11/22/09[DMFA #1063] - Don't ever trust Pip's advice.

Started by JackTheCubiWolf, November 22, 2009, 01:43:58 AM

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Quote from: Tapewolf on November 22, 2009, 05:45:30 AM
He still needs to get back to the bar.  Pip isn't going to be able to take orders or show someone to a room without breaking his assumed persona.

Sure he can!

"Hey Barkeep, gimme' anofer!"
"Whaddaya mean 'no?'"
"Kiii Ki!"
"I haf not had do many, just gimme anofer drink!"
/pip huggles
            <-- #1 that is!

MT Hazard

Quote from: Shirou14 on November 22, 2009, 12:30:53 PM

Also has anyone noticed that able is wearing pants with a ridiculously obvious crotch bulge? I mean it's really quite astounding, it's right there! also, I am using Ables unsavory reaction to the drunken, probably easy lay, as evidence he is gay... or at least much cuter than he pretends to be  :giggle

Several people may have noticed but avoided saying anything about it, like the aforementioned chest issues this may make several people, (and one in particular) a bit irritable.  

Edit: That and I think you are exaggerating/ hallucinating
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 


I find it weird how Mab is still drinking from that juice box. Knowing her, it's likely bottomless.
97% of teens would cry if they saw Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen from Twilight) standing on top of a skyscraper, about to jump. If you're one of the 3% who would sit there eating popcorn screaming "DO A FLIP, YOU SPARKLY (I am not smart enough to use polite words)!" then copy and paste.


Quote from: Shirou14 on November 22, 2009, 12:30:53 PM
In all seriousness I don't think Pip would have to break his so called persona, we all know Mab can understand his "kiiiii" 's
Also has anyone noticed that able is wearing pants with a ridiculously obvious crotch bulge? I mean it's really quite astounding, it's right there! also, I am using Ables unsavory reaction to the drunken, probably easy lay, as evidence he is gay... or at least much cuter than he pretends to be  :giggle

I think folks have gone over this before, but there are many reasons for not being enamoured  of this crazy drunken woman: hygiene, recently vomiting in his presence, dislike of her attitude, blatant neediness, the fact that she's well-trained in beating people's faces in...oh yeah, and the large amounts of crazy.

As for the pants...well, I noticed that too. That's the kind of thing that happens to athletic men when they wear fitted pants made of (what seems to be) soft fabric. Just think about how most guys look in sweatpants. Alternate option: he's been taking fashion tips from Labyrinth.  Addendum: On second thought, forget the sweatpants idea. Think sexy club gear. Trust me, men DO that if they feel like showing off.

On a more fun note: Bartender Pip is ridiculously cute. I'm with the person that said he needed a bow-tie. Actually, I'm suddenly picturing him dressed like someone in a barbershop quartet: bow-tie, vest, a little hat...but would a handlebar moustache be too much?


Quote from: Amber Williams on November 22, 2009, 11:28:44 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on November 22, 2009, 05:45:30 AM
He still needs to get back to the bar.  Pip isn't going to be able to take orders or show someone to a room without breaking his assumed persona.

Someone is missing the joke with their logics. :<

I don't know.  Depending on how much Abel knows about Pip, he could very well use just that excu- uh, very compelling argument.

Quote from: JackTheCubiWolf on November 22, 2009, 01:57:01 AM
But she's also drunk.
Yes, she is.  But she saw the mark when she was sober.

Ted Schiller

There's a lady at the bar
Who has come to save the day,
And then she started drinkin'
Til the thinkin' lost it's way;
Her brain's a scout troop short a child
And for Abel she goes wild...
Rule Thirty-Four - Where Arrrrre Youuuuuuuu.

With regards,


Is Mab helping to keep the bar staffed so Abel does not get in trouble with Alexi? Or is Mab helping the bar staffed so Abel spends more time with Gen? If the the downstairs wasn't staffed, then he really would need to leave sooner then later, but with it staffed, he doesn't have to leave so fast. What Mind Games you play Mab!
<wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka>
"Why no, officer, I am not made of pancakes."


Quote from: ooklah on November 22, 2009, 02:53:44 PM
Is Mab helping to keep the bar staffed so Abel does not get in trouble with Alexi? Or is Mab helping the bar staffed so Abel spends more time with Gen? If the the downstairs wasn't staffed, then he really would need to leave sooner then later, but with it staffed, he doesn't have to leave so fast. What Mind Games you play Mab!

Naaah, it's more likely that she's just being herself and letting us play mindgames with ourselves trying to second-guess her motivations. Less work for her, plus she gets to watch us twitch and froth.


Quote from: Ted Schiller on November 22, 2009, 02:42:23 PM
Her brain's a scout troop short a child
And for Abel she goes wild...

I think you need another sylable in there.  Maybe "buck wild..."  I thought "a-wild..." initially, but I don't know if that would come across as well.
            <-- #1 that is!

Ted Schiller

Quote from: Shachza on November 22, 2009, 04:28:23 PM
Quote from: Ted Schiller on November 22, 2009, 02:42:23 PM
Her brain's a scout troop short a child
And for Abel she goes wild...

I think you need another sylable in there.  Maybe "buck wild..."  I thought "a-wild..." initially, but I don't know if that would come across as well.

Actually, the line "Her brain's a scout troop short a child" has one too many syllables.   :sweatdrop

With regards,


Quote from: Ted Schiller on November 22, 2009, 11:48:52 AM
Quote from: Fex on November 22, 2009, 03:54:16 AM
Quote from: Silverling on November 22, 2009, 03:40:13 AM
Quote from: JackTheCubiWolf on November 22, 2009, 01:51:29 AM
Stop beating on our members! >( And I think an animation of that would be hilarious. Or better yet, a whole Rick Roll video with DMFA characters.

Need DMFA Caramell Dansen first.
That would be terrible. The cuteness and sugar will rot our teeth away with in seconds :B

To get rid of the cuteness and sugar, we need the Destania/Wildy Caramelldansen.  That would do it.   :kruger

With regards,

that is as worse then we would have nose bleeds till we turn in mummies! :zombiekun2

Janus Whitefurr

Quote from: MT Hazard on November 22, 2009, 12:52:44 PM
Several people may have noticed but avoided saying anything about it, like the aforementioned chest issues this may make several people, (and one in particular) a bit irritable.  

Edit: That and I think you are exaggerating/ hallucinating

It's more that pointing such things as the male side of the anatomy out tends to get more obvious flak than anyone eagerly discussing the female side. Chest talk is -far- more popular and -far- more accepted by the masses, I've seen. At least Tapewolf played along the last time male anatomy showed up.
This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.

Amber Williams

Quote from: Janus Whitefurr on November 22, 2009, 05:21:52 PM
It's more that pointing such things as the male side of the anatomy out tends to get more obvious flak than anyone eagerly discussing the female side. Chest talk is -far- more popular and -far- more accepted by the masses, I've seen. At least Tapewolf played along the last time male anatomy showed up.

It probably doesn't help that I tend to draw character from the waist up far more often than I do full-body.  I don't think its necessarily more accepted or popular, especially when there are characters like Genesis and Fa'Lina who are rather rack-tackular whenever they are around.

In regards to guy-packages: it is probably a similar drawing problem I am facing when it comes to drawing consistant female sizes.  Mainly in that I don't care enough to spend more than a few minutes of sketching/inking to measure and calculate the exact physics of dimension of a characters chest or crotch.  I


Quote from: Amber Williams on November 22, 2009, 05:47:33 PM
...Mainly in that I don't care enough to spend more than a few minutes of sketching/inking to measure and calculate the exact physics of dimension of a characters chest or crotch.  I

Scrap Fish

Wow. A lot happened over this weekend. I've got to keep with the pace!
Quote from: Amber Williams on November 22, 2009, 05:47:33 PM
Mainly in that I don't care enough to spend more than a few minutes of sketching/inking to measure and calculate the exact physics of dimension of a characters chest or crotch.  I
I'm sorry, but I for some reason find the phrase "calculate the exact physics of dimension" extremely funny in the context here... I'm not sure why...

