New here. Could use a sort of TOUR...

Started by Antraxx, July 29, 2006, 03:59:18 AM

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I've been posting at the CV Dungeon for years now, but I think it's time to expand on my scope in the CV Dungeon community, so I've joined a few more; including here.

You all know the feeling of awkwardness you get when you try something new and things are uncomfortable. Well that was my experience... when I joined the CV Attic. :) Place is dead right now, man.

Not here, though... er... not as much. I see this as a healthy and stable CV community where I can express my opinions about the series we all love, and I can share the moments with you (Awwww...)

But I do feel a bit overwhelmed just stepping into this place. So I would greatly appreciate some kind of verbal tour to explain all the areas of this forum, and like who's who and all that... jazz.

A small introduction:

- I'm an anime artist with ever growing musical abilities. I love to just create and see what happens next. I also write poetry and short stories on occasion. I just have that creative juice coursing through my veins, and it constantly wants to jump out. I'm currently putting most of this energy behind my own game: an RPG that I think could really change things.

- I LOVE videogames; and I DO believe that CV deserves the title of best series ever. We have been given so much from Konami over the years, and the only franchise that can match its number of outings is Mega Man (which is also superb). So, I mean, this series is beyond legenadary in my mind. I'm not just talking quantity: CV is one of the only series to deliver such amazing quality for so long and so frequently.

- I'm also a loyal fan of Nintendo.

- I LOVE videogame music and listen to it more than mainstream music 5 to 1. I appreciate and cherish and expect TUNE out of my music, and CV delivers on all levels there. Among my faves are: CV, FF, YS, SHENMUE, MEGA MAN and SONIC.

- I love cartoons and am a rabid fan of ADULT SWIM. But I greatly enjoy the more family oriented offerings, like Spongebob and TGAO Billy and Mandy. I love studying good animation and how good characters are brought to life.

- I try to look at the world with unclouded vision. Sometimes that's near impossible to reach with all the utter crap that's going on outside, and IN our country. But the most imporatant thing is to realize your place: what you can do, and JUST DO IT... and then to realize that we need eachother, and that everyone and thing has a purpose and we are destined to become complete persons. And more importantly, love is a MUCH stronger force than hate.

- That's what I have to say about me, for now; in other words, I'm just one of you.

I think I'll like it here....


Welcome home.

(This place is about castlevania? Oh yeah!)



*bounces in*

While I'm not from the same side of things (I keep meaning to check out the CV side)

But I'd still love to extend a welcoming paw.

*whips out a platter of cookies and treats*

Please stay, enjoy,  and welcome


Yes, welcome! I enjoy both DMFA and CVRPG. Don't be intimidated by the sheer craziness of this community. It's easier and more fun if you just give in. :tongue
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


QuoteI see this as a healthy and stable CV community
Healthy and stable...I must have gone wrong somewhere...

As an artist of both visual and of words, probably everyone is going to love you.
Video game music is highly underrated alsomst anywhere other than Japan. I like having over half of my music being of games.

Anywho, this one welcomes thee to this...interesting place. :januscat


Very nice introduction. Welcome. As you'll probably see this is a combined community of not only CV but of DMFA an online webcomic. So you will get the general craziness from both sides. Some may not know squat about CV but just give them(us? I'm one of them xD) a little patience.

I think you'll get along just fine here.


Jorge D. Fuentes

Welcome A N T R A X X.
This place is Castlevania related, but as of late it merged with another forum, which explains all the non-cv stuff in here (and all the animal avatars).

This place circulates around CVRPG, DMFA, and DSWC, all are webcomics.  Two are CV related (sort of) and the other is Dan & Mab's... something... Adventures.  I forget.

I hope that helps.


Hey Antraxx! ^_^ I hope to see some submissions in the Tower of Art forum!

And yeah, this place isn't as CV oriented as it originally was, but it's still the central theme here.

topher chee

Mew Mew Renee


*slinks out of the nearby closet* Not one word, TGH...
*pulls out sheaf of papers* lets see if I remember how to do this... Welcome insert newbie name here! *Blinks* Antraxx. Welcome Antraxx. Whilst most come bearing gifts of treats or trauma, I bring only some words of advice.
1) Be nice, or the forumites will eat you.
2) Cute rules all in the DMFA section. Don't piss off chibis.
3) Artists are in charge. Writers are also in charge. We who do both are the elite.
4) Don't be pretty. Trust me, you'll thank me later.
5) If you see a ferret or a fox smiling at you (any of them) go in the opposite direction with great haste. Trussssst meeee....

And it isn't solely castlevania. It's a castlevania sprite comic and a fantasy comic forum. Still, there's always the VG thread.


Quote from: Boogeyman on September 16, 2006, 05:49:29 PM*slinks out of the nearby closet* Not one word, TGH...


...*Hides* :3


This threat has been necro-ed originally created on > July 29 <