20/07/2012 [DMFA #1325] Defeat by modesty and the scariest Wildy face

Started by MT Hazard, July 20, 2012, 07:40:58 AM

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That Wildy face terrifies me o_o!

I wouldn't want to be in that guys place right now.
by Silverfoxr! Thank you!


Well the BoB squad's whole plan has basically snafu'd.  Gen has been caught with her pants (and everything else) down.  Considering how tight her dress is, it probably just popped like a balloon when Wildly slashed it  :kruger. Gen seems to be just emotionally overwhelmed and is fleeing from an OP gone wrong.  Kinda funny that she's the one acting the most like how Abel described cubi are in a fight.

Honestly forgot about the Critters movies, she kinda reminded me of a Gremlin from that series. 

Personally I think Nite should have just stayed down, this is not gonna end well (for him).  Probably just hit her with his best shot with her guard down, and she`s not even really hurt.  If anything she`s just more excited.  Good luck getting another  shot in while he has her full attention.

The subtle things Abel is doing in the fight impress me.  Watching Pegasus charging some kind of attack in one panel, then grabbing his ankle in the next so the attack just falls short.  Looks like Skirmish has taken advantage of the strike to wiggle free though. 

Wheee paragraphs of text~
Lurkus Wallflowerus

MT Hazard

Quote from: Amber Williams on July 20, 2012, 03:12:44 PM
Quote from: MT Hazard on July 20, 2012, 10:53:36 AM
I occurs to be me that Gen is reliant on her crystal for her magical abilities

She isn't.  It's just that Gen specializes in water magic, where as the crystal was more like "stun spell in a jar".  She's far from reliant on it, and her decision to flee the fight was not due to a sudden lack of gear. 

Interesting, Is Nite a more powerful mage? Because of his (guessing here) creature heritage?
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 


Quote from: Amber Williams on July 20, 2012, 03:12:44 PM
Quote from: MT Hazard on July 20, 2012, 10:53:36 AM
I occurs to be me that Gen is reliant on her crystal for her magical abilities

She isn't.  It's just that Gen specializes in water magic, where as the crystal was more like "stun spell in a jar".  She's far from reliant on it, and her decision to flee the fight was not due to a sudden lack of gear. 

That makes me wonder what Gen knows about Wildy that everyone else seems to be ignorant about?

After all, if Night knew what Gen knows, would he be running too?

I can't help but remember that Pip and Wildy both are in competition for most ferocious thing in the Lost Lake Inn.
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


Proud member of the Dimanika Clan! >:3


(credit: Gabi)


Quote from: Amber Williams on July 20, 2012, 03:12:44 PM
Quote from: MT Hazard on July 20, 2012, 10:53:36 AM
I occurs to be me that Gen is reliant on her crystal for her magical abilities

She isn't.  It's just that Gen specializes in water magic, where as the crystal was more like "stun spell in a jar".  She's far from reliant on it, and her decision to flee the fight was not due to a sudden lack of gear.  

But that doesn't make sense; if the crystal didn't give he much power, why is she suddenly running outside? All that's there is...... a big lake.... and she's a water mage....

...oh crap.


Quote from: Sofox on July 20, 2012, 08:03:35 PM
Quote from: Amber Williams on July 20, 2012, 03:12:44 PM
Quote from: MT Hazard on July 20, 2012, 10:53:36 AM
I occurs to be me that Gen is reliant on her crystal for her magical abilities

She isn't.  It's just that Gen specializes in water magic, where as the crystal was more like "stun spell in a jar".  She's far from reliant on it, and her decision to flee the fight was not due to a sudden lack of gear.  

But that doesn't make sense; if the crystal didn't give he much power, why is she suddenly running outside? All that's there is...... a big lake.... and she's a water mage....

...oh crap.
not to mention she would cause immense collateral if she would try to flood the inn. Also the lake is (quite) small, and both of her arms are being used to not become completely naked :P

(credit: Gabi)


This is simultaneously the funniest and most terrifying thing I have seen in quite some time.  HOORAY FOR WILDY!


Does Pegasus manage a hit on Abel's wing in panel 4? Pegasus's sword appears to be charging up in panel 3. Could that enable it to actually cut into Abel's wings?


Quote from: Amber Williams on July 20, 2012, 03:12:44 PM
Quote from: MT Hazard on July 20, 2012, 10:53:36 AM
I occurs to be me that Gen is reliant on her crystal for her magical abilities

She isn't.  It's just that Gen specializes in water magic, where as the crystal was more like "stun spell in a jar".  She's far from reliant on it, and her decision to flee the fight was not due to a sudden lack of gear. 

Was it just the sudden lack of gear, or was it due to the sudden lack of gear being caused by another female?


Quote from: Plotting on July 21, 2012, 01:17:40 AM
Was it just the sudden lack of gear, or was it due to the sudden lack of gear being caused by another female?

I think the reasons vary from female to female in this comic.

