Few thoughts about this place...

Started by Omega, November 10, 2007, 04:59:07 AM

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This place. The Clockwork Mansion... I've been here two or three weeks now, mainly lurching, because I can't think anything new or intelligent enough to say. Now, I'm not sure how much you want or care to know what I think about, but bear in mind that no one is prophet in their own land. Remember the words of Andre Gide: "Believe those who are seeking the truth; doubt those who find it." So keep your mind open to my thoughts and I will keep mine for yours.

First of all, it was never my intention to start posting in this place, but then certain "random hug" awoke me from my slumber. Of course, my first action was to forbid people from touching me , but I must say that it was the nicest welcome I've ever received in any forum (and trust me, I've been visiting in many places). You people are colorful, happy, nice (even when insulting). Sometimes it feels like you guys are made of marshmallows and silver linings. I've been in boards where the flame you to pieces if you make a one silly joke or have less than 500 posts. But in here, if someone even looks at you the wrong way, moderators will mangle him/her into a bloody pile of gore with their rainbow sticks while chanting some Gregorian verses. And there's so many girls in here (or at least I think they're girls  :paranoid) I didn't even know that that many female use internet. Look at all those emoticons. There's like every one for every week of a year. And this is the first time I've seen a spell check button! joy.

So everything is clean and pretty. The sun shines and green fields of grass wave with wind. Everyone have a smile on their face. Sound like a paradise, doesn't it? Well, not really. More like a police state. This place is ruled with an iron hand and those who stick out gets the stick. But what more can you expect from Pg-13 rated forum? People create the society and society creates the people. If the society is fascist, it will create selfrighteous fascistic people. I dunno. It just feels like there's a sword hanging above me whenever I post in here.
*notices that the moderators are getting a bit too close for comford with their rainbow sticks*

I'd like to remind you that this is not a rant and I'm not trying to play a demagogy here! Yeah, I know that I sound like one, but I'm not telling you to change anything. I don't know what kinds of seasonal catastrophes there has been and I cannot tell what the future holds. I'm just talking what I've seen in here for these passing weeks. If I don't like the way you people run this place, then I'll just have to adjust or stay away. The change starts from oneself. yes?

Amber Williams

Truth be told, the PG rating on the forum only really extends to the DMFA section, the RP section, and the Games section.  Everything else has an R rating and allows for mature content as long as there is a [NSFW] warning in the thread title.

The vast majority of the mod activities are actually done behind curtains, so what you guys actually see is only an ice-burg tip so to speak.  It's not really suprising that the grumpiest aspects are the only ones that ever hit the public...since all the easy resolved ones get solved via PMs and offscreen. :U



The mods are all nice people (maybe I'm exaggerating...), but we do try our best to help out and keep everything clear of stupid and happy for everyone. If you ever have problems or anything, we're here to listen - I know I'll listen to anything you need to say.

So you don't have to feel like there's sharp pointy instruments of doom over your head when you post, the forum isn't all PG - Amber already said it though, hehe.

But besides that, we feel that the forum should be a place to enjoy and have fun with other people. We'd hate to see it spoiled and the place start to get a bitter taste... If you have a certain issue, that's what we mods are here for, and then you can always rant on your blog or something. Not every "bad" thing is banned, but just certain things. Overall though, I like to think that the forum is a bit like extended family, here to support you and all that. :)

(Oh, and I don't carry rainbow sticks... here, have a muffin instead) :rj


It's odd

I realy haven't noticed much mod mauling
certain things will get a mod reaction but it rarely seems out of line,

hell they put up with my innuendo laced hijinks


We tend to nudge before we really start mauling.  A "don't do that" of some type is usually issued before we really start going to town.  I personally like to make examples, so that I only have to say things once or twice- I'm not a big fan of repeating myself.  Darkmoon's pretty much an ass, so anything he says should be taken with a grain of mean, but overwhelmingly, we're not here to make it suck for you, or make you feel like you're being watched constantly... you're nowhere NEAR that list ;)

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...



Woah! One starts criticizing the system and poff! Few of the top tots are already checking the closets and turning tables upside down. By all means, when someone starts accusing you (which I didn't), you can explain yourselves, but how did you find me so quickly?

*paranoia rising*

Quote from: Amber Williams on November 10, 2007, 06:27:24 AM
The vast majority of the mod activities are actually done behind curtains, so what you guys actually see is only an ice-burg tip so to speak.  It's not really suprising that the grumpiest aspects are the only ones that ever hit the public...since all the easy resolved ones get solved via PMs and offscreen. :U
That sounds like capitalism! FBI, Interpol, CIA, SUPO, Batman, KGB....                                                                                ...wait a minute...

Well, I'm sure it's better than public executions.

Quote from: RJ on November 10, 2007, 07:54:32 AM
Overall though, I like to think that the forum is a bit like extended family, here to support you and all that. :)
That sounds like communism!!

mmm... a muffin...

But seriously, there's nothing really wrong in here. It's just that it's not perfect. Now, would somebody take off these handcuffs.


No system is going to be perfect.

If you remove the rules, what you end up with is a lawless no-man's-land. Trust me, I've belonged to those forums in the past. Invariably, rules have to be instituted.

If you're lax with the rules, allowing things to slide because you're trying to foster happy feelings, you end up with some people feeling unfairly punished when other people were able to get away with "this or that". Rules have to be enforced evenly or not at all, and all the rules we have are, in our estimation, good and necessary rules.

And apparently, if you enforce the rules fairly, evenly, quickly, and across the board, people claim you're being too harsh.

No system is perfect, but you try to find the system that seems to work the best for what kind of arena you're looking to build.

Many of the members that came here are from the old DMFA forum, where there weren't a lot of rules... certainly not any that could be enforced, since the admins at the Nice wouldn't bother to do much of anything. Other members have come from Castlevania communities, none of which have ever managed to find the right admin to rules to members ratios or policies.

The goal in making this place was to establish a police state of a sort, yes. The rules are there for a reason. They are to be enforced. If that makes you watch everything you post out of fear you might say something wrong, well, I think that's the right response. I'm pleased by that.

Tis better for you to stare over your shoulder and post things that won't get you banned than it is for you to post everything that comes to mind and get kicked out.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


To be perfectly honest, this is, by far, the best moderated forum I have ever been registered to. :U  And I'm an administrator of two forums, myself.


I wasn't aware that the rules here were particularly strict.  The mods seem to keep things quiet pretty well, I guess.

Quote from: Omega on November 10, 2007, 08:52:34 AM
That sounds like communism!!

It's only communism if you're forced to do it.  We do it of our own accord, it's charity.


The difference between a police state and here is that anyone is free to leave whenever they like.
I think probably the best thing is that you have to seriously bother ...was it three mods before they'll agree to ban you? Three people have to agree that you've been a goob before action is taken.
If we are being ruled by an iron hand, at least it's a (largely) benevolent iron hand, right?
/kicks the internet over


For clear rule violations (such as Spam of failure to post NSFW warnings, as an example), a single moderator will normally handle it and them make mention after the fact to the other mods.

For rules that have to be interpreted (like when someone is being overly antagonistic to other members), it will usually take a vote of at least 4 mods to warn/ban a person for their actions.

That's 4 mods for a fair vote out of 7 total mods.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...

Amber Williams

Quote from: Omega on November 10, 2007, 08:52:34 AM
Woah! One starts criticizing the system and poff! Few of the top tots are already checking the closets and turning tables upside down. By all means, when someone starts accusing you (which I didn't), you can explain yourselves, but how did you find me so quickly?

*paranoia rising*

Cause it was 5AM and your thread was the only one that had new content in it. :U


Quote from: Amber Williams on November 10, 2007, 04:24:56 PM
Quote from: Omega on November 10, 2007, 08:52:34 AM
Woah! One starts criticizing the system and poff! Few of the top tots are already checking the closets and turning tables upside down. By all means, when someone starts accusing you (which I didn't), you can explain yourselves, but how did you find me so quickly?

*paranoia rising*

Cause it was 5AM and your thread was the only one that had new content in it. :U

i thought it was early for an American...

Reese Tora

Well, I've been here for a while, and I've noticed that there are a few people who push against the rules and ignore them, and the moderation system is fairly lenient and forgiving (at first!), with warnings and short bannings.

I don't feel particularly threatened while posting here (other than my own innate shyness!) except so far as I might worry a more controversial post will bring a warning down on me.

Then again, it's my nature to try and get along with everyone, and to follow the rules as best as I can.  I'm really not the best person to ask about getting on the wrong end of the moderator's rainbow sticks. ;)
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation

Amber Williams

I dont think there has ever been a case where a single post resulted in an official "you have been warned".  We are more than aware sometimes people have bad days, or emotions can run high in a particular instance.  At most someone might get a PM going "you may want to cut back a bit good sir. :U" letting them know they are starting to creep towards that zone.

But usually once you get the official warning in the public area, you have done a repeat situation with no sign of slowing.


Quote from: Amber Williams on November 10, 2007, 04:24:56 PM

Cause it was 5AM and your thread was the only one that had new content in it. :U
Hmmm... gotta remember that to the next time I'll be making a thread.

Well, this is the best thing I could have really hoped for: Cold, hard conversation about using power. Now, if we could get Machiavelli and Sun Zu quotes, it couldn't get any better.

"Order and disorder are the fruits of careful planning and preparations or lack of one or both"

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Omega on November 10, 2007, 08:52:34 AM
Woah! One starts criticizing the system and poff! Few of the top tots are already checking the closets and turning tables upside down. By all means, when someone starts accusing you (which I didn't), you can explain yourselves, but how did you find me so quickly?

Also, as a mod, I feel that I should be required to keep an eye on the pulse of the forum as a whole. So I tend to make sure I read - or at least glance over - almost every post in every forum.

Not all mods do that, nor are expected to do that. Being the single most verbose person on the forum (gee, why haven't I posted in here yet? ;-] ) has it's down sides as well...

As for defending ourselves? Nah. We're explaining where we feel you might have the wrong end of the stick. You're welcome to disagree - heck, I think we kept Netami around for most of a year, and he was disagreeing with -all- of us, and flagrantly breaching the rules to boot. Disagree, criticize the system, whatever. We're not going to ban you for thinking we're all morons. ;-]

As RJ said, we're reasonable people, and if you disagree with one of our actions, bring it to someone's attention, as per the rules. Even -we- make mistakes, so you can bet we pay attention if someone politely objects.

Quote from: Omega on November 10, 2007, 08:52:34 AM
But seriously, there's nothing really wrong in here. It's just that it's not perfect. Now, would somebody take off these handcuffs.

But they suit you so well! ;-]

Oh, yes. On death ground, fight. ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: dannysaysnoo on November 10, 2007, 04:28:53 PM
Quote from: Amber Williams on November 10, 2007, 04:24:56 PM
Quote from: Omega on November 10, 2007, 08:52:34 AM
Woah! One starts criticizing the system and poff! Few of the top tots are already checking the closets and turning tables upside down. By all means, when someone starts accusing you (which I didn't), you can explain yourselves, but how did you find me so quickly?

*paranoia rising*

Cause it was 5AM and your thread was the only one that had new content in it. :U

i thought it was early for an American...

If you go to WVU, posting at 5am means you left a party early.
The power and the glory is over, so I'll take it.
The power and the glory is over, so I'll make it.
The power and the glory is over, and I'll break it.
The power and the glory is over....


I gotta say, this forum definitely a lot more mature than most forums I've been on. I think there's perhaps one other forum that is up to the level of this one. It's kind of nice, especially in comparison to how it is on most forums where the 13 year olds rule.  :P

llearch n'n'daCorna

We try to keep the 13yos in check, without hampering the ones who are willing to spell correctly. ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 10, 2007, 09:27:04 PM
We try to keep the 13yos in check, without hampering the ones who are willing to spell correctly. ;-]

Here here! And kudos to the 13 year olds who spell correctly!


It's, "Hear, hear!" isn't it? :3


Quote from: xHaZxMaTx on November 10, 2007, 10:10:20 PM
It's, "Hear, hear!" isn't it?

:erk Dost mine ears deceive me or did you just.... :erk

Yeah, I guess it is.  :mowignore


Quote from: Amber Williams on November 10, 2007, 06:27:24 AM
Truth be told, the PG rating on the forum only really extends to the DMFA section, the RP section, and the Games section.  Everything else has an R rating and allows for mature content as long as there is a [NSFW] warning in the thread title.
What's always struck me as odd was (this is the impression I got, anyway) the decision that a signature could push the PG rating, as it was more of a general thing, or something like that.
Quote from: DamarisThis is the most freaking civil "flame war" I have ever seen in my life.
Yap yap.

Amber Williams

The best example I can come up with in regards to signature's pushing a rating would be TGH's.  I admit that the reasoning behind that decision wasn't so much that the mods/admins thought they were offensive, but  every month or so there was an argument regarding them and their content.  And after four+ repeat arguments over basically the same thing, we reached a decision that would hopefully curb the resulting arguments.  As such, a compromise of both sides had to be made for the sake of keeping the peace.

Unfortunately, the resulting cost is that if one person must be held to such a standard, then others must as well for the sake of fairness.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Besides - is it -really- that hard to keep the smut out of your .sig?

Sure, everyone gets kept to the same standard. It's not -that- high a standard, and, let's be honest - if you tried to wander down the high street wearing a shirt with non-PG-rated content on it (and I'm talking sex-related, specifically, not just violence; ain't it grand living in a hypocritical society?) you'd likely get arrested. All we're asking is that you keep to those same standards.

Reasonable, right?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Sienna Maiu - M T

Oh I don't know, I rather enjoy my stay here, but I guess that I mainly just like the people...
The only downside to this place for me is that there are times that I am simply far too lazy for the "reading"-thing.
It is unfortunate that a few friends have "departed" from here, but they haven't bothered to stay in touch anywho... *sigh* you can only stalk a person so long...

And I would imagine that it wouldn't be all that easy to moderate anyways, I know for a fact that personally, unless I had my sense of justice with the rules going, I far too much like being the nice person (although I may not always come across as such)

Quote from: Reese Tora on November 10, 2007, 04:39:08 PM
I don't feel particularly threatened while posting here (other than my own innate shyness!) except so far as I might worry a more controversial post will bring a warning down on me.

Then again, it's my nature to try and get along with everyone, and to follow the rules as best as I can.

Quote from: Reese Tora on November 10, 2007, 04:39:08 PM
I'm really not the best person to ask about getting on the wrong end of the moderator's rainbow sticks. ;)

Quote from: xHaZxMaTx on November 10, 2007, 10:10:20 PM
It's, "Hear, hear!" isn't it? :3
As in, "hear the man out/let him speak"

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 10, 2007, 09:27:04 PM
We try to keep the 13yos in check, without hampering the ones who are willing to spell correctly. ;-]
I was once a thirteen year old on-line, my content may have been stupid, but I'd like to say my spelling was Grand! (although... maybe my youngest was actually fourteen, yes, I do believe that to be the case)

I get the impression that this post is rather stupid... not forumalated in a proper manner and whatnot.


Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on November 11, 2007, 07:29:22 PM
And I would imagine that it wouldn't be all that easy to moderate anyways, I know for a fact that personally, unless I had my sense of justice with the rules going, I far too much like being the nice person (although I may not always come across as such)

I don't know about the other mods, but that's why I tend to not post conversationally.  I find that when people think you're "friends" then they feel they can manipulate you to their way of thinking (something I've been guilty of in the past.)  So, avoiding creation of friendships means that you don't have to worry about that.

Sad thing about that is you get lonely.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber