Eternal Rains (OOC) [M] - Closed

Started by Sunblink, December 22, 2007, 10:23:04 PM

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E, when you say that your character is linked up to the one in Castle, I don't think you understand that the Castle and Eternal Rains take place on entirely different versions of Furrae. Eternal Rains is a dystopian alternate universe, while Castle... isn't considered official for anyone's character-canon, I believe. Therefore the Castle RP never happened in this dystopian Furrae.

Anyway, as for Snuggles's character, I think Cog stated the restrictions perfectly clear.

I'd rather not this RP end up hitting rock bottom just as it lifts off the ground and becomes a breeding ground for Mary-Sues and Gary-Stus. If your character is a fighting master who is impervious to every existing element, has mastered every fighting style under the sun and whose only weakness is that he or she "holds back" for the sake of the other players, then we are going to have a problem.

If someone acts like a jerk or if their character decides to be a glory-hogging Mary-Sue, I'm going to call them out on it. And if they continue to be a disrupting element to the RP and the other players, Cog and I will kick them out.

When designing and creating your characters, keep realism in mind. Always do this. And detail every single strength, ability, and weakness your character has in your profile, because I don't want some jerk-off engaging in a fight with someone, starting to lose, and suddenly developing the power to vaporize a tank.

I apologize that I did not make these points clear at the beginning of the RP, or if I suddenly come across as unwelcoming and vicious. I do in fact appreciate new participants in the RP. As does Cog - and we're overjoyed that so many people have exhibited interest in the RP. It is just that when someone acts disruptive, god-mods, acts like a munchkin, auto-hits, and creates unoriginal, unrealistic characters that I start losing the happy-sunshine.

On a lighter note, the IC topic will be posted later today. :>

~Keaton the Black Jackal


alright i toned it down hopefully to the GM's liking. tell me if it needs more or not. Thanks to all that are giving me all of the good advice it! hehehe (just getting back into the forum things so still kind of newbieish at making the char again hehehe)


E - your character is approved, and I don't think we're going to have any problems from your end. You know what you're doing. However, The Castle and Eternal Rains do happen in alternate universes, although I will readily admit I got a chuckle from the 'bat' bit. Even so: they are not in any way linked together, and are truly entirely different universes altogether.
I'm not forbidding interdimensional travel. If you want to add that to your profile, that's fine - we have, however, already approved what you have.

Snuggles - personally, I'm a little hesitant to approve your character. However, you have complied with our requests, so, we will approve your character. However, and I don't mean to sound insensitive or rude, we want this RP to be fun for all of the players. With this in mind - you have one chance. If you do any of the previously outlined actions, godmode, try and fix everything - we will remove you. Again, I don't want to sound rude - I truly hope that we will get to see you throughout the duration of the RP.
Character approved, under probation.


Ok Cogi Thanks for the chance and hopefully i don't do anything either.... heh


The IC has been posted. Applications will still be open for a bit, but it might get difficult to worm people in after awhile.


Oooh, I think you're off to a good start, Tapes :3 Nice intro. I like ^.^ At first, I was a bit confused at Cross bowing down to someone else, until you said that it was Daryil. I also like Daryil's parting words to Jakob >:3


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on December 28, 2007, 08:26:12 PM
Oooh, I think you're off to a good start, Tapes :3 Nice intro. I like ^.^ At first, I was a bit confused at Cross bowing down to someone else, until you said that it was Daryil. I also like Daryil's parting words to Jakob >:3

I concur on all these points. >:3 Plus the ear-collage wins at everything.

~Keaton the Black Jackal

Mel Dragonkitty

Runs through the door at the last minute brandishing her application.

Name: Prudence "Penny" Light
Nickname(s): Bad Penny, Lucky Penny
Age: late 30s, appears to be in her mid 20s
Race: Being?
Species: Fisher
Family: More than she can count, but isn't close to any of them because she is scared her elderly parents would discover her lucrative side-business.

