Started by Rammenstein, June 30, 2007, 04:19:36 AM

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Mhmm, like the title says. I've actually been reading DMFA since, like...god...the Twinks arc. Wow, didn't realize itg'd been that long. Anyway, I never really got into the forums much until my good friend Techmaster-Glitch. You know who I am. LONG LIVE MONKS!

Anywho, big fan of DMFA. Great comic. Like the forums, lots of good shtuff in them. I don't really feel like disclosing any info on myself, other than most people think of me as weird, silly, random and slightly crazy. Also, I am very literate (Thanks for that goes to roleplaying on Gaia) so I try to write well, even when simply chatting.

Well, that's 'bout it. Hope to see you folks in the forums. Ja ne!



Hey thar! Prepare to be molested by people saying mildly offensive or disturbing things, and keep an eye out for everyone. They're all dangerous. ;)
/kicks the internet over



...Wait...that's a bad thing, right?



Guten Tag Haz. Saw you in the funny pictures thread. That's some good stuff, no?


I don't recall, my memory works in mysterious ways.


Ah, yes. The memory. Happens to me at times, too. Meh, oh well. Not important.


Hey...You might not know me...But I am the firm small voice that lives in James Starrunners head..Yet to your surpize its a red&black huskie who dels on sweet snacks and souls of the innocent! Anyhow..Glad to see a new face and enjoy your stay...*drinks some jasmine tea*


*appears in a flash of blue light*

Greetings, and welcome to this refuge of strangeness.

Please be sure to leave any remaining sanity at the door, in the secure storage provided, and be sure to hang on to your claim ticket.

Beware of the muffin-bearing squirrel, avoid the talking box, be cautious of anyone in a gas mask, and generally be careful around folks (and mows).

Have a welcome gift. *gives the new person a souvenir coffee mug*

Enjoy your time here.

*waves, and vanishes in a shower of coloured sparkles*

"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

I'm on deviantART.
Also FurAffinity


*swirly eyes from flashes of light and sparkles*

Wahh...flashey overload...rebooting...

*falls limply to the ground*

llearch n'n'daCorna

*wanders past, whistling, and brushes Rammenstein into the gutter*

*dusts hands, wanders off*
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


*Ish face-down in mucky gutter water*



Quote from: Rammenstein on June 30, 2007, 04:49:12 AM

...Wait...that's a bad thing, right?
Only sometimes, dear.

That having been said, Welcome to the forums, enjoy, make yourself at home, etc...

Have an acorn.


I hate you.

Kill yourself now.

:stfu :youfail :plzdie :kthx

(not kidding  :<)


Oh friggedy. Not YOU rammy!
And I though you told me you were with DMFA from the Warrior arc, not the twink arc. :P

Well, I shall intoduce this person, who, believe me, has no sanity whatsoever to leave at this place's door. Meet someone who is an absolute ninjaphile, a Naruto fanboy so rabid that I do belive he would outshame even RJ (a 'who likes Naruto more' grudge match between Rj and ol' Rammy here...THAT's something I'd want to see! either that or you two end up falling for each oth..er......OH FRAK :erk ) and a complete Chuck Norris Obsessive.
Anyway, llearch, quick, come do your 'bad stealth admin' tricks on his ass! Bill, keep telling him to die! Darkmoon...um,...do something! Yeah! And Rj, for the love of the gods, SHOVE ONE OF YOUR MUFFINS DOWN HIS THROAT! I'll grab his arms and hold him! He cannot outmatch my mechanical strength! :mwaha


*shoots Rammenstein in the gut*

Oh whoops!  O:)


THANK YOU BILL! If I was an organic instead of a Robot, I would be giving you a hug right now!....and I would quickly regret it, of course...Well at least he's incapacitated enough for RJ to simplce plce one of her muffins in his mouth...
(And Ram, don't you DARE try to powwerplay, or even RP your way out of this. Bill here is an admin/mod. No matter what ninja crap you pull, he will always kick your ass ;) )

And you posted your intro thread while I was sleeping on purpose, didn't you? Asshat.


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 30, 2007, 09:55:59 AM
And Rj, for the love of the gods, SHOVE ONE OF YOUR MUFFINS DOWN HIS THROAT!

Can't argue there...




That is one of your radioactive grenade-bomb muffins and not an innocent one, right?


Let's just say that pregnant women should stay out of this thread.



Oh yeah, and just one thing Rammy. Yeah, you called it in Abel's story. You waited for Abel to take action, and he did. Abel finally broke out and attacked Aniz, and even went 'ninja' on his ass (if you count sneaking up behind with a wooden chair, which you prolly do). Too bad Abel's now got himself in an assload of trouble.

llearch n'n'daCorna

RJ, mind sparing one of those for techmaster? He looks hungry to me...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I'm a robot. I don't eat food... or muffins :)


Welcome to the forum. Enjoy your stay and all that good stuff.


Robots aren't allowed to post outside of the RP forum.  Better assume the identity of an organic before we catch on to you.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


*Ish now in many little itty bitty radioactive pieces*

Aww, come on now Tech-Dude. You know I don't powerplay. I despise that. I am a literate, fair and experienced roleplayer. You wound me more than that painful Muffin-Nuke.

Er, yeah. Warrior. That's what I meant. Why did I put Twinks? My mind must be atrophying on me.

OH YEAH! WHO CALLED IT?! I knew Abel was gonna snap eventually. Sadly, he is now gonna freak out. Poor, poor Abel.

Anyway, I agree with teh poorly stealthed admin. Just tear open his chest cavity and shove en EMP muffin in there or something. I'd help, but apparently I am now splattered across the forums. >.<


In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...