[Art] So i got bored and... 12-20-07

Started by schizo, November 01, 2007, 04:31:51 AM

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sprite sheet(in progress)
real mask
first sketches
johan cross
Doodle comic 1
something new 1
Something new 2
Something new 3
guitar 1
me being stupid

Decided "Hey im bored as hell,I think i will make a character!" This was the result,drawn crap will follow later.

Sienna Maiu - M T

I like the swirly of power and the cape. *snigger* mask...


I f i had a camera i would take a picture of that actual mask,i made one about a year ago.

Sienna Maiu - M T

If you had a scanner you could scan it, but why would anyone have a scanner but not a dig. camera anyways?


Cause they are stupid....EXPLAINS ME PERFECTLY:D


My crap sketches that i used as a reference.

I was just going to use a blank kabuki mask,such as the one guitarist buckethead wears,but then i found the one i had made.

Sienna Maiu - M T


I used to can my jewellery before I got a camera/access, why not give it a shot?


Nice sprites.  Total homebrew, or are you modifying another character?

Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on November 01, 2007, 05:52:33 PM
If you had a scanner you could scan it, but why would anyone have a scanner but not a dig. camera anyways?

'cause scanners are chaper than digital cameras.  At least, they're cheaper than any decent digital camera.


It is an edit off a base sprite of zero and bass,both bases have been edited slightly,except for the cloak i got that from the bass.exe sprites from the megaman exe series and almost completely reshaped it,i tried to make the colors more of a 32-bit style rather then the 16-bit both bases use.

I can never get over how useful megaman sprites are and how easily someone can edit them.

As for the mask,i could probably try to scan it later on tonight.


Please forgive my double post,but i got a picture of the mask albeit a bad one.


Sienna Maiu - M T


Just an old hockey mask my friend had,i drilled holes in the nose as the mouth was almost completely covered,for some odd reason i broke the entire bottom left corner off then i just started putting random piece of aluminum foil on it and holding them on with duct tape i cut the eye out and it looked kinda creepy actually,always looked it had an amused expression,i was going to get fake blood and draw a smile on it,it seemed like it would unnerving to look at that way,also there is guitar wire snaking in and out of various parts of it.


I hate the fact that i have double posted twice.
Just a picture i got in my head of what johan cross might look like in the throne room,I used the drawing style of jhonen vasquez and found i can use that somewhat decently.


Somewhat feline-looking, but I'm kind of honoured someone would decide to draw him at all, just out of the blue  :3

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Everytime i draw any type of anthro it always turns out looking feline,i have no clue why.
Im surprised nobody really does draw him that much,he is a very interesting character.


Sienna Maiu - M T

Well... atleast you're honest about it.
*(last line in the strip)

Weird, all of my cats are starting do look canine these days.
And all my canines just look stupid.


Unlike the first sketches and that REALLY idiotic comic,I actually put effort into something.

and here it it.

Sienna Maiu - M T

oooh... that's quite nice ^-^b
It looks like a racoon too... like the shading.

Yes, effort=good.


something new 1

I actually had this scanned yesterday but i had to darken some of the lettering in a couple of the panels so it would be at least somewhat readable.
Page 2 is about half done,so hopefully have that posted in a day or two two.

Yes effort is good,I really need to get into the habit of trying to use it more,on a side note,an anthro i drew finally did not look feline,WOO!

Sienna Maiu - M T

Well huzzah for that then.

In other news:



Something new 2

New page to the previous comic,turned out alot better than the last one though.

Sienna Maiu - M T

I'm finding the story strangely compelling now...


Something new 3

Wow,can't believe i forgot that i even had this done.




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I'm on deviantART.
Also FurAffinity


It was unintentional,that was just the weird lighting in my room,but i kind of like that it makes my face hard to see.


click here

I think me and my friends are insane. Im the one on the left.