Eternal Rains (OOC) [M] - Closed

Started by Sunblink, December 22, 2007, 10:23:04 PM

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I'm sure that Keat&Cog have a very powerful plot hook ready and waiting, whatever it was that they said they weren't going to tell us about earlier. Even though they are new at GMing, I'm sure that such experienced people have all the angles covered for almost any charcater introduced.
Now, my character, on the other hand... >:3

I'm still working on him though. He might be ready by tomorrow.

EDIT: :boggle I take that back...I just read Keat's profile (that thang was long!), and I think dystopic-Keat may be even worse than what I've been cooking up...damn, that is cruel...


this is my character you may recognize  him but he's been updated some.

Name: Epyon Valstoc.
Nickname(s):  four eyes
Age: 24 years alive unknown undead
Race:  undead mythos
Species:  he's a grey fox with wings and literally a four eyes.
Family: Epyon has an extensive family most of whom he never sees due in part to his avoid them now that he is no longer living.

Hair: dark grey-black
Eye: brown / glowing gold
Fur Coloration: Thick, grey blue/ black highlights
Appearance: normal build not overly strong or weak at 4'11" he's not physically overwhelming but he's fine with his height appears to be a grey furred fox with one tail four eyes to legs two arms  a set of wings. most cases the upper eyes remain closed giving  him the appearance of a wrinkled forehead. Id one does not look to close. he keeps his wings close to his body most of the time and has never learned to fly. Before becoming undead he would wear a hat to cover his forehead so that his extra eyes don't show when among beings

Combat Abilities: on a scale of  1 to 10 his skills rating a 7 on a scale of 20 they rate a 15
Strengths: typical strengths of the undead. Does not need to eat or breathe or sleep. His stamina has increased and his ability to see in the dark with his extra eyes has also incressed.
Weaknesses: aside form normal undead weaknesses Epyon still has psychological fears of the undead mobs with fire an is just shy of going off the deep end form being undead himself
Weapon(s): collapsible metal staff and two small enchanted bladed weapons call sai

History:  Epyon now undead was a fox mythos with some demonic ancestry from within the past 3 generations. While some of his ancestors had multiples tails Epyon himself had never displays this trait he was however born with an extra eye giving him 4 eyes instead of usual three for his family. Epyon's grandfather gave him his name when he later found out meant Next in some archaic language. As he grew up he learn a few thing and his father and grandfather drilled into his head and basic healing spells aside he did not learn much active magic. Through out his life he studied literary history folklore and historical research,  At his grandfather request and his fathers instance he also underwent many forums of weapons training.  His grandfather instanced that given his interest in digging up often unpleasant truths and his lack of magical talent he would need addition ways to protect himself. Only later did he find out how right his grandfather was.

On an expedition 5 years before his death he ran into trouble and was attacked by a crazed undead and savagely bitten. Despite being able to fight them off and escape he was severely wounded and near death for several days. Though he did not die he discovered that parts of his body going numb from time to time and sought help.  Her learned about one year after the attack that unlike most cases of being bitten by the undead he was still at risk.  The magical force  that animates and turns one into an undead were still active in his body and though he survived the attack he was still border undead living. It was then that he learned about a curse that was put on his family starting with his father's generation. While searching for a cure to either undeath or lifting the curse his worse fear was realized as he was attacked and killed by bats and  became undead.

When he woke up after the attack he fled in horror. At first he tried to convince himself that it had not happened. The he had night died and woken up again. That those near him did not smell like possible food.  But it was futile he evenly realized that he had died but afraid to try to kill himself to cure his condition he opted to rent/buy an tomb in which he bored himself up under and assumed name. Once inside he secured himself in a locked and very heavy coffin hoping that he could sleep his way into oblivion. If not then he'd be locked away with his nightmare safely away form others with no chance of harming them or being hunted like the monster he had become.

But alas this was not to be as his younger bother had been sent bye the family and had tracked him down. Though his bother could not over power him and forced him to come with him. it turned out that their grandfather was mortally injured about to go through what was called the passing in the family.

Having been wound grandfathers time had been running short when his brother was sent to find him and when they arrived his grandfather told him that he may be dead not but he should not worry. Alive or dead as long as  he was in this world with those he cared about there was hope and that he had to find that hope if he truly wanted to live again. That said his grandfather lased to sleep and never awakened again his body become some kind of fine power of the night something that was unheard of among there mythos family.

Six months later lather Epyon began his quest for a cure again his grandfather words sometimes his only anchor to sanity. As he traveled he saw more and more of hostility among the races and he began to avoid being even more then when he was mealy freaked out at being undead. After some time traveling he wound up here in this place. Clueless again and verging on despair. The rising violence making him fear  for what is left of his life and leading him to study more defensive / offensive magic.

Disposition: withdrawn and depressed. his worst fear is come to past and that  put him one step away from edge. He's coming to terms with being dead but still would rather be anything but undead at this point.

Trivia: being undead he no longer needs to eat sleep or drink but still enjoys all of the above.
Epyon's grandfather was thought but his mothers to be a being with demon heritage but was in fact a full demon for another land. His passing was not into death per say but he'd lost his rights to exist in Epyon's world for at lest 1 generation due to his mortal body being injured in and mortal killing fashion. kind of like a warp arc that was slain/disenchant

Quote: "if there is a way to this survive then I will find it. I don't care if I have to become evil itself to do so"
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Now this does look interesting.  I'm not fond of dystopias, but I am tempted by this one - an alternate Jakob where he went over to the Dark Side and never stopped being Johan Cross would probably fit in quite well.  The only snag is that Cross was somewhat overt, but I could probably fix that easily enough.

I might wait until the RP begins, though.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Normally, I'm not fond of dystopias either, but even I'm whipping up something bad and tragic for this.

For the record, I think an alternate Jakob that never stopped being Johan would be perfect for this as well.


Quote from: techmaster-glitchI take that back...I just read Keat's profile (that thang was long!), and I think dystopic-Keat may be even worse than what I've been cooking up...damn, that is cruel...

You flatter me, good sir. :3 *halo*

E_voyager, I looked over your character sheet. I believe it's safe to say that your character has been approved.

Quote from: Tapewolf on December 26, 2007, 05:41:09 PM
Now this does look interesting.  I'm not fond of dystopias, but I am tempted by this one - an alternate Jakob where he went over to the Dark Side and never stopped being Johan Cross would probably fit in quite well.  The only snag is that Cross was somewhat overt, but I could probably fix that easily enough.

I might wait until the RP begins, though.

Hehehe... *looks down at her special Co-GM clipboard complete with super-shiny stickers; checks off "get Tapewolf interested in joining" with her rainbow-ink Hello Kitty pen*

Everything's going according to plan... >:3

Speaking of which, Cog and I are going to post the IC topic about... (maybe) two days from now, if things proceed smoothly. Why then? Because the holidays just ended and people are probably still recuperating. As for the main plot, that will also be announced. A lot of planning has gone into this baby, so Cog and I are absolutely thrilled to see so many people interested in the RP concept. Let's hope everything works out well.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


Alrighties, I've finally got my whole profile done up. Tell me what ya think...I don't usually do evil or dystopic things seriously, I ususally walk either the path of neutrality or light, so this is a bit of a first for me; letting lose my inner demons >:3

In a condemned, abandoned part of a city on the Isle of Rain, there is a junkyard. Naturally, most people try to stay away from it. Not because it is a junkyard, though, but because of the stories surrounding it. Anyone who does bravely (or foolishly, as people usually only approach from a dare or childish desire to test 'ghost stories') go into it will invariably come back horrendously mutilated (often even completely missing a limb or two), and babbling near-incoherently with half-crazed tales of mad machines and an even madder mechanic. That is, if they come back at all...

Name: ?
Nickname(s): Known only as Arcwelder, after his favorite tool
Age: 27
Race: Being
Species: ?
Family: Parents; Both deceased

Hair: No 'hair' to speak of, aside from fur
Eye: Hard to tell, looks black
Fur Coloration: Black with splotches of red, though this may or may not be his natural color; if not, it's probably due to years of oil stains and blood spatters
Appearance: At first glance (and subsequent glances, for that matter), Arcwelder is a freakish monstrosity. Whatever still-intact parts of his body are covered in unkempt greasy black fur, with random patterns of red. However, that's not what's so entirely freakish about him. The freakish part is that parts of his body, including his whole right arm, are missing, they are now metal and quasi-mechanical. All the metal parts on him are rusted a deep brown-red and pitted. Sickly green energy crackles along them. Half his head is missing, replaced with a mess of rusted metal, gears and an unhealthy glow, with an evil green light in place of the missing eye. His real eye is a soulless black. At all places where flesh meets metal, the flesh is hideously infected and inflamed. It is, in fact, almost impossible to tell exactly what species he is/was, because of the extent of his disfigurements. His metal right arm is made of scrap metal and gears, green electricity crackles along it at irregular intervals, with various machining and metalworking tools built into the arm, and the arm ends in a wicked claw.

History: Arcwelder's parents both tried to escape the horrors that were everyday life in this age of despair. They found refuge in an abandoned junkyard, but in a run of horrible luck, the same junkyard was visited by a bandit party soon after they got there. In the confusion, Arcwelder went missing, and his parents had no choice but to flee, leaving behind their six-year old son. The bandits left as well. On his own, Arcwelder had to forage around the junkyard, consuming rats and other small animals to survive for years. However, even since he was born, metal and mechanical things had always fascinated him. He taught himself mechanics in that junkyard, and successfully rebuilt and repaired many things, and quite often made his own contraptions out of random parts.
   However, while he could get things to work, that was all he could ever do. In the junkyard, Arcwelder knew no one else, had no contact with anyone. His unliving machines and contraptions could only provide so much company. That is, until he discovered that he had a bit of a talent for magic. As any Being magician can only specialize in one, maybe two specific fields of magic, usually brought upon by personal choice or natural disposition, his also manifested itself in a single field. Born out of his desperate need for living company, the lack of any suitable living thing, his manifested itself in a terrible way; necromancy. But not ordinary necromancy, his magic was used to imbue nonliving machines with unholy life. He created undead machines; zombified robots. These are not magical constructs that an artificer or wizard can create, rather, they are much closer to the spawn crated by a necromancer or unholy cleric, but neither are they that entirely. They are very close, however.
   As time wore on, Arcwelder knew only his zombified, mechanical 'friends', and sought to be more like them. With that began his self-mutilation, and replacement of mutilated body parts with necromanced mechanical parts. With this, he himself began descending into the very evils his parents sought to escape. On occasion, other people stumbled across his small refuge. Likewise, Arcwelder was fascinated with these things that were "like him, but not like his friends". Thus he began experimenting on them in the same way he had disfigured himself, to make them more like himself and his 'friends'. To date, not a single person has ever survived his experiments (excepting, of course, those who managed to escape before he could properly enact his vile reconfigurations). The greatest tragedy occurred years later when his parents returned to the junkyard in search of their son. After having being chased across-county by the bandits and subsequently losing the location of the junkyard, they backtracked and finally re-found the junkyard and their son. Underneath the terrible metal and unholy magic, they just barely managed to recognize him. However, he was unable to recognize them, and instead, saw them simply as new subjects for his experiments. Both suffered hideous deaths at the hands of their own son, like so many before them. He never realized who they really were.

Combat Abilities: Arcwelder rarely fights himself. Rather, he lets his zombiebots do his fighting for him. They are all horrific monstrosities, in various shapes and sizes, with shredding sawblades, ripping claws, gnashing metal teeth, and crackling with green energy. While these apparatuses can and are used to great effect, most of his terrifying zombiebots can attack at range. When in numbers, they are a formidable fighting force. In fact, many a Creature who has gone to investigate Arcwelder's junkyard, usually to subjugate and command whatever had caused the rumors, are sorely dismayed every time they underestimate the tenacity of his zombiebots. Being 'undead', they have no actual weak spots to strike, and can tolerate tremendous amounts of punishment. They always attack in a berserker style, first using some of their ranged weaponry, then rushing in, claws flailing, teeth gnashing.
Strengths: Tough, surprisingly fast, and scary-as-deepest-Hell. That about sums up the myriad machines that Arcwelder employs. They can survive all sorts of attacks, even magic-based ones. Not to mention the usually can reanimate themselves after seemingly being destroyed once, or more rarely, twice. Physically, they have above-average strength, but nothing truly special. However, their deadliness lies in their natural weapons, not to mention the armaments they can utilize. In addition to their various shredding tools, almost all are able to fling bits of themselves as deadly shrapnel, a few have built-in makeshift guns of sorts, and a few can even launch improvised 'rockets' or 'missiles' made from scrap and combustible detritus. Lastly, they quite literally look like nightmares, which enhance their combat destructiveness with a major fear factor. Their rusted look is scary enough, but they also have all kinds of bloody buzz-saws, shredding toothy maws, and that evil green energy. Just looking at just one of them is enough to send an ordinary person running and screaming for their lives.
Weaknesses: Dumb and clumsy. These machines, while fast, aren't very maneuverable, and lack adequate agility. An opponent can usually duck and weave around them, and if they have powerful weaponry (not just little swords or crossbows or the like, these are metal beasts we are talking about), they can try to pound them till they fall apart (but watch out for that reanimation). They also aren't very smart; if Arcwelder tells them to attack something, they will do so very directly and unsubtly, attacking in their berserker style. They will just try to direct attack, without bothering with tactics (other than ranging first) or other important things unless Arcwelder takes care to give them specific instructions, which is usually impractical in pitched combat. Though this usually works against almost any individual opponent, as they will be outnumbered, against a group of smart opponents, the machines could be in trouble. Also, they are all linked to Arcwelder; if he takes heavy damage, the zombiebots quickly lose their effectiveness.
Weapon(s): Arcwelder's zombiebots. Actually, if forced into combat himself, he can usually use saws and drills in his arm to good effect, not to mention the claw of his own. As for his undead machines, he always has a number of them with him. If he has materials, he can use his mechanical skills to build a bot out of scrap, and then use his magic to animate it at almost any time. Given time, he can also recycle and remake almost any totally destroyed zombiebot. As already explained, they have their various melee tools of destruction, as well as their improvised ranged weapons.

Disposition: Because of all the time in his life spent alone, and then with his machines made into mockeries of life by magic that has also twisted Arcwelder at a deeper level than just his body, he is insane in many definitions of the word. First off, he wants to become more and more like his own zombiebots, but even more so, he wants to make other people into them. He's a rather dangerous person to be around, as he tends to look on everyone as a new subject for his robotic zombification experiments. Obviously, he has little-to-no social skills at all. He always move with a very twitchy gait, his limbs (especially his robo-zombified right arm) often seeming like they are moving of their own accord. Think the way Jack Sparrow moves, but far more jerky and twice as crazy.
   Also, his life is in his precious junkyard; it is his home, his shelter, his territory. If someone were to desecrate or destroy it, they will have earned his eternal ire, as well as depriving him of his place to stay, which would force him to wander.

-Arcwelder, like his machines, does not need to eat, sleep, or rest, as he is sustained by the very necromantic powers that animate his machines.
-His zombiebots have an 'unquenchable thirst for fresh oil, and an unfulfillable hunger for computer chips', the equivalent of blood and brains for a robot. So does Arcwelder.


Techmaster, Keats and I have discussed your profile, and it is approved with one caveat - be reasonable with the zombie-bots. We're not having a player character walk around with an army of minions. Keep it to a sensible level, and you should be alright.

Other than that though, approved.


Of course. The limit was going to be somewhere in the ballpark of 5-10, maybe seven, but I'll keep it at  just five if you want.


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on December 26, 2007, 09:31:26 PM
Of course. The limit was going to be somewhere in the ballpark of 5-10, maybe seven, but I'll keep it at  just five if you want.


In some ways, you can cap it at five if you want. But the way things are going to go, I don't know if you're going to have -room- for that many zombiebots. Two or three may be the upper limit of the simple -room- in some places. Also, there are going to be parts of the story in which, if not being stealthy, at least not walking around with shuffling neon signs might be a good idea. Of course, all of these things aren't necessarily our problem... >:3

Even so - the upper cap being five should be fine.

Out of curiosity, though - just how powerful are these zombiebots, individually?


But the way things are going to go, I don't know if you're going to have -room- for that many zombiebots. Two or three may be the upper limit of the simple -room- in some places.
Arcwelder's lived almost all his life in the outdoor junkyard. He doesn't -like- going inside >:3

Also, there are going to be parts of the story in which, if not being stealthy, at least not walking around with shuffling neon signs might be a good idea.
Arcwelder's a 'shuffling neon sign' himself :P In cases like that, he and his 'bots will hang back and, if everything goes to shit, he can bail them out without bothering with stealth >:3

Out of curiosity, though - just how powerful are these zombiebots, individually?
Individually, not terribly powerful. Most of their strength comes in rushing tactics and numbers. if you catch one alone, it's really not that hard to deal with at all.
Of course, you have to have the appropriate weaponry to deal with them. Virtually any melee weapon that hasn't been enchanted with powerful blows simply will not cut it. Most blades can't cut through other blades, thus they wouldn't be able to cut through something made out of solid metal, either. Even bludgeoning weapons like maces or hammers will do little more than dent them, unless they've been enchanted to deliver huge crushing blows. Basically, you just need something either high-velocity or explosive to take one down. Then it's relatively simple, all you have to do is watch out for their one-time reanimation.
That part was actually taken from the Metal Arms: Glitch In The system game. In that game, the ZombieBots , when killed, will explode in a shower of confetti-like shrapnel like any other robot. However, the pieces of a ZombieBot will once, just once, fly back together and keep coming at you. But if you can deal with it once, you can deal with it twice (as long as you didn't run out of ammo >:3) Really, it's more of an annoyance than anything horribly serious (unless you've been surrounded).

A powerful machinegun (with lots of ammo), a couple of powerful magic blasts, or a high-yield grenade or two should be sufficient to take one down once.


Well, if I intend to join this (and I do so intend to do just that) then posting a bio would possibly nudge the joining process further along, wouldn't it? I've no qualms about a good dystopia now and then.

Name: Tyrannus DeVerdele
Race: Mythos
Sex: Male
Age: Nobody's rude enough to ask, presumed to be maybe 50 or 60
Nicknames: Ty, Big Guy, Old Feller, The Beast Of Verdele
Family: All blood relations deceased.

Hair: None
Eyes: Gray, with a few age lines around 'em
Skin: Yellow, leathery
Appearance: Tyrannus is about seven and a half to eight feet in height of muscle and sinew, with a long tail and a face best described as saurian. He moves with a sort of careful grace somewhere between what soldiers develop out of paranoia and particularly large people develop out of necessity. When he's working he'll usually just wear a white shirt and jeans, and perhaps his coat (a thick, tan leather thing that reaches down to his knees that doesn't look like it was sewn so much as constructed; the thing could probably count as light body armor).

Combat Capabilities:
Strengths- For one thing, the man is huge and, being a mythos, is capable of feats of strength that would seem incredible even for one of his size; he can't lift a bus, but he might shove one a bit. His skin is tough and leathery and he has a skull like the dinosaurs he resembles, so even without his usual armor (a rather norse-looking hodgepodge of chain mail and toughened hides) he can take hits fairly well. His fingernails are made of a substance not unlike flint and his breath is laced with a chemical not unlike very potent alcohol, allowing him to ignite his breath in a sheet of flame literally at a snap of his fingers. He's easily mistaken for a berzerker in combat, but he's unlikely to lose track of what's going on around him; he's lived a tough, dangerous life and he has lived to be fairly old, get it?
His weapons of choice are a battleaxe and a shield. A weapon he frequently uses despite preferences is a spear that's either enchanted or cursed, depending on how you look at it.
Weaknesses- strong and skilled though he may be, he's by no means immortal. He tends to opt for simple solutions to problems, which doesn't always work, and is about as stealthy as a flock of drunk seagulls. He's bad at reading what people are likely to do, and thus comes up with a lot of plans on the fly. His armor is strong and durable, but easily flammable, and his faith in his own strength and ability to endure being beyond that of his teammates can sometimes end up with him alone fighting against things decidedly stronger than he is.

History: As mentioned, many breed of mythos have been killed to reach the place the world is at now. Insofar as anyone knows Ty is the last of his kind. That's all he's ever known too; apart from some very hazy memories he's never seen another of his breed of mythos. For much of perhaps the first third of his life he lived as an animal, raiding settlements in the kingdom of Verdele. Reviled like Frankenstien's monster, and for much the same reasons, it came as a great shock to all those involved when he was eventually captured alive and taught the tenements of civilization.
What ensued was a confusing series of events, and not all altogether pleasant ones. Lets skip ahead a little.
From there he became an adventurer, although one in the same vein as Conan and Hercules, defined more as a matter of reputation than honor. He did some good though, more than bad, and eventually retired from that life. He used the money to open up a deli in the city. Since then he's gotten to be known as that nice old mythos who always remembers his customers names and works so hard at being polite, and most don't even know that this nice old fellow goes to meetings where he stands up and talks in front of many other creatures about it having been 12 years since his last rampage, or that in the kingdom of Verdele they still tell stories about him to scare children from misbehaving...

Disposition: Most who meet Ty get the initial impression of the world's largest puppy; a little naive about people, but almost constantly jovial and eager to please. This polite, personable demeanor is the main reason he's been able to get by in a mainly being-dominated society. An observant person, after spending some time with him, would realize that that isn't all that's going on there; while he tends to think in straight lines, Tyrannus can be fairly canny when it suits him to be. He tends to look at problems through a sort of simple practicality; if your solution creates a new problem, then simply solve that problem too. It would be less infuriating if it didn't work so often. Has a sort of fascination with the concept of civilized behavior.

Quote: "Now, my friend, I have a large axe. You see it right here in my hand, although I'll admit it doesn't look quite so large when I hold it. My friend, I remember a time where if someone irritated me, I would have no problem cleaving their head from their shoulders with it in a single blow. It makes me so glad, my friend, to know that I am now a member of Civilization, where we do not do such things to one another. Do you not agree, friend?"


Name: Anton Opver Devate
Nickname(s): Lucky Hare, Long ears, Winged cute
Age: 1,054 Looks like he is 15 though
Race: Cubi
Species: Bunny
Family: His parents are dead but he does have kids but doesn't know if they are dead or not as far as he knows.

Hair: Has long hair tied back in a long braid. The hair will change from day to day but his favorite color is blue so it is usually some variation of blue.
Eye: A light glowing blue.
Fur Coloration: A deep ruby red for most of his fur but a black for his belly fur and underneath his wings.
Appearance: Stands about 4'10" 90 lbs. With Large angel like wings. On the lower left leg there is a large tattoo of his Tibori cubi clan symbol on it. He loves to take different forms all of the time. Usually dresses in normal clothes that are little tight all around. Carries with him a large wooden staff that is about a head taller then he is. A satchel is usually near his backside that carries all of the necessary items that could be used for traveling long distances (I.E. Food, extra clothing, drink, etc.).
Combat Abilities: Mainly magic but is proficient in Staffs.
Strengths: His clan was gifted to be great Mages.  With weak magical abilities that could be seen from birth and grow with age. He has been trained for many decades with his magic and can do wonderful things and terrable things with his magic.
Weaknesses: His clan is also his weakness. He cannot be anywhere near the emotion of Pain, Fear, Horror. It sickness him so much that he is weakened by these emotions. In close combat all he can really do is shield himself and then run away.
Weapon(s): Staff- Plain Wooden staff that is about a head taller then him

History: From the beginning of his life, everyone told him that he was going to be a very powerful mage... if it weren't for his wings. At the age of 10, he was doing things that mages could do when they started out doing without training but everyone turn their back on him. His parents hadn't known anything that was wrong with their child so they sent him to school like all of the other boys and girls. School changed Him. He was now very popular because he could do lots of magic. Making things float was his biggest trick but he also got in trouble a lot for it. This when on until highschool. Now everytime he did something to make others feel good he had felt very good by doing so. After high school, He found a mage college to his liking and started to train very hard. By the four year he was doing things the top professors did but something awful had befallen him.

When he came home for the holidays, Both of his parents were dead in the living room and a figure was standing over them. The emotions were running high for Anton but the two emotions of all in the room was Pain and horror. The figure looked up at him and saw who he was and attacked him. Anton defended himself the best he could but the sickness in the room was getting to him and couldn't stand it any more. The battle went out into the streets where, with the additional lighting, he saw his attacker. The dragon came at him even faster attacking more and more visously. People ran and hid at the sight of the dragon. At the point where, he had thought he had no hope, three cubi that were tracking the thing came and kill the Dragon. Anton seeing the cubi started to run but one of them soon caught up with him and knocked him out.

The Next time he awoke he was in a room that he could only detail as bland. A plain bed, plain walls, plain dresser until he noticed something that was out of place... him. He looked in the mirror and saw that he had more then his just normal pair of wings. He also had head wings. The first time he saw this he sacred himself and yelp out bringing Fa'Lina and her "infinite" wisdom. After the "tests" he found himself at home at the academy and after a long time of training at SAIA and became a teacher at the academy as a shielding and healing mage. While at the academy, at first he had a lot of students but as the war got worst and worst and he started to get less and less students because a lot of their thinking was kill them first before you get hit. After a good 50 years of teaching at the academy,  he left to explore the world more. The best way he knows how to do this was to go adventuring with people giving his serves as a mage and a healer.

Disposition: Happy. Always in the mood to get up and go. To do something always.


Quote:  "You want to go do something? Can I help.... Uh uh uh can I can I can I can PLEASEEEEEEEE!!"

llearch n'n'daCorna

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Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 27, 2007, 12:45:59 PM
uh... a tri-wing, on coming out?

I must agree with your scepticism.  I don't think we know nearly enough about Tri-wings to be able to do much with them in a story - in an RP they would be way overpowered.  Remember, they are almost gods.

The only reason I did that with Daryil in Future History was because he would more-or-less treat the powers   like a new toy and then ignore them  :B

Also, I don't see someone getting on 7000 acting like a hyperactive kid, except possibly Daryil, but he's bugnuts and I wouldn't dream of taking him on an RP  :rolleyes

Obviously it's not really for me to say, but basic duo-wing 'Cubi can be bad enough if the player doesn't exercise moderation and self-control and constantly make up excuses for why they can't just use so-and-such power and kill the crowd of bandits stone dead instantly etc.
In FCRP one safeguard was Jakob's pacifism and I'm having enough trouble finding a substitute for it in this one.
A true Tri-wing would be practically unstoppable unless the character was filled with safeguards.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


To Snuggles: Warning: this post contains traces of Very Pissed Keaton.

I am not amused. No Tri-Wings. From what I've heard from Amber, tri-wings are pretty much GODLY in strength. In fact, some of the biggest examples of Cubi strength in general. I can dig up some old posts from the Nice forum if you need further convincing. You are not allowed to use a tri-wing as a character.

My apologies if I sound like a raving bitch, but this is just unacceptable. I was in a bad mood to begin with today; now I'm in an even worse mood.

*pops Asprin, practices breathing exercises, moves on*

To Boogeyman: On the other hand, Boog, your character seems fine to me. You are approved.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


While it's true that we didn't have a rule about no Tri-Wings, Snugs, we did have one about munchkins and godmoding. I'm afraid that we'd have to deny that application for the same reason that we have a no Fae rule. Godlike characters are less fun than you'd think - take a look through at some of these, and you might find that some of them barely have combat abilities at all.

Application denied. If you want to revise that sheet and remove the tri-wing, I imagine you could, or you can start from scratch. We will be starting tomorrow, however.


A bit of a double post, but this is meritorious of such action.

The following is the premise of the plot, and believe me, it will get twisted by the end. I'm not going to reveal the entire plot, because that would ruin it.
For future reference - the RP will start, like all Clockwork Mansion RP's, in a bar. This is traditional, and is rather like breaking a bottle of wine over a ship, or a bottle of stout over someone's head. It all depends. Especially if the bar burns down.

I look forward to all your smiling faces tomorrow. :3

A drug is an amazing thing. Never before had Cogidubnus heard of something that you could buy that dulled and dimmed the mind, and made memories faded and distant. That made it possible -not- to think. To him, it was magic elixer – it was panacea, a mithridate of unparalleled potency. All that he could get, he got, and a little bit more than that.
   It nearly cost him his life, for there are those who make the wonderful stuff, and there are those who work for those who make the wonderful stuff, and neither one of them are happy when they aren't paid what they've been promised. Cogidubnus was several payments late, and it was the wish of Kytharion Sabeneathi, leader and chosen son of the Sabanethei Family, leader of the most powerful mob group to grace several of Furrae's continents, and the man with the iron that ruled all of his lieutenants gold. Cogidubnus's dealer had spoken with Cogidubnus's dealer's boss, who had spoken with the Mob leader on the Island of Eternal Rains, who had spoken with Kytharion. And Kythrion had spoken to Keaton.
   Not directly, of course. Kytharion didn't always speak directly with his assassin, but he had spoken with Keaton's handler, and she had beaten it into the girl that Cogidubnus was her next target.

   So it was that Cogidubnus found himself entering a dark alley on a moonlit night, and seeing something from his most horrifying dreams and nightmares waiting for him. Black as sin-soaked silk, and staring at him with eyes like white-hot coals, the assassin Noteak waited to tear his throat out. Unfortunately, they say that timing is everything in assassination, and Keaton had chosen the wrong time.
   The moon took effect then – and Cogidubnus transformed into the Wolf, a hideous beast of fangs, teeth, and blood. It attacked Noteak, and before the assassin could repel the creature, it went for her Jugular, and met resistance. The jaws of the beast are powerful, however – but as it bit through, it found itself blown back.
   Cogidubnus does not recall what happened in that alleyway. However, he does remember the next day of waking up outside the town, presumably alone. At first, he was frightened – being alone outside of town was seldom a good idea, due to the prowlings of the undead in the area. As he rose, however, he realized his more immediate dangers.
   Standing in front of him and grasping her neck was the girl from the night before, staring at him like a bird – unmoving, almost unblinking, and infinitely focused. What Cogidubnus saw in those eyes chilled him. They were filled with confusion, but more than that, they were filled with a horrifying, soul-chilling rage, and flickering deeply in those chocolate orbs was the unbridled desire for revenge.

llearch n'n'daCorna

That's a start. It's not really showing where -we- fit in, yet, though.

Not that I'm complaining. Seeing Keaton beat the pants off Cog - even the Cog we see here - is gonna be entertaining.

Pass the popcorn.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 27, 2007, 05:41:21 PM
That's a start. It's not really showing where -we- fit in, yet, though.

Not that I'm complaining. Seeing Keaton beat the pants off Cog - even the Cog we see here - is gonna be entertaining.

Pass the popcorn.

I didn't say revenge against who, now did I?  >:3

Cog bit through the collar that controlled Keaton. You may be able to guess what life mission her newfound freedom has gained her.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Of course you didn't.

On the other hand, so far he's the only one around. So, as I said - pass the popcorn. It's not like you're in a tavern or anything, now, is it? ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Okay, here's the first stab at 'Evil Jakob'.  I'm not quite sure if he's sufficiently well-balanced  - if this is a problem, suggestions for fixing it would be greatly appreciated.

Name: Johan Cross (b. Jakob Pettersohn)
Nickname(s): Cross, Jakob Daryil
Age: 900 approx
Race: Incubus
Species: Wolf
Family: Izak Daryil (brother), Daryil (clan leader)  His father has disowned him.

Hair: Dark grey
Eye: Yellow
Fur Coloration: Light grey
Appearance: Varies, but usually canid.  In this instance he is a pure grey wolf with no markings.  Cross favours a long, black coat, especially in wet climes as it tends to cover his tail and keep it dry.

Combat Abilities: Good with ranged weapons and spells.  Less capable at close-range and melee although his tentacles help make up for this.
Strengths: Smart, good with dark magic and has over 400 years of constant practice with crossbow and firearms. Master of illusion.
Weaknesses: Cocky, arrogant, may underestimate his opponent.  Poor at close-range combat and easily overpowered in a many-against-one situation.  Cowardly.  Not particularly strong.
Weapon(s): Crossbow, revolver

History: Raised as a Being, Jakob attended SAIA from 25 until he was about 400.  After this he left to wander and was taken in by Azrael, who taught him many wonders of Earth technology until his death a century later.  Jakob, distraught, inherited the throne and slowly drifted to insanity trying to avenge his mentor's death.  During this time he took the name of Johan Cross and his infamy spread until he was dethroned in a coup a year or so ago.  Escaping, he fled with Daryil (his insane clan leader), so rumour has it, to the Isle of Eternal Rains.  It is probably not a coincidence that small crystals of soul-energy began to appear on the black market shortly afterwards...

Disposition: Usually furtive although it is highly variable, and often subject to rapid mood-swings.  Jakob was raised as a Being, and despite centuries of ruling them, he still has a lingering belief that he is one himself, and although he is quite adept at provoking and eating fear, this can cause feelings of guilt in the back of his mind.  He does not usually attack a total stranger, preferring to ignore Beings rather than torment them for the sheer pleasure of it, but he is not afraid to defend himself when threatened.  Rejected by his father and bereft of his mentor, he does not form allies easily, possibly out of fear of losing them.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Name: Chapman Cooper Navarro
Nickname(s): C.C. (Preferred by self), Fish (Preferred by friends)
Age: 34
Race: Being
Species: Unknown mix, (The Navarro family tends not to keep track of these things) but vaguely canine.
Family: Father, Cooper Bailey Navarro, age 70. Mother, Lynn Walsh Navarro, Deceased (age 68)

Hair: Black
Eye: Brown
Fur Coloration: Brown
Appearance: 6'1.5'', 151 lbs. Looks rather older than he actually is. Very short hair. When on break, tends to wear a forest green light jacket,and black pants. Many of his friends say he looks like a schoolteacher, for whatever reason.

Combat Abilities: Stealth.
Strengths: Quiet and fast. Very accurate marksman with non-automatic weapons. (Holds his alcohol rather well too, giving him his nickname)
Weaknesses: No magical ability at all, either offensive, or defensive. Brilliant at combat if undetected, but not a good bet at all in a straight fight.
Weapon(s): Silenced pistol. Also uses a combat knife, but only for quick, quiet kills, not for melee fighting. Can use a silenced sniper rifle well, but tends not to unless necessary, such as in assassination operstions. (Snipers have a reputation for being cowards, or too inexperienced to do "real" work).
Armor: Light kevlar vest. Armor tends not to be important for scouts, since, if they need it, they're probably dead anyway.

Works as a combat scout for Groulliard Consolidated Shipping, a crime organization (very) thinly disguised as a small shipping firm. Groulliard is thought to be owned by one of the largest organized crime syndicates in the world, but nobody below middle management knows, and nobody above is telling. GCS mainly deals with the theft and sale of stolen items, or the transfer and distribution of illegal items, mainly, firearms, though they are also a minor player in drug distribution. Navarro works as a scout, specializing in quiet operations. Operations most frequently take place on large merchant ships, which are either destroyed (Common if cargo belongs to a rival, or if high-ranking members from rival organizations are on board), or hijacked (for theft). GCS uses scouts such as Navarro as what they call "FIFO (First-in-first-out) Operatives". Navarro boards the target ship before the larger, hijacking team does, compromises security to the point where the hijacking team can enter unnoticed, and either leaves when the main team arrives, or provides long-range sniper support.

Pretty happy childhood, given the area. Born to two caring, if not especially pleasant, parents, in a small apartment in Holiday. Left home on good terms at the age of 15, without any formal education, besides reading/writing, and virtually immediately got involved in port crime. Did routine smuggling and theft operations, and slowly got noticed. Lead a freelance hijacking group for a while, until his group's theft of two entire shipping containers full of explosives from a supertanker owned by GCS, without the crew noticing, got him hired as one of their top operatives. He did freighter hijacking missions for several years, until GCS decided to use him for more assassination missions, much to Navarro's distaste. Assassination operations are infrequent, and Navarro tends to have lots of free time on his hand, which he usually spends at the local bar, with his friends from GCS.

Friendly and outgoing when off-duty. Popular character at the tavern, though only a few people know his actual occupation (as with many of GCS' operatives, he covers as a dockworker). On duty, can be a bit of a pain if someone disagrees with him. Always follows orders, however. During a mission, he keeps talking to a minimum, as most scouts do.

I'll probably add to it later, but nothing groundbreaking. Plz rate, and if you don't accept, I'll permaban you.  :)


*insert page-long string of keyboard babble here as the co-GM struggles to regain her composure from the two new applications*

I would have made a Monty Python "and suddenly, the co-GM suffered a fatal heart attack!" reference, but for God's sake I couldn't be arsed to put the whole line into context. This RP is becoming GINORMOUS. :U I AM HAPPY. AND THAT'S A BIG DEAL.

On to GM-y things:

Quote from: Tapewolf on December 27, 2007, 08:25:59 PM
Okay, here's the first stab at 'Evil Jakob'.  I'm not quite sure if he's sufficiently well-balanced  - if this is a problem, suggestions for fixing it would be greatly appreciated.

Everything seems to be in order despite the fact this is your first shot. You get into the RP and a gold star. In fact, gold stars for everyone.


Quote from: BillBuckner on December 27, 2007, 08:27:31 PM
I'll probably add to it later, but nothing groundbreaking. Plz rate, and if you don't accept, I'll permaban you.  :)

Kk. :3 You're in.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


Ok Ok i get it i will change it from a tri-winged to a regular. hehehe i really didn't know that they were sooooo uber... i just thought that the starter of the clan had to be a tri-winged from the sounds of all of the wiki about it. And i thought that the starter of a new clan, because the one that i had was made up, it would be cool.

I will change the fact that he is a tri-winged but other then that is he good to go?


Quote from: Snuggles on December 27, 2007, 09:34:24 PM
Ok Ok i get it i will change it from a tri-winged to a regular. hehehe i really didn't know that they were sooooo uber... i just thought that the starter of the clan had to be a tri-winged from the sounds of all of the wiki about it. And i thought that the starter of a new clan, because the one that i had was made up, it would be cool.

I will change the fact that he is a tri-winged but other then that is he good to go?

Kinda-sorta. If by no Tri-wing, you mean you'll tone down the general uber-ness of the character, then yes.

Here's what I mean - we don't want a godmoding character. Someone who is a teacher at SAIA a few decades after they got there? A powerful mage at the age of two?
Tone down the boy genius bit, and no Tri-wingedness, and you should be alright. However, without those changes, the character is still a munchkin to this GM. Make him weaker, and we'll approve him.

llearch n'n'daCorna

He wouldn't be the starter of a clan until he split off from his current clan, which he might not know if they've pulled an Abel on his parents.

