Shattered Innocence (OOC Thread) [M] )Closed(

Started by Noone, February 03, 2009, 02:28:44 PM

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Awesome!! Three females!! We could have some fun ladies! The men shall be our slaves!  :mwaha


actually, with all the hot guy 'cubi being the rage right now, I reckon it'd be turned the other way...


but Garis seems to be the only one actively flirting... which is what will make the ensuing situation all the more amusing...

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Quote from: murmer on June 17, 2009, 11:17:19 PM
actually, with all the hot guy 'cubi being the rage right now, I reckon it'd be turned the other way...

Too true.. I just hate to admit it  :cry  

Quote from: Basilisk2150 on June 17, 2009, 11:19:06 PM
but Garis seems to be the only one actively flirting... which is what will make the ensuing situation all the more amusing...

Cat fights!!  >:3

Edit to avoid double-posting ^^:  Bravo Tipod! ^_^ I'm sorry but I'm going to tressure that first encounter between Raf and Chance! XD  Simply.. awesome...  :boogie (even though I know it wasn't for mine, nor anyone else's benefit.. I still enjoyed it ^_^)


lol I love Raffiele's attitude!! Sorry, reading that post made me giggle, I loved it!


No need to apologise!  :giggle Fun times lay ahead  :boogie


It's fun to write for Rafa like that; he's basically a huge prick to everyone around him and I'm surprised they take it so well :U I'm waiting for someone to break and finally slug him.
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."


Wanna takes bets on who gets slapped first? Zanfib or Rafa? :P

Corgatha Taldorthar

I say Garis, by a woman who doesn't appreciate his attention :p
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


but so far he's just been harmlessly flirting... besides... if Garis tired to slapRafe, it'd probably be a full on throttled against a tree, being lifted off his feet by his neck rather than a "shut up and be nicer"

and if it's zanfib... well, Ked will probably be the one to slap the Psion...   :P

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Corgatha Taldorthar

Physical violence isn't really Kedered's style for people that he's irritated with. He's more likely to just be incredibly condescending and abrubpt.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Yah, you could imagine a battle between Kedered and Zanfib like a clash of the egos. All talk no real substance. XD

I'm suspecting it's either gonna be Chance or Tyrian to snap on the ringtail. XD


Ohhhh yeah.. bring it! *bounces her fists around*


 Tyrian's only concern is his self-adopted little brother.  So long as no one does anything obvious to cause him harm, he does not care much about what you all do.  He is even tempered, so it would be hard to anger him too severely.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Well this is Zanfib and Rafe we're talking about here. ;)


Well for Zanfib... and those whose concept is more important to them than the plot, as long as he is harmless we have no problems.

Rafe on the other hand, it is angels and demons after all... Ty will react with sudden, deadly force if Kassin is in danger.

It is all moot anyways and I would prefer to avoid conflict, player verse player would end badly.  We all think we are our own top dog, star act... etc., it would just be a clash of the egos.  Egos are no fun. 
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


I have some silly bad news.

Apparently, my parents decided to spontaneously send me overseas to Myanmar (Burma) from the 26th June to the 10th July. I'm sorry it's such short notice, but since Kit hasn't been introduced yet, I hope it's not too late to let you guys know about it. I won't be able to have internet access in that allotted time, but Kobra, if you're still happy to let me play when I've come back, I'd still like to participate in this RP.

Sorry about that.



Oh well, I hope you enjoy your time there, regardless.

Anyways, RP wise, the PCs are very close to the point where Ketet and Chiyo would be introduced. One of the options I could explore, if we get there in time, is to have the short join-in sequence, and then have Ketet silently mill along. Not a great solution, but it does save me the trouble of doing another join in at some unspecified time in the future. Another thing I could do is make another join-in sequence somewhere else along the line, but it's a lot more trouble on my part. Hopefully, if things get moving, we could have Ketet introduced tomorrow or on the 23rd, which gives you the 24th and 25th to participate. At the moment it looks like the best solution to me, but I'll need a bit more time to think about it, and to see how things play out.

Of course, any advice on the matter would be appreciated.


Well that puts a turd on things...  :<  at least it isn't for the whole summer ^_^

Oh, and Kobra.. just so you know Chance only has her back wings... unless her head wings suddenly appeard without her knowing.. which I guess could happen.. I don't think it's always a painful experience  >:3  (That.. and considering everything happening and her not using magic for some time it would almost be prime time for it to happen anyways.. *shrugs* let me know what you think)



I edited my last post just a bit >_< forgot a tidbit of something.


Ehhh, I also totally forgot to mention I live in Australia, haha.

Apparently, if you all are americans or in that region, I'm ahead of you by 13-16 hours. I apologize if I miss my post. Kobra, I'll PM my introduction post in case I don't end up getting online in time.

Corgatha Taldorthar

Wait a second.... I'm a bit confused here. Who is going to the farmhouse where we suspect adventurers? I was under the sort of impression it was just Chance and Kedered...... but the reactions from Eilan and Tyrian seem to imply that most of us are going there.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


There are two 'targets'. One is the Darrins farmhouse, which Eilan wants to investigate, the other is a hut he spotted, which he thinks is abandoned. Myself, I was under the impression that it would be Eilan, Kedered, Garis and (possibly) Chance investigating the farmhouse, with the others going after the allegedly abandoned hovel.

P.S. Murmer's given me some guidelines and an introductory post, so if she can't post when it comes time, I'll be managing her character while she's away. I hope this is okay with everyone.



Heh, looks like I can't make it to my introductory post. I hope I gave enough to give you enough work-way with my character. I've got a few hours left before I have to leave internect connection behind...


See you in two weeks or so!


 :cry  it sucks, I'm sorry, but no worries we'll be here when you get back! =D