Wastelands, Run 2 [OOC - Closed!]

Started by Arcalane, March 28, 2007, 11:23:22 PM

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It does indeed have wheels.

But still, some background on recent history and the factions;

Fahlburg was the most technologically advanced of all the nations, and one of the largest, second only to Enteria and Dereth. It was respected and feared for it's advanced efficiency, which combined with it's advanced technology made it more than an even match for Enteria's Armoured Legions despite inferior numbers. Favoured weaponry included the Pulse Cannons (a mid-range multirole weapon, of moderate fire and decent power/caliber), Particle Cannons (a longer-ranged anti-tank and anti-structure weapon, of slow rate of fire and extreme power) and Plasma Bolters (short-range high-damage high rate of fire anti infantry weaponry) that lead to Fahlburg's victory over the numerically superior Chalen Protectorate. Fahlburg was fond of technological enhancement of it's soldiers, compared to the genetic engineering of the Protectorate and Enteria, considering the enhancement of existing soldiers more effective than vat-growing new ones. Fahlburg also had considerable research extending into the areas of artificial intelligence and self-aware warmachines, a few of which saw use towards the end of the conflict.

Enteria, to the south of Fahlburg, has been a long-time ally of the Protectorate, and the two shared a lot of technological developments, many of which were smuggled through the Fahlberger terrain at great cost. Enteria was known for it's massive industrial capacity, and whilst it wasn't as technologically advanced as Fahlberg, for every 'Paladin'-class HBT the Fahlberger GAFT could field, the Enterian Military could field twenty 'Heretic'-class MBTs. Fahlberg eventually resorted to bombardment of industrial areas in order to cripple the Enterian warmachines, and roughly a third of Enteria was burning within the following weeks as the Paladin-class tanks swept in with their dual high-focus particle cannons, outmatching any defensive forces the Enterians could field at such short notice. With the Fahlberg GAFT on the doorstep of the Enterian High Command, the EHC initiated the final phases of their last ditch attempt to take out Fahlberg.

First, the GAFT were crippled by deployment of an aerosol-based communications interferant to prevent them from responding to orders to mobilize and interrupt the launch of the EHC's six nuclear missiles. Nevertheless, the Fahlberg GAFT and ACAF were ready for such plans, and were well equipped to counter communications interference, rapidly mobilizing to counter launches, as they had already gained significant access to the EHC Communications Network. No less than three of these missiles were shot down, one going to GAFT Commander Hendrikson, and the other two to unnamed ACAF pilots, who sacrificed their lives, plowing their 'Seeker' class interceptors into the missiles. Two of the missiles successfully hit major targets within Fahlberg, the third survivor failing to detonate and burying itself somewhere in the southeastern lands after a guidance failure. With the EHC's second-to-last step having barely scratched the FHC, they resorted to their secret project, and basically dropped a gigantic chunk of rock from orbit onto the FHC itself. Whilst a significant portion of the asteroid was lost to re-entry, and an even greater amount chewed off by the FHC's formidable point defenses, enough survived to cause significant damage to the FHC, and the Fahlberg Militaries were put into disarray.

The GAFT concentrated primarily on pressing onto the EHC, determined to avenge the apparent loss of the FHC (in reality, the FHC was never truly destroyed - a significant portion of the above-ground facility was devastated, but the deepest levels remain unscathed and still inhabited, thus communications were split off) in a last ditch attempt. They succeeded, annihilating the EHC despite heavy casualties to salvaged and adapted weaponry. At last reports, all EHC personnel had been terminated. Commander Hendrikson himself seized control of the EHC's defense network, and the GAFT still retain control of the compound, awaiting news from the FHC, despite numerous attempts from the scattered and uncoordinated Enterian forces to liberate the compound. GAFT morale is reportedly at an all time high, as the GAFT enjoy nothing more than a good and bloody fight, something they've been getting plenty of all too recently.

Yes, the GAFT are a bunch of psychopathic bloodthirsty maniacs. Incredibly efficient psychopathic bloodthirsty maniacs with cybernetic enhancements and neural upgrades. Oh, and plenty of Pulse Rifles.

Fahlberg was known for it's fondness of the colour black, which was used on practically all of it's military forces in terms of uniform, vehicle colouration (when not camo-painted) and airforce.

Dereth was a primarily civilian nation located to the east of Fahlberg and not involved in the war up until the bitter end, where it recieved a small amount of fallout from the Enterian Nukes that actually managed to hit something. Derethian cleanup crews had the entire situation controlled within hours. Not much needs to be said about them, apart from that they are well known for their highly advanced medical technology, and possibly the most feared of all the major factions on the planet due to their peacefulness. Practically everyone feared them out of paranoia that they were really up to something, so when Fahlberg finally made moves against the Protectorate and Enteria, everyone was shocked. Dereth refused to get involved except that several medical units volunteered to assist in the evacuation of civilians and wounded military forces of all factions involved.

I think that covers things for the time being. Feel free to ask any questions you might have about the nations themselves.


Quote from: Sheridan on May 07, 2007, 10:44:28 AM
Fahlberg was known for it's fondness of the colour black, which was used on practically all of it's military forces in terms of uniform, vehicle colouration (when not camo-painted) and airforce.

You just said that because we just painted it black! D:


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I thought you only painted over the insignia and left the rest of the vehicle camo'd? :P

llearch n'n'daCorna

I thought one side was painted totally, and the other side only painted over the insignia....

... I mean, it occurred to me at the time that you might want to be consistent, but...
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Note: Soz about inactivity. I blame it on several weeks of test preps. I'll get back into it by next week, when tests end.


Uhh, exactly which truck are we in at the moment :P ?
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


The military variant is the only one with a hatch to look out of. :B

I should explain the vehicle's composition a little better anyway.

The nose of the vehicle is the driver's cabin, and has a seating area, with three seats facing forward behind the windscreen. The dashboard is pretty big and has drivers' controls on the right hand side. NVC (Neural Vehicle Control) jacks are in the middle seat for cyborg drivers to ensure balance and ease of driving, as many cyborg pilots or drivers complain when they are not in line with the middle of the vehicle. Behind that there are four somewhat cramped seats, with their backs to the walls, like small benches or couches. Doors are on both sides, for both drivers and passengers. This particular variant has an opening in the ceiling of the passenger compartment and a raised, magnetized flooring section to stand on where a bearing-rotatable pintle mount holds a heavy twin-barrel machinegun that synthesises it's own ammunition (a technological achievement only Fahlberg have managed to engineer). Directly behind the passenger seating and through a small door are the bunks - six, to be precise, in a double-bunk format. This variant is meant for constant work, so half the crew are sleeping whilst the other half are awake.

Then, behind that, and first articulated part, is the primary reactor. An effectively infinite-life fusion reactor that provides power for the entire vehicle. Allows control of heating/cooling to cargo units and forward unit. The articulation is jettisonable, and the front part has a backup reactor for propulsion (as well as enough wheels to stay stable) in case of emergencies such as rockslides where the rear end of the vehicle may need to be ejected in order to keep the crew alive or at least unharmed. Behind that are the articulated cargo pods, each of which can be packed with various goods. Properly hooked up, they can also be heated or cooled by the reactor unit in order to preserve their contents. Each pod is airtight, and opens from the sides and above. They are NOT suitable for storing liquids at high pressure as they are primarily cargo, not liquid transport pods. They are, however, suitable for storing liquids at standard pressures, and for long distance hauls in the deserts, one or two pods are often filled with water to ensure crew survival, whilst the third is used to store cargo.


Well yes :P

I presumed we where in the military variant because thats the one everyone else was messing about with...
However from what I could tell, sombers char got into the first one, which is the blue lined variant with out the armour or guns...
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


Quote from: Malakin on May 09, 2007, 03:48:08 AM
However from what I could tell, sombers char got into the first one, which is the blue lined variant with out the armour or guns...

That's what I thought, figured you were just going to practise driving outside.

So which way is it? Are you going out for real or just practise some?
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Terra would have gotten into the closest one, but more likely the blue.  After all there are particle cannons overhead.  Best not to get into something that can do damage.

Also, I'm currently working 60+ hours this week and next week so my posting will be minimal.  Sowwies.

Also, the chalean protectorate... since Malakin was kind enough not to nix it off the bat I guess I should give a little info.

The Chalean protectorate started as a handful of small nation states wishing to remain independant of the increasingly developed Falhberg state.  The largest of these nations, Chal, struck a deal with Enteria for war material in order to protect itself from Falhberg.  Chal conquered its neighbors under the auspice of 'protection'.  Unfortunately the conqured nations were in a bind as they couldn't ensure that Fahlberg would grant them autonomy, so within twenty years they were absorbed into newly chrisened 'Chalean Protectorate.'  The protectorate recieved heavy infrastructure investment from Enteria.  Despite all this, the protectorate was kept technologically stunted.

One aspect of the Protectorate is that it is adamantly communist, hierarchical, and totalitarian.  Every citizen is considered a part of the military from birth, and a superior officer can literally order you out of your house, minus clothes and boots.  Despite the potential for abuse, corruption is lower than many expect.  That is because the protectorate is a heavily monitored society, with frequent loyalty tests and public execution and humiliation for corrupt or unzealous officers.  Of course the uppermost commanders live like princes while their citizens freeze... a burden of leadership.

"Iron and stone cost money, but blood is free."  is a frequent saying in the protectorate.  Work is compulsitory and hazardous.  Accidents are frequent, but there is always another to take their place.  In an odd way, Chaleans take pride in their disposability.  Chaleans industrial cities are massive, largely underground, sprawling affairs in which most people would find the conditions torturous.  While the protectorate lacked the ability to build nukes, they recieved many nuclear reactors fron Enteria and have always salivated over Fahlberger energy sources.  Coal makes up for the difference.  The Protectorate sits on some of the largest remaining resources in the world, and they know it.  With Fahlberg and Enteria shattered, they now look north and begin to dream that their destiny is on the rise.