Oh, and "I" what? "I pressed an extra key?" "I said something, but thought better?" "I just like seeing you squirm by thinking this is actually important?" What? Don't leave me hanging!

Oh, I do like Pip here though.

Just spreading the confusion around. There's enough for everybody!


Geez, one little typo and yall just flip out huh? Hey Amber, dare ya to make all of your future posts backwards, just to mess with em!

Attic Rat

Pip is holding that glass between his wing joints, and wiping it with a cloth held with his tail... So, what I want to know is...

What's holding him upright? Did he wrap the base of his tail around something under the bar?
Which would you like to be, ignorant or misled?


Quote from: Attic Rat on November 22, 2009, 09:19:40 PM
Pip is holding that glass between his wing joints, and wiping it with a cloth held with his tail... So, what I want to know is...

What's holding him upright? Did he wrap the base of his tail around something under the bar?

I'd assume some form of magic.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Scrap Fish

Quote from: Ghostwish on November 22, 2009, 09:14:43 PM
Geez, one little typo and yall just flip out huh? Hey Amber, dare ya to make all of your future posts backwards, just to mess with em!
Sorry, but I have been in too jocular a mood to have just let it go.

And Pip is clever. Veeery clever.

Just spreading the confusion around. There's enough for everybody!


Well Pip can't be a worse bartender then the one in Starship Titanic. (Which is a horribly confusing game unless you have a walk through)


Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


Quote from: Turnsky on November 23, 2009, 02:24:43 AM
he needs a handlebar mustache, though.

Yes. Oh yes. Earlier I wasn't sure if the mustache might be a bit too much, but now it's 2am and I'm a little punchy and I think it's a must-have. If nothing else, we can watch Pip eat it and the stage hand that got tasked with gluing it on.


Quote from: Ghostwish on November 22, 2009, 09:14:43 PM
Geez, one little typo and yall just flip out huh?
I think what they were trying to say was "This is fascinating, pray do continue."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on November 22, 2009, 05:45:30 AM
He still needs to get back to the bar.  Pip isn't going to be able to take orders or show someone to a room without breaking his assumed persona.

a little late to the party on this one, but beaker manages to do things like that just fine, i don't see pip not managing to do the same.. *nods*

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


Quote from: Shirou14 on November 22, 2009, 12:30:53 PM
In all seriousness I don't think Pip would have to break his so called persona, we all know Mab can understand his "kiiiii" 's
Also has anyone noticed that able is wearing pants with a ridiculously obvious crotch bulge? I mean it's really quite astounding, it's right there! also, I am using Ables unsavory reaction to the drunken, probably easy lay, as evidence he is gay... or at least much cuter than he pretends to be  :giggle


Also, I wanna know when he'll slug Genesis and knock her out or something.


You know.

Pip makes such an excellent stand in for Alexsi.

I mean when you look at the eyes I can hardly tell the difference between the two and think that Alexsi has made it back from her date. :P
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.

Chakat Blackspots

Quote from: Shirou14 on November 22, 2009, 12:30:53 PM
In all seriousness I don't think Pip would have to break his so called persona, we all know Mab can understand his "kiiiii" 's
Also has anyone noticed that able is wearing pants with a ridiculously obvious crotch bulge? I mean it's really quite astounding, it's right there! also, I am using Ables unsavory reaction to the drunken, probably easy lay, as evidence he is gay... or at least much cuter than he pretends to be  :giggle

I don't see any relevance to his pant bulge having anything to do with his orientation.  Honestly, I don't see how someone could find a drunk lady attractive, other than to take advantage of her.  As for me, drunk people are kind of scary, and I don't want to have anything to do with them even if they have a hot body, like that of Genesis.


Yea, getting involved with drunk ladies never ends well.  Now, two headed mutant Pips, on the other hand...
The All Purpose Fox