Cocky little freaks!!!!

Started by Xuzaf D, September 03, 2006, 03:04:24 AM

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Xuzaf D

Video game quote time. Post your favorites VG quotes or some you think have been important or infamous. Please don't just post random game qoutes just because you remember them, and try to post something that at least has meaning beyond the context of the game (in other words, don't post long RPG conversations that constantly refer to terms people could only learn from 70 hours of gameplay or the like.) No All Your Base ect. since that has been pretty much overkilled at this point. Finally please note the origin of the quote.

"Cocky little freaks!!!!"- Boss (Sector Y) StarFox64


Quote from: Gravemind, Halo2Silence fills the empty grave, now that I have gone. But my mind is not at rest, for questions linger on.
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I like shorts, they're comfy and easy to wear.

-Youngster, route-whatever *east of Pewter City*, Pokemon.


Quote from: ITOS on September 03, 2006, 04:11:13 AM
Quote from: Gravemind, Halo2Silence fills the empty grave, now that I have gone. But my mind is not at rest, for questions linger on.
No, don't ruin the game for me! D:

QuoteI don't care if it's God's own doomsday machine, or a damned hool-hoop!


"I could never fight without my clothes on...I'd keep tripping over my sword. Heh heh heh....." -Kyle from Lunar: SSSC

"I AM ERROR" -guy from LoZ2

"Oh, I do. I do indeed. I use my magic to rip them to shreds... with love, of course." -Lute from Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones


"Oops! Dropped my balls!"
-Some guy in some Pokemon game. R/S/E I think. >> I don't remember.

Bah. I think that's how what's-his-face said it.

Edit: Yes, this is a favorite quote of mine. D:


"Hey! Listen!"

>< Who else wants to kill Navi?


What the Heck?

-Wolf O'Donnell from Starfox 64
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


Quote from: insanekaosx on September 03, 2006, 01:04:02 PM
"Hey! Listen!"

>< Who else wants to kill Navi?

Sometimes, you've got to hate the "helpers".

Quote from: Imperial Training OfficerGood, the Emperor will be pleased to hear about my success. You are dismissed.
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Amber Williams

"Not the face! Not the face!"  -Zelos, TOS (when he gets hit by a critical attack)

Granted its not the most original...but TOS makes me amused by some of the battle banter.


Quote from: Amber Panyko on September 03, 2006, 03:21:22 PM
"Not the face! Not the face!"  -Zelos, TOS (when he gets hit by a critical attack)

Granted its not the most original...but TOS makes me amused by some of the battle banter.

"This world! Belongs to! The most! Sexy! Dead Sexy!" -ToS

"Dwarven vow #7: Justice and love will always win. Man, I hate that saying.." -Genis, Collette, Lloyd, ToS


Quote from: Dakata on September 03, 2006, 12:58:10 PM
"Oops! Dropped my balls!"
-Some guy in some Pokemon game. R/S/E I think. >> I don't remember.

Bah. I think that's how what's-his-face said it.

Edit: Yes, this is a favorite quote of mine. D:
lol, it was a a juggalr ^^;

"Kilala, let's go!!"- Sango, InuYasha,:feudal combat
"OSUWARI!!!"-Kagome Inuyasha:Feudal Fairy Tale

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Gaaaah, so many quotes flooding back into mind. D:

"Witness the true art of war! ....Or something to that effect!" -Old guy I can't remember, Samurai Warriors

"Why are tigers strong? ..... Because they're born that way!" -Kaiji Maida (I believe his name was), Samurai Warriors

"Everyone disappear!" - Leon, Star Ocean: Second Story

"There's Mr. Enemy!" - Precis, Star Ocean: Second Story
"Here I come Here I come Here I coooom!" - Precis, Star Ocean: Second Story (gah she sounds so squeaky when she says this! X3 )

Jack McSlay

"Do you know what might look better on your nose?"
- Ben, Full Throttle

"I'm not putting my lips on that."
- Ben, Full Throttle

"Asobi wa owarida!! Nake! Sakebe! Soshite... Shine!!"
trans: "Playtime is over! Cry! Scream! then.. die!!"
- Iori Iagami, KOF series

"There's a bogey on your tail"
- Peppy hare, Starfox 64 (it's pretty funny if you think of the context)

"You're making me seasick... blaaaarrrghh"
- Human ships, Warcraft 2

"Thank you Mario, but our princess is in another castle!"
- Toad, Super Mario Bros.

