Oh gosh not ANOTHER noob.

Started by Elieana, October 21, 2008, 08:43:48 AM

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Alright... Here we go... Talking...about me >_>

Hello ^^ My name is Preston, but please call me Elie. I am not really all that interesting, but I'll try to find some key points in my boring life to talk about. Let's see... When my dad met my mom---Oh wait, you probably don't want to hear that ^^;

I am a writer/artist (though my art is improving, it still is far from being the best), I love to do both. My art is more of a hobby than anything, but I hope to one day be a published author. I write fantasy stories, and have a very overactive imagination. I currently live in the north west United States, however soon I'll be moving to Manitoba, Canada to live with my boyfriend. I am an RPGer, though I've never actually RPed in a forum, maybe I can try out my wings sometime here :) Who knows?

I'm horribly afraid of heights, fast speeds, and being alone (especially in the dark :<). I am not perfect, and I make mistakes, just like everyone else. Normally I come off as a little... what's a nice word? Mean when people first meet me, but after they get to know me they learn that I'm just a big lovable teddy bear :3 (minus the "big" part...I'm actually rather small...). I have a very large family, so I tend to talk louder than normal people; living with seven other people (especially mostly women) you learn to talk louder to be heard.

I try my hardest to follow rules, and to stay in line, and I feel absolutely horrible when I make someone angry (though, really depending on the person). I love to bake cookies, and have been known to make giant chocolate chip cookies for sad friends :3 Or, just 'cause I want a giant cookie >:3

I play World of Warcraft (yeah I know surprise, surprise!), but upon meeting me I probably seem like the least likely person you could imagine playing the game as I'm shy, timid, and a girly girl (I love Disney :D). I have extremely strong opinions about a lot of things, but you'll often see me ranting about stereotypes and how stupid they are. <- I also can't stand the people that add to the stereotypes by acting just like people say they will because of their gender/age/ethnicity/ect.

I am a sucker for romance, and I'm hopeless at heart. I'm the person you hear in the movie theatre going "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW" right as the couple share their first kiss. (Okay, not to that extreme...yet...) Though I will always have a soft spot for the songs/movies/pictures/ect of the "I Need You" "I Love You" "Don't Leave Me" "I Can't Go On Without You" theme, I loath co-dependency and find it completely heinous that someone would feel the need to harm themselves, be it physically, emotionally, or socially, because of one person leaving them. Yes, it's sad. Yes, it hurts. However, the world isn't ending because of it. You didn't die because of it (hopefully). So you certainly do not need to make such a big fuss about it >_> Just get over yourself, suck it up, and move on. Obviously after everything you've gone through with said person, if they felt the need to leave, then obviously they weren't worth the trouble to begin with. But hey, that's just my opinion!

Anyway...didn't really mean to make such a long post... Just... Introducing myself =D A lot >_> See you all on the forums ^^


Wow. That's quite an insight into you. I don't recall ever seeing a longer introduction.


Yeah sorry about that ^^; Didn't mean for it to be so long.


Never said it was a problem. It's probably a good testimony as to your character. Mostly saying that you use proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar, that you don't type good, you type well. That is a lesson that has been burned into my brain by my English teachers. Since nobody else has yet, I welcome you here with open arms.  :hug


Aaaw, thank you so much ^^ :hug

I actually had to teach myself though, none of my teachers ever really cared. They went with the most basic things. You know, I never learned to use a simi-colon in school? How silly is that!


Seems like a perfectly reasonable introduction to me, nothing to apologize about.  Great to have another WoW player in the mix.  Hopefully you play more than just that though.  The world needs more gamers. :)


Welcome aboard.  Beware the lot of us, we're all liars and thieves here.  Particularly that llearch fellow.  I heard he's out to get you.  Don't trust anyone who tries to give you advice.  You can trust me though.  Honest.


Aaah okay :D Trust the one that tells me "I fail" ^^ That's great advice! I'll be sure to stow that away in my bank of knowledge!

Oh! And no I don't just play WoW ^^ That just happens to be my main MMO, heh.


True, if you just play WoW you are a wannabe gamer.


Pfft, if I just had WoW to play I'd probably have a seizure. :erk


Yeah? What other games do you play?


Well, when I was really young, I played EverQuest. Not anymore, though. Now I currently play World of Warcraft, Perfect World, Oblivion, Kingdom Hearts (feed da fandom!), and various other PS2 games (and when I say various >_> I mean lots :boogie)

Over the last year, however, I've cooled down a bit. Now, mostly I write, play WoW, Oblivion, and Perfect World. My poor PS2 has been gathering dust :<


Kingdom Hearts is (imo) the greatest game of all time. I can't wait for KH3.  :eager  Especially since Square Enix isn't working with Sonyanymore so it should be on the Xbox360.


Oh I know!

Excitement abound! I almost can't wait! =trails off in song=


Actually, they still work with Sony.  They're just taking some of their bigger titles and making them no longer Sony exclusive, iirc.


RElax I don't want your baby I already ate. Though I do generally tend to kill, kill things that don't fight back!

I am now going to get the original Fable back out and finish my original intentions. I had 3 main characters, a good knight, a neutral archer, and an evil mage.


Yeah I figured that even they wouldn't give up that type of money :P

And I love Richard! =dances about=

Fable was fun ^^ Though I never really got the chance to play a full game... I had to bum it off a friend at one point in time :cry


Quote from: Rakala on October 21, 2008, 10:03:24 AM
RElax I don't want your baby I already ate. Though I do generally tend to kill, kill things that don't fight back!

I am now going to get the original Fable back out and finish my original intentions. I had 3 main characters, a good knight, a neutral archer, and an evil mage.

Heh, lfg.

Lady Buggery

Night ELF?!?!!?! *applies ice barrier, encases you in ice, walks back a little, hits you with blizzard*



Err I mean welcome :)


My night elf rogue loves mages.  <3  My draenei shadow priest, however doesn't as much.  But it is fun to watch them die from dots after I pass away.  Not quite as effective as say a warlock, but it works well enough.


I personally am not into WoW. I played EverQuest and FFXI to death and after those an hour of WoW just seemed to be more of the same. Now if it wasn't an April fools day joke, had Blizzard released the StarCraft MMO I would have played that, but unfortunately it isn't real. Fable 2 may be an exception if it is indeed like an MMO, likely due to the fact that it's on a console.

Lady Buggery

Quote from: Mowser on October 21, 2008, 12:03:25 PM
My night elf rogue loves mages.  <3  My draenei shadow priest, however doesn't as much.  But it is fun to watch them die from dots after I pass away.  Not quite as effective as say a warlock, but it works well enough.

My Troll mage loves it when her ice barirer breaks and things freeze so she can blink and run away. :D. And my Draenei shaman loves it when she pulls a million totems out of her butt and they kill things for her.


Do you pvp any?  What battle group are you in?  You sound like fun. :)


*Runia,the orc shaman, walks over and gives you a good sniff: Hmmm, you Night Elf, you enemy! But this neutral zone so we get drinks! You buy or me kill!*

Welcome to the "Weird" server!  :)

Lady Buggery

Quote from: Mowser on October 21, 2008, 12:14:30 PM
Do you pvp any?  What battle group are you in?  You sound like fun. :)

Unfortunately due to hardware issues I really can't PvP (2006 MAC laptop, no mouse, wireless internet = OMFG LAG) But if you ever want a token troll or draenei in any of your parties, I'm so there :D (I'm on Cairne) Though troll = DPS and Draenei = heal even though she's spect for enhancement...I always get stuck healing XD.


Oh any healing capable class knows that pain.  You'd be surprised how many groups I get kicked out of once they find out I'm shadow spec'd though.  Forget that fact that I pack a bunch of healing gear just in case.  They hear shadow and I'm kicked without question.  I guess it's the whole shadow form thing that scares them off.


Hi! Welcome to the forums!

Watch out for llearch, he's up to something. Also watch out for anyone who warns you about things, they're also up to something.


Finally! The WoW string is broken!  :boogie


Good, now I can say hi. Hi! Welcome aboard, Elieana!
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

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One of my brothers plays Wow quite a bit. I never got into it but i'm sure I'd like it if I tried. I used to play Diablo II hours a day until the communily pissed me off for months in a row. I plays Phantasy Star Online even more until a while ago. Becasue of how much I get into MMOs I've tried to hold back on those that cost money per month

You seem like a cool person. I think I like you already. Welcome to this interesting place.   :januscat

Aisha deCabre

You play Oblivion too?   :U  Good grief, we oughta have a little Elder Scrolls club here.  There's three of us.  Or a few more. xP

And also, welcome. :3  I guess we don't have to tell you to leave your sanity at the door and keep the claim check for it.  You'll fit in well.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.