[Art] Tony: Tony's Art Topic (Updated 02/06/08) Jyrras FanComic~

Started by Tony, December 05, 2007, 06:20:22 PM

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Well, since I -do- draw on occasion, I may as well post some of the things that I happen to sketch out, right? Unfortunately, I don't really have anything that has been done in the past, like, week or anything to show for critique or whatnot, and the most -recent- thing that I've gone full-out with color on happens to be this little thing right here; picture of my fursona. Yay. It was drawn with the intent of reference to the character (Though, I could probably do -better- for that), and for some ID-type thing.


As for what he -is-, he's... well. Hybrid fellow, of unknown canine and feline origin. Hence, his own species name 'caline' (kay-line. Just a hybrid of the words themselves, huttah.)

I suppose it wouldn't hurt to post a couple of other recent pics with him... let's see what I have that's worth showing...

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v232/loneshadowComic/randomkaraoke.jpg - This was drawn -ages- ago, like, about a few months. I randomly decided to sketch me and the Janus. Having a karaoke contest. Singing into hairbrushes. ... In our boxers. ... Yeah. Psst. I'm winning.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v232/loneshadowComic/shinyjanus.jpg - Another pic for the Janus, done just the other night, actually. It was originally going to be something with a birthday motif, but... someone wanted a shiny Janus, I forget who. So, I drew a shiny Janus. Only, in crystallized format. :D

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v232/loneshadowComic/tonywinterpre.jpg - This picture is... well. It's -going- to reflect a little design change. As seen in the fursona design, the fur is brown. However, with winter upon us (at least, here), I decided to change the design to fit with the season. So, once this is colored (if I ever get to that part), you'll be able to see pure white fur. (Little attributes include freezing breath, and a slight comforting chill emanating from the fur itself. That's simply for flair, I guess you could say.)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v232/loneshadowComic/Eggunhaver.jpg - And, for fanart purposes, a sketch done of Dr. Eggman/Dr. Robotnik in Gunhaver's outfit (from Homestar Runner). A random sketch that came out fairly well. Mustache could stand to be bigger, though. (Note; I don't recall seeing anything in the rules regarding fanart, so if this type of thing isn't accepted, please let me know. I'll remove it posthaste.)

I think that's good enough for a first batch. I apologize if I rambled too much with explanation material. More to come later.


Update 12/10/07

I drew this after the Janus did a retelling of a story about himself. I'm not going to disclose with that story was, but I will disclose the picture I drew after he finished.


More to come later.


Update 12/13/07

Yet another picture spawned by ferretness. This only came about due to the Janus showing off photos of his little hideaway, and upon his bed was a Panther plushie. In a little AIM quip, I attempt to steal it, then he shoved me onto the bed to pose with the plushie. Thus, motivation was sparked, and I went forward.


Yes, that room is actually a shabby little depiction that I saw in the initial photo, and yes, I did spend time making all of those little dotses for the carpet.

Overall, I'm proud of how it all came out. More to come later.


Update 12/26/07

First; Evidence our resident fanda is cute, regardless of his denying everything.


Secondly, a sketch which I actually spent time on. Rather proud how this came out, though I think the perspective is a little... off. :x Thoughts?


More later.


Update 01/08/08

I would be provided a photobucket link if the freaking site wasn't down. So, this will probably be one of the rare times I post an FA link to show the picture. I apologize if this trips any "NO ADVERTISING RAWR" beacons or something. It's not my intent to break that rule if it applies to this link; Photobucket's doing maintanence, and I can't get to my page to upload the picture. So this is a temporary measure. My apologies in advance.

But, without further ado, the picture. Let this rock thy world as my first addition to my artbooks of 2008.


I'm rather proud of this one, though I'm fairly certain there are things I could have done to make it better... One thing that comes to mind is the pants, and that rock there... any suggestions...?


Update 02/03/08

Well, I never did any fanart of Amber's wonderful comic, DMFA, so I finally got the impulse to do something creative, and I whipped up a sketch of one of my more favorite characters from the comic.

Here's Jyrras! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v232/loneshadowComic/jyrrasfanart.jpg

To quote my FA Description; "His outfit is kinda... altered here. I added a mix kinda thing... You'll note he has his glasses (in his right hand), his goggles, gloves, and tail rings from his usual outfit, whereas I threw in a couple of elements from his outfit during the Janus Bond Arc. Anything else, like the J on his undershirt, or those terrible boots, are my own influence."

I really like how it came out. Doesn't it make you wanna just pinch his cheeks?

Ah, poor Jy; The ideal representation of the curse of Cute.


Update 02/06/08

Speaking of Jyrras, I decided to make a little fancomic of the cute little guy. This didn't neccessarily come out the way I had wanted it to, but... I suppose we can consider this almost like filler arts.

You can expect the next thing I do to be colored, for once.

In any case, here's that comic; http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v232/loneshadowComic/jyrrasfancomic.jpg

I hope you enjoy, and I will be back with more artstuff soon.

More soon~


Hmm.   I like the first one.  Nice colouring.
With a little bit of tweaking he'd be a cheetah (which is about the most canid feline you get). 

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Janus Whitefurr

This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.


I like the work, except for the side profile of the head...Unfortunately since no one has actually ever done a furry side profile that I actually like, including myself, ant since there are no actual biological fursons to compare it too, I will complain about the leg benders...I don't know what's wrong, but something is off with the crystal prison scene and I think the leg bendies are what is hurting the picture.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


Quote from: GabrielsThoughts on December 05, 2007, 09:44:20 PMI don't know what's wrong, but something is off with the crystal prison scene and I think the leg bendies are what is hurting the picture.

Yeah, I do agree with that, actually. The positioning is at a completely weird angle, and I think my problem is that I drew too small of a space to contain the character in the first place. In addition, the proportions gave me trouble with that, and if the legs were actually straightened out, their would probably be a clear indication with the positioning of all the limbs that, somewhere along the line, something got messed up.

Thanks for your comments!


Your style reminds me of Dominic Deegan, somehow.
You are obviously doing lots of sketching and you're beging to be good at it, it shows. Why not try to draw something with ink too? From this point you should try to gain a new level of drawing. A level that's a bit more demanding and rewarding. I'm partly talking to myself too, because I think we are, more or less , on the same level.

Great coloring, btw


Annnnd added a sketch to the list of stuff above. I think I did fairly well with it.

Janus Whitefurr

Quote from: Tony on December 10, 2007, 02:10:27 AM
Annnnd added a sketch to the list of stuff above. I think I did fairly well with it.

D: *hide*
This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.


Next picture is up. Another sketch. I should probably get some colored junk up in the future sometime... On another note, I seem to be doing better with hands and feet, as well as proportions. What do you folks think? Is there anything I could do to help myself out moreso?


I like the hair, and the shading is good.  A CG-coloured version would be nice, but I can't really fault the picture for what it is.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


A colored version -would- be nice, wouldn't it? I'll put that in my list of things to consider. ^^

I haven't drawn much lately, but I have sketched a bit. Here's the latest one, more like filler than anything totally serious. It's evidence that our resident ferret/redpanda is, indeed, cute. Contrary to what he actually states.

Oh, and I just recalled as I typed this that I -do- have a serious sketch; Tony in a Strikers Charged-type motif. (I was on a kick with that game for a while, nyuk nyuk.) What could have been done to make it better? :o

More to come.


Wow that's a lot of Janus!

I like the first one a lot, and the second one was quite funny.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Thanks to my Morrowind binge, I have developed a fascination for cats in armour.  Even without that, I think the Striker picture is somewhat clearer than the Janus one, although the latter has the benefit of a gag and full background.

What could be improved?  Inking them  :3

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on December 26, 2007, 05:47:08 PMWhat could be improved?  Inking them  :3

How unfortunate that while I was in the middle of doing just as you had suggested, my tablet seems to have ceased to function... I need a new one before I can resume, so for now, it'll remain sketches. My apologies!

In other news, new picture for '08! Definitely an improvement upon myself, I do believe.


Quote from: Tony on December 05, 2007, 06:20:22 PM
I'm rather proud of this one, though I'm fairly certain there are things I could have done to make it better... One thing that comes to mind is the pants, and that rock there... any suggestions...?

I don't see a problem with the trousers.  Heck, I'd love to be able to draw them that well.  Oh, one leg might be a bit too long relative to the other (more than perspective would account for), but it took me a while to notice that.
As for the rock, it looks a little bit like a dumpling.  Probably this is a combination of it being very round and having wavy lines to texture it, but it's hardly a disaster.

I think the thing which really disturbs me about this drawing is his smile... it's like he's high.
Nonetheless, your style is growing on me.  I like it.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Nah, if he were high, his eyes would be half-closed. :razz


J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Well, it's been a while (One Whole Month. -Yikes-), but I've finally gotten something worth a look-over. Expect more common posts in the future! Check the first post for something different than usual~


Quote from: Tony on December 05, 2007, 06:20:22 PM
Ah, poor Jy; The ideal representation of the curse of Cute.

I didn't see that as cute.  To me that looks more like megalomania.  He is and should be saying "MUAHAHAHAAA!  AT LAST, THE WORLD IS OURS!"

Which I think is pretty damn awesome.  But not cute.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Cute is as cute does. But then, I suppose, that would make me megalomaniacal, by use of your logic, wouldn't it? Hmmm~...

In any case, Jyrras gets more fanstuff with a comic! Next piece, I plan to actually color and complete something here.