"I'm Duke Nukem, and I'm coming to get every last of you alien bastards!"
- Duke Nukem, Duke Nukem 3d
Keyboard not detected. Press F1 to resume.


"I don't miss Breen, but I do miss his show. Remember when he had the jugglers on?"


"The Devil is real!  I should know, I built his cage." -scientist, Doom 3

I just found that line interesting.


 Roman: Shrub Patrol! Protect this girl.
Shrub Patrol: Im sorry we dont deal with humans.
Roman: Her names Lilly and she likes flowers
Shrub Patrol: We will guard her with our lives sir!

Armed and dangerous

The Lurking Dragon

Roar, Blue Dragon! Guan Yu, Dynasty Warriors.
"You can't see me or hear me unless I want you to."
The Lurking Dragon

Castle Pokemetroid

Who the heck are you? -Soma Cruz At the beginning of Castlevania Aria of Sorrow

Paladin Sheppard

"I meant a bow string not a G-string..." -Night Elf Ranger WC3.
"Thank you" -Max Payne after shooting a speaker in a lift killing the elevator music.
"Got somethin' for Ya!" -Commando from Command & Conquer


"LookLookLook at you Hackerrr, a pp-pa-pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting and sweating as you r-run through my corridors. HowHowHow can you challenge a perfect, immortal machiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnneeee?" -- SHODAN, System Shock

"He truly is a worm, isn't he Avatar?  Oh well, I still need him for a while yet.  Then I can get rid of him." -- The Guardian, Ultima 9

"No-one can hear your screams."  -- The Avatar, Ultima 8 (when Beren is dead)

"GO AWAY!" -- The Guardian, Ultima 7

Avatar:  "Come on..  let's go kill someone."
Cook: "That reminds me of a recipe I made for roast beef once.."
Avatar: "You cook PEOPLE?!?"
Cook: "Indeed."
Avatar: "Cool."
  -- Slight glitch in the dialogue system, Ultima 6

Dink: "I don't like you."
Barman: "So?"
Dink: "I might kill you."
Barman: "Guards!  Help me destroy this madman!"
  -- Dink Smallwood

"WHO'S DONE THIS?!?" -- Guard, on discovering one of my victims, Thief 2
I would also have included some of Karras' taunts, but I can't remember them :(

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

King Of Hearts

Super Robot Wars:

Excellen: Drills are a man's dream? I guess... in a Freudian way.

Excellen: 1.21 Gigawatts!? GREAT SCOTT!

Excellen: How about you get out of your mech and play with me instead?
Tenzan: No thanks! Im single by choice.
Excellen: Are all gamers like this?

Ryuune: I like You Masaki, you're the first guy who ever called me cute.
Ryuusei: H-hey, I also said you were cute!
Masaki: You said her MECH was cute.

Sanger: If you cant defeat it in one strike, then why bother?

Tetsuya: D-did that cat just talk?
Shiro: O yeah, I forgot surface cats cant talk, meow.


Quote from: Tapewolf on September 04, 2006, 05:36:50 AMDink: "I don't like you."
Barman: "So?"
Dink: "I might kill you."
Barman: "Guards!  Help me destroy this madman!"
  -- Dink Smallwood
Bwahah. You play Dink too, Tapewolf? :3

...Crap, I need a quote...*Think think think*

"Can you do it in the dark?"
-Some kid in Mt. Moon in Pokemon Blue/Red/Yellow?
(I think a Lass said it...or one of the guy-Lasses...Dunno what they're called. D: )

Edit: *Looks at Arida's post* Bwahah. :3


"Let me out! Why is my head hurting? Have you talked to my friend, Shamino? He's standing right near me. He will vouch for me! Shamino, say something! Speak up! *high pitched voice* He is Lord British! Let him go!" -- ...Who do you think? :3, Ultima IX

And about that doing it in the dark thing, here you go:

Quote from: A couple people on some forumI can't remember her every word, but a Picnicker in Rock Tunnel had an innuendo in every one of her sentences. Her last sentence (after you beat her) is something like "Now I'm all sweaty."

That was the camper I was talking about

At the beginning she says "Can you do it in the dark?"
Then when you beat her she says "Now I'm all sweaty!"


Q: Do you ever have to reload?
Jonsie: Oh Aye, some times I reload.  but I never seem to run out of ammo.  It's kinda creepy.

Gaurds:  Halt show us your papers!
Rexes waves hands: you don't need to see our papers
guards: We don't need to see your papers
Rexes: I.. Err Quick guys what should I do I'm running out of power
Guards: what should he do he's running out of power
Roman: tell them about freedom..
Q: No tell them about tea
Jonsie: No scottish miners...
Rexes: I never mind I've got it *waves his hands* you are both french
Guards: We Surrender! *the guards throw down there rifles and run away*

Armed and dangerous...

man that game has some great scenes

Sketchy boy

You are stupieder then a mans idiot - Atomic Bomberman


My turn!  >:3

Final Fantasy VI
Celes: Sabin! You're alive!
Sabin: But of course! You think a minor thing like the end of the world was going to do me in?

Persona 2: Eternal Punishment
Helios: I am Helios...bearing the ancient sun, I am the one who violates the night! I shall become your loyal chariot!

Castlevania II
"To restore your life, shout in front of the church."

*walks up to a church and screams unholy blasphemy for an hour*
Why does it not work???   D:


QuoteWhose idea was it to bring 150 chimpanzees on board anyway? The interests of science? What about the interests of hygiene? Does anybody have any idea how much crap 150 lab monkeys make in a day?
Dr. Grassi, SS2


QuoteI wish you were here too Jabba.  There's nothing like roast Kell Dragon
-Kyle Katarn, Dark Forces

QuoteThey shouldn't leave these lying around, somebody could get hurt...
-Mara Jade, Mysteries of the Sith

QuoteSwords not Words!
QuoteButt-Kicking!  For Goodness!
QuoteJump on my sword while you can, evil!  I won't be as gentle
-Minsc, Bladur's Gate II

QuoteSo Minsc.  That tatoo on your face, does it have tribal significance or did some nursery's fingerpainting class assault you with blue pastels?
Viconia DeVir, Baldur's Gate II

QuoteI do not like the tone of your voice, Dark Elf.  Minsc's face is the face the ladies love!  And Boo likes it too, don't you?
-Minsc, Bladur's Gate II

QuoteSqueek! Squeek!
Boo, Baldur's Gate II


"Who do you think you are, Bruce Lee? You can't just go in there with your fists flying!"

"You just.... ditched me back there!" - both from Mallow from Super Mario RPG

"Drink punch...? Eat cake...? Sounds... complicated. I'm not sure I can muster the strength to do it." - Booster, also from Super Mario RPG

"My real name is ♥♪!?, but you may call me Geno." - Geno, still from Super Mario RPG. (Note: may have gotten this quote  slightly wrong.)

"EEHYAH HA HA! I am the great Cackletta's most best pupil, who is named Fawful! I am here, laughing at you! If you are giving us the chase just to get your silly princess's voice, then you are idiots of foolishness! Princess Peach's sweet voice will soon be the bread that makes the sandwich of Cackletta's desires! And this battle shall be the delicious mustard on that bread! The mustard of your doom!" -Fawful, from Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga