29/01/10 [DMFA #1083] - Abel is not amused

Started by Tapewolf, January 29, 2010, 03:12:32 PM

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I guess I'm not the only one her who couldn't care less about Abel's orientation right now, and are definitely more concerned with what's up with Amber?


Wow, what a week.

Concerning Amber: I'm hoping that, whatever the case is, everything works out!  :hug

Concerning the comic: I just wanna hug Wildy now, she might just get the answer :eager

white wolf

 I love Wildy.  :3 She's always been my favorite female character out of the bunch.

On a side note... So Cookies and Cream smells like a cookie? :mowcookie *attempts to nom on abel* and yay for my first post!
http://crowngpt.com/ use this website to make free money that can be used to donate to Amber. I post this WITHOUT my ref link so i gain nothing, and only attempt to help Amber.


Quote from: Caswin on January 29, 2010, 08:45:36 PM
Quote from: Janus Whitefurr on January 29, 2010, 08:04:43 PM
At this point I'd prefer the scene change. Something about Wildy's attitude makes her feel utterly intolerable, and sparing that change? If Abel could get away with knocking her down a peg either physically or mentally (and it worked, like when he nailed her over writing Janus Bond) I would be immensely satisfied.
At this stage, I'm all for keeping where this is going, but I have to agree with everything else. (Although I probably shouldn't have read that part about her attitude being utterly intolerable as a universal statement.)


What's wrong with being a little confident? I think it would have been much worse seeing Jyrras try to weasel the information out of Abel.

I personally think if Wildy needs to be "knocked down a peg" for being cocky then Abel does doubly so.


Quote from: Rambon on January 29, 2010, 06:48:28 PMAnd on a totally off topic question.  Sprinkles, is your picture from Black Butler?

Indeed it is. c: It's my favorite.

Also, not to sound like a complete idiot, but what is the "official" update schedule these days? I don't think I've really known for the past two years or so. 'A'


I believe it's:

DMFA (main storyline) Fri-Sun
Abel's Story: Mon
Cubi Clan: Tues

But I might be wrong.


nope, your %100 right, unless amber has a hiatus for some reason or a delay.


Although, the developments in the comic are very interesting and I greatly look forward to seeing the continuation, I am most concerned for Amber. :<

Quote from: ooklah on January 29, 2010, 09:06:19 PM
"She's pregnant!"  :U

I'm sorry. It was the first/worst thing I thought of.

I wouldn't classify being prego as the worst thing that could happen to a married woman, though it can be unexpected and rock-your-world shocking for the unprepared.  I could think of much, much worse and do not wish any of it on anyone least of all Amber.


I suppose part of me is wondering why Abel is making such a big deal out of his orientation.  Judging from Wildy's behavior, she's eager to put him on the spot and make him uncomfortable.  I have a feeling if he was just up front about it one way or another, it would entirely take all of the fun out of it for her -- which would probably work out best for Abel in the long run. XD

Someday I'd like to see a character who was just pretty up front about it.  "Yeah, I'm gay.  Why?  Does it really matter?"  And leave the questioner floundering as they try to justify their own beliefs... :P

Janus Whitefurr

Quote from: Kattuccino on January 29, 2010, 10:41:44 PM
What's wrong with being a little confident? I think it would have been much worse seeing Jyrras try to weasel the information out of Abel.

I personally think if Wildy needs to be "knocked down a peg" for being cocky then Abel does doubly so.

There's a difference between confident and looking at someone with the grin Wildy has on in panel two. That grin says everything - she's there to screw with him (and if he doesn't tell her, she'll continue to make assumptions about him. How polite.). Wildy's always been the one who gets her way - she even seems all set to take him on until he shuts her down in 694, which is perhaps the only time anyone's gotten the best of her in an argument. So yes, I think the character's a bit full up on her own confidence and ego and needs to get shot down, again.

Compared to that, Abel's deadpan snarking and distant behaviour when it comes to socialising is positively companionable. It's -my- personal thought that he doesn't deserve this troublemaking, especially not when Dan and Alexsi both had pleasant and well-resolved nights. This could all resolve neatly too, or it might not. Either way, I'm on Abel's side, not Wildy's.
This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.


Quote from: Sprinkles on January 29, 2010, 05:20:43 PM
I'm very surprised that Abel didn't simply try to change the subject or walk away. He actually looks like he might be considering giving Wildy a straight answer.

Actually, I think he looks like he'll give Wildy a gay answer. Or maybe even a curious one.



Quote from: Janus Whitefurr on January 30, 2010, 03:09:47 AM
Quote from: Kattuccino on January 29, 2010, 10:41:44 PM
What's wrong with being a little confident? I think it would have been much worse seeing Jyrras try to weasel the information out of Abel.

I personally think if Wildy needs to be "knocked down a peg" for being cocky then Abel does doubly so.

There's a difference between confident and looking at someone with the grin Wildy has on in panel two. That grin says everything - she's there to screw with him (and if he doesn't tell her, she'll continue to make assumptions about him. How polite.). Wildy's always been the one who gets her way - she even seems all set to take him on until he shuts her down in 694, which is perhaps the only time anyone's gotten the best of her in an argument. So yes, I think the character's a bit full up on her own confidence and ego and needs to get shot down, again.

Compared to that, Abel's deadpan snarking and distant behaviour when it comes to socialising is positively companionable. It's -my- personal thought that he doesn't deserve this troublemaking, especially not when Dan and Alexsi both had pleasant and well-resolved nights. This could all resolve neatly too, or it might not. Either way, I'm on Abel's side, not Wildy's.

I guess I'm just interpreting the scene a little differently than you -- sure, wildy is putting him on the spot a little, but she's doing it in sort of a playful manner. As for the whole "continue to make assumptions about abel" thing, a. the whole forum does that constantly whether they say it or not, and b. if you do act a certain way you're kind of asking for people to assume what is generally associated with those stereotypes about you, whether they're true or not (like if you dress in all black and eyeliner people might think you're emo).

Also, I think you've got it wrong. I don't think she's there to screw with him, or "get her way" (what way would that be? how would knowing his sexuality benefit her personally -- I can't see her making fun of it if he was gay). I think most people are assuming she's asking this so jyrras can know without having to embarrass himself, which is actually a pretty nice thing to do, imo.


Quote from: white wolf on January 29, 2010, 10:33:59 PM
I love Wildy.  :3 She's always been my favorite female character out of the bunch.
Mine too, I wish I could go to the land of Furrae in real life and try to get a date with her. (Especially since it would also give me an instant popularity boost with the demon race)


Quote from: Janus Whitefurr on January 30, 2010, 03:09:47 AM
Quote from: Kattuccino on January 29, 2010, 10:41:44 PM
What's wrong with being a little confident? I think it would have been much worse seeing Jyrras try to weasel the information out of Abel.

I personally think if Wildy needs to be "knocked down a peg" for being cocky then Abel does doubly so.

There's a difference between confident and looking at someone with the grin Wildy has on in panel two. That grin says everything - she's there to screw with him (and if he doesn't tell her, she'll continue to make assumptions about him. How polite.). Wildy's always been the one who gets her way - she even seems all set to take him on until he shuts her down in 694, which is perhaps the only time anyone's gotten the best of her in an argument. So yes, I think the character's a bit full up on her own confidence and ego and needs to get shot down, again.

Compared to that, Abel's deadpan snarking and distant behaviour when it comes to socialising is positively companionable. It's -my- personal thought that he doesn't deserve this troublemaking, especially not when Dan and Alexsi both had pleasant and well-resolved nights. This could all resolve neatly too, or it might not. Either way, I'm on Abel's side, not Wildy's.

To me, I think Abel needs a good 'shaking up' not because he deserves it, but because he needs it.  He's 'raised being alone to an art form' for well over three and a half centuries now, the outside-context problem of having to deal with people he can't simply emotion-jam into feeling what he wants them to feel around him and not digging past that may be just what he needs to move on from past issues.
Long live Space Race, Long live... Molvania!

