I just read the rules

Started by Axis, May 28, 2007, 12:50:28 AM

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Amber Williams

Really I figured the vulgarity rules were pretty common sense.  If someone is posting NSFW material, make note of it in the thread title...dont be a racist butthead...try to use swearing in moderation...dont post childporn or anything relating to it...

Or did I just miss the boat here.


The vulgarity rules are there for two reasons:

1) We feel that people should be able to look at the forum in an environment that might not be accepting of swearing.  It is our experience that thread titles jump out moreso than content of a post, which is why we decided on the no swearing in post titles.

2) I don't like hate language.  There is no reason to call someone a n*gger.  And since it's not acceptable in the inflamatory sense, then I personally don't feel that the "n*gga" double standard should be allowed either.  If you're going to be mean to someone, be more imaginative, and have good reason.

Now, I do agree that singling out people isn't nice.  However, I think there is a statue of limitation on how nice a person can be before they snap.  I also snapped about four years ago and have given up on being nice.  Calling someone a moron, for example, isn't always nice, but sometimes that's just what they are.  Thankfully, in this case one of three things happen.  They make an effort to fix things, they go away, or they continue being difficult and eventually get banned.

One of my big pet peeves on this forum are the people who post the unintelligble stream of conciousness posts that make absolutely no sense.  These are the ones I come down the hardest on.  Some of them (Leafer, who no longer posts here) are from other countries and English is their second language.  Some of them (and they know who they are because they've gotten PMs from me) are English speaking natives and can't be bothered to try to make sense.  As this is a text based communication technique, they need to make an effort.  So, they get checked more often.

There are a few people on my little list.  I check those people to see what they're up to.  But when you have a big forum, you've got to keep track of the people who sneak into the gym and set a bomb. *nods sagely*

Now, the locking threads thing... we don't lock to many threads, so I'm not sure where you're going with that one.

Hope that helps.  Clarification and all.  I'm not discussing this, by the way, because I do not have the patience for a painstaking quote fest.  Especially since I'm working 13 hours tomorrow, and will most likely come home cranky.  So please.  Don't make me post cranky.

*edit*  Damn you both, Dmoon and Mab. 

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


Boat sailed away, hit the ice berg, sank, then got made into a bad movie, already Amber :mwaha
Once upon a time I actually posted here.

Amber Williams

Quote from: Netrogo on May 31, 2007, 12:38:42 AM
Boat sailed away, hit the ice berg, sank, then got made into a bad movie, already Amber :mwaha

Thats it. I'm leaving on a jet plane...dont know when I'll be back again.


Yeah, but know you've got snakes. :/


Quote from: Damaris on May 31, 2007, 12:38:12 AM2) I don't like hate language.  There is no reason to call someone a n*gger.  And since it's not acceptable in the inflamatory sense, then I personally don't feel that the "n*gga" double standard should be allowed either.  If you're going to be mean to someone, be more imaginative, and have good reason.

Rules against hate speech aren't a bad idea in an international realm like the internet.  In quite a few countries around the world, they have laws regarding hate speech, and making sure that fans from all over the world can read your site without running afoul of local laws isn't a bad idea.

Germany has some pretty stringent anti-hate laws, for obvious reasons.  France has laws outlawing Holocaust denialism (and Armenian genocide denialism), and both the UK and Canada seem to have much more stringent laws than the US.  We supposedly have some in the US, but in practice, they only seem to be applied in cases where the person has been nicked for breaking other laws, too.  The first amendment makes it pretty difficult to make laws outlawing hate speech--I'd rather not make unpopular ideas illegal, myself.

I also believe that swearing is a useful and efficient way of conveying your current emotional state.  You could say ``This makes me angry,'' or you could simply say, ``F--- this!'' The latter makes the point much more unequivocal in fewer words, and provides the recipient with an insight into your thought processes.

You say that if you're going to be mean, you should try to be more creative about it.  I wholeheartedly agree.  A string of F-bombs isn't anywhere near as effective as something like This Penny-Arcade strip.  He uses one G-D, but otherwise, it's perfectly clean, and far more offensive than any four letter word could ever be.

The rules say not to say certain things in certain areas of the forum (and other things in any part of the forum), so I respect that rule, since this is a privately-operated forum, and I think you have valid reasons for implementing such a rule (despite the fact that I probably would never implement such a rule, myself).

Quote from: Amber Williams on May 31, 2007, 12:40:53 AMThats it. I'm leaving on a jet plane...dont know when I'll be back again.

Darn you!  Now I have to buy Peter, Paul and Mary all over again, this time in CD form!

(PS: Good luck on your 13-hour shift, Damaris.)

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


These things are so much less interesting when the mods react calmly and rationally.  >:[
Way to ruin it, guys.
/kicks the internet over

Amber Williams

I'm sorry.  They caught me at a bad time where I'm preoccupied with not being in trouble with the governments.  :<

Don't worry though, once I dont have to worry about being exported, I can spend more time flailing my arms and claiming I am impervious to making human mistakes.  :3


i think now i'm afraid.....  :U



Apparently, when I'm insanely tired, I am like God at this game.
I feel like I've wasted my life.
I'm leaving.


Which frightens me even more.....  :cry

Sorry, had some stress at job, so wasn't that much around.

And for the OP. It's sickening if you browsing through a forum only to read how people throws insults, swearwords or worse on each other. Better to keep this in check from the beginning. mho

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Zina on May 31, 2007, 05:43:09 AM
Apparently, when I'm insanely tired, I am like God at this game.
I feel like I've wasted my life.
I'm leaving.

I feel sorry for whoever the bunny landed on...
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Why? They get a nice hat!  :3


A nice hat true, but after the impact they'd have to wear said hat on their ass.
Once upon a time I actually posted here.

llearch n'n'daCorna

toes, I would have thought.

Although, the difference wouldn't actually matter...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


We should test this theory. We'll need a bunny, a rocketship, and someone duuuuBRAVE enough to test it.
Once upon a time I actually posted here.

Metal Juggernaut

Quote from: Netrogo on May 31, 2007, 08:09:26 AM
We should test this theory. We'll need a bunny, a rocketship, and someone duuuuBRAVE enough to test it.

OOooOOHH!!I love rockets!Sign me up!:P



Nice, that's the halfwiiiiiiierrr... Brave volunteer and bunny down. Now we just need to whip up a rocket.
Once upon a time I actually posted here.


We could always nick one.


* je.saist leaves a plot convenient Reliant Robin Shuttle laying around



Alright, now we tie TGH to the rocket, lauch it straight up. At a high enough altitude we have the rocket dislodge him in some plot convenient way. Then we push MJ under him and see what happens.
Once upon a time I actually posted here.


Metal Juggernaut

YAYYY!! I'll catch you hare ill catch you ,ill catch....I didn't catch you

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Well at least we have something to carry the mess away in, now.


What was the point of this experiment, I forgot.

