Off-Topic: School Essay Questionairre. Results

Started by Kenji, February 17, 2007, 05:43:14 PM

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This project has been concluded!
See some of the results HERE


Well, for anthropology class, I need to collect information on random biological aspects of a group of people. So, I was wondering if any of you would be willing to participate. All you need to do is fill out the questions below, copy and paste if need be, and answer them how you see fit. I don't believe any of them are too personal, but if there's one you find you'd rather not be made viewable here, you can always pm me about it. Just make sure to put "Essay Questionairre" as the topic. Thanks in advance to anyone participating in this. Now on to the questions!

Eyebrow Thickness: (thin, average, thick)
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Finger Length: (artist fingers, sausages, etc)
Free earlobes or attached: (whether the bottom hangs free or is attached to your head)
Double-Jointed: (Y/N)
Multiple Finger Dexterity: (can you do the "live long and prosper" hand sign, etc)
Can you curl your tongue: (Y/N)
Eyes stay one color or change:
Life-long diseases or abnormalities:
Blood type:
Lactose Intollerant: (Y/N)
Sexual orientation:
Artistic: (drawing, sculpting, music; please specify)
In our out belly button:
Colorblind: (Y/N)
Flat footed: (Y/N)
Multitaskable: (I.E. as in rubbing your belly and patting your head)


Height: 5'9"
Weight: 226 lbs (I'm loseing weight sweet)
Allergies: None
Eyebrow Thickness: Umm average I guess
Hair Color: Brown to auburn
Eye Color: Hazel
Finger Length: Average
Free earlobes or attached: Attached
Double-Jointed: No (techincally impossible to be doubel jointed. You just have flewable joints)
Multiple Finger Dexterity: Yes?
Can you curl your tongue: Yes
Eyes stay one color or change: They change once in a while. Either Hazel with a gold tint or almost a grey
Life-long diseases or abnormalities: Heart Patient (Enlarged heart)
Blood type: iunno
Lactose Intollerant: No
Sexual orientation: Straight
Singular/Twin/Triplets/etc: Singular (Although my two year older brother and I could pass for twins)
Artistic: Nothing
Smoker: No
In our out belly button: Ummm in
Colorblind: No
Flat footed: No
Multitaskable: Yes
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Height: 5'9"
Weight: I can honestly say I don't know. I don't have a scale, and I never remember what the doctors tell me at my yearly check-up. Probably more than 200 pounds, though.
Allergies: None
Eyebrow Thickness: Average
Hair Color: Naturally dark brown. Currently black and purple.
Eye Color: Hazel
Finger Length: I...I don't know. Normal?
Free earlobes or attached: Attached
Double-Jointed: No
Multiple Finger Dexterity: Yes
Can you curl your tongue: Yes
Eyes stay one color or change: Change from brown to green
Life-long diseases or abnormalities: Nope
Blood type: No clue
Lactose Intollerant: Yes
Sexual orientation: Straight
Singular/Twin/Triplets/etc: Singular
Artistic: Drawing and writing, I s'pose
Smoker: No
In our out belly button: In
Colorblind: No
Flat footed: No
Multitaskable: Yes


Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 190lbs, although I'll deny it if anyone says anything about it ;)
Allergies: floral, some soaps
Eyebrow Thickness: average
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Finger Length: I have average to long for my hand size.
Free earlobes or attached: free, accornding to Darkmoon
Double-Jointed: No
Multiple Finger Dexterity: Yes
Can you curl your tongue: Yes
Eyes stay one color or change: One color
Life-long diseases or abnormalities: none that I am aware of
Blood type: o+ (I think)
Lactose Intollerant: No
Sexual orientation: Straight
Singular/Twin/Triplets/etc: Single birth
Artistic: I'm good with leatherwork, so probably drawing (I'm completely untrained)
Smoker: No
In our out belly button: In
Colorblind: I don't think so, but I do have many color arguements with Darkmoon
Flat footed: No
Multitaskable: Yes

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 140
Allergies: Dust, Pollen, Mold, Animal dander
Eyebrow Thickness: average
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: brown
Finger Length: piano fingers
Free earlobes or attached: free
Double-Jointed: no
Multiple Finger Dexterity: yes
Can you curl your tongue: yes
Eyes stay one color or change: stay
Life-long diseases or abnormalities: none
Blood type: A-
Lactose Intollerant: no
Sexual orientation: straight
Singular/Twin/Triplets/etc: single
Artistic: drawing (sometimes), painting, web and graphic work.
Smoker: no
In our out belly button: in
Colorblind: no
Flat footed: yes
Multitaskable: yes
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Eyebrow Thickness: average
Hair Color:dark brown
Eye Color:drk brown
Finger Length:artistic
Free earlobes or attached:free
Double-Jointed: Yes
Multiple Finger Dexterity: yes
Can you curl your tongue: yes
Eyes stay one color or change: gradually changes from light  to dark brown
Life-long diseases or abnormalities:no' maybe
Blood type:?
Lactose Intollerant: no
Sexual orientation:still unsure
Artistic: cant say
In our out belly button:in
Colorblind: no
Flat footed: no
Multitaskable: yes


Sure, I'll give it a shot...

Weight:Around 190
Allergies:Chocolate, silver (No, I'm not kidding...*sighs*)
Eyebrow Thickness:Thick
Hair Color:Dark brown
Eye Color:Grey
Finger Length:Um, average
Free earlobes or attached:Attached
Double-Jointed: In places, yes
Multiple Finger Dexterity:Left hand yes, right hand no
Can you curl your tongue:Yes
Eyes stay one color or change:Change. Pretty much the entire normal range of colors
Life-long diseases or abnormalities:Define "life-long". I have had gran mal seizures of indeterminate origin for almost fifteen years. Also a deviated septum from birth, which is a family trait that causes sinus problems (particularly nosebleeds).
Blood type:Red
Lactose Intollerant:No
Sexual orientation:Straight (Is celibate an acceptable answer?)
Artistic:Writer. "Words are my sword; you are an ass..."
In our out belly button:In
Flat footed:No

What do I win, besides a large number of stares and curious looks? *grins*


Height: 5'3"
Weight: 134 lbs
Allergies: None
Eyebrow Thickness: Average
Hair Color: Dirty blonde
Eye Color: Brown
Finger Length: Artist fingers, slender
Free earlobes or attached: Free earlobes
Double-Jointed: Yes.
Multiple Finger Dexterity: Yes
Can you curl your tongue: Yes, but not completely.
Eyes stay one color or change: Stay one color
Life-long diseases or abnormalities: None
Blood type: O
Lactose Intollerant: No
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual.
Singular/Twin/Triplets/etc: Singular.
Artistic: Drawing and writing.
Smoker: Hell no.
In our out belly button: In.
Colorblind: No.
Flat footed: No.
Multitaskable: No.

~Keaton the Black Jackal

Aisha deCabre

Height: 5'4''
Weight: 150 (last I checked anyway...)
Allergies: None that I know of
Eyebrow Thickness: Average
Hair Color: Dirty blonde naturally, but I color it's a very light strawberry blonde
Eye Color: Hazel
Finger Length: No idea...average I guess.
Free earlobes or attached: Free
Double-Jointed: No
Multiple Finger Dexterity: Yes
Can you curl your tongue: Yes
Eyes stay one color or change: I think they stay one color.  I haven't looked closely.
Life-long diseases or abnormalities: Nope
Blood type: O-Positive
Lactose Intollerant: No (Thank goodness :3 )
Sexual orientation: Straight
Singular/Twin/Triplets/etc: Singular
Artistic: Writing and drawing
Smoker: No
In our out belly button: In
Colorblind: No
Flat footed: Um... *checks*  No
Multitaskable: Yes
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


I guess it's for the best... [shrugs]

