Eternal Rains (OOC) [M] - Closed

Started by Sunblink, December 22, 2007, 10:23:04 PM

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Epyons upper eyes see soul, emotion and some times magic energy as it overlays normals life.  it's it's active magic (like in the junk yard) then he might see it even if its just the traces form after you activated it like seeing heat ripple in the air after and running engine has been shut down. his people use their third eye to see souls and emotion energy and it helps them bargain and know who's trustworthy and not. but Epyon's a freak even among his kind as he has four eyes instead of three. still he's bust drinking and over coming shock while watching a wolf and woodpecker do things he'd not imagined doing for many, many years.  but right now i'm off to bed. good night.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey



When I read "Man of her dreams", Tape, the phrase "Dude looks like a lady!" ran through my mind.  :P

llearch n'n'daCorna

"Banter" isn't over, yet. I'm just waiting for my muse to return. ;-]

... that and giving Paige a chance to talk...


Oh, and E... aura? Witt has an aura? You think it might be an idea to discuss that with me before going ahead? Just a thought...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 04, 2008, 04:00:10 PM
"Banter" isn't over, yet. I'm just waiting for my muse to return. ;-]
Just for you, I've changed it to "a lull in the banter"  :P

QuoteOh, and E... aura? Witt has an aura? You think it might be an idea to discuss that with me before going ahead? Just a thought...
In DMFA proper, Creatures do have an aura ("Fa'Lina was here, but her aura is fading...")
I see little reason Beings wouldn't too - since it's presumably some kind of 'exhaust' from their soul, though all of this is conjecture.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on October 04, 2008, 04:21:35 PM

I see little reason Beings wouldn't too - since it's presumably some kind of 'exhaust' from their soul,

Thanks for the mental image of the spiritual equivalent of baked beans and boiled cabbage...   :erk
ENGLISH: A language that lurks in dark alleys, beats up other languages
and rifles through their pockets for spare vocabulary.

Paladin Sheppard

llearch n'n'daCorna

I feel I should point out, for the other players here, that the contents of the bottle Witt is happily gurgling down could be used to strip paint, dissolve teeth, and would, likely, make an impressive Molotov cocktail. There's more alcohol and other poisons in the bottle than anything else.

So anyone else drinking around him is likely to be unstable for a while. Particularly if they're trying to keep up; those paying attention will note that this is a long-established plot point, and not just me playing fast and loose with the rules, and/or his history. I expect others to get drunk rapidly if cadging drinks off him... He will need at least two liters of alcohol in less than ten minutes to get buzzed.

Anyone without his, ah, unusual metabolism is likely to have problems. I'd expect Cubi to have trouble, even with their demonstrated resistance. (cf Dan's drinking of ale for 3 years)

... Undead, I'm not so sure about, but e_voyager should probably think about this, and decide what he's going to do with Epyon and alcohol. ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Sorry to stick my nose in, but I thought I should chirp in that alcohol isn't likely to have any effects on an undead unless they still need to breathe (alcohol affects the brain by denying it oxygen iirc) and have some form of circulation (otherwise it will just pool in the stomach and eventually find its way out after sloshing around a bit)... I'm not sure if they do or not.  Now if this stuff is particularly corrosive I can see it being a problem as they don't really have any cell regeneration unless magically assisted.  There's likely more to it than that, but it's all that I can come up with.


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 04, 2008, 05:20:43 PM
(snip)There's more alcohol and other poisons in the bottle than anything else.

So anyone else drinking around him is likely to be unstable for a while. Particularly if they're trying to keep up; those paying attention will note that this is a long-established plot point, and not just me playing fast and loose with the rules, and/or his history. I expect others to get drunk rapidly if cadging drinks off him... He will need at least two liters of alcohol in less than ten minutes to get buzzed.

Anyone without his, ah, unusual metabolism is likely to have problems.  (snip)... Undead, I'm not so sure about, but e_voyager should probably think about this, and decide what he's going to do with Epyon and alcohol. ;-]

Oh epyon is definitely unstable if not the drink alone all the the trauma the fire fear and everything else would work towards pushing him off his rocker but in this case back towards the to be alive or at least undead is a wonderful thing. after all in the span of roughly 24 hours he's been in 3 fights and feared for his life on multiple occasions after years in a peaceful tomb awaiting oblivion ore decent into madness. as for the drink and aura... well epyons been using his upper eyes a lot to peek at people and read what he could of their intents. he's not great at this but he's passably okay. it helped him find the bear at the dock party (fight)  and  he used them when searching for the undead robots that tech built. ( all he saw then was energy static and could make out heads or tails until they attacked.) i'mn looking at Epyon as being currently ouf of his mind and maybe a little drunk. i equate Witt's drink to 2 parts ever clear 1 part green fairy 1 part mixed spiced rum,vodka and hennessy. it would be a veritable suicide drink about 75% maybe epyons not supposed to get drunk but for all intents and purposes i'll say that he might as well bet and getting drunk with Evey swallows. he'd not using any of his healing magic and his undead nature will keep his brain form being destroyed but i supposed he'll stop before Witt as for running out of room in his slowly digesting belly.  i don't know how all of the undead stuff works but yes he is sterile and can't have children.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

Ren Gaulen

Keaton has invited me to participate in this RP, so I'll post my character information here. Tapewolf might find this character vaguely familiar.. >:3

Name: Sebastian Cruz
Nicknames: Seb, Dr. Cruz, Marko Corenni (a fake name he currently uses to hide his identity), Dr Corenni (naturally)
Age: Real age is not known, probably around 500-550 years old; he looks about 30
Race: Angel
Species: Wolf
Family: Valeria Cruz, younger sister (deceased); other relatives unknown

Hair: Black with a few silver strands
Eye: Yellow
Fur Colouration: Light-grey fur, black feathers on the wings
Appearance: Tall, slim, athletic, but nor really muscular; stoops and looks a bit sickly because of sleep deprivation; his hair is rather long, and he wears it in a braid; wears simple but practical clothes – black leather boots, khaki trousers, swamp-green vest and a khaki jacket; also usually carries a bag with medical instruments and a cane with him; he keeps his wings concealed almost all of the time with a charm in form of a plain silver ring which he wears on his left hand; this ring also makes him look older – about 45-50; also, he wears a silver ring with a ruby on his right hand

Combat Abilities: Good skills with swords, daggers and throwing knives; is also a fine sharpshooter; no particularly strong offensive magic, but has an ability to create really strong magical barriers that can protect both him and those near him
Strengths: His knowledge of anatomy together with his exceptional speed and reflexes allows him to deliver critical hits with extreme precision; at the same time he knows how to incapacitate his opponent without inflicting too much damage; his healing magic can be used to prevent someone from feeling pain, which can be useful in combat; Seb also seems to have some abilities of an empath, allowing him to sense the emotions of living creatures around him
Weaknesses: Seb is not very strong physically; he would try to avoid violence if possible, because he is actually afraid to kill somebody; however, if he is really angered, he may loose control of his actions and become excessively violent; he tends to go into a stupor after such outbursts, though; he also seems to get lost in thoughts often (unless he is performing an operation)
Weapons: His cane has a sword hidden inside it, though often he would rather just beat his opponent with the cane itself; carries a six-shot revolver, but also has two miniature single-shot pistols; carries small throwing knives among his instruments, also, during his travels in the jungle area, started to carry a wicked-looking machete; that ring with a ruby is actually a powerful magical weapon of some sort, but Seb never seems to use it

History: It isn't known where exactly Sebastian came from, but it seems to be pretty much irrelevant now. He had been a doctor for at least 350 years by now. However, one day he was hired by the Sabanethei family: he was to cure Kytharion's insomnia. However, Seb failed, despite being a doctor famous among Creatures. Kytharion in his anger ordered to punish Sebastian. Seb's younger sister, Valeria, and his best friend, Mikah, who were acting as his assistant, were tortured and maimed as an incentive for Seb to try harder. Mikah died, but Seb managed to escape with Valeria. He tried to heal her, but failed, and she died in his hands. Seb blamed himself for her death, but he also blamed the Sabanethei family. After that incident he started to use concealment charms to hide his identity and traveled around, helping people in need be that Creatures or Beings.

Disposition: Sebastian is generally nice towards everyone. He is very polite, but he seems to be rather cold at times. He also does not like to talk about himself, and hides his feelings behind a fake smile. Deep inside his heart he bears sorrow about his sister and hatred for the Sabanethei family who took Valeria. Actually, Seb is really a caring person, yet he avoids getting close with other people because he fears that they might get hurt because of him.

- Seb seems to like traveling very much. Even if he didn't have to hide from the Sabanethei family, he would have been traveling anyway.
- Seb is a really good doctor. He uses both magical and not-magical medical knowledge to help his patients.
- Seb suffers from recurring nightmares, and sometimes he cannot sleep at all. In such periods he tends to start drinking.
- Seb has a spell that neutralizes the effects of alcohol almost instantly. He can use this spell both on himself and on somebody else.

