wall, something caught his eye. Dim, in there, a lack of the magical residues that had saturated the tower hallways, and Edaric stared at the almost perfectly circular shape for a long moment before noticing the little knob on one end that proclaimed a doorway.
Another minute passed in silent inspection. It was far too out of place, far too innocuous to not invite suspicion, but the longer he inspected it, the more certain he was that there was no hidden trap. After all, it was only a Being magic thrower, to hide a trap beyond his ability to see was absurd. Balancing on three tentacles, he reached out with his top right one, gripped the door slightly, eased it open.
Stepping in almost blinded him. There was only one concentration of magic, in the far left corner of the room, powerful, hugely powerful, a standing portal, it seemed to be. Backdoor in, he supposed, to a waiting room perhaps? Squinting, he dismissed the witchsight spell, and after a few seconds to let his eyes recover, conjured up a small green glow, scanned the room.
A smirk made its way to his face, as the little light he had conjured up revealed the room. Pale lavender, soft sheets, and a low canopied bed. As if the resumption of natural sight allowed for the activation of his other senses, Edaric could distinctly smell perfume, faint honeysuckle, permeate his awareness.
Quickly, he extinguished his illumination spell. Zachariah was absent, something he had ascertained before embarking on this expedition, but spell throwers often had ways of coming and going, quickly. Framing his concentration for a moment, Edaric quickly formed the being's appearance in his mind's eye, half a foot shorter, same weight, some of it distributed in a rather unsightly fashion across his middle, dull, brown fox-fur, slate gray eyes, limp tail, half shorn off. He idly wished for a mirror to check his handiwork, but while he was sure there was one, he didn't want to turn his light up, risk letting whomever the girl was getting too awake, too alert.
Instead, he padded over to the bed, gracefully sidled in between the sheets, felt gentle swells at hip and breast, crooned soothingly. He distinctly recalled murmuring that "he couldn't stand a night without you", in his best approximation of Zachariah's voice, and he seemed to pass the rather soporific inspection, being soon reduced to the most basic level of cerebration.
Later, after hearing a gentle snore to his left, Edaric cracked his eyes open, and grinned wolfishly to himself. Stretching out his back, feeling a vertebrate pop to loosen tension, he lazily pointed his right index finger to the underside of the bed canopy, scrawling a crude representation of a red serpent crawling up a staff. He eased himself out of the bed, and rapidly scuttled away from the room, and the tower, congratulating himself on a night well-spent.
He struck out, away from the city, and let his long wings unfurl to their full, eighteen foot span. He had no real plans, no commitments, and since he needed no rest, spent the remainder of the predawn hours jogging easily, towards the river Bethaltz was built near and then following it downstream. The path was straight, safe, easy. This was a relatively civilized area, and chances are, he was the most dangerous thing in miles. Even though, strictly speaking, there was no particular need for it, he felt a wish to sleep, and spent a brace of minutes stamping out a set of protective wards in a circle around himself on the riverside, before stretching out and closing his eyes.
When he awoke, the sun was half its way on a journey to the sky's zenith, and he wiped a bit of gunk out of his eyes. There was an ever so faint soreness in the back of his throat, and he ambled over to the stream, drank a bit to push back the discomfort. The water was clear, and cold, moistening the back of his throat nicely. When it hit his stomach, he felt like his organs had been bathed in acid, and the next thing he knew, he was doubled over, spitting up, and thankful that he had been feeding on emotions for the past few days.
He became aware of afoul odor somewhere in the vicinity, and it took him a few minutes to realize it was exuding, not from an outside source, but from his skin, or maybe his fur. Clenching his hands over his belly, he quickly muttered a spell to heat up a section of the river, and slid into the water. Drifting, with his eyes closed and his body buoyed, he was able to achieve some measure of relief, and wondered what sort of odd disease he must have contracted. He couldn't remember the last time he had gotten sick.
Still, a little more work to make sure he didn't flow with the current past his warm area, and
"That won't work you know."
The voice came above, off to his left, and a quick shapeshift allowed Edaric to spin his head far enough around to notice a short brown fox in a pale mauve robe. A cowl prevented the face from being clearly seen, but the menace that was coming off was almost palpable, only slightly lessened by the figure's odd translucence, a fact that quickly led Edaric to intuit he was dealing with some sort of projection.
"You left fur in my bedroom, last night. And a sigil, of some sort. Don't worry, I'll be coming after your friends, soon enough. But in the meantime, a parting gift. You know, some who overindulge in bawdry attract all sorts of exotic ailments. You can think of this curse as like that. It won't kill you, but I don't think you'll be attracting too many females until you figure out a way of discarding it. Ta-ta."
Snarling, Edaric tossed out a bolt of disruption, broke apart the gloating image, and brought up witchsight. The water wasn't all that reflective in the odd pseudovision of the spell, but it was enough to get at least a sort of a view of himself, enough to tell him that a very complicated spell had wound itself about him. Directly picking the thing apart was several cuts above his magical grade.
Quickly, he started weighting his options. Directly breaking the spell wasn't possible. He could run back to SAIA, he was sure that the professors there could break a spell like this without too much effort. Still, he didn't want to run crying there if he had a problem, and shelved that solution for a last resort. That left seeking local help, and incognito. He had a few gems tucked away in his belt pouch, enough to pay for a few favors, but where to go?
Obviously, Bethalz was out. Zachariah was sure to have warned any local mages about someone with his exact symptoms showing up. There was another city down the stream, but his local geography was weak. Still, travel would be easier, assuming he could fashion a raft, and that would allow him to rest on the way down.
Of course, that meant he had to fashion a raft, and in his current position, that level of exertion was definitely not welcome. Still, he reminded himself, it would be far easier in the long run. Groaning, he hauled himself to the bank, and crawled over to some brush. He wouldn't need something hugely sturdy, as he could shapeshift , make himself more balanced, maybe even warp away some mass.
Pulling together enough fibrous branches to make a rough square took three vomit trips, but hem managed to keep the effluvia away from himself, his clothes, and his little conveyance. Eventually though, his wing tentacles shoved the raft into the water, and he clambered aboard, dripping. Another advantage became apparent as he was whisked by the current in the center of the river, namely that he could do his business and be washed away from the stink almost instantly.
After taking stock, he recalled a lesson from long, long ago, and entered into a kind of voluntary stupor, not quite asleep, but not fully awake either, in order to limit his distress until he met signs of civilization. A timeless interval passed, and he found himself by a stone collection of buildings, in an unwalled community, with the sun in the west.
When he snapped out of his magically induced stupor, he felt even worse, his eyes gummed almost completely closed, and he made a mental note to avoid food or water until the curse had run it's course. He staggered down what seemed to be the main thoroughfare, croaking out that he needed help, he needed a magus. While there was a light amount of traffic in the street, none of the figures he passed would look him in the eye, and most either held their noses or melted to the side to avoid him. The smell seemed to have gotten worse as well, and the urge to retch hit him again, and darkness enveloped once again.
He came to in a small copse of trees that he felt he should be able to recognize, but wasn't able to. He rolled over, his money clinking at his right hip. A horse chuckle that whoever moved him didn't dare to rob him, and his thoughts moved in torturous, circuitous paths.
Fur. That was how the spell tracked him, found him. It was still active, a continual construct. He could almost taste it. A sprig of fur left on the bed. Connection of fur to fur, and that tracking him. Maybe he couldn't break the spell apart, but he could deny it a track. He whimpered at where the thought went, but the alternative was to break down and make his way back to SAIA.
No, that was intolerable.
With febrile strength, he broke branches off the trees with his tentacles, piled them into a small mound. Pulling together his last strength, he croaked out a spell of protection from fire, but wrapped it tightly around his skin, flush, perfectly flush. He dropped it twice in construction, but the third time he felt it go just right. A little conjured spark set the wood to roaring, and moaning, Edaric cast himself into the flames.
The pain annealed.
Much later, he found himself awake, alive, surrounded in ash. He shivered against the night's cold, but his head was clear, his belly pristine. Smiling a snarl, he shifted his features to that of a feline, almost perfectly copying a hairless cat he saw once, ages ago, and made his way towards that villiage, and wondered what exactly he was to do about this Zachariah.
Here you go. It doesn't have a title. I'll admit, it's not my best work, and when you're sick for a lot of the crafting of a story......... blegh, I went for a minimalist description style, and trying to use metaphors instead of literal depiction, but I'm not sure how well it turned out. Anyway, I hope it isn't too bad, and that I got into the sort of scrape that Edaric might find himself in.
As for Whitefox's picture.
We like. A lot. The wings? Who needs them anyway? Kedered spends a lot of his time trying to pass for Being anyway. Glad you had fun sketching, and yes, I actually framed some of Theonor's conversation and phrasing by thinking how Kedered would have acted in a situation. :P
Best wishes, Corgatha Taldorthar.
Modelin: I like! Left comments at FA.
Corg: I'm glad it meets your approval. It's posted at FA (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3389478/) now.
FSharp, really nice, wow.
I love it, well done.
Quote from: Gabi on February 08, 2010, 09:06:25 AM-Basilisk has made this gift (http://img691.imageshack.us/img691/7914/fsharpthief.jpg) for FSharp.
Thanks! I really like the pose and the fur markings.
If you'd like i can go and scan the other 4 or 5 sketches i did... suffice to say, that one seemed to catch my attention as the most interesting of them. *shrugs* if you'd like i can ink it and re-upload, probably sharpen the image just a bit
Quote from: Basilisk on February 09, 2010, 11:44:29 PM
If you'd like i can go and scan the other 4 or 5 sketches i did... suffice to say, that one seemed to catch my attention as the most interesting of them. *shrugs* if you'd like i can ink it and re-upload, probably sharpen the image just a bit
No need to ink and re-upload (unless you want the practice). I like the piece just as it is. I'd love to see the other sketches though.
So, when does the next round start?
I think it's a good time to start taking sign-ups.
Signing up for more.
sure, you can count me in as well...
I'm so in this round.. I'm in it like marshmallows in s'mores :3 or.. or something. :boogie
Sign me up, please.
Count me in.
OK, I guess we'll start tomorrow. Here's hoping someone else signs up in the meantime.
I would like to join as well, if I may. I should have no problems being timely this round as I have a regular schedule now. I may not be able to use my tablet depending on whether or not I get around to setting up a machine for it but at least I now have a hopefully acceptable camera to take a photograph of a drawing.
LavaRnd is down, so I've had to resort to PHP's built-in pseudo-randomizer. I hope that's good enough.
I'm sending the PMs now. The deadline for round 8 is Wednesday, 10th of March.
We have a question!
Corgatha's gifter wants to know if he'd rather this gift be about him or a character of his.
More questions (don't make me triple-post):
Whitefox's gifter would like to know if he'd prefer [graphic] art or writing, and if he has any characters or ideas (references appreciated) he prefers.
Also, a question for Wuff: "Could she please name a 1--3 word theme that she would like to see? :)"
Ooooo this I like.. lets see...........
"In.. my...... closet" ^^ (yeah.. so was not going to say pants.. no way XP :3 ) If that is what you wanted, cool, if not let me know =D
Not sure if my gifter has something in mind already or not, if they do, great, if not... just let Gabi know what you need and i'll get you the info...
As for characters, i've got several who i could go into great detail about, but i'd be happy with just about anything of:
Bas (http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh121/RentheKnight/Bas_Demon.png)
Ed (http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y253/theavatarbin/basilep.png?t=1266075878)
Darkshine (http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k295/lucheek/Mechaleopard.png)
or, if you'd prefer someone else, just let me know and i'll get you what you need :3
Uhm, Corgatha is a character of mine, set in the wheel of time setting.
Basing a gift on me? I'm usually pretty reticent about my own personal information, outside of what you can derive from my personality from my on-forum blather. In general, I don't really mind much what you draw, as long as you don't portray my characters acting in a fashion that's too far from the way I've written them, but could you please be more specific as to what you mean?
Quote from: Gabi on February 18, 2010, 06:16:46 PM
Whitefox's gifter would like to know if he'd prefer [graphic] art or writing, and if he has any characters or ideas (references appreciated) he prefers.
Graphic is definitely preferable. As for characters and references;
-I post a comic, (NSFW; Nudity, Violence) DSOF (http://www.northernelectric.ca/~whitefox/comics/dmfa/archive.php?comic=today), here on the boards. Any characters from it would certainly be acceptable.
-I have a "styleguide" for drawing my avatar at my FA acct: Part 1 (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3104772/), Part 2 (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3294417/) It's a little rough, but it gets the idea across.
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar's gifter
Answer for Corgatha:
Ah, much apologies. What I'm planning on working on... I don't really want to give it away. Perhaps a better way to help me is if you were to list off.. well.. either 5-10 of Corgatha's favorite words/feelings.. or your own if you feel comfortable doing so. The more the better (but not to exceed 10 :) )
Oh. Sorry I didn't post this earlier, I thought I had.
Fibre's gifter would like to know if there's anything in particular he wants for his CCC gift: drawing or writing, and also, what he wants the focus to be around.
Sorry for not replying sooner, kind of missed this :S.
Anyway, I'm going to go with the assumption that you mean five words or phrases that describe Corgatha. I don't think Corgatha is literary enough to like words or phrases for their own sake :p
But words/feelings I associate with Corgatha.
Mad (insane mad)
Quote from: Gabi on February 23, 2010, 07:11:17 PM
Oh. Sorry I didn't post this earlier, I thought I had.
Fibre's gifter would like to know if there's anything in particular he wants for his CCC gift: drawing or writing, and also, what he wants the focus to be around.
I would enjoy either, whichever you think would work better. As far as focus, I am am open to pretty much anything. If you don't have any ideas I suppose you can never go wrong with cute fuzzy things. :)
Sorry, I'm not sure this is very helpful... Just be creative and have fun with it. :mowhappy
OK, the round is over.
Bas did a nice work starting his RPG, but he didn't make the deadline here. He says he'll post his gift later today.
Here are the other gifts:
WhiteFox has made this gift (http://www.northernelectric.ca/~whitefox/images/dmfa/darkshine.png) for
* Artist comments:
Since I already drew Basilisk for Basilisk, I drew Darkshine this round. Love that armour. Not sure what colour it was supposed to be, tho. buck teeth
Like last time, the quote was just something that came to mind while I was drawing it. Nothing personal against dragons, mind you. The last line came from Shadowrun.
I'm not sure if he's about to give someone a beat down, or bolt in terror. Something sure has his full and un-devided attention.
Bas, let me know if it meets your approval. I'd like to post it to my FA acct.
He also drew this (http://www.northernelectric.ca/~whitefox/images/dmfa/iblamegabi.jpg) for me! He gets 2 hugs: one for this, and one for finishing ahead of schedule. :hug:hug
Fibre drew this gift (http://fibresden.net/cmf/ccc8/wuffnpuff.jpg) for
-In turn,
wuffnpuff has made this gift (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3540989/) for
Corgatha Taldorthar. Nice work trying something new!
-And finally (for now)
Corgatha Taldorthar wrote the following gift for...
FSharp Sorry, the file where I kept the assignments got messed up somehow.
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on March 10, 2010, 09:57:50 PM
The Elemental Princes
Abasathelon waited for the odd feeling of inversion to subside. The years did not weaken it the way that they did to creatures of flesh and blood and bone, but the effort of transporting, along with all of its vassal elementals, seemed to grow heavier with each passing trip. It spent a moment musing, wondering perhaps if it was the weight of memories, of circumstance and sacrifice, that made coming here a more trying task each time.
Here, was a space that disturbed its senses to no small extent. It did not exist in the normal, three dimensional sense. It could not flow here from any ocean, no matter how thin Abasathelon stretched itself, or how quickly it darted. To come here, it had to fold its home, bend the water in a rather unnatural fashion, and pour in through the hole. Once here, it could flow around, but density did not gradate properly, and it was supported, although by what it could not say. It seemed to be suspended on nothing, although it could feel a firm ocean floor beneath itself. Nothing was above, but Abasathelon, and its followers, managed to cohere despite the lack.
Towards...... there, direction not being ordinarily discernible in this weird netherworld, there was a mass, rising into a pillar for some distance and then flattening out into a disc that was on the top. Abasathelon flowed towards it, followed by a mass of lesser water spirits. It reached the table quickly, or at least it thought it did, but perhaps the lack of sun and season tricked it, for by the time the table was touched by a tendril of flow, old Gwydrihaen seeming to rise out of the edifice, stern and uncompromising. Flanking him was Algol, taller than his "brother" but not as broad, a delicate form's offer of wealth and warmth belied by flashing eyes promising only holocaust.
Algol broke the silence, flames spurting from his mouth, dry voice blasting words as if out of a furnace, and declaring "Sila is late."
Glow guttural groaning, the sound of stone creaking answered. "And she has more reason to be here than any of us."
Abasathelon was still recovering from the trip, and struggled for articulation. Perhaps he really was weakening with age. He only now noticed for the first time, the forms that fanned behind both of its brothers. Small, faint, weak. Each had brought vassals, and although Abasathelon had done the same, it fumbled for a moment, wondering why they did. This place was odd, disturbing, but hardly threatening. Why bring forces to guard his back? At last, it answered, calm, but feeling a bit of force framing its response, "Nevertheless, we have waited too long already. These flesh creatures, they are treading dangerously, impinging on us. It must stop. We must stop them."
Flame blasting again. "YES! YES WE MUST!" A penetrating glance from Gwydrihaen resulted in some modulation of the voice. " I have had over fifteen of my vassal spirits, creatures of flame that look to ME for protection, already bound by these humans and whatever other flesh abominations they've since spawned. I know you've all had the spirits that depend upon you torn from your halls to fetch and carry for these creatures that live threescore years or so."
With strength came memory, and Abasathelon replied with "But their calls are proper. I have not been bound, but I have been called, and to go to the place of summoning, to sit in the circle, it feels right. To turn away brings excoriation. Perhaps we should just-"
Algol's cry of "You Id-" was cut off by the deeper bass of Gwydrihaen's rumbling. "But it is not their power that binds us. They merely inherit, from the people's long gone, stealing rituals, weaving symbols. They know not a tenth of what they are tapping into, and could never approach the power to put the Strictures in place to begin with. The Kayalaithians, we could suffer. They were eldritch and terrible, and to resist was to be obliterated. But to bow before these scavengers. I will not submit to it."
A bit of vitality crept into Abasathelon's voice. It doesn't matter. The Strictures are the Strictures. If we are called, we must obey. It is the call, not the caller, that we are drawn to. That these mortals are not their creators, is that even a relevant point?"
Algol's eyes blazed brighter, and he smashed a forearm against the plinth. "You speak as if the Strictures were something that was in our benefit. They were the terms dictated by conquerors. But these mortals are different. They still have not a tenth of the power needed to contend with us. We can bring floods, and earthquakes, and eruptions. We can assail and wrack their cities, scatter them to Sila's winds. They only seem to amass the sort of power to even fumble chains onto us when concentrated in their swarming stone hives. Where is SHE ANYWYAY?"
Abasathelon felt, for a moment, a solidity that it was not used to experiencing, that for an instant it was in a set, rigid, defined place and no other, no bleeding loss of density defining its being, but a pure boundary. Then, an instant later, it was gone, and Abasathelon felt a comforting indistinction pass over it. Dancing on the table was a small form, two arms and two legs, surrounding a central trunk, with silver protrusion hanging loose from a mass highest vertically on the thing. Looking at the form, different from the manic currents of air that it was used to disturbed Anasathelon in a vague sense it couldn't articulate. At its side, Gwydrihaen also shifted with unease, almost fidgeting.
Algol, was quicker than his siblings, let off a burst of flame and snarled. "You! You were bound tighter than any of us, you were personally called and tied to a circle, like some petty bonfire-spirit. And yet you take their form?! Are you a traitor, or has your enslavement simply broken your mind?"
Sila laughed. The others had expected a voice as different as her outer appearance, but the alabaster, delicate throat let out a vast, screaming roar, the voice of a hurricane. It gave a reassuring promise that whatever else had been altered, Sila's power and stature was intact. " I spent five summers shackled in Draygen's tower, till the old fool died, but I, all of us, spent far longer in Kayalaithian service. My mind is stronger than that. I am here, as I am, because I have seen the face of these mortals, and I tell you, they hold no terror over me. Why have you all brought your servants, your supporters? Was this not always a place of peace, of truce? Are you afraid of being called right here in this council chamber?
She glanced to her right and left, eying up Abasathelon and Algol. The water spirit she knew, was something of a weathervane, but Algol was inimical in general, and she was sure he had some crack-brained scheme for annihilating these new swarmers. "Make no mistake, these newcomers are far stronger than the Kayalaithians ever were. Their Arcana is weak, they die in swarms, they are made out of soft smooth flesh that can be cut or pierced. But because they are weak, they've come up with ways of organizing themselves in a way that our former conquerors never have. They fight one another, but the vitality of the species is not sapped as a result. Parts of it, yes, but never the whole.
A rumble across the table from her. "But, if it is as you say, why are you unafraid of them? Greater than the Kayalaithians? If they are greater, they will bind us tighter than we were before. Perhaps Algol is right, we should smash them while they are nascent, prevent their rise"
Almost on top of him, Algol snapped back that "nothing could be more foolish! If we strike at them, sure , we may kill many of them, perhaps even most of them. But their energy, it will, Draygen oft quoted a proverb of theirs, that necessity is the mother of invention. If we fight, if we make ourselves their greatest enemy, then they will strike against us, and they will enslave us. Why do I not fear them? Why did I take their form? Because they do not look deep. They live short lives, six, seven, eight decades at the very most, and when their bodies fail, their knowledge dies with them. If we hide from their sight, if we take forms that disguise our true nature and pose no threats to these mortals, they will soon forget what we really are. They might chase our interim forms, but they will lose our inner essence, and they will soon turn to other pursuits. All other courses lead to our destruction.
A flash of flame, "Her mind is broken by her captivity to these scum. I vote for war, with me and all my vassals. We will scatter them, disperse their collective knowledge that can be a danger to us."
"Yes", Gwydrihaen groaned. "I will send my forces to make the ground shake and to wrack their crops that they grow in my essence."
Abasathelon, seeing the way the meeting was headed, reluctantly nodded its assent. "The waters shall forever be a hazard to these mortals. Long stretches of water will be barred to them, and rising floods will drown them. It is spoken. Algol, will you please join with us?"
"A peal of silvery laughter and a cry of "fool" was their only answer.
I'll run some thematic commentary after it's read. Dialogue heavy, but I like dialogue.
[Edit: sorry, fixed.]
Fibre... oh.. my.. dear... XD!!!!!!!!! That's awesome! XP and.. I have clothes! Honest!.. >.> :animesweat
But thank you :3 that brought lots of giggles :giggle and the dog is just adorable :3
*coughs* My gift was for Fsharp.
I can't make any real comments to your piece Wuff. I'm at work, and for some odd reason they don't give speakers to library computers...... I'll give it a listen when I get home.
Sorry. I thought F# first, then I realized I'd received no news for him and wondered if he was even playing. Then I thought it could be WhiteFox instead.
I'm afraid my file was overwritten with something else, but I think I've been able to reconstruct it now.
FSharp owes WhiteFox a gift. I'll see if I can contact him.
apologies Fibre, i'll have your gift ready tomorrow morning... most of my attempts at cute kinda came out fail-tastic... i've been plugging away when my art muse has been around, and i've been getting better with each attempt... so yea... i'll post as soon as i finish and ink my current one.
Sorry about the delay. :/
Quote from: wuffnpuff on March 11, 2010, 08:44:14 AM
Fibre... oh.. my.. dear... XD!!!!!!!!! That's awesome! XP and.. I have clothes! Honest!.. >.> :animesweat
But thank you :3 that brought lots of giggles :giggle and the dog is just adorable :3
Glad you like it! :) This was fun to do, I know it's definitely got drawing issues again of course but I think I learned a lot doing it. It's pretty much the first time I tried doing a picture non-digitally, and I made a few mistakes doing that as well, plus it turned out to be difficult to get a decent-quality digital version with a cell-phone camera... I have a half-done digital coloring of it as well that I'll try to finish up eventually.
And I didn't mean anything by the sparsity of clothing in the closet, at the moment I just fail at drawing cloth. :P
Quote from: Basilisk on March 11, 2010, 09:29:24 PM
apologies Fibre, i'll have your gift ready tomorrow morning... most of my attempts at cute kinda came out fail-tastic... i've been plugging away when my art muse has been around, and i've been getting better with each attempt... so yea... i'll post as soon as i finish and ink my current one.
Sorry about the delay. :/
No problem, take as much time as you need, and thank you! I am looking forward to seeing it. :)
Quote from: Gabi on March 11, 2010, 08:14:27 AM
He also drew this (http://www.northernelectric.ca/~whitefox/images/dmfa/iblamegabi.jpg) for me! He gets 2 hugs: one for this, and one for finishing ahead of schedule. :hug :hug
That's the thing about hugs. You can't give them without getting one back. :hug
For the record, I was not just on time. I do believe I was three days early, your welcome. :P
Quote from: Gabi on March 11, 2010, 11:38:11 AM
FSharp owes WhiteFox a gift. I'll see if I can contact him.
I am a patient sort. It'll be done when it's done.
whuffin': That. Took guts. The song is awesome, by the way.
Quote from: Fibre on March 11, 2010, 10:03:17 PM
...I know it's definitely got drawing issues again of course...
Issues? What issues? That is one adorable puppy, 'nuff said. I see no phail here.
QuoteQuote from: Gabi on March 11, 2010, 11:38:11 AM
FSharp owes WhiteFox a gift. I'll see if I can contact him.
I am a patient sort. It'll be done when it's done.
Ugh. I'm really sorry. Deadlines are a point of pride for me, but I've been ... well, you know the kind of sick where you can feel your soul throwing up? I don't know what the highest temperature I hit was, but I'm pretty sure at some point I crossed over from babbling incoherently in my fever dreams into uttering prophecy.
Anyhow. Mea culpa. I'm still busy with getting caught up on work and putting my house back in order, but I anticipate having the gift ready by the end of this week.
Quote from: FSharp on March 19, 2010, 06:51:58 AM
Mea culpa.
It's not your fault that you got sick. Just post it when it's ready, and welcome back.
apologies for Fibre, still doin sketches... going on to about 2 dozen, and none really seem all that great... as such, under Gabi's suggestion, i'm putting up one of the better ones until i can get one that, personally, i feel, fits well...
Quote from: Basilisk on March 21, 2010, 01:21:54 PM
apologies for Fibre, still doin sketches... going on to about 2 dozen, and none really seem all that great... as such, under Gabi's suggestion, i'm putting up one of the better ones until i can get one that, personally, i feel, fits well...
Thanks Bas, looking good! :) Don't be too hard on yourself...
I'm considerably better at situational cute, vs. cute things :B, though thanks... i'll hopefully get something drawn and inked in the next few days
To Gabi, who organizes this all. You don't really get enough appreciation from us. Anyway, I thought of what you said in chat the other day, and thought maybe an infusion of silliness might be good, so in that vein, I give you a Peter Nguyen essay, on the subject of William Shakespeare.
November 22nd, 2009
Peter Nguyen
William "Jimmy" Shakespeare was a profound impact on Western civilization. He revolutionized theater, song, and dance, with his varied portrayal of aliens, from sympathetic natives being exploited by humans, to clock smashing psychos in lead suits bent on obliterating humanity. This then is my thesis statement. He also tackled many social issues and revolutionized special effects, most specifically the fireball killing Tybalt in Romeo and Juliet.
By far, Shakespeare's best play is "Titus Andronicus". He wrote this play after seeing a bear being shot in a zoo, inspiring him to write a tale of lust, revenge, and mutilation. By doing this, and realizing the all important principle that enough blood and guts can compensate for bad writing and acting, he set the stage (it's a pun, get it?!) and created the whole genre of slasher fic. So, in effect, you have Shakespeare to thank for the brilliant Saw movies, thus cementing
But that isn't all. Shakespeare also invented many phrases that are in use in English today, like "To thine own self be true", "To be or not to be" "Got milk?", "Now is the winter of our discontent", "Always Coca-Cola", "The beast with two backs", "All of your base are belong to us" and "L'Etat, c'est moi." Without Shakespeare, we'd all be speaking Latin, which is what everyone was talking before he came and forced everyone to talk in English. AND THAT WOULD BE BAD BECAUSE LATIN HAS NO PUNCTUATION OR EVEN LOWERCASE LETTERS AND ITS GRAMMAR IS IMPOSSIBLE AND I HATE YOU MR LENSON FOR FAILING ME IN THAT CLASS.
Furthermore, Shakespeare stimulates the modern economy. Thanks to him writing over six hundred plays, all of which are famous and considered good by English teachers, (They don't let you become an English teacher without visiting the tomb of Shakespeare, where his ghost hypnotizes you into loving his work), he keeps thousands of people employed, who otherwise wouldn't have anything to do in high schools across the country, and there would be more kids smoking weed in the halls like Tommy Keane.
In conclusion, Shakespeare was a upper class twit, who liked to smoke Cuban cigars and stick caviar up his nose and wore a monocle. It's a good thing he's dead, but it's also a shame, because he had a lot of influence on who we are today. Please give me a passing grade, it's embarrassing to be so much older than all the other kids in your class.
XD That was quite funny. Thanks, Corg! :)
Did what I said about laughing inspire you to post this? In any case, thank you. :hug
Corg: *Snrk* Bwa-ha-ha!
Wipes tear away.
So... are there any plans for another round? I know my gift isn't in yet, but I don't want to hold things up on my account...
Corgatha that was hilarious!
I'd be up for another round
I'd like to sign up, too, if I can. :smile
I'll join in for the coming round as well!
Quote from: WhiteFox on March 11, 2010, 11:21:20 PM
whuffin': That. Took guts. The song is awesome, by the way.
Thanks White! ^^
Oh, and I'm up for another round :boogie
As am i... new sketchbook seems to have boosted my muse greatly... still finishing something up for Fibre in the meantime... but i've got free time, and muse to boot :3
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on March 24, 2010, 10:48:54 AM
I'd be up for another round
Quote from: Liatai on March 24, 2010, 10:52:41 AM
I'd like to sign up, too, if I can. :smile
Quote from: Kipiru on March 24, 2010, 03:16:47 PM
I'll join in for the coming round as well!
Quote from: wuffnpuff on March 24, 2010, 07:52:18 PM
Oh, and I'm up for another round :boogie
Quote from: Basilisk on March 24, 2010, 11:16:33 PM
As am i... new sketchbook seems to have boosted my muse greatly... still finishing something up for Fibre in the meantime... but i've got free time, and muse to boot :3
I have a vague feeling this is some how my fault.
Yes, I was away for a bit (from the gift exchange), but now I'm back!
Please sign me up for the next gift exchange(exclamation mark).
I think it'd be fun to join in for a round, and I've got some free time. Count me in!
OK, let's try to keep things orderly.
Kipiru, it's nice to see you again, but I'm afraid you'll have to finish the gift that you owe WhiteFox from round 6 before you can sign up again.
Bas, you've at least posted something, so you can join.
WhiteFox, Corgatha, Liatai, Wuff, Sofox and Jairus are in as well.
I'll keep sign ups open for the day and start the new round tomorrow.
Quote from: Gabi on April 01, 2010, 01:22:28 PM
Kipiru, it's nice to see you again, but I'm afraid you'll have to finish the gift that you owe WhiteFox from round 6 before you can sign up again.
Got it Gabi!
Quote from: Gabi on April 01, 2010, 01:22:28 PM
Kipiru, it's nice to see you again, but I'm afraid you'll have to finish the gift that you owe WhiteFox from round 6 before you can sign up again.
I'll keep sign ups open for the day and start the new round tomorrow.
If kip gets his gift in before the round starts, can he join in?
OK, no one has posted after me, but Brunhidden has signed up via IM.
The players are Basilisk, WhiteFox, Corgatha, Liatai, Wuff, Sofox, Jairus and Brunhidden.
The deadline is Saturday, 1st of May, 11:50 PM GMT (with more precision this time because I'm posting late).
...And I've already got some questions!
Bas's gifter wants to know if there are any particular things he doesn't want.
And Sofox's gifter says that any intrests, hobbies, or anything he spends a lot of time doing might help.
Also, WhiteFox's gifter would like to know if there's anything in particular he'd like.
Dear gifter, if there is anything you'd like to try, please, be my guest. I'm happy with just about anything, really. If you'd like a comprehensive list of characters and information, i can do that. Otherwise, if you've got something in mind, please, have fun.
Dear gifter;
Quote from: WhiteFox on January 19, 2010, 02:43:37 PM
Dear gifter;
As far as DSOF goes, any of the characters are fine. I don't have any references for them online at the moment, but I'm not fussy about accuracy when it comes to gift art. I'm open to interpretations.
I do have a "style guide" for my avatar at FA, however; http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3104772/ and http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3294417/
I say "style guide" rather then "model sheet" because it's not how I draw my avatar, but rather how anyone, regardless of their art style, could.
Anyway, I hope that helps.
The only thing to add to this is that Gabriel, an RP character I have arts of on FA, should probably remain out of bounds for a variety of reasons. (Except in the off chance that my gifter just
happens to be
Basilisk. Then it would be okay.)
Other then that, don't worry too much about what I would like (this goes out to anyone who still owes me a gift, too). You have carte blanche to do
whatever you feel like doing, in the medium of your choice, using any of my IP you want. I'd love to see what you come up with. Good luck, have fun.
Jairus's gifter also wants to know if there is anything in particular he wants for his gift.
As for Brun's gifter...
QuoteDear Brunhidden:
Insert boilerplate request for what you would like as a gift.
Bien a vous,
-Brun's Gifter
At this point, I should say: if ANYONE wants anything in particular, please post it.
Um... nothing in particular comes to mind. I guess no porn or anything like that. You can draw either my roo-rat or Lombax form if you want. If you need references, don't hesitate to ask.
Quote from: Gabi on April 04, 2010, 11:47:27 AM
As for Brun's gifter...
QuoteDear Brunhidden:
Insert boilerplate request for what you would like as a gift.
Bien a vous,
-Brun's Gifter
i rather like artwork, regardless of what quality or what it is of. but im happy with a story as well if thats easier
Apologies for a lack of responsiveness or attentiveness on my part, but I am currently going through a moving process. No worries, I'll be able to do my gift, but it's going to be another stressful couple of days before things slow down.
Jairus, your gifter says that there's no rush, but has also sent a very polite request for any references you may have for your roo-rat form, Cornelius, Francine, or Nicodemus, whenever you have the time.
Sorry to my gifter that I took a bit of time to respond.
Honestly, I spend a lot of time in front of the computer, messing about, posting, looking at website and stuff.
I also do singing lessons and practice the piano from time to time.
I love cycling. I rarely cycle when I don't need to, but since I cycle in and out to work every day I'm certainly never long gone from my bike, navigating the tricky Dublin traffic and making the eternal decision of going on the road and risk death by cars or going on the footpath and risk upsetting pedestrians. I keep visible by always ensuring I wear a high visiblity vest when cycling, along with lights and of course a safety helmet.
Quote from: Gabi on April 08, 2010, 10:44:51 AM
Jairus, your gifter says that there's no rush, but has also sent a very polite request for any references you may have for your roo-rat form, Cornelius, Francine, or Nicodemus, whenever you have the time.
Not sure who Francine is, but I do have resources for my Jay character:
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3476412 (think I missed this one)
Now, if you feel up to drawing a Lombax, I do have a subvariant of my regular Jay persona:
If you need anything else, just ask! :)
So, Gabi has informed me that my gifter would like some references for various characters
The Basilisk: Demon, canine (german shepherd)
Edaric Ahnasazi: leopard 'cubi and rogue
Darkshine: Feline, self-crafted sci-fi setting i could go on for ages about...
If you have any one you prefer, i can go get you additional references... or, if you'd like to take a shot at some of my lesser seen characters, i can get you information, descriptions, and sketches. Hope this is what you were looking for, and if not, just inform gabi so i can rectify the situation ASAP
OK, it's gift posting time!
Corgatha Taldorthar wrote the following for
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on April 25, 2010, 06:03:31 PM
Here's Whitefox's tribute
I got Whitefox for my CCC round,
But inspiration is nowhere to be found
The professor is no fun,
And Theonor I've done,
And I find myself staring at the ground.
As for the ladies, writing them is a fright,
I won't do Felicia, she's such a gripe
Emeline's due a fall
And Jade is much too tall
I still say her legs cannot support her height
Reeling from the literary rout,
I wonder why my writing's without,
I can't blame the pox, so
Please forgive me Whitefox
For DSOF I am simply tapped out.
Cop out piece! I chose a limerick, because it's one of the few forms of verse I'm somewhat proficient with, and because poetry is better than prose when you're writing about nothing :P Also, the associations of lightness and humor and wit are ones I'm trying to use. Anyway, hope it brings a smile to your face.
Best wishes,
Corgatha Taldorthar.
Jairus made this gift (http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e143/J-RasZ/chibified2.png?t=1272672979) for
* Author's comment:
I'll make it up to Basilisk for the general crapinness later, I promise.
Basilisk drew the following gift for
Corgatha Taldorthar:
(http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/7676/kedsketch1.th.jpg) (http://img707.imageshack.us/i/kedsketch1.jpg/)
* Author's comment:
I've been playing around with several poses, and this one seemed more appropriate with the way the RP has been headed... It is Ked, and i played around with several styles of blades... a straight blade with a rather heavy hand-guard seemed to fit his somewhat regal dress and demeanor, and so i went with it.
Liatai made this drawing (http://i581.photobucket.com/albums/ss260/Liatai/Covert%20Courtesy%20Communication/JairusFinished.png) for Jairus.
* Author's comment:
I couldn't decide between drawing his Lombax character or his roo-rat character at the end of it all... so, I decided to compromise. Cosplay, away! :3 It was a nice stretch for me; I don't usually draw a lot of characters with a futuristic bent. Or many rodents, for that matter.
Thanks for letting me play in this round! It was a lot of fun.
Sofox made this gift (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3797586/) for
I have yet to hear from WhiteFox, Wuffnpuff and Brunhidden. I hope they post their gifts soon.
Sorry for the delay.. was not counting on the forum being down :-/
So here's my gift for Liatai!
Hope it's liked!
Oh! And thank you Sofox ^^ That's so awesome :3 (commented on your FA too ^^) Thanks so much! :hug
Quote from: Gabi on May 02, 2010, 01:28:09 PM
-Liatai made this drawing (http://i581.photobucket.com/albums/ss260/Liatai/Covert%20Courtesy%20Communication/JairusFinished.png) for Jairus.
* Author's comment:
I couldn't decide between drawing his Lombax character or his roo-rat character at the end of it all... so, I decided to compromise. Cosplay, away! :3 It was a nice stretch for me; I don't usually draw a lot of characters with a futuristic bent. Or many rodents, for that matter.
Thanks for letting me play in this round! It was a lot of fun.
Oh my, that's awesome! Thank you! You did a good job on it.
And I'm gonna see if I can't revive my original idea for what I was gonna draw for Basilisk.
Eee, biology dragon!! I must hug it. :tighthug I love it, thank you!
for sofox, even though i know so little about him
Brun- okay eowyn, lets read the new book we got from the library for you
Eowyn- the one with the purple kitty on the front?
Brun- im pretty sure it's a fox, I think
Eowyn- kay
Brun- *ahem* 'I am me- the story of sofox'
Sofox was a purple fox, and people were confused.
'why are you purple?' they asked him. 'well why am I a fox?' he replied 'I am me, and that's all I have to be'
Sofox worked, almost every day, and rode his bike there. 'why ride a bike?' they asked him 'why not a car? Its far easier' and sofox replied 'because I am me, and I like riding the bike' even if it was harder and slower. He always made sure to wear his helmet and a safety vest too.
Sofox played the piano and sang, he didn't do either of them very well. 'why do you play the piano?' they asked 'everyone else plays guitar or the drums, nobody plays piano anymore.' And sofox replied 'because I am me. And I like the piano.' Still they asked 'why do you sing? You arent all that good at it' and sofox replied 'because I am me. And I wont get any better unless I keep trying'
Sofox played on his computer, he talked with friends, posted on forums, and generally browsed about. 'you are a nerd' they said 'you have no friends and waste your life.' And sofox replied 'I am me, not a nerd. I have friends, and even those who are not my friends can still like me.' So sofox had fun on his computer saying 'be narrow minded if you want, im finding all kinds of new things'
Sofox did some silly things, but he did them because he was sofox. 'because I am me' he always said, and he was always right when he said it. He was a smart little fox, because he did things for the right reason, to be himself. And you should do things because you are you, not for any other reason.
Brun- the end
Eowyn- daddy
Brun- yes?
Eowyn- who're 'they'?
Brun- dumb people
Eowyn- kay
Awwww, Brun, that's really touching. I really like it.
I got this idea the second I found out who my recipient was, but I avoided drawing it for three reasons:
1) The pic of Eoywn that inspired it is nearly two years old. She probably looks completely different by now.
2) I am terribad at drawing cute and/or adorable things.
3) I can't stand drawing myself as a character.
Even so, I gave it my best. I hope it is acceptable, and at least somewhat amusing.
Corg: I'll admit... I lawled. Much appreciated.
looking good. now i want to play again but i'm out of practice
I'm ready for round #10.
Sign me up. c:
*wobbles in, throws hat in, wanders back to other projects*
I'll try it again, I suppose. But I will admit, while I wrote my little ditty, and I think it went reasonably well, I really did come up with that limerick because I couldn't think of anything else appropriate. This one might be my last for a little bit. (Or the artistic batteries might rejuvenate)
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on May 05, 2010, 08:42:24 PM
I'll try it again, I suppose. But I will admit, while I wrote my little ditty, and I think it went reasonably well, I really did come up with that limerick because I couldn't think of anything else appropriate. This one might be my last for a little bit. (Or the artistic batteries might rejuvenate)
I will admit, I am not the easiest person to gift for.
Quote from: Basilisk on May 05, 2010, 08:10:33 PM
*wobbles in, throws hat in, wanders back to other projects*
*Steals hat.*
Quote from: e_voyager on May 04, 2010, 12:04:30 AM
looking good. now i want to play again but i'm out of practice
I'm afraid I can't tell from this post... are you signing up or not?
Belated from the previous exchange, but here's my gift (http://www.panicepisode.com/fanartgallery/gallery/fanart/images/whitefox.png) for Whitefox. Sorry about the delay. As Gabi/Whitefox already know, what started out as a flu turned out to be--well, potentially an unruptured aneurysm. As such, I need to recuse myself from further participation until I know for sure what's going on.
Excellent work, Corgatha. Sorry for the late reply, I made it a point not to check out my gift until mine was finished. I wrote the spirits as summonable NPCs on a MUD some time ago when I was helping another programmer create an elementalist guild. You captured their personalities perfectly and your writing is, as always, superb.
Hey, welcome back F#!
To be honest, I had to re-read the story, to counter-comment. I tend to lose interest in my works once they're complete. I also noticed a minor error, where I break my pattern and refer to Abasathelon as a "he" instead of the genderless "it". I wonder if Gabi could let me fix up the error.
Dialogue heavy, which is still a habit I'm kind of trying to break, and perhaps could have been elaborated a little more. Still, I was trying to set up a few generic fantasy/mythological themes. The Kayalaithians are kind of the generic "Elder, Godlike race that isn't around anymore for some Obscure Reason", and I wanted to play with the idea that the earth, sea, and fire are all forces that were more or less conquered, utilized by medieval man, but the air was just there.
And yeah, I realize that wind force is also utilized, mills and gliders and the like, but still, at least to me, it doesn't seem like the same sort of thing. I know it wasn't my gift, but I absolutely *loved* the one you made for Whitefox. Any chance I could commission you in a side project?
Best wishes,
Corgatha Taldorthar.
F#... This. Is epic.
Much appreciated.
That's amazing, F#!
And Corg, of course you can fix it. So... would anyone else like to sing up? We need more participants.
Did I get it right? This almost works like secret Santa, except that it's not limited to drawings/pictures, but can be any other form of art? If the available time is still about 1 month then sign me up :)
I'll sign up for another round. Hello!
I'm in :3
Thanks for joining, all of you! And yes, Ketchup-Crumbles, you got it right.
This round will slightly be longer due to AnthroCon. The deadline for gift submission is
Tuesday, 29th of June.
The participants are: WhiteFox, Liatai, Basilisk, Corgatha Taldorthar, Ketchup-Crumbles, Jairus and Wuffnpuff.
Let the game begin!
[Note: this time the draw was random for 5 of the 7 players, and almost random for the other 2. I chose to swap 2 participants so that they didn't both get the same recipients twice in a row. I may or may not do this again in the future, and I definitely will not guarantee that no one will get the same recipient twice. Since the players are more or less stable, everyone is likely to get the same recipient more than once. But two people getting the same recipients twice in a row is something I can easily fix by swapping them, and I think it may help their inspiration.]
First questions below.
-Basilisk's gifter wants to know if he has anything he would or would not like to see this round. "Any situations, characters, anything special like that?"
-Standard inquiry to Ketchup-Crumbles: any characters, what they're like, personality, setting, history, etc.
Dear gifter
Depending on what you're in the mood to do, i can get you one of several characters to work with. If you're going for visual art, it's been a little while since someone has done Bas... either that, or i have a plethora or lesser characters i could get for you.
For now, Bas visual reference (http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh121/RentheKnight/Bas_Demon.png)
6'4 without horns, about 7'4" with, thin, though fit. He's got a massive wingspan at 18' , hair is worn in cables, tied together via silver rings the hair is threaded through.
As for other characters, if you're feeling inspired for something else, just let me know and i'll either get you a sketch, or at the very least, a very detailed character description.
above all else, have fun with it, covert gifter, for i feel that is the most important thing :3
Laitai's gifter wants to know what she'd like for her CCC gift (whether it be visual art, or a short story... and who or what would she like it to focus on).
Hello, random gifter! Sorry I took so long with this reply. As far as visual art versus a short story... Honestly, go with whatever you find easiest/most fun to do. And if all else fails, I'm pretty much happy with anything that has a dragon in it. Bonus points if it's a young/baby dragon. ;)
If you want to do something focused on a character of mine, though... Well, I think I have a character suited for almost anything you might want to do. If you're going to go the short story route, it might be easiest for you to focus on Kittrick (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,7171.msg317763.html#msg317763), my gryphon B character from the Deathtrap Dungeon roleplay here, seeing as there are plenty of samples of her dialogue and such in the roleplay thread itself. (If you want to draw her instead, there's a page of sketches I've made of her attached to her character sheet; I can provide a color reference if you need one, too.)
