10/07/2010 [AS2 #104] - There Is Hope

Started by RandomMetaphysics, July 10, 2010, 03:18:33 AM

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Anker Steadfast

On a sidenote :

If Mink radiates hope, does that mean that Fa'Lina is going to feed on him:D

GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.


Quote from: Tytaj on July 10, 2010, 05:48:33 AM
Truly adorable.

Hope heals all wounds? Hope gives life? Hope is us reaching out towards the light? Hope is what drives us?
Hope makes you and your wings go all shiny white?

That was cute. Not as cute as some other panels, but cute.

Prof B Hunnydew

Quote from: Attic Rat on July 10, 2010, 06:24:58 PM
Extraordinary plot manipulation, Amber!
You took Abel to the bottom of a pit of despair, farther down than anyone could imagine, and then in one bright flash of compassion,  you hand us angelically-glowing healing and hope. Speaking of hope, I can only hope you never use your powers for evil...

Amber is a force of Nature, she uses her powers for the advancement of the cute...
Mab's Heaven



Quote from: Damaris on July 10, 2010, 07:43:00 PM
...Don't bring stuff like this up again.
Dammit.  Now Damaris hates me.  
Those who haven't met her with her cheery disposition can't realize how hard this is to do.  


Quote from: Rafe on July 10, 2010, 09:13:28 PM
Dammit.  Now Damaris hates me.  
Those who haven't met her with her cheery disposition can't realize how hard this is to do.  

1) No I don't. You're fine :)
2) It's all a front. ;)

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


I feel much better now. 
I further hope  my comment about Fruit Rollups didn't offend anyone.


Blast it, Amber, stop trying to make me like this strange squiggly creature of undefined gender! You keep sneaking all this niceness in there and making me have to despite what I want.


Quote from: D'ymkarra on July 10, 2010, 12:05:49 PM
For those that care: There was an old wives' tale on FurC (passed along by the Rah), that Jin herself resided at Lost Lake; hence the lakes' extraordinary healing abilities....interesting indeed.

Even better, maybe Mink lives there.   :)

Quote from: Shachza on July 10, 2010, 11:36:15 AM
Some may disagree, but I declare Keep Hope Alive to be Jin's clan song!

Seems pretty good.  Also, congratulations, you've gotten me hooked on the artist.  This can only end in downloading a full discography. 

Quote from: McKathlin on July 10, 2010, 01:05:19 PM
Quote from: Arcblade on July 10, 2010, 10:09:11 AM
Edit: It occurs to me that a halo around Mink's head would not be out of place here.  Cliched, perhaps, but definitely not out of place. 
Perhaps, but then, a halo could hardly add to this.  Mink already looks like an angel here. <3

Yeah, quite true.  What amuses me most about that imagery is that Mink does not have feather wings.  Mink has batwings, even if they are white, and is a squid-squiggley, and somehow it does not detract from the awesome.  That is hard to pull off.  Props to Amber. 

Quote from: SoWhatIfImFurry on July 10, 2010, 01:16:45 PM
As adorable as this is, I can't help but have a very... very bad feeling about this.
We all know that this is to good to be true, every time something that's the least bit positive happens to Abel, something happens to take it away. Cindy, Devin, all of Abels friends, his mom... All of them were good, now all of them are dead.

Shh!  Mentioning it might make it happen! 

The Lurking Dragon

Amber, you may feel meh, but it appears your fans may disagree. Sometimes the simplest things are the most powerful. This, I think personally, is one of those times.
"You can't see me or hear me unless I want you to."
The Lurking Dragon


Quote from: Rafe on July 10, 2010, 09:13:28 PM
Dammit.  Now Damaris hates me.  
Those who haven't met her with her cheery disposition can't realize how hard this is to do.  
Eh. I took your option four as facetious humor.  I know from experience how tought that is to get across on a forum post.  I took no offense.

Quote from: D'ymkarra on July 10, 2010, 12:05:49 PM
For those that care: There was an old wives' tale on FurC (passed along by the Rah), that Jin herself resided at Lost Lake; hence the lakes' extraordinary healing abilities....interesting indeed.
Does someone (ahem, Tapewolf?) remember where this was mentioned? I didn't see it in the "magazine interviews Dan/Alexi about Lost Lake arc, nor is the "Lost Lake" location have its own page on the Demonology 101 page.

Quote from: SoWhatIfImFurry on July 10, 2010, 01:16:45 PM
Nuuuuu... Don't let anything happen to Mink! She's to cute to die! Or have anything relatively bad happen to her!
As long as Mink stays at SAIA Fa'Lina won't let any of the students die in her little pocket universe.

Quote from: McKathlin on July 10, 2010, 01:05:19 PM
Perhaps, but then, a halo could hardly add to this.  Mink already looks like an angel here. <3
Since there are angels in the Furrae universe, that would cause too much confusion.  Mink is just awesome the way she is!

Poor Abel.   Helpless to protest this invasion of his "personal space!"   :)

Keep in mind that this entire scene occurred under Fa'Lina's complicity, if not approval.

If we didn't know it before, here's what Abel was talking about when he said "The vast majority of Cubi are jerks. The NICE ONES exist...but are a minority"


Mink truly is the clan of Awesome! :boogie

Wonder if they were both banned from the library? Friends that stick together, tend to get in trouble together.
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


Mmkay, at this point if something bad happens to Mink, I will just be dead inside.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Damaris on July 10, 2010, 09:30:44 PM
2) It's all a front. ;)

Mmm, front.

... I mean, uh, nothing to see here, move along.
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I hope Mink is a guy because if Mink is a girl I have a bad feeling that something would happen to her(?) that pushes Abel even farther... Maybe even it's what makes Abel asexual...


Quote from: null0010 on July 11, 2010, 02:09:16 AM
Mmkay, at this point if something bad happens to Mink, I will just be dead inside.

It's entirely possible that Mink has simply completed his course to Jin's satisfaction and left the academy.  'Course it's also possible that he and Abel have simply drifted apart.  It's extremely unlikely that anything fatal happens to him while he's actually on campus.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on July 11, 2010, 05:39:58 AM
Quote from: null0010 on July 11, 2010, 02:09:16 AM
Mmkay, at this point if something bad happens to Mink, I will just be dead inside.

It's entirely possible that Mink has simply completed his course to Jin's satisfaction and left the academy.  'Course it's also possible that he and Abel have simply drifted apart.  It's extremely unlikely that anything fatal happens to him while he's actually on campus.

Indeed, SAIA is the safest place on earth for all Cubi. If Mink is still there, then his well-being is pretty much guaranteed. For all we know, Mink could be taking classes on advanced healing.


Quote from: Arcblade on July 10, 2010, 10:11:09 PM
Quote from: D'ymkarra on July 10, 2010, 12:05:49 PM
For those that care: There was an old wives' tale on FurC (passed along by the Rah), that Jin herself resided at Lost Lake; hence the lakes' extraordinary healing abilities....interesting indeed.

Even better, maybe Mink lives there.   :)

I support this theory!  :U


Quote from: D'ymkarra on July 10, 2010, 12:05:49 PM
For those that care: There was an old wives' tale on FurC (passed along by the Rah), that Jin herself resided at Lost Lake; hence the lakes' extraordinary healing abilities....interesting indeed.
Does someone (ahem, Tapewolf?) remember where this was mentioned? I didn't see it in the "magazine interviews Dan/Alexi about Lost Lake arc, nor is the "Lost Lake" location have its own page on the Demonology 101 page.[/quote]

This was referred to on the Furc forums some time ago; people started asking about it during the 'Cubi clan leaders' arc, and it was speculated on by the current Rah (so tis neither fact, nor canon), but seeing this scene reminded me of it.
'It'd be such an honour, to be personally smacked upside the head by the artist herself' - Bjalf

Castle Pokemetroid

This is quite an emotional rollercoaster. From despair, to happy and supporting in just a single comic.

I think this is why I like Abel's story so much.


Quote from: Rafe on July 10, 2010, 09:35:13 PM
I feel much better now. 
I further hope  my comment about Fruit Rollups didn't offend anyone.
I loved your option 4.
"You can't report your own post to the moderator, that doesn't make sense!"


Rithm Alfortele

Here's my guess at what happens.

Abel grows attached to Mink, maybe even entering a relationship with him/her/hir.

Many many years later, Dan's father (whose name I forgot :<) accidentally kills Mink, thinking he's attacking someone he's healing.  Dan's father realizes what he's done and swears never to kill another 'cubus again.  Later, enter Destania, Dan's father holds to his oath, Dan ends up being conceived.

Abel is sore at Dan's father, but chooses to hold no specific ill will towards Dan himself.  Since, after all, he himself is the son of a wicked man.  However, Ink pushing Abel's button about Dan's father makes him go all rage.


Quote from: DamarisThis is the most freaking civil "flame war" I have ever seen in my life.
Yap yap.


As nice as all this speculation is, try to keep the discussion on the comic at hand (or at least sort of related to it), or start a new thread that's more about theories.  Thanks. :3


Gee, considering that we know what has been revealed in the comic so far, and there's nothing to argue about since we have archives, then what do we discuss?  Things we can only theorize about.

Not theorizing about the comic kind of limits the discussion to "hey... this thing with Abel and Mink happened", and "yeah... it sure did,  I saw it ... in the comic".  That would result in an extremely dull forum.  


Mink is the author of the Cubi Clan leaders descriptions. If that is canon and Mink knows that Cyra Clan has two members (leaders not counting), then Mink has to be alive and at SAIA as of strip #605 (or so).

So, time to stop all the hand wringing.
It's that Inherit the Earth guy.


Quote from: Rafe on July 11, 2010, 09:53:42 PM
Gee, considering that we know what has been revealed in the comic so far, and there's nothing to argue about since we have archives, then what do we discuss?  Things we can only theorize about.

Not theorizing about the comic kind of limits the discussion to "hey... this thing with Abel and Mink happened", and "yeah... it sure did,  I saw it ... in the comic".  That would result in an extremely dull forum. 

If a theory comes up in a thread about a particular comic, and has nothing to do with the facts presented *in* the comic itself, then I consider it unrelated to the comic in the title.  You're certainly welcome to base the theories off of things revealed in this comic (and things prior to it that are related), but when it comes into discussing things past (but not related) or without any basis in the comic in the title then I have a problem with it as it's off topic.  While I appreciate that you're trying to encourage open discussion in the forum, it's been known to get so far afield that folks don't want to post as the topic is no longer about the comic in the thread title.  People are starting to stray far from the comic listed so I made the comment.

If you wish to discuss this further with me, you're free to PM me on the matter.


Quote from: Omegan on July 11, 2010, 10:02:39 PM
Mink is the author of the Cubi Clan leaders descriptions. If that is canon and Mink knows that Cyra Clan has two members (leaders not counting), then Mink has to be alive and at SAIA as of strip #605 (or so).

So, time to stop all the hand wringing.

That or Amber decided to give us all the most up to date info on the clans and used Mink doing a report as the best way to do it and didn't think about the fact of something having happened to Mink or not.
97% of teens would cry if they saw Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen from Twilight) standing on top of a skyscraper, about to jump. If you're one of the 3% who would sit there eating popcorn screaming "DO A FLIP, YOU SPARKLY (I am not smart enough to use polite words)!" then copy and paste.


I think, when asked about it, Amber said it was done pretty much how OS there just described it.  However, the fun thing I've found about her is that if she finds a good way to tie it in and likes how it fits, she will.


Nobody hurt Mink.  Nobody hurt Mink EVER.


Quote from: fanboys
*yet another Edward = Aniz discussion*

so how's that course in beating dead horses working out for you fellas?  >:3

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..