[Art Exchange] Covert Courtesy Commutation ~ 6/8 gifts are up.

Started by Gabi, February 17, 2009, 08:36:15 AM

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Quote from: Inumo's gifterI just want to know what whoever i am making a thing for is wanting, like everyone else.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Quote from: Gabi on May 23, 2011, 10:02:36 AM
Quote from: Merlin's gifterTo Merlin;
I have the distinct pleasure of being your gifter. To with I request information to fit my gift to you better.  Do you have a specific character that you want your gift to be about?
Please describe your character include; name , temperament, personality, quirks and special abilities if applicable.  While we are at it please consider and answer the following as best you can.
What kind of world does your character live in?
What is the role they play in this world?
Do they have anyone close to them that they worry about or would like likely check in on during the course of a normal day?
What is the age rang of your character?
And would you like a story or a poem of some sort?

haha.... how many words you feel like reading?

Well, as usual, I present Peony Talisman! Major jerk and trickster extraordinaire! I think that should cover most of the character-specific questions, but ask away for any clarifications.

The world: Pretty much generic fantasy. Seriously anything would fit in there. Dudes get magic from the gods, in this case Peony gets illusion magic from the outcast god of tricksters. Which... well since he's outcast, trickster magic is forbidden, so if you don't mind reading a really bad comic I guess this pretty much sums it up in the worst possible way. (yeah apparently this world has a printing press and Peony uses it to spread hamhanded phony anti-trickster propaganda. totally canon).
Do they have anyone close to them that they worry about or would like likely check in on during the course of a normal day: Not usually. Peony travels alone, but has friends everywhere. She doesn't ever let her worries show, either way.

And I would love a story or a poem, really either would be wonderful, no preference here! So whatever springs to mind is great~

Corgatha Taldorthar

Actually, I think I'm going to take a break from recommending Ked and Corg, I'm working on my longer piece, and there's a character in it I'd be interested in seeing a picture of. Sadly, I don't have any pictures of my own to share of the guy, I don't have much talent when it comes to drawing.

Name is Sss'ra (r in draconic though is more of a guttural. Think of a snake hissing and then clearing your throat) He's a draconian, so bipedal, winged, scaled, tail.

He's about 6'3", thin, green scales, purple wings that attach in his upper back, stretch up to the top of his head and down to the back of his knees. When fully stretched outward, the wingspan is about twice that of having his arms outstretched. They're very thin, and aren't actually capable of supporting his weight in flight on their  own. (Although they're enough that it only takes a simple spell to help generate lift for a draconian to fly, as opposed to a much more complicated "solely magically powered" flight spell.

His head is tapering, about three times as "long" (top bottom) as it is wide (left right), and it sits at an angle of about 45 degrees to his neck, so his general looking position is kind of forward and down. He has two small horns on the back of his head, curving inwardly, no hair, and four teeth (two on either side) that actually extend out of his mouth, even when closed, (another 16 that stay in;), kind of in the middle of his face. He doesn't have a nose so much as a pair of nasal slits right above where his mouth opens. The whole face bears some resemblance to a crocodiles.   His eyes are small, deeply inset, and yellow, with tiny pupils.

His overall build is rather thin, and he has two "fingers" and a "thumb" (more like a third finger, but all of them have the sort of dexterity that a thumb has) on each hand, with a usual human arm-trunk-leg structure. His tail is tapering and semi-prehensile, and measures about four feet from where it emerges from his lower back to the tip. He's important and wealthy, so he tends to dress expensively, but draconic fashion tends towards brief clothing, and light colors. He usually wears white silk or linen, with gold inlaid thread; he will occasionally wear red, usually when in a more somber mood.

He's a *very* powerful Wizard, (setting has a difference between "magi" and "Wizard". The latter is invariably capitalized, and wizards are extraordinarily powerful, more like minor gods) So his poise is generally confident, authoritative, even dismissive of all lesser lifeforms (non-Wizards). Unless he's in his workshop, he doesn't usually have any sort of obvious magical glowing auras or the like.

I hope that's enough detail; I do have more, especially on what his home/workshop is like and his various possessions, but I don't want to over-flood you with information.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Quote from: Gabi on May 23, 2011, 10:02:36 AM

VAE's gifter would like to know more about Vladim's personality, abilities, mode of dress, and what sorts of activities he performs on a regular basis.

Let's see.... some bloody time since i played him...
Let's see.. not especially courageous, waits for optimal moment to strike.. well, unless angered - he's rather the choleric and it often messes things up for him.
As of current, besides remotely running various sorts of less than legal activity (smuggling, arms trade and black production thereof, possibly same with soulstones), he is using most of the obtained money for research - main goal is turning beings (i.e. mainly himself) into cubi - he hates most creatures (part of it is that his mother ran off with one) also, is quite a lot jealous of their abilities and lifespan.
He has a tendency to micromanage, not fully trusting anyone to be competent.. maaybe except Sergej, his mole scientific genius friend and colleague.     

Abilities: Vladim is quite an able spellcaster, specialising in earth magic as well as a quite able technologist, having written Sh0d4n (a room-sized AI with a troll/script kiddie personality) based on an article in Mad Science Weekly, and having made himself his tentacles - four hydraulically operated (with a few bits of magic) folding tentacles which are joined to his spine, hi-jacking a few more-less useless nervous connections (i think he used toes and such) to give control.  They are rather  strong and long (about 10ft.)  though of course of no better reflexes than his own due to the means of control.

Clothing: Mostly as displayed... the spiked shoulderpads intend to cover up his rather less than impressive stature - he isn't either tall or broad-shouldered... the habit is practical for concealment and so, also looking somewhat impressive (or so he hopes)
He buys such clothing in bulk, items being mostly identical - on paper it's supposed to supply a fictitious order of monks.

Sorts of activities:  Mostly labwork, but also overseeing activities of his underlings, planning, and dealing with emergencies (usually via conjuring stone-spikes at high velocity). Asides from a bunch of more able henchmen, much of his underlings are hired from various street-inhabiting no-goods, who are then treated with a particular chemical mix that increases their physical abilities, while rendering them easier to subdue and boss around. Not always the smartest, mind you.. which is the cause of some trouble.
Similar means are generally used to procure subjects for experimentation.
As a note of interest , he was trained in a supposed "Evil Overlord requalification course" for the unemployed, which really was something of a plot of a part of the government...  i might write about it all some day

ah well , should be enough
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Wondering when that would come up. So, I have a few choices. First of all, there's Tamtio, or Tam. In this iteration, at least, he's human, but I've thought of him from time to time as an arctic wolf anthro. He has moss-green eyes, standing at about 6' 2" and weighing ~180 lbs. He's well muscled, wears a blue-gray robe with black pants on underneath, and brown leather shoes. He instinctively keeps his wings hidden, so it takes a lot of concentration to make them show up, though they stay visible so long as he wants them there. He's a benevolent person, but should he feel that he or someone he cares for is threatened, he will start with intimidation, then violence.

Second, there's Rita Kaisha, a random character I made in the past. She's a South American woman with green eyes and brown, wavy hair that's pinned behind her ears with bobby pins. She oftren wears a red dress and some light make-up, as well as a single earring in her right ear. The earring is a silver teardrop outline, maybe an eighth of an inch wide (the outlining metal, not the entire earring). A silver wire goes from the point of the teardrop to the bottom of it, with a small ruby in the center. She is flirtatious with either gender, so long as they are of local descent. She shows an obvious distaste for foreigners. In addition, she is a government employee If you want to know more about her history, relations, memberships, etc, just let me know.

Thirdly, there's Likista Boret, another random character. He is a male anthro wolf with gray eyes and short black hair, obviously cut with a knife instead of scissors. He has brown fur, and wears a mottled green headband, brown cargo pants, and (if he's above ground or has guests) a ragged forest green shirt. He is gruff, and determined to be self-sufficient. He has little tolerance for humor, though he isn't angry. In fact, he's actually rather helpful. In addition, he is a hermit that lives out of a series of tunnels he dug out in the forest. Again, if you want to know about his history, relations, etc, just let me know.

Finally, we have pretty much anything else. My art gallery is here, and can be browsed through if none of these characters strike your fancy. Outside of that, I have come up with two races currently used in forum RPs here on the CMF. First, there is the Moloi (see bottom of the post, Racial Description).

Second, we have the Mish'Na.
The Mish'Na are the work of many generations of slow, gentle intervention. Fearsome people, ropes of flesh flow from their shoulders down to the backs of their knees, a natural cape of sorts. Their scaly skin is slick like a fish's, colored a deep green like an asparagus. Their hair falls in cords, like smooth dreadlocks. I have made them so that they cannot do anything without some true devotion, and thus are they my greatest followers.
I wrote these guys for an RP where the players are, quite literally, gods, and decided to write the sheet in character. If you want the entire sheet, it can be found here.

And of course, remember, if none of this appeals to you, feel free to make something of your own. I don't really care what media the gift is made in, so long as you, the gifter, enjoy making it. Have fun! :)


Quote from: Inumo on May 24, 2011, 01:30:47 AM
Wondering when that would come up.
You know... if you wanted to tell your gifter something you could have just made the post. You didn't have to wait for your gifter to ask. I'm pretty sure I've said that several times.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Quote from: Gabi on May 24, 2011, 10:05:22 AM
Quote from: Inumo on May 24, 2011, 01:30:47 AM
Wondering when that would come up.
You know... if you wanted to tell your gifter something you could have just made the post. You didn't have to wait for your gifter to ask. I'm pretty sure I've said that several times.
>.> True. Though my last gifter didn't ask, so it seemed like it wasn't necessary all the time. *shrug*


I've got an idea as to what I'd like, a character design, doesn't even have to be an artistic masterpiece so long as the ideas are fresh I'm happy.

What I'd want is the design for a male Being Adventurer from the time period and region I've previously stated in this thread. The time period is set after the current point of DMFA but before Project Future, so he'd be unlikely to be using a sword as guns have replaced traditional weapons but magazine loaded weapons are in the early stages of development so therefore incredibly expensive and mainly used by the military, so he'd be using a revolver or a breach loaded rifle.

Keep in mind the racial characteristics he'd have.

Other than that go mad, species, appearance and all that don't really matter, though ideally he'd be in his late twenties early thirties.


Quote from: Inumo's gifterI need to ask what color is Tamtio's fur, how old is he, and does Inumo have any particular fancy for a type of pose or situation he'd be in?
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Quote from: Inumo's gifterI need to ask what color is Tamtio's fur, how old is he, and does Inumo have any particular fancy for a type of pose or situation he'd be in?

Tamtio's fur is distinct in that there's no defining features. His fur is completely white. He is 32 years old. No preference for pose or situation.


QuoteQuote from: Basilisk's gifter
Do you have any media preferences? Drawing, writing, poetry? Oh, and what characters would you be interested in seeing at the center of a piece of art?

FFFFFFFFfffffffffffffffffffffffff sorry i totally missed this o.o;

Anyways... hmmm *scratches chin* Feel free to do whatever media you happen to be most comfortable with.  As for characters... uh... Ed got some love last time.  Really, Ed or Bas are my mainstay characters XD you can use either or.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


It's that time again! The time to post all those gifts which have arrived in time. Cheers to these gifters!

-Merlin made this gift for Jairus.

-VAE made this gift for Corgatha Taldorthar.

-The DXM drew this gift for JaxiD.
* Author's comments:
* And this is an attached text:

Not quite my best work here... It's a little underdetailed, but I thought that might not be a problem seeing as the character could do with some fleshing out.

The idea here was basically built out of the concept of a character specializing in the use of a lever-action shotgun. He decided at one point or another that long-range combat with firearms wasn't especially reliable, given the inefficieny of long-range firearms comparitive to the bow. In addition to this, he recoginized that many combatants still favored melee combat. Given this, he adopted the shotgun and utilized a tactic where in he keeps his opponents at mid-range, not close enough to do much good in melee combat, and not far enough that he can't hit them reliably. In addition, he keeps a one-shot sort of deringer weapon for use when enemies have gotten especially close and when in situations where the shotgun isn't avaliable, such as during a reloading period.

He's also got some light-armor reinforcing his limbs, shoulders, knees, and thighs, since those are common striking points for a bruiser. Otherwise whatever he wears is purely ornamental or for some other practical purpose.

As for his species, he's just kind of a generic cat thing. I left it a little open for the sake of possibly changing it later in the design.

I've also got a high-res version if it's wanted. Though I'd have to have it transferred directly or something, as it's over the size limit for most free hosting sites.

-Jairus made this gift for Basilisk.
* Author's comments:
* I'm not sure what inspired me, but here's Ed as Michael Jackson from "Smooth Criminal."

I hope everyone else posts their own gifts soon.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


i'm sorry that i mailed my gift in a little late but i have been swamped my rl and honestly forgot that that deadline was yesterday.  bye the time i remembered i was already well at work and it was too late to send it before i got off this morning.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Since you mailed it after I posted the gifts, you could have posted it yourself. But since you e-mailed it to me, here it is.

-e_voyager's gift for Merlin:

Quote from: e_voyageri do allpoigize for being late but yesterday was havoc for me and i didn't enevere relize that the dead line was reached before i was half way through my shift which lets off at 8 am this morning. i tired to read throng the archive to get a feel for the character but i never made it to any storyline covering her but here is the poem i had written and hoped to personalize for her charcter.

Little trickster play your game

Glide merrily on the breezes

Nimbly skip between the drops of rain

What do you eyes see in this world of grey?

What inspires you to risk death and pain?

What draws you to this dangerous game you play?

Little trickster have you fun

Player you tricks on everyone

Live you life forever on the run

Little trickster breaking hearts.

You're never here when the hearting starts

Is this too one of your trickster arts?

Little trickster are you blind?

Your god's an outcast

Think of all you've left behind!
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Oh wow, nice job Merlin! Thank you very much.

*makes a note that Nick's winter coat should be dark green* I make lots of notes
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu


FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF-- I'm so sorry, I forgot what day it was! Here's my gift for TheDXM:

She looks amazing.
He's looking at me. Is my hair alright?
The way she moves, her face, her smile...
He's so cute. I hope he's not staring blankly.
I should talk to her.
Maybe he'll talk to me.

Wow. She is amazing at that.
He really knew how to talk.
How can she know so much?
I can't get that chat out of my head.
I could spend all day talking with her.
I should invite him over to hang out.

What a day!
He is a good kisser.
She kissed me.
He was so strong, but gentle.
I think I'm in love.

Corgatha Taldorthar

Sorry, I had an attack of pure sloth. (And procrastination, and ........ shutting up now.) It's for VAE. I'm a little surprised, if only because I thought in a given round if B gives to A, A does not give to B. Anyway.

Inspection day

   Vladim took a deep breath of the recycled air of the complex, which seemed to have absorbed the state of frenzied preparation somehow, charging his nerves with energy and a need to expend it. She wasn't due for at least another hour, and that's only if she didn't decide to play games making him wait. What to do, what to do?

   A glance in the mirror informed him that his outfit was suitable polished, and the gleam from the shoulder spikes dazzled him for a brief moment. Once more, he ran through his itinerary, and he idly scooped up a small bit of candy from a mother of pearl bowl with his mechanical tentacles. That at least is one hurdle I won't have to jump. Some of those 'Cubi can be touchy.

   Abruptly, he head out, to inspect his latest experiment. The magical enhancement splicing was his pride and joy of the base, and his credentials were riding on it. Fifteen minutes of hallway pacing, and he was arrived; glistening sterile rows of suspension tubes,  stretching out for a square quarter mile, each holding a slightly different tissue sample in a virulent green nutrient bath.  A small army of lab coated beings, most hunched over clipboards and scribbling furiously, scurried between the glass monoliths. They hadn't gotten anywhere yet, and although Vladim knew that a miracle breakthrough was the stuff of cheap stories, he harangued several of the technicians for not making more progress, threatening fines, demotion, and dismemberment. The latter would give him a few new tissue samples to work with, he supposed. He then issued a number of orders regarding how to properly bathe the samples in enough nutrient solution as to hopefully encourage some magical proficiency.

   As he departed in search of some water; the shouting having produced an irritating scratch in the back of his throat, and as he marched Vladim reflected that the experiments had long since progressed to a degree of complexity outside of his ability to directly  interact with meaningfully, but it simply wouldn't do to let the peons know that; in charge and authoritarian was definitely the way to encourage them to produce the best they could, in fear of his wrath.

   Fifteen minutes to contact, and not enough time to do anything else useful, so Vladim headed over to the entrance hatch, climbed up onto the temporary stage, with his lieutenants of the month   standing stock still to his sides on the row behind him and puffed out his chest, waiting and trying to look impressive. As far as he could tell his visitor arrived exactly at 2 o'clock, not that such dictates meant much in a sealed, underground base.

   Madam Thorndike was a tall demon-wolf, dark gray in coloration, and thin lines that would have suggested middle age in a being, and the few decades before total decline in a creature. She wore a prim business suit that complimented her lean, spare form. The opening of the hatch connected to the lighting, killing all the illumination except for one spear of radiance that centered around the lynx. He marched over to the demoness, keeping to a stately march in order to stay within the pre-set rotations of the snake lamp.

   A minute later, he reached her, and stooped over to kiss her hand. "Ms. Thorndike, it is a pleasure to have you over. Above and somewhat to the rear of him there was the sound of metal creaking and a faint hiss, but he put it out of his mind in the presence of a woman who could simply have him and his lab disappear in the haze. Still focused on her hand, which smelled faintly of aloe, he said "While I would not fear for the safety of one so formidable, above on the dais are my most loyal lieutenants. If it pleases you, I would hope that you pick one as an escort. The base is quite large, and it can be easy to get lost."

   The silence of her reply, or lack thereof, was deafening. At a lack of what to do, Vladim dared to look her in the face, which was decorated by a faint smile, her gaze tracing across the stage. Trepidation rising in his chest, Vladim turned around, and almost groaned aloud; something when the other lights were turned off blew a connection, or something. Smoke was billowing out from the ceiling, and Vladim's eyes were already stinging, and the stage was completely obscured from view.

   Roaring inarticulately, he spun out two spells, one creating a gust of wind that pushed the smoke down one of the corridors, and a second one that blasted a stone spike through the chest of one of the lieutenants on the stage, selected at random. Turning around again, he bowed his head, "My apologies ma'am; these discipline infractions always occur at the most inconvenient of times. I will be happy to show you around the base myself."

   She nodded almost imperceptibly, and strode off down the hallway on the left, the least smoke-filled. Stumbling through a hop to keep up with her, Vladim managed to get slightly to her side and behind her shoulder. "I know that the board  sent you to investigate my villainy, but what exactly did you want to inspect? I mean, we're headed to the cafeteria. Nothing truly evil going on there, besides the baby back ribs they serve on weekends." He leaned in and whispered conspiratorially "Don't eat them, they season them with, well, I'm not really sure what, but it tastes awful."

   Ice was beginning to form in the lynx's veins. Even the haughtiest 'cubi that visited a month back enjoyed that joke, but this demoness simply took in the details of his base with a silent, intense gaze that belonged to a raptor. What to do what to do? The grand tour would likely make her impatient, but there was so little progress....  For a brief instant, he thought of slipping a stone shard through her heart, but even if he could manage to slay her, the Comission would surely realize something was amiss if she failed to return.

   With growing apprehension, he gently took her elbow and guided her into the main lab. Once again, the rows of glass cases, like enormous graduated cylinders suspended upside down confronted them, with the lab-rats scurrying to and fro. She took the lead, pacing between the columns,forging a path through the workers with little more than a stern glance and the force of her personality. After perhaps an age-long minute, she spoke, with a voice stern and as cold as the tundra, and an accent that just escaped the forefront of Vladim's tongue.

"It is certainly of impressive scale. And your file said you have been working on this for six years?"

"Oh, yes ma'am. Most of the work has been harvesting with an eye for the right properties and without making too much of a stir. We've scarcely been able to acquire two thousands. Slightly less than half are beings, and there are about an equal number of half-demons. Well, half creatures of all types, but half-demons are the ones most littered about. Purestrain specimens are"

"Stop babbling. Have you managed to isolate what tissues or organs correlate with various magical aptitudes?"

"Well, by splicing together especially half-creatures with their full blooded brethren, we've managed to amplify existing magical tendencies, but it only works some of the time, and quite often there's this rejection effect. And-"

"So no. What are these rejections? How often do they occur?"

"Well, we tried splicing a half-demon together with an Angel. That was the first one. Stephan thought that the opposites would bring together something like a 'Cubi's elemental affinities, but instead the there was this uncontrolled magical accretion, the sample eventually evaporated the nutrient solution and burned through the tank. As for how often? Well, that depends on how you define success..."

"How many would die if you tried this on real people?"

   Vladim gulped. "Well, miss. It's hard to say, there's a lot more variables when you're trying this on a live person. We've done that once or twice, but we're still mostly working with set samples, trying to establish the foundation blocks. But..... Perhaps nine in ten would die? Beings seem slightly more resilient than half creatures. Some kind of imprinting."

   She whirled around, eyes flashing for a moment, "I must say that I am very much taken aback. Your efforts have been colossal, wasteful, and generally unsuccessful. You manage your  crew with brute force and the threat of random death, with little insight or even care, I suspect, as to whether they deserve it. I'm half surprised you haven't been overthrown by your lieutenants." She smiled, and  at once her face softened into something almost motherly. "It's far more than I expected. Your villainy license is renewed, and if I can convince my boss, you'll be upgraded to Gold class before the month is out. Good day."
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Seriously, Corgatha, is hard to formulate how awesome this is (especially because i  write even more crappy than i draw)
The design of the labs works pretty  much like what i had in mind, you have PERFECTLY captured his personality in the beginning segments (such as running around giving orders to the researchers though he barely grasps what's going on, just because he somehow feels it's appropriate and they won't do a good job alone), science kinda works as well - no glaring flaws and interesting theories ,  and the whole scene is hillariously reminiscent of a particular evaluation from PF.


EDIT: http://vaeisenberg.deviantart.com/art/CCC-15-Gift-for-Corgatha-210861147
Corgatha's gift got moved out of scrap on dA.
Later i'll add it to FA as well  , possibly.
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .

Corgatha Taldorthar

Glad you liked it. :)

As for your own piece, I had to double-check my description I gave. The tail-end of my notes on the char say "vaguely pharonic in disposition" So the theme is *perfect* :D  The jewelry is nice, understated, about the only criticism I could give is that his left elbow looks broken or something, but that's a tiny detail next to the perfect ideological theme. :D The wings are brilliant too.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Quote from: e_voyageri do allpoigize for being late but yesterday was havoc for me and i didn't enevere relize that the dead line was reached before i was half way through my shift which lets off at 8 am this morning. i tired to read throng the archive to get a feel for the character but i never made it to any storyline covering her but here is the poem i had written and hoped to personalize for her charcter.

Little trickster play your game

Glide merrily on the breezes

Nimbly skip between the drops of rain

What do you eyes see in this world of grey?

What inspires you to risk death and pain?

What draws you to this dangerous game you play?

Little trickster have you fun

Player you tricks on everyone

Live you life forever on the run

Little trickster breaking hearts.

You're never here when the hearting starts

Is this too one of your trickster arts?

Little trickster are you blind?

Your god's an outcast

Think of all you've left behind!

Ah! I love it! Heheh, don't worry about lateness or nothing, I haven't been to a computer in a while XD (and I never got around to drawing a storyline with Peony yet anyway, sorry for not saying so!)

Seriously, what a nice surprise! That poem is just amazing, it fits so perfectly, I love it! Thank you so much!


i'm glad you like it. i worried that it didn't fit her because  i had only her profile to go off of, well that and that comic that told how the wold felt about tricksters to shape it. now that i know that she hasn't had a storyline i feel better about not finding her in one.

i did screw up the third stanza i'm sorry to say. i dropped the "r's" in the word "your" the corrected poem should read

Quote from:  Trickster
Little trickster play your game
Glide merrily on the breezes
Nimbly skip between the drops of rain

What do your eyes see in this world of grey?
What inspires you to risk death and pain?
What draws you to this dangerous game you play?

Little trickster have your fun
Play your tricks on everyone
Live your life forever on the run

Little trickster breaking hearts.
You're never here when the hearting starts
Is this too one of your trickster arts?

Little trickster are you blind?
Your god's an outcast
Think of all you've left behind!
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on June 13, 2011, 06:05:30 PM
Sorry, I had an attack of pure sloth. (And procrastination, and ........ shutting up now.) It's for VAE. I'm a little surprised, if only because I thought in a given round if B gives to A, A does not give to B. Anyway.
And yet VAE appeared to have guessed when he sent me this message:
Quote from: Corgatha's gifterHmm, I question my gifter on what character would he like drawn - possible description and references very welcome.
As I said before, it was an accidental truth (that his gifter was also his recipient).

The only rule is that you can't get yourself.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Quote from: Inumo on June 13, 2011, 02:03:20 PM

Thank yoooou. I quite like it.

It goes a little simple, but I like the replying scheme.
Ͼ ♂ Ͽ


Well, then.

I owe Rhyfe a gift from loooong while back. I haven't been able to find the time to finish it, regretably, but I PM'd Rhyfe and asked if the last WIP I'd sent was acceptable. It was, so here it is:

Puddle Jumper:
(Probably shrunk down by the board. Clickie for biggie.)

Kids... always getting messy. Especially the omnipotent ones.

I really wanted to do a full colour piece for Rhyfe, because he was the artist who inspired me to do something beyond cel shading. Which I have, and it was a laborious process to do so, but totally worth it. So, I have much to thank Rhyfe for in that regard.

I think the toughest part of this was that I don't normally draw cute things. That took some practice. Huzzah for pushing boundaries.

Comments appreciated, and I'm totally in for next round if Gabi is cool with that.

[edit] That's lava on his hands, by the way.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


apologies for the delay, i'll have something up tomorrow... been a rough couple of days :B

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


trust me we understand. sometimes life gets in the way of having fun.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


WhiteFox, that's amazing! The red lava stream looks a bit plain/flat compared to the rest, but everything else looks great! The rocks, the lava drops, the light effects, the drawing itself... Well done! I'm not the recipient, of course, but since you said you wanted comments, that's what I think.

And of course you may join the next round... which is bound to begin after AC.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Quote from: Gabi on June 16, 2011, 11:50:59 AM
WhiteFox, that's amazing! The red lava stream looks a bit plain/flat compared to the rest, but everything else looks great! The rocks, the lava drops, the light effects, the drawing itself... Well done! I'm not the recipient, of course, but since you said you wanted comments, that's what I think.
Um... Gee. I dunno what to say. Thank you.

My methods evolved the way they did specifically because I wanted to be able to handle things like lighting and surface textures, so I'm glad to hear the effort seems to have paid off.

Quote from: Gabi on June 16, 2011, 11:50:59 AM
And of course you may join the next round... which is bound to begin after AC.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...

Corgatha Taldorthar

So when can I start annoying people with my "work" again? :P
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.