John Roh

Quote from: Jasonrevall on January 29, 2010, 03:35:14 PM
Fluffy is my new hero. I see Fluffy got a stick of Instant Gratification there. I use one from time to time and they're very handy.

"stick of instant gratification" ... that better not be a euphemism HA


New found appreciation for Fluffy!!! Honestly saw a scene change coming given that Amber and Mookie seem to rival each other for who can drive me nuts with the most cliffhangers :erk

On a side note though. Even if it's just one panel, technically isn't changing to the scene of Amber and Fluffy in itself a scene change?
Once upon a time I actually posted here.


Tune in next update, when we'll see more... of Amber and Fluffy! :P
Tigriel's got a guest:

A Furry fan, that's what I am! - Proud member of the AP-Team. - Avatar Art by INK

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Shadowcatcher on January 29, 2010, 08:00:35 PM
There's one question that has to be answered before this one, and that's if cubi shapechanging includes changing all of the internal plumbing (which I would imagine would be mind bogglingly difficult).  Abel made himself look like a girl, but without internal changes, it's all just appearance.  My hunch is that internal plumbing is not changeable, otherwise cubi males could have children (as in turn female and give birth) -- something which has never been established.

You can change your internal plumbing, but, according to a post by Amber, it still won't mean you can get pregnant.

... of course, it does mean you can get all the mental trauma of being raped etc, but if you've got prehensile wings, one would presume that that's a much more difficult thing to do to you, so probably not something anyone has run across very often...
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Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 30, 2010, 10:10:32 AM
You can change your internal plumbing, but, according to a post by Amber, it still won't mean you can get pregnant.

... of course, it does mean you can get all the mental trauma of being raped...

Please tell me you did Not just say men can't get raped.   :erk
Long live Space Race, Long live... Molvania!


Quote from: Les on January 30, 2010, 10:32:22 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 30, 2010, 10:10:32 AM
You can change your internal plumbing, but, according to a post by Amber, it still won't mean you can get pregnant.

... of course, it does mean you can get all the mental trauma of being raped...

Please tell me you did Not just say men can't get raped.   :erk

I'm pretty sure that's not what Llearch meant at all. 

Mischa:  If I was the asker, and I got that response, I'd probably say, "Oh, it doesn't really matter.  I was just curious."  And then change the subject or walk away.   :mowtongue


Quote from: Les on January 30, 2010, 10:32:22 AM
Please tell me you did Not just say men can't get raped.   :erk

Wow, way to read too far into that one.  Trying to start drama are we?


Quote from: Drayco84 on January 29, 2010, 07:28:58 PMAre you still gay if you can change your gender at will? (As in, you like other guys so you become a woman and vice versa.) What about the ever-popular bishonen look? (Just to keep 'em guessing.) How about if you were born a guy but your gf suddenly discovers she likes girls and you change to accommodate that? Are you gay, or are you straight?  
Note- this post will be heavily concerning transgendered issues, which tend to be a bit controversial.  If you don't like such issues, please don't read it. :)

First- I don't know if it's been established if a cubi changing their body would also be able to change their internal gender. All we've seen is that Abel can make himself into a pre/non-op trans guy who doesn't mind his body too much (and I do know trans guys who are like this). Or, as someone mentioned, you might not be able to change the plumbing so at most Abel makes himself intersexed- not female- so if we're going by body, he still wouldn't be a straight female.

Second- If Abel is always a guy and stays that way, then he probably wouldn't be happy being a guy's girlfriend.
Gay and lesbian transgendered people (gay female-to-Males, lesbian male-to-Females) would have a MUCH easier time finding a partner if they presented as straight with the body they were born into- but they wouldn't be particularly happy in a relationship like that. I can't imagine that any gay guy would be at all happy pretending to be a straight woman in a relationship.