Quote from: Somber on May 09, 2007, 07:30:21 PMAlso, the chalean protectorate... since Malakin was kind enough not to nix it off the bat I guess I should give a little info.


Get your gear in order here. Malakin is another player. I'm the one who's GMing here, silly. :B

Also, the military vehicle poses 0 threat to the bunker. Whilst the HMGs are indeed a considerable threat to enemy infantry and lighter vehicles, it would take several lucky shots to actually take out the turrets, and it would also be practically impossible to do any serious damage to the considerably smaller though no-less-durable-than-the-bunker-entrance blast doors leading into the base's corridors.

And the guns are incapable of achieving the angle required to fire up at the turrets. :> Mack is controlling the turrets, and Mack is a smug little bastard who knows far too much about the weakpoints of all military vehicles. Chances are he would pop the reactor, since the 'lobby', as it were, is capable of containing the explosion - most of which would be vented into the courtyard to begin with.

Also, the turrets are pulse, not particle. Medium rate of fire, good against infantry and vehicles.

Fahlberg use their rapid-fire Plasma Bolters for anti-infantry duty. These weapons are not very effective against vehicles, as they have very poor penetration and do very little kinetic damage. They do, however, deal a lot of thermal damage and are prone to overheating when fired for extended periods. Their main advantage is high rate of fire. However, due to their high power needs, many older Fahlberg vehicles still fit machineguns with ammo-synth systems, to keep maintenance costs low. Close modern comparisons are the Browning M2. Plasma Bolters come in various sizes, from infantry handguns, rifles, light machineguns for squad support, up to heavy machineguns for vehicle anti-infantry uses and a few prototypes of liquid-cooled multi-barrel 'Gatling' plasma units.

For light vehicles, Pulse Cannons or Pulse Guns are often employed. They deal more kinetic damage than the Plasma Bolters, and are fairly explosive. As they deal damage over an area, they are ideal for anti-infantry duty. They are ineffective against armour unless they can score a direct hit unless they are firing on lighter vehicles. Pulse Cannons are often mounted in pairs and set to fire alternatingly to keep a constant stream of projectiles going for suppressive fire. Pulse Guns are slightly larger, and mounted singly. The closest modern comparison in terms of deployment and use is an automatic 40mm grenade launcher for Pulse Cannons, and light cannons for the Pulse Guns.

Particle Cannons are devastating anti-tank weaponry, dealing a considerable amount of kinetic damage that in some cases takes a particle bolt in one side of a vehicle and out the other. Whilst they are capable of reducing infantry to fine red mists, they deal no damage over an area. They also deal a significant amount of electromagnetic damage to the target's computer systems, meaning a shot that doesn't kill often cripples even more severely than just immobilizing it. The closest modern comparison for deployment and use is the 120mm cannons.


llearch n'n'daCorna

I wondered about that.

... I -like- Mack. :-]
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


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We'll just have to assume she's taking a long nap in the bunks or something. :B


Quote from: Sheridan on May 20, 2007, 03:37:56 PM
We'll just have to assume she's taking a long nap in the bunks or something. :B

Caden is just quiet, he only speaks if there is something to be said.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


This matters how? We're talking about Paladin & Ephrael, not you & Caden. :P


Heh, well If I'm non-essential I'll slip away from here and focus on standing up my Bay area sites.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Paladin Sheppard

Sorry I've been away guys still going to be spoty on my posts for atleast another week or so.


Hey guys, Im realy realy busy at the moment :(

I will try to find some time to post though...
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


Tis the time of the year.  Alice and I had to find a new place to live on short notice.  It's been a crazy week, and next week isn't going to be much better.  Hope to be back soon.


Well, Im ready to go again, sorry for holding things up :(
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


Anyone else going to post? If not, I would like to know what Johanna found in the console.
She never tells me anything. :<
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"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.

llearch n'n'daCorna

I could post, if you want.

I mean, I'm not playing, and I wouldn't be welcome, and Arcalane would go spare (and rightly so), but I can still post... :-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 16, 2007, 01:28:19 PM
I could post, if you want.

I mean, I'm not playing, and I wouldn't be welcome, and Arcalane would go spare (and rightly so), but I can still post... :-]

You can, but then I'd find you and carefully remove your vital organs whilst you get to watch. :U

I'll get a response up soonish.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Arcalane on June 16, 2007, 02:55:51 PM
You can, but then I'd find you and carefully remote your vital organs whilst you get to watch. :U

... My monkeys?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


llearch n'n'daCorna

What were you going to remotely do to them? ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 16, 2007, 06:03:50 PM
What were you going to remotely do to them? ;-]

Llearch's are not involved in RP...
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Sorry for being absent so long.  If possible I'd like to rejoin with Terra, if that's still acceptable to the story.  I think I got things together for a bit.  Fire has a way of disrupting your life.