Height: 6'0"
Weight: Roughly 200 lbs
Allergies: None
Eyebrow Thickness: Average
Hair Color: Very light blond, almost white at temples
Eye Color: Grey
Finger Length: Climber's fingers; long and strong
Free earlobes or attached: Free
Double-Jointed: No
Multiple Finger Dexterity: Yes
Can you curl your tongue: Yes
Eyes stay one color or change: They shift to shades of green and blue, depending on how you look
Life-long diseases or abnormalities: I have sustained some damage to my left shoulder nerves thanks to some nails, so my left arm feels less than my right, but it moves just fine. Apart from that, I am pretty heavy proportionally, I have unusually long limbs, and I am also much too fit for the kind of life I lead.
Blood type: O positive
Lactose Intolerant: No
Sexual orientation: Wouldn't you like to know...
Singular/Twin/Triplets/etc: Singular
Artistic: Drawing, singing, playing guitar and piano, writing.
Smoker: Yes. But never smokes cigarettes.
In our out belly button: In
Colorblind: No
Flat footed: No
Multitaskable: Very

Paladin Sheppard

Allergies: none
Eyebrow Thickness: avg
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown/hazel
Finger Length: avg
Free earlobes or attached: free
Double-Jointed: No
Multiple Finger Dexterity: No
Can you curl your tongue: Yes
Eyes stay one color or change: Change
Life-long diseases or abnormalities: No
Blood type: ?
Lactose Intollerant: N
Sexual orientation: Hetro
Singular/Twin/Triplets/etc: Singular
Artistic: Writing
Smoker: No
In our out belly button: In
Colorblind: No
Flat footed: Yes
Multitaskable: Yes

James StarRunner

Height: 6'0
Weight: 135lbs (I'm slowly gaining it back thank goodness)
Allergies: seasonal (some pollens)
Eyebrow Thickness: Average
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Finger Length: Artist fingers I guess. Long and slender.
Free earlobes or attached: Free
Double-Jointed: Nope
Multiple Finger Dexterity: Yep
Can you curl your tongue: Heck ya! I could drink from it like a straw!
Eyes stay one color or change: blue to blue-green
Life-long diseases or abnormalities: Crohn's Disease (similar to irritable bowel syndrome)
Blood type: Pizza sauce? I think it's O negative
Lactose Intollerant: Nope
Sexual orientation: Straight
Singular/Twin/Triplets/etc: Singular
Artistic: Drawing, music (trumpet), writing, acting
Smoker: I'd be dead if I did smoke, so heck no!
In our out belly button: In
Colorblind: Nope
Flat footed: Nope
Multitaskable: Yeppers

Crap! I'm such a lightweight!

By the way... 5'11 and 183lbs for Pal


Height: 6'2''
Weight: 135 .lbs
Allergies: None
Eyebrow Thickness: Average, I guess.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Finger Length: Not particularly long or short
Free earlobes or attached: Attached
Double-Jointed: No
Multiple Finger Dexterity: Yes
Can you curl your tongue: Yes
Eyes stay one color or change: Stay one color
Life-long diseases or abnormalities: No
Blood type: AB+
Lactose Intollerant: No
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Singular/Twin/Triplets/etc: Single
Artistic: Music
Smoker: Nope
In our out belly button: In
Colorblind: Partially blue
Flat footed: No
Multitaskable: Yes<br /><br />My Weasyl!


Isn't Crohn's the one where you actually get better from smoking...? Just a bit offtopic questioning here... Oh, and how much did you weigh before, if I might ask, James?


Height: 5'11"
Weight: 220
Allergies: none known
Eyebrow Thickness: thick
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: blue
Finger Length: Not sure, but they are fairly long
Free earlobes or attached: free
Double-Jointed: yes
Multiple Finger Dexterity: yes
Can you curl your tongue: yes
Eyes stay one color or change: yes
Life-long diseases or abnormalities: None known
Blood type: B+ (almost got me killed X3)
Lactose Intollerant: No
Sexual orientation: Straight
Singular/Twin/Triplets/etc: single
Artistic: Coding.  What?  Are you saying code isn't an art?
Smoker: No
In our out belly button: in
Colorblind: no
Flat footed: no
Multitaskable: yes
The All Purpose Fox

llearch n'n'daCorna

Hmm. KBJ, Action Jesus, and James are the only ones lighter than I am.

Damn. I should try to put on another 2kg or so - the last two took me 10 years or so...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Height: 6'2"
Weight: 175 lbs
Allergies: mold, seasonal (pollen, unknown type)
Eyebrow Thickness: average
Hair Color: very dark brown
Eye Color: brown
Finger Length: relatively small for my size 
Free earlobes or attached: attached
Double-Jointed: No
Multiple Finger Dexterity: Yes
Can you curl your tongue: No
Eyes stay one color or change: Yes
Life-long diseases or abnormalities: Nothing specific
Blood type: I don't remember
Lactose Intolerant: Yes
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual
Singular/Twin/Triplets/etc: Singular
Artistic: Absolutely none
Smoker: No
In our out belly button: In
Colorblind: No
Flat footed: No
Multitaskable: Yes
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Height: 182cm (5'11 2/3")
Weight: 60kg (135lb)
Allergies: No common allergies. I did once have a skin reaction to some green cough medicine (being green, it was probably poison :< ).
Eyebrow Thickness: Average, I guess
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Finger Length: I dunno, normal?
Free earlobes or attached: Free
Double-Jointed: No
Multiple Finger Dexterity: Yes
Can you curl your tongue: Yes (just the one big loop)
Eyes stay one color or change: I don't think mine change *shrugs*
Life-long diseases or abnormalities: My top left central incisor was smashed in when I was 10 and now it can't feel anything (handy for cold things).
Blood type: I dunno
Lactose Intolerant: No
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Singular/Twin/Triplets/etc: Singular
Artistic: Not really, well, I don't think so anyway.
Smoker: No
In our out belly button: In
Colorblind: No
Flat footed: No
Multitaskable: Yes, kind of... once you get it down it's not so hard.

James StarRunner

Quote from: Stygian on February 17, 2007, 10:37:13 PM
Isn't Crohn's the one where you actually get better from smoking...? Just a bit offtopic questioning here... Oh, and how much did you weigh before, if I might ask, James?
I never heard anything like that, but I've had my lung collapse a few times and had surgery on it and it's because of my lung issues that I figure smoking would likely kill me.

As for weight... Before I had the crohn's, I was 167lbs, still slender for my height, but I went down to an alarming 105lbs. So I gained about half of it back so far since they cut out part of my guts.

Now if someone calls me 'gutless', they'll be partly right!  :3

Reese Tora

Quote from: Kenji on February 17, 2007, 05:43:14 PM
Well, for anthropology class, I need to collect information on random biological aspects of a group of people. So, I was wondering if any of you would be willing to participate. All you need to do is fill out the questions below, copy and paste if need be, and answer them how you see fit. I don't believe any of them are too personal, but if there's one you find you'd rather not be made viewable here, you can always pm me about it. Just make sure to put "Essay Questionairre" as the topic. Thanks in advance to anyone participating in this. Now on to the questions!
Height: 5'8" or 5'10"
Weight: Seriously, I don't keep track... maybe 150?
Allergies: nothing I take medication for, maybe a mild one to dust or pollen
Eyebrow Thickness: average
Hair Color: dark brown
Eye Color: hazel
Finger Length: about equal to my palm, I would call it a little longer shorter than average
Free earlobes or attached: borderline, you could call it either way.
Double-Jointed: N
Multiple Finger Dexterity: for the most part, yes
Can you curl your tongue: In what way? I can make a u shape, but that's about it
Eyes stay one color or change: change
Life-long diseases or abnormalities: um... none I can think of
Blood type: I seriously don't know
Lactose Intollerant: N
Sexual orientation: good question  :confused I know I like girls, I havn't really explored the idea of liking guys (despite teh intarnetz) I'm gonna have to call it straight at this point.
Singular/Twin/Triplets/etc: singular
Artistic: a little of everything, but not really good at anything
Smoker: not now, not ever
In our out belly button: deep in
Colorblind: N
Flat footed: N
Multitaskable: To an extent

changed one thing on finger length, they're a little shorter than my palms, not longer
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Quote from: The Grey RoninAllergies:Chocolate, silver (No, I'm not kidding...*sighs*)
*considers doing a werewolf joke, but decides against it*

Height: About 5'9"
Weight: I don't keep track much, I don't have a scale at home... around 65kg (I think)
Allergies: None that I know of.
Eyebrow Thickness: Average
Hair Color: Sort of dirty blond (used to be lighter, but darkened as I got older)
Eye Color: Somewhere in the blue/grey/green range (depends on the light a bit)
Finger Length: About average
Free earlobes or attached: Free
Double-Jointed: (Y/N) No
Multiple Finger Dexterity: I can do the "live long and prosper" hand sign, but that's about it
Can you curl your tongue: Yes
Eyes stay one color or change: Varies a bit depending on the light (I think they used to be more blue when I was a kid)
Life-long diseases or abnormalities: A twisted bowel, that was only properly diagnosed and treated when I was 25. Also, the first two toes (next to the big toe) on each foot are fused together, up to the root of the toenails. It's hereditary.
Blood type: O+ (I became a blood donor some years ago. One of these days I will go back and make a second donation...)
Lactose Intolerant: No
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual
Singular/Twin/Triplets/etc: Singular
Artistic: Some drawing, occasional digital photography, sporadic outbreaks of writing
Smoker: No
In our out belly button: In
Colorblind: No
Flat footed: No
Multitaskable: Yes

"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

I'm on deviantART.
Also FurAffinity


Height: 194 cm ± (6'4"  ± )
Weight: 84 Kg ± (185 lbs ± )
Allergies: Some minor things.
Eyebrow Thickness: Average/thick
Hair Color: dark blond/brown
Eye Color: darkish-Blue (in white or sun light)
Finger Length: short for my length (sleekish)
Free earlobes or attached: Uh, attached
Double-Jointed: No
Multiple Finger Dexterity: No
Can you curl your tongue:  No (small tongues is bad D:)
Eyes stay one color or change: Changy?
Life-long diseases or abnormalities: oversensitive to caffeine
Blood type: I have no clue
Lactose Intolerant: No
Sexual orientation: Straight. (to my knowledge)
Singular/Twin/Triplets/etc: Singular
Artistic: Not really (though I would like to be)
Smoker: No
In our out belly button: In
Colorblind: No
Flat footed: No
Multitaskable: No

I really should measure my length more.. I'm probably a centimeter taller... :P
I was almost white blond before and changed to dark blond/brownish later
Allergies, well some trees around here annoy most people because their seeds cause you to feel awful.
Multitasking, No I can hardly  do one thing at a time. Except listen and doodle thats something I can do :P


Height: 5'8"
Weight: 140
Allergies: None
Eyebrow Thickness: Average
Hair Color: Ash brown
Eye Color: Grey-blue
Finger Length: Meh...kinda short and stubby I guess
Free earlobes or attached: Free
Double-Jointed: No
Multiple Finger Dexterity: Indeed
Can you curl your tongue: Kinda
Eyes stay one color or change: Change
Life-long diseases or abnormalities: Dry skin (I forgot the technical term for the skin condition)
Blood type: N/A
Lactose Intolerant: Yes
Sexual orientation: Straight
Singular/Twin/Triplets/etc: Singular
Artistic: Writing
Smoker: No
In our out belly button: In
Colorblind: Nope
Flat footed: See above
Multitaskable: Indeed


Off which topic? I hope I get the conversions right.
And what are you going to do with the results?

Height: 1.63m/5'4"
Weight: around 55Kg/121 lbs
Allergies: Garnets
Eyebrow Thickness: average
Hair Color: light brown
Eye Color: blue/green/grey (more precisely a mixture of blue and pale blue with a brownish green area around the pupil and a teal line on the outer border).
Finger Length: thin and proportionally long.
Free earlobes or attached: attached
Double-Jointed: N
Multiple Finger Dexterity: good
Can you curl your tongue: Y
Eyes stay one color or change: they appear to change according to the angle and the lighting
Life-long diseases or abnormalities: flat feet and bunions, a tendency towards low blood pressure and a recurrent trigeminal neuralgia.
Blood type: B+
Lactose Intollerant: N
Sexual orientation: Straight... as far as I know.
Singular/Twin/Triplets/etc: Singular.
Artistic: Just about everything, but especially writing.
Smoker: N
In our out belly button: In.
Colorblind: N
Flat footed: Y
Multitaskable: Y
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Height: 6'4"
Weight: 185 pounds
Allergies:  none known
Eyebrow Thickness:  average
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: hazel
Finger Length: pianist fingers (long, thin)
Free earlobes or attached: attached
Double-Jointed: No
Multiple Finger Dexterity: good
Can you curl your tongue: Yes
Eyes stay one color or change:  Stay
Life-long diseases or abnormalities:  None
Blood type:  O
Lactose Intollerant: No
Sexual orientation:  Straight
Singular/Twin/Triplets/etc:  Singular
Artistic:  None
Smoker: No
In our out belly button:  In
Colorblind: No
Flat footed: No
Multitaskable: Yes
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


Quote from: Gabi on February 18, 2007, 10:24:18 AM
Off which topic? I hope I get the conversions right.
And what are you going to do with the results?

Topic of the forum? I dunno.. Off tpic of my usual stupid posts? More likely.
The results are gonna go into an essay, most likely in percentage form, and compared t oinfo that studies have concluded.  Comparing the results, so to speak. After that, just put into an essay form and hopefully add a good grade to my class. >.>


Lets let big dawg try this out..

Height: 5'10"
Allergies: Nope...Sometimes I just sneeze random
Eyebrow Thickness: average
Hair Color: Drk Brown (looks black to some)
Eye Color: Hazel yet looks abit grey in it
Finger Length: Bony hotdogs!
Free earlobes or attached:Free as the wind blows
Double-Jointed: Yes, Just in my left hand
Multiple Finger Dexterity:Yesh!
Can you curl your tongue: Of course..Tone or two loops max
Eyes stay one color or change: Sometimes they look all grey
Life-long diseases or abnormalities: Other than I am sometimes have hard control of my emontions
Blood type: O+
Lactose Intollerant: Nopes
Sexual orientation: Gay! (Sorry ladys I like the red meat ;) )
Singular/Twin/Triplets/etc: Singler
Artistic: Yes..I do poetry part time..Too dark for some...I rarely draw
Smoker: Nopes..Used to but no more
In our out belly button: In
Colorblind: No
Flat footed: Yes...And it sucks
Multitaskable: Yes I am


Quote from: Kenji on February 18, 2007, 01:04:31 PM
Quote from: Gabi on February 18, 2007, 10:24:18 AM
Off which topic? I hope I get the conversions right.
And what are you going to do with the results?

Topic of the forum? I dunno.. Off tpic of my usual stupid posts? More likely.
The results are gonna go into an essay, most likely in percentage form, and compared t oinfo that studies have concluded.  Comparing the results, so to speak. After that, just put into an essay form and hopefully add a good grade to my class. >.>
I hope so too. So is it a statistic on the overall health of Internet users?
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


If it were mainly about the health, I'd guess that there would be other questions. Perhaps he is looking for a trend in between different forums and possibly different social groups? [tilts head and looks questioning]


It's actually just percentages of biological aspects of a group of people compared to the results on a larger scale. Most the time, the scale is based on the location you got the people from, say for instance, South Carolina. But, since I'm asking people from all over, I'm gonna be comparing it on a higher scale.