I just read the rules

Started by Axis, May 28, 2007, 12:50:28 AM

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Quote from: Zina on May 30, 2007, 01:58:07 AM
How about we play a game?
Greatings Proffeser Falken.  Would you like to play a game?
::Lets play Global Thermal Nuclear War
Wouldn't you rather play a nice game of chess?
::No lets play Global Thermal Nuclear War


Quote from: Destina Faroda on May 30, 2007, 01:54:20 AMBut treating someone like a troll is trolling...

Not unless you want to get a rise out of the other person.  That's what trolling is.  Trying to get a rise out of as many people as possible by doing as little as possible on your end.

And again, if you troll, you are a troll.  This is pretty unequivocably trolling.  There are actually a few other cases that were more blatant than that, in my opinion, but since that one got a response from the mods, I'm going with that one.  Maybe the others don't qualify in the sense that they use the term in the rules, but most definitely in the sense that they define the term in the Jargon File.  Netami trolls.  Therefore he is a troll.

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


Did I miss the fun? D:
I'll just shake the cage again, then...

Quote from: superluser on May 30, 2007, 01:53:43 AM
The mods seem to think that personal insults are outré, so that may be where they draw the line.
Quote from: Darkmoon on May 28, 2007, 01:28:20 AM
You know, bitching about the rules is probably the single DUMBEST way to start your life on these forums.


/kicks the internet over


The rules do not apply to the administration. This is an inconsistency that I do not approve of.

I believe I should address the period of time that I was last banned. I see no reason why the creator of the comic should feel justified in singling out someone, in that case Zedd, for roleplaying something to the point that the common observer wonders if they're actually trying to be in character. Not when we have plenty of other people that do the exact same thing. Charline is RP'd all the time. Ink never breaks italics. Darkmoon is never not an asshole. Ask any of the people I just named and they will agree with you. I am against inconsistency above all else, especially when I feel as if Zedd's feelings could have been hurt by that remark. As an admin, you could have PM'd him, or you could have started enforcing the rule to stop everyone from RPing, as stated in your own rules.

Perhaps it was trolling, though admitably I was trying less to stir the pot than stand up for a friend. Typically, this is how it goes: you throw legitimate hate at them and they think it's a joke; you speak up against some BS and they think you're taking it too far.

Destina Faroda

Now now, Netami.  You're forum policing.  Bad!  BAD!   ;)
Sig coming...whenever...


Judge, jury, and executioner.

Destina Faroda

I'd sentence you to 1,000 years hard labor but I'd have to sentence myself to be consistent.

What are the odds that this topic will get locked in three hours?  I'd say 4:1.
Sig coming...whenever...


Hard labor? This is the internet, most of us barely know what minimal labor is XD
Once upon a time I actually posted here.


I'm not good with ratios, or numbers, or women offering me to gamble. Let's just wager that there's a 1:1 chance that this thread will get locked in the future, or that it will drift off topic to talk about bunny jumping games.


Speaking of which, my high score is currently 46660. Not bad considering I'm using a touch pad ^^
Once upon a time I actually posted here.

Amber Williams

Aww...such a charming thread.  It's like chocolate in my peanut butter. :3

Now, onto the nasty nitty gritty.
Destina: This is your official warning.  Which doen't probably mean anything in the scheme of things other than updating the Watch list,  but it at least needs to be said so its official.  The reason is not that I particularly care if you and Netami want to take potshots at the rules, but considering you managed to cause a thread less than 24 hours ago to go into lockdown, you aren't exactly impressing anyone by stirring around another pissing contest.

And seriously, your attacks in the last thread were downright uncalled for in regards to Seth Triggs and Llearch. 

Netami: Got the memo, good points had.  Needs more lasers.  See you next thread where there is somewhere to complain about the admins.  Bring coffee please.

Now here is the pickle.  In all theory I should lock the thread, if only because if I leave it open, odds are you two cheeky monkeys are going to continue onward into the next level. And while I'm sure it will look pretty on the martyr resume, I'd rather you both save your points and live to gripe about the admins another day.  So I guess I'll wait and see what happens.

Either way, its gonna be a fun night kiddos. :3


Once upon a time I actually posted here.



I'll bring s'more fixin's! We'll have a pow-wow.

Quote from: Netrogo on May 30, 2007, 02:49:25 AM
47380 :mowhappy

315420. :3


Once upon a time I actually posted here.


It's odd I tried it a few times but I kept getting distracted by how well animated and cute the little bunny is...

I just can't focus on this version

I'm going back to playing douche monkey astronuat


Once upon a time I actually posted here.


I crashed and burned at 602870... I swear the view zoomed out and everything got farther apart though... or maybe the bells got smaller... I dunno, but something about it made me lose.


Hehe, when in doubt blame everything else :mwaha

I feel so far behind though XD
Once upon a time I actually posted here.


ergh. 1024690 this time, but the bells were getting ridiculously small. I kinda twitched and that did me in. Who'd think jumping on bells would be so hard to do?


79851200. I'm honestly shocked the bunny isn't dead after that fall.


Seriously, the bunny should be a wet mark on the ground after that.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


How the FUCK are you playing it long enough to get those scores?


God damn, I suck at that game.  Probably a good thing, though; now I won't want to play it every second of every day. :)


I double-posting so I can answer this thread in an official manner.

1) I am an asshole. I don't personally think anything I have done in the past has broken the rules, but that's what the "complaint" button and the other admins are there for. I don't tend to actively troll, and any time I'm in the middle of a discussion that calls for admin action, 9 times out of 10 I recuse myself from taking part.

It's the thing about being a dick and being an admin, you can't do both at the same time, so when I'm one, I'm not the other.

it also means that, in those situations where I haven't yet participated in a thread, I'm the one called in to act as an enforcer, simply because it seems that when I speak in my admin voice, people stop and pay attention.

If what I said above makes anyone here unhappy, they are more than welcome to talk about it with the admins. That's what (we/they) are there for.

2) Netami: Honestly, I have no issue with you currently. I don't speak for the other admins, of course, but lately you've been an intelligent person, and the times you have lashed out, I thought you were raising good points.

To clarify, my post to you in this thread was honestly to see if you were joking or not. I couldn't tell. However, if you weren't joking, I was going to see about toning down your attack before you took it too far. You've turned into a reasonable poster, and I wouldn't want you to lose your last chance so quickly.

3) Destina: They aren't wrong. You are like this horrible catch-22 of logic. "If I do this, you'll do this, so I do this, and you do this... and then we end up back where we started..." Argueing with you is a pointless... and honestly sad, activity. I've known you well enough to know that getting into an argument with you isn't worth the effort, because while you read everything that's said, you don't process it. You seem to just skim over the post trying to find points you can tear apart, missing the context of the post.

And, sadly, I just can't keep defending you. I mean, I like you when you aren't on a tear. When you are on a tear, I try to keep everyone from over reacting... but at this point, people aren't overreacting... except for you.

Whatever happens in this thread, the actions will be based upon what the other admins think (since I've recused myself, like I usually do). It is up to them on the matter, and I have no part in that desicion at all.

4) Why would we lock this thread? It's not a bad thread. Plus, it has winter bunnies!
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Quote from: BillBuckner on May 30, 2007, 10:01:20 PM
How the FUCK are you playing it long enough to get those scores?

I kept hitting the bird each time for a bonus.
That and I'm very very bored. :C


I got to 179000. Not nearly as high as you, but then, I'm not nearly as bored as you.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


I can only seem to make it into the 20,000 range

Oh well I'm gonna go back to DMA


I don't look at my posting as evolving or devolving into any manner of conduct, or at least not in a respectable way. I always voice my opinion, and I don't do it so that people get annoyed or even say "Yeah yeah, I understand." I do it mostly for myself, unless it's a specific case that I feel should be changed. I really don't like the idea of vulgarity rules, nor the tendency to lock threads, nor the singling out of one or two people for actions that many partake in. Overall, I guess I just have a problem with people coming down on other people, especially for something I think is ridiculous. Again, not my forum, but I will whine about it. Excessively.


So we've noticed.

I honestly don't think we lock threads all the much, and usually, the ones doing the locking aren't the ones participating. It's very much NOT a "you suck, so I'll take my ball and leave AND get the last word" way of doing things, which I think is a touch more evolved.

You can advocate for people all you like, so much as you realize that in the end, it's the admins call as to what happens, and their decision ends up being final 99.9% of the time.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...