Third-  I know a few bigendered people who's orientation is based on their gender.  One is attracted to men as a woman and women as a man, so they're always straight.  If Abel changes his internal gender with his body, it's possible that he might go from gay->lesbian or straight->straight with it.


Quote from: Mao Laoren on January 30, 2010, 11:21:15 AM
Quote from: Les on January 30, 2010, 10:32:22 AM
Please tell me you did Not just say men can't get raped.   :erk

Wow, way to read too far into that one.  Trying to start drama are we?

If so, definitely picked the wrong person to start drama with. 

Per Ry's explanations:  Perhaps Cubi sexual orientations are more relative than most, due to those things.  Being shapeshifters and all, I mean. 

Chakat Blackspots

Quote from: PencilinHand on January 30, 2010, 02:11:24 AM
Although, the developments in the comic are very interesting and I greatly look forward to seeing the continuation, I am most concerned for Amber. :<

Quote from: ooklah on January 29, 2010, 09:06:19 PM
"She's pregnant!"  :U

I'm sorry. It was the first/worst thing I thought of.

I wouldn't classify being prego as the worst thing that could happen to a married woman, though it can be unexpected and rock-your-world shocking for the unprepared.  I could think of much, much worse and do not wish any of it on anyone least of all Amber.

The worst possible outcome of this is that she could have broke up with her husband/boyfriend (I don't remember her saying she was married), and this is why she doesn't want to talk about it.

Though its possible someone close to her died, which is worse than the previous statement.


Let's not speculate too loudly about anybody's problems on a forum that the person in question visits. If/when we need to know, then we will know.


I think she's just decided to end the comic with #1083.   :veryevil
            <-- #1 that is!


Quote from: Mao Laoren on January 30, 2010, 11:21:15 AM
Quote from: Les on January 30, 2010, 10:32:22 AM
Please tell me you did Not just say men can't get raped.   :erk

Wow, way to read too far into that one.  Trying to start drama are we?

Because nothing says 'nope, no drama here' like bringing up Rape.  Seriously, how Else am I supposed to interpret this 'Oh if you turn yourself into a girl then you can get raped' without it's collary being that boys then cannot?  That's just all kinds of messed up.  Is this just some sort of mabland-centric humor I'm just not familiar with?   :erk
Long live Space Race, Long live... Molvania!


Quote from: kusanagi-sama on January 30, 2010, 01:21:07 PM
Quote from: PencilinHand on January 30, 2010, 02:11:24 AM
Although, the developments in the comic are very interesting and I greatly look forward to seeing the continuation, I am most concerned for Amber. :<

Quote from: ooklah on January 29, 2010, 09:06:19 PM
"She's pregnant!"  :U

I'm sorry. It was the first/worst thing I thought of.

I wouldn't classify being prego as the worst thing that could happen to a married woman, though it can be unexpected and rock-your-world shocking for the unprepared.  I could think of much, much worse and do not wish any of it on anyone least of all Amber.

The worst possible outcome of this is that she could have broke up with her husband/boyfriend (I don't remember her saying she was married), and this is why she doesn't want to talk about it.

Though its possible someone close to her died, which is worse than the previous statement.

I will only point out that her maiden name was Panyko and that she moved to Canada for a reason.  Beyond what the wiki says that I don't know anything. 

Bjalf is right though, we shouldn't speculate.  I shouldn't have brought it up as is sure to lead to speculation.

My apologies,



Quote from: Shachza on January 30, 2010, 02:08:37 PM
I think she's just decided to end the comic with #1083.   :veryevil

If a looong series of "Questions from the Readers!" comes along, then y'all know whose fault that is, right? Because, as the saying goes, "curiosity killed the arc".

And technically, QftR wouldn't count as a scene change. Just don't tell her that.


Quote from: PencilinHand on January 30, 2010, 02:37:45 PM
I will only point out that her maiden name was Panyko and that she moved to Canada for a reason.  Beyond what the wiki says that I don't know anything. 
Amber posted on 10/22/06 that she got married.