
Started by Amber Williams, October 12, 2006, 05:53:46 PM

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Amber Williams




Does Snow == Good?

Snow == Skiing
Skiing == uber-fun
uber-fun == Good

Snow == Good.



It's snowing a little in Michigan. D: And it's windy. Very windy. Very, very windy.

...Is Santa trying to ruin Halloween? D:


We shouldn't get snow, until the end of the month, if we're lucky. Dammit, I can't wait to ski.  D:



Snow means coldness, and slipping on the ice while trying to get to the mall, and... more coldness :cry

Then again, it does mean the mosquitoes will die a horrible, terrible, slow frozen death...

*emits a laugh so vicious and maniacal that it echoes through the bowels of hell* They have about five hours left in their miserable little lives...


I say Jack Frost needs kicking in the gonads


(Jack Frost does not have gonads)


I miss snow. :< Washington doesn't do it right.
At least I'll be in Colorado for the holidays.


Quote from: BillBuckner on October 12, 2006, 06:02:35 PM
(Jack Frost does not have gonads)

Well I will just rip something out bit by bit till I find something...Just like Kano...


It doesn't snow here. :paranoid  Maybe once every ten years.  No, I'm not kidding.  I wish it did snow, I like cold weather.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Interestingly, it snowed the other day in Wellington, apparently.

... it's nearly summer, over there. They get snow once every 10-15 years, midwinter. The weather is crazy....
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Jim Halisstrad

Eighty five is my ideal temperature, so I hate winter with a fierce passion.  But, I love snow!
You guys need to work on a way for it to snow and stick during summer.


Gah, I would loooove snow. It's too bloody hot down here  :<
I spent all of yesterday watching fires burn around the city and it's only the BEGINNING of summer >_<
I hate hot dry weather.


It's not summer yet...

I remember the good ol' days when bushfire season started in December and when I considered summer to be the wet season since it rained so damned much! :[


Oh, you wacky Southern Hemisphere types. Having Christmas in the summer. As if!


Santa only brings us coal... which is why everything catches on fire :<

He's so mean to us :cry


Well, if it makes you feel any better, I'm downloading the SuperCheap Auto 1000. If you know what that is. You Aussies have some awesome sports.


It's just the Bathurst 1000
The naming rights change too often for people to be bothered

Anyway, back onto snow...


It does NOT snow in this part of Southern California EVER!  Not one time in 500 years!

This is a GOOD THING.   :laugh

Californian drivers crash and die easily enough on RAIN!  They could never handle snow or ice!   :help


It never snows where I live. Well, I read that it snowed once in 1918, but not even my grandparents had been born then.

Some parts of the Andes still have snow, though.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly

James StarRunner

Geez... I've seen snow in the middle of summer. Not exactly uncommon for me.


No snow up here in canada D:


Quote from: Zorro on October 12, 2006, 10:29:45 PM
It does NOT snow in this part of Southern California EVER!  Not one time in 500 years!

This is a GOOD THING.   :laugh

Californian drivers crash and die easily enough on RAIN!  They could never handle snow or ice!   :help
You must be even more south than I.


Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on October 12, 2006, 10:57:19 PM
No snow up here in canada D:
Speak for yourself.  :<

I beatcha by a day, Amber. We had snow yesterday. It was all melted by the end of the day, but it was there! D:
/kicks the internet over

Amber Williams

Yeah. it was pretty much gone by the time it hit the just suprised me!

I used to live in Wisconsin, so seeing trick or treaters dressed up in heavy winter clothes isn't too uncommon.  Guess I got used to Southern Indiana....


You better get the swat patrol father winter and half baked crew of snow pixis 


Poor RJ has only ever seen snow once. And even then it was mostly slushy.

:< The cons of being an Aussie...


From what I have seen, snow is overrated.  Water undergoes deposition up in the atmosphere at 0 degrees celcius and precipitates to the ground.  The only thing noteworthy is that crystalline water is less dense then liquid water and therefore produces a larger volume per unit of H2O.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Agreed. You must have aced Physics class.

*brings up his Weather Channel desktop program* Come on, just a couple more degrees...

llearch n'n'daCorna

Only at 0 to -4C, Azlan. After it gets colder it starts to shrink again. :-)
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