Hair: very dark brown, cut short and stylish
Eyes: black
Fur Coloration: very dark brown
Appearance: 5'4", 110 lb, slender and sleek but definitely female, generally well groomed and dressed unless a job called for a different appearance.

Combat Abilities: As a burglar stealth and not getting into combat are her main abilities. She is a competent mage with elemental magic, especially light and air magic, which isn't particularly helpful to her line of work.
Strengths: Strong for her size and an excellent climber. Very acrobatic and good at wiggling into awkward spots. Her magical ability has been honed helping her find and disarm magical traps and heal the occasional strained muscle from all that climbing and wiggling.
Weaknesses: She isn't much of a fighter, cowardly even. Hates when things get violent and will often disappear making her an unreliable ally. Is getting a bit nearsighted with age and hates her glasses so her shooting ability can be a bit off.
Weapon(s): Varies depending on the job she is doing, but mostly small concealable things like small handguns. She does have a favorite pistol crossbow that is often with her. A gift from her main employer prior to a particularly difficult job it is lightly magic enhanced for greater firepower and speed of reloading.

History: One of a large family of working poor young Penny wanted to grow up to work at an art museum like the one near her home so she could be around nice things all the time. She tried working through college the conventional way but a doctorate in art is expensive and there were so many expensive things just laying around the museum that she fell to temptation. It was much nicer to own the pretty things than try to explain them to a bunch of mouth-breathing cretins on a school fieldtrip. Little thefts soon grew to major burglaries and the assistant museum curator supplemented her income quite nicely. That is until the day she spotted a valuable and ancient necklace around the neck of a snow leopard in a restaurant. Trying to burgle her room later than night Penny discovered that dragons, even disguised ones, don't take kindly to thieves, at least not against themselves. Her talent recognized Penny was allowed to live with the understanding that every so often an Icewing courier would deliver a "shopping list" to be discretely filled.

Disposition: A bit quiet and thoughtful unless around friends where she can open up. Can appear cold and standoffish but her double life made her wary.

Trivia: Is a health fanatic, accounting for the discrepancy between her age and her physical appearance. Has a fascination with small magical objects and will go out of her way to acquire them. Not quite kleptomania but a very strong urge. This means she has an odd collection of relatively useless items in her pack.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Mel, what are you doing? This character is much too sane for this RP.  D:

Character approved. :3

Paladin Sheppard

*Presents his application...*

Name: Paige
Nickname(s): "Frosty"
Age: 580
Race: Succubus
Species:  Wolf
Family: No close family known living

Hair: Light brown/blond
Eyes: Brown
Fur Coloration: Rusty Brown and Black
Appearance: Standing at 5'10" Paige is fairly tall, slender and busty, striking in her looks bordering on gorgeous (And damn well knows it). She has muscle mass but its suits her form well. Her long hair rests at the middle of her back in a ponytail or untied depending on her mood. Her black fur markings are her neck to groin, forearms, calves and feet, the tip of her tail and her cheeks. Normally clad in a suit of enchanted armor covering her torso,  shoulders. forearms and legs. (Basicaly its a female version of Paladin :P)

Combat Abilities: Well versed in hand to hand and melee weapons especially good with two handed swords. When using magic prefers frost and light spells.
Strengths: Paige's strength is higher than most cubi but it slows her none in the slightest. Her armor hinders her none in the slightest, as its main enchantment is to maintain mobility of the wearer.
Weaknesses: Due to a strange quirk in her genetic and magical makeup Paige still needs to sleep and eat at least once every five days.
Weapon(s): A two handed claymore called Winters Bite (Looks like its made of ice) plus a pair of fighting claws and about ten throwing knives.

History: A  graduate of SAIA, Paige was destined to join her relatives in the service of clan Ba'than as a soldier and enforcer. All was well and she fit well into the rank and file serving well, until twenty years ago when a Dragon clan discovered the Ba'than clanhold reducing it to rubble and scattering the few remaining clan members to the winds.

