[Writing] Redwing's Furry-related Poetry

Started by Lady Buggery, October 03, 2008, 11:36:59 AM

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Lady Buggery

Some of these are published under an ISBN so please, for your own good, no stealing. Here are some poems I did that have a potential fur theme to them (some may not be exclusively furry, but can be taken as such). For space reasons, if some are linked elsewhere, I'll post the links. Otherwise I'll simply post them all in the first post. :) Enjoy.

:bunny Linked poems :bunny

"The Dancing Fox (2008)" : http://matsuban.deviantart.com/art/The-Dancing-Fox-81981307

:bunny Poems Posted Here  :bunny

"Siberian Tiger (2006)"

I am a god to some here,
in the Siberian snow lands.
My eyes and claws they fear;
they listen to my simple commands.

Some respect me, others don't,
and those who steal will die.
For those men who wont
obey my rules: in coldness they'll lie.

One man took my kill from me:
A most insulting transgression.
I knew he was very hungry,
but that had been my possession.

I stalked his small shack for days
and drove his sled dogs mad.
I terrorized him in many ways
with every technique I had.

One night he came walking
into my sacred territory.
After a few minutes of stalking,
came the end of his brief story.

He would be an example
to those who don't heed.
Because my time isn't ample;
my doom, these men, will lead.

So in this great chess game
between men and snow gods,
Though they try to make us tame
We have ways of evening the odds.


"Bird Calls" (2007)

The nightingale's song
is frail and soft
but my peace is not brought
by the melodious sound.

The magpie hops before me
as I listen,
ears lent to the trees,
waiting for truth on the breeze.

A nightingale that sings
a moment of lies cannot compare
to the endless honestly of
the squawking magpie.


Badger (2007)

Cantankerous boss
dig your claws into them
make them rue their actions:
playing war games in your home.
Two black stripes on your
white-furious face.
Stare them
Make them


Rabbit, Rabbit (2007)

Rabbit, Rabbit
what have you seen
as you burrowed and ran
with hearing so keen?

Rabbit, Rabbit
what have you found
while digging for happiness
with your head in the ground?

Rabbit, Rabbit
where have you gone?
Hiding from the world
away from the noon sun?

But Rabbit, Rabbit
what better way
to find your purpose
than in the light of day?


Firebird (2007)

Fire bird
fly from my
fingertips into
the cobalt sky
and over the
crest of reality.
Travel onward
over the stars
long past where
the last of the
twinkling bodies burst
and never look back.


Black Horse (2007)

Black horse
with eyes of ash
and burning hooves
that scorch the land
be my transportation.
Black horse
with a spirit that
is partly of my own
and partly free
be my guardian.
Black horse
who carried horror
willingly on your back
to suffer onto us
be my courage.
Black horse
with hatred
placed on your face
and dirt on your name
be my partner.
Black horse
who no one cared for
and no one expected
to be a savior
become my equal.


Wolf Lord (2008)

The old wolf lord limps away,
gored from the most vicious fray,
into the snow-covered peak
where he lay wounded and weak.

His grey fur mixed with the ice
until flesh seemed like a vice.
Bones bore a fresh skin of snow
as the wolf rotted below.

He rose from the mortal rot
as his son's downfall, did plot.
The old wolf lord made of ice
did make his pack pay the price.

As the youthful wolves did play
they reveled in the display,
welcoming their knew pack-lord
of their stolen, splendid hoard.

With the bold gift of Donar,
life taken without honor,
he roared as the moon did loom.
sealing the foolish wolves' doom.


Woow, nice stuff there Red! I loved the one about the Black Horse( Nightmares rule!) and the poem of the Siberian Tiger- really mean view point in that one, got me goosebumps!

Lady Buggery

Quote from: Kipiru on October 04, 2008, 07:32:03 AM
Woow, nice stuff there Red! I loved the one about the Black Horse( Nightmares rule!) and the poem of the Siberian Tiger- really mean view point in that one, got me goosebumps!

Heehee was wondering if anyone was ever going to post in this. Thanks for the comments, I'm particularly fond of Black Horse myself. Glad to be a good goose bump giver. Actually that Siberian Tiger story was inspired by something I saw on National Geographic about a man who lived up there and because he stole a Siberian Tiger's fresh kill, she stalked him for weeks, torturing the crap out of him, killing the occasional dog until finally she killed him too. Now that is what I call a true life horror story! Jigsaw can't touch that, I feel  :eager


 That really happened? Now that gives it a far deeper feeling altogether! Nice :)

Oh, and by the way, don't take it bad if it takes a while for people to respond, most of them just look at your work without commenting. I ran into the same problem.


Yeah, I'm guilty of that.  I didn't have anything to say about it. :S  Sorry.

Lady Buggery

haahaa its ok. Nah reason I said that is usually, on other forums, any kind of lit post, poetry post, or art post that isn't of interest to the forum usually sinks to the bottom in a hurry.  :< had it happen on many, many a forum. The worse of which was actually a pagan forum I was on for like 5 minutes. Only people who wrote about the glory of wicca and fairies and such got noticed xD. I might go ahead and post the first chapter of my novel here, if people are interested. No one buy it (as if anyone here would) becuase I'm still revising it...needs more awesome butt kicking action.


Bah wiccans get all of the attention these days.  There are far older beliefs that still deserve some of the spot light imho.  Anyway, I'd be interested in seeing your story.  I'm always open to reading things, even if I have nothing to really say about them.  :3

Lady Buggery

Heehee sounds like a plan. I can't seem to stop revising the story, hence why I think I'll only ever make it widely distributed ohhh say...after I die xD. Been working on this silly thing for the better part of 5 years now. I have no other stories (less you count my webcomic but that's done on a chapter by chapter basis) I'll post chapter one here soonish BUT yeah the revision is going to be a while...so don't expect the rest of the story until I'm certain this latest revision is good enough.