Going outside of Furrae, though, I have my current "main three" characters: Farin, Crystal, and Densharr. This is a very messy height chart with the three of them on it (http://liatai.deviantart.com/art/I-Wonder-What-This-Is-165556043), to serve as a rudimentary reference; I'll be working on better references for them over the next few days, so I'll update this post with them when I have them.
Farin is on the far left, a thief with a very distinctive accent that I know I find a lot of fun to write (ex. "In all yer wizardly studies an' yer rovin' about, you ever hear of a long-eared blue gryphon that could talk?"). He might be a good character to go with if you want to go the story route; I will gladly provide you with more dialogue/writing samples for him if you want them. Let's see, what else can I tell you about him... He's been infected with lycanthropy (and cured) twice, he specializes as a pickpocket and burgular, idolizes adventurers, and can swear like a sailor when he gets going.
Densharr is the lynx second from the left; the owl, Trinnis, is his familiar and "seeing-eye owl." He's supposed to be based loosely on a Canadian lynx, so if you want to draw him in a different style, there's something to start from. He's an alchemist, very kind and polite, and has done a lot of traveling (and such, has many fantastic stories to tell, if you want to go that route), but he's not a very action-oriented character, so if you're more inclined to draw/write dynamic, action-packed things, Densharr probably isn't the character you want for that. (Unless, of course, you want to draw/write about him prior to the age of 22, when he was traveling... in which case, just ask for more details. :smile)
Crystal is the black-and-white tux-patterned cat second from the right... and, well, she's a character with a lot of secrets. Long story short, well, let's just say if she was a succubus, she'd either belong to Clan Kish'ta or Clan Dimanika. She's a trickster, and she likes to frighten people, but at least she's a benevolent trickster with a strong sense of justice. She'd be very hard to write for if you don't know the full story about her, but since she's a mage who focuses on illusions for stage productions (and shadow magic when she's offstage), she would be a very fun/dynamic character to draw if you like to draw magic. (Or crazy outfits, since she has access to the theater's costume department. :P)
If you need anything more on any of these characters, or if none of them strike your fancy and you want me to provide other characters for your perusal, by all means, feel free to let me know. (I swear I'll reply faster than I did with this post! :animesweat)
O.O I'm so late! Sorry, sorry :<
As of now I don't really know what I want. I have the character Phoebe, that I created for a RPG; her description can be found here (//http://), and my first drawing attempt of her is in my art thread (which I should update). My avatar is based on that image. Other than her (I keep typing "here" instead of "her" xD) I like Guybrush Threapwood and Jack Sparrow, the two best pirates ever, and from the DMFA universe I like Mink, Quoar and Jin. All of these mostly call for drawing/painting the gift, because I've never really done any other form of art. xD
Actually my gifter should feel free to do anything he likes and if he can't come up with anything that includes the above mentioned characters I won't mind if I get something entirely different. Just no mature or religious offensive contents, that's all I want. :3
Super Secret Random Commutation Gift Art for Gabi!
apologies for running a little behind, i'll have my artwork done within a day or 2, sorry ahead of time for the slight delay (forgot my other sketchbook at home :B)
I'm sorry, I'm going to be late as well.... AC and all that... should be done tomorrow or the next day.
OK, then I guess I'll wait until tomorrow to post the gifts. Sorry for the delay, my flight was delayed for a day. I got 3 gifts so far.
Apologies for the delay on my contribution; I mixed up the due date.
My gift is almost done, and I should have it sent in this evening.
...I'm pretty sure no CCC is complete without at least half the artists asking "What do you want?" at the beginning, and saying "Sorry I'm late..." at the end. Must be tradition.
Shachza: So true. So very true.
[EDIT] (Sub)Mission... Complete!
OK, gifts are up!
Jairus made this gift (http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e143/J-RasZ/Art/demonbasil2.png?t=1277782503) for
* Author's comments:
*collapses* Argh. Perspective and bodies drive me nuts, but I think I finally drew a decent muzzle. Hope you like it!
Liatai made this gift (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4083694/) for
Corgatha Taldorthar wrote the following gift for
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on June 30, 2010, 01:53:31 AM
Here it is, slightly late. Not my best work. I've been going through a rough patch, and a request as vague as "do anything" lead to what's more a bizarre description than any coherent story. This came to me in patches, when I was inspired enough to write, if not well, and dogged enough to maintain to some purpose. But I wrote it in several sittings, with no coherent plan in mind, just seeing wherever things took me. Looking on the "completed" piece, it reminds me somewhat of the Corum series, if anyone here has bothered to read that.
Anyway, here it is. It has no title.
Best wishes, and I hope you find it suitable Ketchup-Crumbles,
Corgatha Taldorthar
Arinarra groaned as the rough hand on her shoulder shook her awake. The boiled leather armor she wore chafed, and really didn't offer much in the way of protection from the things that dropped out of the sky wailing like an orchestral suddenly gone mad. The troops had given them names, the huge porcine ones Ghanh, the brittle quick almost humanoids that would glide on the wind a Strell, and so forth. She wasn't sure why they bothered, They were all mindless, all shrieking, all deadly, and there was nothing to do when they arrived but fight and fall back, and bind up their wounds for another day.
With the eyes of her men upon her, Arinarra hauled herself to her feet, mechanically adding an eighty fourth knot to the rawhide thong before stuffing it away in a pouch. The sky was still scattered patches of vermillion and purple fighting for dominance, growing against each other and trying to squeeze their foes away to the horizon. She had seen low black clouds cover up a skirmish, and when they broke, the outcome would be decided too quickly, or reversed, or twice she saw them blend into a mindbending hue, as she struggled to keep down the whimpers and fixed her gaze on the ground. It was part of His tactics, she was sure. The things always dropped in out of the sky, silhouetted against the formless, sourceless light that remained constant after the sun fled and the moon failed.
The ground was hot against her feet, a throbbing, pulsing virulence that fought its way through her callouses developed from running long after her boots had been worn to tatters. She was thirsty, parched enough to have her soft palette feel sore, stretched, and her clothes were sodden with sweat. She needed fluid, and badly, but the makeshift camp wouldn't have any stored, not with them on the run. It had been six? seven? sleeps since they had hit an abandoned township, which still had a bit of precious water left in the cisterns. She was second, among the twenty three that remained, but water foraging duties were always done personally. Despite what logic ought to have dictated, people always seemed to find moisture better when they were looking for themselves.
Grit and pebbles clicked and fell out of her feet as she darted around, making an eerie rattle. Whatever had been done to the celestial bodies seemed to have wiped out most plant life, far, far too quickly. There weren't even remains. But sometimes, like now, she would spot a plant, a small green shrubbery of a type she did not recognize, fully grown in the ground. One of the others would determine if it had any nutritional value and harvest it. Things like this would often vanish if left alone for too long, although never when directly observed. She waved back to the camp, and moved off, There! Off to her right, she darted. A dirty little patch of snow, preserved who knows how. It was rough against cracked lips but it was wet, easing the pain in her throat. She'd need more, but not for a little while.
She returned to their camp, and in what she guessed was an hour or so, they were ready to move out. What was left of them were still holding to their last given orders to fall back to Anderen, one of the last cities on the southern coast. If the last reports they had received were still accurate, it was relatively normal for a radius of a few miles around the walls, although the streets were choked with refugees and there were rumors of plague.
As she tramped along, she gave a silent prayer that the old highways were still intact. With everything else about the landscape changed, and no sun in the sky, it was a mute reassurance that they were indeed going in the right direction. Still, the flagstones baked on her feet, as she took first right in the formation, eyes locked open for marauders. Sometimes Arinarra wondered why they bothered. She couldn't remember the a single time where they spotted the beasts more than a twice an arm's length away.
So when the piercing cry came, and Arinarra whirled around and readied her short, broad bladed spear, surprise and fear were largely displaced by a dull exhaustion, and even a sense of boredom. Still, a lack of enthusiasm did little to slow her, and she chased after a gibbering purple tentacled thing that tried to fall upon File leader Ardaniss scoring a tear in its central membrane with a quick thrust.
Steel rang, and human and monstrous cries mingled in the air. The thing that she struck floated away from the main engagement, and after a quick nod from her leader she went dashing off after it, cutting the ball of her left foot on a jagged rock upon leaving the safety of the road, but even injured, she could run faster than the living deformity could float, and with a yell and a leap, she pinned it to the ground, spear affixing it to the stone. Dying, the creature made some sort of sound, a cross between a flute's tone and a frenzied squeal. It wriggled on the spear, bright green fluid spurting from the puncture. A mist of the stuff flew into Arinarra's eyes and the world went black.
She must have come to shortly afterward, because the sounds of struggle were still going on, somewhere out of sight. She was on her feet, hands on a knife she didn't remember having, a wicked curved obsidian blade. Before her stood a man, tall, clothed immaculately in black velvet, with close cut copper hair. His features were impossibly regular, displaying an eldritch alabaster beauty that gave Arinarra a palpable sense of unease. She stared for a moment, fingering her knife, uncertain. He was certainly none of their party, but he was too regular, too perfect; none of the ravening beasts that assailed them even vaguely resembled people.
Arinarra was having a great difficulty focusing on anything other than the man who was facing towards her, but making no move to approach or retreat. Even the surrounding sounds seemed muted. She took a step forward, turning to keep the knife in between her and the stranger. "Who are you, how did you get here? Your clothes are too fine to be a refugee."
The man cocked his head slightly, and a series of words "Speaker, lord, dream, printer" rattled through her head at a lightning pace, leaving only scattered impressions and a lack of coherence in their wake. His mouth opened, but Arinarra could not see lips moving or a tongue shaping words. Nevertheless, reverberation swept through her, intoning communication.
"Most call me Sallos. I am here because this world is mine now. I fought hard for it; I defeated Keryn, so now it is mine. I came to this skirmish, because I wish to know why your kind resists the inevitable. There are not many of you left anymore. I do not like your kind. Keryn made you, and I cannot see your wills like I can of my own. It is nothing personal, you must understand this. I wish to build anew. It is like a painter wiping the palette clean from the last man's work. And I am bound. You wave that dagger at me, I am not permitted to slay one of your kind without provocation, such as assailing of my person. But it would be beneath my dignity to fight one small mortal anyway. Yes, I can glean something from your face, and your surface thoughts. I might keep you, you know, at my palace. None of your kind has ever seen it. But you are not one of mine, and I am uncertain whether it would be safe. Even one such as you might cause damage in the heart of my being. Ah, yes, the risk. It is too great. I defeated Keryn, it would be an act of divine irony to allow one of his mortals to slay me, no matter how infinitesimal the chance is. I would be a laughingstock amongst my peers forevermore. No, the Kerenth will take you now. For what it is worth, I am sorry. I do not think it is painful."
A shadow loomed behind her, but the unearthly voice uttered once again "I have kept you quiet. It is easier this way. You can trust me." She tried to turn towards the shadow, panic now welling at the words, but her body refused to obey her.And then darkness closed in on Arinarra, snuffing out sight and light and thought.
-And here's
WhiteFox's gift for
Jairus, with comments:
Quote from: WhiteFox on July 01, 2010, 09:06:53 PM
Heavy is the Head (http://www.whitefoxart.com/artwork/iron_knight_2.png); Lord Justinian von Radgrund Germanicus, and an incarnation of his Iron Knight.
I have problems with my vision that makes reading hard, so it's rare that I take the time to sit down and read a story through. Jairus' Iron Knight, however, is an excellent story, and reading it was definitely worth the time and effort.
I'm not 100% sure what the IK is supposed to look like. There's enough details on him in the story to spur on the imagination, so I just went with that. Besides, no attempt to create the Iron Knight will ever live up to the imagination. I guess I'm in the same trap that Justin' is. But then, that's what makes the story so great, isn't it?
I may have goofed on Justin' himself: since I didn't know what he looked like, I tried to draw him as generically as possible, with minimal definition to his muzzle and no visible tail. Only when I went skimming through the story, looking for a quote, did I realize that Justin' was quite possibly human.
At any rate... I hope it is acceptable.
Basilisk, Wuffnpuff and Ketchup-Crumbles, please post your gifts as soon as you can.
Any chance I can sign up for this round?
Yes, you can. I bid you welcome.
Alright it's finished!!! 8D I do hope you like it Corgatha ^.^
Yeah.. sort of putting two worlds together but hey, it works! :u :boogie
but you bridged them together so cleverly! It does indeed work, and really brings out Kedered's predatory tendencies quite well. Much appreciated :)
http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e268/EWork88/ArtScan0001.jpg there's the first version that came out well enough... after 4 or 5 failed attempts, i figured i'd post this, and continue to work on my gryphon skills... or there lack of :B
hope you enjoy my attempts at Kittrick, Laitai... because, i'm going to be honest... you seem to know what you're doing with gryphons... and i'm still learning X3
Gabi: I, yet again, pledge my art-stylus to the CCC! Let another round be joined!
Also: is there any way we could index the gifts? It'd be nice to have them all collected for perusal.
Jairus: Those are some sweet runes. The hand resting on the sword looks great too. Awesome all around.
Liatea: So many folds... so many feathers... so many, um... what's a word for "ring" that starts with "F"?
Ahem. Just plain adorable. Nice figure, too.
Whuffinmuffin: That poor, poor chess piece.... he doesn't stand a chance. :3 Nice expression. Also: aren't spots just so much fun?
Basilisk: I feel your pain, good sir, and applaude your efforts. The face and hand look nice, tho.
Quote from: WhiteFox on July 01, 2010, 09:06:53 PM
Heavy is the Head (http://www.whitefoxart.com/artwork/iron_knight_2.png); Lord Justinian von Radgrund Germanicus, and an incarnation of his Iron Knight.
I have problems with my vision that makes reading hard, so it's rare that I take the time to sit down and read a story through. Jairus' Iron Knight, however, is an excellent story, and reading it was definitely worth the time and effort.
I'm not 100% sure what the IK is supposed to look like. There's enough details on him in the story to spur on the imagination, so I just went with that. Besides, no attempt to create the Iron Knight will ever live up to the imagination. I guess I'm in the same trap that Justin' is. But then, that's what makes the story so great, isn't it?
I may have goofed on Justin' himself: since I didn't know what he looked like, I tried to draw him as generically as possible, with minimal definition to his muzzle and no visible tail. Only when I went skimming through the story, looking for a quote, did I realize that Justin' was quite possibly human.
At any rate... I hope it is acceptable.
Oh, wow. That's... that's very cool. That actually perfectly captures Justinian when he's in the middle of the depression phase of his manic/depression. Very nice job on the armor, too. One very minor note is that the original one is meant to be a little more clock/steampunk and a little less refined, but you did a very good job with the details. And I'm certainly glad that you enjoyed Iron Knight: maybe I should revisit and finish it?
*puts scholar glasses on*
But you are correct, Justinian is human. Anthros exist on their world, they're just, well, science experiments, to be honest, created by bored geniuses who want something to do with the door-to-door salesman who doesn't recognize that
maybe the owner of the scary castle that has lightning routinely striking it doesn't want or need new gutters. That, or door-to-door evangelicals: Geniuses like it even less when you tell them that some god or another will strike you down for your wicked deeds, and they tend to see stuff like that as a challenge. They're crazy like that.
Justinian's appearance, strangely enough, is something I've never really figured out. When I write a story, physical appearance (even stuff like racial background or even hair color) is a fairly minor detail compared to the more important stuff like the plot or who they are as people. When it comes down to it, he'll probably get black hair and a goatee or something like that.
The Iron Knight of the modern era is actually getting really close to Justinian's idea, albeit on a far grander scale: tens of thousands instead of only hundreds. Still hideously expensive, though, and they take a lot of training to use correctly. They're given to the rough equivalent of marines, but powered armors have become much more common throughout the world since then, both magical, technological, and magitechnical.
And I've gone way over-the-top, so I'll just cut the boring stuff there, okay? Long story short, that's a very good job, and thank you very much: that's actually the first time that an Iron Knight has been drawn, so, congratulations!
Quote from: WhiteFox on July 04, 2010, 09:29:56 PM
Jairus: Those are some sweet runes. The hand resting on the sword looks great too. Awesome all around.
Random trivia: the runes are just gussied-up letters that read "Is the soul dead?" I changed it from something, I just can't remember what it originally was.
EDIT: Oh, and I'm in for the next round.
Quote from: Jairus on July 05, 2010, 01:26:10 AM
Oh, wow. That's... that's very cool. That actually perfectly captures Justinian when he's in the middle of the depression phase of his manic/depression. Very nice job on the armor, too.
*Fist pump* That is
exactly what I like to hear: I'm not happy until you are. :3
Quote from: Jairus on July 05, 2010, 01:26:10 AM
But you are correct, Justinian is human.
Curses... I was afraid of that. Would you mind if I posted it to my FA as it is? I
could alter his face to make him human, but then the pic wouldn't really qualify as "furry art". :<
Quote from: Jairus on July 05, 2010, 01:26:10 AM
Justinian's appearance, strangely enough, is something I've never really figured out. When I write a story, physical appearance (even stuff like racial background or even hair color) is a fairly minor detail compared to the more important stuff like the plot or who they are as people.
I'll second that.
For Justinian here, I gave him an outfit suitable for any sort of mechanic or engineer in a shop: heavy boots and gloves, and plain clothes made of stiff material.
Since the story was written as a journal, it wouldn't have made sense for him to stop and describe himself anyway. Unless he was a
really boring sorta guy ("Today I wore my tan jacket... I usually wear my cornflower-blue vest on tuesdays, but I was feeling adventurous..."
Shaddap and get back to the freakin' robot!)
Also: one of my motives for picking this pose was so I wouldn't have to draw his hair or ears (Which, if he had been furry, could have been any number of shapes).
Quote from: Jairus on July 05, 2010, 01:26:10 AMAnthros exist on their world, they're just, well, science experiments, to be honest, created by bored geniuses who want something to do with the door-to-door salesman who doesn't recognize that maybe the owner of the scary castle that has lightning routinely striking it doesn't want or need new gutters.
Mad S.: "Release...
The Hounds!"
Hound 1: "Do you have to call us that?"
Mad S.: "It's either
The Hounds, or I cry Havoc! and let slip...
The Dogs of War."
Hound 1: "Okay! Fine!
The Hounds are releasing... Sheesh."
Hound 2: "I'm not a hound, I'm a gundog..."
Hound 1: "Who makes abominations out of
cocker-spaniels, anyway?"
Mad S.: "Labradors are too friendly. Now,
Quote from: Jairus on July 05, 2010, 01:26:10 AMLong story short, that's a very good job, and thank you very much: that's actually the first time that an Iron Knight has been drawn, so, congratulations!
You're very much welcome; this was really fun to do. When I got your name this round, I knew
exactly what I was going to be drawing. :3
*snerk* Cocker spaniels. *giggle*
Quote from: WhiteFox on July 05, 2010, 04:14:37 AM
Would you mind if I posted it to my FA as it is? I could alter his face to make him human, but then the pic wouldn't really qualify as "furry art". :<
You can post it as is, go right ahead.
Also, for some reason, I love it when people say "curses."
Quote from: WhiteFox on July 05, 2010, 04:14:37 AM
Quote from: Jairus on July 05, 2010, 01:26:10 AM
Justinian's appearance, strangely enough, is something I've never really figured out. When I write a story, physical appearance (even stuff like racial background or even hair color) is a fairly minor detail compared to the more important stuff like the plot or who they are as people.
I'll second that.
For Justinian here, I gave him an outfit suitable for any sort of mechanic or engineer in a shop: heavy boots and gloves, and plain clothes made of stiff material.
Since the story was written as a journal, it wouldn't have made sense for him to stop and describe himself anyway. Unless he was a really boring sorta guy ("Today I wore my tan jacket... I usually wear my cornflower-blue vest on tuesdays, but I was feeling adventurous..." Shaddap and get back to the freakin' robot!)
Also: one of my motives for picking this pose was so I wouldn't have to draw his hair or ears (Which, if he had been furry, could have been any number of shapes).
There are actually Geniuses who would write like that. Comes from being a bit loopy. Go on and on about clothes and food and playing the piano, then mention in one sentence that they "fused a duck with a beaver to see what happened" before talking about how they styled their hair. Justinian is one of the few Geniuses who has a good deal of control over himself. But good choice on the mechanic's clothes: that is what geniuses who specialize in machines tend to wear.
Quote from: WhiteFox on July 05, 2010, 04:14:37 AM
Mad S.: "Release... The Hounds!"
Hound 1: "Do you have to call us that?"
Mad S.: "It's either The Hounds, or I cry Havoc! and let slip... The Dogs of War."
Hound 1: "Okay! Fine! The Hounds are releasing... Sheesh."
Hound 2: "I'm not a hound, I'm a gundog..."
Hound 1: "Who makes abominations out of cocker-spaniels, anyway?"
Mad S.: "Labradors are too friendly. Now, git."
"And cocker spaniels aren't hounds, anyway: they're spaniels! It's in the name!"
"Look, do you want a treat afterwards or not."
"Oh, fine."
Quote from: WhiteFox on July 05, 2010, 04:14:37 AM
Quote from: Jairus on July 05, 2010, 01:26:10 AMLong story short, that's a very good job, and thank you very much: that's actually the first time that an Iron Knight has been drawn, so, congratulations!
You're very much welcome; this was really fun to do. When I got your name this round, I knew exactly what I was going to be drawing. :3
Heh, glad to hear I gave you a good topic.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 05, 2010, 07:23:04 AM
*snerk* Cocker spaniels. *giggle*
Anthro chihuahuas would just be silly.
Quote from: Jairus on July 05, 2010, 11:01:00 AM
Quote from: WhiteFox on July 05, 2010, 04:14:37 AM
Would you mind if I posted it to my FA as it is? I could alter his face to make him human, but then the pic wouldn't really qualify as "furry art". :<
You can post it as is, go right ahead.
*Goes to do so.*
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 05, 2010, 07:23:04 AM
*snerk* Cocker spaniels. *giggle*
There's a crossbreed between Cocker Spaniels and Poodles... Cocker-Poos.
I am not making this up.
Quote from: WhiteFox on July 05, 2010, 04:10:20 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 05, 2010, 07:23:04 AM
*snerk* Cocker spaniels. *giggle*
There's a crossbreed between Cocker Spaniels and Poodles... Cocker-Poos.
I am not making this up.
Don't forget the labradoodles.
the labradoodles!"
Quote from: WhiteFox on July 04, 2010, 09:29:56 PM
Gabi: I, yet again, pledge my art-stylus to the CCC! Let another round be joined!
Also: is there any way we could index the gifts? It'd be nice to have them all collected for perusal.
WhiteFox: you've caught me at a busy time. Even busier than usual, that is. But if you send me the links you want indexed, I'll gladly add them to the first post or make a web page for them.
So, Arroyo Milori and WhiteFox are in for the next round. Anyone else?
Oh, what the heck, why not. I'll throw my hat in, too. :smile
Count me in.
I'm in. Might as well, I'm not doing anything for the next month.
Jay: Awesome work on the sketch, sorry for taking soo long to reply, been a bit busy with a few things. It came out very well, and yes, you did an excellent job on the muzzle X3
Gabi: You can count me in too... with no major events in July, i've got nothing but free time, for the most part X3
I have some free time now, so, I'd like to bring my (admittedly limited) abilities to the CCC for this round.
Quote from: Jairus on July 05, 2010, 01:26:10 AM
EDIT: Oh, and I'm in for the next round.
I think Jairus is in for the next round.
Quote from: Jairus on July 05, 2010, 06:33:28 PM
I'm in. Might as well, I'm not doing anything for the next month.
Redundant WhiteFox is redundant!
Quote from: Gabi on July 05, 2010, 05:54:47 PMSo, Arroyo Milori and WhiteFox are in for the next round. Anyone else?
CAT scan results are in and I don't have an aneursym, so I'm in for the next round (admittedly there's still six months worth of incredibly bizarre experiences medical science can't find an explanation for [it's literally like I'm living inside an episode of the X-Files] and they can't rule out that I may be slowly going blind, but I'm choosing to wax positive!).
So ... ummmmm ... yeah, I'm in unless I go blind or turn howling at the moon type crazy within the next 30 days.{/drama}
So it's Arroyo Milori, WhiteFox, Liatai, Corgatha Taldorthar, Jairus, Basilisk, The1Kobra and FSharp. Nice! I'll leave sign-ups open for today in case anyone else wants to join, and start Round 11 tomorrow.
And FSharp, I really hope everything goes well with you.
I'm in! :D
Oh, what the hey. I'll sign up to do some stick figure art or something.
... if anyone objects to that sort of trivial piddling about, speak now, and I'll bow out.
It's not about the gift, but the thought that counts. That was the whole idea when this was started, and it remains so from what I can tell. It's about doing something nice for the person who's name you received. :>
Following the example of llearch, the danman volunteers his versatil, drawing pen and heap of rubbers to this endeavour
Quote from: danman on July 06, 2010, 05:25:35 PM
Following the example of llearch, the danman volunteers his versatil, drawing pen and heap of rubbers to this endeavour
This might be a mistake, but I gotta know, how are you planning on using rubbers to make a work of art?
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on July 06, 2010, 05:48:25 PM
Quote from: danman on July 06, 2010, 05:25:35 PM
Following the example of llearch, the danman volunteers his versatil, drawing pen and heap of rubbers to this endeavour
This might be a mistake, but I gotta know, how are you planning on using rubbers to make a work of art?
Ack! ... just after Meany mentioned it... you see in my language, the word for rubber and eraser is the same - "guma"
Quote from: danman on July 06, 2010, 05:54:40 PM
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on July 06, 2010, 05:48:25 PM
Quote from: danman on July 06, 2010, 05:25:35 PM
Following the example of llearch, the danman volunteers his versatil, drawing pen and heap of rubbers to this endeavour
This might be a mistake, but I gotta know, how are you planning on using rubbers to make a work of art?
Ack! ... just after Meany mentioned it... you see in my language, the word for rubber and eraser is the same - "guma"
I have to mention it, I thought the exact same thing. Though I did know you meant eraser.
Why not? I'm in, sounds like fun!
I'd like to join this round too. :3
I'll sign up for this round. :3 My drawing muse wishes it, so shall it be.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 06, 2010, 10:57:04 AM
Oh, what the hey. I'll sign up to do some stick figure art or something.
Stick figures are an integral aspect of figure drawing: laying out a character skeleton.
Once you got that, the rest is a cakewalk. :3
Quote from: Mao Laoren on July 06, 2010, 12:57:48 PM
It's not about the gift, but the thought that counts.
I will affirm that whole-heartedly.
I will also add that I love doing CCC because I end up getting to draw stuff I never would have, if left to my own devices. Like robo-suits or dragon-mythos-cubi, or leopards by the dozen.
It's great. And by "great," I mean frustrating. And by "frustrating," I mean fun and awesometacular.
It's almost 4AM. I should sleep now.
And so, Round 11 begins. We have 14 players for this round!
Player list: Arroyo Milori, WhiteFox, Liatai, Corgatha Taldorthar, Jairus, Basilisk, The1Kobra, FSharp, Spooks, llearch, danman, Nyil, Fibre, Aisha deCabre.
The deadline is 4 weeks from now, on Wednesday, 4th of August. You may, of course, send me your gifts before that date.
As usual, you can post your references here (or anything you'd like your gifter to know), and use me as a proxy to ask questions to your recipient.
I hope you enjoy this round.
OK, first row of questions:
Basilisk's gifter would like to know which one of his characters he wants portrayed for this round.
WhiteFox's and Corgatha's gifters both want to know if their recipients prefer writing or drawings, and if they have any ideas or references for them to work with.
And Spooks's gifter would like some references too.
Since it's been a few rounds since I participated, I thought I'd re-post one of the better pics for references that I did: Here. (http://risendecabre.deviantart.com/art/quot-Show-Me-the-Demon-quot-131558351) Drawings or writings though, doesn't matter much, just do what comes to you. :3
Danman's gifter would like to know if Danman has any references or anything specific he'd like for a gift.
Also, Aisha's gifter has asked if there is some particular character she would like drawn - her avatar cat, someone from the RP's or "something completely else", but I think she's already answered that question.
How about someone who hasn't gotten nearly as much backstory about her. Aleyna
Demon Vixen. shoulder-blade length, sun-bleached-blond hair, worn in a style to match her mood (usually quite casual, yet she does have a more dominant personality)
She stands at 5'10" Slight frame, with a more athletic, martial artist/gymnastic type build than say... your typical "fantasy female". Long, well defined legs, narrow body and build. An fiery orange overcoat, with a platinum-colored undercoat (a more bright silver-like tone) 15' wingspan, with no additional "wing-fingers" Her wings have a navy outside and edge, with a orange-to-platinum inside. The bones and muscles in the wing are highlighted in navy as well.
http://risendecabre.deviantart.com/art/Commish-Baseel-and-Aleyna-158132554 (thank you Aish) for a better idea of the coloring.
http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e268/EWork88/Aleyna.jpg for a better idea of her build
Clothing wise, she favors comfort over style... and if you're at all involved in OSaS, you've probably guessed that her magic type of choice is fire X3
if you need anything else, or feel like trying something/one else, by all means, let me know X3
Hmm, the danman is thinking now....
If his gifter is someone from one of the two RP's he participates in, then it would be easiest for him to make something involving the character in question there.
In other case, one can choose either my avatar, Vladim (http://www.srcf.ucam.org/~dm510/cast/vladimcast.jpg), or his close co-operator Sergej (http://www.srcf.ucam.org/~dm510/sergejrs.jpg) (the first pic lacks feet... i planned it badly and ran out of paper down there... :<)
If one wants personal info about them, i can post the prototype cast pages i have somewhere... or for the first one, this is a good enough description (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,7525.msg331081.html#msg331081)
Quote from: Gabi on July 07, 2010, 01:50:54 PM
Also, Aisha's gifter has asked if there is some particular character she would like drawn - her avatar cat, someone from the RP's or "something completely else", but I think she's already answered that question.
Heh, indeed; just something of Aisha, who is indeed my avatar, would do. Other references also exist on page 2, I forgot to mention. x3
Message from FSharp's gifter.
Quote from: FSharp's gifter
If I could get refs of whatever FSharp wants me to draw, that'd be great. :D
And Nyil's gifter is asking if there's something specific he wants done for his CCC Gift.
Quote from: Nyil's gifterAny particular character, or if i should just have fun with his avatar?
You can just have fun with my avatar xP I don't have a full reference sheet, but the closest thing I have is here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4104227
About 5'6", can do anything with the clothes, the only thing that's always consistently there is the bell and the bow on the tail.
If you need anything else, just let me know!
I have two major characters that I use in and around DMFA.
The first one is Kedered Aldoraethar. Aisha Decabre did a very good picture here (http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=§ion=&q=Kedered#/d2afbpm)
He was originally created as an RP character in Shattered Innocence. You can read the bio here (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,5619.msg260693.html#msg260693)
The second character is my username, Corgatha Taldorthar. He was created for a wheel of time setting, and is human. Short description here (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,5673.msg275589.html#msg275589)
here's (http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/5580/corgathataldothar.jpg) a picture by Kipriu And one by Zina (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v434/Zinacat/Inked/CCCink.jpg)
As for whether I'd prefer something written or drawn.....
I'm a good writer (or like to think of myself as one), so I always reflexively cringe at literary mistakes. And one of the things I've learned is that they're inevitable. Drawing has more mystery for me, more raw power. That being said, if you want to start up a conversation about the written work, and you think you're a good writer, I'd love to see a short story. But please, do whatever makes you feel more comfortable.
Dear Gifter:
I would very much appreciate visual art over written. I have vision problems that can make reading difficult at times.
Quote from: WhiteFox on April 04, 2010, 02:50:08 AM
Dear gifter;
Quote from: WhiteFox on January 19, 2010, 02:43:37 PM
Dear gifter;
As far as DSOF goes, any of the characters are fine. I don't have any references for them online at the moment, but I'm not fussy about accuracy when it comes to gift art. I'm open to interpretations.
I do have a "style guide" for my avatar at FA, however; http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3104772/ and http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3294417/
I say "style guide" rather then "model sheet" because it's not how I draw my avatar, but rather how anyone, regardless of their art style, could.
Anyway, I hope that helps.
The only thing to add to this is that Gabriel, an RP character I have arts of on FA, should probably remain out of bounds for a variety of reasons. (Except in the off chance that my gifter just happens to be Basilisk. Then it would be okay.)
Aside from that, go with your instincts. If you get a cool idea, don't worry about whether or not I'll like it. Just go with it.
I'm not to fussy about how my characters are used, and if you think it's cool then I probably will too. Good luck, have fun.
("I often quote myself at parties: it makes for intelligent conversation." -Oscar Wilde... I think. Might have been Mark Twain)
Aisha, your gifter would like to know if you have any familiarity with Unix.
Quote from: FSharp's gifter
If I could get refs of whatever FSharp wants me to draw, that'd be great. :D
The past two months have been something of a creative drought for me, so I'm falling back to an earlier round. Basically I'm happy with fanart of anything found in my small gallery (http://www.panicepisode.com/gallery/) or from a batch of NPC descriptions (http://www.panicepisode.com/elementals.html) I did for a MUD that I kept because people liked them.
I'm equally happy with art depicting the gifter's own character(s) or really anything for that matter.
Quote from: Gabi on July 07, 2010, 09:36:35 PM
Aisha, your gifter would like to know if you have any familiarity with Unix.
...Ah, I'm afraid not. I'm not a tech person. Sorry if that's a problem. ^^;;
Here's the Spooks reference. :D
Quote from: Aisha deCabre on July 07, 2010, 11:54:36 PM
Quote from: Gabi on July 07, 2010, 09:36:35 PM
Aisha, your gifter would like to know if you have any familiarity with Unix.
...Ah, I'm afraid not. I'm not a tech person. Sorry if that's a problem. ^^;;
I do, but I'm not sure that helps at all. ;-]
Moar questions! :U
Basilisk's gifter wants to know what sort of a personality Alyena has, or what kind of activities she could be seen doing.
As for Jairus's gifter, the question was shorter: "What would you like me to write about?"
But then said gifter offered to pay for the extra cost of paraphrasing, so... Jairus, will you please let your gifter know your desired topic for a piece of writing?
Thanks in advance.
For personality, she's very dominant, confident, and just all around strong... that said, she's also impulsive, easily distracted/entertained, and finds herself in a near constant state of wanderlust. As to what activities you'd see her in... Well, anything from burning villages, to playing bodyguard for someone who can afford her services, to just hunting for rare or magical items that tickle her fancy.
Hmm. That's actually a good question. I'm still recovering from a long hot weekend of work, so give me a night to think it over.
Here's a question for The1Kobra.
"Is there anything you want in particular? Drawing, writing, poetry, something like that? Any characters that need a bit more love, or any particulars you want or don't want?"
Well, on a writing front, I'm not sure I have any ideas, sorry.
As for pictures, well, there are five things I can think of...
First, there's Kassin of the Shattered Innocence RP. (Info : Picture by Aisha DeCabre (http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c108/RisenDeCabre360/New%20Art/Kassin.png), Description here (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,5673.msg279731.html#msg279731))
You could also draw Yavvir, who looks similar, but slightly different. (They're brothers) Here's his description:
QuoteHe looked to be a tiger angel, around 6 feet tall. His fur was dark blue colored, though he had dark orange stripes under his eyes, across his ears, and on his tail. His cephalic hair is black, and looks well groomed, with a parting to his right. His wings display an odd attribute, his right wing is white, while his left wing is black. He's wearing black colored boots and pants, and a jacket over his torso. The jacket was black colored, with white lines weaving into very intricate patterns. It looks expensive, and quite comfortable. A white collar could be seen coming up from the neck-line.
He'd look similar, but more muscular, and with the coloration changes noted above.
On my DnD side, I play a bunch of kobold characters. They take after the Kobold A model from NWN. Reference: http://nwn.bioware.com/builders/creature_profile1.html (http://nwn.bioware.com/builders/creature_profile1.html)
There's three, Kurchin, Thilaxtyl, and Saylgarix.
Kurchin is a 'cutesie kobold', (CHA:14). Kurchin stands two foot six. He has large eyes, relatively long tail, kind of a light build. His most notable feature is that his horns and hand-claws are filed down. He keeps himself well groomed and clean.
In his clothing, he normally wears a short sleeve shirt, shorts, and sometimes shoes. He prefers bright, psychedelic outfits.
Thilaxtyl stands two foot eight, and keeps himself well groomed and clean. He keeps his claws and horns sharp however, and well groomed and cleanly.
His clothing varies, but usually consists of a mithril chain shirt, pants, blue gloves, boots and a blue hooded cloak. The cloak covers his back, the hood covers his face, and it's sleeves are long enough to cover his hands. He can roll the outfit out to hide the fact that he's a kobold, if he so desires. He typically carries a shortsword around with him as his favored weapon, in addition to his sorcery.
Saylgarix is a psychotic, ill tempered, and rough kobold. He stands two foot seven, and has an extremely rough and weathered look to him, as if he spends most of his time in the wilderness, and has gotten into many fights in his life. His clothing is usually dull colored, but practical. He likes sleeveless shirts and short pants He tends to go barefoot. He also tends to carry a pair of kukris with him.
He's also accompanied by a badger (animal, not anthro), named Fwuzzy, who is also ill tempered and vicious. Other than being extremely aggressive though, Fwuzzy is a rather regular badger.
I'm not great with personal physical descriptions (I know), but, I hope this is enough. Let me know if you need anything else though.
Quote from: Gabi on July 09, 2010, 05:04:15 PM
As for Jairus's gifter, the question was shorter: "What would you like me to write about?"
But then said gifter offered to pay for the extra cost of paraphrasing, so... Jairus, will you please let your gifter know your desired topic for a piece of writing?
Hmmm. Having thought it over, I really can't come up with a self-satisfactory answer, because there are a lot of characters and ideas that I'd love to see get some attention but don't really have a lot of information or examples to give you. I guess, would you like to do a more character-oriented piece or would you like to try something with a bit of possible action?
I do kind of have a specific idea if you'd like to try it, but I don't know if I can properly get it across, but here goes: how do you think that a brilliant and insane inventor would think? What would their process be? How would you write something like that if I gave you some details on such a character? I don't really know if this makes sense, sorry. :\
WhiteFox's gifter has a new question. Are there any inert figures he would like to see drawn? "Like say, a building, or a vehicle."
Quote from: Gabi on July 15, 2010, 09:52:45 AM
WhiteFox's gifter has a new question. Are there any inert figures he would like to see drawn? "Like say, a building, or a vehicle."
Some kind of steam-punk land vehicle would be cool. Or a spaceship. Spaceships are always fun.
Quote from: Jairus's gifterIf you provide the details, I can give it a go.
Quote from: Jairus's gifter
Jairus? *nudge* *nudge* Do I get a response, or not?
Oh, sorry, I completely missed the post.
Ho boy, I've been trying to figure out how to properly describe this. Hm... well, the character in question is a male teenager who is slowly becoming a mad scientist. If you've ever heard of Science Related Memetic Disorder (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ScienceRelatedMemeticDisorder), he's basically got that. Essentially, he's slowly starting to more easily see how things work and how things around him can be shaped to fit the ideas he has, and moreover he can make them work, like turning a bedside clock into a little robot or turning a box of scraps into a working death ray. So, on the one hand, he has foreign and strange thoughts in his head and compulsions to actually try the crazy ideas he has. He's also an orphan, so this is raising questions about his family and real background. Moreover... mad scientists (properly called Geniuses) aren't really all that popular, so it's kind of like someone realizing they're gay in a really straight-laced community, and being gay lets you build killer robots. Okay, it's not quite like that, sorry.
So, um, does any of that help, or do you need some more info?
The gifts are here! Most of them, anyway.
danman drew this gift (http://www.srcf.ucam.org/~dm510/cccaisha.jpg) for
Aisha deCabre.
* Author's comments:
* As one can see, warhammer demon hunters have slightly easier life.
FSharp has tried something different (http://www.panicepisode.com/animations/corgatha/corgatha.html) for
Corgatha Taldorthar's gift.
Aisha deCabre drew this gift (http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c108/RisenDeCabre360/Requests/DanmanCCC.png) for
* Author's comments:
* hope you like it, had some fun drawing Vladim, just tinkering with something. :3
Nyil made this gift (http://i986.photobucket.com/albums/ae343/Nyil_Hegedu/llearchCCCgift-1.jpg) for
llearch n'n'daCorna.
Corgatha Taldorthar wrote the following gift for
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on August 03, 2010, 06:23:56 PM
Turn left, dash twenty yards, elbow a small rabbit being out of the way, ignore the squeal of surprise mixed with slight pain, spin to the right, empty alleyway. Slow, slow down now, less suspicious, less alert. Catch your breath. Aleyna stalked through the backstreets, somewhat amazed that the heat from the arson carried through the summer swelter so well. The little charm she had woven to keep from sweating had broken down completely from the combination of stress and the increased temperature. Can't be seen, can't be seen. She usually looked down on the impudent tricksters, but right now, the 'Cubi ability to just shift face and vanish into the crowd was damn useful.
Immediate priority, avoid the black and burgundy livery of anyone in the city watch. She was sure she could take any party of less than a dozen, but they could wear her down, and if they descended on her in a body...... she didn't want to think what they'd do to a demon. Higher arching priority, get out of the city, preferably before the wanted posters started circulating. Gates are too well guarded to break out of directly, so that meant easiest would be climbing the wall in some unobserved area, and trusting to her resilience to handle any damage from the fall. She was pretty sure she was in the southwest section of town, and tried to angle to the right and forward as much as she could.
The area she was traveling through seemed to be a rather poor section of town, judging by the shape of the cobbles she was walking on, and that her hard leather shoes were attracting a fair number of envious stares from a smattering of figures, some with wings, with only linen wraps around their feet. She kept her pace rapid, purposeful, but resisted the urge to dash away, look too suspicious.
Perhaps the general penury of the district discouraged the ordinary city services from removing the garbage in a timely fashion, because there was a reek in the air that made Aleyna glad to hit the wall itself. Purposeful craning of the neck to the left and to the right revealed nobody expressing open interest, and she didn't see anyone expressing undue, or even any sort of interest in her.
Granite, she thought, although Aleyna certainly wasn't an expert in stonework. Tightly mortared together. A being wouldn't be able to climb it, but as Aleyna extracted her claws, she smiled. She'd just punch through a small hole, and haul herself up It couldn't be much more than forty feet to the top, annoyingly just a bit too high to jump, even with an enhancement spell. Scratching out the mortar in a scoop hurt her fingers, but it was well worth dodging the possibility of an arrow in the back.
10 feet, fifteen. My fingers are really starting to hurt, and my nails will take forever to fix after this. Twent- SHIT, I'm falling! The portion she was climbing turned as slick as oil, and despite Aleyna's scrabblings for a hold, she slid right back down, thudding into the ground with an impact that sent jolts of protest up her spine. Right on cue, a ringing alarm, loud enough to wake the dead, emanated from the wall, and she could hear more shouts coming. She scrambled to her feet just in time to mutter a short wardspell to edge aside a crossbow bolt coming from the wall, and she hurled herself into the den of warrens in an attempt to lose herself.
This time though, she was not so fortunate as to progress unobstructed. Only two though, and they were foolish enough to engage in hand to hand combat. Still, in the time it took to crush a skull and shatter a ribcage, they were able to raise a shout, and the second one fired some sort of flare into the sky, and it was running again. Even demonic endurance had it's limits, and Aleyna was starting to get winded. She took off again, at the best pace she could muster.
An alley. Alleys were her friend. She was sure she could climb up onto the rooftops if pressed, an alternative that was looking more and more attractive regardless. Mostly though, she needed space, time, to catch her breath, to draw upon theurgic resources, and most of all, to plan. She needed something to get out. Maybe one of the postern gates? Bulling out one of the main ones would be impossible, they'd be crewed with dozens of soldiers, crossbows, magic, open lines of sight. One of the little gates would have a smaller guard, possibly even none at all, since the city wasn't currently under siege. But she couldn't smash through the twin gates, not without raising a hell of a racket and drawing every guard in town. They probably had some sort of trap too, like the walls. She'd need a key, or some way of disarming defenses.
Clatter from outside the alleyway, and not rested nearly enough. Still, what could she do? Fortunately, the stucco that comprised the walls here were too ramshackle to make a difficult climb, and nobody had bothered to even consider trapping them, she was sure. Twelve seconds later, she had to blink away the sun that seemed much brighter, even if the change in distance was insignificant. Perhaps it was how the buildings always seemed to have lips on their roof, protruding out farther than their foundations, drenching the streets in shade. Aleyna kept to a crouch, knowing that while her chances of being spotted had just gone down, anyone sighting her would instantly be suspicious, lack of wings be damned.
She kept low, half spider-walking across the rooftops, and while she told herself she was moving slowly to stay stealthy, she still wanted just a bit more rest. Maybe she could lie down..... No, no, not at all. She hauled herself into an upright position, went lurching off towards a gate. Take a hostage or two on the way perhaps, try to negotiate through. It seemed pretty obvious that she'd need some extra cards to get through this lockdown.
Hop a roof, turn right, scramble across yet again. Bump into an archer as you mount, no rank badges, low fist strike to the gut, shove him off the top. Too late, the bow could have been useful, no hope going back and getting it now. Maybe that other one two building- WINGS!
At least she had regained some of her wind. Definitely a full demon, electric blue, leonid, very tall, holding some sort of polearm, and a number of Being troopers scrambling up near him. She spotted crossbows, although nobody had fired yet. The leader seemed to want to talk, and Aleyna dropped into a ready stance, but one that was not immediately prepared for flight.
He leaped out, landing on a low building in between herself and his soldiers, planting his weapon onto the rooftop. "Hold, I am Tennethar, of the Guard. Your flight is over. Please, leave yourself some room for leniency, and surrender yourself now. You must know by now that the walls are unclimbable, and the gates are sealed. Give up, or I will have you shot down."