De-dress Aary, and she'll panic for a bit before re-making clothes and coming after you to rip you apart.
De-dress Matilda and... Waaaaaaaaaait a minute...
De-dress Dan and he'd ignore his wardrobe problems and continue the fight.
De-dress Mab and there won't be enough left to ID your stupid butt.
De-dress Alexsi and you'd be safe for a while. (Approx. until you stop running.)
De-dress Wildy, and she'll just firmly plant her fist into your groin and THEN injure other organs.

Speaking of Wildy, I'm going to look at pictures of spider faces until I get that image out of my mind. (And YES, I'm arachnophobic.)

EDIT: Whoops, forgot a couple...

De-dress Lorenda and she'll eat you. (Most likely with BBQ sauce.)
De-dress Kria, and she'd probably just return the favor.


Quote from: Ravenscroft on July 20, 2012, 10:59:11 AM
And that last panel is proof that sharks have a land cousin, the ferret.

You know ferrets have been commonly referred to as carpet sharks, right? >:3

Also Wildy's face in the last panel, while terrifying, also managed to somehow magically pull me out of the work-induced bad mood I was just in!


Well then! Not that I really needed to sleep tonight...

In all seriousness, however, I think we can safely assume that is the scariest face Wildy will ever show us.

Talis Mahn

I have now seen the true face of e-bil....Where do I sign up?


Well I think the Blunt Object Brigade is now officially doomed.
Also I think Genesis is fleeing the fight not to get water from the lake or because she is naked (well, almost). She is just fleeing from the ferret. :U Smart movie Gen, smart move. o3o
o3o Iunno.

Lying Foo

Quote from: Drayco84 on July 21, 2012, 02:10:52 AM
De-dress Dan and he'd ignore his wardrobe problems and continue the fight.

I love that you just threw that in there without even commenting.

Although precedent suggests it's not unlike knocking the sunglasses off a gorgon...
Itsuwari, osore, kyoshoku, urei - samazama wa negative ni torawareru hodo yowaku wa nai, kodoku mo shiranu Trickster.


I wonder what the BOB are thinking at the moment, assuming they have the chance.
I mean, they've attacked someone thinking they were 'Cubi.  They're now fighting a real 'Cubi who is defending the person they attacked, and now a third person has come out of the inn to aid the 'Cubi.  Are they going to think that they're all 'Cubi?  That Wildy's under Abel's thrall?  Or are they going to notice that these people seemed to be happy enough with the 'Cubi around, and maybe they [the B-O-B] should be rethinking their whole approach here?

Quote from: Lying Foo on July 21, 2012, 11:21:02 AM
I love that you just threw that in there without even commenting.
Although precedent suggests it's not unlike knocking the sunglasses off a gorgon...

Jy and Wildy might beg to differ: http://missmab.com/Comics/Vol_1007.php

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


is it just me, or is the BOB displaying more magical ability then one would expect from their general level of sophistication?

did we ever establish a intelligence/magical ability connection even?

side thought, assuming they had strolled in and successfully made a cubi kill, what did they plan to do with the abel remains? im thinking you would want to keep something that pretty, possibly as a mildly erotic rug or a fierce stuffed pose
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


Quote from: Tapewolf on July 21, 2012, 11:25:19 AM
I wonder what the BOB are thinking at the moment, assuming they have the chance.
I mean, they've attacked someone thinking they were 'Cubi.  They're now fighting a real 'Cubi who is defending the person they attacked, and now a third person has come out of the inn to aid the 'Cubi.  Are they going to think that they're all 'Cubi?  That Wildy's under Abel's thrall?  Or are they going to notice that these people seemed to be happy enough with the 'Cubi around, and maybe they [the B-O-B] should be rethinking their whole approach here?

I personally doubt it. Assuming that they are the ones who have been murdering the 'Cubi lately, then it is unlikely that they would care how other people feel about having a 'Cubi around the place. And even if they are not the ones who have been murdering 'Cubi lately, they still went to the Lost Lake Inn to kill a 'Cubi for no real purpose other than to kill a 'Cubi.


Oooh...  I just noticed Wildy's ears in the last panel.  Another nice touch. :mowwink
Please excuse the watermarked avatar.  I haven't bothered to fix it yet.  (Still, thanks to PetFriendAmy for the original pic!)


Quote from: Tapewolf on July 21, 2012, 11:25:19 AM
I wonder what the BOB are thinking at the moment, assuming they have the chance.
I mean, they've attacked someone thinking they were 'Cubi.  They're now fighting a real 'Cubi who is defending the person they attacked, and now a third person has come out of the inn to aid the 'Cubi.  Are they going to think that they're all 'Cubi?  That Wildy's under Abel's thrall?  Or are they going to notice that these people seemed to be happy enough with the 'Cubi around, and maybe they [the B-O-B] should be rethinking their whole approach here?
I don't think they're thinking at all at the moment. They're in fight-mode. That means they'll keep fighting anyone who shows up to fight them until they either win, lose, or come close enough to losing that they decide running for their lives is better. The question of "I wonder why so many people were fighting us" won't even cross their minds until later.

That's my guess, anyway.