Shattered Innocence (OOC Thread) [M] )Closed(

Started by Noone, February 03, 2009, 02:28:44 PM

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lol, maybe he's just giving you a chance to show off  :P

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on May 18, 2009, 09:25:45 PM
Please, he just wants to get under a skirt. :P

... Abel?

(I know it's a late response, I was on vacation...)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


 :hug i missed you boxy... welcome back... and no, Garis doesn't do dudes... though i guess Abel could change his naughty bits until unleashing a horrible surprise  :giggle

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


I missed him too... stupid AS50 BMG, forgot to correct the scope.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

llearch n'n'daCorna

* llearch n'n'daCorna hides scope adjustment tool behind his back and whistles innocently *
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Ack, I forgot something when I made my IC post.

Made an edit at the end to correct it.


Sorry about my absence, guys. Had to do some appointments over the last couple weeks in addition to dealing with summer heat.
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."


Bugger, well I'm glad you're back ^_^ I can't wait to see Raf's reactions to Chance and her bubbly demeanor  :giggle

Corgatha Taldorthar

Or to the demons we casually eviscerated.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.

Corgatha Taldorthar

Double post, I realize, but Kobra, how is Eilan listening to our suggestions? Ked and Garis are communicating telepathically.......
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Hi! Oh wow I haven't been in the DMFA forums since it was the oldschool format.

Anyway, is there still an opening in this RP? If yes, what races are available?


Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on June 06, 2009, 11:27:21 PM
Double post, I realize, but Kobra, how is Eilan listening to our suggestions? Ked and Garis are communicating telepathically.......
He's listening to this:
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on June 03, 2009, 01:08:47 PM
Using his voice instead of just his mind to include Eilan, who had come puffing into the glade, he said simply. "This is not really necessary. Between the three of us, we should be able to unriddle his mind shield in fairly short order. Once that is out of commission, we can have our psionic ally strain his mind like a soup bowl, and find out anything we want. It will probably be quicker than breaking him as well."

It's going to involve me finding a way to get you glued in with the other PCs, shouldn't be too hard. I did set my insanity limit to 7, so there is a space.

Races available (Going from demonology.):
Phoenix (B)
Gryphon (A)
Gryphon (B)
Gryphon (C)
Phoenix (A)
The slashed out ones are prohibited for the RP, the italic ones are legal, but rare in the RP setting, so it's something to consider.
Dragons are legal, but for balancing purposes, I'd probably restrict them to young dragons, aka, when in dragon form, they're roughly human sized or slightly larger, not as big as a house.
Anyways, I hope that helps.


Terribly sorry for my absence. Moving houses is not too fun. Lemme get to rustling up a post.

Corgatha Taldorthar

my bad, I've been a bit out of it. I'll try to put a post together, but I can't promise quality.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Oops, sorry about this delay. I've been trying to get my head around a few things and some character concepts I had flying in my mind.

I'll get it up by possibly tonight.

EDIT: by the gods it's huge! WHY?!

Name: Kit – full name "Ketet Tari"
Age: 780
Gender: Female
Race: Dragon
Appearance: Kit possesses two forms – her full dragon form and an alternate 'being' form.

Kit's dragon form is that of a youngling dragon. Descendent of one of the small-sized blue families, Kit's hide has not fully taken on the rich deep indigo of an adult's hue, but instead is the palest shade of sky with patches of white dusted around her belly and spinal spikes. Her eyes too are a beautiful shade of sapphire, and given age will darken into almost midnight. Kit's body is sinuous and lithe, and on average is about the size of a small pony. While her body hasn't fully developed into her ancestral impenetrability dragons are famed for, she has sharp horns, claws and teeth that are sharp and speed and flight that easily bring down her food when hunting in the wild.

Kit's alternate form was adapted rapidly when she curiously began to wonder about the other beings and creatures of the world. In her 'being' form, she appears to be a wolf with pale blue fur, a white underbelly and dark blue eyes half-covered with a thick mane of long white hair. She usually hides her wings, but when they sprout they are draconic with fur lightly covering the overside, though it doesn't seem to hinder flight. A curious nature of her alternate form is that Kit still hasn't figured out how to do the tail quite right, forgetting – or maybe unable – to hide two dragon tail spikes. They look like painful, tribal piercings on her tail and jab out at symmetrical angles to each other to form a curved fork parallel to the ground.


Adaptable – Kit's body can adapt to a wide range of temperatures and environments without trouble. Her dragonkin are a nomadic lot, and the surroundings of her 'childhood' changed constantly. As such, Kit's body is naturally attuned to nullify the harmful effects of the environment at a very early age. This doesn't mean that she can adapt extremely fast, though, so she'd still be pretty screwed if somebody tossed her from a snow environment into a lava pit.

Flight – Kit can fly, but prefers to travel by foot. This is mainly because sustained flight or flight in general usually consumes a lot of energy. She'd fly if she wanted to get out of a place real fast, or scope out possibly dangerous terrain before deciding to land and hunt.

Draconic heritage – Kit's a dragon. Despite her small size she's still quite dangerous. While her hide isn't completely impenetrable (in fact, a few crossbow bolts could do it) she regenerates quickly and is stronger than she looks in both her forms. She's also very fast. It'd take a well-trained eye to catch and predict her movements, and she's quite adept at dodging attacks due to her hunter-nomadic family. She can also cast magic, but that's explained later. Perhaps her one sole weakness in her heritage is that she's super attracted to shiny stuff. Keep them away from her. No, seriously.
Kit can't breathe fire yet, but she can manage to whip up a good scalding steam.
Kit has a really sharp nose for precious metals, gems and other expensive things. Her other senses are also heightened, honed in through natural training and hunting.

Tooth and nail – Kit has a really sharp arsenal of natural weapons. Adding to that, if any of her teeth or nails or horns break they naturally regenerate quite fast (out of combat, of course). In her alternate form she also fights with all her body, and her claws and teeth are as sharp as they are in her dragon form. Preferential to close unarmed combat, an all-out attack by her is like being hit by an avalanche.

Magic – Kit is naturally adept at air and water magic, but her powers at manipulating the other elements are next to none. While most magic is studied, Kit and her dragonkin are innately tied in with the elements of air and water – being free-roaming nomads and all. Thus, they wield those two elements with a natural ability that increases as they grow. Right now, Kit's magic power is equivalent to a post-teenagers grasp of language – she manipulates air and water closely around her to a phenomenal degree that allows her to perform physics-defying stunts and other insane moves. In her element (that is, near or in water and its different forms for that matter, while air is usually all around her), she is second only to her peers and equal to any elemental mages specializing in those areas, but sometimes still struggles on a few ranged offensive spells. Her grasp on defensive magic too is quite adept.

Kit descends from a family of nomadic Sky dragons. Throughout her youth, she'd been taught to know well the ever-changing geography of her world. While they stayed away from major settlements, a few of her Family members would venture into the cities and sprawling towns to trade portable trinkets or necessities, and on some occasion they would take her with them. The Tari family brought Kit up to be proud of her ancestry and her intimate link with nature. Dragons were the top of the food chain, and Kit damn well knew that. Nonetheless, she was still curious about beings and other creatures they've encountered throughout their travels, and promised herself that when she turned 500 she would see the rest of the world through different eyes.

That she did, when she felt herself adept enough to handle the world on her own. On her birth date she left the family with mixed farewells and set out to explore on her own. Astarea was perhaps her first acquaintance to the lands of Atharra, and she learned quickly to adapt a form suitable to walk among the beings and experience a bit of their lives. She coexisted and learned from Astarea about the other countries for half a century, as well as the basic cultures of each country. While some of the law in Astarea quickly grew to her disliking, she made sure she was familiar with Astarea before journeying to Ithralia. There, she enjoyed the vast landscape and increased freedom. Meeting a couple of unlucky adventurers taught her caution, and while she spent the rest of her time within Ithralia's borders fascinated by its culture and geography, she made periodic journeys back to Astarea every decade to reacquaint herself with her first-impression country. Still, she found Ithralia best to her tastes – despite the thriving adventurer's business and a few dodgy patches of roaming Thularians. The wide landscape and the amount of freedom she experienced was much to her liking.

Personality: Kit tries to avoid combat or confrontations as much as possible, but her rash nature sometimes flings herself headfirst into a fight not initiated by her. She has an easily likable personality and rarely contains her emotions when something excites her. Her mind is usually open and pure, though she's learnt some cunning when dealing with untrustworthy or aggressive beings. While not a true empath like the succubus and incubus race, Kit has learned through enough being and creature interactions the vague state of their current mood. That, and she can usually smell fear.

Equipment/Clothing: Kit travels light, and never seems to wear more than one layer of clothing despite the changes in weather. The most noticeable features of her outfits is that they usually colourfully complement her complexion and fur colour. They have been enchanted to be stored away in a small silver nose-horn ornament when she transforms into her dragon form, and seem to repel dirt (or reappear magically dry-cleaned after each transformation).

Kit is also adorned with various small shinies on her spinal spikes and horns. They are purely decorative, and are likewise stored away in a simple gold pendant in her alternate wolf form save for some of the less precious bracelets and gem hair ties pulling back her white hair.

Colour: Pink

Hope that's not an eyesore.  :U


Awesome! Another female! =D Basil must feel lucky...  :giggle


Ho boy.. a dragon in a group of three cubi. This should be interesting. ^_^


I highly doubt the enmity of Kit to the succubus race. She's more morbidly curious about the hatred between them rather than outright aggressive in their presence. She's too young to understand any of the ancient war between the two races so far.

Also - she'll most likely be travelling in her alternate form.


Okiedokie, although I don't know if traveling in her alternate form will do much.. Remember how Abel seemed to recognize Pyroduck for what he was on sight? Well.. maybe that was a magic trick. Who knows? ^_^

(besides one very obvious artist, of course. ;) )


Keep also in mind that Kit's mind is always quite open and very naive. Would you outright try to kill a dragon if she practically radiates mental innocence and curiosity?


Garis is an equal opportunity flirter... if she's cute, he'll say hello and not go stabby... XD

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Corgatha Taldorthar

It is unclear whether the dragons have it in for 'Cubi in general or just Cyra clan.

As this is happening in a seperate existance from DMFA, it might not be relevant anyway.

Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


... I'll leave that question to our resident cubi.  :3

Edit: Gyah! Basi! Corg! Quit jumping out from beneath the rug like that! ><


Rafa would actually be willing to protect Kit if it ever came to that. They're already in the midst of a conspiracy involving demons and angels, the last thing he wants is Dragon-Cubi scuffles to happen as well.

But like Corg said, it might not really play a part anyway.
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."


For the Tari family, I'd say any hatred they have to the 'Cubi race is almost nonexistent. They are more open-minded in that aspect due to their migratory nature. They would avoid direct confrontation to the Cubi race as much as possible, especially if they're aggressive. However, there may have been some... 'disagreements' particularly involving territorial breaches due to their nomadic culture.

As for Pyroduck and Abel - Pyroduck exhibited some distinct draconic/bat-like traits that might've given him away. If Cubi have been trained to spot the tell-tale signs of a dragon's alternate form (and that is probably assumed in DMFA's storyline) then yes, you'd recognise Kit as what she really is straight off the bat.

Basil - Kit's alternate form is a prime female specimen of the wolf being kind. I'm sure that counts towards hawtness of some sort.

Huh, I seemed to have forgotten about Kit's dresscode and equipment section. Editing!


In the setting of this RP, there aren't any large, open organizations of dragons to make them a substantial political unit. A combination of their low reproductive rate, aka, not a lot of them, combined with them generally having large, fragile egos, which prevents them from co-operating, means that they really don't wield a lot of power in this locale. Now of course, individual dragons can be quite powerful, but they tend to be quite reclusive as well. Most Cubi congregate in either Narukh (which can barely be called a country as they really don't have any rule of law.), or Astarea. Dragons on the other hand, don't congregate in large numbers, they tend to stay by themselves in the wilderness. There are a few in Astarea, but of course, the ones living there don't bear any special hostility towards Cubi. Astarea also has a very effective law enforcement system so conflicts between dangerous creatures can be at least, somewhat easily resolved.

You probably won't run into any NPC 'rare' species until chapter 2, which is a long while off. I do have more info on them in my DM notes, so feel free to ask.


For the unofficial record, let's assume dragons and 'cubi can recognize one another rather easily... like Xellos and Filia can in Slayers.

Mind you, this is not anything official, I do not speak for the comic or artist.

Also, let's not make this a 'cubi - dragons game, there are other of us playing too.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


but... Ty is a man... er, male angel... and therefore doesn't attract the attention of the equal opportunist flirter...  :P

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Whoa, you are a wierd 'cubi... most I know will... well, let's say they are sexually dynamic.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"