Sweat trickled down Aleyna's spine, catching in her fur, and starting a terrible stink. Something in her left side was all knotted up, and she was thirsty, tired of being hounded by these insects. Rage was building up inside her, and she held it at bay with pure will for a moment, before it was shoved aside. She shouted back "Look, I burned it down, but I didn't know it was a fucking orphanage. I don't deserve this. If you want to kill me fine, but do it with some honor, get your own hands dirty dammit!"
He glanced back, and then finally waved to his troops, who lowered their weapons. He looked down at his weapon, before leaping again, using his wings to help him glide over to Aleyna's position. He reached inside a tartan vest, held out a small bras pendant, before carefully setting it to the side of the rooftop. "It's a recognition charm. If you have it, you won't trigger the alarms near the walls, can climb right up." He then stepped away from the amulet, and cracked his neck. He had a few inches, and at least thirty pounds on her. Still, it was better than facing the crossbows. Aleyna sighed, and shifted her legs into one more suited for fistfighting.
She quickstepped up, fast jab to the face, got swiped aside, had to step to the right to avoid being turned around from the force of the block. Duck the return roundhouse punch, and lash out with a short kick, connect on the left ankle. Step left, switching to a right foot lead, kick again at the same leg, miss the knee, block too late at his swipe. Her ears rang, although the blow wasn't very crisp, it was rather forceful.
Damn she was tired, she shouldn't make mistakes like that, and she had to take two steps back to avoid some more sloppy blows. She was confident she'd be able to take him, if she were rested. As it was, he'd stand to wear her down, if nothing else. Back another step, damn that she couldn't come up with a counter to a kick that high, and her head was really starting to hurt. She felt her heel drop over the edge of the roof, and barely caught her balance. A wild rush from Tennethar, and she saw he left his left flank a bit open, his arm held a bit too high. She turned her retreat into a wild rush, digging an elbow in at his lower ribs, and then stamping on his foot, headbutting him in the chin, and putting his left arm into an inside lock, pulled at it until she felt his elbow crink, and then hit him hard on the solar plexus, which felled the big oaf.
She panted heavily, contemplated stamping on his neck, decided against it. Instead, she just scooped up the pendant. He really was kind of cute, and pulled a card out of her purse, knelt over him. "Your technique could use some work, you should look me up some time, so I can give you a lesson." She stroked his cheek once, and then dashed off. She had a city to escape.
Arroyo Milori drew this gift (http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn127/ArroyoMilori/Sketches/IMAGE0017.jpg) for
* Author's comments:
* If she wants, I can put it up on my FA account upon request.
Basilisk drew this gift (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=Ts5sXF9) for
Nyil but neglected to upload it to a server so now it's on PostImage. :P
* Author's comments:
* I was originally going to draw some type of feline with this picture... but couldn't really decide what the devious little mouse was taunting this time X3... Hope you enjoy Nyil, as i've been having fun playing with sketches of your character for the last couple of weeks :3
llearch n'n'daCorna wrote the following gift for
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna
I'm not mad, and I don't think my parents were, either.
I know that seems an unusual thing to start out by saying, but it's true. I'm not even slightly unhinged. I just have, well, a gift for figuring out how things work. Some people are born politicians, some people swim really well, some people have a gift for taking people apart and seeing what makes them tick. Well, I feel that way about machines.
Admittedly, not all machines - I think the milking machine down on the farm we orphans got to stay at didn't like me. I know the farmer didn't, because he was quite vocal about it. And loud - very loud. I don't see why he was so upset, it milked the cows in a third of the time it used to, by the time I was finished with it. And I was only twelve, so it was hard to lift some of the bigger bits into place.
Admittedly, it also milked his wife, when she got too close. And his sister, who was herding the cows in. And the neighbours wife, who'd just wandered past to swap some eggs for some milk. But it milked them quickly. And I'm pretty sure the attachment I added for keeping the cows happy worked; they were all smiling when it put them back in the field, afterwards. In fact, his sister came by later and asked for some blueprints for that attachment. Not sure why, she didn't want the rest of it, and it wouldn't really have worked without that - no way to get the cows close enough, you know. I wonder what she did with them - we never did go back to find out...
I'm sorry, I got a bit distracted there for a minute. Where was I? Oh, yes. Not mad. Not at all. I don't even suffer from allergies. I will admit I keep looking at things, and they just, well, come to pieces in my hands, but that doesn't make me mad, does it? Does it? And I always put them back together again. Mostly. And they still work.
Okay, so the alarm clock didn't actually wake anyone up, until it shot the postman at three in the morning. I know, I know. I should have added some safety interlocks on it. I'll do so next time. And he was okay, mostly. and you have to admit demolishing his house from the other side of the city was pretty cool. I was sorry about the birdhouse, though.
Times like that, though, I start to wonder what my parents were like. Did they have brown hair, or blonde, or chestnut? Blue eyes, or brown, or green? Did they pluck pigeons with mach-3 toast at three in the morning, by accident, or is it just me? Did they get egged in school?
Was my dad popular? Did he get revenge on the jocks for being called silly names like Jubblies by loading their practice balls with nanomotile weights, to put them off their stride? Or was he more of a type to embed them with teeth and a nasty sense of humour? Would my mother have objected to the washing machine adjustment that identifies the owner by DNA and impregnates the towels and underclothing with deep heat? Or would she have applauded when it kinda didn't work too well, and levelled the swimming pool, and planted flowers and trees and the
vice principle, and watered and trimmed them?
I wonder, sometimes.
* Author's comments:
* Jairus:
Apologies, this isn't quite what you requested. Hopefully, it's
suitable, all the same; my muse went into hiding for the month, then
snuck out at the end and smacked me over the back of the head with her
Hopefully the result makes you giggle.
Jairus drew this gift (http://a.imageshack.us/img340/9575/thilaxtylpencil.png) for
* Author's comments:
* I decided to do your kobold character Thilaxtyl, who based on his description sounded a bit like a swashbuckler so I tried to go for the Errol Flynn-type loose shirt with the chain mail over it, and a similar sort of style for the pants since a kobold's leg structure seemed to require loose pants. I was slightly confused over whether he wore a robe or a cloak, since you called it a cloak but described it as having sleeves, so I went for a cloak with the hood off the head. I think he came across as a lot more stocky than I originally wanted and how kobolds are supposed to look (I think), but I couldn't figure out how to properly correct that. Maybe next time I draw a kobold. I was uncertain about the scale patterns that kobolds have, so I kind of gave up halfway up the head so that there was still a chance to distinguish his features. I also just realized that I accidentally drew him as left-handed. Whoops, sorry. Anyway, hope you like it!
The1Kobra has made the following gift for
Quote from: The1Kobra on August 04, 2010, 10:01:00 PM
Author's Comments:
I was given rather loose guidelines, so, I decided to try and make something of a spaceship using the tools I had available. The images provided are generated from coding, Java using the JOGL package to be exact. It's actually my first time using JOGL specifically, even though I've had some experience using OpenGL. There were a few things I tried to get to work, but couldn't figure out, camera control (I had to use translations to get the different perspectives, and it shows.), lighting, and texturing. I know it's probably not the best thing in the world, but I think it came out alright overall.
Just to note, I actually tried to create a programmed image of Theonor from DSOF, but I had trouble making the humanoid figure with a lot of detail, the polygon count is absurd. I'd need a lot of those, or a wire frame, which are sadly both beyond my ability as of now. Oh well. The code left over is in but commented out.
Anyways, provided are four images, along with the source code, if you're into that.
And here is the source code: (Approx 400 lines)
import javax.media.opengl.GL;
import javax.media.opengl.GLEventListener;
import javax.media.opengl.GLAutoDrawable;
import javax.media.opengl.glu.GLU;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyListener;
import javax.media.opengl.GLCanvas;
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
import com.sun.opengl.util.Animator;
import java.util.Random;
public class CCCforWF1 implements GLEventListener, KeyListener {
Random rand = new Random();
float rotateT = 0.0f;
static GLU glu = new GLU();
static GLCanvas canvas = new GLCanvas();
static Frame frame = new Frame("Jogl 3D Shape/Rotation");
static Animator animator = new Animator(canvas);
public void display(GLAutoDrawable gLDrawable) {
double pi = 3.14159265;
final GL gl = gLDrawable.getGL();
gl.glEnable (GL.GL_DEPTH_TEST);
gl.glPixelStorei(GL.GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
//glu.gluPerspective(60.0, 1.0, 1.0, 15.0);
//gl.glViewport( 0, 0, 750, 750 );
//gl.glMatrixMode( GL.GL_MODELVIEW );
/* glu.gluLookAt (0.0, 0.0, -5.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 1.0, 0.0); */
float whitelight[] = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f};
float pos[] = {-2.0f, 2.0f, 1.5f, 1.0f};
gl.glEnable (GL.GL_LIGHT0);
gl.glLightfv (GL.GL_LIGHT0, GL.GL_DIFFUSE, whitelight);
gl.glLightfv (GL.GL_LIGHT0, GL.GL_SPECULAR, whitelight);
gl.glLightfv (GL.GL_LIGHT0, GL.GL_POSITION, pos);*/
//float gray_diffuse[] = {0.55f, 0.55f, 0.55f, 1.0f};
//float highlight[] = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f};
//gl.glMaterialfv (GL.GL_FRONT, GL.GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, gray_diffuse);
//gl.glMaterialfv (GL.GL_FRONT, GL.GL_SPECULAR, highlight);
//gl.glMaterialf (GL.GL_FRONT, GL.GL_SHININESS, 10.0f);
// Standard View
//gl.glTranslatef(-0.375f, -1.0f, -3.0f);
// Rear View
//gl.glRotatef(180.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
//gl.glTranslatef(0.0f, -1.0f, 14.0f);
// Top View
//gl.glRotatef(30.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
//gl.glTranslatef(0.0f, -4.0f, -4.0f);
// Side View
gl.glRotatef(90.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
gl.glTranslatef(20.0f, -4.5f, 7.5f);
gl.glNormal3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
// Begin 'nose'
gl.glVertex3f(0.25f, 0.0f, -0.5f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.25f, 0.0f, -0.5f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.25f, 0.25f, -1.1f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.25f, 0.25f, -1.1f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.25f, 0.0f, -0.5f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.25f, 0.0f, -0.5f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.25f, -0.25f, -1.1f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.25f, -0.25f, -1.1f);
// Begin Fuseloge
gl.glVertex3f(0.25f, 0.0f, -0.5f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.25f, -0.25f, -1.1f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.25f, 0.25f, -1.1f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.25f, 0.0f, -0.5f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.25f, -0.25f, -1.1f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.25f, 0.25f, -1.1f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.25f, 0.25f, -5.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.25f, 0.25f, -1.1f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.25f, -0.25f, -1.1f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.25f, -0.25f, -4.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.25f, 0.25f, -5.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.25f, 0.25f, -1.1f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.25f, -0.25f, -1.1f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.25f, -0.25f, -4.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.25f, -0.25f, -4.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.25f, -0.25f, -1.1f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.25f, -0.25f, -1.1f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.25f, -0.25f, -4.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.25f, 0.25f, -5.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.25f, 0.25f, -1.1f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.25f, 0.25f, -1.1f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.25f, 0.25f, -5.0f);
// Begin Wings
gl.glVertex3f(0.25f, 0.25f, -5.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.25f, -0.25f, -4.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(1.75f, -0.25f, -7.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(1.75f, 0.25f, -8.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.25f, 0.25f, -5.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.25f, -0.25f, -4.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-1.75f, -0.25f, -7.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-1.75f, 0.25f, -8.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(1.75f, -0.25f, -7.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(1.75f, 0.25f, -8.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(1.75f, 0.25f, -10.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(1.75f, -0.25f, -10.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-1.75f, -0.25f, -7.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-1.75f, 0.25f, -8.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-1.75f, 0.25f, -10.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-1.75f, -0.25f, -10.0f);
// Begin upper 'body'
gl.glVertex3f(0.25f, 0.25f, -5.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.25f, 0.50f, -6.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.25f, 0.50f, -6.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.25f, 0.25f, -5.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.25f, 0.50f, -6.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.25f, 0.50f, -10.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.25f, 0.50f, -10.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.25f, 0.50f, -6.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.25f, 0.50f, -6.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.25f, 0.50f, -10.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(1.75f, 0.25f, -10.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(1.75f, 0.25f, -8.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.25f, 0.50f, -10.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.25f, 0.50f, -6.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-1.75f, 0.25f, -8.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-1.75f, 0.25f, -10.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.25f, 0.50f, -6.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-1.75f, 0.25f, -8.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.25f, 0.25f, -5.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.25f, 0.50f, -6.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(1.75f, 0.25f, -8.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.25f, 0.25f, -5.0f);
// Bottom of the plane
gl.glVertex3f(-0.25f, -0.25f, -4.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.25f, -0.25f, -4.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(1.75f, -0.25f, -7.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(1.75f, -0.25f, -10.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-1.75f, -0.25f, -10.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-1.75f, -0.25f, -7.0f);
// Back pieces
gl.glVertex3f(-1.75f, 0.25f, -10.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(1.75f, 0.25f, -10.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.25f, 0.50f, -10.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.25f, 0.50f, -10.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(1.75f, -0.25f, -10.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-1.75f, -0.25f, -10.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-1.75f, 0.25f, -10.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(1.75f, 0.25f, -10.0f);
// Advanced (somewhat) features
// 'Ears':
gl.glVertex3f(0.25f, 0.25f, -1.1f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.25f, 0.45f, -1.6f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.25f, 0.25f, -1.6f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.25f, 0.25f, -1.1f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.25f, 0.45f, -1.6f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.25f, 0.25f, -1.6f);
// Window: (replaced by sphere window)
/* gl.glColor3f(0.15f,0.45f,0.85f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.10f, 0.0f, -0.5f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.10f, 0.0f, -0.5f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.10f, 0.05f, -0.5f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.10f, 0.05f, -0.5f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.10f, 0.25f, -1.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.10f, 0.25f, -1.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.10f, 0.25f, -1.1f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.10f, 0.25f, -1.1f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.10f, 0.25f, -1.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.10f, 0.25f, -1.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.10f, 0.05f, -0.5f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.10f, 0.05f, -0.5f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.10f, 0.25f, -1.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.10f, 0.05f, -0.5f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.10f, 0.00f, -0.5f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.10f, 0.00f, -1.1f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.10f, 0.25f, -1.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.10f, 0.05f, -0.5f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.10f, 0.00f, -0.5f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.10f, 0.00f, -1.1f);
// Cylindrical features
gl.glColor3f(.35f, .85f, .35f);
gl.glTranslatef(-0.125f, 0.40f, -6.0f);
glu.gluCylinder (glu.gluNewQuadric(), 0.075, 0.075, 0.95, 100, 100);
gl.glTranslatef(0.25f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
glu.gluCylinder (glu.gluNewQuadric(), 0.075, 0.075, 0.95, 100, 100);
gl.glTranslatef(-0.125f, -0.40f, 6.0f); // Undo translation
gl.glColor3f(.85f, .35f, .35f);
gl.glTranslatef(0.40f, 0.0f, -5.25f);
glu.gluCylinder (glu.gluNewQuadric(), 0.125, 0.125, 1.0, 100, 100);
gl.glTranslatef(-0.80f, 0.0f, -0.0f);
glu.gluCylinder (glu.gluNewQuadric(), 0.125, 0.125, 1.0, 100, 100);
gl.glTranslatef(0.40f, -0.0f, 5.25f); // Undo translation
gl.glColor3f(.85f, .85f, .35f);
gl.glTranslatef(-0.15f, -0.15f, -1.0f);
glu.gluCylinder (glu.gluNewQuadric(), 0.045, 0.045, 0.35, 100, 100);
gl.glTranslatef(0.25f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
glu.gluCylinder (glu.gluNewQuadric(), 0.045, 0.045, 0.35, 100, 100);
gl.glTranslatef(-0.10f, 0.15f, 1.0f); // Undo translation
gl.glColor3f(.95f, .65f, .25f);
gl.glTranslatef(0.15f, 0.35f, -10.75f);
glu.gluCylinder (glu.gluNewQuadric(), 0.10, 0.10, 1.55, 100, 100);
gl.glTranslatef(-0.30f, 0.0f, -0.0f);
glu.gluCylinder (glu.gluNewQuadric(), 0.10, 0.10, 1.55, 100, 100);
gl.glTranslatef(0.15f, -0.35f, 10.75f); // Undo translation
// Spheres
gl.glColor3f(.15f, .45f, .85f);
gl.glTranslatef(0.0f, 0.15f, -0.75f);
glu.gluSphere (glu.gluNewQuadric(), 0.150, 100, 100);
gl.glTranslatef(0.0f, -0.15f, 0.75f); // Undo translation
// 'Engines'
gl.glColor3f(.15f, .75f, .75f);
gl.glTranslatef(1.0f, 0.0f, -10.0f);
glu.gluSphere (glu.gluNewQuadric(), 0.175, 100, 100);
gl.glTranslatef(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
glu.gluSphere (glu.gluNewQuadric(), 0.175, 100, 100);
gl.glTranslatef(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
glu.gluSphere (glu.gluNewQuadric(), 0.175, 100, 100);
gl.glTranslatef(0.0f, 0.0f, -0.10f);
gl.glColor3f(.75f, .15f, .75f);
glu.gluSphere (glu.gluNewQuadric(), 0.1, 100, 100);
gl.glTranslatef(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
glu.gluSphere (glu.gluNewQuadric(), 0.1, 100, 100);
gl.glTranslatef(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
glu.gluSphere (glu.gluNewQuadric(), 0.1, 100, 100);
gl.glTranslatef(-1.0f, 0.0f, 10.10f); // Undo translation
// Begin programmed Theonor. Static image. Use random coloration for wings
// Begin head
gl.glColor3f(0.55f, 0.0f, 0.0f); // Face color
gl.glVertex3f(0.0f, 1.20f, 1.0f);
for (float loop = 0; loop < 50; loop++) {
double sincur = Math.sin(0 + loop * pi / 100);
double coscur = Math.cos(0 + loop * pi / 100);
//System.out.println(sincur + "||" + coscur);
gl.glVertex3f(0.0f - (0.15f * (float)sincur), 1.10f + (0.10f * (float)coscur), 1.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.15f, 1.10f, 1.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.15f, 1.05f, 1.0f);
for (float loop = 0; loop < 50; loop++) {
double sincur = Math.sin(0 + loop * pi / 100);
double coscur = Math.cos(0 + loop * pi / 100);
//System.out.println(sincur + "||" + coscur);
gl.glVertex3f(0.01f - (0.16f * (float)coscur), 1.05f - (0.20f * (float)sincur), 1.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.01f, 0.85f, 1.0f);
for (float loop = 0; loop < 50; loop++) {
double sincur = Math.sin(0 + loop * pi / 100);
double coscur = Math.cos(0 + loop * pi / 100);
//System.out.println(sincur + "||" + coscur);
gl.glVertex3f(0.01f + (0.13f * (float)sincur), 0.95f - (0.10f * (float)coscur), 1.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.14f, 0.95f, 1.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.15f, 1.11f, 1.0f);
// Begin ears
gl.glColor3f(0.50f, 0.0f, 0.0f); // Ear color
gl.glVertex3f(-0.15f, 1.10f, 1.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.075f, 1.15f, 1.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.185f, 1.25f, 0.85f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.14f, 0.95f, 1.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.085f, 1.05f, 1.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.185f, 1.25f, 0.85f);
// Begin hair
gl.glColor3f(0.05f, 0.65f, 0.65f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.0f, 1.25f, 1.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.14f, 1.1f, 1.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.1f, 1.2f, 1.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.06f, 1.05f, 1.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.01f, 1.15f, 1.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.04f, 1.09f, 1.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.07f, 1.14f, 1.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.15f, 1.06f, 1.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.1f, 1.2f, 1.0f);
gl.glColor3f(0.05f, 0.75f, 0.75f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.0f, 1.23f, 1.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.14f, 1.15f, 1.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.1f, 1.2f, 1.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.06f, 1.10f, 1.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(-0.01f, 1.18f, 1.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.04f, 1.13f, 1.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.07f, 1.17f, 1.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.15f, 1.09f, 1.0f);
gl.glVertex3f(0.1f, 1.15f, 1.0f);
// Begin eyes
gl.glColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
public void displayChanged(GLAutoDrawable gLDrawable,
boolean modeChanged, boolean deviceChanged) {
public void init(GLAutoDrawable gLDrawable) {
GL gl = gLDrawable.getGL();
//gl.glClearColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
gl.glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
public void reshape(GLAutoDrawable gLDrawable, int x,
int y, int width, int height) {
GL gl = gLDrawable.getGL();
if(height <= 0) {
height = 1;
float h = (float)width / (float)height;
glu.gluPerspective(50.0f, h, 1.0, 1000.0);
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
if(e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE) {
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {
public static void exit(){
public static void main(String[] args) {
canvas.addGLEventListener(new CCCforWF1());
frame.setSize(640, 480);
frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
Fibre made this gift (http://fibresden.net/cmf/ccc11/arroyo.png) for
Arroyo Milori.
I have yet to hear from
Liatai and
Spooks. Hopefully they'll post their gifts here soon.
Quote from: Gabi on August 05, 2010, 10:25:40 AM
-Nyil made this gift (http://i986.photobucket.com/albums/ae343/Nyil_Hegedu/llearchCCCgift-1.jpg) for llearch n'n'daCorna.
*chortle* *giggle*
Thanks, Nyil. Lovely work.
Heeheeheeheehee. No, it's not quite what I was thinking, Lurch, but it's lovely nonetheless. Oh, that made me giggle evilly.
Ah, Jubblies. How I have not missed thee. :P
Quote from: Gabi on August 05, 2010, 10:44:20 AM
-Basilisk drew this gift for Nyil but neglected to upload it to a server so now it's on PostImage. tongue
* Author's comments:
* I was originally going to draw some type of feline with this picture... but couldn't really decide what the devious little mouse was taunting this time X3... Hope you enjoy Nyil, as i've been having fun playing with sketches of your character for the last couple of weeks neko 2
*snrk* one of the commissions I'm currently working on has to do with mice and taunting/fighting cats. Very funny. Thanks, I love it x3
Thats odd, I can't see my gift. : <
EDIT: Nevermind, I love it it's cute <3
Strange, I have no trouble seeing it. Here's a clickable thumbnail:
(http://s3.postimage.org/AwiYJ.jpg) (http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=PqAwiYJ)
Edit: oh, you've already seen it. Nevermind, now you can see it in 2 different places.
I love it Aisha... using the tentacles as a light source for reading.. clever idea for an upgrade, real clever.
I hope you will like mine, and don't kill me for drawing Aisha "the Risen" with a "Fa'lina transformation matrix" applied :mowtongue
Fsharp...... I'm humbled, as ever, by your work. It's amazing, and I especially like the lightning effect, even if it shouldn't be "canon" it's so damn cool that I don't care.
As for Bas's work, I want to apologize, I was depressed and distracted for writing most of it, and the work shows, it's very fragmentary in writing styles, which happens when I start and stop the same piece of work repeatedly. Hope it's not too bad.
Entertaining, corgy, and not too bad X3... Seems to fit in-character, more than you'd think
Alright, it's a day late but here is F#'s piece.
Here's a smaller version on Photobucket if you're not in a place where you can view FA.
Quote from: Gabi on August 05, 2010, 10:25:40 AM
-Arroyo Milori drew this gift (http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn127/ArroyoMilori/Sketches/IMAGE0017.jpg) for Spooks.
* Author's comments:
* If she wants, I can put it up on my FA account upon request.
Arroyo Milori, that is absolutely adorable. Thank you so much! I'd love for you put it on FA so I can fav it. :)
Quote from: Spooks on August 05, 2010, 02:54:17 PM
Alright, it's a day late but here is F#'s piece.
Here's a smaller version on Photobucket if you're not in a place where you can view FA.
Quote from: Gabi on August 05, 2010, 10:25:40 AM
-Arroyo Milori drew this gift (http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn127/ArroyoMilori/Sketches/IMAGE0017.jpg) for Spooks.
* Author's comments:
* If she wants, I can put it up on my FA account upon request.
Arroyo Milori, that is absolutely adorable. Thank you so much! I'd love for you put it on FA so I can fav it. :)
I'll put it in my scraps. :3
Flying Hazards (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4268700) For Liatai. Recreating a scene from the Deathtrap Dungeon RP.
Apologies for the lateness: this would have been up yesterday except that my scanner decided to not work, and I had to borrow one from a friend.
Adding Dee there was Mechanistos idea.
Mnogo was surprisingly hard to draw, for a pile of mud.
Anyway... I hope it entertains.
The1Kobra: I. Am honoured. Thank you very much.
Looks like I'm the last one. Sorry I took so long, Fibre. It's a funny story, actually... I got this done the night before the due date, and the next day, I was moving into a new apartment. It was only after all the boxes had been packed and brought into the new place that I remembered that I forgot to scan it. Whoops. :animesweat
Well, to make a long story short, I finally managed to find my scanner, so here you go! (http://i581.photobucket.com/albums/ss260/Liatai/FibreIceCream.jpg) Hope you like it.
WhiteFox: Bwahahaha! Kittrick and Mnogo's faces are priceless. xD Thank you!
Wow... Can I preemptively sign up for round 12? This is awesome.
I will go for round 12 as well :3
Quote from: Liatai on August 05, 2010, 06:05:18 PM
Looks like I'm the last one. Sorry I took so long, Fibre. It's a funny story, actually... I got this done the night before the due date, and the next day, I was moving into a new apartment. It was only after all the boxes had been packed and brought into the new place that I remembered that I forgot to scan it. Whoops. :animesweat
Well, to make a long story short, I finally managed to find my scanner, so here you go! (http://i581.photobucket.com/albums/ss260/Liatai/FibreIceCream.jpg) Hope you like it.
That is really fantastic! I absolutely love it! Thank you so much, Liatai! :eager Now I want to go get some ice cream. And I hope your move went well. :)
Quote from: Arroyo Milori on August 05, 2010, 11:20:13 AM
Thats odd, I can't see my gift. : <
EDIT: Nevermind, I love it it's cute <3
Glad you like it. :3 It was my first attempt drawing a feline, actually. If I happen to get some free time (ha) I kind of want to try to clean it up a bit more and apply some shading...
Quote from: danman on August 05, 2010, 01:37:03 PM
I love it Aisha... using the tentacles as a light source for reading.. clever idea for an upgrade, real clever.
I hope you will like mine, and don't kill me for drawing Aisha "the Risen" with a "Fa'lina transformation matrix" applied :mowtongue
Heh, he's not reading...I guess it was supposed to be some kinda shiny metal chip. x3 But, it can be a book if you want, after all I left it to the imagination. :B I'm quite glad you like it. ^^
And as for your drawing, I LOVE it XD Yep, part of the reason Aisha hates guns, right there. :B Very awesome. ^^
As for the next round, sign me up again too. :3
Count me in for the next round, too! :smile
i'd like to be part of the next round as well :3 you can count me in :3
Count me in! :D
Why not? I'll sign in for another round.
Quote from: Spooks on August 05, 2010, 02:54:17 PM
Alright, it's a day late but here is F#'s piece.
I love it, thanks. Pen and ink illustration is one of my favorite things. The line work is very crisp, and the ink-wash style spots flow very organically.
[Edit]: I'm in for the next round as well.
I'm a sucker for punishment. I guess I'm in for the next round.
And danman signs in for the next round of punishment as well ^^
I'm NOT in for the next round, as I have places to be and stuff, so won't likely have time. :-/
Bit of a shame, as I enjoyed this, once my muse got working...
I am totally up for more.
Whitefox: I'm glad you liked it.
Jairus: I must say, it was fantastic. I know I didn't provide you very much to work with... but you still managed to make it come out very nicely.
And sure, I'm up for another round.
Woo! Round 11 was a success!
I'll start Round 12 tomorrow. People can still sign up until then.
And llearch, it was fun reading your gift for Jairus. I hope you can join us again some other time. :)
Hnnn, I know I shouldn't 'cause it's going to be a busy month, but I want to 'cause that was kinda fun. But it's gonna be a busy month. But this is fun.
Eh, what the heck, I'm in.
Defiantly in. :3
Quote from: Arroyo Milori on August 07, 2010, 10:40:37 PM
Defiantly in. :3
Defiantly or definitely? :B Because, well, the former suggests that you're in despite the rest of us not want you to be in...
I have so much stuff to do this month, and so little time...
I'm in.
Alright, the participants for Round 12 are: Inumo, Arroyo Milori, Aisha deCabre, Liatai, Basilisk, Dannysaysnoo, Corgatha Taldorthar, FSharp, Jairus, danman, WhiteFox, The1Kobra, Nyil, Spooks.
I'm rolling the randomizer now. The deadline to submit your gifts will be Sunday, 5th of September.
The first questions are in!
FSharp's gifter wants to ask him if there's anything specific he wants.
Spooks's gifter asks: "Is there anything you'd like me to try and write?"
Dannysaysnoo's gifter has sent me a request for references and what he would prefer from his gifter.
And Basilisk's gifter is also asking what Bas wants.
Dear Gifter.
That's a reference image I've been using for a while now. It was done by Kipiru a while ago.
I typically prefer art, but I don't mind a story or something.
WhiteFox's gifter would like to know who or what he'd like drawn for the CCC this time.
And Aisha's gifter wants to know what she would like to receive. A writing piece, a drawing? Possibly of some abstract figure? Etc.
I'd like a pony, gifter... A REAL, LIVE PONY! :U
Nah, in all seriousness, it's pretty easy to please me... if you'd like various character refs, i can do that X3...
If you're looking at writing a story, i can get you some in-depth info...
but for now, you're welcome to have at any of my characters...
Bas: Ref 1 (http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e268/EWork88/Bas_Demon.png) Ref 2 (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v625/Turnsky/Commish/basicommish.jpg) Ref 3 (http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e268/EWork88/SticklessBas-2.jpg)
Ed: Reference (http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y253/theavatarbin/basilep.png?t=1266075878)
Darkshine: Reference (http://www.furaffinity.net/full/3546846/)
Aleyna: Ref 1 (http://risendecabre.deviantart.com/art/Commish-Baseel-and-Aleyna-158132554) Ref 2 (http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e268/EWork88/Aleyna.jpg) (note that i excluded wings on the sketch because they'd cover -everything- ... normally she has a 15 foot wingspan...)
If you'd like to try someone else... or decide on one of these... just let me know, and i'll get the full description going in case you'd like to try your own take on the look X3
To my gifter: I'm not too particular, really. ^^ I like drawings, but it's also nice to receive stories and such. Whichever you'd like to do, I'll provide info.
If you'd like references of Aisha, my character, they're listed in a post of mine on page 2 of this very thread.
Alternatively, you could do something with Rynkura, my white tiger character and Aisha's mentor. This is a good ref for her here, and don't worry, the pic's clean. (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/2140529/)
Anyway, I don't mind. :3
Quote from: Inumo's gifter
Alright, I need a reference sheet or something. As well as a small written description - species and colors and whatnot. Also, would Inumo prefer Scifi or fantasy? Magic or swords?
Thank you!
To my gifter: Just have fun with it. :) I'm happy with anything.
Quote from: Gabi on August 09, 2010, 09:39:41 AM
Quote from: Inumo's gifter
Alright, I need a reference sheet or something. As well as a small written description - species and colors and whatnot. Also, would Inumo prefer Scifi or fantasy? Magic or swords?
Thank you!
Um... Hang on, I haven't really made any long-term OCs, let alone anthro ones... Ooh! I did make an angel at one point; maybe you'd like to anthro him up in your own style? Here's the only pic I made of him: Angel Ref (http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/187/3/9/Angel_by_Inumo.jpg) Species would probably be an arctic wolf, with moss-green eyes, standing at about 6' 2" and weighing ~180 lbs. He's well muscled, wears a blue-gray robe with black pants on underneath, and brown leather shoes. He instinctively keeps his wings hidden, so it takes a lot of concentration to make them show up, though they stay visible so long as he wants them there. He's a benevolent person, but should he feel that he or someone he cares for is threatened, he will start with intimidation, then violence. Oh! and his name's Tamtio, or Tam for short.
Another option would be Rea, one of those muse-hammer inspirations. Here are her refs: Colored Ref (http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/219/c/c/Bungirl_by_Inumo.jpg) Sketch Ref (http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/172/4/d/Bungirl_Sketch_by_Inumo.jpg) Character Sheet-esque Thing (http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/219/f/d/Rea__the_Bunny_Student_by_Inumo.jpg) Most of the info you wanted about her's on the character sheet.
If you don't really like either idea for characters, go ahead and do whatever you want. I like art in pretty much every style. :)
In terms of Sci-fi v. Fantasy, can you mix the two? I hope that makes sense... Just in case, science fiction weaponry and setting, but toss in magic and maybe a mythical creature or two. Let me know if that's too much.
Sorry that I don't sound the most prepared (I really didn't think too far ahead with this one :P)/gave you a lot of info that I doubt you'll need. Hope you have fun with this, though! :)
I wanna see how much mileage I can get out of this post.
Quote from: WhiteFox on July 07, 2010, 09:34:09 PM
Dear Gifter:
I would very much appreciate visual art over written. I have vision problems that can make reading difficult at times.
Quote from: WhiteFox on April 04, 2010, 02:50:08 AM
Dear gifter;
Quote from: WhiteFox on January 19, 2010, 02:43:37 PM
Dear gifter;
As far as DSOF goes, any of the characters are fine. I don't have any references for them online at the moment, but I'm not fussy about accuracy when it comes to gift art. I'm open to interpretations.
I do have a "style guide" for my avatar at FA, however; http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3104772/ and http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3294417/
I say "style guide" rather then "model sheet" because it's not how I draw my avatar, but rather how anyone, regardless of their art style, could.
Anyway, I hope that helps.
The only thing to add to this is that Gabriel, an RP character I have arts of on FA, should probably remain out of bounds for a variety of reasons. (Except in the off chance that my gifter just happens to be Basilisk. Then it would be okay.)
Aside from that, go with your instincts. If you get a cool idea, don't worry about whether or not I'll like it. Just go with it.
I'm not to fussy about how my characters are used, and if you think it's cool then I probably will too. Good luck, have fun.
("I often quote myself at parties: it makes for intelligent conversation." -Oscar Wilde... I think. Might have been Mark Twain)
[Edit] I just noticed I didn't include a link to my comic:DSOF (http://www.whitefoxart.com/dsof/archive.php) NSFW; violence, some nudity, some language. A bit of everything, really.
Quote from: Spooks on August 09, 2010, 11:34:13 AM
To my gifter: Just have fun with it. :) I'm happy with anything.
I see Nyil has started a trend. :rolleyes
Speaking of Nyil, his gifter would like to know if there's anything particular he wants drawn. :3
Just have fun with it :o If you need reference pictures and stuff, just ask. If you draw my mouse character, just keep in mind that there's always a bow and bell on the tail, and the buck teeth, since even I forget those two features all the time.
Quote from: Gabi on August 09, 2010, 10:17:08 PM
I see Nyil has started a trend. :rolleyes
Speaking of Nyil, his gifter would like to know if there's anything particular he wants drawn. :3
Hey, I resent that - Basilisk and Kvinna started that. I'm just another victim! I swear!
Uh.. people have been telling artists to have fun with their commissions etc for a while. How do you guys think I got that picture of Sari all spread eagle in my sketch book? I told Kv to just have fun and draw whatever she wants last year. I don't regret it at all (though she was upset when she found out that I didn't like Sari as a character :P )
OK, OK. Whoever started it, it has caught on.
Spooks's gifter asks: "Okay, so is there any particular subject matter you'd rather me not cover?"
Oh, and I'm going to be away from Friday to Monday.
Quote from: Gabi on August 08, 2010, 03:06:40 PMFSharp's gifter wants to ask him if there's anything specific he wants.
Still getting back on my feet after recent health worries so, much as I wish I had more to offer, it's the same as it was in the previous round. I can go for fanart of anything in my gallery (http://www.panicepisode.com/gallery/) or my old standby NPC (http://www.panicepisode.com/elementals.html) descriptions. I'm also game for fanart/prose/etc of any of the gifter's characters or pretty much anything for that matter. I've greatly enjoyed everything I've received so far.
More questions sent to me while I was visiting my grandmother in Salta.
Corgatha's gifter wants to know what he would like, characters and such.
Jairus's gifter would like to know whether he prefers "artwork, prose, or short loop animations".
Aisha's gifter has submitted a request for information on a possible story she would want written.
And Bas's gifter has sent me an unusual question: how often does the character Bas wear shirts?
Um, artwork, but prose is nice too. I'm not sure what you could do with a short loop of animation.
Quote from: Gabi on August 17, 2010, 12:30:32 PM
Aisha's gifter has submitted a request for information on a possible story she would want written.
Story, eh? Heh, that's where it gets tricky for me, because I'm normally used to getting visual art. ^^; I'm never sure what I would like for a story; I usually write characters' stories for myself. If it's not too annoying for you, you could probably pick a character of mine and see what says more about them to you and what stories come up.
Come to think of it, if I had to pick one character that I would like others' interpretations of and help in fleshing out her history, it'd be Rynkura, Aisha's mentor. White tiger angel who hides her wings normally, 950 years old, runs a monastery of healing in a secluded valley. In her long life she's been the daughter of a noble, a paladin/adventurer, sword master, enchanter, scholar, and headmaster, in that order. Her profile is listed in the OOC of the Mad God's Masque and Bellicose Ball RP, here, (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,4798.msg209492.html#msg209492) if you want to know more about her personality and such. Otherwise I'll tell what I can, and I don't mind seeing what comes of it. ^^
A story about a previous venture of hers, mayhap.
Sorry for the delay, gifter. It's about 50/50. For formal events and such, he'll generally wear a backless tunic or some other more flowing type of clothing, something that doesn't catch, and something that allows him a good range of motion.
When adventuring, he tends to forgo shirts, because, unlike his skin, which can harden. Shirts tend to get shredded, especially when fighting.
so... it's pretty situational. He tried to keep his shirt on to maintain a good impression, at the same time, it's not exactly mandatory X3
Late question from Liatai's gifter: what colour and markings does Pikra have?
Pikra? Oh wow. Either you've gone way far back in my art gallery, random gifter, or I have an idea of who you might be. xD
Anyway! Pikra's design is in need of a slight revamp, but his body scales are white, belly scales are grey/tarnished silver, claws and horns a lighter/shinier shade of grey/silver, wing membranes a darker shade of grey. His eyes are purple, with round pupils (not slit). I used to draw him with a ridge on his back; if you are drawing him with a ridge, it's the same grey as his belly scales. If you're not, that's fine, too; I'm still not sure if I'm going to keep the ridge or not when I redesign him. Maybe your drawing will help me decide. :3
Round 12 is now over. I hope you have all enjoyed it. Here are the gifts which have arrived in time.
Corgatha Taldorthar wrote the following gift for
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on August 30, 2010, 11:54:07 AM
Giving the old College Try
I paced along the closed garage, motor oil fighting with the scent of tobacco in a madcap attempt to filter to my nose first. Anger lent extra force to my step, and I had to make sure not to go anywhere near the puddles, producing a clack clack as my heels hit the concrete. They were bringing in Grayson! White, male, twenty three, coal black hair with a cowlick on the left that never seems to go down, five foot ten, thin, athletic, practitioner of some sort of martial arts, although difficult to ascertain what style without seeing him in combat, only evidence is the rolling confident way he walks, quick, observant, arrogant, lacks knowledge, but he'll get that in time. All in all, a good detective, but not as good as I am, yet. Like I couldn't handle things. The nerve of them. Twenty years of consulting service. Twenty years, and a grand total of three cases that went unsolved, when they humbled themselves enough to admit that their regular bungling blueshirted tame apes couldn't crack whatever trouble it was and they proffered their checkbooks with imploring eyes.
The image brought a smile to my face. Respect was good. Even a little fear was good. But it wasn't stable, wasn't safe. It was based on the promise, and almost always delivered promise, of a speedy resolution, clean, quick, quiet. My mind scrolled back to the day they said they needed my help, when the commissioner White, female, aged fifty-three, solid gray hair, used to be blond, five foot four, overweight, although she apparently was still solid on a tennis court and brought an irritating number of sports metaphors into her conversational web. signed over my advance check. The folder containing case data in it was the usual verbose style that was short on actual substance, and a quick inspection in the privacy of one of the conference rooms, once I had shut the blinds, was able to get me all the relevant data.
One Benito Montillier Odd. Italian given name, French surname. Savoyard in origin? was found dead, in his garage, two thrust wounds consistent with a dagger had to correct them. The report said they were knife wounds, but there was lateral tearing consistent with a weapon that was sharp on both sides and pointed., in between the ribs, hitting each lung once. No signs of scratches or other marks indicating that bone had been struck, so attacker was skilled with his weapon. Skull compacting in the back of the head, indicating a fall. Unclear whether before or after death. Lack of defensive wounds on the hands leads me to think that he slipped and fell, on one of the pools of motor oil, and that his attacker stabbed him as he attempted to rise. Victim seemed to be attempting some sort of engine work, although the officer's on scene had no knowledge of automobiles, and I had not been able to get my hands on the vehicle myself for personal inspection. No known family to notify, and he worked for, and by himself, in a small auto repair station.
First officer on the scene was Lawrence Lenar Indeterminate ethnic origin, male, thirty two,six foot three, slight bulge from one too many police donuts, still amazingly fast on his feet., who was off duty at the time of the stabbing, and lived two doors over. He saw a figure running out of the garage, and the window from his house does get a good look. He claimed it was suspicious, and went out to look, and then noticed the open garage door, the lit garage, and our poor Mr Montillier, bleeding all over. He contacted for an ambulance, and the police, as quickly as he could, but he was dead before the paramedics got there. With a lung wound, it was reasonably likely he was dead by the time Mr Lenar got to a phone. Outside of the mess in the garage, the rest of the house seemed undisturbed. Victim had no known enemies, or even close friends.
As loath as I was to admit it, I couldn't turn up much more. Of course, I had been contacted two days after the fact, when tromping police boots made a mess of the original pattern of oil stains. I can only surmise that our victim was doing some sort of work on his own car when he was killed. No prints or marks left themselves on the hard floor, and the killer had possessed enough sense to take anything he introduced into the crime scene with him. There was plenty of evidence, but none of it pointed in any specific direction, which left me holding an empty bag. And now they were bringing in Grayson. Well, he wouldn't be able to find anything anyway, but it still left a sour taste in my mouth. What if he did see something I had missed? Professional pride was on the line here, and I wasn't about to let that upstart upstage me. Why, he got carded the last time I had to congratulate him for cracking a case, (fortunately it wasn't one I was drawn into), down at Smith's.
Come now, focus. Every case has some weak point, something odd, that can be focused in on. Very unusual to have an off-duty police officer just happen to spot a murder suspect fleeing the scene. Odder still that he did so little once spotted. The man has an instinct to chase, and is damn fast. A suspect running away on foot with only around a 60 foot head start shouldn't make it far, unless he was a sprinter or something. Now of course, he said that he stopped to inspect the garage........ Which was entirely reasonable. But it was still odd. Lawrence was a hunter, and given a choice, I'd have pegged him down for chasing the crook. He was aggressive like that. And how the suspect got in intrigued me. Who would leave their garage door open in the middle of the night? No signs of forced entry, either in the house or the garage. Meant our suspect was invited in, almost certainly.
Grayson would be here soon, and I needed something in place by then. I strolled out to my own car, parked out on the curb at the end of the driveway; my phone was inside. Hopefully my reputation would be enough to pull this off. I called up the commissioner's number, got a recording machine. I glanced at my wristwatch, 1:21. She must be having a late lunch. Or a second one. Made things easier, to be honest.
"Hello, Commissioner? This is me, Bob. Listen, you're not going to like this, especially since I don't have enough evidence to prove any of my allegations. But I'm reasonably sure that it's Lawrence, that he's if not the murderer, he's involved somehow. Has he by any chance argued against bringing me in?" Best not to mention Grayson, and a policemen wanting to keep a private detective out of things is a safe bet. "He could have gotten Mr Montillier to open the door, let him in, they're neighbors, and this is a nice neighborhood, besides, Lawrence is an active member of the community, and a policeman goes over well. Probably would have let him right in. Once there, he pushes Mr Montillier into one of the oil piles, and when his victim is dazed or unconscious from the bash to the head, he stabs him, twice, once in each lung, and runs out. Then he calls the police, knowing that they'd trample over the one sign of how many people were actually in that garage, the direction of the oil stains, if they were muddled by people stepping on them. Here's the key, go get the body, and look for bruising on the upper chest. It needs to be above the center of mass, or he'd have fallen forward, and we know he fell backwards. Something light, subtle. You'll find your evidence as to how he died, and I've given my best speculation as to whom. It's not enough to bring in Lawrence, but you might want to have him watched. Bob out."
I stepped outside, wondering if I could prevail upon one of the policemen watching to get me a cup of something to drink. A bit late in the day for coffee, but then again, it was hardly like I kept regular hours. I heard, rather than saw, the car pulling in behind me, and I turned slowly, a wolf's smile on my face. Grayson parked his red Honda right behind my car, an action that seemed oddly fitting. Before he got a chance to get out, I walked back, on the curb, tapped on his passenger side window. He scrolled down, and I chuckled out "Beat you to it kid. You can look, but you won't be needed anymore."
I strolled away, thinking of how easy it was to find a "subtle mark on the upper body" when you had already prompted someone to look for it. I wouldn't get my whole fee, but I'd get some, and more importantly, my reputation would be intact.
Kobra, I hope you get the joke. :D
Arroyo Milori drew the following gift for
* Author's comments:
* Hope Danny likes it. I can also put this on FA upon request.
Inumo drew a gift for
Basilisk and provided two links: one for the image alone (http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/245/c/b/basilisk_ccc_by_inumo-d2xw0kx.jpg), and one for the dA page (http://inumo.deviantart.com/art/Basilisk-CCC-177853425).
Aisha deCabre drew this gift (http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c108/RisenDeCabre360/Sketches/CCCFSharp.jpg) for
* Author's comments:
* Hope you like your sketch of your wind sorceress character from your gallery; I wanted to color her, but lost all incentive a while ago. ^^; I promise I'll finish it soon enough, but until then, I hope this suffices.
Jairus wrote the following gift for
Quote from: Jairus on September 04, 2010, 01:07:15 PM
This started out as a much more serious story before it went in a silly direction about halfway through. Sorry if I didn't get the characters involved "right," but I'm not really familiar enough with them. Anywho, hope you like it!
Akenai, Private Eye
Spooks knew the jackelope was trouble the moment he walked through the door. But then, they all were trouble eventually.
The fennec fox leaned back in her office chair, trying to ignore the squeaking and resolving once more to get it oiled someday. She had more pressing concerns, like the bills piling up on her desk. And a notice from her bank reminding her that her savings account had been drained. Oh, and her landlord threatening to throw her out. Akenai (Private Eye) better known as Spooks, had had a slow month. A few slow months, actually. And by this point, Spooks was desperate. There was a calendar on one wall, with next Wednesday circled in red: crunch time. Even if it was a cuckolding wife this guy needed help with. She started to try and get a feel for the guy, try and guess what he needed.
The jackelope was gray with green hair, an interesting combination. His horns pushed up through two matching holes in a ratty fedora. His suit was neat but slightly stained, a few years out of date. His jacket was unbuttoned, the elbows patched. The 'lopes' shoes were old and worn, his tie stained. His fingers twiddled: there'd be a cigarette there if he wanted it, or maybe it was a subconscious gesture towards a missing ring. The fur on his left left wrist looked weird, not as neat as the rest: a missing wristwatch, perhaps stolen or pawned in desperation? His little pink nose twitched, sniffing at the air. Cheap takeout and old coffee, familiar smells to the detective but strange to her visitor. Spooks suddenly felt a little self-conscious, but decided against opening a window: cool and confident was the way to get a customer. She'd nonchalantly open it a little later... never mind, a crack of thunder and the sound of raindrops tip-tapping against the windows scrapped that plan. Oh well.
She casually waved at one of the seats across her desk, smiling in welcome. He smiled back, but there was no joy or mirth behind it. He was tired, his shoulders slumped and his eyes sunken and haggard. He wasn't taking care of himself. He sat down in the chair with visible exhaustion, leaning back and making it squeak. He closed his eyes for a moment, inhaled long and deep, and then turned back towards Spooks. A missing girlfriend or family member, perhaps. Either way, she probably wasn't going to get much out of the man, but every little bit helped...
The lights briefly flickered, followed a few seconds later by more thunder. Appropriately dramatic, she supposed, but annoying if the power went out.
"Welcome, sir. Coffee? Tea? Water?" she asked with practiced ease and a welcoming smile. The jackelope shook his head, and the fennec shrugged. She stood up to stretch lightly, and walked over to the record player. Some piano piece was playing, she just liked the ambient sound when no one was around. She turned the volume down until it could barely be heard. She sat back down in her chair, lightly brushing her brown hair out of her eyes, her ears twitching in barely concealed interest at her new client. "How can I help you today, sir?"
The jackelope opened his mouth, then closed it again. Then...
"What are we doing in some stupid film noir story, Spooks?"
Spooks leaned back in her chair, looking very confused. "Um... to be honest, I'm not sure. I mean, I don't even like film noir."
Spooks and the jobless jackelope
"My name's Raj. "
"I know your name, Raj, you're my character and I created you," Spooks said with some annoyance.
"Yeah, but... did you hear someone say 'jobless jackelope?' Also, that's needlessly alliterative."
"Now that you mention it..." Spooks trailed off. "I kind of heard someone saying what I was thinking, but that doesn't make sense, does it?"
"Something very weird is going on here..."
The two looked about warily
"There!" Spooks pointed in a random direction. "No, there!" she pointed again.
"I heard it too!" Raj's ears twitched.
"It's... a narrator?!" Spooks said in a shocked voice.
"What the hell?" Spooks shouted as she shot up from her seat.
"More trite alliteration," Raj sarcastically quipped as he looked around, trying to find the mysterious narrator.
Oh, come on, it's film noir. It's supposed to be cliché and somewhat silly.
"Yeah, but film noir is supposed to be narrated by the protagonist," Spooks pointed out as she futilely checked her desk's drawers.
"Where the heck are you, anyway?" Raj asked.
I'm the narrator. I'm everywhere and nowhere.
"You're sitting at your computer writing this, aren't you?" Spooks asked.
"That's what I thought."
"You're getting outsmarted by a pair of fictional representations of two people you barely know. Impressive."
Shut up.
"Nyah-nyah!" Raj said as he stuck his tongue out like a spoiled child. "Hey! Don't make me do that!"
I'm the narrator. What I say, goes.
"Really?" Spooks asked as she inexplicably decided to start doing jumping jacks.
Yes. There was the unmistakable feeling that somewhere, someone was belting out an evil laugh.
"A thought," Raj wondered out loud as he performed a position from the Kama Sutra.
"Yes?" Spooks asked as she started trying on silly hats.
"Can't we just... leave? I mean, we're not really his characters, so we can act like we'd actually act, right? I mean, provided it's not described in narration, right?"
"Good point."
"So, wanna go out for pizza?"
In the 20s? I don't know if they had pizza parlors.
"Oh, shut up."
But please, I had this great story all worked out. You were looking for this dame with a suitcase, and
"It's been done before."
"Yeah, seriously. I'm hungry."
"Yeah, me too. Takeout? Come on."
But... but...
Oh, fine. Might as well wrap it up.
The room lay abandoned. Coffee cups stacked up in the sink, dust collecting in corners, paperwork on the desk that would never be finished now. A nearby crack of lightning shook the apartment with its thunder. The soft sound of Chopin's second sonata mixed with the pitter-patter of rain, creating a low lulling sound that filled the room
"Oh come on! Five S sounds in a row?"
I thought you were going to go get pizza, Spooks.
"We were, but that was just horrible!"
All right, fine! I'll just end this now, okay? The end!
danman drew this gift (http://www.srcf.ucam.org/~dm510/liagift.jpg) for
* Author's comments:
* Not a visual amazement, but i hope it's at least funny.
WhiteFox has drawn a gift for
danman, but he's still working on another. He also drew an extra sketch for
Basilisk. Here's his message:
Quote from: WhiteFox on September 05, 2010, 01:30:03 AM
Well... I had a heckuva lotta crap come down on me this week. So, my gift might be a bit late.
If it is, I have the following to offer danman until my gift is completed:
I have, sadly, not yet completed my gift for danman by the appointed deadline.
However, I have two consolation items:
First, the reason why my gift is late is because I spent four hours on saturday night tutoring your colourist, Meany, in a few digital techniques. I hope this serves both of you well.
Secondly; here's a little sketch I did when I was going through early concept ideas: We've all been there. (http://www.whitefoxart.com/ccc/vlad_theo.png) I didn't have character reference on hand at the time, so there are one or two inaccuracies, but I thought it was entertaining nonetheless.
Your gift is still in progress, and I hope to complete it soon. Sorry to keep you waiting.
ALSO! I have another little sketch, for Basilisk.
I did this little sketch of Arial and Darkshine, characters of mine and Basilisks, in the Lush Wasteland RP... I figured I might as well throw it in with the rest of the CCC gifts.
Bicker, Bicker, Bicker... (http://www.whitefoxart.com/ccc/bickering.png)
The1Kobra has made a comic for
Aisha deCabre. Here it is:
Nyil drew this gift (http://i986.photobucket.com/albums/ae343/Nyil_Hegedu/inumoCCC-1.jpg) for
* Author's comments:
* also, i should add, i didn't consider the possibility that the character might not be of adult age, but rather a child. so... it's the character in the future! the fuuutuuuure, woooo *waves hands*
FSharp drew this gift (http://www.panicepisode.com/fanartgallery/gallery/fanart/images/jairus.png) for
Corgatha's gifter has remained waiting for an answer all this time >_>. I'll give Corgatha a chance to answer it before I reveal his gifter's identity. Either way the gift should be up within the next few days.
I have yet to hear from everyone else. I hope they post their gifts soon.
To my gifter,
Firstly, I wanted to apologize, I must have missed the message on the 17th, so I feel really dumb. Really, really dumb.
But, I have two main characters who have been drawn by forumites Kedered (http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c108/RisenDeCabre360/Requests/KederedforCorgatha-1.png) and Corgatha (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4279748/) (I can dig up a few more reference pics for Corg if you want, but that's the best one)
Descriptions of each here (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,5619.msg260693.html#msg260693) and here (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,4798.msg334495.html#msg334495).
I like to write, so I'd prefer something drawn, if you're equally comfortable with the two mediums. If you need more info, I promise I'll pay closer attention this time
Best wishes,
Kobra: That is the most hilarious thing -ever-. I love the reference to the stupid guy from Shattered Innocence. XD Perfect welcome for Aisha. xP Thanks much! :3
"Use the damned knob..." xP
Thank you, Nyil!!! Awesome job, and fits in with the story I wrote her, too, without me telling you! :P
Basilisk: I'm going to have a digital version done for you at some point... Hopefully by week's end.
Finally, I'm in for the next round. Gonna stick to one style or the other, though. :P
Oh wow, that's really cool, FSharp. What did you do it in?
And, um, I think I can throw my hat in again this time as well.
Attempted several things for WF, will have one posted up before wednesday... had and still have -way- too many ideas floating in my head :B
http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e268/EWork88/Jadedoodle1.jpg for an example of something i've worked on... at the moment, i'm trying to get a good one of Walsh and Gabe... but... there's the start of one idea :b I'll post something more complete soon
Aisha deCabre drew this gift for FSharp.
* Author's comments:
* Hope you like your sketch of your wind sorceress character from your gallery; I wanted to color her, but lost all incentive a while ago. ^^; I promise I'll finish it soon enough, but until then, I hope this suffices.
Thanks! I like the pose and the sandals came out especially well. I know what you mean about motivation--August was a super busy month and I wound up turning in my gift right on the deadline.
Oh wow, that's really cool, FSharp. What did you do it in?
Glad you like it. This one was done using Poser 8 and Photoshop. The flare was added using Knoll Light Factory.
- F#
Okay, Bas, just finished your digital version. Here you go!
If you have a deviantArt and want to fav, here's its page: http://inumo.deviantart.com/art/Basilisk-CCC-v-2-178354944
Trivia, it took me probably a good 30 tries just to sign my name, for some reason. I thought it amusing. :P
OK, Dannysaysnoo's gift for Corgatha Taldorthar is here (http://a.imageshack.us/img29/4732/kedered0001.jpg).
* Author's comments:
* I'm very sorry, but I'm terrible at wings. And jaguar spots. And the drawing didn't register well with my scanner, so I had to faff with the white/black balances.
But aside from that, I'm quite happy with this. I hope you're happy, too. :3
Oh wow, you work quick. I'm impressed. THe picture is nice, especially thrown together on such short notice. Glad to have it.
Nyil! Sorry about the long wait, here's your gift! (http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd39/hydeistangel/ccc_for_nyil.png)
Jairus, thank you so much! That was so funny! :D
I'm Glad you liked it Aisha. Speaking of which, that reminds me, I need to stop putting that off...
That aside, I don't think I'll be entering the next round, sorry.
I'll enter next round, just cause I need more practice :3
danman's gift is complete!
Maniacal Laughter is the Best Medicine (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4437647/) (FA)
(Also posted in my art topic, along with the mini-gifts I made this round.)
Sign me up for #13.
I said it on the IRC, and i repeat - it made me laugh hard and is 30 kinds of awesome.
In other news, beam me up, Scotty sign me up for next round, Gabi,
Ahahaha, thanks Spooks, I lurves it xP I forgot you were there when that happened. Did you know that dude was at Damaris' house, along with Jouster, just a little while ago? Scary! I think he's searching for me - HE'S GOING TO HUNT ME DOWN TO KILL ME, preventing me from stealing his cheese EVER AGAIN
Quote from: Inumo on September 06, 2010, 04:59:51 PM
Thank you, Nyil!!! Awesome job, and fits in with the story I wrote her, too, without me telling you! :P
OhgodI'msogladIdidn'tmessthatuptoobadly - I'm glad you like it x3 Sorry that I didn't ink it, though. By the time I realized that I had to do a CCC type thing it was already a few hours before the deadline, and all I had was the sketch I did when your name was assigned to me. Thank god for Photoshop.
Also, I'm afraid I'm out for the next round, for serious this time. I've got like eight to ten-ish concerts this month/next month, so I have to keep focused on those, as well as commissions. Sorry!
Sorry for the delay, i've been trying to finish up some various ideas i had... because, well... i had way too many, and had only just done the skeletal/pose for most... here's a few that i went and continued along...
Namely: how i imagine Emmy reacting to the events of the current DSoF Comic (http://www.whitefoxart.com/dsof/archive.php?comic=63) http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e268/EWork88/EmmyWantsherballbacksketch.jpg
Originally i was going to have Gabe leaning against Walsh, with holland in some type of a holster... as a side-note... wrapping my head around steampunk sketches is not a strong suit... http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e268/EWork88/Gabe.jpg enjoy
Inumo: Nice job, i know how hard signing can be, especially digitally :b... I'll finish this comment up after work though... as that's where i need to go
I'll be signing up for the next round as well X3 i had some fun with this... hopefully i can focus my muse this time around :B
I guess I'll sign up for the next round.
Has anyone heard from Liatai lately?
We can start the next round tomorrow. I'll see who else signs up until then.
Liatai's been on the IRC alot. :U Try PMing?
Just a quick review, non-image gifts are acceptable for this, right? If they are, you can sign me up. :B
To be exact, yesterday she was finishing off the pic colouring and was on IRC. Today not yet. but it's early, and i noticed her at forums at waking time.
And yes meany, they are acceptable - that's what folks like Corgatha do
I might as well sign up again too. x3 My muse might be taking a break, but at least I can sketch instead of color, if I must. x3
Bas: Many thanks for the arts; they are indeed awesome. I really like the pic of Jade, by the way.
I don't blame you for Walsh... I have yet to complete drawing of it. :[
Though... I am now suddenly motivated to do so. I'm not sure if I should be thanking or cursing you for that. Hm.
As stated before, I'm in <3
I think I'd like to come in for this round, too.
Alright! The participants for Round 13 are as follows: Inumo, Jairus, Arroyo Milori, Basilisk, WhiteFox, danman, Corgatha Taldorthar, Meany, Aisha deCabre, modelincard.
I'm rolling the randomizer now. As usual, you all have 4 weeks to finish your gifts. That means the deadline is Sunday, 10th of October. Which, interestingly, falls within the period in which Charles will be here, so maybe he'll watch me post the gifts the next day?
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar's gifterOkay, so my first question for Corgatha Taldorthar is as follows: are there any characters or situations that you would like to see drawn or written about?
Quote from: danman's gifterFirst question, which medium of art would you prefer: pencils and paper, or digital stuff? Also, are there any specific characters, themes, or other things you'd like to see? If so, could you point me to a reference pic for each?
I generally prefer drawings to writing, but if you think you're a better writer than sketcher, go for the writing.
Links (http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c108/RisenDeCabre360/Requests/KederedforCorgatha-1.png) that (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4279748/) might (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,5619.msg260693.html#msg260693) help (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,4798.msg334495.html#msg334495)
As for situations? Ked's a character made more or less solely for The1Kobra's Shattered Innocence RP, so a setting in there would be preferred. Corg is originally a Wheel of Time Character, so if you've read the books, something appropo would be great, if you haven't, I've started branching him out to other settings, just make something up that you think would be good for his perosnality.
Quote from: Gabi on September 12, 2010, 01:17:47 PM
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar's gifterOkay, so my first question for Corgatha Taldorthar is as follows: are there any characters or situations that you would like to see drawn or written about?
Quote from: danman's gifterFirst question, which medium of art would you prefer: pencils and paper, or digital stuff? Also, are there any specific characters, themes, or other things you'd like to see? If so, could you point me to a reference pic for each?
oy... let's see....
Since i lack references that don't suck for other characters, i think i will do a third round with Vladim, who you can see as my avatar.
http://vaeisenberg.deviantart.com/#/d2xhuti and here a full pic.
To describe him shortly - he is a being mage and mad scientist/engineer (well, together with Sergej, but vladim is more "mad" and Sergej more "scientist" if you catch my drift", concentrates on earth magic , and has 4 (about 3 metres unfolded and fully extended) mechatronic tentacles implanted in his back (not shown)
His main goal so far is to become a cubi by any means necessary.
If you need more stuff i can point to it.
Meany's gifter would like to know if he has a character, or anything in particular that he'd want drawn.
And Arroyo's gifter has requested the standard info: "favorite character, setting he or she is in, hobbies, profession, personality, history?"
Oh, and we're waiting for Alex to choose a character and post a reference.
This just in:
Quote from: Jairus's gifter
One who withholds his name asks for character references, and a short description, so he can think of something.
I really don't pick favorites. : E Some well known characters I do draw are Arroyo, Tierra, Devyn and Citrine. I still need to make some decent pictures of my hoomanz. Take a pick and I'll answer the next questions (reason why is because I have a lot of info on all of them and I really don't feel like typing it all in XD; )
I have a small cast of characters to choose from. There's Harriet, (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,644.msg326422.html#msg326422) Haien, (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,7076.msg336818.html#msg336818) Orenio, (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,5619.msg320991.html#msg320991) Barbarus, (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,7171.msg326939.html#msg326939) Elberta, (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,7643.msg336287.html#msg336287) Dhōngami, (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,7525.msg330917.html#msg330917) and Dosve. (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,7487.msg329561.html#msg329561)
Take your pick.
Quote from: Gabi on September 12, 2010, 04:14:49 PM
Oh, and we're waiting for Alex to choose a character and post a reference.
Alright, I probably actually ought to post something. ^^;
How about...my 'cubi character Alex.
http://modelincard.deviantart.com/art/New-Conbadge-118929970?q=sort%3Atime+gallery%3Amodelincard&qo=1 On the left
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/2550852/ On top
He's a tiger-rabbit-fox. The only markings I really care about are the face stripes pointing up, and the black boot/glove/ear tips. And if he had wings, they would be feathery, mainly orange, and either white or black tips. But I'll omit the wings a lot of the time myself.
Aisha's gifter wants to know if she would like prose or a poem, and if she has a particular topic for it.
Quote from: danman's gifter
To danman:
Alrighty. Would you prefer a drawing made with a pencil+colored pencils, or digital programs? Also, when Vladim does his maddest version of science, what does he see? As in, does he start half-hallucinating how to create new stuff, or does nothing really happen, he just starts thinking up ideas? Finally, what does his workshop look like?
Quote from: Gabi on September 12, 2010, 04:14:49 PM
This just in: Quote from: Jairus's gifter
One who withholds his name asks for character references, and a short description, so he can think of something.
Um, let's see. I've got three major avatars/characters that have enough art based around them for them to be drawn. I'll use mostly Fur Affinity links, if that's okay. Just don't look at them at work.
The first is my regular avatar, Jay, who alternates quite a lot between careers, universes, and even ages (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4332045/) depending on whoever's drawing him. He's a kangaroo rat with light tan fur, dark brown hair, and dark green eyes. He also wears glasses.
There's also a Lombax version (from Ratchet and Clank, if you've never heard of them) who's showed up a handful of times, if you wanna try him.
Um, second is my steampunk mad scientist adventurer character, Nicky. He's fourteen years old, a bit wiry, dirty blond hair and grey eyes, and wears goggles. You could have fun with this one, I think.
Actually, I wasn't gonna mention this one, but I've got a fennec fox character named Gizmo who hasn't gotten much love from me. He's a bit timid and shy, but besides that I haven't got much info for him, sorry.
So, I hope that all helps out. Just ask if you need or want more.
Quote from: Gabi on September 13, 2010, 09:55:51 AM
Aisha's reader wants to know if she would like prose or a poem, and if she has a particular topic for it.
Oho awesome. xP
Heh; like I told my gifter the last round, I'm more used to getting visual art and can never really think of anything for anyone to write about. ^^; Mostly because I like to write things myself.
But, I think poetry would be nice. :3
As for a topic, uhm...there's a few choices. Aisha and her bounty-hunting ways, or her mentor Rynkura (small description of something for her maybe is in this post. (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,5673.msg336728.html#msg336728) Something emotional, dramatic, funny, doesn't matter to me really. ^^
If you'd like more information about a character, I'll provide what info I can. :B
Arroyo, your gifter is not really familiar with any of your characters. Could you please "pick one that you want something about, along with their relevant info"? (The text between quote marks is a quote).
Quote from: Gabi on September 13, 2010, 09:55:51 AM
Aisha's gifter wants to know if she would like prose or a poem, and if she has a particular topic for it.
Quote from: danman's gifter
To danman:
Alrighty. Would you prefer a drawing made with a pencil+colored pencils, or digital programs? Also, when Vladim does his maddest version of science, what does he see? As in, does he start half-hallucinating how to create new stuff, or does nothing really happen, he just starts thinking up ideas? Finally, what does his workshop look like?
Hmm.... Do as you like - i personally only color digital way as it is way easier....
As for vladim.... i'd say that it starts with a clever idea coming in randomly, and continues with a few weeks of caffeine-aided labour...
In the rest of the time , he works on either expanding his evil empire , or currently, trying to get it running again.
It doesn't help he is strong in the "if i don't do it , it doesn't get done" category, and thus often spends time taking care of things he could order someone to do...
As for his workshop in the obligatory hidden base.... there's a lot of computing power from Sh0d4n, the base's AI, available at the various terminals, though he gets bored with calculations quickly and generally people just get sick of prodding it and use some non-sentient resource - usually by throwing the above from some of his coprocessing supercomputers.
As for the workshop itself ... there is a mix of makeshift stuff and custom jigs "just for the job" and high-class equipment such as a laser mill, 3d printers, electron microscopes, automatic samplers and stuff like that - because of his goal (to become cubi) there is a lot of stuff for biologic experiments... even a section where test subjects are held.
I might think of more stuff - just say if you need it.
Quote from: Gabi on September 13, 2010, 04:23:41 PM
Arroyo, your gifter is not really familiar with any of your characters. Could you please "pick one that you want something about, along with their relevant info"? (The text between quote marks is a quote).
Alright! I haven't had one of Devyn in a longgggg time.
QuoteDevyn is a Mutt Candus, some canine-like species I made up.
Devyn is also a Matyrian, a police-like force that enforces the law of a demigod. The easiest way to tell that Devyn is a Matyrian is their unusual wings that are mix of demon and angel-like wings, and can hide it at-will. Kind of like Abel's except reversed (feathers on the bottom, bat-like on the top, the feathers being the cream-like color and the rest black) Like all Matyrians, he does carry a weapon at hand, his is a scythe.
Devyn is notorious for his love of potato chips. Its common to see him with a small bag at hand.
Devyn also has a odd heterocromia: a part of each eye is black. It's easier to explain in the pictures.
Devyn is a quiet yet gentle person, tries to be cheerful and helpful as well.
Still working on Devyn's history, though I will say that he was an adopted child, no records of any of his parents (well except his mentally insane mother in asylum) but Devyn is too afraid to visit her due to his fear of insanity. But like I said its a work in progress.
He also has a unique ability, manipulation of shadows; which does have limits.
He usually wears a sweatshirt and jeans. Unusual colored clothing.
Now for the pictures!
also some information regarding Mutt Candus:
Also a little suggestion to my gifter: Please keep asking questions if you can. It helps a lot :3
Arroyo, your gifter would like to know how old Devyn is supposed to be, and how long his species tends to live.
Quote from: Gabi on September 15, 2010, 03:50:40 PM
Arroyo, your gifter would like to know how old Devyn is supposed to be, and how long his species tends to live.
Devyn is 17. Candusians have the lifespan of a human.
Questions for Inumo!
Quote from: Inumo's gifterBasic info as always: Character references and a good idea of what they want. Would he also accept pixelwork or sprites of what he wants?
Weeeellllllllll... If you want to do human/tackle the prospect of turning a human anthro, there's Tamtio (http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/187/3/9/Angel_by_Inumo.jpg), or Tam for short. He has moss-green eyes, standing at about 6' 2" and weighing ~180 lbs. He's well muscled, wears a blue-gray robe with black pants on underneath, and brown leather shoes. He instinctively keeps his wings hidden, so it takes a lot of concentration to make them show up, though they stay visible so long as he wants them there. He's a benevolent person, but should he feel that he or someone he cares for is threatened, he will start with intimidation, then violence.
If you want to work off of Rea, that's fine too. Here's her related links: Colored Ref (http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/219/c/c/Bungirl_by_Inumo.jpg) Sketch Ref (http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/172/4/d/Bungirl_Sketch_by_Inumo.jpg) Character Sheet-esque Thing (http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/219/f/d/Rea__the_Bunny_Student_by_Inumo.jpg)
If you'd like to work off of descriptions, let me know, I'll dig through my head and find a person that wants to get out, maybe invent a new one. Do let me know if you'd prefer human or anthro if you decide this, though.
In regards to your second question, don't really much care, though I do believe I know how you are now... :P
Inumo has sent me this.
Quote from: Inumo on October 06, 2010, 11:58:01 PM
The only pic of Tam I have is the one I gave in my post (here (http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/187/3/9/Angel_by_Inumo.jpg)). I thought I'd mentioned that I'd made him a human... Meh. Give my regards to my gifter.
I've lost track of the conversation, but I hope you'll understand.
I am royally confused, now, and I'm not even the gifter... XP
Ok, whatever that was for, I hope your gifter understands.
Remember, everyone. The deadline is tomorrow! I'll see if I can post the gifts on Monday. If my guest keeps me too busy, then I'll post them on Tuesday.
OK, the first gifts are here. There have been more delays than usual this time, but I'll post what I have for now. Everyone else can post their gifts here later.
Meany wrote the following gift for
Aisha deCabre:
QuoteFive Haiku for Aisha
A tiger,
Strong and Passionate
Painting the world with kindess
A soldier, a healer;
Protector, and mender,
Both are just
The light,
She stands in it
She carries the torch,
To the young
Her skin, ageless
Though weighed down
With memory
A limerick for Aisha
Aye, a saintly dame, that she be;
A'teachin' the children ABC
Though in a tough fight
Watch out for her right
Or ye'll be a'needin' new teeth.
A short song for Aisha
Greatly admired is Rynkura
Woman of many professions
Healer and Warrior,
Descivie in her actions
The children,
The splendid next generation
Creations of love
Passing along the fog of youth
Look to the shining dawn
From the vastness of beginning to end
Rynkura is her name
A flower that shines in the light
It blooms amongst the summits,
Of the mountainous, Shadowed Depths
Burning as a beacon, of invention
Illuminating is her wisdom
Descended from the heights, of nobility
Into the unwashed masses
Come forth you queen of felines
Adorned with the memory of ages
She is the sagely flower of all Angels
Rynkura is her name
(To the tune of He Mele no Lilo)
* Author's comments:
* I'm not entirely sure if this is a sufficient gift, but I've gone as far as I can considering a complete lack of skill for poetry. :P Tell Aisha I'm sorry for the amateurish quality, if you could.
Aisha deCabre made this gift (http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c108/RisenDeCabre360/Sketches/CCCWhitefox--Felix.jpg) for
* Author's comments:
* Sorry it's not in color, I've only had the motivation lately to sketch things. Anyway, 'tis Felix from the comic, looking a bit miffed. x3 Hope you like!
Jairus drew this gift (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4599649/) for
Corgatha Taldorthar.
* Author's comments:
* I know that Corgatha is more of an anti-hero character, but I was sketching and it turned into some horribly over-the-top heroic pose that I decided was the result of some kid imagining him based on a description or not knowing him or something like that. The cartoonier style was actually kind of fun, though I've just realized he looks a bit like Guybrush Threepwood. Whoops. Sorry. Also, I have no idea how he transports that sword. Again, I'm writing it up to a little kid not fully thinking things through. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Anyway, I hope you like it!
Basilisk drew and made me upload the following gift for
(http://img835.imageshack.us/img835/3205/faeccc.jpg) (http://img835.imageshack.us/i/faeccc.jpg/)
* Author's comments:
* I had a hard time figuring out just what to do for Fae... I played around with a couple of ideas, and this on kinda popped out :B
It seems Fae is now into fantasy themed Parkour <.<
Corgatha Taldorthar wrote the following gift for
Arroyo Milori:
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on October 09, 2010, 09:39:49 PM
Devyn had a bit of trouble hearing over the crunch of dried, oiled, potato slices, but not enough to hear crusty old Sergeant Tanathen, recite his tired old "Your job is to stay close, shut up, and survive." He amused himself at the crotchety pink lion's expense, by making the shadows on the wall, just above his head, dance in a variety of patterns that he knew would offend the old Matyrian's overdeveloped sense of dignity.
His uniform chafed, especially as it required him to keep his wings furled, but the thick material, green so dark it was almost black did have a reassuring sense of protection and authority about it; it still hadn't been properly broken in following his assignment to the Patrol section, with the dry, impersonal citation of "Unique quasi-magical ability to manipulate null-light phenomena useless in administrative or causal functions." Still, it got him away from the Redsquad, and their too young faces with too hard eyes that he thought would be his fate for years longer since joining the Matyrian. Of course they were necessary, but they generally had that stink of irrationality around them, and he fervently hoped it hadn't clung to him once he left.
Of course, he had to leave his scythe at the station, it was far too large and clumsy a weapon to be carrying around on simple street patrol, and any confrontations that were likely to occur would probably be at too close distance to really make use of it. Still, as he buckled on the small thrust-blade to his right hip, he wished for the more familiar implement. Tanathen had selected a long, iron-studded truncheon for the evening, indicating that they were going to one of the uglier sections of town.
There was no wind as they left, and marched south, and what little chill the night contained was easily repulsed by the thick uniforms they wore. Still, spring was early yet and the sun had long since given up the daily struggle, leaving only streetlights and what was coming in from buildings to illumine small pools of sidewalk and roadway as they moved in silence. Well, Devyn was silent, but he could barely hear his sergeant making out the Hymn for Safety as they went. Little gears turned in his head, and he figured that the Sergeant would finish in about 4 and a half minutes at this rate, and at the speed they were walking, they'd cover half a mile by then, and armed as heavily as they were, it meant they had to be going......... to the perfumed corner? With only two of them, that seemed somewhat risky, entering the district that was held almost entirely by the two rival crime families of Deniccen and Thwakanz, but there were probably other Matyrian coming along on other routes. Yes, there had to be.
Still, as they forged ahead, Devyn couldn't help but feel that unfriendly eyes were spying on him from the shuttered blinds, or developing a very uncomfortable awareness of the area between his shoulderblades. For perhaps the first time, he looked to his sergeant with something other than mild amusement at the old fossil's hidebound manner, placing more than a little trust that the veteran had some idea of what he was doing. They only saw one other person on the street, a caped canine who looked sleazy, eying up the pair of them and then shrinking away into an alley.
When Devyn heard the shouting off to the east, and the ring of steel on steel, he quickly spun and yanked out his blade, only to realize that there was nothing in that direction besides a stucco wall in poor condition. His sergeant grinned, and half laughed, half growled out "Gotta love ya' kid. You're almost too perfect, standing out like a sore thumb like that. I tell you, the sweep's gonna bag at least a dozen of them tonight. Come on, we'll go to Vine and Estrat, and wait for anyone to be pushed into our arms." The old man picked up his pace to a stiff jog, and Devyn had a sudden urge to munch on a bag of chips as he followed along.
When they hit the corner, the shouts were definitely getting nearer, along with the pattering off running feet. Devyn remembered some of his earlier training, and was sure he could recognize a gang member's livery on sight. Why did they issue out blades to people like him? He had never been entirely easy with the "strike to kill" policy against known gang members, and while they would almost certainly face execution in His Lordship's legal chambers, it seemed a bit different, more distant and just, to haul them back there than to jam a foot and a half of steel through their chest.
Still, he would do his duty, and do it well, and he turned to his right and held his blade in a ready stance. There was a streetlight, but it had been long broken, and in the dim light that the stars provided (how he wished for a fuller moon!) he thought he could make out some graffiti on the pole, if not what it said. The seconds rolled by in a torturous slowness, but when the two cloaked figures came dashing by, and Tanathen shouted to get them, and the blood surged around Devyn's temples, he wished that the nerves were all he had to deal with.
Two on each side, and the old man went after the larger figure, leaving Devyn to menace the other with his blade. Cloaked, and quick, his adversary made no move to draw a weapon, merely darted to the side to get out of line with his blade. Off to the right, he could hear the sounds of a struggle, and he got a bit of a look when the other moved towards the right, letting him see Tanathen pressing back a Calico, beating a rusty blade to the side and scoring a hit against the thug's shoulder.
Devyn's own quarry had lost the tip of his blade in that time, and he cursed himself, knowing that his sergeant would chew him out for letting up such an opening. Almost at his left now, and his weapon was all wrong for the cross body strike anyway, so he tried to turn and grab hold of the cloak, which came away almost instantly.
Under it was a small, reedy girl, feline, with tawny eyes that almost seemed to glow in the half-light, and barely a stitch on past her underclothes. She stopped and squeaked, transfixed by terror and eyes still locked on his blade, which he realized he had pointed at her as he limply held the cloak. She couldn't have been any older than he was, and he felt a hard pulse racket through his wrists, and the night suddenly went from comfortably cool to too warm by half. He looked her up and down, and then pricked his ears up, confirming that his own boss was still fighting.
Devyn took a step closer, lowering his sword point, and whispering to the girl. "Run, get out of here. The last thing you need is a mark on your Personal." He tossed the cloak in her general direction, and spun around to his sergeant. The old man was tiring, and although he was still holding his own, Devyn realized that he might not have to concoct a lie about his own quarry being too fast for him.
As quietly as he could, he crept behind the pimp. Although he was quietly furious, he found he couldn't bring himself to blade a man in the back, and instead struck with the pommel of his blade twice, once in the canine's kidney, and a second time in the temple. He smiled at his trainer as the figure suddenly went limp, and chortled back "Someone has to keep you greybeards alive, if only so you can prattle to the rest of us. Shame, had to let the working girl go to save you though. Next time, they might want to take someone a little more robust."
The sergeant couldn't well discipline him after pulling his own chestnuts off the fire, but Tanathen's scowl promised some sort of revenge. But that was in the future, and Devyn felt a sense of elation bubbling up through him that quieted any sense of unease.
* Author's comments:
* Here it is, notes and inspiration will accompany the piece when I feel like writing them up. For now, the only thing that really leaps out and compels me to speak is that for whatever reason, an adjective as a title felt right.
Arroyo Milori drew this gift (http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn127/ArroyoMilori/Sketches/IMAGE0064-1.jpg) for
* Author's comments:
* Here's the picture. I ran out of ideas and didn't have much to work with sooo my mind went DERP on this. D:
Same as always, I'll put this on FA or DA upon request.
Inumo and
danman are all experiencing some delays. They will post their gifts as soon as they can.
Quote from: Gabi on October 11, 2010, 09:37:49 AM
OK, the first gifts are here. There have been more delays than usual this time, but I'll post what I have for now. Everyone else can post their gifts here later.
-Meany wrote the following gift for Aisha deCabre:
QuoteFive Haiku for Aisha
A tiger,
Strong and Passionate
Painting the world with kindess
A soldier, a healer;
Protector, and mender,
Both are just
The light,
She stands in it
She carries the torch,
To the young
Her skin, ageless
Though weighed down
With memory
A limerick for Aisha
Aye, a saintly dame, that she be;
A'teachin' the children ABC
Though in a tough fight
Watch out for her right
Or ye'll be a'needin' new teeth.
A short song for Aisha
Greatly admired is Rynkura
Woman of many professions
Healer and Warrior,
Descivie in her actions
The children,
The splendid next generation
Creations of love
Passing along the fog of youth
Look to the shining dawn
From the vastness of beginning to end
Rynkura is her name
A flower that shines in the light
It blooms amongst the summits,
Of the mountainous, Shadowed Depths
Burning as a beacon, of invention
Illuminating is her wisdom
Descended from the heights, of nobility
Into the unwashed masses
Come forth you queen of felines
Adorned with the memory of ages
She is the sagely flower of all Angels
Rynkura is her name
(To the tune of He Mele no Lilo)
* Author's comments:
* I'm not entirely sure if this is a sufficient gift, but I've gone as far as I can considering a complete lack of skill for poetry. :P Tell Aisha I'm sorry for the amateurish quality, if you could.
Actually, I think the poems and song are all pretty awesome. :3 One can find a hidden talent in poetry if they think to look. Thanks alot! ^^
Quote from: Gabi on October 11, 2010, 09:37:49 AM
-Corgatha Taldorthar wrote the following gift for Arroyo Milori:
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on October 09, 2010, 09:39:49 PM
Devyn had a bit of trouble hearing over the crunch of dried, oiled, potato slices, but not enough to hear crusty old Sergeant Tanathen, recite his tired old "Your job is to stay close, shut up, and survive." He amused himself at the crotchety pink lion's expense, by making the shadows on the wall, just above his head, dance in a variety of patterns that he knew would offend the old Matyrian's overdeveloped sense of dignity.
His uniform chafed, especially as it required him to keep his wings furled, but the thick material, green so dark it was almost black did have a reassuring sense of protection and authority about it; it still hadn't been properly broken in following his assignment to the Patrol section, with the dry, impersonal citation of "Unique quasi-magical ability to manipulate null-light phenomena useless in administrative or causal functions." Still, it got him away from the Redsquad, and their too young faces with too hard eyes that he thought would be his fate for years longer since joining the Matyrian. Of course they were necessary, but they generally had that stink of irrationality around them, and he fervently hoped it hadn't clung to him once he left.
Of course, he had to leave his scythe at the station, it was far too large and clumsy a weapon to be carrying around on simple street patrol, and any confrontations that were likely to occur would probably be at too close distance to really make use of it. Still, as he buckled on the small thrust-blade to his right hip, he wished for the more familiar implement. Tanathen had selected a long, iron-studded truncheon for the evening, indicating that they were going to one of the uglier sections of town.
There was no wind as they left, and marched south, and what little chill the night contained was easily repulsed by the thick uniforms they wore. Still, spring was early yet and the sun had long since given up the daily struggle, leaving only streetlights and what was coming in from buildings to illumine small pools of sidewalk and roadway as they moved in silence. Well, Devyn was silent, but he could barely hear his sergeant making out the Hymn for Safety as they went. Little gears turned in his head, and he figured that the Sergeant would finish in about 4 and a half minutes at this rate, and at the speed they were walking, they'd cover half a mile by then, and armed as heavily as they were, it meant they had to be going......... to the perfumed corner? With only two of them, that seemed somewhat risky, entering the district that was held almost entirely by the two rival crime families of Deniccen and Thwakanz, but there were probably other Matyrian coming along on other routes. Yes, there had to be.
Still, as they forged ahead, Devyn couldn't help but feel that unfriendly eyes were spying on him from the shuttered blinds, or developing a very uncomfortable awareness of the area between his shoulderblades. For perhaps the first time, he looked to his sergeant with something other than mild amusement at the old fossil's hidebound manner, placing more than a little trust that the veteran had some idea of what he was doing. They only saw one other person on the street, a caped canine who looked sleazy, eying up the pair of them and then shrinking away into an alley.
When Devyn heard the shouting off to the east, and the ring of steel on steel, he quickly spun and yanked out his blade, only to realize that there was nothing in that direction besides a stucco wall in poor condition. His sergeant grinned, and half laughed, half growled out "Gotta love ya' kid. You're almost too perfect, standing out like a sore thumb like that. I tell you, the sweep's gonna bag at least a dozen of them tonight. Come on, we'll go to Vine and Estrat, and wait for anyone to be pushed into our arms." The old man picked up his pace to a stiff jog, and Devyn had a sudden urge to munch on a bag of chips as he followed along.
When they hit the corner, the shouts were definitely getting nearer, along with the pattering off running feet. Devyn remembered some of his earlier training, and was sure he could recognize a gang member's livery on sight. Why did they issue out blades to people like him? He had never been entirely easy with the "strike to kill" policy against known gang members, and while they would almost certainly face execution in His Lordship's legal chambers, it seemed a bit different, more distant and just, to haul them back there than to jam a foot and a half of steel through their chest.
Still, he would do his duty, and do it well, and he turned to his right and held his blade in a ready stance. There was a streetlight, but it had been long broken, and in the dim light that the stars provided (how he wished for a fuller moon!) he thought he could make out some graffiti on the pole, if not what it said. The seconds rolled by in a torturous slowness, but when the two cloaked figures came dashing by, and Tanathen shouted to get them, and the blood surged around Devyn's temples, he wished that the nerves were all he had to deal with.
Two on each side, and the old man went after the larger figure, leaving Devyn to menace the other with his blade. Cloaked, and quick, his adversary made no move to draw a weapon, merely darted to the side to get out of line with his blade. Off to the right, he could hear the sounds of a struggle, and he got a bit of a look when the other moved towards the right, letting him see Tanathen pressing back a Calico, beating a rusty blade to the side and scoring a hit against the thug's shoulder.
Devyn's own quarry had lost the tip of his blade in that time, and he cursed himself, knowing that his sergeant would chew him out for letting up such an opening. Almost at his left now, and his weapon was all wrong for the cross body strike anyway, so he tried to turn and grab hold of the cloak, which came away almost instantly.
Under it was a small, reedy girl, feline, with tawny eyes that almost seemed to glow in the half-light, and barely a stitch on past her underclothes. She stopped and squeaked, transfixed by terror and eyes still locked on his blade, which he realized he had pointed at her as he limply held the cloak. She couldn't have been any older than he was, and he felt a hard pulse racket through his wrists, and the night suddenly went from comfortably cool to too warm by half. He looked her up and down, and then pricked his ears up, confirming that his own boss was still fighting.
Devyn took a step closer, lowering his sword point, and whispering to the girl. "Run, get out of here. The last thing you need is a mark on your Personal." He tossed the cloak in her general direction, and spun around to his sergeant. The old man was tiring, and although he was still holding his own, Devyn realized that he might not have to concoct a lie about his own quarry being too fast for him.
As quietly as he could, he crept behind the pimp. Although he was quietly furious, he found he couldn't bring himself to blade a man in the back, and instead struck with the pommel of his blade twice, once in the canine's kidney, and a second time in the temple. He smiled at his trainer as the figure suddenly went limp, and chortled back "Someone has to keep you greybeards alive, if only so you can prattle to the rest of us. Shame, had to let the working girl go to save you though. Next time, they might want to take someone a little more robust."
The sergeant couldn't well discipline him after pulling his own chestnuts off the fire, but Tanathen's scowl promised some sort of revenge. But that was in the future, and Devyn felt a sense of elation bubbling up through him that quieted any sense of unease.
* Author's comments:
* Here it is, notes and inspiration will accompany the piece when I feel like writing them up. For now, the only thing that really leaps out and compels me to speak is that for whatever reason, an adjective as a title felt right.
I love it! Thank you sooo much <3I'll be lookin forward to those notes btw >:3c
Nice job Jairus! Although, yeah, open-coated and posing isn't really Corg. He's ugly, and rather self-conscious about it, so tends to keep everything buttoned up and covered. Very nice form though. (and as to how he moves the sword around, he generally keeps it on a sheath across his back, and draws it by magic. The blade is a two handed one, but very light, since it is made out of obsidian, which is very low density.)
As for Arroyo's story; the first ticking was that he's 17, a "policeman", and is part of a species that has a lifespan, and presumably maturing rate, equivalent to humans. I have trouble imagining a modern police force employing a 17 year old, so either the Matyrian are taking him along as some sort of apprentice, or being in the service of a demigod, they're a quasi religious order, and are taking him half in an indoctrination role. I decided to meld the ideas, although I'm not sure if it went right.
Then I needed internal conflicts, and older v younger is the obvious one, and having a de-facto child in the police force gave me the idea of some sort of prostitution angle, that would give him a temptation factor. If I wrote more in this vein, I'd come up with some sort of consequence to his act that would come back for him.
Quote from: Gabi on October 11, 2010, 09:37:49 AM
-Aisha deCabre made this gift (http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c108/RisenDeCabre360/Sketches/CCCWhitefox--Felix.jpg) for WhiteFox.
* Author's comments:
* Sorry it's not in color, I've only had the motivation lately to sketch things. Anyway, 'tis Felix from the comic, looking a bit miffed. x3 Hope you like!
I do indeed most certainly like it! The pose is great, and the expression is spot-on for Felix.
My gift for Basilisk: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4617167/ (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4617167/)
Long story short? I think I've seen one too many
adorable pics of Bas over the past month or two. :P Since dropping out of the OSaS RP, I decided to do a comic of Gabriels backstory. This gave me a flawless cover for asking Basilisk about Baseel's outfit. >:3 Which I was rather sneaky about.
Still a WIP; A lot of lines need polish, I'd like to add a lot more detail, and the flat colours don't do it justice. I'm happy with it in the stage it's in, however.
Took me waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too dang long, but! danman, your gift is completed: http://inumo.deviantart.com/art/danman-CCC-182464187
Hope you like it!
Quote from: Gabi on October 11, 2010, 09:37:49 AM
-Arroyo Milori drew this gift (http://i303.photobucket.com/albums/nn127/ArroyoMilori/Sketches/IMAGE0064-1.jpg) for Inumo.
* Author's comments:
* Here's the picture. I ran out of ideas and didn't have much to work with sooo my mind went DERP on this. D:
Same as always, I'll put this on FA or DA upon request.
Oh gosh, it looks like Rea's self-medicated with drugs during high school... XD This is too funny. I wonder what kind of history this would make if I used all these images. :P Thanks, Arroyo!!!
By the way, thanks to NaNoWriMo, I won't be able to participate in the next round. Maybe the one after, though!
Crafting the doomsday device one testtube at a time :D
soo... who're we waiting on now?
I might as well do it again : D
I think I'm gonna back out of this to round. The next month or two are gonna be tight, and I may not have the time or energy to work on stuff. But have fun everyone! I'll see you in twenty one one.
I'm afraid I'm backing out for a while again too. ^^; I don't have much of a drawing/coloring muse. I may get back again when I get struck though.
Also, Whitefox, glad that the gift was liked. :3
Ooh, I've been lurking far too much, but I've been waiting for another round of this to start. I'd love to be in the next round, whenever that ends up being!
So far we have... Basilisk?, WhiteFox, Arroyo and Merlin. I'll wait for a few more people to sign up, and I hope those who still owe gifts will post them soon.
I'm in for the next round. :P
i'm in, yes :3... having a lot of drawing muse... so ya... having some focus from someone else would be fun :3
Huh.. is this thing still open? If so I don't mind joining in (although someone probably has to poke me now and then to remind me that I participated in the first place :P )
Yes, it is! You know what? Let's start the new round on Tuesday. You all have tomorrow to nudge more people and get them to join. ^_^
What's the worst that could happen? Count me in.
If I remember right, the round lasts for 4 weeks, which'll means ending after November... Count me in!
I'm still in. I found it weird that we haven't had this topic going for awhile XD;
Sorry, I was waiting for more members to join and I've been too busy to nudge them myself.
I'm still on board... I'll see if I can crack a whip or two, though.
I can be a bit random sometimes in terms of what'll actually get me off my ass (metaphorically, I draw sitting down) and get to work. On the bright side, I've finally gotten Meany's gift in.
Linky~ (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4831401/)
So...yeah. My comments about the drawing itself are on FA. Additionally, as I was informed that I might be allowed to enter the next round if I posted this, I'd like to state that I'll be opting out. I'm disappointed in myself for never being on time, and I'd rather not keep putting myself in this position. Maybe I'll come back some other time, but right now, I doubt it. At least for a while yet.
OK, then. The participants for the new round are: WhiteFox, Arroyo Milori, Merlin, Meany, Basilisk, rhyfe2002, Corgatha Taldorthar, Inumo. The deadline for gift submission is Tuesday, 21st of December, also known as the Summer/Winter solstice depending on which side of the Equator you're on. Get your muses working, and have fun! :D
The first questions are in!
Basilisk's gifter is asking for the usual: references, anything specific he wants. And if he wants a rather serious drawing or something silly.
Inumo's gifter is asking for character info: the usual, description, bio, personality, etc.
By the way, everyone should also know that they're free to post references or notes about what they want in their gifts without waiting for specific questions. Just in case it wasn't clear.
I'm doing that. :P Hm, I took too long writing. XP Anyways, the two options I'll mention, since I think they're easiest, are Tamtio aka Tam (http://inumo.deviantart.com/art/Angel-170368688?q=gallery%3Ainumo%2F17334907&qo=14) and Rea (http://inumo.deviantart.com/art/Rea-the-Bunny-Student-174449666?q=gallery%3Ainumo%2F26151998&qo=0).
Tamtio has moss-green eyes, standing at about 6' 2" and weighing ~180 lbs. He's well muscled, wears a blue-gray robe with black pants on underneath, and brown leather shoes. He instinctively keeps his wings hidden, so it takes a lot of concentration to make them show up, though they stay visible so long as he wants them there. He's a benevolent person, but should he feel that he or someone he cares for is threatened, he will start with intimidation, then violence. This is probably more info than you need, but never hurts to give it all.
The same amount of information is on the link I gave to you for Rea. I have two other drawings of her, one without the character sheet stuff and one that's just a sketch; I'll link if you want, though they're both in my gallery. As it stands, I have also been given two other versions of Rea, one where she's apparently self-medicating her psychic powers through drugs (no offense intended for the original artist), and another where she's rather grown up and sorrowful after seeing the future and all the awful things that she can't seem to prevent. At least, this is how I'm working them into her backstory. :P
Finally, if neither option really appeals to you for whatever reason, feel free to go through my dA gallery (http://inumo.deviantart.com/gallery/) and pick something from there, or just ask and I'll yoink a couple of characters outta my noggin.
I don't really care what format of art you want to do; traditional, sprite, modeling, poetry, prose... Whatever you pick, above all, just have fun!
Heh. You did that, but at about the same time as your gifter sent me the question. :P
Question for Merlin ahead.
"Do you have any references? Or perhaps a description of who/what you want for your gift?"
Quote from: Gabi on November 23, 2010, 02:56:52 PM
Question for Merlin ahead.
"Do you have any references? Or perhaps a description of who/what you want for your gift?"
Oof, now to decide! P:
OK... either one of these suckers would be nice:
Peony Talisman - Reference montage I guess! (http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w174/RowReduced/imthegreatest.jpg)
Peony's pretty much constantly slinging around illusions to make herself look like whatever random furry- cat, dog, bird, yeah you get the picture. Sometimes she disguises herself as a dude, but usually not. Her build and hairstyle constantly change, but she's got some obvious features she's way too stuck-up to hide. Her hair and markings are always the same hue, but the hair is always a darker shade than the markings. Her eyes are usually a random hue. The rest of her fur is always white.
She usually has notches on the top or bottom of her ears.
Her markings are usually pretty similar to what's on the aqua mouse/yellow rabbit in the ref link there. But sometimes she changes them around, like with the muzzle and hands on the blue zebra or the messed-up shoulder markings on sevvveral of the other images. Consistency... not my strong point. Anyway, her leg markings are the same as her arm ones.
So pretty much... any critter with those markings and a single colour P:
Drake Piperion - Generic character page gooooo (http://www.dhscomix.com/rchara/rchara.php?p=drake)
Drake is blue... she uh, usually wears skimpy clothing in reds and yellows, or browns. She likes to keep her longass hair tied up in a ponytail. Her horns are a pain in the ass to draw. P:
I guess here's one of her in a comic (http://www.dhscomix.com/comics/05/09a.jpg), so you can see she has light blue palms and brown eyes. And talks too much, geez.
And if you needed to know anything character-wise? Both of these guys are big jerks who are utterly full of themselves. Pretty much all Peony does is contemplate how great she is, and Drake is cranky most of the time.
Question for Corgatha Taldorthar... "Is there a particular character, characters or scene you want me to draw, and can you provide references and/or descriptions?"
Really, any of my characters would work... Bas is the most obvious choice, as there's the most art of him... however, if you'd like to try someone/thing different
Aleyna - Female Demon (red fox): Slender build, with a very well maintained image, Aleyna appears more like a high-class socialite than a demon-warrior. Her bright orange, cream, red and black color scheme makes her easy to spot, and her usual choice of clothing tends towards form-fitting and utilitarian.
She has relatively sharp features, Black ear tips, black "mittens" and "boots" Her belly is a cream-toned off-white. Her overcoat (back and sides) are a bright reddish-orange. She has large wings, which are a deeper red, with a hint of orange. The bone-lines are outlined in black.
Ed: Incubus Leopard: Athletic, agile, roguish. There are several references of Ed X3
Magic's: http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e268/EWork88/1266076671halfdoctor_basileppng.jpg
Mew's: http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e268/EWork88/EdOops.jpg
Darkshine: (human/feline hybrid, leopard) Very tall, predatory, vicious, and almost always seen in his armor...
WhiteFox: http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e268/EWork88/Darkshine.png
Lucheek: http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k295/lucheek/Mechaleopard.png
FSharp: http://www.panicepisode.com/fanartgallery/gallery/fanart/images/darkshine.png
There are other characters as well... these are just ones who are somewhat more well known X3
As for your question of serious or silly... i'm fine with either X3
More standard questions, this time from Meany's gifter. "Who/what would Meany like me to draw, does she have any reference pictures, etc, etc. =P"
And from Arroyo's gifter... "This is the obligatory, 'which character would you like to have prose/poems written about?' question. With a few splashes of 'would you like prose or poetry?' and 'any particular literary elements, like perspective, or pacing you would like to see?' All that good stuff. :D"
The only real character I have is Corgatha, whom I had a character sheet of here. (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,4798.msg334495.html#msg334495)
A number of reference pictures. 1 (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,5673.msg294329.html#msg294329) 2 (http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/5580/corgathataldothar.jpg)
He's originally a Wheel of Time set character, if you could draw him in something from that setting, it'd be perfect, but if you can't, any sort of scene is really fine.
Uhm, if you don't like to draw humans, gimme another buzz, and I'll think of something. I do have a few ancillary characters that I could dust off, but I'd need to go find my notes for them. TBH though, I'm not really all that picky.
To WhiteFox, from his gifter.
"Heyo person to whom I'm arting. In addition to any subjects, themes, characters, etc you'd like me to involve, I'd like to know whether you'd like written or visual art."
...And there is a lucky participant whose gift is already in! :mowgrin
I do have a character I'd like to see arted up. He's a DnD character, so pardon my geek. :P
Sszeyl, a Drow Monk; he looks to be a teenager, since Drow age much slower than normal people. :P Nearly bald, except for a length of hair on the part of his skull which connects to the spine. Slim, blacked skinned like all drow, green eyes, a glow in the dark purple tattoo of this, (http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100830215309/akellon/images/thumb/4/47/Orgolloyss.jpg/187px-Orgolloyss.jpg) on his right shoulder, along with multiple others tracing the veins in the right arm. His clothes are a long purple and gray body wrap for the upper body simple black pants and sandals for the lower. A sketch of him has been done by Liatai, here (http://i581.photobucket.com/albums/ss260/Liatai/icepick.jpg). Danman/VAE did a full drawing of him once, but I appear to have lost the link, so check back here every once in a while to see if I've found it.
If you don't like doing humanoids of this type, I can give you someone else to art. :P
Quote from: Gabi on November 25, 2010, 07:12:40 AM
And from Arroyo's gifter... "This is the obligatory, 'which character would you like to have prose/poems written about?' question. With a few splashes of 'would you like prose or poetry?' and 'any particular literary elements, like perspective, or pacing you would like to see?' All that good stuff. :D"
I actually can't really imagine any of my characters having a poem or a prose about them, seeing I'm still trying to develop them into better characters. That and I really don't have enough information out there that can be looked up just by reading old journal entries or artworks I keep on my art accounts on DA and FA, more reason why I encourage people to ask questions.
I wouldn't mind getting a poem or a prose, but the only problem I have with it is which character to choose to have the poem be about?
If your going to write one for one of them, might I recommend ether Arroyo (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4406452/)or Tierra (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4496472)?
Dear Gifter:
Quote from: WhiteFox on August 09, 2010, 06:56:11 PM
I wanna see how much mileage I can get out of this post.
Quote from: WhiteFox on July 07, 2010, 09:34:09 PM
Dear Gifter:
I would appreciate visual art over written. I have vision problems that can make reading uncomfortable.
Quote from: WhiteFox on April 04, 2010, 02:50:08 AM
Dear gifter;
Quote from: WhiteFox on January 19, 2010, 02:43:37 PM
Dear gifter;
As far as DSOF goes, any of the characters are fine. I don't have any references for them online at the moment, but I'm not fussy about accuracy when it comes to gift art. I'm open to interpretations.
I do have a "style guide" for my avatar at FA, however; http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3104772/ and http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3294417/
I say "style guide" rather then "model sheet" because it's not how I draw my avatar, but rather how anyone, regardless of their art style, could.
Anyway, I hope that helps.
The only thing to add to this is that Gabriel, an RP character I have arts of on FA, should probably remain out of bounds for a variety of reasons. (Except in the off chance that my gifter just happens to be Basilisk. Then it would be okay.)
Aside from that, go with your instincts. If you get a cool idea, don't worry about whether or not I'll like it. Just go with it.
I'm not to fussy about how my characters are used, and if you think an idea is cool, then I will too. Good luck, have fun.
("I often quote myself at parties: it makes for intelligent conversation." -Oscar Wilde... I think. Might have been Mark Twain)
[Edit] I just noticed I didn't include a link to my comic:DSOF (http://www.whitefoxart.com/dsof/archive.php) NSFW; violence, some nudity, some language. A bit of everything, really.
Another round, another self-quotation.
Gabriel has a comic now, which is on FA, but it's only two/three pages in so there aren't that many new characters so far.
Question for Rhyfe:
Quote from: rhyfe2002's gifter
Optional question: Is there anything outside your usual artistic range you would like to see in your gift? (media to use, theme or mood, environmental effects, art style, etc?)
If nothing in particular comes to mind, that's fine.
Quote from: Gabi on November 27, 2010, 06:40:26 AM
Question for Rhyfe:
Quote from: rhyfe2002's gifter
Optional question: Is there anything outside your usual artistic range you would like to see in your gift? (media to use, theme or mood, environmental effects, art style, etc?)
If nothing in particular comes to mind, that's fine.
Nah, I'm fine with anything. :D
I tried to report this but I failed, so here's a quote.
Quote from: Meany's gifter
Hi, please let Meany know that while I'm alright with drawing a human (well, in this case, drow), I'd prefer, and am much better at, anthro characters, so please let me know if you have one.
My English teacher would be ashamed. I probably could report it if I tried hard enough, but I feel I'd better use my time on other things.
Well, in that case...
Quote from: Meany on September 12, 2010, 10:28:01 PM
I have a small cast of characters to choose from. There's Haien, (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,7076.msg336818.html#msg336818) Orenio, (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,5619.msg320991.html#msg320991) Barbarus, (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,7171.msg326939.html#msg326939) Dhōngami, (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,7525.msg330917.html#msg330917) and Dosve. (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,7487.msg329561.html#msg329561)
Take your pick.
Quote from: Arroyo's gifterA message to our friendly neighborhood lionboy. Could I have some more background on your characters? Hate to be blunt, but your reference sheets seem to be pretty vague. :P
Also, Inumo's gifter apologizes in advance. It appears Inumo's gift is going to be delayed due to finals.
Just posting a reminder that there are 5 days left to finish your gifts.
Sorry I've been busy lately. Its a rather rough version of their backgrounds but I'm trying to throw out the general idea of who these characters are.
Quote from: Arroyo's InformationArroyo was born in a small town but then moved to a large city known as Zephyr. But because of how things worked in Zephyr, especially including with fellow Pyskers, He slowly starts to wish he were a normal person than just another guy with abilities most people would fear. He's a bit modest but he also tries to stay calm in certain situations. He always tries to be mellow, trying to not let the little things in life worry him too much (as well as others.)
His Pysker ability is manipulation of Water, steam and his own blood, which he was born with. He says it's a ability that reflects who he is, but doesn't wish for this ability.
Quote from: Tierra's BackgroundTierra grew up in Zephyr, but was a rather odd girl. She acted always sweet and perky but she was also a rather "mischievous" and curious girl with a "colorful" imagination. Her perverted mind has made her feared by men as she tries to practice her creativity on them. But it only grew a bit more violent when she lost someone that meant the whole world to her...
But besides that, she's a typical otaku with a love for all things involving yaoi. Unlike Arroyo and Devyn, she has no abilities, except on how to use a Hammer/axe hybrid effectively and using her hyper self to an advantage in combat.
Alright, some gifts are here! Others will be delayed, but hopefully they will all be posted here soon.
Merlin made this gift (http://oekaki.dhscomix.com/pictures/my_29.jpg) for
Corgatha Taldorthar... and submitted it on the 26th!
Inumo made this gift (http://inumo.deviantart.com/art/WhiteFox-CCC-189819107) for
Meany wrote the following gift for
Arroyo Milori:
Quote from: Meany on December 18, 2010, 12:50:53 AM
To Arroyo: I'm sorry, this isn't my longest work, nor my best. But I cut back on the details so it could work in your setting, which I admit I did not fully understand. I apologize for the subsequent drop in quality than should be in a gift, especially at this time of the year. Happy holidays!
A day in the Life
By MeanyOwl
A blaring roar woke the lion up from his sleep with such force he fell from his hammock. The church next door had started services, and the pipe organ for some reason was always three times louder than it should have been. Since he was already out of bed, er, hammock, and the music wouldn't readily allow him to go back to sleep-dang that dog for swallowing his ear plugs!-Arroyo moved out from the mountain of dirty laundry that surrounded his hammock, and looked around for some clothes that weren't quite as smelly as they ought to be. Cursed laundromat being so pricey.
Hydro-kinesis was all well and good, but it took hours of controlling tiny bits of water to remove smell and dirt from one sock, versus an hour's work in a washing machine. Not quite worth the effort, in the long term. Clothes selected, Arroyo took up Brocken from its resting place on his wall. The magnificent bronze sword gleamed in the morning light, something which always made him smile. Affixing Brocken to his waist, the lionboy left his apartment in search of the day's work.
Zephyr wasn't the best place for non-normal Psykers to live. True, it was a decent enough place, but the high Psyker population made the normals itchy. Not that he very much cared. If they had an issue, it was their issue. No point in making it his issue as well. The local bulletin board was quite full that day. Many people needing odd jobs done, it appeared. Not many fell within Arroyo's line of expertise, but that was fine. Improvisation had earned him his dinner more than once in the past, if it did so again, well then yay.
First thing on the list, a living practice dummy for a school of youth karate. Sounded easy enough, especially with the 'skilled weapons users preferred' bit at the end. If having years of experience with Brocken didn't make him a skilled user, then Arroyo would shave his legs.
"So, you're a swordsman, huh?" The karate instructor addressed Arroyo in the back of the dojo while the chants of many youths doing their exercises filled the air. He was an older badger gentleman, who had kindly offered tea. "A chain-swordsman no less. Yes, yes you indeed qualify."
"You're sure I won't hurt any of the kids?" Arroyo queried. The ad had said for the advanced class, but he hadn't seen anyone over fifteen in the class out front. Worry began to set in.
"No, my advanced class is quite capable. Their skill aside, pitting them against foes whom have not a solid chance of victory will teach them nothing. If they are victorious, they will learn the extent of their growth. If not, they will learn how far they must still grow."
"Aren't we the sage."
"A habit, resulting from drinking too much tea, and seeing too many years." They laughed, and shared another cup.
Upon reflection, Arroyo shouldn't have worried. Even with Brocken's chain ability, he'd only won four fights out of ten. The four he had beaten had taken time out of their fight to boast their skill, and how inevitable it was that he lose to them. Aside from minor variations between them, choice of word, whether or not they had the presence of mind to pin him first, or disarm him, it boiled down that they gave him time to analyze the situation, think, then act and secure victory. Those that had won did not do this. Their sensei took the time and pointed this out, several times so that the message sunk in.
The pay had been good. But there was still daylight in the sky, so there was time to earn a bit more money, so that he might not need to work quite so hard tomorrow, maybe even save some money for later. Start a bank account. All that good stuff. Back to the bulletin board it was.
Most of the work had since been taken, indicated by people taking the provided red marker, and drawing an X over the job. He spotted his earlier job and smiled ruefully. There was one that he saw, it immediately piqued his interest. 'Watercolourist wanted for portrait painting. Must be of exceptional quality. Supplies provided.'
Everything about that add made Arroyo pick up the red marker. 'Exceptional' was the high-brow term for Psykers, the upper crust not bothering to pervert the language with slang. A lot of Psykers had powers useful for arts and crafts, it was just a matter of finding a normal who wasn't entirely xenophobic about them to pay for the works. Evidently 'Mrs. Matilda Vane' was one such person.
The long-haired lionboy ran back to his place, and grabbed some dirty clothes. He now had money, and so could afford the laundromat, and not smelling like cornchips. Just as the sky started to turn from a clear blue to an orange tint, the now crisp, summer breeze smelling Arroyo arrived at Mrs. Vane's charming house.
After the polite soft two knocks, a tiny little human woman opened the door. She was positively ancient, far older than the karate sensei, older than Arroyo had ever seen, to put a fine point on it. "Er...Mrs. Vane? I'm here about the ad?"
"Mrs. Vane is my granddaughter, young sir. She put the ad out in my name. I am Miss Hagia Sophia. Come in, come in." Despite her small, withered body, Miss Sophia's voice was crisp and polite, and she moved quite easily, stepping aside for Arroyo to move in.
The house walls were littered with large, magnificent paintings. Most of them professional watercolour works. Arroyo was starting to see why the ad had specified such. "My husband did them." The small woman's voice startled Arroyo, making his fur fluff out a bit. "Back when he had the passion for art. Ah, such memories..." Miss Sophia led him through the, admittedly a little cluttered house, to a parlour, lit up by the setting sun, and set up for a painter's arrival. A large square of watercolour paper. "I had almost given up hope of someone stopping by today, but you arrived just in time for such beautiful lighting."
As Miss Sophia sat down, getting her shawls and bun hairstyle all situated on the opposite side of the paper, Arroyo contemplated what was to be done. "Miss Sophia, is there anything you'd like in this painting?"
"Oh, no, I know what its like to give an artist limitations, and personally would accept anything you give me. But my granddaughter is insistent upon a portrait for posterity." She considered a moment. "Oh, one thing, could you demonstrate your powers for me?" Ah, yes, that. Arroyo had nearly forgotten. Drawing some water from one of the many bowls provided, the lionboy made the liquid preform a series of acrobatic displays for the elderly woman. The sight...it made her so happy to see it, Arroyo almost lost control of his water from surprise. The old woman's face, wrinkled and dotted with liverspots, cracked open in a display of such utter joy...Arroyo had never seen an old person so happy. Usually they were always complaining, and if they smiled it was thin, and partially forced.
"That's good...thank you for that. Please, paint?" Arroyo bowed a little, then sat down in front of the the paper, and began mixing pigment with water in various mixtures to grant various shades and hues. He knew what he was to paint. That smile, that joy...he would work from there.
"Your husband was a painter?"
"Oh yes. He had such a gift with colours, especially the water kind."
"Oh? Was he a Psy...was he 'exceptional'?" Arroyo asked, catching himself in time.
"Yes to both your questions. But you didn't hear that from me. Matilda would have such a fit, if she learned I was spreading 'vicious rumors' around like that." The old woman sighed and giggled at the same time. Arroyo was starting to like her. Capturing the lighting, what movie makers called, happy hour, filled his time for a bit, but, once he started peaking around the paper to get the proportions right, words again passed between them.
"So, your granddaughter doesn't like having an 'exceptional' in the family?"
"No. She's a victim of this modern thinking. She's a sweet girl, but hasn't quite grown a spine yet. She will in a few years, though." The certainty with which she said that gave Arroyo pause, before he resumed work.
It did not take long to finish up. Arroyo supposed his muse was with him, to speed things up. In reality, it hadn't been that hard to get a portrait of Miss Sophia. She wore her heart on her sleeve, and so it was easy to get an understanding of her personality, to make the painting a real portrait, not just a fancy, expensive photograph. He'd done all he could to mix in the joy he'd seen in her, the slightly frustrated love of her younger descendants, and the certainty she seemed to have about everything. Sitting back to reflect on his work, Arroyo took a breath to recover his mental facilities from the trying time he'd had, for all of the short time it had consumed. Then he called Miss Sophia over to see it once he'd let the colours dry.
She looked at it, then at him, back to the portrait, and then hugged him.
rhyfe2002 drew this gift (http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j190/rhyfe2002/gift_meany_sszeyl.jpg) for
Arroyo Milori drew this gift (http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/8028/image0041w.jpg) for
* Author's comments:
* I hope he doesn't mind if I didn't draw him without his headwings. Had a hard time with the head though (along with the left arm >m>)
Corgatha Taldorthar and
Basilisk have been delayed due to finals, but they should be posting their gifts soon. I have yet to hear from
Don't be hard on yourself, its my own fault for not putting up enough information in the first place.
Thanks <3
You're welcome. <3
Also, oh my lawdy lawd! :O Rhyfe, this is eighteen different types of awesome, and I have only words for fourteen. Thank you so much. :D
WhiteFox is having technical difficulties. I hope he can sort them out soon.
Whew. Okay. This is late. Months late. Beyond late. I'm so sorry for making you wait so long, Arroyo. But here, (http://i581.photobucket.com/albums/ss260/Liatai/TierraCCC.jpg) at long last, is my gift to you from Round 12. Hope it's liked, and I hope you have a happy holiday season! c:
Rea glanced at the tiny brass mirror in her personal "room" in the dorm, the cracked metal revealing a bit of stray lint in her ears, matching the dull ochre of the sweater she wore two days ago. Picking it out occupied her for a moment, as she stalled to herself about what to do next. Divination, of course, was the root and core of her reason for staying at he grandiose academy, and she had applied herself as her instructors wished and excelled. Even without some kind of phylacterae, she often could detect out of the edges of her awareness faint touches of probability shifts, or eddies of Fate entwining around people, objects, ideas. She actually showed more aptitude for aquavoyance than for direct scrying with her gypsy's gift, but she was third in her class of 150, some of them archmage scions, so it was hard to feel bad.
It was the rest of her pressures that pushed her to take refuge in the half asleep stupor that she had enveloped lately. She had known there would be a need for various classes in reading and writing succinctly, and as annoyingly hard as it was to please her professors in the communication department, (she thought bitterly at how hard it was to reduce a piece of information down to its shortest and clearest possible format. If I had more time, it'd be shorter........) , but mathematics was a terror. She hadn't even known she needed to take a course in the stuff until she had a conversation with old Ser Penfry, the head of the divination department, and he asked her how she was doing in her arithmetic.
Even the two weeks that she had missed had proven difficult to catch up in, and she simply didn't have a head for the stuff, dry and boring as it was, and spending the classes bored out of her mind, and swirling her mug and trying to see portents in the tea dregs hadn't exactly aided her understanding, although the knowledge that Professor Pethelevier liked her chocolate with almonds had at least won her over enough to agree to spend extra lessons with a remedial student like herself, so the activity wasn't a total waste.
Sometimes, she reflected, her father was right, that this was all a mistake. No, that's wrong on two counts. He is right, and it's not a mistake. The other students, they made her want to gnaw on their ears, or their tails, with the snide comments about being a country bumpkin, or their seeming instinctive knowledge of how this or that should be done without looking like a fool, how to approach the registrars, (she almost dropped out because she didn't realize that adding a course was distinct from registering, and they were perfectly willing to do nothing because she used the wrong word), and being far from her usual support network, her family and friends was wearing. Still, she had come so far already, and the experience was edifying. Nah, it wouldn't drive wedges in between her and her folks. The changes were still superficial, resisted for the most part, though she could play the game as well as anyone now, and were it not for her early mistakes carrying the stigma of memory, she'd probably be on even footing with anyone here socially.
Nonetheless necessary, as neither null knowledge nor non-caring would suffice. Her aunt Eninela used to say "what must be, can be.", and she intended to prove her right in regards to endurance. It was something of a minor hardship, but the bankers had lent enough coin to get her by, and as small as it was, her room in the dormitory apartment actually had more amenities within close range than her home did, although the lack of fresh air and easy warm sunlight was definitely something that she missed terribly, and she had once written, for one of her assignments, a short poem on the subject, which had gotten her twenty points off for stylistic mistakes, but a commendation for being the best work in the class for its "ability to pierce the callouses of the soul and lay bare the unjaded part of us all. She still had it around somewhere, and went looking through her piles of discarded papers for it, to read and admire her own handiwork.
It was fortunate, that she used an old futon as her shrine to the rare assignment she got glowing praise for. She'd have broken her nose, at the very least, collapsing anywhere else on the floor, as oblivion beat out over stubbornness, and she curled up into a badly needed sleep.
I'm sorry Inumo. This is literally something I threw together in about 15 minutes, as finals ate up most of December, and now that I'm back, I'm having a great deal of trouble getting the internet to work and a lot of other side assignments.
Rust on the technique, although some of the wordplay is reasonably clever, although I think the biggest weakness of the thing is the lack of plot, or conflict. It's really more of an extended description than a full-fledged story. If you want, I can probably "commission" as it were, something better.
On the other side, Merlin, great job! He's ugly as he's supposed to be, and the clothes and background are amazingly well done. I'm saving this to my hard drive, and I hope to see more of your work.
I've been chiseling away at improvements... but finals and holidays have killed my muse... here's your gift thus-far Merlin DX
Also, nice work on Ed, Arroyo, he really doesn't get enough exposure X3... especially in that he's my favorite character to play in D&D... his antics are the center of much amusement for our party
Don't worry too much, Corgatha. Better late than never, and how you write comes out in those little 15-minute jaunts. Always interesting to read another's work!
Quote from: Liatai on December 24, 2010, 10:51:44 PM
Whew. Okay. This is late. Months late. Beyond late. I'm so sorry for making you wait so long, Arroyo. But here, (http://i581.photobucket.com/albums/ss260/Liatai/TierraCCC.jpg) at long last, is my gift to you from Round 12. Hope it's liked, and I hope you have a happy holiday season! c:
I love it <3 Thank you soo much <3
Sorry for the necro, but why did the game go dead? I'm still willing to play, not sure about others.
I'd love to play again, too, now that I've repaid my debts from previous rounds. c:
i too wish to participate 8D
Sorry, I'm going to have to pass on this round.
OK, 3 players so far. Who else wahts to participate?
I would. My gift for last round isn't complete, but my giftee has seen the WIP and liked it. Not sure if that lets me join the next round or not.
Speaking of which, I'd like to hold off posting said gift till it's finished. Might be a little while.
Quote from: Basilisk on December 28, 2010, 02:46:32 PM
I've been chiseling away at improvements... but finals and holidays have killed my muse... here's your gift thus-far Merlin DX
Haha, I totally understand. That holiday-muse-killer struck me too :V and i kinda forgot about this thread thanks to holidays anyway... It looks great so far, feel free to take your time!
If there's another round on, I'm totally in :3
Yes, there's another round and Merlin is in (we could still use more people, though). Sorry, WhiteFox, but it's one gift at a time. If you haven't finished your previous gift yet, I'm not going to give you a new one to make.
Quote from: Gabi on January 22, 2011, 03:15:51 PMSorry, WhiteFox, but it's one gift at a time. If you haven't finished your previous gift yet, I'm not going to give you a new one to make.[/color]
Quel dommage.
Next round, though... next round. Mark my words, you haven't herd the last of me. Bwa-ha-haa >:3
Sienna asked if she could post here, and Gabi asked me if I'd mind opening the thread. That works for me, so...
... no threadromancy here, honest.
Thank-you llearch :)
"If sign-ups are open now, I'd just love to give it a go. With summer break starting, the timing seems right."
Love the idea behind this Gabi! S'gonna be awesome~
~ Sienna Maiu - Moonshine Tallgrass, out.
Haha... been a while since this thread was active. But I am still up for next round, hope more folks are interested and we can actually get it going ^^;
I'm still down for more.
I'm good in theory; in practice, RL has been kicking me, and anything I write is likely to be either extremely dark and sub-par from a prose standpoint. Or both. But why not? It's not like I could critically offend anyone with any of this, right?
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on April 11, 2011, 08:17:53 PM
I'm good in theory; in practice, RL has been kicking me, and anything I write is likely to be either extremely dark and sub-par from a prose standpoint. Or both. But why not? It's not like I could critically offend anyone with any of this, right?
No doubt a person would still be more likely to appreciate and be flattered by your effort.
Yay! So we have Sienna, Basilisk, Liatai?, Inumo, Merlin and Corg. Anyone else?
Corg, it is possible to write something that's highly offensive to someone else. But I trust that you won't do that, right? This thread's about doing something nice for someone, not mentally scarring other players. >.>
... Dammit. That lets me out. :-/
Heck, I mentally scarred people at work by accident, today.
It's been a long time since I did this. Maybe I should sign up again? Hiyo, ya'll. Sup?
I'm still interested! :3 Going to need to warm up my pencils, though, it's been a while since I drew much of anything.
Yay! Then we have Sienna, Basilisk, Liatai, Inumo, Merlin, Corg, Jairus, llearch and e_voyager!
You have until Friday, 6th of May to turn in your gifts. You should all receive your assignments soon. Thanks for joining! ^_^
The first set of questions is in.
Quote from: Merlin's gifterDo you have any preferences for what you'd like to see? Character, situations, clothing, so on and so on?
Quote from: Jairus's gifterDear Jairus how do you feel about ponys?
Corgatha's gifter would like to know if he has a preference for written or drawn art, and if he has a character in mind.
Dear Gifter,
Are you secretly Ren Gaulen in disguise? Because he's been asking me that question for weeks.
Um, I'm not really a fan of them. Actually, I'm getting quite sick of ponies, given how many I've seen over the last month or so. Memetic overload, basically.
No real preference for written as opposed to drawn. Do note though, that I'm something of an amateur writer myself. If you write something I *will* dissect it; and while I find the experience enjoyable, a lot of other people don't. Something drawn is more likely to elicit a much less articulate response.
Character wise, I don't really generalize, or make someone an "avatar". All of my characters are designed for specific settings, and if I were writing them, I'd make sure to stick them in them, which is semi-problematic if you don't also follow the same settings.
My two mainstream "characters" though, would be Kedered Aldoraethar (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,5619.msg260693.html#msg260693) from the Shattered Innocence RP, or Corgatha Taldorthar, from a now defunct WoT one. I used to have the bio up there, the closest (bastardized) account I have is here. (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,3642.msg313299.html#msg313299)
But really, don't worry. As annoying as I am, once I see a finished product, I'll almost certainly like it, no matter how particular I sound at the outset.
Quote from: Gabi on April 15, 2011, 03:23:08 PM
Quote from: Merlin's gifterDo you have any preferences for what you'd like to see? Character, situations, clothing, so on and so on?
Situations, I don't have much of a preference, anything that comes to mind is fine by me! Hmm, I guess I'll leave it up to you between one of these characters:
Peony Talisman -
Reference montage I guess, and a slightly verbose
character page. I guess the brief character description is that pretty much all Peony does is contemplate how great she is.
And... I'm happy to see Peony as any furry with those markings in a single colour! She's got tons of disguises, after all. I mess up said markings regularly, though, as you might be able to tell from the reference montage being less-than consistent with how they go around the shoulders XD. Whatever seems good is fine with me!
Drake Piperion -
Generic character page goooooDrake is blue... she uh, usually wears skimpy clothing in reds and yellows, or browns. She likes to keep her longass hair tied up in a ponytail. Her horns are a pain in the ass to draw. P:
I guess
here's one of her in a comic, so you can see she has light blue palms and brown eyes. And talks too much, geez. She's usually pretty cranky.
Sienna Maiu's gifter would like the general run of information. "Does she have a character she wants depicted, and if so, what he/she looks like, basic personality, run down on the character's bio, what they're usually doing, etc?"
Basilisk's gifter wants to know if there's any character/s in particular he wants drawn, any setting or what have you.
Merlin's gifter asks: "what's your opinion of the two Tron movies?"
Quote from: Liatai's gifterAny preferences for your art? Visual vs. written? Specific characters? Digital? Traditional? Both? Space monkeys?
Quote from: llearch's gifterOkay, so basically the same question as Merlin's gifter;
Quote from: Gabi on April 15, 2011, 03:23:08 PM
Quote from: Merlin's gifterDo you have any preferences for what you'd like to see? Character, situations, clothing, so on and so on?
And that's it for now. I know I'll be asking more later.
Aaaah! Too many nested quotes! *Runs.*
Now, of course I have to go for my favourite and staple character, Sienna Maiu - Moonshine Tallgrass, as I know her the best of all of my characters.
She's an anthro feline with pink fur, a fluffy tail, purple stripes, long blonde hair, and hazel eyes (I typically depict them as an orange, but go crazy if you branch into the aspect). She's a friendly individual, occasionally self-conscious, typically seeming either cheerful or neutral in emotion. Occasional flare-ups, but anger is pushed by only certain people who seem to button mash all of the right buttons.
Character bio huh? I'll see what I can do... by stealing an outline from a contest submission I did once.
Name- Sienna Maiu - Moonshine Tallgrass
Age- Approximately 18-21.
Hair- blonde (orangey-red highlights)
Fur- pink with purple stripes
Eyes- hazel
Height- five feet, nine inches.
Build- slim (not skinny), but muscular (lithe, perhaps?)
Race- ? ? ?
Abilities- ability to manufacture and use portals capable of traversing time and space (limitations: she cannot be in the same place as she's already been; meaning she cannot be in two places at once) based on either magic or technology, depending on how the dimension she is in rewrites how it works. ability to use ice magic. ability to act as a leader. ? ? ?
Personality- Lively and friendly, quite talkative, but always polite.
(<-- okay, so that I copied right over from my other submission, but it applies here.)
History- ? ? ?
Clothes she's liable to wear:
She alwaysalwaysalways wears a necklace.
Go crazy, but likely to wear victorian-type, middle-ages type, tunics, dresses, leggings, (shoes or not is up to you), etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.
Personal Quotes- "Well, that's certainly one theory... Let me tell you mine."
* * *
Pictures~ because everyone wants pictures! :D
markings: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v667/siennamaiu/reference2.png
man... I'm such a lazy-face. Here, have some colours... but that's all I can give for now. Drop a line if you have any other questions, because I'm sure I was totally uninformative :B http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v667/siennamaiu/th_colours4.jpg
[edit, because: Way to go me. I left half of the response floating in limbo on a notepad.]
Quote from: Gabi on April 16, 2011, 11:46:23 AM
Merlin's gifter asks: "what's your opinion of the two Tron movies?"
Never saw the second, but the first was whomg kickass yessssss
dammit, wish I had a copy of it in this country, now I really wanna watch it ah man
Merlin, have you tried a video club?
Quote from: e's gifterSo, what would you like me to write about, then? Any preferences or suggestions?
Quote from: llearch's gifter
Do you have any preferences for what you'd like to see? Character, situations, clothing, so on and so on?
Uh. I hadn't thought about it, actually.
Hrm. How about exchanging Art? As in, "Hi, I bought this Art here the other day, but when I got home, it didn't match. Can I swap him for Simon or Paul?"
Quote from: llearch's gifteruhh... I'm thinking that I shall need some further explanation on that one.
Lets get Ed some love this month. Depending on how you want to do it, he's either a changeling or incubus rogue... known for being a bit unpredictable
If you need anything else, just lemme know :3
huh. So, I was just checking my post and the word 'oops' comes to mind.
Fix'd link: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v667/siennamaiu/colours4.jpg
And another picture, just because: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v667/siennamaiu/Avatars/Sienna-av9.png (it honestly doesn't matter what the necklace looks like)
Bas, your gifter wants to know what colour Ed's eyes are. (Yes, sometimes I put a 'u' in there and sometimes I don't.)
One thing I just wanted to throw out to my gifter. I suggested Corg and Ked as possibilities, but I don't want to tie your hands. They're both RP characters, and I view them akin to toys, albeit favored toys. As long as the story or picture is something I can enjoy, I don't really have any particular preference to seeing my characters as a part of it.
Ed has blue eyes :o
Quote from: Gabi on April 16, 2011, 07:17:21 PM
Quote from: llearch's gifteruhh... I'm thinking that I shall need some further explanation on that one.
*snerk* Colour me surprised. I was making a joke. Honestly, I don't have any particular preferences, though. If you can think of something, go to it. I'm not going to object.
Merlin's gifter has no questions. Yes, I've actually been asked to make a post to notify Merlin of the lack of questions. His gifter has an idea and wants to see how well it'll work.
In other news, absolutely nothing happened in Sector 83 by 9 by 12 today.
This just in.
Quote from: Sienna Maiu-MT's gifterTo Sienna Maiu,
Is your character one that fits in the DMFA cosmology, i.e. is she a being, some kind of creature? etc.
Does she go to school? Does she have a job? Hobbies? She can make portals, but what are her goals, what does she do and why?
Hi there, gifter!
I really have no preference when it comes to writing or visual art; whatever you feel the muse for is A-OK by me. c: If all else fails, just do something with a dragon in it, and I'll be happy.
But, if you want to focus on a specific character... I don't really have an avatar character, but I have a whole host of characters to choose from. If you're looking for something with a DMFA flair, I have Tamika Coris (http://i581.photobucket.com/albums/ss260/Liatai/001-5.jpg) (bottom left, with another head shot to the right of the bird), a red panda succubus belonging to Hatila clan, which has an affinity for comfort. She is an innkeeper and a healer, known for her no-nonsense demeanor. She'll heal you and make sure you're safe, warm, and dry, but she'll be telling you how stupid the idea of jumping off the roof was while she does it. (She's also known to put people causing trouble at her inn to work fixing the damages they caused while wearing aprons that say "I Caused Trouble at the Thicket Inn and Got Caught.") She has a chipper little warp-aci named Rikki, who in one roleplay the two were involved in, actually managed to bash a death knight's head in with a hammer and slice through another one with his tail due to some lucky rolls. He brags about it a lot. c:
If you're willing to go outside DMFA, I run a Dungeons and Dragons campaign on the weekends and would love to see something with some NPCs from the campaign. The campaign actually has a wiki (http://akellon.wikia.com/wiki/Akellon_Wiki), with an NPC page (http://akellon.wikia.com/wiki/NPCs); if you see one that tickles your fancy, I can provide more details on any of them. I would especially like to see something with my two drow brothers, though; Zairith (http://akellon.wikia.com/wiki/Zairith) and Rhylinar (http://akellon.wikia.com/wiki/Rhylinar_of_Kenaghim). Zairith is a half-drow wizard, an enchanter by trade, extremely intelligent, and displays a cool, almost academic detachment from most people. Rhylinar, on the other hand, is an easygoing rogue and troublemaker, extroverted, cheerful, and tricky as the day is long. Their relationship can best be summed up by... well, this image. (http://i581.photobucket.com/albums/ss260/Liatai/drowdoodle.jpg) :D Though, Zairith gives as good as he gets, in his own way. (http://i581.photobucket.com/albums/ss260/Liatai/awesomeface.jpg) Zairith is in a relationship (http://i581.photobucket.com/albums/ss260/Liatai/001-10.jpg) with a yuan-ti pureblood named Lethiriss, and has a one-eyed tortoiseshell cat named LiNeer (http://i581.photobucket.com/albums/ss260/Liatai/drowdoodle3.jpg) as a familiar.
If you're looking to include Rhylinar in a piece of writing, I can point you to this log (http://akellon.wikia.com/wiki/DrowTalk_1) of a mini-session where one of the PCs (Sszeyl, a drow monk) spent a lot of time talking and sparring with him. If you need something where Zairith played a more prominent role, though, let me know and I can look through the logs for you.
Hmm... interesting questions... I'll answer what I can.
No, she does not fit into the DMFA universe, though she does share similarities to some of the races therein.
I suppose the best classification I can give is that; she has finished her schooling and that she is... a bodyguard.
She likes to read and talk (with people, generally speaking). She also likes dressing up in pretty clothes and coming up with the occasional plot, just for silliness' sake.
Any other questions; just drop the game moderator a line. (hearts out to Gabi~)
Quote from: Gabi on April 16, 2011, 06:42:02 PM
Merlin, have you tried a video club?
Quote from: e's gifterSo, what would you like me to write about, then? Any preferences or suggestions?
well if you want to write something i can give you a few picture to choose from. would you like this? not all of them would be of me though.
Quote from: llearch's gifter
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 17, 2011, 03:19:40 PM
*snerk* Colour me surprised.
That can be arranged.
So, I hear you like monkeys.
Quote from: e's gifterThat would be nice, thankyou.
Quote from: llearch's gifter
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 17, 2011, 03:19:40 PM
*snerk* Colour me surprised.
That can be arranged.
*bwahahahahaha* Okay, so I asked for that one. I congratulate you, sir (or ma'am, as appropriate), for a deft twist. I believe your work is done here. ;-]
Quote from: llearch's gifter
So, I hear you like monkeys.
I like monkeys, yes. Or, rather, my avatar is infested with monkeys. You may wish to draw up anything based on any of my avatars, as you wish: that would be the Box, the Stoat (Weaselly wecognised as being Stoatally different), or the monkeys, as you wish. Images may be found here (http://llearch.net/me/credits.html), and I really should update that with the last image that Turnsky drew for me, which I've not had time to avatar-ise (over here (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v625/Turnsky/Sketches/boxav.png))
That enough detail to get you going?
Quote from: Corgatha's gifterWith Mr. Aldoraethar, is there anything about his standard attire that stands out? Also, What would you say his overall background mood would be?
Aisha did a very good picture of Kedered here. (http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=§ion=&q=Kedered#/d2afbpm)
As for his standard attire, he's from a medieval styled setting, and he *always* dresses expensively and to impress. That means a lot of silk, and probably in bright colors, tailored well. He doesn't usually reveal his 'cubi-ness, so most of his outfits have no space for wings.
As for his demeanor; I kind of based the character on Vito Corleone from the Godfather. He's a schemer, and generally cunning, calculating, and thinking of how he's going to rook you, but he'll mask it behind a facade of pleasant interest, or just a blank look.
Anything else I can help you with?
EDIT: Fixed link
for the sake of variety here are a few different options.
http://s86.photobucket.com/albums/k89/e_voyager/avaters/?action=view¤t=yapinfi.gif infinity yappy made by sliver fox for me. is this e? or did this yappy get infinite lives form e or someone else? perhaps this is some on there way to a costume party or a very young child in a parents shirt? are they related to this person http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k89/e_voyager/E_V/yapforteani.gif
a head shot of E http://s86.photobucket.com/albums/k89/e_voyager/avaters/?action=view¤t=E300_avatar.jpg as drawn my Urso fofinhos the actual picture he biased it on is here http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k89/e_voyager/E_V/E_at_the_beach_001.png and this is him spinning some beats at the club
E by PBH http://s86.photobucket.com/albums/k89/e_voyager/DMFA/?action=view¤t=pbh_evoyager.gif story is on the page how did this e become this e is http://s86.photobucket.com/albums/k89/e_voyager/E_V/?action=view¤t=forumite122.jpg is a possibility
commissioned from the talented sigil this is some of e's relatives obviously waiting on some one or some thing http://s86.photobucket.com/albums/k89/e_voyager/E_V/?action=view¤t=evoyagerfamilypic.png and where was e during this who knows perhaps her was here http://s86.photobucket.com/albums/k89/e_voyager/E_V/?action=view¤t=1251910431sigil_wonderlandfinal.jpg
you don't have to write about any of there scenarios but i thought i might give you a few things to chuckle at while you look at the pictures
Quote from: Jairus's gifterDear Jairus would you like something drawn or written?
are you magic now?
Um, either is good, whichever one you like.
As for the second question, not usually, but when it applies the best answer would be "sorcerous scientist," someone who fiddles with magic to figure it out better. Usually Jay's just plain vanilla, though.
...Have you tasted him? ;)
Quote from: Gabi on April 21, 2011, 07:25:57 PM
...Have you tasted him? ;)
Truth be told, he's probably more like rocky-road or something like that.
My gifter must be boss; I haven't gotten any questions yet. :P
Quote from: Liatai's gifterHow is LiNeer one-eyed? Cyclopian style? One shut, one open? One scarred and unusable?
Quote from: Jairus's gifterDear Jairus do you have a few full body character pictures that i can use as references for my gift?
Who's boss?
Quote from: Gabi on April 22, 2011, 05:26:09 PM
Who's boss?
It's an idiom.
It basically means that his gifter must be 'awesome', 'in charge of things' and 'have things well in hand' (ie- under control).
Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on April 22, 2011, 06:59:39 PM
Quote from: Gabi on April 22, 2011, 05:26:09 PM
Who's boss?
It's an idiom.
It basically means that his gifter must be 'awesome', 'in charge of things' and 'have things well in hand' (ie- under control).
Or like this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NisCkxU544c). Link uncensored, and probably not safe for work. You have been warned. Darn if it ain't funny, though...
Quote from: Jairus's gifterDear Jairus do you have a few full body character pictures that i can use as references for my gift?
Sure, I've got a few. Fair warning: for brevity's sake, I'll just give some links to Fur Affinity, so maybe check this out at home rather than work or school.
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/5555783/http://www.furaffinity.net/view/5550287/http://www.furaffinity.net/view/2850390/http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3476388/And for some fun...
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4167396/http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3765332/How's all that?
LiNeer was born without a right eye; basically, she has her left eye, and an empty socket on the right. Like this (http://www.mamieyoung.com/dailydawdle/kitten%20born%20with%20no%20eyes%201.jpg), but with just the right eye missing instead of both eyes.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 22, 2011, 07:26:02 PM
Or like this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NisCkxU544c). Link uncensored, and probably not safe for work. You have been warned. Darn if it ain't funny, though...
It ain't funny.
Sienna's gifter would like to know what sort of technological and social setting her character is from, if there is one so defined.
Quote from: Gabi on April 25, 2011, 03:11:02 PM
Sienna's gifter would like to know what sort of technological and social setting her character is from, if there is one so defined.
The nature of her backstory (not yet written) allows for full freedom in this. You may do whatever makes you happy or you think would be a fun challenge ^-^
And after what, half a year (actually might be more) i come to pay my debt. I think i have set a sad record.
http://www.furaffinity.net/full/5657391/ - CCC round 13 - gift for Jairus.
Sorry folks!
Hope you find it funny.
Better late than never. Sadly, Kipiru has the record. He still owes WhiteFox a gift from round 6.
Quote from: Gabi on April 29, 2011, 10:20:32 AM
Better late than never. Sadly, Kipiru has the record. He still owes WhiteFox a gift from round 6.
Poor WhiteFox... I'd noticed that he was owed more than one even! D:
Ouch that's a long time. and here i was thinking i would need more time for my gift since it's not comming along as i would like
Yes, its sad. Short delays (a few days or even a week) are common, as life usually comes up with unexpected issues for people to deal with; but leaving someone waiting for so long is definitely not a good thing to do.
Quote from: Jairus's gifterWhat is jairus level of education BA, MA, Dr? as far as his official schooling is concerned. What university did he attend? is he a registered alumni? How does he feel about public speaking?
Um... never thought about that. I guess Jay's like me: Bachelor's degree in English Literature, no real interest in pursuing anything higher right now. As for public speaking, well, I'm a community theatre actor, so I'm comfortable with public speaking given a little prep time.
Last question from Merlin's gifter:
Quote from: Merlin's gifterDo you play MineCraft?
Also, some people's posting patterns would make them terrible invisible friends. Not giving any names. ;)
Oh? In what way, Gabi?
Quote from: Gabi on May 03, 2011, 02:33:06 PM
Last question from Merlin's gifter:
Quote from: Merlin's gifterDo you play MineCraft?
Nope :B
Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on May 03, 2011, 06:19:34 PM
Oh? In what way, Gabi?
I can't tell you now, maybe after the gifts are posted.
Haw, I thought you meant that you just couldn't tell us who :V
Well, only a few more days now ^-^ :P
OK, this is it for round 15. Here are the gifts!
-Merlin promptly made this gift (http://oekaki.dhscomix.com/pictures/my_46.jpg) for Basilisk.
-Inumo drew this gift (http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z241/Inumo/LiaCCC.jpg) for Liatai.
-Basilisk drew this gift (http://gs154.photobucket.com/groups/s243/KW4T15Y25B/?action=view¤t=CCCKed.jpg) for Corgatha Taldorthar.
-e_voyager made 2 gifts for Jairus! [Image] (http://gi154.photobucket.com/groups/s243/KW4T15Y25B/Jairus1.png?t=1304778110) [Text] (http://dragontamers.com.ar/CCC/the%20guest%20lecturer.pdf)
* Author's comments:
* I really would have liked at least another month top work on the picture but this is the best i could do for the time being.
-Jairus made this gift (http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e143/J-RasZ/P-ONi.png) for Merlin.
* Author's comments:
* P-Oni, defender of the Grid!
So, yeah, Peony as a Tron program. My main idea for this was seeing her nifty markings and thinking "Hey, those could make cool Tron lines!" A lot of trial and error and guess-work later, and here we are. Apologies for the lack of coloring, but my PhotoShop won't work and I'm a bit limited on other options for coloring programs. Ah well: c'est la vie. Anyway, hope you like it!
PS: Yeah, sorry, that's the best I could figure out for a "code-like" name for her.
Everyone else is officially late. Those who haven't sent me their gifts are invited to post them on this thread. Failure to do so will result in blacklisting. :3
Sorry, my project was a tad delayed. I actually ripped the entire story up and started from scratch about a week ago, but with finals, the revised piece was a throw-together at the last minute, built around a cheap gag. The original was *much* darker, about being hired as a bodyguard to a crime lord who essentially dragged Sienna through the mud simply by proximity; but on later review I didn't think that'd go over well. So I traded polish for a lighter tone, hope it's ok.
Office Politics
The library was dusty and drafty and smelled of old cheese; Sienna's nose and ears were perked up, alert for anything out of place, but in the gloom, nothing appeared more out of place than some discarded food wrappings that old Renard would be furious about if he could be bothered from his nap at the front desk.
She picked up a copy of Reason and Unreason off the low desk; it was heavier than it looked, especially around the edges, as her mind drifted again to her hiring. Odd, odd, that a bookworm mage, puttering around in Thoranian Tower, would need a minder. The seers were hardly noted for the sort of blood feuds that some institutions with darker reputations possessed. Still, Sienna took her duties to Thurgo seriously, and given that he was due in the library in a half an hour, she portaled herself in and inspected the space he was preparing to use for traps or unpleasant surprises.
Nothing; of course, except the dust,and that itself could hardly be considered a "surprise". Her employer had a method of dealing with it magically in any event, she had seen the motes glisten and sparkle off a faint emerald corona that he surrounded himself with, dissipating harmlessly away from his form. No, the assignment had been dull, simple, boring, with Thurgo cheerfully deflecting all inquiries as to why he thought he needed a bodyguard, and Sienna Maiu mostly running grunt errands, moving parcels back and forth among his colleagues. In a moment of candor, she would admit to mostly running these inspections so she could justify to herself her 45 silver piece a week fee.
So the minutes passed quietly, and Sienna fought down the itch to sneeze. Precisely on time, an actinic flash limned near one of the chairs, and Thurgo materialized directly above the seat, wasting no time drawing out some sort of wooden board and books from some arcane place. Curious; Thurgo always seemed to know where the furniture in a room was before he teleported himself inside, and even when she moved accoutrements about, he always appeared next to whatever he was going to use first. But his process was so loud, for lack of a better word. He was forever casting off arcane detritus, and Sienna was currently shaking off the effects of the discharge, not unlike a nasty electrical shock. Not at all like the quiet elegance of her portals; for all of his fancy magical training.
With little better to do, she observed her charge. Middle aged, canine, streaks of gray around his ears; slightly flabby though slightly built. Uncharacteristically, he was making little verbal starts and stops, and seemed to wear an expression of wry resignation. As always, if he noted her presence, he gave no indication of it.
Perhaps ten minutes later, he let out a sigh, and rolled up a scroll of parchment. "Sienna, could you do me a favor and run this to Soeme?" holding out the material behind his back and in her general direction. Wordlessly, she accepted the document, which made it the fifth she had sent to this Soeme this week. She had never met the man, but understood he was one of the more prominent arch-magi in the tower. A moment of concentration brought her to the outside of his office, and she knocked twice on the aged oak.
In response, the door swung inward, propelled by an invisible hand. A thin, reedy voice bade her to "enter", and tail lashing, Sienna stepped forth. Usually, by this point she had been stopped by Soeme's apprentice and erstwhile secretary, whose name she had never quite been able to remember, but the aging arch-mage in saffron robes smiled warmly as she crossed the threshold. Without a word the parchment flew from her fingertips, taking up an orbit around the wizard's head. He smiled indulgently, as incandescent green bolts struck and suffused the writing medium. "There there, all finished now. You can return it to your..... employer now."
What an ass. I suppose the ego does grow with the magical power. Still, best be back to the little lost lamb. Silently, she scooped up the sheepskin, and with a second's concentration brought herself back to the library. It took a minute to locate the proper table, and Thurgo's face turned ashen when she slid the document in front of him. He took it, pausing for a minute, before unrolling the parchment and nodding glumly.
A scent of ozone and sulfur permeated the room, and directly behind Thurgo, a smoky outline took form. Twelve feet tall if an inch, jet black, bat-like wings spreading throughout the shelves, and two red pinpricks for eyes that held a promise of malice.
Sienna grasped her short sword-breaker while interposing herself between her employer and the apparition, which was growing slowly more solid. "Boss, there's something behind you, I think we should do something about it."
Nonchalantly, Thurgo stood up, moved next to Sienna, and sighed wistfully. "You can put the blade away. That's a Gehenna, outsider-folk, extraordinarily powerful. It could probably rip through this tower and everyone in it before it finds its target. It should be here fully in another 30 seconds or so."
How can he be so calm about it!? Without another instant wasted, she stepped to the side, clutching Thurgo's robe by the shoulder and dropping a portal beneath their feet, the destination a small island she had visited once as a child, a picturesque like place called Sandolini. There was nobody about, and the surf gently crashed against the shore as birds called to each other overhead. Sienna was just about to report that they were safe for the moment when Thurgo threw back his head and laughed.
Sienna's mood went from puzzled to rapidly annoyed in the scant moments it took Thurgo to get his mirth under control. "You really are dedicated, aren't you? That's just Soeme's little vanity; an illusion of a tame demon sent to gloat. He's a damnably good chess-player. But come, we should be back home."
He raised his arms, and Sienna felt a headache ricket through her head as he brought them back to the tower, to his private quarters, if the smelly laundry left strewn about the floor was any indication. He gave a wolfish smile, and a moment's concentration brought a small parcel into his hands. " But you did very well today. I was monitoring Soeme's segment when you took your little trip, and not a ward or sense out of place. Your portals simply are marvelous. There's a few sticks of butter and a spreader in the package. I think it's well time that he got a little payback for rubbing it in how often he wins, don't you?"
Quote from: Gabi on May 07, 2011, 10:25:23 AM
OK, this is it for round 15. Here are the gifts!
-Jairus made this gift (http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e143/J-RasZ/P-ONi.png) for Merlin.
* Author's comments:
* P-Oni, defender of the Grid!
So, yeah, Peony as a Tron program. My main idea for this was seeing her nifty markings and thinking "Hey, those could make cool Tron lines!" A lot of trial and error and guess-work later, and here we are. Apologies for the lack of coloring, but my PhotoShop won't work and I'm a bit limited on other options for coloring programs. Ah well: c'est la vie. Anyway, hope you like it!
PS: Yeah, sorry, that's the best I could figure out for a "code-like" name for her.
Aaah, I love it! What a great idea! I... may actually need to use this in a future comic, because that's just awesome :3
That's... soo full of win, Merlin...
Sorry i didn't post earlier, just got back from a grand adventure in canada :B
Thanks for that, Ed doesn't get nearly enough love IMO... i need to draw him more ^_^ so thanks again!
Ack! I forgot her hair! Here's the right version. (http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z241/Inumo/LiaCCC-1.jpg)
every time i do this i realize how poor my art rendering skills are compared to others.
E, this isn't a competition, it's about doing something nice for someone else. You made 2 gifts! Don't put so much pressure on yourself, no one's competing against you and no one's expecting you to be the best artist in the world. Is there even a world's best artist? Probably not, since everyone has strong and weak points. This art exchange is meant to be enjoyed by the participants. If you're suffering instead of enjoying it, then you're missing the point.
I don't mean to make it sound like i think this is a competition but i feel that if my contribution isn't up the the same level as the others who take part in this then the person that i'm gifting winds up getting the short end of the stick so to speak.
I really don't think so, but I'm sorry you feel that way.
Quote from: e_voyager on May 08, 2011, 11:20:33 PM
I don't mean to make it sound like i think this is a competition but i feel that if my contribution isn't up the the same level as the others who take part in this then the person that i'm gifting winds up getting the short end of the stick so to speak.
Speaking as the person who got your contribution this round, I think you're a bit too worried about it. It may be trite to say that it's the thought that counts, but it really is. This thing is about giving a gift, not about impressing one another.
If you'd like, I could give you some pointers for drawing and stuff like that. I'm just learning, but I know a few tricks that might help you out.
Quote from: e_voyager on May 08, 2011, 11:20:33 PM
I don't mean to make it sound like i think this is a competition but i feel that if my contribution isn't up the the same level as the others who take part in this then the person that i'm gifting winds up getting the short end of the stick so to speak.
Um... I guess I can only speak for myself, but I don't think anybody who is participating in this is doing it for the sole purpose of receiving a mythical 'perfect' gift. Mythical because... well, it's so subjective ya know, it's not about whether something's better than something else. At all. I know that I'm drawing because I love to do art for others, and because I love to see what other people do with my ideas, whichever way it goes. Honestly I don't think you have anything to worry about, this thread is a learning experience for everybody involved.
And at the risk of sounding trite? It's the thought that counts.
I hope you do more rounds, because I'd love to see more of your work :3
Quote from: Jairus on May 09, 2011, 05:41:30 PM
If you'd like, I could give you some pointers for drawing and stuff like that. I'm just learning, but I know a few tricks that might help you out.
Sure that sounds great.
Quote from: Merlin on May 09, 2011, 07:38:47 PM
Um... I guess I can only speak for myself, but I don't think anybody who is participating in this is doing it for the sole purpose of receiving a mythical 'perfect' gift. Mythical because... well, it's so subjective ya know, it's not about whether something's better than something else. At all. I know that I'm drawing because I love to do art for others, and because I love to see what other people do with my ideas, whichever way it goes. Honestly I don't think you have anything to worry about, this thread is a learning experience for everybody involved.
And at the risk of sounding trite? It's the thought that counts.
I hope you do more rounds, because I'd love to see more of your work :3
i'll try and sadly enough during the secret Santa one i did see that mythic near perfect gift (http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k89/e_voyager/E_V/e_voyager_D.jpg)and it brought tears to my eyes how wonderful it was and how poor the gift i'd submitted was by comparison but this isn't as harsh as that one was and i'm sure i'll be back i debuted in round three is i remember correctly in fact i'll come back next round
Gabi i just saw your reply from some reason i didn't see before when i click on page 28 the first time but i think you're right. i do worry a bit much over how my gifts will be received under normal circumstances i would say something like " aw well no use worrying about it. i'll just get better so that i'm more secure in my art. " but i'm not sure how much improvement it would take before i can truly be secure with my work. i'm always nervous until i see how the piece is received. weather it's here , invisible friend, on DA or FA if i make something for some one i want them to be happy with it. that's why it is important to portray a persons character right to me. chuckles you know the reason i join these events is because i like doing things for people.
The thing is... being secure with your art is not a matter of improvement, it's a matter of attitude. There will always be things you can do better, and you can keep on improving for as long as you live. I know I'm quite insecure about my writings (my graphic art not so much because while it's not all that good, I don't expect much from it). And sometimes I do see other people's work and wish I could write, draw or sing like that. (Or act, or play music, or... so many thigs!) But wishing for improvement is one thing and beating yourself up for not reaching some self-imposed standards is another thing entirely. The former, if channeled correctly, encourages practice and improvement. The latter only leads to suffering.
I think we both know an artist whose art is amazing, and yet she's always worrying that it's not as good as others she has seen, or that other people got there faster. How do you feel when you see her say those things? I've seen other cases like that, and improving their skills dones't make them feel any more secure about their work. So while I believe that trying to get better at what you do is a good thing, beating yourself up over not having achieved the result you wished for is definitely not.
Every piece of art has worth as long as you put some effort into it, and each one of them helps you learn something. And if you thought of the person you were making it for, then that alone gives it great value. I'd much rather receive a funny stick figure comic than a very detailed drawing or well-written story which depicted a character of mine being completely out of character.
Also, keep in mind that when looking at work whose quality is similar to their own, most people perceive what is made by others as better. There have been many times when two artists have been jealous of each other's skills. So don't judge yourself by your own impression of your artwork. Keep practising, but do it just to improve your own skills (or better yet, to enjoy producing art), not to match other people's skills.
And don't you dare do this again! And by this I mean do more than was required and then complain that you feel you haven't done enough. :hug
Okay okay i get it or at least i think i get it. i'll try to reign in my own worries over how my art quality is received but i won't stop trying to improve. i may never be the best but i want to be better.
soo... who all are we waiting on?
I'm set whenever.
I'm ready for another round as well.
OK, people can start signing up for Round 16. The Wall of Shame has been updated with the 3 people who haven't submitted their gifts for round 15. :(
I guess i'll try for this round.. 16 is a nice round number.
good to go, here :o
I think I'm good for another round.
Count me in, too!
Cool! So we have: Inumo, Corg, Basilisk, VAE, Jairus, Merlin. I'll see if anyone else signs up today and begin the new round tomorrow. :)
Because I am feeling that I need to make an effort to do something nice that gets me involved and... yes... I shall sign up for this too.
Yus! I love drawing for people, so I would enjoy this~
Please, may I partake?
do count me in as well. but first i hibernate see you in 12 hours
OK, we have Inumo, Corgatha Taldorthar, Basilisk, VAE, Jairus, Merlin, JaxiD, TheDXM, e_voyager.
*Rolls new randomizer (http://dragontamers.com.ar/ifRandomizer.php).* (Same as the old one, but on a new server).
And... everyone's been matched! You all have until Sunday, 12th of June to complete your gifts. Have fun!
And the first message with questions is here! And the ones that followed.
Quote from: Basilisk's gifterDo you have any media preferences? Drawing, writing, poetry? Oh, and what characters would you be interested in seeing at the center of a piece of art?
E's gifter wants to know what he'd like this round.
VAE's gifter would like to know what sort of character or setting he wants to see for his gift.
JaxiD's gifter would just like to know what he'd like drawn.
Jairus's gifter wants to know who/what he'd like drawn for his gift.
I'm starting to see a pattern here. >_>
And last but not least:
Quote from: TheDXM's gifterWelcome to the game! Do you have any particular characters, themes, genres, art styles, or the like you want in your gift? Would you prefer a visual or written gift? Any preference of media? I'm sure I could scan in a hand-written piece if you want it that way.
well i'm not very picky i like to see where the creativity muse takes you. if you need some ideals i can put up a few links to some of my characters information if you like there are a few of them here in this thread as well.
Of course, the first option comes probably the best known - my fursona, Vladim - an eurasian lynx evil overlord attemptee. Best image up to date is here: http://vaeisenberg.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d2xhuti
Things of note .. he has four hydraulic-operated tentacles mounted on his back (he *really* wants to become a cubi, and this is one of temporary measures) and if any jokes stem from this, the eye colour (red, glowing) is completely self-inflicted - he thought it'd look awesome (well, it was shortly after finishing training :3)
Now, if none of that fits, there's a host of DnD characters.
If you prefer drawing people, there's Miron Steelsprocket, a gnomish inquisitor from Liatai's Akellon campaign.
A somewhat accurate picture is found here - http://vaeisenberg.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d3bv6it though the theme of it is a joke - he doesn't really play a guitar (though the rest is accurate)
He generally carries around a huge book from which he casts spells or searches in for bits of lore (he's archivist class) He belongs to the Leaden Mace Society - a group of vigilantes enforcing the law by helicopter (you know the demotivator i refer to).
Alternatively, Sandor Munkas from a D20 Modern game - a Snakeblooded human technomage whose mother was a yuan-ti and father a hungarian emigrant. He looks as following - http://www.srcf.ucam.org/~dm510/sandor.jpg
Pictured with Arpad, his pet snake. Not many details available as the game hasn't yet started.
If you prefer furries, there are two female NPCs drawings for reference actually exist of for the DnDMFA world of Kebre (basically, the Furraean analogue of Russia cca. 1900-1920, though with other eastern european tidbits mixed in)
First one is Zora Kalugina (well, the name she uses now , ofc) a feline being female.
http://vaeisenberg.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d3ftiv4 Here she is shown in a night dress and slippers, holding a badge after being disturbed from sleep by a gunshot (the PC's came). Her hair is blonde and fur a dirty yellow colour. Her class is wizard, strong stats being intelligence and charisma, dump stats strength and wisdom.
Second one is Kallis Ja'krath , female feline cubi (appearance based on siamese cat)
A pencil sketch of her i have done a few days ago is here http://www.srcf.ucam.org/~dm510/kallis.jpg
Her fur is most of the time a steely blue colour with varying hue. Her clan mark is on her lower back and looks like this http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101127174031/dndmfa/images/6/6e/Clanmark.jpg
Her favourite emotional noms are drive/ambition (this is proper to Ja'krath clan as a whole) , anger and wonder. As for personality... she has founded an entire city (unsurprisingly named Kallisburg) to demonstrate to the council of port Oriss (the country's capital) that hydroelectric power is a neat idea... then after about 50 years got bored of ruling it, and retreated somewhere within the mountains up north. Explosions sometimes are heard from up there, generally followed by a SORRY,MESSUP! or similar text appearing on the sky written in rainbow-coloured smoke.
Heh, i hope it is enough of choice for whoever will be doing mine.
Why yes, I would love a little poem!
Maybe something about a boy who likes a girl who likes a boy~ Or something to that effect!
Quote from: Corgatha's gifterHmm, I question my gifter on what character would he like drawn - possible description and references very welcome.
VAE's gifter would like to know more about Vladim's personality, abilities, mode of dress, and what sorts of activities he performs on a regular basis.
Quote from: TheDXM's gifterHow would you like those relationships to be related? Boy likes Girl likes Other Boy? Boy likes Girl likes Boy? Boy likes Girl likes Other Boy that's related to Boy in some way or another (aka a love triangle)?
Quote from: Merlin's gifterTo Merlin;
I have the distinct pleasure of being your gifter. To with I request information to fit my gift to you better. Do you have a specific character that you want your gift to be about?
Please describe your character include; name , temperament, personality, quirks and special abilities if applicable. While we are at it please consider and answer the following as best you can.
What kind of world does your character live in?
What is the role they play in this world?
Do they have anyone close to them that they worry about or would like likely check in on during the course of a normal day?
What is the age rang of your character?
And would you like a story or a poem of some sort?
Read this once the round is over: [spoiler]there's an accidental truth in this post.[/spoiler]
Well, I can't remember if I've done this before, but I've been doing a bit of work on my book, and I'm kind of curious to see how other people see him.
Long story short, teenaged scientist/sorcerer adventurer in a world of magic and mad science. If you want more details, I can easily provide them, but I believe in people having FUN with art, so go crazy!
Quote from: Inumo's gifterI just want to know what whoever i am making a thing for is wanting, like everyone else.
Quote from: Gabi on May 23, 2011, 10:02:36 AM
Quote from: Merlin's gifterTo Merlin;
I have the distinct pleasure of being your gifter. To with I request information to fit my gift to you better. Do you have a specific character that you want your gift to be about?
Please describe your character include; name , temperament, personality, quirks and special abilities if applicable. While we are at it please consider and answer the following as best you can.
What kind of world does your character live in?
What is the role they play in this world?
Do they have anyone close to them that they worry about or would like likely check in on during the course of a normal day?
What is the age rang of your character?
And would you like a story or a poem of some sort?
haha.... how many words you feel like reading?
Well, as usual, I present
Peony Talisman! Major jerk and trickster extraordinaire! I think that should cover most of the character-specific questions, but ask away for any clarifications.
The world: Pretty much generic fantasy. Seriously anything would fit in there. Dudes get magic from the gods, in this case Peony gets illusion magic from the outcast god of tricksters. Which... well since he's outcast, trickster magic is forbidden, so if you don't mind reading a really bad comic I guess
this pretty much sums it up in the worst possible way. (yeah apparently this world has a printing press and Peony uses it to spread hamhanded phony anti-trickster propaganda. totally canon).
Do they have anyone close to them that they worry about or would like likely check in on during the course of a normal day: Not usually. Peony travels alone, but has friends everywhere. She doesn't ever let her worries show, either way.
And I would love a story or a poem, really either would be wonderful, no preference here! So whatever springs to mind is great~
Actually, I think I'm going to take a break from recommending Ked and Corg, I'm working on my longer piece, and there's a character in it I'd be interested in seeing a picture of. Sadly, I don't have any pictures of my own to share of the guy, I don't have much talent when it comes to drawing.
Name is Sss'ra (r in draconic though is more of a guttural. Think of a snake hissing and then clearing your throat) He's a draconian, so bipedal, winged, scaled, tail.
He's about 6'3", thin, green scales, purple wings that attach in his upper back, stretch up to the top of his head and down to the back of his knees. When fully stretched outward, the wingspan is about twice that of having his arms outstretched. They're very thin, and aren't actually capable of supporting his weight in flight on their own. (Although they're enough that it only takes a simple spell to help generate lift for a draconian to fly, as opposed to a much more complicated "solely magically powered" flight spell.
His head is tapering, about three times as "long" (top bottom) as it is wide (left right), and it sits at an angle of about 45 degrees to his neck, so his general looking position is kind of forward and down. He has two small horns on the back of his head, curving inwardly, no hair, and four teeth (two on either side) that actually extend out of his mouth, even when closed, (another 16 that stay in;), kind of in the middle of his face. He doesn't have a nose so much as a pair of nasal slits right above where his mouth opens. The whole face bears some resemblance to a crocodiles. His eyes are small, deeply inset, and yellow, with tiny pupils.
His overall build is rather thin, and he has two "fingers" and a "thumb" (more like a third finger, but all of them have the sort of dexterity that a thumb has) on each hand, with a usual human arm-trunk-leg structure. His tail is tapering and semi-prehensile, and measures about four feet from where it emerges from his lower back to the tip. He's important and wealthy, so he tends to dress expensively, but draconic fashion tends towards brief clothing, and light colors. He usually wears white silk or linen, with gold inlaid thread; he will occasionally wear red, usually when in a more somber mood.
He's a *very* powerful Wizard, (setting has a difference between "magi" and "Wizard". The latter is invariably capitalized, and wizards are extraordinarily powerful, more like minor gods) So his poise is generally confident, authoritative, even dismissive of all lesser lifeforms (non-Wizards). Unless he's in his workshop, he doesn't usually have any sort of obvious magical glowing auras or the like.
I hope that's enough detail; I do have more, especially on what his home/workshop is like and his various possessions, but I don't want to over-flood you with information.
Quote from: Gabi on May 23, 2011, 10:02:36 AM
VAE's gifter would like to know more about Vladim's personality, abilities, mode of dress, and what sorts of activities he performs on a regular basis.
Let's see.... some bloody time since i played him...
Let's see.. not especially courageous, waits for optimal moment to strike.. well, unless angered - he's rather the choleric and it often messes things up for him.
As of current, besides remotely running various sorts of less than legal activity (smuggling, arms trade and black production thereof, possibly same with soulstones), he is using most of the obtained money for research - main goal is turning beings (i.e. mainly himself) into cubi - he hates most creatures (part of it is that his mother ran off with one) also, is quite a lot jealous of their abilities and lifespan.
He has a tendency to micromanage, not fully trusting anyone to be competent.. maaybe except Sergej, his mole scientific genius friend and colleague.
Abilities: Vladim is quite an able spellcaster, specialising in earth magic as well as a quite able technologist, having written Sh0d4n (a room-sized AI with a troll/script kiddie personality) based on an article in Mad Science Weekly, and having made himself his tentacles - four hydraulically operated (with a few bits of magic) folding tentacles which are joined to his spine, hi-jacking a few more-less useless nervous connections (i think he used toes and such) to give control. They are rather strong and long (about 10ft.) though of course of no better reflexes than his own due to the means of control.
Clothing: Mostly as displayed... the spiked shoulderpads intend to cover up his rather less than impressive stature - he isn't either tall or broad-shouldered... the habit is practical for concealment and so, also looking somewhat impressive (or so he hopes)
He buys such clothing in bulk, items being mostly identical - on paper it's supposed to supply a fictitious order of monks.
Sorts of activities: Mostly labwork, but also overseeing activities of his underlings, planning, and dealing with emergencies (usually via conjuring stone-spikes at high velocity). Asides from a bunch of more able henchmen, much of his underlings are hired from various street-inhabiting no-goods, who are then treated with a particular chemical mix that increases their physical abilities, while rendering them easier to subdue and boss around. Not always the smartest, mind you.. which is the cause of some trouble.
Similar means are generally used to procure subjects for experimentation.
As a note of interest , he was trained in a supposed "Evil Overlord requalification course" for the unemployed, which really was something of a plot of a part of the government... i might write about it all some day
ah well , should be enough
Wondering when that would come up. So, I have a few choices. First of all, there's Tamtio, or Tam (http://inumo.deviantart.com/art/Angel-170368688?q=gallery%3Ainumo%2F17334907&qo=14). In this iteration, at least, he's human, but I've thought of him from time to time as an arctic wolf anthro. He has moss-green eyes, standing at about 6' 2" and weighing ~180 lbs. He's well muscled, wears a blue-gray robe with black pants on underneath, and brown leather shoes. He instinctively keeps his wings hidden, so it takes a lot of concentration to make them show up, though they stay visible so long as he wants them there. He's a benevolent person, but should he feel that he or someone he cares for is threatened, he will start with intimidation, then violence.
Second, there's Rita Kaisha, a random character I made in the past. She's a South American woman with green eyes and brown, wavy hair that's pinned behind her ears with bobby pins. She oftren wears a red dress and some light make-up, as well as a single earring in her right ear. The earring is a silver teardrop outline, maybe an eighth of an inch wide (the outlining metal, not the entire earring). A silver wire goes from the point of the teardrop to the bottom of it, with a small ruby in the center. She is flirtatious with either gender, so long as they are of local descent. She shows an obvious distaste for foreigners. In addition, she is a government employee If you want to know more about her history, relations, memberships, etc, just let me know.
Thirdly, there's Likista Boret, another random character. He is a male anthro wolf with gray eyes and short black hair, obviously cut with a knife instead of scissors. He has brown fur, and wears a mottled green headband, brown cargo pants, and (if he's above ground or has guests) a ragged forest green shirt. He is gruff, and determined to be self-sufficient. He has little tolerance for humor, though he isn't angry. In fact, he's actually rather helpful. In addition, he is a hermit that lives out of a series of tunnels he dug out in the forest. Again, if you want to know about his history, relations, etc, just let me know.
Finally, we have pretty much anything else. My art gallery is here (http://inumo.deviantart.com), and can be browsed through if none of these characters strike your fancy. Outside of that, I have come up with two races currently used in forum RPs here on the CMF. First, there is the Moloi (see bottom of the post,
Racial Description) (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,7847.msg341014.html#msg341014).
Second, we have the Mish'Na.
The Mish'Na are the work of many generations of slow, gentle intervention. Fearsome people, ropes of flesh flow from their shoulders down to the backs of their knees, a natural cape of sorts. Their scaly skin is slick like a fish's, colored a deep green like an asparagus. Their hair falls in cords, like smooth dreadlocks. I have made them so that they cannot do anything without some true devotion, and thus are they my greatest followers.
I wrote these guys for an RP where the players are, quite literally, gods, and decided to write the sheet in character. If you want the entire sheet, it can be found here (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,8129.msg347712.html#msg347712).
And of course, remember, if none of this appeals to you, feel free to make something of your own. I don't really care what media the gift is made in, so long as you, the gifter, enjoy making it. Have fun! :)
Quote from: Inumo on May 24, 2011, 01:30:47 AM
Wondering when that would come up.
You know... if you wanted to tell your gifter something you could have just made the post. You didn't have to wait for your gifter to ask. I'm pretty sure I've said that several times.
Quote from: Gabi on May 24, 2011, 10:05:22 AM
Quote from: Inumo on May 24, 2011, 01:30:47 AM
Wondering when that would come up.
You know... if you wanted to tell your gifter something you could have just made the post. You didn't have to wait for your gifter to ask. I'm pretty sure I've said that several times.
>.> True. Though my last gifter didn't ask, so it seemed like it wasn't necessary all the time. *shrug*
I've got an idea as to what I'd like, a character design, doesn't even have to be an artistic masterpiece so long as the ideas are fresh I'm happy.
What I'd want is the design for a male Being Adventurer from the time period and region I've previously stated in this thread (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,8322.0.html). The time period is set after the current point of DMFA but before Project Future, so he'd be unlikely to be using a sword as guns have replaced traditional weapons but magazine loaded weapons are in the early stages of development so therefore incredibly expensive and mainly used by the military, so he'd be using a revolver or a breach loaded rifle.
Keep in mind the racial characteristics he'd have.
Other than that go mad, species, appearance and all that don't really matter, though ideally he'd be in his late twenties early thirties.
Quote from: Inumo's gifterI need to ask what color is Tamtio's fur, how old is he, and does Inumo have any particular fancy for a type of pose or situation he'd be in?
Quote from: Inumo's gifterI need to ask what color is Tamtio's fur, how old is he, and does Inumo have any particular fancy for a type of pose or situation he'd be in?
Tamtio's fur is distinct in that there's no defining features. His fur is completely white. He is 32 years old. No preference for pose or situation.
QuoteQuote from: Basilisk's gifter
Do you have any media preferences? Drawing, writing, poetry? Oh, and what characters would you be interested in seeing at the center of a piece of art?
FFFFFFFFfffffffffffffffffffffffff sorry i totally missed this o.o;
Anyways... hmmm *scratches chin* Feel free to do whatever media you happen to be most comfortable with. As for characters... uh... Ed got some love last time. Really, Ed or Bas are my mainstay characters XD you can use either or.
It's that time again! The time to post all those gifts which have arrived in time. Cheers to these gifters!
-Merlin made this gift (http://oekaki.dhscomix.com/pictures/my_62.jpg) for Jairus.
-VAE made this gift (http://vaeisenberg.deviantart.com/art/Scrap-210861147) for Corgatha Taldorthar.
-The DXM drew this gift (http://i51.tinypic.com/2uthjq9.png) for JaxiD.
* Author's comments:
* And this is an attached text:
Not quite my best work here... It's a little underdetailed, but I thought that might not be a problem seeing as the character could do with some fleshing out.
The idea here was basically built out of the concept of a character specializing in the use of a lever-action shotgun. He decided at one point or another that long-range combat with firearms wasn't especially reliable, given the inefficieny of long-range firearms comparitive to the bow. In addition to this, he recoginized that many combatants still favored melee combat. Given this, he adopted the shotgun and utilized a tactic where in he keeps his opponents at mid-range, not close enough to do much good in melee combat, and not far enough that he can't hit them reliably. In addition, he keeps a one-shot sort of deringer weapon for use when enemies have gotten especially close and when in situations where the shotgun isn't avaliable, such as during a reloading period.
He's also got some light-armor reinforcing his limbs, shoulders, knees, and thighs, since those are common striking points for a bruiser. Otherwise whatever he wears is purely ornamental or for some other practical purpose.
As for his species, he's just kind of a generic cat thing. I left it a little open for the sake of possibly changing it later in the design.
I've also got a high-res version if it's wanted. Though I'd have to have it transferred directly or something, as it's over the size limit for most free hosting sites.
-Jairus made this gift (http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e143/J-RasZ/Art/youvebeenhitbyasmoothanimal.jpg) for Basilisk.
* Author's comments:
* I'm not sure what inspired me, but here's Ed as Michael Jackson from "Smooth Criminal."
I hope everyone else posts their own gifts soon.
i'm sorry that i mailed my gift in a little late but i have been swamped my rl and honestly forgot that that deadline was yesterday. bye the time i remembered i was already well at work and it was too late to send it before i got off this morning.
Since you mailed it after I posted the gifts, you could have posted it yourself. But since you e-mailed it to me, here it is.
e_voyager's gift for
Quote from: e_voyageri do allpoigize for being late but yesterday was havoc for me and i didn't enevere relize that the dead line was reached before i was half way through my shift which lets off at 8 am this morning. i tired to read throng the archive to get a feel for the character but i never made it to any storyline covering her but here is the poem i had written and hoped to personalize for her charcter.
Little trickster play your game
Glide merrily on the breezes
Nimbly skip between the drops of rain
What do you eyes see in this world of grey?
What inspires you to risk death and pain?
What draws you to this dangerous game you play?
Little trickster have you fun
Player you tricks on everyone
Live you life forever on the run
Little trickster breaking hearts.
You're never here when the hearting starts
Is this too one of your trickster arts?
Little trickster are you blind?
Your god's an outcast
Think of all you've left behind!
i'll remember that for next time
Oh wow, nice job Merlin! Thank you very much.
*makes a note that Nick's winter coat should be dark green* I make lots of notes
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF-- I'm so sorry, I forgot what day it was! Here's my gift for TheDXM:
She looks amazing.
He's looking at me. Is my hair alright?
The way she moves, her face, her smile...
He's so cute. I hope he's not staring blankly.
I should talk to her.
Maybe he'll talk to me.
Wow. She is amazing at that.
He really knew how to talk.
How can she know so much?
I can't get that chat out of my head.
I could spend all day talking with her.
I should invite him over to hang out.
What a day!
He is a good kisser.
She kissed me.
He was so strong, but gentle.
I think I'm in love.
Sorry, I had an attack of pure sloth. (And procrastination, and ........ shutting up now.) It's for VAE. I'm a little surprised, if only because I thought in a given round if B gives to A, A does not give to B. Anyway.
Inspection day
Vladim took a deep breath of the recycled air of the complex, which seemed to have absorbed the state of frenzied preparation somehow, charging his nerves with energy and a need to expend it. She wasn't due for at least another hour, and that's only if she didn't decide to play games making him wait. What to do, what to do?
A glance in the mirror informed him that his outfit was suitable polished, and the gleam from the shoulder spikes dazzled him for a brief moment. Once more, he ran through his itinerary, and he idly scooped up a small bit of candy from a mother of pearl bowl with his mechanical tentacles. That at least is one hurdle I won't have to jump. Some of those 'Cubi can be touchy.
Abruptly, he head out, to inspect his latest experiment. The magical enhancement splicing was his pride and joy of the base, and his credentials were riding on it. Fifteen minutes of hallway pacing, and he was arrived; glistening sterile rows of suspension tubes, stretching out for a square quarter mile, each holding a slightly different tissue sample in a virulent green nutrient bath. A small army of lab coated beings, most hunched over clipboards and scribbling furiously, scurried between the glass monoliths. They hadn't gotten anywhere yet, and although Vladim knew that a miracle breakthrough was the stuff of cheap stories, he harangued several of the technicians for not making more progress, threatening fines, demotion, and dismemberment. The latter would give him a few new tissue samples to work with, he supposed. He then issued a number of orders regarding how to properly bathe the samples in enough nutrient solution as to hopefully encourage some magical proficiency.
As he departed in search of some water; the shouting having produced an irritating scratch in the back of his throat, and as he marched Vladim reflected that the experiments had long since progressed to a degree of complexity outside of his ability to directly interact with meaningfully, but it simply wouldn't do to let the peons know that; in charge and authoritarian was definitely the way to encourage them to produce the best they could, in fear of his wrath.
Fifteen minutes to contact, and not enough time to do anything else useful, so Vladim headed over to the entrance hatch, climbed up onto the temporary stage, with his lieutenants of the month standing stock still to his sides on the row behind him and puffed out his chest, waiting and trying to look impressive. As far as he could tell his visitor arrived exactly at 2 o'clock, not that such dictates meant much in a sealed, underground base.
Madam Thorndike was a tall demon-wolf, dark gray in coloration, and thin lines that would have suggested middle age in a being, and the few decades before total decline in a creature. She wore a prim business suit that complimented her lean, spare form. The opening of the hatch connected to the lighting, killing all the illumination except for one spear of radiance that centered around the lynx. He marched over to the demoness, keeping to a stately march in order to stay within the pre-set rotations of the snake lamp.
A minute later, he reached her, and stooped over to kiss her hand. "Ms. Thorndike, it is a pleasure to have you over. Above and somewhat to the rear of him there was the sound of metal creaking and a faint hiss, but he put it out of his mind in the presence of a woman who could simply have him and his lab disappear in the haze. Still focused on her hand, which smelled faintly of aloe, he said "While I would not fear for the safety of one so formidable, above on the dais are my most loyal lieutenants. If it pleases you, I would hope that you pick one as an escort. The base is quite large, and it can be easy to get lost."
The silence of her reply, or lack thereof, was deafening. At a lack of what to do, Vladim dared to look her in the face, which was decorated by a faint smile, her gaze tracing across the stage. Trepidation rising in his chest, Vladim turned around, and almost groaned aloud; something when the other lights were turned off blew a connection, or something. Smoke was billowing out from the ceiling, and Vladim's eyes were already stinging, and the stage was completely obscured from view.
Roaring inarticulately, he spun out two spells, one creating a gust of wind that pushed the smoke down one of the corridors, and a second one that blasted a stone spike through the chest of one of the lieutenants on the stage, selected at random. Turning around again, he bowed his head, "My apologies ma'am; these discipline infractions always occur at the most inconvenient of times. I will be happy to show you around the base myself."
She nodded almost imperceptibly, and strode off down the hallway on the left, the least smoke-filled. Stumbling through a hop to keep up with her, Vladim managed to get slightly to her side and behind her shoulder. "I know that the board sent you to investigate my villainy, but what exactly did you want to inspect? I mean, we're headed to the cafeteria. Nothing truly evil going on there, besides the baby back ribs they serve on weekends." He leaned in and whispered conspiratorially "Don't eat them, they season them with, well, I'm not really sure what, but it tastes awful."
Ice was beginning to form in the lynx's veins. Even the haughtiest 'cubi that visited a month back enjoyed that joke, but this demoness simply took in the details of his base with a silent, intense gaze that belonged to a raptor. What to do what to do? The grand tour would likely make her impatient, but there was so little progress.... For a brief instant, he thought of slipping a stone shard through her heart, but even if he could manage to slay her, the Comission would surely realize something was amiss if she failed to return.
With growing apprehension, he gently took her elbow and guided her into the main lab. Once again, the rows of glass cases, like enormous graduated cylinders suspended upside down confronted them, with the lab-rats scurrying to and fro. She took the lead, pacing between the columns,forging a path through the workers with little more than a stern glance and the force of her personality. After perhaps an age-long minute, she spoke, with a voice stern and as cold as the tundra, and an accent that just escaped the forefront of Vladim's tongue.
"It is certainly of impressive scale. And your file said you have been working on this for six years?"
"Oh, yes ma'am. Most of the work has been harvesting with an eye for the right properties and without making too much of a stir. We've scarcely been able to acquire two thousands. Slightly less than half are beings, and there are about an equal number of half-demons. Well, half creatures of all types, but half-demons are the ones most littered about. Purestrain specimens are"
"Stop babbling. Have you managed to isolate what tissues or organs correlate with various magical aptitudes?"
"Well, by splicing together especially half-creatures with their full blooded brethren, we've managed to amplify existing magical tendencies, but it only works some of the time, and quite often there's this rejection effect. And-"
"So no. What are these rejections? How often do they occur?"
"Well, we tried splicing a half-demon together with an Angel. That was the first one. Stephan thought that the opposites would bring together something like a 'Cubi's elemental affinities, but instead the there was this uncontrolled magical accretion, the sample eventually evaporated the nutrient solution and burned through the tank. As for how often? Well, that depends on how you define success..."
"How many would die if you tried this on real people?"
Vladim gulped. "Well, miss. It's hard to say, there's a lot more variables when you're trying this on a live person. We've done that once or twice, but we're still mostly working with set samples, trying to establish the foundation blocks. But..... Perhaps nine in ten would die? Beings seem slightly more resilient than half creatures. Some kind of imprinting."
She whirled around, eyes flashing for a moment, "I must say that I am very much taken aback. Your efforts have been colossal, wasteful, and generally unsuccessful. You manage your crew with brute force and the threat of random death, with little insight or even care, I suspect, as to whether they deserve it. I'm half surprised you haven't been overthrown by your lieutenants." She smiled, and at once her face softened into something almost motherly. "It's far more than I expected. Your villainy license is renewed, and if I can convince my boss, you'll be upgraded to Gold class before the month is out. Good day."
Seriously, Corgatha, is hard to formulate how awesome this is (especially because i write even more crappy than i draw)
The design of the labs works pretty much like what i had in mind, you have PERFECTLY captured his personality in the beginning segments (such as running around giving orders to the researchers though he barely grasps what's going on, just because he somehow feels it's appropriate and they won't do a good job alone), science kinda works as well - no glaring flaws and interesting theories , and the whole scene is hillariously reminiscent of a particular evaluation from PF.
EDIT: http://vaeisenberg.deviantart.com/art/CCC-15-Gift-for-Corgatha-210861147
Corgatha's gift got moved out of scrap on dA.
Later i'll add it to FA as well , possibly.
Glad you liked it. :)
As for your own piece, I had to double-check my description I gave. The tail-end of my notes on the char say "vaguely pharonic in disposition" So the theme is *perfect* :D The jewelry is nice, understated, about the only criticism I could give is that his left elbow looks broken or something, but that's a tiny detail next to the perfect ideological theme. :D The wings are brilliant too.
Quote from: e_voyageri do allpoigize for being late but yesterday was havoc for me and i didn't enevere relize that the dead line was reached before i was half way through my shift which lets off at 8 am this morning. i tired to read throng the archive to get a feel for the character but i never made it to any storyline covering her but here is the poem i had written and hoped to personalize for her charcter.
Little trickster play your game
Glide merrily on the breezes
Nimbly skip between the drops of rain
What do you eyes see in this world of grey?
What inspires you to risk death and pain?
What draws you to this dangerous game you play?
Little trickster have you fun
Player you tricks on everyone
Live you life forever on the run
Little trickster breaking hearts.
You're never here when the hearting starts
Is this too one of your trickster arts?
Little trickster are you blind?
Your god's an outcast
Think of all you've left behind!
Ah! I love it! Heheh, don't worry about lateness or nothing, I haven't been to a computer in a while XD (and I never got around to drawing a storyline with Peony yet anyway, sorry for not saying so!)
Seriously, what a nice surprise! That poem is just amazing, it fits so perfectly, I love it! Thank you so much!
i'm glad you like it. i worried that it didn't fit her because i had only her profile to go off of, well that and that comic that told how the wold felt about tricksters to shape it. now that i know that she hasn't had a storyline i feel better about not finding her in one.
i did screw up the third stanza i'm sorry to say. i dropped the "r's" in the word "your" the corrected poem should read
Quote from: Trickster
Little trickster play your game
Glide merrily on the breezes
Nimbly skip between the drops of rain
What do your eyes see in this world of grey?
What inspires you to risk death and pain?
What draws you to this dangerous game you play?
Little trickster have your fun
Play your tricks on everyone
Live your life forever on the run
Little trickster breaking hearts.
You're never here when the hearting starts
Is this too one of your trickster arts?
Little trickster are you blind?
Your god's an outcast
Think of all you've left behind!
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on June 13, 2011, 06:05:30 PM
Sorry, I had an attack of pure sloth. (And procrastination, and ........ shutting up now.) It's for VAE. I'm a little surprised, if only because I thought in a given round if B gives to A, A does not give to B. Anyway.
And yet VAE appeared to have guessed when he sent me this message:
Quote from: Corgatha's gifterHmm, I question my gifter on what character would he like drawn - possible description and references very welcome.
As I said before, it was an accidental truth (that his gifter was also his recipient).
The only rule is that you can't get yourself.
Quote from: Inumo on June 13, 2011, 02:03:20 PM
Thank yoooou. I quite like it.
It goes a little simple, but I like the replying scheme.
Well, then.
I owe Rhyfe a gift from loooong while back. I haven't been able to find the time to finish it, regretably, but I PM'd Rhyfe and asked if the last WIP I'd sent was acceptable. It was, so here it is:
Puddle Jumper:
(Probably shrunk down by the board. Clickie for biggie.)
(http://www.whitefoxart.com/ccc/pudljmpr_wip_lg.png) (http://www.whitefoxart.com/ccc/pudljmpr_wip_lg.png)
Kids... always getting messy. Especially the omnipotent ones.
I really wanted to do a full colour piece for Rhyfe, because he was the artist who inspired me to do something beyond cel shading. Which I have, and it was a laborious process to do so, but totally worth it. So, I have much to thank Rhyfe for in that regard.
I think the toughest part of this was that I don't normally draw cute things. That took some practice. Huzzah for pushing boundaries.
Comments appreciated, and I'm totally in for next round if Gabi is cool with that.
[edit] That's lava on his hands, by the way.
apologies for the delay, i'll have something up tomorrow... been a rough couple of days :B
trust me we understand. sometimes life gets in the way of having fun.
WhiteFox, that's amazing! The red lava stream looks a bit plain/flat compared to the rest, but everything else looks great! The rocks, the lava drops, the light effects, the drawing itself... Well done! I'm not the recipient, of course, but since you said you wanted comments, that's what I think.
And of course you may join the next round... which is bound to begin after AC.
Quote from: Gabi on June 16, 2011, 11:50:59 AM
WhiteFox, that's amazing! The red lava stream looks a bit plain/flat compared to the rest, but everything else looks great! The rocks, the lava drops, the light effects, the drawing itself... Well done! I'm not the recipient, of course, but since you said you wanted comments, that's what I think.
Um... Gee. I dunno what to say. Thank you.
My methods evolved the way they did specifically because I wanted to be able to handle things like lighting and surface textures, so I'm glad to hear the effort seems to have paid off.
Quote from: Gabi on June 16, 2011, 11:50:59 AM
And of course you may join the next round... which is bound to begin after AC.
So when can I start annoying people with my "work" again? :P
I guess we can start taking signups now.
I have some free time over the summer... so, I'd like to sign up.
I'll sign up. Worth a shot, if nothing else.
So will I - not having much to do.
At this point, it doesn't look like I'm moving for a few months, so I can sign up again.
i've had fun these past few rounds. it's been challenging and enjoyable so sign me up again please
Hmm, I'm sure I can find the time somehow! I'm in!
Aten Valmont, For E, from the MGM RP....
I wasn't really sure what to do... so... i hunted through the various RPs, and he seemed to be someone who hasn't been touched yet <.< Figured i'd give him a shot...
Also, sorry for the delay... it's been a rough couple of weeks... i'm in for next round though, as i shouldn't be busy until the end of the month :3
Confirming my participation for this round: once more unto the breech.
Alright! Next round will begin when I have a working bootable hard drive in my computer.
good luck gabi
Er... Thanks, but apparently good luck is what I didn't have. I now have a working hard drive, but my computer can't read it. There seems to be something wrong with the motherboard, more specifically the bus but it might be other parts too. I don't know how long it will take me to get it fixed, but I'll start the round tomorrow regardless.
OK, the participants for this round are: WhiteFox, Corgatha Taldorthar, The1Kobra, Inumo, VAE, Jairus, e_voyager, Merlin, Basilisk.
Apologies in advance if anyone got the same recipient as last time, I can't use my computer right now, so I can't check. The current round ends on Sunday, 4th of August. I'll start sending the PMs now.
Pre-emptive strike!
Quote from: Inumo on May 24, 2011, 01:30:47 AM
Wondering when that would come up. So, I have a few choices. First of all, there's Tamtio, or Tam (http://inumo.deviantart.com/art/Angel-170368688?q=gallery%3Ainumo%2F17334907&qo=14). In this iteration, at least, he's human, but I've thought of him from time to time as an arctic wolf anthro. He has moss-green eyes, standing at about 6' 2" and weighing ~180 lbs. He's well muscled, wears a blue-gray robe with black pants on underneath, and brown leather shoes. He instinctively keeps his wings hidden, so it takes a lot of concentration to make them show up, though they stay visible so long as he wants them there. He's a benevolent person, but should he feel that he or someone he cares for is threatened, he will start with intimidation, then violence.
Second, there's Rita Kaisha, a random character I made in the past. She's a South American woman with green eyes and brown, wavy hair that's pinned behind her ears with bobby pins. She oftren wears a red dress and some light make-up, as well as a single earring in her right ear. The earring is a silver teardrop outline, maybe an eighth of an inch wide (the outlining metal, not the entire earring). A silver wire goes from the point of the teardrop to the bottom of it, with a small ruby in the center. She is flirtatious with either gender, so long as they are of local descent. She shows an obvious distaste for foreigners. In addition, she is a government employee If you want to know more about her history, relations, memberships, etc, just let me know.
Thirdly, there's Likista Boret, another random character. He is a male anthro wolf with gray eyes and short black hair, obviously cut with a knife instead of scissors. He has brown fur, and wears a mottled green headband, brown cargo pants, and (if he's above ground or has guests) a ragged forest green shirt. He is gruff, and determined to be self-sufficient. He has little tolerance for humor, though he isn't angry. In fact, he's actually rather helpful. In addition, he is a hermit that lives out of a series of tunnels he dug out in the forest. Again, if you want to know about his history, relations, etc, just let me know.
Finally, we have pretty much anything else. My art gallery is here (http://inumo.deviantart.com), and can be browsed through if none of these characters strike your fancy. Outside of that, I have come up with two races currently used in forum RPs here on the CMF. First, there is the Moloi (see bottom of the post, Racial Description) (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,7847.msg341014.html#msg341014).
Second, we have the Mish'Na.
The Mish'Na are the work of many generations of slow, gentle intervention. Fearsome people, ropes of flesh flow from their shoulders down to the backs of their knees, a natural cape of sorts. Their scaly skin is slick like a fish's, colored a deep green like an asparagus. Their hair falls in cords, like smooth dreadlocks. I have made them so that they cannot do anything without some true devotion, and thus are they my greatest followers.
I wrote these guys for an RP where the players are, quite literally, gods, and decided to write the sheet in character. If you want the entire sheet, it can be found here (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,8129.msg347712.html#msg347712).
And of course, remember, if none of this appeals to you, feel free to make something of your own. I don't really care what media the gift is made in, so long as you, the gifter, enjoy making it. Have fun! :)
Allright.. the same set as before, it's just some folks got updated reference images.
Quote from: VAE on May 22, 2011, 10:27:34 PM
Of course, the first option comes probably the best known - my fursona, Vladim - an eurasian lynx evil overlord attemptee. Best image up to date is here: http://vaeisenberg.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d2xhuti
Things of note .. he has four hydraulic-operated tentacles mounted on his back (he *really* wants to become a cubi, and this is one of temporary measures) and if any jokes stem from this, the eye colour (red, glowing) is completely self-inflicted - he thought it'd look awesome (well, it was shortly after finishing training :3)
Now, if none of that fits, there's a host of DnD characters.
If you prefer drawing people, there's Miron Steelsprocket, a gnomish inquisitor from Liatai's Akellon campaign.
http://vaeisenberg.deviantart.com/gallery/?catpath=scraps#/d3l9mwn - best Miron reference so far.
He generally carries around a huge book from which he casts spells or searches in for bits of lore (he's archivist class) He belongs to the Leaden Mace Society - a group of vigilantes enforcing the law by helicopter (you know the demotivator i refer to).
Alternatively, Sandor Munkas from a D20 Modern game - a Snakeblooded human technomage whose mother was a yuan-ti and father a hungarian emigrant. He looks as following - http://www.srcf.ucam.org/~dm510/sandor.jpg
Pictured with Arpad, his pet snake. Not many details available as the game hasn't yet started.
the above works, though again , a nicer pic http://vaeisenberg.deviantart.com/gallery/?catpath=scraps#/d3l9n15
If you prefer furries, there are two female NPCs drawings for reference actually exist of for the DnDMFA world of Kebre (basically, the Furraean analogue of Russia cca. 1900-1920, though with other eastern european tidbits mixed in)
First one is Zora Kalugina (well, the name she uses now , ofc) a feline being female.
http://vaeisenberg.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d3ftiv4 Here she is shown in a night dress and slippers, holding a badge after being disturbed from sleep by a gunshot (the PC's came). Her hair is blonde and fur a dirty yellow colour. Her class is wizard, strong stats being intelligence and charisma, dump stats strength and wisdom.
Second one is Kallis Ja'krath , female feline cubi (appearance based on siamese cat)
A pencil sketch of her i have done a few days ago is here http://www.srcf.ucam.org/~dm510/kallis.jpg
Her fur is most of the time a steely blue colour with varying hue. Her clan mark is on her lower back and looks like this http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101127174031/dndmfa/images/6/6e/Clanmark.jpg
Her favourite emotional noms are drive/ambition (this is proper to Ja'krath clan as a whole) , anger and wonder. As for personality... she has founded an entire city (unsurprisingly named Kallisburg) to demonstrate to the council of port Oriss (the country's capital) that hydroelectric power is a neat idea... then after about 50 years got bored of ruling it, and retreated somewhere within the mountains up north. Explosions sometimes are heard from up there, generally followed by a SORRY,MESSUP! or similar text appearing on the sky written in rainbow-coloured smoke.
Heh, i hope it is enough of choice for whoever will be doing mine.
Nicely done, guys!
Now some questions.
Quote from: e_voyager's gifterSo, first round of questions, I guess. Do you have any preferences for this round? Characters, situations, media, etcetera?
Quote from: Merlin's gifterCan you ask Merlin if there is any character or theme she'd like her gift to contain?
Quote from: WhiteFox's gifterQuestion for the gift target - whom does he want drawn , and any relevant tidbits of info?
Quote from: Merlin's gifterCan you ask Merlin if there is any character or theme she'd like her gift to contain?
Character or theme, eh? I'll give you a choice between these two ladies:
Peony Talisman -
Reference montage I guess, and a slightly verbose
character page. I guess the brief character description is that pretty much all Peony does is contemplate how great she is.
And... I'm happy to see Peony as any furry with those markings in a single colour! She's got tons of disguises, after all. I mess up said markings regularly, though, as you might be able to tell from the reference montage being less-than consistent with how they go around the shoulders XD. Whatever seems good is fine with me!
Delta Morningstar -
Generic character page goooooDelta is super friendly, likes storytelling and dancing, and um, sometimes she has a short fuse though and gets really cranky.
Quote from: Basilisk's gifterCould you ask my recipient what he would like to receive?
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar's gifterAlright then! Let's ask Corgatha what character they'd like done and all the rest of it! Um... so like, what character they want a piece of and if there's any hints they want to add.
Quote from: The1Kobra's gifterQuestion for the Kobra: Any requests or suggestions for his gift?
It doesn't matter. I don't care what you make. Send in a blank sheet if you feel like it.
EDIT: Why don't you make something for Gabi instead? I'm not in the mood to appreciate a gift, and she doesn't get enough recognition for her role in CCC.
it's hard for me to ask for anything specific i guess it comes from playing invisible friend so long. personally i like to see creative interruptions of things my characters included. if you have a favorite among my character of an situation (pg 13 or below please) that you'd like to see one of my character thrown into and puzzle there way out feel free to experiment and see where you muse takes you. is you need a specific target you could poke around with the yappy that silver fox made for me http://s86.photobucket.com/albums/k89/e_voyager/avaters/?action=view¤t=yapinfi.gif who has neither back story nor non yappy form at this point
for more items you can check pages 12 , 27 and 7 of this thread for previous post and links of my characters or i can just post everything here later. your call
Bassy himself hasn't gotten too much attention in a little while... why not do something with the demon this round :o
http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e268/EWork88/LiskyblanketMonster.png (possibly NSFW due to bare demon ass... and implications <.<)
As to what you come up with, by all means feel free to mess around with whatever media you so choose. If you want anything else, feel free to ask ^_^
Quote from: Inumo's gifterSo Inumo do you have a special character that you would like to be the focus of this piece of work?
Do you want something drawn or written?
Do you have and references for this piece ?
I must point to
this post, which Inumo's gifter may have missed.
Quote from: Jairus's gifterTo Jairus: "So, Jairus, you know the shtick. Characters, themes, mediums, anything of that sort you want to specify?"
What I would like to receive?
If you are of artistic bent (probably a safe assumption here), I'd like to request a picture of one of my kobold characters. Their names are Kurchin and Saylgarix, who are nice and nasty respectively. I'll let you choose which one you'd like to do. Both are characters in an online NWN setting, D&D Forgotten Realms. Anyways, as to who they are:
Kurchin: Male Kobold, Chaotic Neutral, Rogue/Bard(29/1). In game he uses NWN's basic kobold A model.
His in-game description is:
Kurchin stands two foot six. He has large, beady red eyes that gleam in bright light. His tail is relatively long, and somewhat floppy, it moves around quickly when he's excited and droops when he's sad or inactive. He appears light, and his scales look as though they've been polished with much care, with a sun-kissed finish. The horns on his head, and the claws on his hands look like they've been filed down extensively, removing their sharpness. He appears rather clean and well kept, he certainly bathes regularly. His teeth, when he opens his mouth, appear sharp, clean, and quite orderly. They are of a clean white color. His eyes usually give off a look of innocent friendliness, and his face is rarely in an expression that looks menacing.
Personality wise, he's friendly, extremely so. He likes cooking, baking, painting, hugging people and licking their faces, pretty much anything that a normal kobold wouldn't. He's rather juvenile and impulsive, however he does care about other people a lot, especially his friends. He dislikes violence, and while he's usually non violent, he used to be a prolific vampire hunter. (And I mean the extremely nasty variety. The VERY nasty variety.) Usually however, he prefers more peaceful and leisurely pastimes to such activities.
The other one is:
Saylgarix: Male Kobold, Neutral Evil (Formerly Chaotic Evil), Ranger/Assassin (11/19). In game he uses the model shown below.
His in-game description is:
This kobold stands at a height of two foot seven, he seems fairly muscular by kobold standards. His horns and claws are kept sharp, though the ends of his claws have a rough look to them, as if they've seen extensive use. His russet scales have a weathered look to them, and if one looks closely enough, they have hints of barely noticeable cracks at several points. His crimson eyes have an alert, if slightly feral look to them. His teeth are clean, sharp, and hint to a vicious bite when his mouth is opened.
Saylgarix carries himself with a demeanor that suggests that he is more a creature of the wilds than a normal kobold. His eyes often dart from side to side, alert, even when standing still. His clawed feet often look only loosely attached to the ground, ready to move quickly on a moment's notice. Very rarely does he look relaxed, even while sleeping.
Personality wise, he's vicious, ruthless, efficient, and out for himself. He often sees violence as the best way to solve problems. He can be rather sadistic at times, but while he is vicious, he isn't pointlessly evil. For example, he wouldn't kick someone's puppy out of boredom, especially if there are consequences for his actions. However he wouldn't have any problems doing so if he were paid well enough to compensate for the danger. He does, as fate would wind up, tend to work for two organizations that often fight people a lot more evil than he is. He likes having reliable alliances.
When in combat, he most often wields two kukris, or a shortbow. He keeps all of his weapons poisoned with custom made, and downright nasty poisons.
I hope this helps.
Edit: Kurchin uses NWN's base kobold A model. Sayl uses a different one. I'll upload the IG pics shortly.
(http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o266/The1Kobra/Sayl1.png) (http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o266/The1Kobra/Sayl2.png)
You didn't mention the badger :P
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on July 11, 2011, 05:36:34 PM
You didn't mention the badger :P
Sir, are you badgering the witness? ;-]
Dear Gifter: I don't have any material for my current project online yet, but anyone from DSOF or Gabriel's comic would be welcome.
The DSOF Archive is here (http://www.whitefoxart.com/dsof/archive.php), and the mostly-finished biography page is here (http://www.whitefoxart.com/dsof/profiles.html) (no character portraits, sorry).
Gabecomic is in my FA gallery (http://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/whitefox/), along with an older pic of an older Gabe from the OSAS RP, here (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3556850/). (Gabe has a more pronounced muzzle in the latter, but that's purely a stylistic difference).
There's also my avatar... the best source of reference for that would be the HTTTA, which is also in my FA gallery.
Hi Gifter. Um... hm. Quick question for you in turn: would you feel better drawing an anthro or a human? Sorry, my head's been wrapped up in design stuff for a few days, so it's too easy for me to come up with lots of stuff to give you.
Sorry for the delay, I was computer-less for a few days.
Basilisk's gifter would like him to expand on Bas's personality, and would also like to know if there are any 'abstract' figures that he would like his gifter to make (non-humanoid, like a house, ship, vehicle, etc).
Quote from: Jairus's gifterI haven't drawn many anthros, so if you want something soopah pretteh, humans would be the best bet. I think I can still make anthros look decent, though. So, what'll you have?
Um, I've got a handful of ideas from various stories. If you wanna do old-fashioned, I've got a steampunk cowboy samurai. If you wanna do modern, I've got Death's assistant and secretary. And if you wanna do futuristic, I have a starship captain. Or would you rather try something else? I've got a lot of characters, these are just the three on my mind right now.
Quote from: Jairus's gifterYou have... a steampunk cowboy samurai? Only good can come of this. Could you describe him or her for me?
Quote from: Jairus's gifterYou have... a steampunk cowboy samurai? Only good can come of this. Could you describe him or her for me?
*cricks neck and cracks knuckles* Okay, I'll try and keep this as simple as I can. We shall see how successful I am. And all of this is just kind of my current thoughts, it may or may not change in the future, but here's what I've got now.
He goes by Jack. He's a middle-aged man of italian and middle eastern descent. His eyes are brown. His body is lightly muscled, and is worn and covered in scars: the most prominent is a large evil-looking scar over his left eye, crossing diagonally from forehead to left cheek. He wears old-fashioned sunglasses/shooting glasses to protect his eyes and break up the line of the scar. He has brown eyes, stubble from irregular shaving, and long salt-and-pepper hair pulled back in a pony tail.
His clothes are worn but maintained and comfortable. He wears blue jeans and a long-sleeve button-up shirt and a plain brown vest. His boots are black leather, with steel toe caps and no spurs. His hat isn't a stereotypical cowboy hat, but an older flatter style: again, it's well-worn black leather, and the hat band has a variety of teeth stuck into it. He wears brown leather gloves with the trigger fingers cut off.
He has three guns on his body. One - the Devil's Blood revolver - is worn in a cross-draw holster on his left side so it can be drawn by his right hand when he's sitting down or riding. A second is a more modernized
LeMat revolver, and is worn in a quick-draw holster on his left thigh. The smaller third revolver is worn in a holster strapped to his left boot. There's a pearl-handled
Bowie knife on his right thigh, and a throwing knife in his right boot.
He has an old dark red duster coat, worn draped over his shoulders like a cloak or a poncho. He also has a messenger or sling bag thrown over one shoulder, with three special sheaths/holsters attached to it. In those sheaths, he has a katana (it's just that sort of setting), a pump-action shotgun (nothing special done to it), and a
Winchester-like rifle (again, nothing special done to it).
And... wow. I'm really realizing how much there is to this guy. I might need to simplify things a bit. Anyway, that's what I've got. If it looks too complex, I can throw Jason Savage (the starship captain) at you.
PS: No, I will not describe his horse. That would be a whole other level of "what the frig?"
Quote from: Gabi on July 15, 2011, 06:04:43 PM
Sorry for the delay, I was computer-less for a few days.
Basilisk's gifter would like him to expand on Bas's personality, and would also like to know if there are any 'abstract' figures that he would like his gifter to make (non-humanoid, like a house, ship, vehicle, etc).
Baseel is a demon. He's impulsive to the point of recklessness, he's flirty, playful, and when he's in the mood, quite generous. As a demon he's got confidence that borders on arrogance, with a rather casual attitude when it comes to many things that are generally considered less than moral.
As for something to make... i... dunno... o.o; perhaps a fantasy style castle?
One more question for Basilisk: "What abilities and powers does Bas have?"
Lesee... his main focus is in dark and shadow magic. He draws energy from the darkness... doing various spells such as solidifying or liquifying shadows, draining the light from a room, forming weapons from raw shadow (same with the solidifying) along with your typical dark energies, such as hurling bolts of dark energy, or ya know, hurling balls of explody doom.
As for non-combat, he's got a wide range of healing spells, along with a cadre of very very basic magic in other fields. He's a demon, and most of his magic revolves around keeping himself alive, or those who have displeased him, not. <.<
Quote from: Jairus's gifter
To Jairus:
Whelp, finally got a preliminary sketch done. (http://anony.ws/di-SHLF.jpg) Before I start finishing it all, anything mismatching?
Quote from: Inumo's gifterso Inumo about your wolf ...
is his hair strait or curly?
does he wear the blind fold?
if so how does he wear it? (over eyes or as a head / arm band)
what shade of brown would you said his fur is?
would you mind if i don't have time to color the image this time around ?.i'm having a few offline difficulties
Note to all: I'm in Rosario this week, taking a course on dependently typed programming. I'm using my brother's little netbook and the hotel's poor Internet connection which I can only really use during breakfast. So I'll be slow to respond until I get back home.
Quote from: Inumo's gifterso Inumo about your wolf ...
is his hair strait or curly?
does he wear the blind fold?
if so how does he wear it? (over eyes or as a head / arm band)
what shade of brown would you said his fur is?
would you mind if i don't have time to color the image this time around ?.i'm having a few offline difficulties
... OH! Oh oh oh oh oh! You mean Likista! Took me a long while to figure that out (I thought you meant
this guy long enough to almost have a post done using him >.>). Likista's hair is straight. I don't remember ever mentioning a blindfold... Just a mottled green headband. In terms of what shade his fur is... Apparently the term is
bistre? Somewhere in there. And no, I don't mind if you don't end up having time to color the pic.
Heh. Considering that he's never been drawn before, he looks fine. Don't worry too much about it. :)
Though that does kind of make me want to try my hand at him too... later, when I have free time.
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on July 10, 2011, 10:35:55 PM
It doesn't matter. I don't care what you make. Send in a blank sheet if you feel like it.
EDIT: Why don't you make something for Gabi instead? I'm not in the mood to appreciate a gift, and she doesn't get enough recognition for her role in CCC.
Is it the 4th yet??? It is in my home timezone AND I HAVE VERY LITTLE PATIENCE AAAA
Plus that means I'll beat Gabi for posting gifts :3
Because as requested, here's a surprise gift for Gabi! Well, I hope it's a surprise, mwahahaha!
They're due on the fourth. That doesn't mean Gabi hands them out on the fourth.
Pardon me while I cross a name off the list of people who could be my gifter.
lovely picture you made for Gabi Merlin.
Wow, thank you, Merlin!
Gifts are due today, which means you can send them today and I'll post them tomorrow. Because otherwise people wouldn't have the chance to finish them on the last day, as so many tend to do. >.>
...And here are the gifts!
Merlin made this gift (http://oekaki.dhscomix.com/pictures/my_72.jpg) for
Corgatha Taldorthar.
Corgatha Taldorthar wrote the following gift for
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on July 30, 2011, 06:59:51 AM
To Vladim, our bumbling director
Despite his flaws, he wants to be world dictator.
He betrays no competance,
He mistakes wrath for puissance,
Protest and scrawl copies on every bathroom door.
Tommy Delran, I am aghast at what you have done.
I have treated you much like a son,
When you lead the charge at Tranheim
I healed your wounds from the caustic slime,
But to survive, you must hide better your transgression.
e_voyager drew the following gift for
(http://s2.postimage.org/944s1b1ip/Likista_Boret.png) (http://s2.postimage.org/944s1b1ip/Likista_Boret.png)
Inumo drew this gift (http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/215/b/4/jairus_ccc_by_inumo-d442apf.jpg) for
This has been posted on deviantART (http://inumo.deviantart.com/art/Jairus-CCC-248690355) if you use that. If there are any other places you'd like it put up (FA or something like Photobucket), let me know.
The1Kobra made the following gift for
Quote from: The1Kobra on August 04, 2011, 08:42:02 AM
Here they are. Should be 3 images here.
WhiteFox drew the following gift for
(http://www.whitefoxart.com/ccc/ccc17_sayl.png) (http://www.whitefoxart.com/ccc/ccc17_sayl.png)
* Author's comments:
* There's a few spots that could use a little work, and I don't think I did justice to the collar. Overall, tho, I like how this came out.
Around June, I was developing a comic whose main character was reptilian. The comic fell apart, and I've been itching to draw something scaley ever since. Plus, in the only DnD game I've been in I played a Kobold rogue, and he was all kinds of fun. Long story short, I was more than happy to draw this character.
I tried a few ways of drawing the spikes on the head, closer to what was in the screenshot, but I couldn't make it look good. So I dug out a few pics of horned toads, and worked with that.
Anyway, I hope it's acceptable.
Basilisk made this gift (http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e268/EWork88/MerlinCouldHaveDoneItBetter.jpg) for
* Author's comments:
* For Merlin: I imagine madam queen of the universe taking this pose with a haughty snort, replying with something along the lines of "Oh ya? I could have done -that- better"
Hope you enjoy X3 it's a little light... i kept playing with it and couldn't settle on a pose
Jairus made this gift (http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e143/J-RasZ/Art/legendsvoyager.jpg) for
* Author's comments:
* I decided to revisit the time I drew your character in the classic Mega Man style, as well as do a little homage to the recently canceled Mega Man Legends 3. A dozen sketches later and a lot of erasing and redrawing, and that didn't work out so hot, unfortunately. For some reason, I just can't get this style. I will most likely be revisiting this in the not too distant future, to at least clean it up a bit.
Almost everyone has made it this time! I'm sorry that WhiteFox is being owed yet another gift. I hope VAE posts it soon.
Nicely done Jairus. and great pun with the rock on megaman tag at the bottom of the pic.
Thanks, e! Nice job on the muzzle. I hope you enjoyed making it!
Quote from: Gabi on August 05, 2011, 11:04:29 AM
I'm sorry that WhiteFox is being owed yet another gift.
*looks at the front page* o.o Methinks he should get a spare gift next round...
Quote from: Inumo on August 05, 2011, 08:25:50 PM
Thanks, e! Nice job on the muzzle. I hope you enjoyed making it!
Quote from: Gabi on August 05, 2011, 11:04:29 AM
I'm sorry that WhiteFox is being owed yet another gift.
*looks at the front page* o.o Methinks he should get a spare gift next round...
It's all good, I really don't mind.
I've left people hanging a time or two, so I can sympathize. Sometimes, things get held up, other times, people are just hard to gift.
I'm good to go for the next round, :o
Also, i see a reference to one of the most hated RP characters ever... that bunny can go die in a fire, Kobra... oh... wait <.<
I'm all set too, whenever Gabi's ready.
OK, we can start taking sign-ups and, if anyone sees VAE, please ask him what happened.
Love that pic, Basilisk! That pose suits Peony to a T!
And I'm going to have to bow out of this round, hopefully I'll be back in the future though~
I'm in for another round.
Thank you, Inumo. I think it's great.
Um, I won't be able to participate this round, due to a number of things going on. But have fun everyone!
Me again pwease.
why not?
OK, so far we have Basilisk, Inumo, TheDXM and Corgatha Taldorthar. I have 2 teacher contests on Thursday (a.k.a. the hell we have to go through in order to [attempt to] keep our jobs), so the next round will begin on Friday. I hope more people will have signed up by then.
@Bas: I hope you liked it. I know I was probably horribly misinterpreting Bas's character >.<, but oh well. I hope you liked it.
@Whitefox: Thanks :D, though I did mention that Sayl's height is 2'8, not 3'4, so he's even more of a half-pint than that. Kobolds are really small. He's still extremely dangerous though, DC 37 death attack and all. I'd still say a nice job overall though.
And sure, why not? I can sign up for another round.
you forgot whitefox D:
Oh, sorry! WhiteFox too, of course.
WhiteFox, Basilisk, Inumo, TheDXM, Corgatha Taldorthar and The1Kobra. :)
I wonder if we'd be able to get someone who hasn't participated before (so that one of you gets to make a gift for someone new).
Oh man, I feel like such a jerk :<
But life happened, so what can you do? But it was due May 6th, wasn't it? That makes me three months, two weeks, five days late in posting.
Sorry it's late llearch, but here it is (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v667/siennamaiu/Arts%20for%20others/CovertCourtesyCommutation-llearch.png).
If it's any consolation, the lighting fixture in my bedroom is still broken.
Very amusing, I thoroughly enjoyed it. The ending may have very possibly confused me a bit >.>, but I overall loved the piece.
I thought that she was quite in character (but it's kind of hard for her to not be :. ) I loved your portrayal of the portals :)
This was enough to put a smile on my face, despite the fact that I otherwise feel like a jerkface.
Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on August 25, 2011, 08:19:47 AM
Oh man, I feel like such a jerk :<
But life happened, so what can you do? But it was due May 6th, wasn't it? That makes me three months, two weeks, five days late in posting.
Sorry it's late llearch, but here it is (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v667/siennamaiu/Arts%20for%20others/CovertCourtesyCommutation-llearch.png).
If it's any consolation, the lighting fixture in my bedroom is still broken.
Heh. It's okay, I still haven't posted my own entry for e. For which I am apologetic, but, unfortunately, not muse-ful :-/ So, you're not the worst. And I've been here the whole time, so... yeah. >.<
fortunately boxy i have a habit of saying i have the patients of the eternal, just not the life span.
Well, I'm glad you do because today has been a bit more hectic than I had expected. I'm sorry, I can't start the round right now. We'll start tomorrow (and of course everyone will have an extra day to finish their gifts). I apologize for the inconveniences.
(Don't worry, I'm fine, just a bunch of late homework and a father who complains that I never visit him, so I agreed to go and see him today).
llearch, what kind of inspiration are you looking for? Why don't you just post something?
Anyway, Round 18 is here! Sorry again for the delay. I had to fix a few things in the randomizer and didn't have the time to do that yesterday. It's still not working perfectly, but I hope I'll figure it out at some point. At least it gives different results on different rolls. :rolleyes
[Edit: randomizer problem fixed by llearch. It was a server configuration issue. Thanks, llearch! :hug]
The deadline to submit your gifts is
Saturday, 24th of September. But of course, you can send them to me earlier than that. :)
Oh, and
Basilisk's gifter wants to know which character Bas would like something for.
The1Kobra's gifter would like to know if he has a preference for type of art, theme or specific character involved.
TheDXM's gifter wants to know what he would like to receive.
Quote from: WhiteFox's gifter
If they'd like something drawn, or written, I'd like to know what.
Pre-emptive strike again, only this time it's not a quote!
I'm curious as to what your take is on one (or more, I suppose) of the many races I've created. Pick one, and have fun with it! They are listed below, sorted by source.
- Aguashe - The aguashe are a people with faceted eyes, bowed legs, and a rather weird foot structure. Unlike humans, their feet consist of a small triangular bone with three toes extending from it, which provide all support necessary. They are rarely not part of a school, often wearing shirts emblazoned with a school insignia. These schools are an important part of the social hierarchy as well, and as such they always have straps, one attached to each hip looping around their waist, that denote their rank. The one attached to the left hip is colored in the style of the aguashe's school, and lays underneath the right strap from the front (it goes over in back). The one attached to the right hip denotes their rank in the school, and goes over from the front and under in back. They live in a rainforest in houses and other structures based on almond-shaped components.
- Mafide - The mafide look much like an upright triceratops, minus the two horns on the fan of the head and the tail. Their hands have fingers that can only just curl into the palm of their hand, and their feet are similar to an elephant's in appearance. Their society is based upon a person's merits, which are denoted by bright colors on articles of clothing related to their merits. For example, a talented unarmed fighter might have bright green fingerless gloves, or a skilled tailor might have an electric blue patch. In general, colors create a hierarchy starting at a Han purple and progressing through purple, red-violet, red, red-orange, orange, yellow-orange, yellow, yellow-green, green, teal, blue, and finally white. They live in vast underground networks beneath a desert, where entire cities have been known to collapse when construction was improperly performed.
- Hakare - The hakare have many characteristics reminiscent of their frog ancestry. Their heads are very similar to a frog's, their hands only have four fingers, their legs are reverse-jointed, and their feet are akin to a loose Y, often drooping slightly when they take a step before spreading out when weight is put on it. In addition, running from their forehead to their lower back is a unique marking, which can be anywhere from scrolling to geometric to a few simple lines and can be nigh any color found in nature. It's said that one can read a hakare's future by interpreting their mark. Their society is very spiritual, placing a high emphasis on religious leaders, though nobody wears anything to denote their place in the hierarchy. They live in a savannah with a wet and dry season in homes made of adobe with roof supports sticking out from the tops of walls and woven grass doors.
- Damete - The damete are small, goat-like people with exotically colored eyes (purple, amber, etc; think fairies or elves) and hooves for feet. Their fur covers their body save their arms, where the fur extends to about the elbow before turning into a more normal skin. Often they will wear cloaks or capes, as well as a jewel of some sort suspended from a chain wrapping around their forehead. Their society is highly decentralized, forming scattered autonomous villages that meet annually at the center of their over-sized valley. Their village buildings are reminiscent of old Irish buildings, being made out of stones stacked one atop another which are bound/sealed with crude mortar, topped off with a thatch roof.
- Tarvande - The tarvande are man-sized humanoid dragons with clawed hands, mismatched eyes, and patches covered in something rock-like. It is extremely difficult to break, but doesn't impair a tarvande's movement. Their society is guild-oriented, though to a lesser extent than the aguashe's. Though many who are high in a guild will wear full guild regalia on a daily basis, more often people will hang a trinket or piece of jewelry representative of their guild on their shirt or around their neck. They live in tunnels carved into their home mountain range, their settlements and cities reminiscent of a spoked wheel.
Unnamed Fantasy Setting:
- Melorin - Melorins are serpent-necked and bow-legged people with three fingers and toes (the feet are the same as an aguashe's). Their society places a high value on knowledge, and as such often act as seers or wise-men. This is aided by their abilities with divination magics.
- Rieka - Riekas are people who take after an animal with one or two traits. This can range from having a cat tail and ears to a shark fin and tail to a snake's tongue and patches of scales. They are often religious devotees, having a common belief in acceptance of others and exploration, both physically, emotionally, and spiritually. As a result, it is hard to shock them with one's appearance. They are adept at manipulation magics, in part due to their shapeshifting nature.
- Hidraki - Hidraki appear to be made out of a reddish-tinted water, colored due to the dissolved magical stone which gives them life. They have no specialty, instead spending their relatively short lives doing as they please and hoping that, when they die and their water is returned to their home lake, the knowledge they learned shall be passed on to a later Hidraki, from generation to generation. As their life is dependent on what others use for magic, Hidraki are wary of magic and magic-users, believing that they will only be used for their supply of said magical stone. Of course, this also means that they do not use magic.
- Eyas - Eyas have the same red magical stone which gives the Hidraki life growing from their shoulders through their hide, which grow as they eat more and more of said stone. After a certain point, they begin to walk on two legs instead of four and eventually gain sentience, though some of their primal instincts, such as a power-centric hierarchy and natural capability with any and all magic, still show through. In addition, the level of power they routinely manage often makes the Eyas temperamental.
Forum RPs:
- Moloi - The Moloi developed a magical trait which causes them to turn to stone whenever a part of them is being viewed by a living source. This stone-shape isn't the same as their true-shape. However, this doesn't stop their mental activity, only their physical.
Moloi are born blind, and stay as such until they are fifteen. At thirteen, they undergo a rite of passage, where they must pass through an obstacle course and, at the obstacle they fall at, they earn a blindfold of a specific color. Green is the lowest on the ranking, lying beneath the first obstacle, a series of platforms. If a Moloi passes that, they can either choose to take a teal bandana, or continue onto the next obstacle, a set of balance beams and trapezes over a pit with the blue bandana. After that, there is the purple bandana, and the option to continue on to the final obstacle. The last obstacle's pit is filled with illusionary spikes, though no Moloi coming of age knows that they are an illusion. To cross the pit, a Moloi must jump from pillars only wide enough to place a foot on, followed by a leap of faith onto a platform with the white bandana. Should they fall, they land on the ground and are given a red bandana. The bandanas are used to cover the adolescent's eyes so that they don't accidentally freeze anyone when their eyes open. The bandanas are enchanted so that they cannot be removed unwillingly.
A Moloi's blind lifestyle has also granted them the ability to "see" by sensing the presence of an object or creature. A moloi can't tell the actual shape or appearance of an object or creature unless they (the object or creature) wait around for a few seconds. Beyond that, the Moloi are very much magical creatures in nature. In addition to their inborn magical abilities, they also absorb half of all magical energy that is directed them and use it as a supplement to food. They do require some nutrition, however.
Due to their sensitive nature, the Moloi have been fearful of leaving the safety of their Valley of Stone. This has prevented them from ever dealing with any other creatures or cultures, so they speak their own language and have developed a lifestyle vastly different from those outside the Valley. - Mish'Na - The Mish'Na have ropes of flesh that flow from their shoulders down to the backs of their knees, a natural cape of sorts. Their scaly skin is slick like a fish's, colored a deep green like an asparagus. Their hair falls in cords, like smooth dreadlocks. Though a very primitive society, they are physically incapable of "going through the motions" of anything, devoting themselves to whatever task they take up at any time.
Writing these all down, I realize just how little thought I have in most of the non-Akami races, despite having made the Akami races all the way back in middle school... If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask, and if none of these races strike a chord with your muse, I can certainly offer you a small selection of characters to choose from.
For this round? Hmm... I'll repeat my previous request. Of course if you're more skilled at writing let me know and I'll try and come up with something for you.
Quote from: The1Kobra on July 11, 2011, 05:26:32 PM
What I would like to receive?
If you are of artistic bent (probably a safe assumption here), I'd like to request a picture of one of my kobold characters. Their names are Kurchin and Saylgarix, who are nice and nasty respectively. I'll let you choose which one you'd like to do. Both are characters in an online NWN setting, D&D Forgotten Realms. Anyways, as to who they are:
Kurchin: Male Kobold, Chaotic Neutral, Rogue/Bard(29/1). In game he uses NWN's basic kobold A model.
His in-game description is:
Kurchin stands two foot six. He has large, beady red eyes that gleam in bright light. His tail is relatively long, and somewhat floppy, it moves around quickly when he's excited and droops when he's sad or inactive. He appears light, and his scales look as though they've been polished with much care, with a sun-kissed finish. The horns on his head, and the claws on his hands look like they've been filed down extensively, removing their sharpness. He appears rather clean and well kept, he certainly bathes regularly. His teeth, when he opens his mouth, appear sharp, clean, and quite orderly. They are of a clean white color. His eyes usually give off a look of innocent friendliness, and his face is rarely in an expression that looks menacing.
Personality wise, he's friendly, extremely so. He likes cooking, baking, painting, hugging people and licking their faces, pretty much anything that a normal kobold wouldn't. He's rather juvenile and impulsive, however he does care about other people a lot, especially his friends. He dislikes violence, and while he's usually non violent, he used to be a prolific vampire hunter. (And I mean the extremely nasty variety. The VERY nasty variety.) Usually however, he prefers more peaceful and leisurely pastimes to such activities.
The other one is:
Saylgarix: Male Kobold, Neutral Evil (Formerly Chaotic Evil), Ranger/Assassin (11/19). In game he uses the model shown below.
His in-game description is:
This kobold stands at a height of two foot seven, he seems fairly muscular by kobold standards. His horns and claws are kept sharp, though the ends of his claws have a rough look to them, as if they've seen extensive use. His russet scales have a weathered look to them, and if one looks closely enough, they have hints of barely noticeable cracks at several points. His crimson eyes have an alert, if slightly feral look to them. His teeth are clean, sharp, and hint to a vicious bite when his mouth is opened.
Saylgarix carries himself with a demeanor that suggests that he is more a creature of the wilds than a normal kobold. His eyes often dart from side to side, alert, even when standing still. His clawed feet often look only loosely attached to the ground, ready to move quickly on a moment's notice. Very rarely does he look relaxed, even while sleeping.
Personality wise, he's vicious, ruthless, efficient, and out for himself. He often sees violence as the best way to solve problems. He can be rather sadistic at times, but while he is vicious, he isn't pointlessly evil. For example, he wouldn't kick someone's puppy out of boredom, especially if there are consequences for his actions. However he wouldn't have any problems doing so if he were paid well enough to compensate for the danger. He does, as fate would wind up, tend to work for two organizations that often fight people a lot more evil than he is. He likes having reliable alliances.
When in combat, he most often wields two kukris, or a shortbow. He keeps all of his weapons poisoned with custom made, and downright nasty poisons.
I hope this helps.
Edit: Kurchin uses NWN's base kobold A model. Sayl uses a different one. I'll upload the IG pics shortly.
(http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o266/The1Kobra/Sayl1.png) (http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o266/The1Kobra/Sayl2.png)
Yes. I have been needing a study on clothe shading, with a focus on folded ribbons and stuffs.
Otherwise, I might want a design on an outfit for a younger princess. Which might work out better in a written description, not sure, and it is up to my gifter entirely. Something red and practical, pwease :>
To my gifter:
I would prefer visual art, but it's all good. I have vision problems that can make reading difficult at times, but that's only an issue for long stories written in monolithic paragraphs.
To The1Kobra:
I never got a response to the gift I made for you last round. What did you think? If there was a problem with it, please let me know.
To anyone who owes me a gift:
Since Inumo brought it up...
Quote from: Inumo on August 27, 2011, 10:52:46 PM
I'm curious as to what your take is on one (or more, I suppose) of the many races I've created. Pick one, and have fun with it!
I'd like to state, for the record, that my gifters really shouldn't worry about trying to imitate how I draw. My "style" is a Frankenstine's Monster, an amalgamated abomination of influences, inspriations, and personal objectives. It works for me, but given how...
individual it is, I can't imagine anyone else wanting to work with it.
Besides: I have an indefinite supply of art in my own style. I like to see what other people come up with.
Well... Dear gifter... if you're up for something more sci-fi... i haven't seen anything done of darkshine in quite some time :3
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3546846/ or http://www.panicepisode.com/fanartgallery/gallery/fanart/images/darkshine.png for some of his references... i haven't really drawn him in forever. so i should really update.
He's a leopard hybrid, and most always seen in a suit of body-armor. It's considerably more form fitting than most sci-fi armors, the inlaid plates are actually housings for various sensors and systems in the suit, while the mesh-sections are a reactive nano-engineered material that hardens upon impacts with sufficient energy. It's a form-fitting body-suit that resembles a wet-suit. There are small plates on the tummy, with larger ones on the shoulders, chest, neck, forearms and legs. The forearms house blades as well.
If you need anything else beyond that bit-o-ramble, lemme know and i'll write something a bit more coherent :B
Whitefox's gifter says: "I'd be happy to draw something for you, if you have anything in particular in mind."
Corgatha's gifter asks: "Corgatha, you got anything in particular that you'd like drawn or written? Settings, races, characters, themes, genres, anything like that?"
Anyone from DSOF (http://www.whitefoxart.com/dsof/archive.php) or Gabriel's backstory comic (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4759347) would be fine. There's also my avatar, as seen in HTTTA (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/5187898/).
Hmm, I'll fully admit I'm not the easiest person to make a gift for.
For the drawing/writing divide, I enjoy both equally, but in different manners. Something that's written...... I'll dissect it up and turn over every word choice. This bothers some people, even though I'm really not trying to be mean spirited about it, I tend to come off that way. If it's a split, just go with whichever form you're more comfortable with.
As for subject, there I've got a bit of a shortage. I tend to keep my characters close to my chest. However, I have three major ones that I've used here.
Corgatha himself, has been depicted several times, mostly in this own thread.
description (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,5673.msg275589.html#msg275589)
picture one (http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/5580/corgathataldothar.jpg)
picture two. (http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/5580/corgathataldothar.jpg)
There are a few more, and if you want the links, I can dig them up.
Kedered is an RP character I used for the (seemingly sputtered) Shattered innocence RP.
Bio (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,5619.msg260693.html#msg260693)
Aisha Decabre did a tremendously good picture here (http://risendecabre.deviantart.com/gallery/37476#/d2afbpm)
I had a few more lying around, but my apologies, I'm in a hurry as I write this and I can't go link hunting.
Lastly, Sss'ra is a character of mine from a book I'm writing, and I only have one picture of the guy, from a previous round.
description (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,5673.msg352169.html#msg352169)
picture. (http://vaeisenberg.deviantart.com/art/CCC-15-Gift-for-Corgatha-210861147?)
I don't have anything else of Sss'ra, and because of that I have a slight preference for something with him, but really, do what you think you can make best.
