Shattered Innocence (OOC Thread) [M] )Closed(

Started by Noone, February 03, 2009, 02:28:44 PM

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Just a reminder, non-telepaths cannot recieve thoughts from mental communication. (So Ketet wouldn't be able to hear Zanfib's mental message, Kassin couldn't earlier.). Please correct this when possible.




Absence noted. Have fun, and try not to get shot too much :P.

On another note, has anyone seen Zuki lately?


Just a notification: Due to the passing of my Grandmother, I will likely be out of contact with the internet from Monday August 17th through Thursday August 27th.  I will be traveling to the island of Kauai in Hawaii and I am not sure of my internet availability in these areas. 
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Hey all! I am sorry I haven't been around or posted a note about where I have gone but I've finally had a day off during the day and can make it to library and fight my way to a computer to post a note.

Two weeks ago I moved from my old apartment to my new house I'm renting for school. I can walk to all my classes now, yay for saving gas money! But the people that were renting the house before me just moved out and they haven't turned off their cable and net bill yet. We have comcast and I've called them several times about this and they can't do anything until the previous renters call and cancel. They wont let me cancel it because my name and social security number isn't on the account.

What this means is that for the past two weeks or so I have had no internet connection and I wont be getting one until the people call and cancel their gosh darn account. I've tried to get in touch with my land lord but so far he doesn't know where the last renters went too. So I'm out of luck there.

Normally I'd take my lap top to my college (go go free internets) but its summer right now and the buildings are closed up for maintance and crap like that before the new fall term begins.

The public library has a few computers (what i'm using now) but its hard to get one, you have to wait around alot and I work during the day so its pretty hard to log on.

Hopefully by the end of august when school starts up again I will be on and hopefully before that the stupid people call Comcast and cancel their service!


I'm sorry to hear about that Az, take as long as you need.

Thanks for letting us know Zuki.

I'll give you both a summary of what's happened when you get back.

Absences noted.


And I am back! So I was FINALLY able to get ahold of the past renters about three days ago and the paid their bill and shut it off and the comcast guy just left so I now have cable and nets again! yay!


I will be getting back to posting soon.  Trying to catch up on a lot of different things.  If I can, I'll try and figure out where I am and what has been going on, but that will take a bit.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Ketet is hoping for a 'good cop, bad cop' type of outcome! But then again, those videos and TV shows won't be out until a lot later... :<


Quote from: Ghostwish on September 05, 2009, 11:50:00 AM"Buggering hell." Zanfib muttered, before promptly vanishing. He had set his concentration just ahead of the fleeing being, reappearing just far ahead of the poor fellow to give him enough time to come to a sliding halt. He turned slowly, to face him, and then took advantage of the fellow's momentary confusion to reach forward, and place his paw on the being's forehead. "I apologize, but this is for your own good." He said, and set about a quick but delicate process..

Few could appreciate the skill and precision it took to render someone unconscious without killing them. It takes just the right amount of energy in the right places at the right intervals to do so, and the slightest miscalculation could result in dire consequences, be it outright failure, or harming the subject. It's actually much easier to out right kill someone's mind them to force them to sleep in many cases. Luckily for the being, Zanfib's mentor was no fool, and was careful to teach the ringtail the many tactics for and dangers of toying with another's mind.

As such, Zanfib was careful to catch the poor fellow as he was rendered unconscious, so as not to aggravate his injuries any further. With an annoyed sigh at the events that had transpired, Zanfib promptly teleported inside of the igloo with the being in tow.
God-modding is prohibited, please correct the highlighted sections when possible.

To be specific, the problem with the first highlighted section is that it plays out the reaction of someone aside from your character that didn't already happen.
The second one assumes that the attempt works in the way described, and gives no room for complications/resistance/etc... or other forms of DM output.

Corgatha Taldorthar

Just giving notice. I will be offline during Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, (Evening of the 18th to the evening of the 20th, and the evening of the 27th to the evening of the 28th respectively; all times eastern standard). I hope this will not inconvenience the RP too seriously.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Quote from: murmer on October 06, 2009, 06:11:42 AM
"Uhmmm, that happened," she said as she pointed at the being in Azlan's arms,
Please correct this when possible. (It's Tyrian IC, Azlan OOC).


"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


I hate to post double in a thread that isn't mine, but...

The fox is sick, so I will be a bit slow to respond.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Oops sorry about that. That must've been the day where I only had about 2 hours' sleep due to crazy assignments all due in the next day...

Edited belatedly!


Activity seems to have slowed recently... I've been fairly busy with finals myself,.., though I'm just checking to see if everyone is still here.


Dragon Age is eating time... fox may be slow to respond.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


heh, i'm still around, not sure how the others are doing though... this tends to be a very distracting and busy time of year :/

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Golly gee I'm sorry >_< Yeah.. been busy.. live with the in-laws now.. >.> hectic.. ahh!! >_< still no excuse. I'll get something going!


I might be a bit busy during the holidays, so sorry if I'm slow to respond for the next few weeks, but I'll try to keep this going. Activity has slowed a bit though... so I'm doing a check up to make sure you're all still breathing, etc...

Basilisk2150: Active
Corgatha Taldorthar: Active
Azlan: Active (Unknown?)
Tipod: Inactive (Busy?)
Ghostwish: Unknown
wuffnpuff: Active (Unknown?)
murmer: Unknown
Zuki: Unknown


Still alive, last final was last Thursday. I'm helping family out, but I should be more able to post sometime tomorrow.
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."


Sorry, I've only had short bursts of online time lately >_< having to borrow it and all.. I don't have to work tonight so I should have something up.

Thanks for being so patient ^^ and happy holidays! =D


Well, it seems that this particular RP has entered into a semi-unofficial hiatus.

But, exams are over (for now), so, this is a roll call to start up again. (Hopefully)
Anyways, post here if you're still active. (Or ICly, to let me know).
I'll probably open this up in a week or so if players have dropped out.

Corgatha Taldorthar

I am here, waiting really, for tipod to post.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Aye, still around here, just trying to work up the muse to act in character for Garis...

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Well, roll call time is up, those who have not replied (Azlan, Ghostwish, Murmer, Zuki) have been moved to 'timed out' status. So I'm opening this up to replace the dropped players. Rather than have an elaborate entrance scene, I'll glue the players right in, pretending they were there all along, with Kassin at the Willow. I'll give a brief plot summary below for new players.

P.S. About Chiyo's illusion: since the player is no longer active, I'm going to have it removed from the characters it's on after you've left the orphanage.

It all went wrong, one night. You stopped at an inn called the Whistling Willow. At nighttime, all asleep, the place was attacked. Caught completely unaware, you were soon knocked out. Bursts of magical energy reduced the place to rubble, killing many inside. You woke up to a snowy sunrise, you were pulled out of the rubble and healed by a young angel named Kassin Starshine.

On the road back to civilization however, disaster continued to strike. You later found out that Kassin, and everyone he had saved at the Willow, had somehow attracted the ire of some power in Ithralia, and now you are wanted for crimes that neither you nor Kassin committed(IFF you're not a being), and now you're hunted by everyone in the country wanting to turn your head in for a reward. Worse yet, you seem to have attracted the ire of a warlord in Narukh, Nakata Firestorm of the Claws of Fire, who wants to capture Kassin and wants you dead. You've also come to the conclusion that you've attracted special ire of the Thularian military, you think they're behind the bounty postings. Worse, they've set up a blockade to Astarea, preventing you from easily escaping into that country. You are stuck in hostile territory, surrounded by enemies on all sides.

With no other options available, you've taken to investigating the crimes which you've been falsely accused of. There were three soul murders in particular, a cubi child in a mansion off to the east, a family of farmers in western Ithralia, and another in a city named Pauperta, off in south Ithralia. You've decided to investigate the family of farmers first.
While at the farmhouse, there were a few pieces of information that you discovered, one is that the family found some sort of odd research paper, that's now gone missing. The second is that there was a third child who wasn't murdered. After finding and interrogating the child's uncle, you've arrived at a place called Moriarty's orphanage, and the child, Avair Darrins, may be inside.
However, getting inside hasn't proved easy. The person at the front desk, an idiotic bunny named Threeb, is quite intent on denying you access...


Sorry for my prolonged absence all. Life has been, erm, 'interesting'.


Welcome back, regardless.

I've removed you from 'timed-out' status.

Corgatha Taldorthar

Light Tipod, what a mess. I'm sorry, I truly am. But I can't think of any other action Kedered could take and remain in character. He's been cross purposes to Raffiele since pretty much the first hour they were both conscious, and to be honest, there's no real benefit, from his perspective and to further Kassin's safety, to keeping what he sees as a demon of dubious loyalty within close proximity to the party.

I don't want to be cross purposes, but I also couldn't come up with an action within the bounds of an established personality and behavior pattern. To be honest, I'd love for Raffiele to escape the blade, but I don't really see a way out :S
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Why you I oughta--

To be honest, I don't mind since it's not like it came out of the blue and, honestly, I was kind of expecting this outcome. I'll try to get a post up tomorrow, but school's been a pain in my ass for the past few weeks between bio and geography.
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."