Shattered Innocence (OOC Thread) [M] )Closed(

Started by Noone, February 03, 2009, 02:28:44 PM

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Quote from: The1Kobra on June 09, 2009, 11:27:00 PM
In the setting of this RP, there aren't any large, open organizations of dragons to make them a substantial political unit. A combination of their low reproductive rate, aka, not a lot of them, combined with them generally having large, fragile egos, which prevents them from co-operating, means that they really don't wield a lot of power in this locale. Now of course, individual dragons can be quite powerful, but they tend to be quite reclusive as well. Most Cubi congregate in either Narukh (which can barely be called a country as they really don't have any rule of law.), or Astarea. Dragons on the other hand, don't congregate in large numbers, they tend to stay by themselves in the wilderness. There are a few in Astarea, but of course, the ones living there don't bear any special hostility towards Cubi. Astarea also has a very effective law enforcement system so conflicts between dangerous creatures can be at least, somewhat easily resolved.

You probably won't run into any NPC 'rare' species until chapter 2, which is a long while off. I do have more info on them in my DM notes, so feel free to ask.

... Huh, well that just blew my whole character sheet out of the water, despite it's approval  :<

I'll leave it as it is anyway. Mainly because I was tempted to make Kit come from a race of pygmy dragons - and by pygmy, I mean dragon standard pygmy...  >:3


Quote from: murmer on June 10, 2009, 09:46:41 AM
... Huh, well that just blew my whole character sheet out of the water, despite it's approval  :<

I'll leave it as it is anyway. Mainly because I was tempted to make Kit come from a race of pygmy dragons - and by pygmy, I mean dragon standard pygmy...  >:3

Not at all, the scope of the RP doesn't take place in the entire world, there are regions outside that aren't really (yet) relevant to the RP's setting. It's not impossible to have characters that come from another region that have simply came over. Only four of the PCs are native to this region, if I recall.

A lot of the lands immediately outside Atharra are largely untamed wildlands, in my map, I did leave land-based passages leading outside Atharra, one to the south in Astarea, one to the north in Thularia, and one to the west in Narukh. The eastern passage in Ithralia is somewhat deceptive, it ends up water-locked shortly after. There are some coastal settlements there, though they're not technically part of Ithralia and they don't really have the option of getting out to the rest of the world by boat travel. (Due to the Mer). The other beyond border lands are largely unnocupied.

What I meant by not weilding a lot of political power, well, is exactly that. Families can stay together, and they can be individually powerful, but there's no large dragon nation with defined borders, legal system, etc. It also doesn't mean that *all* dragons have large, fragile egos, and I would imagine the bonds of family are strong indeed. It just means they don't cooperate well enough to have any defined combined territory.
For your character, I read it as a non-native creature that roams around a lot. Creatures like that, generally don't get themselves into positions to affect the politics of their region, so, I don't see how it blows your character out of the water. Plus, even as far as racial standards go, there are always exceptions, and I really don't like to dictate how PC characters behave. Geography wise, if his first stop was Astarea, he probably came up through the southern border.

That said, I still need to come up with an introduction, I'll PM you when I get an idea.


and thus garis is off doing his man-whore thing... yet again  :P

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Quote from: The1Kobra on June 10, 2009, 10:02:58 AM
...I still need to come up with an introduction, I'll PM you when I get an idea.

Yah take your time. For all I know Kit could be plot-convenient and be running away from the next threat source because she accidentally got in their way.

... ju-ust sayin'  :3


Quote from: Basilisk2150 on June 10, 2009, 02:29:34 PM
and thus garis is off doing his man-whore thing... yet again  :P

wonderful..  :sweatdrop     XD

Corgatha Taldorthar

Did Chance drop the inhibitors on the forest floor or take them with her?
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


She dropped them... but I see where you're going with this >=)

Edit: wait.. maybe I don't.. maybe I replied too late? >_> Or maybe I still have a lot to learn XD.

Corgatha Taldorthar

Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Yes to what?? >_< ohhh man my brain is leaking now...   :B I guess I'll find out ^_^  :boogie

Edit just to not double-post: Awwwww!! Poor Garis, I feel bad for him  :< Chance just wants friends  :)


I'm afraid I'm going to have to issue a DM-override. Kassin's too far away for Zanfib's teleportation(technically, psychoportation). Please correct this when you can.
Actually, similarly, Raffiele's only around Tyrian and Kassin, but I suppose that doesn't have to be corrected.


Crap! Sorry, just how far did we chase that bugger out? XD *edits*


Personally, psychoportation should not be allowed to exist.  Holding the entire molecular structure together, let alone keeping the entire cellular and genetic structure intact, while coordinating two points out of infinity and connecting them flawlessly, is far too daunting a task for any mortal mind (being, creature, or such) to process.