Hope this helps.
EDIT: Sss'ra is part of an ongoing story that's still under construction. If you're going to write, I'd prefer if you didn't touch him.
Quote from: WhiteFox on August 29, 2011, 09:15:05 PMTo The1Kobra:
I never got a response to the gift I made for you last round. What did you think? If there was a problem with it, please let me know.
Sorry for the delay in my response, been rather busy... anyways, as for feedback...
Sayl's height is actually 2'8, not 3'4. Kobolds are little, though they make them larger in 4E. Though that's a minor nitpick really.
To touch more on the details though,
What first comes to mind is that the head looks a little off. It's probably because I'm used to seeing the NWN model kobold heads rather than the Monster Manual ones, and the NWN ones look a great deal less monstrous, still I think the horns were a bit too pronounced and the muzzle seemed smaller than what I'd expect, also the neck was rather thick. I like the detail on his outfit though, particularly I thought the belt pouch was well done. The person he's standing on also looks a little weird though,.. particularly below belt, but the lack of a second eye and a mouth does look a little creepy, which may fit in because he tends to stab creeps anyways. The blades also jumped out at me, though again NWN doesn't really portray them realistically and that's what I'm used to seeing. Still, I suppose they are supposed to be smaller than the NWN model, which makes them unrealistically large (and doesn't scale down for small characters). The defined muscle structure is nice, and the toe-claws are reasonably well done, but the lack of scales makes him look a little off. Oh, and he's also missing a bracelet on his right hand, but that's probably my fault with the screenshot not displaying one clearly.
Still, despite all that, I appreciate the effort. I know I wouldn't have been able to do as good of a job.
...And here we are!
TheDXM drew this gift (http://i894.photobucket.com/albums/ac144/iamafurbag/whitefox.png) for
Corgatha Taldorthar wrote the following gift for
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on September 19, 2011, 12:10:47 PM
The artificial gravity on the spinning sections of the Aggregator wasn't quite up to the level that Darkshine was used to, but it was close enough to standard that he felt a slight disorientation, nothing more. Damn Rhone arrogance, with their ugly pale skins and their stupid cephalic fur; Captain Thul insisted that the slowdown in rotation was merely due to a slight technical problem, but in his darker moments the feline mercenary was sure it was some kind of idea to throw him off his game, make the outside species look bad.
Still, it was going to take a lot more than a bit of a gravity differential to throw him completely off his game, and as his heavy boots clanked against the hallway plating as he headed toward the armory for the final suit-up, Darkshine supposed he should be a little bit thankful. He had never fought on a Yester world before; while rebellions were cropping up throughout Sectors Two and Four, most of his own action had been in the underground Piorad warrens, and not against the bird people. So it was more than a little surprising that he had been called halfway across the empire, to help suppress a breakout on Cormyrm 6, a primarily methane gas giant.
The mission profile was fairly simple. The rebels had infiltrated the local population, and set up their usual network of terror cells. Intel's best guess was that some of the core leadership was still on the planet, arranging final details; and this was to be a quick, hard, strike, hoping to catch them while still on what passed for the surface of the planet. A large enough strike force to occupy and search a planet with an inhabited area close to 50 times the size of most inhabited worlds would have sent off enough of a hyperspace flux to alert them that something was up, so the troops were being sent in piecemeal.
Which meant that that operational failures were almost certain.
Which meant that they needed a small, elite group to run around raising racket to keep the hostiles distracted while the fleet hid in the system's outer belt and set the blockade up. Darkshine had been selected, along with 5 others, who would be coming in on separate ships and being fired at the planet from different points in the local system. A nod to the pimple ridden clerk at the storage unit, and the walk in closet that housed the power armor opened silently.
He had been doing sims of the suit for close to three weeks; but there was something about the presence of an X-41 combat suit that just took the breath away. Pale blue, and made out of multiple strips of organic plastics that undulated randomly without a mind to direct them; Darkshine had only worn it once before, to imprint his identity on the cells, and he knew as soon as he put his hand on the writhing mass again it would sculpt itself around his body, encasing him in the finest protection and mobility Doctor Maraeg could come up with. It was both his instrument in the mission, necessary to survive and maneuver in the icy methane fluid that was the bulk of the planet's atmosphere, and his fee, should he survive it. And at odds of a million and a half to one, I'm going to earn this thing when they scoop me up.
Pushing out the breath he found himself holding, Darkshine walked up and tapped the suit in the center of it's mass, feeling his paw sink into something that had the consistency of warm putty. It took about seven seconds to crawl over his body and face, holding him snug and bending the light so that there was a faint greenish tinge to his field of vision. Pressing down with the middle digit in his left paw, he activated the comm.
"This is Darkshine, to Bridge. Suited up, awaiting hydrogen transfer."
"Bridge here. Hydrogen pump activating."
He thought he could feel the hiss of gas entering the room, even though he knew that it was just an illusion. Already programmed to inhale the stuff, the bands in the suit separated to allow the gas to flap between layers of the bio-plastic, inflating the suit while the cells warmed up the gas. It was fortunate that he was going to be fired directly from where he stood; he was quite certain that no matter how deadly the figure, someone resembling a one-man blimp looked ridiculous at any time.
So after that, it was just a matter of steeling himself in; as the Aggregator disengaged the room he was in and fired it at the planet. With the loss of the ship's spin, gravity vanished and Darkshine pinwheeled in place, his earlier momentum carrying out as he gently drifted across the tiny pod. He could have used his thrusters to compensate for it, but it was a five hour burn into the atmosphere, and no telling how long he'd have to be awake once he hit "surface". Instead he just applied one of the sedatives pre-installed for the mission, and drifted............................
When Darkshine came to, he was alert and awake within a few seconds, stimulants already pumping through his bloodstream. External monitors showed steady acceleration, and the rate of fall had dipped slightly, which meant that atmospheric drag was slowing him down. A few nervous minutes later, he raised his right arm, and used his wrist mounted energy torch to burn a hole through the thin hull, and vaulted into what should be the habitable zone.
He smiled. 52 degrees outside on the nose. No evidence of storms in the vicinity, and his optical filters were making a reasonable attempt to help him peer through a mass of green methane and ammonia crystals suspended in chlorine. Off to his left was the clustering of lights that marked a Yester military outpost; suspended at their elevation in a similar method his was. He thrust off towards it, and though it looked only about five kilometers distant, Darkshine had been briefed that the curve of the horizon was deceptive here; it was probably closer to thirty.
Fortunately, nothing seemed to notice or at least challenge him. The toughest part in combat on a gas giant would be direction. His buoyancy would tend to push him back towards his current height, but threats could come in three dimensions, and it was a nervous burn towards the installation, leg jets capturing and expelling puffs of gas in a fuel-less cycle. The strike itself was simple, his twin lances having a range of well over 50 kilometers at maximum, and by the time he was within 20 he could identify the sacs that kept the massive ferrous cube in the sky. It only took three bursts to play over the structure and rupture the tanks before the massive edifice started to list and sink towards the core. A minute later; two of the giant bird creatures tried to flee; and he blasted them both apart before they ever knew who killed them.
Unfortunately, someone inside must have gotten across a message, because the sensors in his suit suddenly came alive, recording transmissions and static all about him. Time to leave before the locals could converge, but at his altitude alone there was some twenty five billion square kilometers to move in alone; and if worst came to worst, he could drop his hydrogen and fall. So he zipped off, laughing at the slowness of the Yester response times as he hurtled from base to base, popping them like balloons and darting out before any effective response could be realized.
About eleven hours and fifteen outposts later, awareness kept up by a steady inflow of stimulants that the suit had been supplied with, and the motion detectors picked up something absolutely massive; as big as the Eternal Will, about a thousand klicks away. He darted off toward it, and as he closed down the distance, the motion sensor resolved into a dozen separate large ships, burning up from the core towards the outer atmosphere.
It had to be the rebels, trying to get out; but there was no way he could take on a dozen drop-ships on his own, and signaling would mean that the Yester local forces would be all over him. Still, rebel equipment was often out of date and poorly maintained, and at the very least every minute he held them up was another minute for more patrol and line ships to gather; have a chance of blasting them while still in the gravity well and unable to jump.
Still, he'd have to get in close; taking down something that could take off from the lower depths of the gravity well here would require some pounding. Darkshine tried to keep to ammonia deposits as he ghosted closer towards the convoy, but they were already in the upper reaches of atmosphere, and be out in open space soon enough.
So Darkshine gathered his breath ( it did nothing in the tight confines of the war-suit) and fired up his thrusters, abandoning stealth entirely as he fired a long, continuous blast at the engines of the closest transport. He was in luck, whatever titanium-ferrous alloy they were using was weaker than standard military; or was perhaps just old and pitted to an extend that he couldn't see through the slight greenish haze that he still had to look through. He couldn't directly see the effects of his fire, but as he kept up the lance, the transport slowed, ever so slightly. Definite engine damage. Just a little more.....
An impact, some kind of projectile; recoiling against is right pectoral plate. It didn't breach the suit, but inside the helmet, warning lights flared to life and let him know just how thin it pared his armor down. Another similar impact could breach even a pristine area; if it hit the damaged he was done for. Frantic, Darkshine jetted over to the left and switched off motion, and switched on the thermal sensors, looking for some kind of weapons port. After an agonizingly long second, he found it; a small figure, solid, moving erratically, twelve kilometers distant, and about two above him. Probably hopped off one of the transports. The software identified it as an "obsolete battle-suit", but he had already demonstrated the capacity to hurt him.
Still, this figure shouldn't be able to maneuver as rapidly as he could in an older suit. Arcing off a pair of lances at the foe, he jetted closer, where his technological advantage would mean more. Both shots missed, the early warning systems of his opponent apparently being up for the task, and the bright spot on the heat map, tiny against the backdrop of the transports, was moving in a lazy ribbon, arcing so that if Darkshine approached the transports directly, he'd be able to get a shot at the already damaged flank.
The feline made a quick burst towards the 'sports, but then as his suit recognized a lock on, about time it recognized it as such he shut down the thrusters in his left leg, spinning rapidly before taking off at top speed towards his assailant. He was close enough to see his foe now, a Ssauran, judging by the long, tapering tail that extruded out of the suit, dull gray with a faint tinge from the atmosphere. He could almost see the lizard-man widening his own blast nozzles, to hit a wider area, but as Darkshine got to within three kilometers, it was very clear that the blast type would be wide, too scattered to hope to getting through his own armor. Somewhat nonplussed, he raised his own tight lance up to aim, when the Ssauran fired.
Instantly the methane lit up around him, exploding into a conflagration that blinded his thermal sensors. There was barely any free oxygen to sustain it, but in that second and a half of virtual blindness, Darkshine jetted to the side madly, trying to get to an advantageous position.
No such luck. The Ssauran must have been using a motion sensor with the transports screened out or something, because Darkshine felt a tangible impact, a coil around his left arm. Darkshine spun, seeing a snarling toothy mouth in a bubbled clear head-space of an archaic battle-suit. He raised his right arm, trying to blast at point blank, but the Ssauran caught his wrist and forced the nozzle away from his body. He was damnably strong, and Darkshine cursed the engineers who didn't think that enhanced muscle power would be useful in a modern battle situation. The Ssauran had a vibroblade clenched in his right fist, and Darkshine tried to block, but the tail around his wrist hampered his movements, and while he checked the first push, and the second, it was only a matter of time before he got through and perforated the armor.
Darkshine fired his maneuvering jets, sending the pair of them pinwheeling through the green sky, and as they vaulted through the soupy atmosphere, he saw one of the transports sinking back towards the core of the planet, where it would probably never rise again. Still, while the sight distracted his opponent for a moment, it would be a cold comfort if he died here. All of his weapons were at the wrists, and his mind raced as they drifted through an ammonia and chlorine cloud. Chlorine.
Gulping desperately and wishing he had broader options, Darkshine instructed the suit, and then overrode its objection, to vent the hot hydrogen keeping him aloft. It actually melted a few plates of whatever armor the Ssauran was wearing, but more importantly, it reacted with the cloud that they drifted through.
The explosion tore him from the Ssauran's grasp, but he couldn't see where the enemy went. Maybe it breached his weaker suit, let the poison in; maybe he just lost track in the blast. Either way, his altimeter was reporting vastly increased pressure, he was falling at a rate accelerating nearly 20 meters a second, per second. Working rapidly, he shunted what hydrogen remained into one of the pockets, and then opened the other three, trying to gulp in whatever atmosphere he could and heat it up with the suit's reactor.
Slowly, the numbers ticked slower, slower, stopped. He was almost a quarter of the way in, far deeper than any of the habitable zones. But he was drifting at a stable orbit through the far denser "floor" of the planet, and away from fighting. The suit carried enough food, water, and energy to keep him going until the planet was secured. He had knocked out a rebel transport; those things carried at least 50,000 of their top troops. The Empire wouldn't begrudge the effort of a rescue operation. After weighing the dangers of some hostile looking for him this low against the boredom of being trapped in a skintight suit for a week, Darkshine instructed the machine to give him low doses of sedatives at a regular intake and then just drifted.....................
Inumo drew this gift (http://th06.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2011/266/3/2/corgatha_ccc_by_inumo-d4aqd95.jpg) for
Corgatha Taldorthar.
The1Kobra wrote the following double-quote gift for
Dress Request Letter
From: Princess Alora Dilhanna.
To: Office of Dressing/Fancy Clothing
Dear Whomevergetsthis:
I would like to order a nice dress. I would like the dress to be red colored, and tailored to fit my height of 5 foot eight. The skirt of the dress I would like to be of a flowing, but loose design, made of silk. I would like designs resembling loose flames streaming along the dress, most intense at the ends near the ends of the dress, lightest near the belt. I would like the I would like it to be made of silk if possible, and finished with exquisite red dye. I would ask that underneath my skirt I would have some close-fitting shorts that are comfortable to the touch. This part needs not be decorated, it is merely there for comfort and should not be looked at under regular circumstances.
For the top of the dress, I would like there to be elegant designs along the torso region. I would also like it to extend up to my collarbone, and have the dress designed so that it fully covers my chest. I would like there to be no neck piece. I would also ask that the waist be sized accordingly so that I can actually breathe while wearing this dress. Also, I would like the sleeves to be short, flowing and elegant. I would also ask for two corresponding bracelets to go with the dress, decorative of course. I would like the patterns to go along the circumference of the bracelets, and have them be of riding and rushing red winds.
I hope this request is reasonable and I hope you can get back to me soon.
Princess Alora Dilhanna
Reply Letter Form 23849-D
From: Sammy D, Office of Dressing/Fancy Clothing
To: Princess Alora Dilhanna
Dear Ms. Dilhanna
I am afraid your form could not be completed and processed to your liking as it lacked the necessary paperwork to properly request a dress from our department. In order to properly request a dress you need to first apply for an application form D-4800S by filling out form 56-78H. Please read all necessary 1200 pages and fill out all 674 signatures needed as well as all other information required including 465 sections for your address and other personal information as required by law. Please also submit any identification as is specified within the 1200 pages of the form. Also note that filing and receiving dates must be exact or the forms are declared null and void. Once this is completed you will receive your D-4800S form which will allow you to send us the specifications of your dress.
I feel I must point out that some of the things you have requested will not be available for what can be possibly selected in the D-4800S form. I should note that your request to cover the entirety of your torso and by extension your cleavage is not permitted by local regulations as such requires that as much as reasonably possible shows, with reasonably defined as not inhibiting the ability for the rest of the dress to stay on. We also have to address your concern for the neck piece, as there is no option to have no neck-piece in the D-4800S form, however the piece for this is required by law to be a standalone piece, such that in most options the shoulder region will remain bare as in accordance to modesty law. Please submit to the options presented in the D-4800S form. There should be many, the form is 1500 pages long, most of which require signatures or the filling out of information. Furthermore, dresses are prohibited of having undergarments as part of their bundling, as compliance with the lack of modesty act 82-T provision 15 paragraph 4 line 3.
I should also comment that requesting such bracelets as the ones you have described would not be allowed. Such will require a different form, the B-5324, which itself will require request form 76-54-3R. Form 76-54-3R requires a total of 362 signatures and other information as stated on the form. The bracelet request form must be processed and the type of bracelet requested can be selected upon filling form B-5324. All decorations will be determined by selecting the necessary check-boxes in the appropriate locations. As it stands with your current request we would process it as requiring hidden knives within the bracelets as an anti-assassin measure.
Also, due to recent regulations, the length of the skirt piece must be at most 3 feet long, and usually less depending on the height of the person ordering the dress.
In addition, a mis-filing of this request bills $20 to you for not sending a letter through the proper forms. Proper request forms and complaint forms are available by filling out form F-3245. I should also inform you that filing any papers through our office has a $20 application fee.
Thank you and please fill out more forms, as it gives us more money. Our office promises to process and deliver all packages and products in a timely fashion, timely being described as sometime within the next decade.
Sammy D, Office of Dressing/Fancy Clothing
/** Author's Comments:
* Personally, I was really unsure of what to make this round. I have absolutely no talent in clothes shading, or art, or dress design for that matter. So I tried
* to make a written description, and this came to mind, the whole bit about dealing with infuriating bureaucrats. It was probably a lot more funny in my
* head, but I hope my recipient gets a good chuckle out of it. Call it inspiration striking in all the wrong ways.
* Oh well, I hope you enjoy it regardless.
WhiteFox has been delayed by some issues, both personal and technical. He should post his gift soon.
And so should
DXM... That is just epic. I swear, you got the look and feel spot on perfect. All the details, too.
Quoting WhiteFox, who has done a lot of work, as Inumo has accepted this as his gift (gifts, actually):
Quote from: WhiteFox on October 02, 2011, 08:29:54 PM
I thought I'd send along a few sketches of what I've been up to so far. Original concept was for a single page comic sorta thing with a few of the Akami races.
Lily and a Damete (http://www.whitefoxart.com/ccc/ccc18a.png). (Third panel.) Lily is a young Hakare on a coming-of-age pilgrimage, who has an especially significant marking. She's under a lot of pressure, and it's been a hard journey for her. The Damete is one of her traveling companions.
The knot is a mostly final design. It could use a few tweaks for aesthetics.
This is a draft: for the actual comic page, I would have put her right hand up on her left shoulder, and moved the Damete closer to her.
Dev Sketches (http://www.whitefoxart.com/ccc/ccc18b.png) of Lily's marking. The top half is supposed to look like a waterlily.
Initial Tarvande Sketch (http://www.whitefoxart.com/ccc/ccc18d.png) for Panel 1: "Still you persist in this fools errand, woodsman?"
"You would follow this hakare girl to the boundaries of the world on nothing byt her blind faith and fanciful mysticism?!"
I must have redrawn that shoulder a dozen times. I have a whole bunch of sketches for the stony skin patches... they aren't particularly legible or presentable, tho. :/
More Knotwork Sketches. (http://www.whitefoxart.com/ccc/ccc18e.png) I've got about 3 more pages of this.
Initial Mafied Sketch (http://www.whitefoxart.com/ccc/ccc18c.png) for panel 2: "I put no stock in omens and prophecies! Whatever destiny she believes is charted on her back, it shall come to pass only if there are those who would walk the path to it's fruition.
"For all journeys, there is a destination, and there is a purpose.
"As I am a guide to her, she is guidance to me."
Triceratops don't have spikes on their crest... this is why I shouldn't work without refs. I've done some studies of triceratops skulls since, but the round crest doesn't look particularly good. Yet.
Dev sketches for the Mafied woodsman. (http://www.whitefoxart.com/ccc/ccc18f.png)
At any rate... I don't know how much more work I'm going to be able to put into this. I've got a lot more studies to do on triceratops', and I'd have to put some substantial development work into the Tarvande (there is such a wide variety of looks and styles for dragons that it take me a good while to settle on one). I hope at the very least to do a final rendition of Lily and the Damete.
These guys have been all kinds of fun to work with, though, thanks to some rich source material. :3
Apologies for the lateness... i've had exams... finished this up like 2 weeks ago and forgot to post.
Anyways... we see a kobold taking advantage of his small stature... while some might mock their lack of height, picking locks is certainly a lot easier when you're small, hard to see, and have tiny hands for precise tools :B
I'm interested in joining for the next round :E
I might be able to power out a gift after November's done. Count me in!
If there is new round soon, I'd like to join in :mowhappy
New CCC round?! I am so in :3
the new round starts in December right? if that's so that i should be able to join.
Depending on when this starts, i should be good to go :o
I'd also like to know when it starts, I've been in a muse-less mood, and finals are coming up, but if it starts in early or mid December, I should be reasonably good.
OK, by popular demand, let's start it in December. Would the 4th be OK?
Quote from: Gabi on November 18, 2011, 03:31:35 PM
OK, by popular demand, let's start it in December. Would the 4th be OK?
Fine by me :mowhappy
Works for me.
sounds like a plan
No objections here.
Joining in the chorus of 'that works just fine'!
I'll throw my name in the hat.
well, i'll be busy for the first half... but if the end day is after the 16th i should be golden :B
Each round lasts 4 weeks, so that shouldn't be a problem as long as you remember. The round will end on New Year's Day.
So far we have Arroyo, Inumo, Kipiru, Merlin, e_voyager, Basilisk, Corgatha Taldorthar and WhiteFox. I'll keep taking sign-ups until the 3rd inclusive.
In the meantime, if there happens to be anyone for whom you absolutely cannot make a gift, please let me know.
The first question is in! And everyone, please remember you have time until the
1st to send me your gifts. That's 1/1 in either notation!
Quote from: Kipiru's gifter
Could you ask Kipiru which character he'd like depicted, and a bit about their history and personality?
Pre-emptive strike again, only this time it's
not a quote!
Quote from: Inumo on August 27, 2011, 10:52:46 PM
I'm curious as to what your take is on one (or more, I suppose) of the many races I've created. Pick one, and have fun with it! They are listed below, sorted by source.
- Aguashe - The aguashe are a people with faceted eyes, bowed legs, and a rather weird foot structure. Unlike humans, their feet consist of a small triangular bone with three toes extending from it, which provide all support necessary. They are rarely not part of a school, often wearing shirts emblazoned with a school insignia. These schools are an important part of the social hierarchy as well, and as such they always have straps, one attached to each hip looping around their waist, that denote their rank. The one attached to the left hip is colored in the style of the aguashe's school, and lays underneath the right strap from the front (it goes over in back). The one attached to the right hip denotes their rank in the school, and goes over from the front and under in back. They live in a rainforest in houses and other structures based on almond-shaped components.
- Mafide - The mafide look much like an upright triceratops, minus the two horns on the fan of the head and the tail. Their hands have fingers that can only just curl into the palm of their hand, and their feet are similar to an elephant's in appearance. Their society is based upon a person's merits, which are denoted by bright colors on articles of clothing related to their merits. For example, a talented unarmed fighter might have bright green fingerless gloves, or a skilled tailor might have an electric blue patch. In general, colors create a hierarchy starting at a Han purple and progressing through purple, red-violet, red, red-orange, orange, yellow-orange, yellow, yellow-green, green, teal, blue, and finally white. They live in vast underground networks beneath a desert, where entire cities have been known to collapse when construction was improperly performed.
- Hakare - The hakare have many characteristics reminiscent of their frog ancestry. Their heads are very similar to a frog's, their hands only have four fingers, their legs are reverse-jointed, and their feet are akin to a loose Y, often drooping slightly when they take a step before spreading out when weight is put on it. In addition, running from their forehead to their lower back is a unique marking, which can be anywhere from scrolling to geometric to a few simple lines and can be nigh any color found in nature. It's said that one can read a hakare's future by interpreting their mark. Their society is very spiritual, placing a high emphasis on religious leaders, though nobody wears anything to denote their place in the hierarchy. They live in a savannah with a wet and dry season in homes made of adobe with roof supports sticking out from the tops of walls and woven grass doors.
- Damete - The damete are small, goat-like people with exotically colored eyes (purple, amber, etc; think fairies or elves) and hooves for feet. Their fur covers their body save their arms, where the fur extends to about the elbow before turning into a more normal skin. Often they will wear cloaks or capes, as well as a jewel of some sort suspended from a chain wrapping around their forehead. Their society is highly decentralized, forming scattered autonomous villages that meet annually at the center of their over-sized valley. Their village buildings are reminiscent of old Irish buildings, being made out of stones stacked one atop another which are bound/sealed with crude mortar, topped off with a thatch roof.
- Tarvande - The tarvande are man-sized humanoid dragons with clawed hands, mismatched eyes, and patches covered in something rock-like. It is extremely difficult to break, but doesn't impair a tarvande's movement. Their society is guild-oriented, though to a lesser extent than the aguashe's. Though many who are high in a guild will wear full guild regalia on a daily basis, more often people will hang a trinket or piece of jewelry representative of their guild on their shirt or around their neck. They live in tunnels carved into their home mountain range, their settlements and cities reminiscent of a spoked wheel.
Unnamed Fantasy Setting:
- Melorin - Melorins are serpent-necked and bow-legged people with three fingers and toes (the feet are the same as an aguashe's). Their society places a high value on knowledge, and as such often act as seers or wise-men. This is aided by their abilities with divination magics.
- Rieka - Riekas are people who take after an animal with one or two traits. This can range from having a cat tail and ears to a shark fin and tail to a snake's tongue and patches of scales. They are often religious devotees, having a common belief in acceptance of others and exploration, both physically, emotionally, and spiritually. As a result, it is hard to shock them with one's appearance. They are adept at manipulation magics, in part due to their shapeshifting nature.
- Hidraki - Hidraki appear to be made out of a reddish-tinted water, colored due to the dissolved magical stone which gives them life. They have no specialty, instead spending their relatively short lives doing as they please and hoping that, when they die and their water is returned to their home lake, the knowledge they learned shall be passed on to a later Hidraki, from generation to generation. As their life is dependent on what others use for magic, Hidraki are wary of magic and magic-users, believing that they will only be used for their supply of said magical stone. Of course, this also means that they do not use magic.
- Eyas - Eyas have the same red magical stone which gives the Hidraki life growing from their shoulders through their hide, which grow as they eat more and more of said stone. After a certain point, they begin to walk on two legs instead of four and eventually gain sentience, though some of their primal instincts, such as a power-centric hierarchy and natural capability with any and all magic, still show through. In addition, the level of power they routinely manage often makes the Eyas temperamental.
Forum RPs:
- Moloi - The Moloi developed a magical trait which causes them to turn to stone whenever a part of them is being viewed by a living source. This stone-shape isn't the same as their true-shape. However, this doesn't stop their mental activity, only their physical.
Moloi are born blind, and stay as such until they are fifteen. At thirteen, they undergo a rite of passage, where they must pass through an obstacle course and, at the obstacle they fall at, they earn a blindfold of a specific color. Green is the lowest on the ranking, lying beneath the first obstacle, a series of platforms. If a Moloi passes that, they can either choose to take a teal bandana, or continue onto the next obstacle, a set of balance beams and trapezes over a pit with the blue bandana. After that, there is the purple bandana, and the option to continue on to the final obstacle. The last obstacle's pit is filled with illusionary spikes, though no Moloi coming of age knows that they are an illusion. To cross the pit, a Moloi must jump from pillars only wide enough to place a foot on, followed by a leap of faith onto a platform with the white bandana. Should they fall, they land on the ground and are given a red bandana. The bandanas are used to cover the adolescent's eyes so that they don't accidentally freeze anyone when their eyes open. The bandanas are enchanted so that they cannot be removed unwillingly.
A Moloi's blind lifestyle has also granted them the ability to "see" by sensing the presence of an object or creature. A moloi can't tell the actual shape or appearance of an object or creature unless they (the object or creature) wait around for a few seconds. Beyond that, the Moloi are very much magical creatures in nature. In addition to their inborn magical abilities, they also absorb half of all magical energy that is directed them and use it as a supplement to food. They do require some nutrition, however.
Due to their sensitive nature, the Moloi have been fearful of leaving the safety of their Valley of Stone. This has prevented them from ever dealing with any other creatures or cultures, so they speak their own language and have developed a lifestyle vastly different from those outside the Valley. - Mish'Na - The Mish'Na have ropes of flesh that flow from their shoulders down to the backs of their knees, a natural cape of sorts. Their scaly skin is slick like a fish's, colored a deep green like an asparagus. Their hair falls in cords, like smooth dreadlocks. Though a very primitive society, they are physically incapable of "going through the motions" of anything, devoting themselves to whatever task they take up at any time.
Writing these all down, I realize just how little thought I have in most of the non-Akami races, despite having made the Akami races all the way back in middle school... If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask, and if none of these races strike a chord with your muse, I can certainly offer you a small selection of characters to choose from.
Quote from: Basilisk's gifter
To Bas:
You know the deal. Character(s), setting, theme(s), whatever you'd like, let me know!
Dear Gifter,
So far I only have the one character- Kipiru. Here is his info:
Kipiru is basically your average unicorn- white with a golden sheen to his hair and a gold long horn- chiseled body, but not overly buff and tall (about 3 meters)- he is an all-being, a sort of guardian of the stars, so he has developed a sort of sarcastic, joyful attitude towards everything. He can be serious when he wants to, but not often and then it is usually because he is angry. Clothing varies depending on situation- casual and military are all OK- chose the one you prefer drawing :) Favourite color- blue. Weapons: a large, two handed sword and a large revolver. No distinctive marks on his face,eyes are blue.
Since I've only posted one picture of Kipiru- here it is:
here he is drawn by Ren:
by Beever:
by Aisha:
by WhiteFox:
e_voyager's gifter would like E to state which character he would like done and to give a description of it.
And WhiteFox's gifter wants to know what he would like for character/setting/any theme etc.
Dear Gifter:
As per the previous round:
Quote from: WhiteFox on August 31, 2011, 02:11:09 PM
Anyone from DSOF (http://www.whitefoxart.com/dsof/archive.php) or Gabriel's backstory comic (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4759347) would be fine. There's also my avatar, as seen in HTTTA (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/5187898/).
Plus, I have a tumblr account (http://whitefoxart.tumblr.com/). It's mostly loose odds and ends, but there might be something in there that strikes your fancy.
i'm vary easy to gift for but if you want a specific character then how about Eurtan?
he's the feline in the blue shorts. this incarnation of him is more updated then my original concept but it'll be nice to see you view on him. what follows is some information on Eurtan form his original Bio.
Name: Erutan voyager
Influence: nature /energy
Gender: Male
Age: unknown ,appears 20 to 25
Race Mixed : feline panther / tiger,
Job retired: adventurer / Mercenary
Hair Color/Style: generally short cut typically black -dark brown. can change with magic for a disguise
Eye Shape/Color: varies with form (between feline and human)
Complexion: varies with form ( medium to dark skin and fur from solid color to tiger stripes showing through fur color )
Physical health: good endurance, speed, strength, agility
Build: appears mundane but covering a innate strength
Height: 6 ft 2 in
Weight: 230 lbs
Identifying Marks: hidden dragon like wings , diapering tiger stripes
Clothes: a plain ordinary set clothes that are easily to over looked and change for each new town etc.
Armor: due to a spell clothes and fur under go a transformation to suite the situation.
Weapons: natural weapons to his form, Staff and a homemade helmet that controls the element and through them influence the weather.
Jewelry: small locket he is never without spelled for its protection in battle and against thieves.
Magic: mostly inherit abilities 'transformation, extra sensory awareness, channeling of destructive energy, etc.' and calling on his ancestors spirits for aid a ability they seems unique to him in his family
Since retired form his mercenary work Eurtan has returned to his home village when he spent much of his time tending a large garden consisting of food plants and medical herbs. Eurtan is passive by nature and will avoid unnecessary conflict.When cornered or defending his friends/ family Eurtan will fight back using his skill with the staff and basic martial arts. when pushed to his limits eurtan transforms into one of his ancestral forms but the further back he goes the harder it is to control especially for a first time. In most cases it is unheard of to go further back then 10 to maybe 20 generations but masters of this technique have be know to go as far as fifty generations. Eurtan has been noted as going back over 100. it has be whispered in the village that he may be a either a demon or a god reborn into the world to fight it's destruction. The elders deny this. But to names keep popping up. Erutan the being of nature and Erebus the being of the void.
I'll pre-emptive strike! Any of the characters from my webcomic would be lovely. Here's a convenient link: http://www.dhscomix.com/index.php?p=rchara
Quote from: Arroyo Milori's gifter
What character would you like a gift of?
What species and color scheme are they?
Do you want something drawn or written?
Apologies for the delays! i've been busy getting ready for exams next week.
feel free to use Bas for this one...
As for setting and whatnot... high fantasy, or steampunk... either works! Go have fun, Gifter!
Quote from: Gabi on December 09, 2011, 09:58:50 AM
Quote from: Arroyo Milori's gifter
What character would you like a gift of?
What species and color scheme are they?
Do you want something drawn or written?
I would like (something) involving Citrine and Arroyo. An odd combination but I don't really have much involving both of them together.
I do have other characters I have yet to be drawn but I can't very well assign you those characters because of lack of visuals of them.
As for the third question:What is your strong suit? Art or Writing?
Merlin's gifter said: "I would also like to know the general specs of my gifter as well. What they want and such."
However I believe the question's addressed to Merlin rather than Merlin's gifter's gifter. It makes more sense that way.
Quote from: Gabi on December 17, 2011, 10:12:41 AM
Merlin's gifter said: "I would also like to know the general specs of my gifter as well. What they want and such."
However I believe the question's addressed to Merlin rather than Merlin's gifter's gifter. It makes more sense that way.
Quote from: Merlin on December 07, 2011, 10:55:29 PM
I'll pre-emptive strike! Any of the characters from my webcomic would be lovely. Here's a convenient link: http://www.dhscomix.com/index.php?p=rchara
But if you want less vague specs, I guess Nettle would be nice: http://www.dhscomix.com/rchara/rchara.php?p=nettle
This is the last time I drew him in-comic, he was being a bit whiny: http://www.dhscomix.com/comics/10/rcomic.php?p=27
Quote from: Arroyo's gifterI actually fancy myself a better writer then drawer. but on you your request.
So you want something Citrine and Arroyo. this is fine what relation ship do they have? (friends , family , dating, enemies, ect...)
what are each of there personalities and well gender would be important as well.
i still need a color scheme for each of them and a favorite color for each would be appreciated as well.
do they have any shared hobbies?
how do they treat each other ? (after all just because your family doesn't mean you're nice to each other)
Here they are, the first gifts of 2012!
Merlin made this gift for
Kipiru made this gift (http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/1531/echarc.png) for
Corgatha Taldorthar wrote the following gift for
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on December 31, 2011, 10:37:14 PM
He had barely been on it for two days, but Kipriu already disliked the planet of Lustarr. In addition to its truly idiotic name (gems were their primary export), it docked in at a 1.9 standard gravity. While that was undoubtedly beneficial to the local diamond industry, it dragged on the unicorn's tall frame, and he had even abandoned his cstomary bodyguard armor in favor of a lighter flak vest for what he hoped would be a primarily ceremonial assignment anyway. Furthermore, local evolution meant that the natives tended towards short and stocky, and he was forever having to stoop through doorways, crick his neck under cramped ceilings, and in one irritable occasion, dislodge his horn from a stupidly placed chandelier in the greeting hall.
All because some Galactic Councilor wanted non-local protection while he oversaw safety reforms in the deeper crevasses. Still, what could you do? Smile for the flashpicts, enjoy the finger food, and try to relax; no matter how irritated the local magnates might be from an order from Central like this, they weren't about to try to murder a Councilor in his luxury hotel. (Or at least what passed for such around here.)
At least there were the tourists. It must have been a standard decade since someone was sent here from Central, and so far his major duty had been keeping out gawkers who would traipse into the halls when off work shifts. A snort and a wisecrack would often deflect even the most ardent of admirers, and he'd be damned if he didn't see a smile on most of the faces he directed out. Being told off by a scary looking bodyguard in a faux-metallic suit seemed to be good enough consolation for failing to meet the Councilor.
Still, despite the small comforts, he knew this was a waste of his talents, and as Kipriu awoke on the third "day", (the higher gravity ensured that the atmosphere on Lustarr contained enough helium to be unbreathable by most, meaning that all habitation was inside sealed domes where light levels remained at a constant.) as he rubbed out the kink in his back as he showered, he was grimly looking forward to the end of the Councilor's visit to this rock pit. Even his characteristic humor was starting to fray, as his official duties were imposing a stern visage to the locals, and the irritation of the assignment was starting to match his face to his mask.
This is where I ran out of steam; I don't have enough information about the character to come up with a real conflict and I don't have enough willpower to invent one and resolve it, and I dislike those kind of stories anyway. I'd hold off for a few days and put this in past deadline, but tbh, I don't think I'd actually come up with anything in the extra time, so here's what I have.
e_voyager wrote the following gift for
Quote from: e_voyagerThe lion paced the halls of the mall, he was both frustrated and giddy with anticipation. The holidays were coming up and he was looking forward to them but sadly they were also the case of his frustration. The mall was crowed but then that was to be expected with the holiday itself mere days. Arroyo pull out a small slip of paper on it was a list of several names all but two crossed out. This was the source of frustration his gift list. He had gotten gifts for all but two of the names on his list.
Arroyo stopped his eye caught by one of the window displays that brought a smile to his muzzle. He wondered if either Citrine or Tierra would like the set before him. Suddenly and arm wraps around his waist and another grips his chest. A familiar voice says " i've you Arroyo... you're mine now" Arroyo quickly choose the list back in his pocket. "Hey Tierra what are you doing here other then stalking me?" "I might ask you the same." She looks past him the holiday candle display. All the candles are shaped like wax figurines and arranged ins such a way as to created a holiday scene. She giggled "still doing out holiday shopping? Is that why you're here?" "maybe" said Arroyo
Citrine finished up her warm-up exercise then found a sparing partner for the day. The mediation really helped focus her mind but still she wished her rivaled had shown up. There was little as enjoyable as a good match that pushed your limits. She wondered why Arroyo didn't stick around to spare or to watch at least. It seemed like he was really distracted by something. Still the party tomorrow night would be fun.
The night of the party Citrine received a package in it was a card that said happy holidays, a new Gi, a mediation mat and several small scented tea candles. She chuckles. Was this what Arroyo was up to? He must have been worried she would take the holiday gift the wrong way. Or worse that she might start behaving like Tierra around him. Well she'd fix that thought soon enough.
Arroyo was enjoying the party. It was a calmer paced party then some but that was fine, there were also several friends from out of town visiting but still there was something missing. That something went by the name Citrine. He wondered why she would ask if he was going to be here then not show up. Suddenly he felt a prodding in his ribs it felt like ... "hello mr. Milori " said a gruff voice that if he didn't know better sounded like Citrine. He took a sniff of the air but couldn't smell her perfume. "I would appreciate it if you don't do anything rash mr. Milori" said the voice. " Now take six steps forward to the center of the room please" Arroyo stepped forward a little confused. The prodding in his back was solid but it didn't really feel like a weapon. Not a real one at least.
In the center of the room Arroyo waited then failing to receive further instruction turned around. Citrine and half the party seem to be armed with Nerf toys. "catch " said someone behind him and without being sure how it happened Arroyo found himself armed with a Nerf blaster as well. " lets get this game started shall we ?" said Citrine with a Grin on her face. Unexpected or not a game of Nerf tag seemed to be the touch that was missing from the party.
As the game ended Citrine came over to him.
"well I guess that means my team wins."
"I guess so"
"I got your gift you big softy" she said giving him a jab in the arm.
Arroyo chuckled. "I wondered what this was for."
Critine shook her head.
"Oh know this isn't my gift to you this is just pay back for acting like her were afraid to talk to me the other day. You gift is over there"
Arroyo looked in the corner and noted. There was a box about a meter tall with his name one it. It was only a about a third of a meter across but he hade a feeing what might be in it. Opening it he saw a part of practice swords nice ones too. He hefted one and felt its weight and balance. He smiled.
"Thanks Citrine " he said smiling trying not to purr and failing.
She grinned. "Maybe next time you won't run out of the Dojo without sparing right Arroyo?"
"Right" he answered.
"Happy holidays Arroyo"
"Happy Holidays Citrine"
* Author's comments:
* I wanted to do better but i have no Real info on you characters other then a few sketches i was able to find. i apologize if the attitudes don't quite match up with the characters you developed. even so i hope you enjoy this short story.
Inumo drew the following (clickable) gift for
(http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/001/1/6/basilisk_ccc_once_more_by_inumo-d4l0hx6.jpg) (http://inumo.deviantart.com/art/Basilisk-CCC-Once-More-277159866)
* Author's comments:
* Bas, hope you enjoy the art! Let me know if you want it uploaded anywhere other than deviatnART. Happy new year!
WhiteFox is going to be late, but he should be posting his gift soon. I have yet to hear news from
Basilisk and
Arroyo. I hope they can both post theirs soon.
Thanks Corg, this is quite satisfactory- it made me smirk the whole way when reading it. I know you had next to nothing to work with so this caught me by surprise- great work, Thanks :mowhappy
Kipru i am floored. i've never seen Erutan depicted so well. the storm seems to suite him well well. i'm impressed by the way you depicted the helmet and staff. he uses magic to disguise his clothes but those two are harder to deal with because of all the effort that was put into making them do what they can do they tend to disrupt illusion spells used to cover them.
Merlin, that's just... awesome. Seriously. Actually, "awesome" doesn't quite cover it. I might have to invent a new word.
Epictacular? That works.
The expression is priceless, and I love the flames. Thank you so much.
Quote from: Gabi on February 17, 2009, 08:36:15 AM
-This is not about creating a masterpiece...
I. Keep. Forgetting this.
Originally my gift was late because I started over a week before the deadline... and I got hit with far more family gatherings than I was expecting... and my tabletop RP group conscripted me for some marathon game sessions.
Late and unfinished as it is, Imma just post it now. So, without further ado, here's my take on Corgatha Taldorthar's Sssth'ra:
And the colour WIP. (http://www.whitefoxart.com/ccc/ccc19_wip.png) (The colour of the wings is not final... Purple is such a fastidious colour. The red squares on the collar were going to be cut rubies.)
When I drew it, I kinda had colouring in mind, so some areas look a little off. The collar looks really bland, for one. I was going to define the shape of the head/face/horns with shading, so that really doesn't come across right. The wings are too short, and a little mismatched, so I do apologize for that.
Aside from that, I really like how this one came out... comments appreciated.
It's very nice Whitefox. Kind of.... more muscular than I usually envision him. And the jewelry at the top of the wings is a *very* nice touch, I think I'm going to steal that bit for the notes. (If that's ok with you.) What really (perhaps stupidly) drew my attention was the ankh that he's holding. I keep waffling back and forth as to whether it fits the setting or not, and like. "Well, I never mentioned ankhs anywhere else as a symbol" to "But it is an Egyptian symbol for life, and he's supposed to have Pharaohnic tendencies and he *is* a life Wizard." Blah blah crazy writer :P It's given me stuff to think about though :D
Err, dumb question. What's that he got in his left hand? Some kind of ribbon?
To Kipriu: I can't promise any sort of schedule, but an unfinished story like that bothers me. If inspiration strikes, I'll probably wander on back and polish that one up.
And as a final aside, I'd like to join Whitefox in saying Merlin, your piece rocked :D
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on January 06, 2012, 11:59:14 AM
And the jewelry at the top of the wings is a *very* nice touch, I think I'm going to steal that bit for the notes. (If that's ok with you.)
By all means. I'm glad you like it.
I had an idea for putting some little chains on, maybe between the fingers of the wings or from the top of the wings to the horns, but I decided to go with something a little more conservative. :3
BTW: if I had finished the shading, the muscles would have been toned down a fair bit. I was going for more of a "lean but fit" build.
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on January 06, 2012, 11:59:14 AMWhat really (perhaps stupidly) drew my attention was the ankh that he's holding.
I kinda dithered about the ankh too, but as I was flipping through Wikipedia entries on egyptian gods, practically
everyone carried one. And they all held them exactly the same way, which fit perfectly with the pose I was going for. So, I just couldn't
not put the ankh in there.
It might be just a
little cliche but if anyone can pull it off, it's him. :3
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on January 06, 2012, 11:59:14 AMIt's given me stuff to think about though :D
*Train-pull* Woot! I have done my job. :3
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on January 06, 2012, 11:59:14 AM
Err, dumb question. What's that he got in his left hand? Some kind of ribbon?
Not dumb at all... in fact, I'm so very glad you asked. :3
That's an uraeus, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uraeus) symbol of sovereignty, royalty, and divinity. The Pharaoh wore one to symbolize the legitimacy of his rule, and it's typically associated with Wadjet, but Sobek (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sobek) wore one as patron of the army.
So, the story behind the pic is that Sssth'ra has been having a very
bad day (thus all the red on his outfit), and some insolent serfs have actually managed to become enough of a nuisance that they warrant his personal attention. He's in the midst of deciding which way to go: to make a miraculous gesture of beneficent good will... hence the ankh... or to show them who's pharaoh and lay down the law with some good 'ol
tyrranical dictator'n royal edicts... hence the uraeus.
All this started when I thought, "Gee, I need some ornamentation for this guy... hey, that snake-hat-thing I keep seeing, what's up with that?" Followed by a hour of surfing Wikipedia.
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on January 06, 2012, 11:59:14 AM
And as a final aside, I'd like to join Whitefox in saying Merlin, your piece rocked :D
I'd like to join Corg in joining me in saying, Merlin, your piece rocked. :3
I'd also like to give prop's to Inumo, for his progress with figure drawing.
Anyone else up for another round? Gabi, if you'd like, I can take over the organization and facilitation duties for this particular round.
If you want to do so, I wouldn't mind participating for once. But it looks like right now, the black list is bigger than the list of people who are interested in joining. :\
Sorry :( I know I'm one of the regulars, but I'd have to duck out in the near future. School and the RP eat up a lot of my energy, and the past few entries of mine were just bad........ the most recent in particular, I'm kind of burned out :(
I'm up for another round as usual, so count me in if this gets rolling. :mowhappy
Quote from: Gabi on February 27, 2012, 12:24:32 PM
If you want to do so, I wouldn't mind participating for once. But it looks like right now, the black list is bigger than the list of people who are interested in joining. :\
sorry i haven had a lot of time. if you mean the hall of shame i don't think i've ever seen it but i believe you. i know i always to to have a gift my commissioner would like but i don't have time top join this time around otherwise i would join you