Kria or Fa'lina? Which do you like more?

Started by Kipiru, August 24, 2008, 03:57:13 PM

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If you had your pick of either Kria or Falina, which one will it be?

18 (35.3%)
33 (64.7%)

Total Members Voted: 39


I recently read a post saying that Abel's life so far has been greatly influenced by two women- his teacher Kria and the head of SAIA, Fa'Lina. Makes you wander which one of the two would one prefer by his side. The wild and dangerous, yet softhearted, Kria or the confident and gentle, yet leaving no room for doubt she could kick you around like a football, Fa'Lina. So which will it be? The red hot vixen Kria or the voluptuous misstress Fa'Lina? Choose! :grin




Though Fa'Lina's body is more interesting.  >:3


Look for the mare necessities, the simple mare necessities. Forget about the poodles in your life. :gingerbread


Fa'Lina. Full of personality, maternal, and refreshingly benevolent for a Succubus. Not to mention she created an entire Academy for the purpose of educating and protecting her race.

Much love for Fa'Lina.

Not so much for Kria. I like Kria in Abel's Story, but I cringe whenever I see this comic and this comic. I'm a pansy.

I really, really would have liked to see her lay the smackdown on Aniz, though. :<


Quote from: Keaton the Black Jackal on August 24, 2008, 04:38:47 PM
Fa'Lina. Full of personality, maternal, and refreshingly benevolent for a Succubus. Not to mention she created an entire Academy for the purpose of educating and protecting her race.

Much love for Fa'Lina.

Not so much for Kria. I like Kria in Abel's Story, but I cringe whenever I see this comic and this comic. I'm a pansy.

I really, really would have liked to see her lay the smackdown on Aniz, though. :<

Nicely said! Note to all, this poll isn't about appearance only. You can judge the two candiates by any measure you can come up with!


Every time I look at a strip with Kria in it, I get hit with an unquestionably strong gust of badass that emanates from her image. +1 Kria


Look, I picked Fa'lina because I would be less likely to die because somebody woke up with the munchies.
Learn to laugh at yourself, and you will never be without a source of amusement.


Hmm... now, that is an interesting question.

On the one hand: A mass-murdering demon, ready to kill at little to no provocation at all, with no regard for intelligent life.  Her body count stands at least twenty, and based on the way that council member put it ("killed," not "has killed"), probably more - probably many more.  While she herself sees nothing wrong with her actions, she does not deny the "evil" label, and in fact seems to revel in it.  She genuinely cares about her daughter, although the same cannot be said for almost anybody else; she usually acts cool and detached, with a slight hint of sadism.  That being when she isn't just killing for its own sake, which is apparently something like her default state of mind.  (And from a more personal angle - hey, this is about who I like - she's one tiny anagram away from one of the most terrifying villains I've had the pleasure of seeing in action.  I'm not sure what to make of that.)

On the other: A self-confessed insane sadist and the headmistress of a school that, among other subjects of varying moral integrity, teaches the finer points of acting on such sadistic impulses.  This after the 101 course and so forth, obviously, it's only common sense you have to master the basics first.  For her part, she has the best interests of 'cubi of all stripes at heart.  Judging by the classes she presides over, though, all the other races... not so much.  It can be said that unlike many "traditional" 'cubi, she has actually been demonstrated to have limits, namely where children are concerned - but the mere fact that that's the exception to the rule says plenty.  (One particular image of her reminded me sooo much of 300's Xerxes that I went and downloaded "Xerxes' Final Offer".  Perfectly foreboding.  Cue the choir...)

So which one do I like more?  Normally, this would be a harder decision than it is... but with Abel's Story, we're starting to get a closer look at quite a few characters, Kria and Fa'lina included, and between them, Fa'lina especially.  In fact, her behavior so far has been such as to throw the whole above line of reasoning into doubt, even poking fun at how Abel is reasonably terrified of her.  I don't normally like invoking benefit of the doubt in situations like this, but although I'm sure we don't have the full story yet, Fa'lina is the only one of the two where I see any doubt to begin with.

And, at least when she's not giving you every reason to believe she's a malicious monster (which she probably still carries with better poise than Kria in the middle of a murder), she just has a flat-out more likable personality.  Until further notice, I like Fa'lina more.
Quote from: DamarisThis is the most freaking civil "flame war" I have ever seen in my life.
Yap yap.



Kria, she doesn't need omnipotence to be a good teacher/person.



The world needs more poodles, darnit!!!

That and she's an amazing character with Morals <3 and isn't preachy.

Being a poodle is a definite plus though  :3

And the puppets. Definetly the puppets.

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Ooooh, tough call.  There is only one way to resolve this question!

Naked oil wrestling!  Kria Vs. Fa'Lina!  Who will win??


Quote from: Aleolus on August 25, 2008, 02:57:41 AM
Ooooh, tough call.  There is only one way to resolve this question!

Naked oil wrestling!  Kria Vs. Fa'Lina!  Who will win??

Both of them would kill you for suggesting that. And I would be accepting bets on who would deal you more pain.

As for me... Fa'Lina. I guess having our first real meeting with Kria involve her threatening my favorite character kind of made her an enemy in my eyes, but Abel's Story has somewhat redeemed her. Of course, we're also learning more about Fa'Lina, all of which makes her better too, so Fa'Lina is still far ahead of Kria for me.
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu


Quote from: Aleolus on August 25, 2008, 02:57:41 AM
Ooooh, tough call.  There is only one way to resolve this question!

Naked oil wrestling!  Kria Vs. Fa'Lina!  Who will win??

Sickle claw FTW, baby!

No but seriously, Fa'Lina.


Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Quote from: Ganurath on August 25, 2008, 02:09:19 AM
Kria, she doesn't need omnipotence to be a good teacher/person.
Quote from: Xze-Xze on August 25, 2008, 02:41:21 AM

The world needs more poodles, darnit!!!

That and she's an amazing character with Morals <3 and isn't preachy.
I'm just curious, on both these counts... like I pointed out in my answer (thanks, Kipiru), one has no qualms about killing on a whim, and the other presides over classes covering kidnapping, torture, and probably any other manner of sin you can think of.  Granted, there's the argument that morals are subjective (we all know how much Kria likes that one), but that kind of makes the labels meaningless to begin with.  So out of genuine curiosity, exactly what definitions of "good" and "moral" are we going by here?  :confused
Quote from: DamarisThis is the most freaking civil "flame war" I have ever seen in my life.
Yap yap.


Quote from: Caswin on August 25, 2008, 06:45:17 PMI'm just curious, on both these counts... like I pointed out in my answer (thanks, Kipiru), one has no qualms about killing on a whim, and the other presides over classes covering kidnapping, torture, and probably any other manner of sin you can think of.  Granted, there's the argument that morals are subjective (we all know how much Kria likes that one), but that kind of makes the labels meaningless to begin with.  Exactly what definitions of "good" and "moral" are we going by here?

in b4 "there is no good and evil"

But seriously, I do hate Kria's "morals are subjective" attitude. I'm glad Jyrras chewed on her ankles for that. Otherwise, I do find Kria a bit of a fascinating character, because she clearly cares about her daughter and she did try to be a good mother, in her strange Demonic maternal sense. I hope we find out more about what made Kria into what she is, though.


"If you're on the top of the world, beware the ankle biters."
Still one of the best lines of the whole comic. I love those titles, some of them really make the joke of the strip.
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!


Quote from: Caswin on August 25, 2008, 06:45:17 PM
one has no qualms about killing on a whim, and the other presides over classes covering kidnapping, torture, and probably any other manner of sin you can think of.

Fa'Lina has something going for her.  Certainly she's got anger issues, but to be honest, I see her as a bit of a moderate.  She has, on at least once occasion, prevented the worst excesses of Destania, and also of Ink in Abel's Story.  Aside from that fact that   Makes me wonder if she considers the whole torture class thing as a necessary evil.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on August 25, 2008, 07:29:14 PM
Quote from: Caswin on August 25, 2008, 06:45:17 PM
one has no qualms about killing on a whim, and the other presides over classes covering kidnapping, torture, and probably any other manner of sin you can think of.

Fa'Lina has something going for her.  Certainly she's got anger issues, but to be honest, I see her as a bit of a moderate.  She has, on at least once occasion, prevented the worst excesses of Destania, and also of Ink in Abel's Story.  Aside from that fact that   Makes me wonder if she considers the whole torture class thing as a necessary evil.

Kria has shown the same form of compassion when she, you know... taught children. >.>
Which reared its head again when she saw Abel going through a mental meltdown. You could just hear her heart tearing in two when she saw him.


As most of you have pointed out(especially Caswin) both our contestants are no angels. Not in the slightest. But both of them have shown on occasion, that they are capable of good. As to why they have turned out as wrong as they may be, only Amber knows( maybe :) ). Anyway it is that very conflict of nature that makes these two ladies so interesting.


I couldn't choose. Both are greatly awesome....mostly for the same reasons!


Is that why I see no results in the poll part of this thread (at the top)?
"Cogito, ergo es. I think, therefore you is." Ray D. Tutto (King of the Moon) to Baron Munschaussen


Quote from: AmigaDragon on August 27, 2008, 04:44:58 PM
Is that why I see no results in the poll part of this thread (at the top)?
Log out.  If you view the thing as a guest, they will magically appear...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on August 25, 2008, 07:29:14 PM
Fa'Lina has something going for her.  Certainly she's got anger issues, but to be honest, I see her as a bit of a moderate.  She has, on at least once occasion, prevented the worst excesses of Destania, and also of Ink in Abel's Story.  Aside from that fact that   Makes me wonder if she considers the whole torture class thing as a necessary evil.
Yes, well, I never denied that she had something going for her.  The only character in the story I can think of who has absolutely no redeeming features or soft spots at all is Dark Pegasus, with Aniz as a near second, and the way the current arcs are developing them both, I wouldn't count on that holding firm much longer.  What I was objecting to was Fa'lina "having morals" (specifically, as if she had more than other people) when almost everything else about her seems to contradict that.

Heck, I know I would like to think Fa'lina allows classes teaching precision methods of torture and its ilk only with the utmost of reluctance.  However, there are at least two things wrong with that: First, she's an extremely influential succubus who has been in business for thousands of years.  I would think that, if not at SAIA's inception, then by now, she could have found a way to phase it out in favor of something less indescribably cruel.  Second, she admitted without hesitation to being, in Dan's words, "an insane sadist."  Unless we have a reason to think she was lying or kidding, whatever greater plans she may have in mind, I don't think someone like that is going to care strongly about the people being tortured.
Quote from: DamarisThis is the most freaking civil "flame war" I have ever seen in my life.
Yap yap.


Quote from: Caswin on August 27, 2008, 05:38:29 PM
Heck, I know I would like to think Fa'lina allows classes teaching precision methods of torture and its ilk only with the utmost of reluctance.  However, there are at least two things wrong with that: First, she's an extremely influential succubus who has been in business for thousands of years.  I would think that, if not at SAIA's inception, then by now, she could have found a way to phase it out in favor of something less indescribably cruel.

You may have a point, there.  I did wonder whether she did that as a compromise, in order to bring  Destania, Ink and various other highly skilled - but evil - 'Cubi on board as teachers.  It would make some sense, but  it wouldn't explain why she was unhappy about there being no Pain and Terror instructor after Dee left.

QuoteSecond, she admitted without hesitation to being, in Dan's words, "an insane sadist."  Unless we have a reason to think she was lying or kidding, whatever greater plans she may have in mind, I don't think someone like that is going to care strongly about the people being tortured.

True, though it might simply be the product of her being 9000 years or something.  That's going to give you a very antiquated set of morals (See Grendel by Larry Niven).  You could argue that that makes her evil, of course  >:3

Either way, Abel's Story is liable to get to the part where he finds out that her academy teaches murder, torture and soul-slaying.  That ought to be an interesting conversation to watch.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Caswin on August 27, 2008, 05:38:29 PMYes, well, I never denied that she had something going for her.  The only character in the story I can think of who has absolutely no redeeming features or soft spots at all is Dark Pegasus, with Aniz as a near second, and the way the current arcs are developing them both, I wouldn't count on that holding firm much longer.  What I was objecting to was Fa'lina "having morals" (specifically, as if she had more than other people) when almost everything else about her seems to contradict that.

Lemme throw in my two cents. I do think Fa'Lina has morals. After all, she's exhibited genuine compassion in the comics, and a definite boundary when it comes to cruelty. Fa'Lina objected to Destania using children and infants in her torture class. Even if Fa'Lina has very little hesitation when it comes to torture classes with other subjects, she had the morals to put a stop to that. She was also outraged by Aniz's mistreatment of May and Abel and stopped him from doing any more damage, even if part of her motives centered on Cubi political play.

This is just guesswork, but I think her self-described "insane sadist" moniker was more as an eccentric facade, since I don't think she would have put Dan through the whole SAIA gauntlet if she foresaw any actual physical or psychological harm happening to him. She doesn't really strike me as a cruel character. That's probably why Fa'Lina's one of the best and most fascinating characters in DMFA, in my opinion. In this case, I do agree with Tape about the necessary evil point. Even then, I'm not trying to sanctify her. So yeah, I also agree with Tape on the moderate standpoint, but I do find Fa'Lina to be more benevolent than most Cubi.

There was some kind of interlude she had in the SAIA RP on the last forum about the Cubi race, but it's not easily found and I'm not sure if it's canon anymore.

On a less relevant note, even if Aniz is being developed, I don't think he really has any redeeming qualities - or, at least, none that really matter. If anything, I think his little heart-to-heart with Fa'Lina here and here makes him even more despicable, even if it was a really fascinating move. I do think his interaction with Abel in part one, page 102 is pretty interesting.

Mind you, I hate Aniz even though I think he's an interesting character, so I'm probably being harsh.

There. Um, I hope that didn't blow up in my face. :animesweat I'm not so good at this.


Kria is a prick. I don't mean that to insult, I mean that for her personality. She takes the role of an assassin/bodyguard and seems to show no remorse for those she has/will hurt. She only seems to care for those that matter most to her, but that doesn't run a particularly large gamut. Fa'lina seems to show SOME compassion for those around her. When Merlitz was together with A'aryana (sp?...guh?), she held held back on her obvious distaste for her sake. She seems to show a little care for most, but not all, of the main cast, but not so far as to keep from laying a hand on them, as proven with Dan, Abel, Pyroduck, and such. Kria seems too attached to herself and her goals (wanting Lorenda to wreak vicious havoc in her name) at whatever cost to those around her. It would be Fa'lina across the board for me. Besides, Fa'lina seems to show good care for those she values most, at the demerit of her own twisted humor from time to time. ("When two cubi love each other...", "No running in the halls...", "Imagine me, in a B cup...")
Round 9!


Alternatively, while Kria is thoroughly indoctrinated, Fa'Lina may be iredeemably cracked. Perhaps she entered a long, dark tunnel some time ago, became so twisted that she came around full circle multiple times, and eventually emerged with vision so warped that she now sees everything more clearly than any sane person ever could.


While Kria has shown morals in Abel's story, she has shown such little of those values in the main arc. The main time this was revealed being when she takes Lorenda shopping.
In the main storyline, Fa'lina has shown her softer side more often. Mind you that doesn't mean alot but It's still a good point. I'm just wondering why everybody is focusing on Abel's story. Didn't that take place 300 some years before the main arc? Alot can change in that time.