Kria or Fa'lina? Which do you like more?

Started by Kipiru, August 24, 2008, 03:57:13 PM

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If you had your pick of either Kria or Falina, which one will it be?

18 (35.3%)
33 (64.7%)

Total Members Voted: 39


Quote from: Keaton the Black Jackal on August 27, 2008, 06:17:30 PMThere. Um, I hope that didn't blow up in my face. :animesweat
Not at all.  She does seem more benevolent than most 'cubi, at least the ones we've seen... but I still have to say that that's not saying a whole lot.  Even Abel has admitted that most 'cubi are "jerks," most likely meaning the sort that are guilty of, well, all of the above.
Quote from: DamarisThis is the most freaking civil "flame war" I have ever seen in my life.
Yap yap.


Quote from: Caswin on August 28, 2008, 09:42:48 PMNot at all.

Oh, phew. I was worried for a moment. XD

QuoteShe does seem more benevolent than most 'cubi, at least the ones we've seen... but I still have to say that that's not saying a whole lot.  Even Abel has admitted that most 'cubi are "jerks," most likely meaning the sort that are guilty of, well, all of the above.

Fair enough, really. If anything, I think Fa'Lina qualifies for the "lesser jerk" category, or what Abel described as the "evil that likes to play sneaky games."

Sneaky Fa'Lina.


Okay, being the major nerd I am I'm going to put this into alignments here. Fa'lina, I see her as being more.... lawful neutral. She believes in keeping order but she isn't really good or evil. Kria, I see as more of a chaotic evil. She does what she wants when she wants without regards to the lives or well being of others with a few exceptions.


Kira.. Kuz Fa'lina's a total Dog....


Ok bad joke but I can't make up my mind, however I lean slightly towards Kira


Quote from: Rakala on August 28, 2008, 07:49:54 AMIn the main storyline, Fa'lina has shown her softer side more often. Mind you that doesn't mean alot but It's still a good point. I'm just wondering why everybody is focusing on Abel's story. Didn't that take place 300 some years before the main arc? Alot can change in that time.
Everybody's focusing on Abel's Story because, for both characters, that's where we've seen most of their softer side to begin with.  Abel's Story has painted them in, now that I think about it, an almost completely sympathetic light so far, contrasting with the main strip, where (to beat a dead mare) they've both been shown to lean very heavily toward "evil".  I'll grant you lawful where Fa'lina is concerned, but ethically neutral people don't normally have to rely on extenuating circumstances not to kill someone on the grounds that they don't like them, let alone... well, everything else I've spent most of this thread writing about.

(On an entirely unrelated note, "a lot" is two words.  And to distract you all from what I'm sure will come off as grammatical nitpickery: I am completely convinced Fa'lina would win the hypothetical mud-wrestling match.  And unless she wanted it to be, it would not be pretty.)
Quote from: DamarisThis is the most freaking civil "flame war" I have ever seen in my life.
Yap yap.


I personally like Fa'lina more. I can't put a finger on any reasons why. Most likely an overall thing.  But if we get into character, my kitsune character (which I'm not sure kitsune even exist in Furrae) would probably chum around with Kria and possibly even egg her on. I mean, I'd assume beings have such tasty souls. >:3


I like falina more but it'll be interesting to see how the Kria/jyrras relationship turns out.
I'm just really loyal to my brand... what can I say? Dental Hygiene is important.


Quote from: Keaton the Black Jackal on August 29, 2008, 08:32:13 AM
QuoteShe does seem more benevolent than most 'cubi, at least the ones we've seen... but I still have to say that that's not saying a whole lot.  Even Abel has admitted that most 'cubi are "jerks," most likely meaning the sort that are guilty of, well, all of the above.

Fair enough, really. If anything, I think Fa'Lina qualifies for the "lesser jerk" category, or what Abel described as the "evil that likes to play sneaky games."

Sneaky Fa'Lina.

And I who thought better of you than that, Keats.


Kria: Badass with a killer bod and a MILF significantly hotter than her daughter at that, for added credit. The pick of any strong man/woman who can keep up. Not to mention, she comes with added excitement and less scheming, for your sanity needs.

Fa'Lina: Boob-monster with an unkissable face, too much height on her and a dressing style and color scheme that can make anyone with a sense of fashion cringe at a glance. Added Cubi-, schemy- and grandma-ness should have any intelligent man hugging the wall at the opposite end of the room.

I don't think I have to explain my choice...

Janus Whitefurr


Because I know stuff the rest of you don't. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.  :mwaha

*departs thread*
This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.

Corgatha Taldorthar

It's simple in my book.

Kria-Not subtle, at all.

Fa'Lina-Has me puzzling over what exactly she's up to.

Not really a contest
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Kria, mainly because I'd rather be FRIENDS, than ENEMIES, with someone who wouldn't think twice about eating you.


Quote from: Slowtini on September 07, 2008, 09:28:41 PM
Kria, mainly because I'd rather be FRIENDS, than ENEMIES, with someone who wouldn't think twice about eating you.

Agreed, although I pick Fa'lina cause she seems like a lot more fun to be with. :) Deduce what you will.


I like them both, but I'd have to say Fa'lina.
She seems pretty intelligent, and like she's doing more meaningful things with her time than Kria.


Quote from: Stygian on September 07, 2008, 05:58:03 PM
Fa'Lina: Boob-monster with an unkissable face

Dude, in all respects, Kria has a horse's face, so i don't see the difference. They are both anthropomorphic character and that means fur, ears and hooves/claws. Buy you're right- she has some very nice large ones in front(so kill me- I like large breasts).

Note: I don't mean to demeanor anyone's comment, I just express a slight disagreement with the statement given above. All in the name of a good discusion.

Jack McSlay

dunno about you, but I like a lot better ladies with serious attitude yet able to have soft spots than those who seem to know all about you and thus just seem interested on making things her way,  not to mention to be apparently uninterested on a significant other

(besides, a woman with a tendency to walk around wearing outfits you can't define as a dress or a swimsuit is hard to beat)
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Quote from: Jack McSlay on September 12, 2008, 06:57:18 PM
besides, a woman with a tendency to walk around wearing outfits you can't define as a dress or a swimsuit is hard to beat

Can't argue there, but i seem to find something soothing in a girl with a bit more traditional taste in clothing.



As much as I like Kria's attitude, spunky almost punk-girl demeanor, I prefer the maturity and power that Fa'lina wields. And I'm always partial to cubi anyway.