Working for an evil organization

Started by thegayhare, April 18, 2014, 12:48:03 PM

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Hi hi all

I've been watching alot of marvel toons lately and I noticed something that made me wonder about something.

In most super hero continuties there are evil groups with out landish uniforms.   Like A.I.M.s bright yellow hazmat suits, or Hydra's green and yellow goggled numbers.

And I got to thinking... how do these people get to there top secret base hidden in that unassuming wherehouse in new york every day.  You think the police would notice people dressed in the uniforms of organisations that have routinly threated the world if they were riding on the subway.   Do they where there uniforms under street clothes,  sure that would work for some like The Foot OR aforementioned Hydra but A.I.M.s uniforms are too bulky.  do they change into them at work?  and if so do they have to bring there own uniform in or does the evil group provide them a fresh uniform daily.  What happens if they are off on there count  and Evil minion 352 shows up and your all out of pants, or shirts but you still have 27 pairs of yellow beekeeeper hats.  and then what about laundry?  Is your average evil orginasation going to use up a portion of its valuable lair space as a laundry mat when they could easily fit three more convoluted death traps in there?  and if the minions have to wash there own uniforms, if they run out to the laundry mat and some one spots there bright green hydra undies are they required to eliminate all witnesses?

These are the things my brain thinks about late at night....

Janus Whitefurr

I always imagined that they're just regular people that go to work there and change into their uniforms on the job. Hundreds upon thousands of lockers with identical uniforms. You're all just serial numbers to an organisation that huge, in any case. As for the comedy of cleaning, odds are they'd probably just mass produce uniforms in god knows how many sizes so if something's missing or damaged beyond repair, just toss and replace it. I mean, you usually see armouries in these places, there's where you'd get uniforms and weapons from.

I always wonder how many people take the evil mook positions just because they need a steady job or something, and end up punched in the face by a hero just because they need a steady paycheck. >.>
This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.


I wondered that too.
Though in most of those super hero fights the ones that get taken out are welding weapons or maning some important station while the doomsday weapon charges,  I feel less sympathy for them.  But the nine to diverse that have to exist in wonder about them.  And I know this most have health plans in the marvel universe but only A.I.M. Has dental coverage


I'd imagine that their personnel are retained on site and restricted access to the outside world, rather than allowed to commute. This might seem harsh, but if you're working for a morally bankrupt organisation that actively works against established paragons of law/order/good/whatever, it's unlikely you'd be the type of person who cares about the issues that would create.

Of course, if they're just regular people, then I think this sort of realisation must be quite frequent:

Janus Whitefurr

Quote from: thegayhare on April 19, 2014, 08:53:07 AM
I wondered that too.
Though in most of those super hero fights the ones that get taken out are welding weapons or maning some important station while the doomsday weapon charges,  I feel less sympathy for them.  But the nine to diverse that have to exist in wonder about them.  And I know this most have health plans in the marvel universe but only A.I.M. Has dental coverage

But then you have the mooks that probably just run the cafeteria, or do something simple like maintenance (those guys really get the shaft, used as disguises and god knows what else). And the ones that are just there for the paycheck and are often doing menial labour or patrols. Just casually chatting with their foes before they're probably maimed by some anti-hero.

Quote from: Battletint:_Blue_Warfare on April 23, 2014, 03:28:56 AM
I'd imagine that their personnel are retained on site and restricted access to the outside world, rather than allowed to commute. This might seem harsh, but if you're working for a morally bankrupt organisation that actively works against established paragons of law/order/good/whatever, it's unlikely you'd be the type of person who cares about the issues that would create.

Evidence. People disappearing from the grid gets noticed. People travelling to a nine-to-five job at what is probably a shell corporation leaves just enough to prove they're not being kidnapped and employed against their will.
This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.


evil is sometimes a job requirement- i was a door to door vaccum cleaner salesman for two weeks and was fired for being insufficiently evil
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


Quote from: Janus Whitefurr on April 23, 2014, 10:02:16 AM

But then you have the mooks that probably just run the cafeteria, or do something simple like maintenance (those guys really get the shaft, used as disguises and god knows what else). And the ones that are just there for the paycheck and are often doing menial labour or patrols. Just casually chatting with their foes before they're probably maimed by some anti-hero.

True I'm sure there are alot of nine to fivers in most evil organisations... exspecially in this economy.   Hell I'd sign up for aim if it got me a steady paycheck and dental.   But thats probably in the aplication some where. 

"I need you to sign this waiver?"
"What is it?"
"Ohh it just says that in the event you are punched, stabbed, mauled, evicerated, bludgened, electrocuted, incinerated, maimed, crippled, poisoned, shot or harrased by any being wearing spandex or armor wiether or not they are animal themed you can not sue us for damages.   But your insurance will cover any funirary or medical costs, after a 500 dollar deductable.   But that rarely ever happens...  usualy they never find the bodies so it really cuts down on costs"

Quote from: Janus Whitefurr on April 23, 2014, 10:02:16 AM
Evidence. People disappearing from the grid gets noticed. People travelling to a nine-to-five job at what is probably a shell corporation leaves just enough to prove they're not being kidnapped and employed against their will.

Plus people are less likely to be suspicous avout the lights and noises coming form a building if people are seen comming in and out of the place.  If no one ever comes or goes all that sound would draw far more attention to a place

Quote from: Brunhidden on April 23, 2014, 11:49:27 AM
evil is sometimes a job requirement- i was a door to door vaccum cleaner salesman for two weeks and was fired for being insufficiently evil

Myself I quit my door to door job because I looked to evil.   

Probably didn't help I was selling knives

*knock knock*
A big 6 foot tall bald man with a goatee is standing at your door grinning like an idot

"Hello I want to show you my knives can I come in?"



They don't need to be kidnapped or employed against their will to be working for an evil organisation, and there are plenty of real life organisations that require their personnel to live and work on-site. Besides, they won't think they're evil from the outset, and the organisational heads may be able to justify their objectives perfectly well to the workforce.

For example, despite holding aims that are diametrically opposed to those of XCOM in XCOM: Enemy Within, EXALT attracts a great deal of people who are fanatical about making humans better.

Janus Whitefurr

Quote from: thegayhare on April 23, 2014, 12:49:02 PM
Hell I'd sign up for aim if it got me a steady paycheck and dental.   But thats probably in the aplication some where. 

That'd be one of those contracts where you'd have many, many pages of fine print it seems. Or maybe you'd get lucky and be at one of the shell companies that just produces parts ("All we do here is make awesome diamond crystals, we didn't know they're going into a death ray") instead of stuck in the serious end of working for an evil organisation.

Quote from: thegayhare on April 23, 2014, 12:49:02 PM
Plus people are less likely to be suspicous avout the lights and noises coming form a building if people are seen comming in and out of the place.  If no one ever comes or goes all that sound would draw far more attention to a place

That makes me wonder now too. Can you imagine those guys having to watch out for things like... what're they called, ordinances? You know, not allowed to produce too much sound, and making sure they don't cause the power grid to spike... things like that.

Quote from: Battletint:_Blue_Warfare on April 23, 2014, 02:13:45 PM
They don't need to be kidnapped or employed against their will to be working for an evil organisation, and there are plenty of real life organisations that require their personnel to live and work on-site. Besides, they won't think they're evil from the outset, and the organisational heads may be able to justify their objectives perfectly well to the workforce.

For example, despite holding aims that are diametrically opposed to those of XCOM in XCOM: Enemy Within, EXALT attracts a great deal of people who are fanatical about making humans better.

True, but the original line of thought was wondering about things like travel arrangements and later, about being a nine-to-fiver. Working for what looks like a legal organisation (whether you get to go home, or have quarters on site) looks a lot more legitimate than disappearing in the night to work in some evil laboratory or something. Which was what we were kind of getting at earlier. It could be a perfectly legitimate well paying job... that just happens to be for a certain cause.

This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.


Quote from: Brunhidden on April 23, 2014, 11:49:27 AM
evil is sometimes a job requirement- i was a door to door vaccum cleaner salesman for two weeks and was fired for being insufficiently evil

They're not always evil.  We got a really good vacuum from such a salesman.  It lasted us nearly 12 years.

But no one goes door to door these days in our area.  Too many drug gangs. 
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.