Quote: "I don't need miracles to heal you."

I have already shown it to Keaton, and she approved of it. I hope Cog approves too. :3


Cool.  How's he going to be inserted, though?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I have to say, I like it very much. Approved, good sir.

And I'm holding out for insertion by orbital drop, but I get the feeling I'll be outvoted on that one...


i like him as for orbital drop. i don't think we need any more attention called to use. while i toast my wits with Witt I'm sure less flashy one will be voted into being like him being an resident of where ever we are and some such. (don't mind me i haven't slept in 20 hours and i just want to say something. )
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Quote from: e_voyager on October 06, 2008, 05:12:19 PM
i like him as for orbital drop. i don't think we need any more attention called to use. while i toast my wits with Witt I'm sure less flashy one will be voted into being like him being an resident of where ever we are and some such. (don't mind me i haven't slept in 20 hours and i just want to say something. )

I was kidding about the orbital drop thing. That would be just silly. :B

But still hella awesome. :C

Ren Gaulen

Quote from: Cogidubnus on October 06, 2008, 04:53:13 PM
I have to say, I like it very much. Approved, good sir.

And I'm holding out for insertion by orbital drop, but I get the feeling I'll be outvoted on that one...
Sorry, Cog, but Orbital Drop is reserved for Ren. :P Keaton has come up with a better way to insert Seb in the story.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Nuts. Now I'll have to update the page I should have been updating all along, only even more so. :-/
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: Ren Gaulen on October 06, 2008, 05:23:06 PM
Quote from: Cogidubnus on October 06, 2008, 04:53:13 PM
I have to say, I like it very much. Approved, good sir.

And I'm holding out for insertion by orbital drop, but I get the feeling I'll be outvoted on that one...
Sorry, Cog, but Orbital Drop is reserved for Ren. :P Keaton has come up with a better way to insert Seb in the story.

But....but....the impact craters! The glorious streaks of fire in the sky! D:

Keaton actually has told me of her idea, though. I have already concurred that this is a good and excellent course of action. :B


One question, Cog.  I seem to recall that the first time Cross mentioned disappearing to escape the Family, you said that it wouldn't help because they had other ways of telling who someone was whatever their appearance happened to be.  That kind of breaks Cruz' backstory as written, does it not?

[See OOC around 2008/02/20]

Also, I f__ing hate it when the BBS engine times out and loses the plot.


Actually, looking at that again, it seems to me that only Linos has that ability.  If we assume that Cruz was considered too low a priority to merit his attentions, it kind of works out...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Cogidubnus on October 06, 2008, 05:21:55 PM
I was kidding about the orbital drop thing. That would be just silly. :B

But still hella awesome. :C

Don't even think about it. We all know how things end up whenever you choose to descend from the sky at a greater rate than the RP circumstances can tolerate...


Quote from: Stygian on October 06, 2008, 05:43:52 PMDon't even think about it. We all know how things end up whenever you choose to descend from the sky at a greater rate than the RP circumstances can tolerate...

Buuuuuuuuuuuurn. >:3

Okay, so I've got two things.

1) I've adjusted Keaton's profile. I've added a few weaknesses and limitations to her character profile.

2) I'm probably going to move things along with my next post. Do you think you guys are alright with a transition?

I ask this because a lot of character interaction is going on; particularly between Paige, Fal'taq, and Sal in group 1, Epyon and Witt in group 2, and Ty and Penny in group 3. Cogidubnus doesn't count cos he's unconscious. Cross and Pandora... uh, I'll get to that. Keaton is indisposed because she's sleepy and wants none of you peons to bother her.

Yugo and Ren's characters are probably going to show up soon, too. Thingses are planned.

Ren Gaulen

Quote from: Keaton the Black Jackal on October 07, 2008, 07:10:58 PM
Yugo and Ren's characters are probably going to show up soon, too. Thingses are planned.
Yay! >:D

llearch n'n'daCorna

... I kinda wanted to see Pandora's response to Witt, but I can live with that. Let me squeeze out a post responding to Epsy, and we'll see where that leaves us.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 07, 2008, 07:15:10 PM
... I kinda wanted to see Pandora's response to Witt, but I can live with that. Let me squeeze out a post responding to Epsy, and we'll see where that leaves us.

Actually, my response is going to come up before the transition. :3

llearch n'n'daCorna

Oh, goodie.

Something to look forward to. Or not. ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


140-150 proof? not bad for a drink but it's too much to just drink and entire bottle. 150 proof is 75% alcohol where ever clear is 190Proof or 95% alcohol green fairy is a wormwood brew in Europe and the rum vodka averages about 40% alcohol by volume, with 1/4 @ 40% and 1/2 @ 95% and the rest unknown to me i'm guessing that 150 proof is a good guess.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

llearch n'n'daCorna

150 proof is about 75% by vol. Since the "proof" rating is merely the alcohol by volume multiplied by two, it's a reasonable guess as to the quality. Er. Quantity, rather.

Let's just say it'd burn, easily. ;-]

Of course, it's also possible that Witt is guessing on the low side. ;-] (and he hasn't said what's in the other bottle he's pulled out, either.)

Bottoms up? *snicker* ok, as soon as Pandora responds, Witt is going to _have_ to use that line. ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


snickers. i thought  that might strike a few of us as funny. i think that epyon is going to slow down not wanting his belly full and sluggish. on an off note i have3 rum at home i use it to make cakes.

you know i think Witt is a bad influence on my poor undead Epyon.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Hmm, it's been a while since there was any activity in this thread.. hope I don't get nailed for this.  Anyway, I haven't seen this game switch to open yet but for when it finally does I thought I'd post the rough of my character here for consideration.  It's all up to modification/critique.

Name: Mao Laoren
Nickname(s): MaoMao, Mowser
Age: 27 approx (birthdays/age not recorded by the monks)
Race: Being
Species: Nictarl (Hare/Feline hybrid)
Family: Monastery of Ahn'ten.

Hair: Black
Eye: Red.
Fur Coloration: Patterned Black on white.
Appearance: Tall and rather stout.  Clothing seems road worn but of a fine cut.  Face is often expressionless until he speaks.

Combat Abilities:  Minor chi based energy manipulation that acts to augment his physical abilities (for example hardening of skin, temporarily increased speed and strength) that requires preparatory meditation and constant mental focus.  Skilled in evasion of melee attacks and skilled with fists, staff or Katar type weapons.  Suited for stealth.

-Physical strength is higher than normal due to lifetime as a monk and then mercenary/adventurer.
-Able to see the flow of events clearly, bordering on precognition due to years of extensive training in martial arts and chi based techniques.
-Very agile.
-Skilled in Ahn'ten style self defense (similar to Wu Style Tai Chi and Baguazhang)

-Has no way to deal with ranged opponents aside from chi based speed enhancements to close the gap.
-Unfamiliar with the modern world due to isolated living in the monastery.
-Doesn't understand or know much about machines and modern weaponry.  Due to the isolated lifestyle of his youth has a hard time relating to others and an even harder time acting in accordance with modern society.
-He also has a very dangerous aspect of his personality that he keeps in check constantly, however were he ever to lose control..
-While capable with chi, has no knowledge of magic (aside from it's existence).
-Wears no armor and only wears light clothing as otherwise would impede his movement.  Leaves him very vulnerable.

Weapon(s): Staff and a rather worn set of 'hooded' Katars.

History: Left at the Monastery of Ahn'ten as an infant there wasn't much to say about Mao.  He, like many others was abandoned to the monks who would raise them as one of their own.  He lived a normal live at the monastery, living without the modern world complications and as much as a nameless, faceless existence as was possible as such things were meaningless in the face of the divine.  All in all his life was completely ordinary until the accident at the monastery and his subsequent expulsion.  He doesn't know that he was in fact the cause of the accident as the monks never told him out of concern for his mental well being.  The knowledge he was expelled to ensure the safety of the others at the monastery would likely cause him great suffering and even possibly lead to another 'accident'.

Disposition: Shy at first but will warm up to others eventually.  Tries to only speak when something needs to be said (or has something he thinks is funny).  Generally fairly carefree as to where he's going and what he's doing but is generally against excessive violence and outright abhors killing unless necessary..

-Fond of meat based meals due to there never being any at the monastery.
-Likes the color Violet.
-Staff is of an odd shape and seems to have been cut off at one end.
-His staff and the cloth he was wrapped in were the only things found on him when he was left for the monks.
-Loves tea.

'It is true that all life is sacred, this includes my own.'


Well, there's at least two mods playing so I doubt anyone's going to be too mad.  I'm waiting for Keaton to post, myself.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

FWIW, the rules state that OOC threads are allowed to go quiet, and then be posted in, as long as the IC thread is still active. Or vice versa.

Which means that, since the IC thread is going great guns, you're not going to get growled at for posting in here.

You might get laughed at by the GMs, though. ;-]

On review, it appears that there are parts to your profile that aren't posted here. I presume that those parts will be passed on to the GMs for approval, as well...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears