04/09/10 [DMFA#1102] - Big Couch = Bigger bed?

Started by The_one_who_is_odd, April 09, 2010, 01:02:51 AM

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Quote from: Drayco84 on April 09, 2010, 02:10:31 AM
Quote from: Prroul on April 09, 2010, 01:33:10 AM
You know, I just thought of something...

Miss Soulstealer is of the opinion that Dan is currently dating her daughter.

So what happens to Dan when she realizes that Dan is cheating on her?

This could be one of three four possibilities...

One: {Normal logic} Kria goes into a rage about Dan cheating on her daughter.
Two: {Demon Logic} See above, then Kria adds that Dan would make an excellent son-in-law.
Three: {Kria Logic} Kria is surprised by Dan's behavior, then quickly concludes that Dan is a harem man, and then asks if he'd like an older woman for his 'collection'. (Three guess who she means, and the first two don't count!)
Four: {Amber Logic} Three words... Fnarfin'... COP... OUT...

What I'm even more curious of, is being that Dan was unconcious/ injured/ out of earshot at the time Lorenda told Kria this, is he even aware that he's now supposedly dating Lorenda? It would seem that from here, it may have been discussed, but as usual, there's no way to know for certain  :erk
'It'd be such an honour, to be personally smacked upside the head by the artist herself' - Bjalf


Quote from: Scow2 on April 09, 2010, 10:50:53 AM
Why the heck does everyone believe the cast defaults to promiscuity?

QuoteAnd... it seems Dan turned down any sexual advances Matilda may have made or hinted at... both acting entirely in-character.

To answer both questions, it looks like it was not always that way:

That and Dan is an incubus and rightly or wrongly, they seem to have a reputation for this.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: jeffh4 on April 09, 2010, 11:02:05 AM
It does make me wonder what Matilda and Dan did to end the evening while sharing a drink or two.


Monopoly and Fritos would be my guess. It makes for a fun night especially when you try to play two pieces at once.
Forward ever onward upward aiming skyward.


First thought - dang!  Boy has teeth!  Those canines are friggin' huge.  (Is that what Pip sees in him?)

Second thought - While Kria did eat her husband for cheating on her, I would be surprised if there wasn't some magic spell to find out if two people had .. "dated."  You'd think in a world with both magic and a legal system SOMEONE would have done the magical math on that a long time ago.

Third - From what we've seen in the comic, Dan "powers up" (yes, lame choice of words) when someone is threatening him.  Look at the fight with Dark Pegasus when he was nearly killed early in the comic.  Then look at his latest fight with Dark Pegasus.  DP put his claws through a couple of Dan's important organs, and then Dan nearly took his arm off!  I think the entire second fight shows that Dan's "power" rises as the battle becomes more intense.  If Kria did try to kill him, he'd probably maul her in the process.

.. note I have no guesstimate on who would win that fight.  I'd lean towards Kria with her longer experience, but Dan has a habit of wtfkerpwning people who should out-class him.


The bed certainly needs more tumble room than that.



To comment on the rant, I wish I could help Amber.. I shelled out 90 bucks for this logitech G5 I have, and it's been going strong for roughly 2 years now. Very high precision mouse, and being a gamer I can assure you it gets a beating.


Quote from: Alondro on April 09, 2010, 08:08:36 AM
Dan has fangs!  He's a vampire! 

I guess this means he'll have to move to Oregon and be all moody and brooding all the time and sparkle in sunlight. 

I have mice die all the time.  Thousands of them.  I kill them... then take their bodies apart... for experiments...  I am filled with evil.   :kruger

You can also give your family one claiming that it is a diamond ring


Quote from: Tapewolf on April 09, 2010, 11:30:26 AM
To answer both questions, it looks like it was not always that way:

That and Dan is an incubus and rightly or wrongly, they seem to have a reputation for this.
While it say's he used to have a strong interest in hitting-on/dating girls, he may be a bit more cautious when it actually comes down to doing anything with them. He'd get the emotional pleasure from mundane companionship and the anticipation of a "hot time", but keeps himself from actually committing to it because of the risks involved. Like dating between singles was before premarital intercourse became considered socially normal behavior forty years ago. So, he'd turn down an actual offer and be content with fantastic anticipation and mundane cheer from spending time with a female he likes. (I wish I could describe the psychology behind this in more detail.) Studies show relationships have a tendency to go downhill rapidly after they become "physical", supported by comparing the duration and success of long term chaste relationships between single people (mostly adolescents) and long-term sexual relationships, and also citing the success of the Marriage Counseling industry.

Meanwhile... it seems Matilda has been fangirling over Dan since they met. I cite the propensity of Mary Sue relationship fanfics as to why she'd make sexual advances to Dan.

Congo Jack

Quote from: Drayco84 on April 09, 2010, 02:10:31 AM
Quote from: Prroul on April 09, 2010, 01:33:10 AM
You know, I just thought of something...

Miss Soulstealer is of the opinion that Dan is currently dating her daughter.

So what happens to Dan when she realizes that Dan is cheating on her?

This could be one of three four possibilities...

One: {Normal logic} Kria goes into a rage about Dan cheating on her daughter.
Two: {Demon Logic} See above, then Kria adds that Dan would make an excellent son-in-law.
Three: {Kria Logic} Kria is surprised by Dan's behavior, then quickly concludes that Dan is a harem man, and then asks if he'd like an older woman for his 'collection'. (Three guess who she means, and the first two don't count!)
Four: {Amber Logic} Three words... Fnarfin'... COP... OUT...
Or something like that:
Kria: Lorenda! I've seen your boyfriend with another girl!
Lorenda (sudden insight): I...dumped him yesterday.
Kria: Oh! Let's go to the beach to eat ice-cream and ogle surfers than!

A. Lurker

Quote from: Drayco84 on April 09, 2010, 10:47:34 AM
This is AMBER we're talking about. Since the results of this can ONLY end in a good punchline, it's not a matter of "If" but "When".

Oh, I quite agree that it's a matter of "when". The timing on that "when", however, could just turn out to make the difference; if Kria were to hear of Dan's 'date' right on the following day (which is to say, the current one), that would prompt a quite different reaction from rumor only reaching her in a bunch of weeks and possibly after Lorenda has already come clean about lying about that whole 'boyfriend' thing.

(Which I imagine she will eventually; unless my reading of her is a long way off target, she's just not the type to be comfortable knowing she's lied to her own mother, even if it was in an emergency situation.)


I think Matilda's last line implies that she ofered to bed him the night before...


I now fear for Dan... Lets hope Kira won't do anything drastic. BY OUR STANDARDS!


Oh, behave Matilda!


Quote from: The_one_who_is_odd on April 09, 2010, 01:27:00 PM
I think Matilda's last line implies that she ofered to bed him the night before...

Look at his reaction, he already thought he was IN her bed.  So he obviously accepted...
            <-- #1 that is!


i don't see kria kill stealing from her daughter. plus she has been trying to encourage her daughter to flip out and slaughter things for a while...

so i see her going to her daughter with the info... MAYBE bringing a bound dan for her to mutilate.


I concur with the previous comments made about Dan's teeth; except for the vampire related ones of course. :U

All this talk about Kria's reaction to Dan and Matilda dating makes me wonder how the rest of the Soulstealer family will react. I do not presume to know their characters well enough to develop a witty dialogue, though I'm sure someone will think of something hilarious. :V



Quote from: Drayco84 on April 09, 2010, 02:10:31 AM
For the couch... Well, she -is- a taur. It stands to reason that they'd need a lot of space for something like that. (Imagine Matilda lying down and sleeping... LOOOOOTS of space needed there...)

Quote from: Prroul on April 09, 2010, 01:33:10 AM
You know, I just thought of something...

Miss Soulstealer is of the opinion that Dan is currently dating her daughter.

So what happens to Dan when she realizes that Dan is cheating on her?

This could be one of three four possibilities...

One: {Normal logic} Kria goes into a rage about Dan cheating on her daughter.
Two: {Demon Logic} See above, then Kria adds that Dan would make an excellent son-in-law.
Three: {Kria Logic} Kria is surprised by Dan's behavior, then quickly concludes that Dan is a harem man, and then asks if he'd like an older woman for his 'collection'. (Three guess who she means, and the first two don't count!)
Four: {Amber Logic} Three words... Fnarfin'... COP... OUT...

For some reason when I think Kira and her daughter's 'relationship' with Dan (and Dan's relationship with Matty), number 3 comes to mind.

Still after seeing Matty's couch an elegant and beautiful peace of furniture), I want to see her bed just for comparison purposes.

Yes, I do post just to see my own words on the screen.


Curse you for ruining my hopes for a humorous comic strip based on an obvious yet unwitting potential plot loophole with your cold, cruel logic. Curse you, CUUUUURRRRRSE YOOOOOO... oooooooh, cookies...  :mowcookie


Oh no.  Please, no!  Don't lay on top of me attractive woman with whom I am dating!  That would be a horrible breach of my personal space, borderline on indecency!  I would never think indecent thoughts of you oh my fair lady!



Little to the left please.. aaaaahhh yeah.  That's the spot.


Quote from: Mao Laoren on April 10, 2010, 08:40:00 AM
Oh no.  Please, no!  Don't lay on top of me attractive woman with whom I am dating!  That would be a horrible breach of my personal space, borderline on indecency!  I would never think indecent thoughts of you oh my fair lady!



Little to the left please.. aaaaahhh yeah.  That's the spot.
Uhhhhh... Mao? Excuse me for (maybe) correcting a mod, but this thread is (loosely) based on strip 1102, where Dan finds out he's on the couch. Strip 1103, topic here is when Matilda lays down on top of Dan.
*Tries to sneak out of topic before he gets smited...*

Anker Steadfast

If Kria finds out about Dan and Matilda's night out (which is likely, since she's spying on him), she might have to go trough another multiple choice selection, and might end up with "buy icecream".


GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.


Quote from: Drayco84 on April 10, 2010, 11:42:19 AM
Quote from: Mao Laoren on April 10, 2010, 08:40:00 AM
Oh no.  Please, no!  Don't lay on top of me attractive woman with whom I am dating!  That would be a horrible breach of my personal space, borderline on indecency!  I would never think indecent thoughts of you oh my fair lady!



Little to the left please.. aaaaahhh yeah.  That's the spot.
Uhhhhh... Mao? Excuse me for (maybe) correcting a mod, but this thread is (loosely) based on strip 1102, where Dan finds out he's on the couch. Strip 1103, topic here is when Matilda lays down on top of Dan.
*Tries to sneak out of topic before he gets smited...*

So it is and.. I'm not a mod.. unless they're pranking me again...


Huh... I thought you were... Whoops, my bad.


Newp.  If you'd read the rules page you'd have noted that my name isn't on the list of Admins. :P

llearch n'n'daCorna

I _could_ move the commentary to the right thread, but it's more amusing here. ;-]
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I'm fine with it staying here.  I think it's even funnier that someone thought I was a mod.  I'm pretty sure we tried that somewhere else and people *still* complain about it.  Which is why I'm still a mod there. XD


That's what you get for being on familiar terms with the admins and people here.   :mowtongue


It not my fault.  They just keep talking to me. :O


Quote from: Anker Steadfast on April 10, 2010, 12:46:02 PM
If Kria finds out about Dan and Matilda's night out (which is likely, since she's spying on him), she might have to go trough another multiple choice selection, and might end up with "buy icecream".

Please note that Kria's analysis of her choices was not due to Jyrass's actions but to the fact that Lorenda was upset.  Unless Lorenda is upset, I see no reason for Kria to feel it necessary to do anything.
Learn to laugh at yourself, and you will never be without a source of amusement.