However, that is neither here nor there, my specific question is... Is the rest of the group and demon in excess of 100 meters from Ty and Kassin's position?
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


It was a few minutes of a high speed chase, I figure the distance is roughly between 1/2 to 2/3 of a mile.


Quote from: Azlan on June 14, 2009, 02:58:05 PM
Personally, psychoportation should not be allowed to exist.  Holding the entire molecular structure together, let alone keeping the entire cellular and genetic structure intact, while coordinating two points out of infinity and connecting them flawlessly, is far too daunting a task for any mortal mind (being, creature, or such) to process.

Right, so you just use magic. A POX ON YOU! :P


Quote from: Ghostwish on June 14, 2009, 04:54:12 PM

Right, so you just use magic. A POX ON YOU! :P

:P Negative, Tyrian does not use teleportation magick.  Though most teleportation magics seem to rip holes into reality and bore a tunnel between them... rather than demolecularization of the physical form to thought energy and hurling it through the intervening spaces.  Magick is a personally shaped, external force... whereas psionics is a personally shaped, internal force... or some kind of pseudo-babble like that.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Trying to put a finger on how teleportation magic works kind of defeats the purpose, but what the hell. I reckon it's a healthy dose of strong denial in the fact that an individual using such magicks simply 'refuses' to be in their current location and wants to be somewhere else. Strongly. So strongly in fact that magic allows them to do so.

And in the face of psionics, it be more of a limited physical projection (as opposed to the astral version) in a 'you're as fast as your mind functions' kind of travelling fashion, but it would limit them due to strain on the physical body literally being projected. And hence there would be less psionic teleporters and more magical teleporters because magic is easier to abuse the laws of physics with.



I've been reading your game, I've never had an account though...I'm really a noob at forum's and what not.

I was wondering though, could I join too?


I did set my insanity limit to 7, but to be fair, I never did close this. Regardless, I would be willing to allow another in.
If you create a character before murmer's character joins in, I can have you two come in with the same event, which would save me a large headache.


You can't have many marbles left, Kobra. ;)


Well, I planned on closing it after Ketet came in, but I do think 8 should be manageable. I think 9 might be a bit beyond what I can take at the moment, so I'd probably close with another application, or Ketet's entrance.

Plus, where the players are going, it's going to get harder to include new members. For instance, getting someone attached in Pauperta would be an absolute nightmare on my part for several reasons, and I don't think the other danger zones are much better in that regard.


Hey Zuki! Glad you're giving forums a try. If you've familiarized yourself with the rules section of this forum you should have no trouble fitting in, newbie or not. They have very good suggestions for how to do things, and if you need any character sheet help or whatnot, it's also good to check in the other forum threads (as well as this one) for ideas - or even one of us will be able to help ya with that (like, sample our character sheets we've drawn up.).

I - as a new forum 'oldie' (used to come on these forums. Somehow I know Llearch!) - welcome you!


Oh thank you so much for letting me join! I really do appreciate it! Here is my character sheet, I hope it is all right! I've played a lot of D&D so I based it off that. I hope its ok!

Murmer, I did read the rules and I read over the story line of the game as well. Thank you for the warm welcome though and if I have any questions I will be sure to ask! Thanks!!

Name: Chiyo from the house of Alura.
Age: 212
Gender: Female
Race: Cat/Cubi


Chi weighs in at a whopping 119 pounds and stands at 5'2" when she stretches. She is calico in coloring, white fur covering her while little patches on her tail and body are a mixture of black and a light orangey tan. She has a small patch of orangey tan fur to the left of her nose that appears to be a smudge, but is simply an awkward colored spot, a beauty mark almost. Her left ear is the same orange/tan color while her right ear is complete white. She has long black hair that she either lets hang free or has up in a decorative bun of some sort. Despite her body being mostly white, her wings are black when she has them out. Her clan symbol is a soft lilac color on her chest over her heart, easily hidden by the clothes she wears. Her eyes are silvery blue. She has a rather long tail for her short size, the fur fluffier at the end and it always seems to have a little curl to it. It is her most favorite part of herself.


Flight: She can fly, but rarely does.

Magic: Chi was never good at offensive magic. In fact, she states over and over that she is a lover and not a fighter. A sword looks awkward in her hand and daggers are just as useless. The same goes for magic. She is no good at firing missiles or magic towards anyone with the intent to harm. What she is rather proud to be good at is defensive magic. She can hold a shield better then most and is quite talented when it comes to magical webs to stop beings from chasing after her. She can make loud and bright 'explosions' that are rather harmless, but they are also good to disorient beings enough to get away. She can perform simple magic, such as lifting an item and bringing it towards her and exceptionally good at seemingly making herself 'disappear'. The more people she tries to hide, though, the easier it is to detect.

Healing: Chiyo can heal minor/moderate wounds but anything above that she is helpless to fix, but even the moderate wounds she is rather unstable with. She depends more on her knowledge of nature to fix things. She dabbles in alchemy and given enough trial and error and time, she can create different sorts of potions rather then rely on her shaky healing.

Tinkering: She enjoys figuring out how things work. Put a lock in front of her and she will eventually figure out how to open it. She likes to invent things but she normally isn't very good at it. What she is good at is taking things a part and putting them back together, and while most of the time the item in question works after she's done, there are always a few nuts and bolts left over that she has no idea where they came from.

Emotion: Being from the Alura clan, she is drawn to thrill and anxiety, but she herself has developed a keen awareness of happiness in others.


Chiyo is a horrible kleptomaniac. For all her intentions to do good she usually ends up messing things up by stealing things. She is largely attracted to things that sparkle, whether they be rocks or diamonds. She has little need for them, but she enjoys looking at and having her 'treasures'. She is also drawn to the thrill of the theft and afterwards, the regret and anxiety of being caught and loosing friends over it.


Chi is the daughter of a well of Incubus and was taught well, sent to the best schools and given every chance at success. She excelled in things she had an interest in and ignored other things that she probably would have been good at has she studied a little more. Despite having everything she could possibly want, her little 'problem' ended up getting her into more and more trouble as time went on. Since she could never quite stop her guilty little habit she ended up leaving home so that she wouldn't be an embarrassment to her clan or family anymore.


Shy at first, she easily warms up to people rather quickly. She is a good being at heart but because of her problem she is often pushed into the 'bad' category of things. She is a lover, not a fighter, and she has been called a coward many times for not fighting. But she excels in after battle scenarios, taking care of injured and defending those who can't defend themselves.

She is often thought of being much younger then she really is because of her curiousness in all things and her lack of taking any sort of responsibility.

She is happy and positive almost all the time but she had a lot of sadness and frustration she hides. She is always friendly to other people though, even when she doesn't know them. She is likable and charismatic, which gets her out of jams more often then a sword ever could.

She is logical as well, thinking things over before running into action. She tends to be too trusting in people though, which has gotten her burned quite a lot in the past.


Black cotton pants that nearly drag on the ground as she walks and a white long sleeved dress shirt that flares out at her waist and wrists. It is a high collared shirt that has silver buttons that can be undone but she almost always has it buttoned the whole way. She wears a simple silver chain necklace with no pendant on it and has a well worn but acceptable black cloak. She has a dagger at her hip but its all for show. It almost never leaves its sheath. In fact to the disappointment of many beings that know how to wield such a finely made weapon, she uses it to cut ropes and pry open jammed doors more then defense or offensive fighting. She has a small sack placed at her other hip that holds a small rations kit and thieves tools but is enchanted. She can store more then her own weight of things in it and they seem to disappear for everyone other then herself. It is not limitless though and she has to empty it out if she puts too much in it. The enchant is discreet but if anyone knows what to look for they can figure it out easily enough.

Color: I was hoping for a pale purple, but it wasn't an option, so I picked Lime Green. But then I looked at it and saw its really close to the other green used, so any color that's easiest on you is fine with me. :D Thanks, I hope this is alright!


Another female, feline cubi.. oh man Garis is gonna be one happy incubus. XD

Great description! I just noticed that in the magic section you got the terms offensive and defensive turned around is all. ^_^ Beyond that, welcome to the party!


hahahahaha which is why she will be staying out of battle. :P thanks for that though!


Quote from: Zuki on June 16, 2009, 04:32:49 PM

Chiyo is a horrible kleptomaniac. For all her intentions to do good she usually ends up messing things up by stealing things. She is largely attracted to things that sparkle, whether they be rocks or diamonds. She has little need for them, but she enjoys looking at and having her 'treasures'. She is also drawn to the thrill of the theft and afterwards, the regret and anxiety of being caught and loosing friends over it.

I can see Ketet and Chiyo squabbling over the next shiny they encounter... Also, embarrassing antics will ensue if she ever steals Ketet's magical - and shiny - pendant.

EDIT: or any of Kit's various shinies, for that matter...


Character approved, welcome aboard, I'll be sending you a PM as to how your character comes in shortly. (I hope)
Anyways, as far as color goes... any preferences among these : ?

Chiyo Alura
Chiyo Alura
Chiyo Alura
Chiyo Alura
Chiyo Alura
Chiyo Alura
Chiyo Alura

On a side note, RP is now closed.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Works better if you edit the first post, Kobra. I fixed it for you.
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Corgatha Taldorthar

I would like to suggest that we not do the black one. Ever.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


I second this notion, and propose that any who do be tarred, feathered, and then forced to watch badly dubbed anime.


Lol I didn't even see that there was a black one there. I looked and was like hrm, there is a space. Ok. So definately not the black!

I'll stick with the lime green one if that's ok. Green is my favorite color! :D