Also, not all clan founders are tri-winged. I believe Amber mentioned there are 2 or 3 -currently- tri-winged Cubi around. Out of ~30,000 Cubi. They're very very very rare, and very very very powerful. Not your average Cubi by any stretchof the imagination. Try several -thousand- years working at it.

Just for comparison, here, Destania is, what, 9000, and still isn't tri-winged.

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


We don't know enough about Tri-Wings but part of it seems to be related to energy intake.  While Amber said that about 2 of the Tri-Wings who have ever lived (there are about 12 still alive) reached ascension through less violent means, the usual technique seems to require a lot of souls.

For Snuggles, it might be a good idea if he knocked the age down to something more manageable.  My words carry no authority here, but consider: Could you really do a realistic job of portraying someone filled with the wisdom and experience of six millennia?  I'm not sure I could, and if I did pull it off I'd probably be too powerful for the RP.  Heck my character's 'only' 900 and that was because I was older than everyone else in Furrae Chronicles when it started up...


Quote from: Keaton the Black Jackal on December 27, 2007, 08:43:25 PM
Everything seems to be in order despite the fact this is your first shot. You get into the RP and a gold star. In fact, gold stars for everyone.

Quote from: BillBuckner on December 27, 2007, 08:27:31 PM
I'll probably add to it later, but nothing groundbreaking. Plz rate, and if you don't accept, I'll permaban you.  :)
You're in.

It might have been entertaining in an apocalyptic sense to watch llearch and Bill get into some kind of admin fight and ban each other, but I guess this way is probably best  :rolleyes

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

It's a first-in, first served, thing, Tape.

I -think- I have the edge, there, but it depends on how far ahead Bill thinks. ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 28, 2007, 10:00:19 AM
It's a first-in, first served, thing, Tape.
I -think- I have the edge, there, but it depends on how far ahead Bill thinks. ;-]
Unless things have changed you have access to the underlying database so Bill wouldn't have a hope  >:3  But I digress...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


i was kind of worried about the acceptably of my character him being both mythos and undead. Then again  Epyon is still new to me and i didn't want to leave him dead in the castle. The main reason for him entering the castle in the castle rp was to search for a cure to his pending undeath (which gives me a wedge to bring him back despite his fear of being undead) and not knowing how much of a time gap exist between Rp's the two i can't give and exact number to his years undead. Even so i could give a reason why the world seems to have changed before he knew it and that's was because fearful of his transformation and afraid to try to kill himself again he instead tried to seal himself away form beings and other creatures alike. he did this half  hoping that his curse would end or that his unlife would be revoked somehow while he tried to sleep. In the end with his grandfathers pending death a younger sibling (presumably also cursed) came looking for him and took him home. His grandfather being wise and understanding what he was going through gave him his words of wisdom before he was basically kicked out of Furrea for mortal injury. This is the way of most of my interdimensional character, they play according to toon rules. the physics of  the world is as real as the gm makes them and if you break the rules or lose all your hit point you're kicked out of the (game) world for a set amount of time this baning can only be undone by a summoning of some sort or by the time elapsed usually 1 generation so that those who knew you are either old or passed away and you can always claim to be a child of the person they think you are. i got the ideal for the banning form forgotten realms actually.

The robots however play by mega man rules and i guess they are something of munchkins i really don't know. after all a mega man robot is basically a one robot army with weapon copy ability self healing to and extend a back up squad that can rebuild them or in Ran's case and auto regeneration pod. ran rats in attack power 20 defense power 1 and health point one. after all his weapon is best described as a uni direction atomic bomb blast. non of my robot weapons are that powerful but my tekkaman volttekker is as it was requires in my tekkaman rp from a few years back. they have there powers culled form video games and comic books and in rps here i've never used full power. i did once on the nice but that time i was draining my hit points and PBH saved my memory and rebuilt me a new body the body in her comic which i would love to explore more.

Now i've forgotten the reason for this  rant but i think it was along the lines that limits on your character are a good thing even if the character is merely and avatar of some powerful force it need to be limited as it enters a new universe and it needs limits on it's body. like how hyper mode work in metroid prime corruption or dark god mode for e'forte ( taken form mega man 8 and 9 when he's glowing with dark energy) think about this snuggles an you may even want to give your character a few limits or personalizations that aren't part of the species - class like Ables fear of blood and spiders and epyon's fear of the undead (despite being one now) and his fear of creature hunting mobs.

epyon is neutral now but part of his build has in ready to go off the deep end either as monster or a crusader. neither of which are very appealing to me at the moment but the potential is more important then the power. Speaking of power i rate his fighting ability as a 7 out of 10 or a 15 out of 20 (7.5 if reduced) this is in concerns  of his skill and i unused the city destroyer  Kira and the Fae as my guise lines. Kira would definitely rate a 10 or better based on skill and demons stamina well my stamina from the undead would probably pal it's still there and her skill would be greater then mine because of her constant practice. so i fighter skill Kira would be a 10 power she'd be and 17 to 20.  fare have varying fighting skill but for power they have to rate 20+ much like dragons who i'd rate as 8/10 and  20+/20 only the fact that consent use of power is draining  lets me think that dragon can be beat while fae can simply vanish if they feel they are wearing them selves out and unlike dragons fae don't suffer mortal injury for a 2/10 +20+/20 fae is not the best character to try to start an rp with. Amber could pull it off and probably Alzan (any one that can master the demon kola of doom knows about restraint) but i haven't seen too many fae about that's probably the reason. it's because  of this that tri-wing cubi and over powered characters are not good to stared a game with.
/hyper rant 

oh dear i started to say a few thing and i ranted like some one or other. sorry about that
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey