[Poetry] a few poems. Enjoy

Started by Archanon8957, January 22, 2009, 10:25:51 PM

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I feel no wounds!
Hurt, pain, an illusionary trick!
Religion, heavy heartedness,  the food of buffoons!
The pain religion speaks of, itself, provides the prick!
No sin at all!
I laugh and don't fall!
Mere reason, brother!
And love one another!
Not religious, no, I refuse!
I have my own philosophies to choose!
Better ones, greater ones, conceived with mere thought!
What, brother, what had you once fought!?
What? Why had you bled!?
Think for yourself! To death you will be not led!
This I promise you, brother of mine!
Stand up now!
Release your hands from the wine!

   Red light.

I pick up an object black and thin,
And stare until I feel my head spin,
No flashing red light,
Not today, though I open it for spite.
The time there, five minutes past,
I wanted her to txt me at last,
Wanted, willed, a turbulent mood,
I had really tried to avoid this brood,
For I had foreseen it, her eyes,
A slip of paper with numerical lies.

Angels, now
Angels, I see, demons no more.
No more battle, no more gore.
I rejected my religion, you see,
Peace in irony, for me.
For when my mind dwelt on God,
Innocence turned to sod,
In life's face, that goddess that once usurped me,
Now on good standing, at peace, in glee
No way out from this life I now know,
No religion, no crutch, no device to tow,
For strength is never there, to that place of safe haven
Strength finds it in life, his own steps, true and  un-craven.

Uncraven isn't actually a word. But, o wellz



Very imaginative, but they seem a bit off rhythm to me. I'm no poet but even when reading them out loud -the rhyme and pace in some of them just seem to fail. But it's not something that you won't clear with more practice, other than that, they are really easy to read and do strike a cord in the reader. And that can't be achieve by any practice!


As modernist pieces, these would actually do very well. The rhymes in some places are a little forced, but I actually liked them. There is a force of emotion there that is quite perceptible. Are you planning on doing any more?


Thanks, i think its cool you both liked them.
I felt sort of inspired  like  day or two ago and just started to write poetry.
And i will be doing more. Ive never actually been into writing poems, but I've found its actually quite enjoyable.

Thanks to both,


Sex in the car at the park
That face, unyielding, like stone,
Lying against warped plastic alone,
My hands created but a sound, a sound,
That never struck beyond, pride-killing, I found.
All on the surface, friend!
You and I fell to the trend!
This pretty sight, this sight, no more,
Your body turned to ash and is now written, in lore.
Stone-faced, stone-bodied you were,
You had an expectation that night, you cur.
And my touch rotted with you, with you, it did.
My pride, my name, my dignity, at hell's bid.

A day at work
Oh these sad faces,  sad faces, I see.
Eyes downcast and sunken, no joy there, no glee.
Why, I asked one, why do you  simply not smile?
Feelings heavy, then, the red-faced guarded style.
Because  I  am here, she told me, I am here beyond my will,
But joy, I told her, joy can be here still!
She shook her head and continued sweeping, continued sweeping, disarmed.
Not my intention to fluster her so, her person, so harmed.
And then my eyes went downward, downward, so lost.
But then I remembered love is freedom, is freedom, void of cost!


Made a little changes to sex in the car at the park.

That face, unyielding, like stone,
Lying against warped plastic alone,
My hands created but a sound, a sound,
That never struck beyond, pride-killing, I found.
All on the surface, friend.
You and I had fallen to a trend!
This pretty sight, this sight, no more,
Your body turned to ash, then went to pages, in lore.
Stone-faced, glass-bodied you were,
You had an expectation that night, you cur.
And my touch rotted with you, with you, it did.
My pride, my name, my dignity, lost to hell's bid.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Might I suggest you title your thread according to the suggestions listed in the rules page?

Just a subtle hint...
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another one about a girl in high-school.

Ashley, I will never know you
What is that look, that expression, that face?
I've seen you give it several times, then change pace.
Could it be my eyes, how they search, how they ask?
Forgive me but you strike an interest, even in spite of your mask!
Please be still. Is a conversation too much?
Just a talk, so simple, about the weather and such?
Or anything else, a simple hello, a smile would even do,
You can call this a crush, but i do not wish to woo.
No, not after that day, that day of fast approach,
That day I tried, that day of honesty, and the roach.
Your face, it was hardly forgiving. No, terribly cold,
Unyielding, for your affections had been sold.
And so today I walk by, watching you so,
Watching and knowing, you, I will never know.
You wont let me, and I've tried,
My attention, my interest, my words, denied.