Shattered Innocence (OOC Thread) [M] )Closed(

Started by Noone, February 03, 2009, 02:28:44 PM

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Corgatha Taldorthar

Assuming we don't cavalierly kill your character and take her stuff :P
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.



her stuff corgi and ghost, her stuff... we're adding 2 new female characters... which means the party is going from a total brodeo to almost 50/50 male to female  :P... A good day to be play as Garis methinks

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


*whispers to Kobra that a bizarre and humorous accident should befall Garis to render him permanently female*


*facepalms*   Ghost... come closer... i've got a secrete for you... are you ready for this... it's completely earth-shattering...  you might actually die from the shock value of the this information...


I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Reread my post.. and pay very close attention to a particular word..


aka: no shapeshifiting for joo!


if the GM would invoke such an act, i would have to request the removal of Zanfib's psychic talents, permanently... as such a hamstringing to my own character would require an equally brutal crippling to the one who would suggest such a move...

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


But when has Zanfib used his psionic abilities for flirtatious purposes? Or gone about chasing anything (and everything!) bearing the female gender?

Now, if Zan suddenly got zapped into the estrogen side of things, Chance would have a field day. XD

*pokes wuff mercilessly*


chhh... he's only done it so far because he's only run into cute girls... he can't help it that every creature so far has been attractive... besides, his shapeshifting is the cornerstone of his combat and out-of-combat abilities, much like zanfib's psychic powers.  Removing his ability to shapeshift is debilitating to the character as he suddenly looses roughly 75% of his means to defend himself, as well as his primary skill he's trained in... what he uses it for is completely his choice yes... but it doesn't change the fact that Garis is a shapeshifter, and that is what he's trained in.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


IC updated, Chiyo(Zuki) and Ketet(murmer) are in. As a note, posts made from Ketet's perceptions will be in pink, until murmer returns. I've been given guidelines and will try to follow those to the best of my ability.

And no, I'm not going to try and pull one of these on Garis,... well, I don't have it planned for the moment anyways. :P


Basi, if we find any magic belts, Zanfib is NOT putting them on. :P


Say... I wonder if Zanfib won't wear it then if Garis could... wait.. nevermind *runs away* \o/


I probably should have clarified this sooner, but the demoness is outside. Aka, if you're looking at her, you can't directly see who/what is inside.


If you're talking about Chance.. she walked back into the hut :)



Sorry for making you all wait so long. Thanks to Kobra for stalling with a moping Ketet. I enjoyed every moment of that.



Sorry it took so long to post, but it's been breaking a hundred degrees out here and I'm in a house with no AC.

That, and I've been pretty distracted with Prototype.
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."



Just to throw something out there - Basilisk, you're going to have one completely smitten little dragon on your hands. Just so you know :3


I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


 :giggle I can't wait! hehe. I wonder what would pop out from a 'cubi and a dragon...  >:3


Don't start thinking about babies right now, honey. Kit has about 800 years or so more before she actually ovulates...

Though they tend to start looking for mates much early on in life...


Hehe, just makes more time for fun  >:3 *flees*

Corgatha Taldorthar

Alrighty. I was talking over with Kobra, and here's the chant. I want to have Ked talk over with Kassin. The problem is, if we havce a query or two at a time, and then a pause so other people can interact, it could take years before we're out of this stupid hut. Anyway, I was wondering if it would be ok with you guys if we just worked out the questions and answers between ourselves, and put the entire exchange into one or two posts.

Best wishes,
Corgatha Taldorthar.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


I object, but mainly because someone needs to be obstinate and because it's Corgatha.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


The main objection I could see is of course, that players might want to have their characters interrupt during their conversation, and wouldn't if we went through with this. Of course, they could poke at Kassin after the events, based on what he might say. And of course, I'd halt the exchange if either did something drastic, like making something explode, for example (which I don't think will happen, but you never know..).

It's a hard balance I have to measure, leaving things open to exploration like this can slow things down, yet, rushing too much would prevent players from taking initiative, which could lead to missing something crucial. Obviously, I like to 'auto' PCs as little as possible.

1 For, 1 Against (unless it was sarcasm, if it was, I apologize.). Does anyone else have any opinions on the matter? I'm comfortable doing it either way.


I'm for it, since it means Rafa could get even more suspicious at Ked :U
As a side note, sorry for not posting as often; work started up, getting surveys and library files all nice and orderly. On the plus side, I made a few hundred bucks.
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."


I'm cool with it - there's only so many time Chance can go around hugging and poking people XD... maybe..  :giggle


Just as a note, this text in Corg's post is mine, twas easier to condense it into one post that way.

I think it also serves as a nice plot recap for our new players...