DC vs Marvel

Started by Kipiru, October 09, 2008, 10:13:50 AM

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Quote from: Kipiru on October 16, 2008, 09:33:39 AM
Quote from: Mowser on October 16, 2008, 09:19:05 AM
Quote from: Kipiru on October 16, 2008, 09:12:06 AM
Quote from: Rakala on October 16, 2008, 08:55:30 AM
While Marvel gives their heroes very apparent flaws.

     You see, that is just it, Marvel characters don't even deserve the title "heroes" most of the time. Whatever they do they do it for some pretty selfish reason. They are basically people with super powers, but not heroes.

    Then every fireman, policeman, ambulance tech and any person who risks their life as part of their job is no longer to be considered a hero.  They do what they do because it's their job.  Who cares about the 100's they've saved.  It's their job.  They're doing it to be selfish right?  They just want to get paid and live a normal life and hey on the side, they save other lives too.

Wow, easy there, we are talking SUPERheroes here, not the everyday-life kind. Noone deines the contribution of firemen, policemen or medics, but you can hardly place them in the same category as someone who saves the world. And as much as I hate to say it, they do get payed for what they do, which doesn't make their choice any less difficult but it does place it infront of them as obligatory( now if someone who is not a fireman goes in a burning building to save someone, now that is pure heroic).

As per your own quote, you said they weren't even heroes.  To me a person who is conflicted about saving someone but who does it anyway, regardless of the reasoning, has done something heroic.

The marvel universe gives us heroes that are similar to everyday-life kind.  They have flaws and motivations that your average person has and can relate to.  They also just happen to have super powers which aid them in their choices and hinder them in others.  To me this is more of a realistic approach to the hero.  They've got some kind of special training or power that gives them the ability to do great good or great evil, much like a fire fighter or ambulance technician.

Edit:  Yes this is partially motivated by the fact that my little brother is both a firefighter and a fully certified paramedic.  He's conflicted every day about what he does, especially when he has to walk in and save some drug addict who's trying to kill him for fear of losing his fix.  In the end the fact that it's his job is all my brother has to go on because helping this guy isn't something he wants to do after the guy tries to stab him in the neck.


Hmmm, well fine, I guess your point stands. Bottom line- it's a matter of taste, i guess.If one prefers confused and overly dramatic people with powers they turn to Marvel, and if shallow and predictable ultra-beings is what makes you happy, then DC is your choice. And as for who is a hero or not, i think in the mangled world we live in, anyone who takes care if his loved ones can be considered a hero.


In response to Superhero not being god, actually he is. He gets his powers from the sun which he has been exposed to for so long kryptonite is the only thing that affects him. He isn't hurt by anything, he holds back most of the time when punching, I mean in all not much can beat him. There was actually an alternate universe where Superman lands in New York, becomes a genius, designs a device that turns all the kryptonite in the world into harmless goo, throws it into space and takes over the world.

Now, to Marvel. While Marvel heroes do have flaws not many of them are that selfish. They may have selfish reasons for doing certain actions but in all they usually work for good. The biggest example of this was the Civil War series. Who was fighting for what reasons? Did they have good reasons or not? It's difficult to tell. Marvel heroes have some inner conflict but not enough to make it interesting in my opinion. I kind of want my heroes to be human on some level.


I have to correct you on Superman, kryptonite is not his only weakness! He loses his powers under a red sun and becomes human, magic can harm him in total disregard of him being invulnerable. And for someone to be a god it takes a lot more then even ruling the world( though one can then call himself god, without being one- see Star gate SG1 :))

lucas marcone

i find marvel to be more appealing to me because of the morality ther heros have. stan lee makes it a point that heros do not kill. anti-heros do, but more oftent than not for the greater good because the heros won't.

in dc all the heros do is go from point a to point b, kill villian, rescue woman, go home. in marvel you have so much more story behind the action to get inthralled with.

lucas marcone

Quote from: Rakala on October 16, 2008, 08:55:30 AM
I think DC heroes are good, but they're too good. They're just big boy scouts who kick ass (except for Batman and The Question). I can never really relate to them ever. While Marvel gives their heroes very apparent flaws.

btw, Superman is basically god so nobody can beat him and there's no point in reading the comics.

i was pretty elated when doomsday whupped his ass, but good. infact doomsday is the only person, i belive, to have beaten superman without kryptonite, he even killed him.

Janus Whitefurr

Quote from: lucas marcone on October 17, 2008, 11:57:57 AM
Quote from: Rakala on October 16, 2008, 08:55:30 AM
btw, Superman is basically god so nobody can beat him and there's no point in reading the comics.

i was pretty elated when doomsday whupped his ass, but good. infact doomsday is the only person, i belive, to have beaten superman without kryptonite, he even killed him.

Naturally, Superman came back bigger and better, and I don't think Doomsday's had a chance since (was it during the Crisis that he got owned by two Supermen at once?)
This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.

King Of Hearts

I have a question...

How many DC people here read Marvel and Vice versa?

Maybe its just me, but most of the points on both sides here are pretty much the generalizations that are espoused by each universe's fan.

Marvel has angst... so does DC, just read the Titans.
DC has righteous characters... so does Marvel, just look at Captain America.


More specific qualms

-Grant Morrison- I love this guy, I really do... love his work on Seven Soldiers and We3, but why is DC letting him write Final Crisis? The guy writes incredibly outlandish stories that most writers cant catch up to him, that's not a good way to start a new continuity.

-Jeph Loeb- I like the Silver age, and his writing was somewhat bearable while he was in DC, but that doesn't work as well with Marvel.

-Greg Land- the guy does lovely work when he tries... that's why Im rather annoyed that he keeps tracing. Moreso when the people he's tracing keeps changing appearances every panel... and seems to be from porn.

-Garth Ennis- He hates Superheroes and the guy's work is offensive bar none... I mean his last work had rape, zombies, and disembowelment... all in one panel. But he can blow the doors off brick buildings with his writing if he so chooses, [read: Hitman] therein lies my frustration. I believe that he works far better when he's under an editor who wont let him go too far.

-Reginald Hudlin- I have yet to see a non African good guy in his Black Panther Run. Im not keen on how he reversed Jack Kirby and Christopher Priest's runs on changing Wakanda from a small but rich African Nation to the Premier Superpower on Earth that would beat the living crap out of the US, Latveria, Atlantis altogether. The Storm-T'challa marriage also feels very forced [Storm x Forge OTP] as well as him having the Ebony Blade despite not making any sense.


And o yea... here's a list of people that have beaten Superman without Kryptonite on top of my head...

-Mr. Mxyzptlk
-Darkseid - used to wipe the floor using the entire JLA before
-Konvikt - One Hit KO
-Dr. Psycho
-Martian Manhunter
-Wonder Woman
-Manitou Raven
-Angel - Actually managed to kill Supes
-Most all of the new Gods when Jack Kirby was still writing it. 
-Ultraman - Nutshot
-Hal Jordan
-Brainiac 13


Doomsday is a victim on "New Villain Syndrome." Starts out strong... then becomes overused and is used only as a benchmark so the next super villain will look badass when he takes him out. [See also: Galactus]



Spot on comment King. Most people here seam to speak out of prejudice rather than experience.

Quote from: lucas marcone on October 17, 2008, 11:41:04 AM
in dc all the heros do is go from point a to point b, kill villian, rescue woman, go home. in marvel you have so much more story behind the action to get inthralled with.

    How can you even say it! No DC character kills without an extremely good reason(if at all).



'nuff said.  >:3

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..