After the attack Paige struggled to survive, the clanhold had been remote and in a mountainous region and as she had been off duty she was clad in nothing but a simple skirt and top. Near delirious and weakened by lack of food and sleep she accidentally uncovered a cache of supplies the clan had hidden long ago and forgotten about. Gorging herself on the magically preserved foodstuffs Paige recovered her strength, and after sleeping set about sorting out the cache. Uncovering armor and the blade Winters Bite and a few other baubles she equipped herself as well as possible and began to search for any other survivors.

Paige spent two years searching finding nothing but corpses and long gone trails. Having nearly spent all the food in the cache and another she had found Paige was forced to give up and seek civilization.

She soon found herself in the role as a blade for hire, though many others tried to convince her to 'other' lines of work. Never in one place for long Paige gained renown as a warrior and mage.

Eventually her latest job ended leaving her in the dismal port of Holiday.

Disposition: Paige is playful and a flirt, open minded but she is also a daemon in battle (And in between the sheets >:3)

Trivia: Paige's clan mark is mistaken for a tattoo of a blue snake on her right ankle (as her clan kept mostly to itself and was fairly unknown). Her emotional prefereances are: Contentedness, joy and attraction. 

Quote: "Is it cold in here or is it just me *Giggle*"

lucas marcone

*presents his as well*

name: daniel atamisk
age: 67
race: were
species: brown bear
height: six foot
weight: 200 pounds
build: heavily muscled

appearance: Dani is normmally seen in heavy weave work jeans, a dark shirt, a brown swade jacket, and his trademark black designer fedora and sunglasses, and nice Vans(or a similar brand if it dosent exist in this universe.) He always has perfect posture and a blank face.

history: Dani is perfectly suited for the De Marco crime family. He's very strong and surpriseingly bright. Raised as a boy by one of the more influential members of the family he enjoys the status of one of their most successful strong men. Though he tries to avoid it he's racked up quite the kill count and has no problem with it. Orphaned as a child he was adopted by the very people that killed his parents, though Dani has never found out. His childhood was comfortable to say the least but he's never lost touch with reality or become the spoiled kid most in that situation might become. His teen years were awkward as a lot of his girlfriends had parents that didn't always play by the family's rules that resulted in lots of blameing and close calls with the police. his twenties is when he began to shine as a muscle man when his "parents" saw how well he won most of his bar room brawls. They sent him to collage for buisness management to round him out but his teachers kicked him out when he began upstageing them. His family considered it graduateing with honors. At twenty six he met the love of his life in a young vixen being called Katja Moore. She died trajicly in a car bombing by a rival crime family, he has since sworn off love and carries around the emotional baggage to this day. His thirties were uneventful cold and unloveng. He was naught but a cold blooded assassin for the family those years, and it was then he earned he reputation. From forty-two to fourty-seven he went off ot see the world. The experence livened and opened him back up to compassion and emotion. recently with his influence over the Don he has been able to help the family to avoid gang wars, being busted, and he cured the familys dissention and kept the area they control pretty safe, if you operate by their standards. However John the don is listening to him less and the family is falling apart. In his incompetency he refuses to pass leadership to his son.  Dani has tried every peaceful way possible to solve the problem, but eventually there comes a time when loyalty must be dropped and blood must be shed. Dani just has to wait for the right moment.

The Sabanethei family is a major rival of the Marcos and they are responsible for katja's car bombing. If Dani can topple this family the morale boost may just be enough see the marcos through the assassination of John the don.

Known family: Boris "tin street killer" strokemyer (adoptive father)
                       may "busty" strokemyer (adoptive mother)
                       john "the don" marco (adoptive cousin)
                       timmy marco (john's son)

personality: Dani is a man all about duty :giggle. He goes in does his job then he's out. He respects and values family, friends and livelyhood above all other things. morally ambigious as he is working for the family is the only illicit thing he does.

combat ability: Dani often carries the typical mobster type guns(two hand guns and a sawn off shot gun), he uses a kickboxing style flavored with streetfighting.

strengths: strong, intimidateing, good at combat, decent in most casino games(normally gets 1.5:1 for every dollar 3:1 in black jack), likeable person, physical contests, trivia contests, and video games.

weaknesses: slow(er than most), loud and obvious(stelth is a no go) loyal to a fault, roulette, aracnophobia, clostrophobia, tiscadecaphobia. and a strange fear of stuffed purple gorillias(dont ask).


okay i understand. i'll write off the similarities ad being part of the whole parallel universe. he could have died at any mission to cure his cures  and become undead that it was bats that killed him in this universe too was a coincidence. and no no interdimensional travel. that was his grandfather's trick Epyon never picked it up and his father never tried it. he has enough on his plate with mental meltdowns always hovering ready to pounce and drag him into the shadows of insanity. oh for the record i know i said he was learning new spells but i have no ideal how long that takes or whats spells he should learn any help here when we come across magic teaching books or character would be appreciated.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Nobody wants to play pool with me.    :cry I figured playing pool woul be a good way to setup som social behavior or something.  :P Oh well, interesting introduction everyone. I feel so uninventive.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.



Quote from: BillBuckner on December 29, 2007, 01:11:41 PM
I suck at pool. (100% true story  :B )

Ditto. :B

The last time I played pool, I was hospitalized for getting the pool cue stuck in my eye-socket. The state of Florida has also threatened to throw me out of the US if I continue playing pool. I haven't played since.

I swear to god, this is not an exaggeration. What are you all talking about? You're all crazy.

Still, Daimien, people are still filing in. You might have some pool companions soon. I'm counting the applications - including Cogidubnus and myself - and according to that apparently around fifteen people have joined. It will take a little bit before everybody's all nice and organized.

As for Paladin, I've gone over your profile. Nice one. You're in. Have a dancing smiley. -> :boogie

To Lucas, I have little objections to yours, but you need to include a bit more information. Strengths and weaknesses for the combat abilities... slap some meat on that skeleton (I totally stole that phrase from Cogidubnus). Clean that up, then inform us with the improvements, and we'll look over it and approve your application.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


Quote from: BillBuckner on December 29, 2007, 01:11:41 PM
I suck at pool. (100% true story  :B )

Don't play pool with a 'Cubi.  Cross would certainly cheat  >:3

Snuggles, the place isn't really called the 'Verdant Clump', that was just me being facetious.  It's really the 'Verdant Cuff'.
Also, if I may make a suggestion, your character seems to have made it to the tavern with a remarkable lack of opposition for a winged Creature.  While I forgot to specify that Cross went disguised as a Being, that was because it was obvious to me :3

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I don't even want to count the number of times I've broke something by firing the cue ball off the table.  :E

(i also suck at foosball. but not table tennis. i rape table tennis)

llearch n'n'daCorna

While I enjoy pool, Witt would probably rather break the pool table over your head.

And yes, I -do- mean the table, and not just the cue.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


He'd probably already be dead from me accidentally shoving the bridge into his eye  :<


Quote from: BillBuckner on December 29, 2007, 01:11:41 PM
I suck at pool. (100% true story  :B )
Man.... i think a lot of people are... including me :B

and to Tape, thanks for the tip about cuff instead of clump... that might of gotten me in trouble! and about the wings... i don't know how people react inside the bar about the wings because there is already another in the bar that is kind of drawing the attention away. Also, there are angels in this world too and they still show there wings, i am guessing, so if the GM wants me to hit opposition i would gladly put it in but i don't know...


Quote from: Snuggles on December 29, 2007, 02:10:44 PM
and to Tape, thanks for the tip about cuff instead of clump... that might of gotten me in trouble! and about the wings... i don't know how people react inside the bar about the wings because there is already another in the bar that is kind of drawing the attention away. Also, there are angels in this world too and they still show there wings, i am guessing, so if the GM wants me to hit opposition i would gladly put it in but i don't know...

You in trouble because you typed clump instead of cuff? Nah, we're not that strict. :B It's just a typo/misunderstanding. If the typos become a little out of hand people may ask you to be a bit more careful about typing, but it wouldn't warrant being barred from the RP, I think. God-modding, auto-hitting, controlling other peoples' characters, munchkinism, and other not-awesome stuff will get one in trouble, however.

As for the wings... since the Verdant Cuff is mostly inhabited by Beings at the time, and Beings have a history of being oppressed and beaten down by Creatures, they wouldn't take too kindly to seeing one loitering around, no matter how pacifistic their purposes are. Depends on the area. Even the most understanding and tolerant of Beings are shaky. I guess what makes the Verdant Cuff different is that people aren't wanting to instigate a fight unless any Creatures show signs of wanting to attack, and that the bartender (who is a Be'Er Sheva Fringe-Fingered Lizard, by the way, because I find very rare and endangered animals awesome) has a double rifle secured under the counter, so he's nicely armed. :3 For the helluvit, I might give him a profile later, even if he's never going to become a main character.

Regardless, people are still a little tense as more conspicuous-looking Creatures show up (Ty and Epyon), and the smartest move would probably be to disguise oneself as a Being in order to avoid any unnecessary encounters. Even Keaton is in disguise.

If your character is a Cubi, Snuggles, I recommend he hides his wings for now. Running into opposition would be a little problematic. Though since he looks like he's fifteen, Keaton is still probably going to think he's a kid... XD

~Keaton the Black Jackal


The vibes I was getting from the intro were that it was just short of war between Beings and Creatures, hence if you have a Creature going into Being territory, they would have to go in disguise unless they were asking for trouble.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on December 29, 2007, 02:50:30 PM
The vibes I was getting from the intro were that it was just short of war between Beings and Creatures, hence if you have a Creature going into Being territory, they would have to go in disguise unless they were asking for trouble.

Just short, yes. However, like anywhere, there are different attitudes depending upon the exact location. It's a port town. Creatures and beings to pretty much not like each other - however, being forced to live in proximity to each other and having to deal with each other on a constant basis has softened most of those prejudices.

It's like New York City (not nearly that big, but as diverse as). Don't walk around after dark in the being neighborhood, and you'll probably be alright.


What's the current state of technology for beings?


Keaton the Black Jackal:
Pretty good, I think. I wrote something on that once... firearms and such are really popular, but technology like tanks and more explosive equipment have not been developed. Airplanes and other air-traversing vehicles are forbidden since it would put the Mer out of business...
Well, not quite forbidden, but "If you make this the Mer will come and NAIL YOU TO THE WALL WITH THEIR QUILLS."

I think that about covers it. :3


The mental image I'm getting of Keaton and Cog standing there with their sign while people heckle them, is like the first minute or so of the Living Dead Girl video by Rob Zombie  :P

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

You mean this one? Presumably not this one, though.

I really should get hold of some more Rob Zombie. It goes nicely with the Tori Amos.
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: Cogidubnus on December 29, 2007, 05:16:48 PM
Keaton the Black Jackal:
Pretty good, I think. I wrote something on that once... firearms and such are really popular, but technology like tanks and more explosive equipment have not been developed. Airplanes and other air-traversing vehicles are forbidden since it would put the Mer out of business...
Well, not quite forbidden, but "If you make this the Mer will come and NAIL YOU TO THE WALL WITH THEIR QUILLS."

I think that about covers it. :3
How about more basic stuff, like cars, cell phones, computers, etc.


J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

Hmm. When you say "air traversing", I presume you mean "passenger and/or civilian transport" - on grounds of some military group might manage to put together either unmanned or strike aircraft or some sort?

Or am I putting more organisation into the Being govt than there is? And "military" being, in this setup, basically militia types - standard locals into a posse and no real organised training going on?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears