My dog is dying

Started by topher chee, September 01, 2006, 10:26:44 PM

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topher chee

Do you guys have any suggestions.  He's pretty old and all of the sudden he hasnt been eating much.  We actually have to use a turkey baster to feed him broth and now hes starting to not eat it.  Hes breathing heavily and walking in circles....hes been shaky lately...we though about putting him to sleep but my mom decided to wait and see what happens over the weekend.  Ive tried everything, i just covered him up so hes nice and warm but i dont know if its helping at all.  Hes got diharrea which means hes probably dehydrated and he takes in little sips of water.  I want to give him a chance but i also dont want him to be in pain.

Hope ya get better


Yeah, I'd put him as beyond help. Sorry. Can't help but think that this is going to happen to me in about 5 years.  :tired I'd recommend putting him down, as hard as that may be. If he's starting not to eat, I don't see any way that can improve. Sorry.

topher chee

thanks....cherish your dog/cat or whatever your pet may be, help them live their lives to the fullest

Castle Pokemetroid

That is what I shall do for the time I have with them . . . For I have seen the death of a loved pet one too many times . . .


 :mowsad Yeah, I have to agree with billbuckner. Losing a pet... *sight* I hope our cat lives a couple more years. I still hope your dog gets better. But the chance of that happening is slim...  :mowsad


It's hard when a pet you've had for a long time goes away. You're just so used to having it there, it can get a bit lonely at times... :mowsad
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llearch n'n'daCorna

On the other hand, as it's your pet, it's your responsibility to keep his or her suffering to a minimum. Don't kepe the thing alive, in pain, just because you can't let go, mmkay?

Note that I'm not saying it won't hurt you to let go, and I'm not saying it'll be easy. It's not. It's damn hard. But it's what you agreed to when you got the pet in the first place. Sometimes, it's hard to keep that in mind.
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I wish I could add something to this topic but I can't, simply because I'd think of the same thing happening to Ochi and I don't know how I'd deal with being forced to think about that.

And topher, your note about cherishing one's companions is well received, I already do, everyone should.  My canine compadre is more genuine, loyal and caring than almost any human I've met.  Dunno where I'd be without him.


I am assuming he's been to a vet and diagnosed as just suffering the effects of old age.  If that is the case, then you should just do whatever you can to make sure he isn't suffering for the remainder of his time on earth.  A pet's death is both inevitable and emotionally difficult.  Remember and cherish the time you spent together, but don't dwell too heavily on it. 

llearch n'n'daCorna

-everyone- dies. Like it or not.

All you can do is go on. "Death is, jeune fils - you just go on, and remember them." As long as you remember them, they're never quite as dead as all that.
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Castle Pokemetroid

Dogs and cats can only live for about 15 years . . . A forth of a humans life . . .

topher chee

well, we put him to sleep this morning, hes in a much better place.  Gonna miss ya big guy


one of my greatest fears is when arrives the time of teddy's death (teddy my dog) i am really close to him, i even share with him my plates when we are eating in the room (weekends) he sleeps in my bed sometimes...he is only 4 years old so he still has plenty years ahead...he got sick 2 times but i gave everything i had to make him get advice: look for professional help, take care of him as if it was your best friend (cause sorta it is) even if sometimes gets icky (depending of the disease) or annoys you to do it...give him love, even IF it is his last days...cause i can bet he always loved you, he would give his life to protect you, and it is ''someone'' that would NEVER betray you...

edit: i didn't see your above post...may he find in death what he always looked on life...

topher chee


Quote from: Castle Pokemetroid on September 02, 2006, 03:53:48 PM
Dogs and cats can only live for about 15 years . . . A forth of a humans life . . .

I'm pretty sure most people live longer than 60 years o.O

topher chee

i had a dog that lived up to 17

Castle Pokemetroid

Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on September 02, 2006, 06:35:38 PM
I'm pretty sure most people live longer than 60 years o.O

I wasn't thinking then. I meant 90 years, so actually I meant a sixth of a person's life. Sorry bout tat!


Well, 75 is more accurate, IIRC.

topher chee

its all pretty much the same


At least you didn't have to bear losing one pet to another.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Been there, done that. I'm sure the cat was confused as to why I was upset that she ate one of my guinea pigs.

Admittedly that's mostly because I couldn't find her the previous three or four times...
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I'm sorry about your dog, topher.  That is really, really hard.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber

topher chee

*returns hugs* its ok, i bet hes happier than ever now.  One time my dad found a yellow spotted boa in our backyard, (no idea how it got there) anyways we put it in a huge tank and he found all these huge frogs too, probably toads, anyways we come back the next day and we find the boa in the frog tank with his mid section 3 inches larger than usual


*hugs topher* it was hard for me when davey Boy died...

i miss him so much... :tired

but at least you know yer doggie will be waiting for ya

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3

topher chee

yup.....lets see im 15 now......i wanna live past 100.......hes gonna be waitin for a while


It's always hard

With Sammy, Alex and Shiloh I could understand they hd been very sick and had lived long full lives. 

but when I lost my zues  he was only 3 years old... it realy wasn't fair to lose him, one of the sweetest, most lovable dogs around.
that was hard. 

It's always hard but you'll survive and I'm sure your pup would want you to remember happy times  and not the end

topher chee



Here is a little something I used to read when I thought about first sammy (my cat) then shiloh (my pup)


llearch n'n'daCorna

The following Skoodge one amused me, for some reason. :-)
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I still cry every time I read the first skoodge comic