[Art] Dragonsaia: random art (Upd: 08/17/2008)

Started by dragonsaia, May 07, 2008, 12:12:25 PM

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Ok, they look really crappy, considering I have to color some of them again. (I screwed some of them up.)

Well, here they are (and I'm excluding the Abel one for now since I want to do one without using a pose made by Amber.)

Xander is copyrighted by Amber Panyko of DMFA, just in case you can't see it on the pictures.

http://www.furaffinity.net/view/1281381/  (Xander)
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/1149953/  (Mira, very much not done)
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/957119/    (A reef dragon, or so I named it )
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/957114/    (The first good dragon I've ever done)
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/957109/    (un-inked dragon, I'll work on it someday, and I know the hands/paws of the dragon look bad, it wasn't a good day for me then)
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/957099/ (Something I was working on that I ruined later on.)

Please criticise, I appreciate comments, but I also would like to get better myself. Thank you.

llearch n'n'daCorna

*cough* titles, titles, titles.

Or here, under Titling Threads...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears



Nice dragons! Although they'd probably look better if you rotated them.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Probably would! ^^;

Thanks for the compliment

EDIT: the other content of this post has been moved to initial post.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Some people get edgy about criticism, so the folks here have taken a softly-softly approach.

If you want us to criticise, it's probably worth mentioning that in the initial post; there's enough artists here to provide a fair whack of constructive criticism (and the management frowns on unconstructive same, so...) if you ask them to.

The only down side is, they're mostly out drawing things themselves, so your response time will be a little slow. Give it some time, though. ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I'm not great at drawing, but I can tell what I see.

I liked the way Xander turned out. His hair seems a bit too straight in comparison to the one on the comic, and the clothes probably should have some folds not to look rigid (clothes are hard to draw), but I liked the drawing in general; especially the expression on the muzzle, and the feet are very well drawn.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 09, 2008, 06:32:56 AM
Some people get edgy about criticism, so the folks here have taken a softly-softly approach.

The only down side is, they're mostly out drawing things themselves, so your response time will be a little slow. Give it some time, though. ;-]

*Puts on non-prescription glasses*

I am not softy-softy about criticism. As well, I do not believe a true art community can exist without it.

Bearing that in mind, let us begin.

Xander: I think the hair is well done. More realistic than DMFA shows hair, as hair in DMFA is pretty anime-poofy. The face is well structured and looks very canine, I like the shape of the nose and the line of the mouth. The far eye and brow could stand to be better, though. It doesn't have much shape, and looses detail. The hands don't look like they're in a very natural pose, I'd relax them a bit. Use your own hand for refrence if you need to. The feet look good, but need to be larger. (In comparison, your foot is as long as your forearm, elbow to wrist.) He has a very emotive expression, despite not actually *doing* anything, that's not easy to do.

Mira:Again, hands. Quite a pain, aren't they? The head looks a little wierd, I'm not entirely sure why. Might be the placement of the ears, might be the fact that the nape of the neck is not concave, might be the direction the eye is drawn from (That looks like an eye from front on, not an eye from the side.) Her shoulders look a bit wide, which makes her look less feminine. The near shoulder kind of melts into the forearm, it could stand to have some definition. Also, the mouth isn't so well done in this drawing. Lastly... Gah! Grid paper! Over all, though, pretty good. Casual pose, and again expressive while just standing there.

Reef dragon: Wing anatomy can be a pain. I love the hind legs and feet, I love the ruff down the neck. The frill around the head looks kind of static, but the face itself isn't bad. A note about forearms: the muscle stops halfway to the wrist. It also starts kinda wide and tapers rather than bulging round like the bicep does. Good job foreshortening the near/far feet.

Crimson Vampire Dragon: Much better all around. Better wing anatomy. The head looks good too. Only complaint here, really, is the near thigh. Looks kind of blobby. The teeth could have been done better, too. Also... not really Art related, but... Crimson Vampire Dragon!?

Un-Inked Dragon: Again, improved wing anatomy. I like that you're trying to do something with the hands. The forearms, again, look rounder to me then they should. I like the face a lot, and the tail looks good too. The chest/belly could use some more definition, though.

Gift: Same comments as above about the forearms. I like the hands on this guy too, despite the weirdness on the far front thumb. I think it's their pose I like. The rear feet and legs don't look as good as the others, tho. The belly, and the neck too, also lose definition. Nice tail, though.

Anyway... I hope you find the comments constructive. Hope to see more soon.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


Thanks. I have a lot to improve on, and I'm working on it.

I just started drawing anthros about a year ago, so, 'tis doom. I'm honestly hoping to get better anatomy soon, which is where most of my problems come from, it seems.

Anyhow, thanks for pointing the stuff out.

I'll be getting to work on it soon enough. More will follow if I can ever get that other pose of Abel done and then the gift arts for Furthia High, and I might do some for Concession. None of this is certain, but I'll try to do it when the mood comes ^^;

QuoteThe hands don't look like they're in a very natural pose, I'd relax them a bit. Use your own hand for refrence if you need to.

I kind of...did. My hands are usually curled up like that ^^;; that's why I didn't scrap the piece is because they looked natural to -me-. >>Sad thing, I guess, is that most people don't have hands like mine; Big and curled ^^; Ah well.


http://www.furaffinity.net/view/1284877/ (Colored Xander  :megagroove )
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/1334463/ (Nicole from Concession [ www.concessioncomic.com] )
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/1334470/ (Practice art from a wallpaper on the Concession website)
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/1486808/ (New Mira character/look)

Some newer things, although, it may as well be said that Colored Xander has been up for a few months, and so has Nicole.
Mira is the new arrival, the more improved picture, that is.


Nice anatomy on the humanoids, you are doing well there, granted there is room for improvement(we all learn as we go). But as was stated above you have a lot to improve on the dragons! You have the head part down nicely, but you should try changing their pose(they look like copies of the same one) and the wings can use some more practice(try looking at a batwing and adapt it). The true way to improvement though is to keep drawing  ~_^


Well, thank you. I'm working on the anatomy as well as I can. And I probably won't draw many more dragons, or I will draw some at a later date.

Thanks for the insight.


I don't know if he'd like being called cute, but Nicole is very cute. The wallpaper especially. Love his fuzzyness and tail.
I agree with the very good anatomy in your pictures. It's not too common to se such good work on feet for one thing.    :januscat


You really nailed the art style for the Concession characters. Nice job there.

Mira's proportions aren't bad, but the drawing looks a bit flat. I've found the only cure for this is practice and imagination. I recommend doing drawings from real life, but that's not easy. Her waist doesn't taper, which might be making things worse. It makes her torso look too long, too. I realize her outfit doesn't really conform to her body, but it's something to consider (Maybe put a belt on her, cinching the waist). Her arm, the one with the gun, doesn't look quite comfortable. Tucking in the elbow in, making it go away from us rather then out to the side, would fix that. The leg oriented sideways looks like it should start farther up (For reference, compare where her wrist should be to where hip joint is. They should be level if she were standing up straight. Then consider that the muscle on the thigh is above the bone in this pic). The thigh muscles should taper as they approach the knee. The sterno mastoid, the line going from her chin down her neck, should start at the corner of her jaw and angle in to where her collar bones meet, at the clavicle. If that's her throat, the shading is inverted. Lastly, this is just a suggestion if you're studying anatomy, get some reference pics and take a look at how the pectoral (chest) muscle goes into the armpit.

Nice touch with the shadows, implying that there's something there we aren't seeing. I like the hair, it looks pretty natural, and the look of the face. the hand holding the gun looks really dramatic. The feet are a pretty good attempt, too.

ANyway, I hope any of this helps.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


It does help quite a lot. Thanks. I have more to upload, but for now, here's some other ones:



More good work.

Erika has a pretty skinny neck, but this is usual in cartooning. The way her waist tapers doesn't show any sort of ribcage, this is most noticeable under her forward arm. The taper to a female waist is an hourglass, it starts wide at the shoulders, tapers at the waist, then immediately starts to bell out to the hips. (If you put your hands on your hips, you'll notice that your hip bone is very close to the bottom of your ribcage) Nice job on the breasts, btw, and the shoulders. Also, the foreshortening on the hand is a very good attempt.

The random Vixen also has a wierd waist, and a skinny neck, but I mentioned those above. Her face is very cute. As a note tho: a face will usually taper out at the brow, in at the eyes, out at the cheekbone, and back in at the jaw. Anime styles typically don't adhere to this tho, so again it comes down to style. Also, her proportions are off: The inseam (My polite word for "crotch" or "groin") is exactly half way up the human body. Her legs look a bit short, and her torso long. The upraised hand is very well done, but it's hard to see the one on her hip since it's black on black. The blue on purple also lacks contrast, making it hard to read. The foot in profile is good, but not the toes on the other foot are a bit off. Unlike the thumb, the big toe isn't off keel of the foot (Put your feet on the ground together, and you'll notice they don't point in different directions). The little toe, however, is placed fairly outward.

The Gothic Wolf is a very good profile. Especially how you've given the nose, throat, and chin good lines, and the tip of her nose is distinct from the bridge. The ears look well placed. I can't tell if that's her forehead or a lock of hair, however. If it's her forehead, the eye is too far back, but if it's a lock of hair it looks nice. The last line of the poem doesn't scan very well tho (IMHO? it reads nicely as a couplet anyway, and the third line feels tacked on. But I stay away from commenting on writing, since it's not exactly my forté).
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...