21/12/12 [DMFA #1363] - "You must kill Alexsi...with your BEAROTTERCATBAT HANDS"

Started by Tapewolf, December 21, 2012, 04:07:59 AM

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[Mab quote from Twitter]

Well, that kind of narrows it down, either to Cyra or to her enemies.  I'm not sure Destania herself would have that power unless she's somehow invoked the gods.

And it's good to see him put his own life on the line for her sake like that.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Does it really though? Mab is a fae and Pip is a who even knows at this point. They are both involved in some sort of cosmological game with rules no one truly understands and we already know Pip is if not completely responsible for, then at least exacerbating the current situation. I figure either or both of them is certainly powerful enough and Pip definitely seems sinister enough to not want to be observed. It's true that tri-wing can be powerful and they are few in number, but fae are more powerful and not prone to constantly hanging out in furre so they probably aren't common either. However my money is on the dark horse. Not DP, I mean the contestant we know exists, but know least about: Pip.


Quote from: AmberCross on December 21, 2012, 06:23:12 AM
Does it really though? Mab is a fae and Pip is a who even knows at this point.

Yes, that's true - I have likely jumped the gun there.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Ohhh nooooo I was already crying when I read the comic and now I am crying more!! But I am happier, it is a very beautiful update and brightened up my day :3. Seriously, so, so sweet. Aww P-ducky!


GRDFRBMRGMBGRBFRACKNDAMMIT PYRODUCK you didn't even ASK her "well, what about that other oracle those adventurers talked to?" You know the other "something is not right here" clue that you had? The one that isn't Merlitz, and might get you a response other than "My God, it's full of stars?" THE ONLY OTHER LEAD YOU HAD?! You're just going to frking sit there and wait for the worst to happen and somehow hope you're ready for it despite not having a clue what it is instead? Ye flipping unbeliva don't know why I these ridicu what sort of idiot why do I even rasafrackin mrglefrgin skrfriginmrbltxxvbinznln... *wanders off, muttering*


Congrats Ducky you're experiencing one of the mortal conditions. You don't know what the the future holds, so the only thing you can do is live and hope for the best. Amber, you are a master artist.


Quote from: Tapewolf on December 21, 2012, 04:07:59 AM

 I'm not sure Destania herself would have that power unless she's somehow invoked the gods.

When I saw the page, Destania first popped into mind. It would explain why she lived there in a state of relative calmness for 20+ years.

Destania used Cyra's power to hide Aniz from Hizell for a while. (Abel II #57)


i wonder how P-duck will react once he remembers that Lexi is NOT a Creature and he will grossly outlive her.

don't get me wrong it's defiantly a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming (i frequent TV Tropes too much) but it turns into a kinda Fridge Horror when you remember that he'll live for several THOUSAND years, and Lexi for only a hundred. it would likely have been far LESS painful to walk out now.

anyway, i'm racking my brain here to try and figure out WHAT is blocking the Oracle's sight that is NOT Pyroduck, but would disappear if he left...
it can't be some kinda magical doohickey(wow that's really a word recognized by Firefox spell-check?)  planted on his person because, while that would leave the Inn WITH him, it would still obstruct the Oracle's vision OF him, something Da explicitly said wouldn't happen.

so it must be something that'd have cause to block the Oracle's vision, simply BECAUSE P-Duck is there.
-Cyra (Or Destinia) could be possible since, after all, Pyroduck IS a DRAGON and well, Cyra clan and Dragons don't really get along. what they have to gain from this though i have no idea.
-Pip maybe (if he really does have the power) because well, Pyroduck is a DRAGON which means he likely has immense power and could potentially muss up his plots if he stayed. makes more sense, but rather unfounded since we don't know the extent of Pips power or plans. though in the comic where they returned to Mab's Fae-realm-room-place it appeared he planned at least SOMETHING in this. so i think it's the most likely scenario.
-Various Dragons aware of the presence of 'Cubi (particularly Cyra Clan 'Cubi) at the Inn not wanting to get a Fellow Dragon caught in the crossfire or something. less likely than Cra i think, but in the realm of possibility.
-Some outside Deus Ex Diablos or something that we havn't seen or heard of yet. (though the characters likely have and just never brought it up because it's absurd or something) pretty likely i think, possibly just under Cyra in the possibility ranks, though i have no idea why P-duck's presence would change ANYTHING in that scenario
-and finally (that i can think of at least) whoever's been hunting the 'Cubi. you know, the ones Wildy was investigating with the other adventurer troop, or the people that Mink alluded to.
(i'd link the comics but i dunno how to link in-text without copy-pasting the link directly, and it's too much trouble to search out the specific ones)

those are all the likely possibilities *I* can think of, in no particular order.
if Amber pulls this off without using ANY of those predictions, i will be utterly amazed, because i see no logical way (yet) how much else could be the case really. but i know that whatever Amber decides to do WILL make sense. and i likely won't have thought of it.


Conservative Democrat or Liberal Republican: You decide!
The Centrist line has moved a long way to the Right over the years.

I'd argue that's a horribly shallow argument, except it's completely true. ~ooklah


Quote from: KiloFoxx on December 21, 2012, 10:35:59 AMso it must be something that'd have cause to block the Oracle's vision, simply BECAUSE P-Duck is there.
It seems to me that you've read it as the block disappearing completely if he left. I read it as the block remaining at the inn if he left.


This is like the place in "Mahou Sensi Negima" where the Big Bad Super Wizard starting acting and the manga went from a goofy comedy with occaisional semi-serious bits to full-on epic magical warfare.

Basically, this is poop-hitting-fan time.
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.



Quote from: Moonfire on December 21, 2012, 10:14:41 AM
When I saw the page, Destania first popped into mind. It would explain why she lived there in a state of relative calmness for 20+ years.

Destania used Cyra's power to hide Aniz from Hizell for a while. (Abel II #57)

Yeah, but I still think that kind of block would happen enough that they would know what was causing it by now, even if they didn't know who or why.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E




Is it possible that Dan is the force behind this? I mean Amber basically hit us in the face with a stick that said Dan could destroy Furrae. I know he is at SAIA right now but what if its just some wierd residual effect from him being there so long?


Quote from: KiloFoxx on December 21, 2012, 10:35:59 AM
anyway, i'm racking my brain here to try and figure out WHAT is blocking the Oracle's sight that is NOT Pyroduck, but would disappear if he left...

It wouldn't disappear if he left. She would be able to see HIS future again if he left. Because he'd be outside of whatever the zone of freakishness is at the inn. If he leaves and never goes back, HIS future will be nice and assured, and she'll be able to see it just fine. It won't do a thing for the unseeable future at the inn.

AND HE STILL DIDN'T REALLY ASK HER ABOUT THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION, THE ENTIRE THING THAT I WOULD HAVE CALLED HER TO ASK ABOUT! THE WHOLE REASON THAT HE THOUGHT OF CALLING HER IN THE FIRST PLACE! He mentioned that it happened, but he didn't ASK about it, so we don't know if Da knows anything about it! All we know is she can't see Merlitz. We've got nothing on this supposed oracle who's giving out answers that don't make sense. That's called a clue, and he DIDN'T ASK ABOUT IT! GRAAAAAAA! *Is still upset about this*


That was a pretty big nest he was walked out of. Let's hope Ducky can handle whatever comes his and Alexsi's way.

With huge chunks missing in Oracle knowledge related to the inn, Ducky will have to keep an eye out and from Ducky's own history potential threats can even come out of the shadows.
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


Pyroduck behaves like she or he is already dead or doomed to die.

Da didn't tell him anything like that. Just that there is a powerful creature that blocks her foretelling. That's all.
Things may be serious, but certainly not hopeless.

Amber Williams

Quote from: Wanderer on December 21, 2012, 12:09:06 PM
AND HE STILL DIDN'T REALLY ASK HER ABOUT THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION, THE ENTIRE THING THAT I WOULD HAVE CALLED HER TO ASK ABOUT! THE WHOLE REASON THAT HE THOUGHT OF CALLING HER IN THE FIRST PLACE! He mentioned that it happened, but he didn't ASK about it, so we don't know if Da knows anything about it! All we know is she can't see Merlitz. We've got nothing on this supposed oracle who's giving out answers that don't make sense. That's called a clue, and he DIDN'T ASK ABOUT IT! GRAAAAAAA! *Is still upset about this*

Pyroduck did ask it, I just didn't draw it because I didn't want to spend another 1-2 comics of Pyroduck reaching a blank wall with each question. In hindsight I guess I should have since it would have added to the reason why he's freaking out.   

So I guess if there is anything to be upset about, its me being a lazy moron.


Another interesting thing is that Fa'Lina did foresee their demise if Abel didn't go with them.  Presumably the block was raised after then...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Dard on December 21, 2012, 12:14:57 PM
Pyroduck behaves like she or he is already dead or doomed to die.

Da didn't tell him anything like that. Just that there is a powerful creature that blocks her foretelling. That's all.
Things may be serious, but certainly not hopeless.

Da had also referred to Pyro's ability to know what she knew throughout his life..losing that foresight is literally like going blind. As such, he's understandably at a loss to know how to proceed; He does however, know that he will protect Alexsi, no matter what the cost to himself..

That my friends, is what love is all about :)

Tapewolf: You raise a good point: Perhaps something tied to Siar's clan, to shield them from the eyes and minions of Hizell?
'It'd be such an honour, to be personally smacked upside the head by the artist herself' - Bjalf


Quote from: Tapewolf on December 21, 2012, 12:52:57 PM
Another interesting thing is that Fa'Lina did foresee their demise if Abel didn't go with them.  Presumably the block was raised after then...

It would have probably been raised sometime after Fa'lina's foresight lost it's effect on them then. Any earlier, and Fa'lina might have asked Tuan to step in with her clan or maybe inform Kria of something not right being there.

Though it does make me wonder if all these blocks actually have to have a similar origin? Could there be more then one force cutting off the Oracle sight?
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


Quote from: KiloFoxx on December 21, 2012, 10:35:59 AM
<snip>but it turns into a kinda Fridge Horror when you remember that he'll live for several THOUSAND years, and Lexi for only a hundred. it would likely have been far LESS painful to walk out now.<snip>

Pyroduck was probably expecting Alexsi to die before he did and was fully prepared for it. He probably was expecting to enjoy the time and milk it for all it was worth (i.e. little draconic Alexsi's). If he leaves now, his grand plans for the future with her will never come to fruition. It's the same reason I would do everything to protect my life now but fifty, maybe thirty years in the future, I wouldn't see myself caring the least about it.

EDIT: I just realized, Pyroduck has lived very close to the oracles and has come to the point where not being able to rely on their prophecies is well out of his comfort zone. He must know something about Destania's plot, yet it doesn't seem to me that he goes about in life thinking that his next day may very well be his last. A slight clue perhaps?
Quote from: Amber Williams on October 29, 2012, 05:55:06 PM
I expect if flamethrowers exist, Matilda would be tempted to install one into her shower.


Quote from: Eboreg on December 21, 2012, 02:36:29 PM
Quote from: KiloFoxx on December 21, 2012, 10:35:59 AM
<snip>but it turns into a kinda Fridge Horror when you remember that he'll live for several THOUSAND years, and Lexi for only a hundred. it would likely have been far LESS painful to walk out now.<snip>

Pyroduck was probably expecting Alexsi to die before he did and was fully prepared for it. He probably was expecting to enjoy the time and milk it for all it was worth (i.e. little draconic Alexsi's). If he leaves now, his grand plans for the future with her will never come to fruition. It's the same reason I would do everything to protect my life now but fifty, maybe thirty years in the future, I wouldn't see myself caring the least about it.

EDIT: I just realized, Pyroduck has lived very close to the oracles and has come to the point where not being able to rely on their prophecies is well out of his comfort zone. He must know something about Destania's plot, yet it doesn't seem to me that he goes about in life thinking that his next day may very well be his last. A slight clue perhaps?

that makes sense, i just don't get the feel that he's really planned for it. especially in that particular scene.
granted i'm also working off of the social norms of OUR society. of which Furrae could be COMPLETELY different. and judging Mab's sadness when she talked about "her linears dying" i'd imagine it would be painful for MOST creatures to get close to Beings seeing as they live a lot longer than them. (with an exception for 'Cubi since they can convert beings to 'cubi OFC) but in our society we (at least seemingly) have the pressure of finding Mr/Mrs Right. in Furrae, it could be Mr/Mrs Right Now. (a shift of which i'd wholeheartedly approve)

Quote from: Wanderer on December 21, 2012, 12:09:06 PM
Quote from: KiloFoxx on December 21, 2012, 10:35:59 AM
anyway, i'm racking my brain here to try and figure out WHAT is blocking the Oracle's sight that is NOT Pyroduck, but would disappear if he left...

It wouldn't disappear if he left. She would be able to see HIS future again if he left. Because he'd be outside of whatever the zone of freakishness is at the inn. If he leaves and never goes back, HIS future will be nice and assured, and she'll be able to see it just fine. It won't do a thing for the unseeable future at the inn.

that may be a difference in how I interpreted it versus how you did, but i'll go back and re-read the comic to be sure. though it sounds like it could be interpreted either way. (though the way you mentioned makes a helluva lot more sense)


Quote from: Amber Williams on December 21, 2012, 12:43:14 PM
Quote from: Wanderer on December 21, 2012, 12:09:06 PM
AND HE STILL DIDN'T REALLY ASK HER ABOUT THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION, THE ENTIRE THING THAT I WOULD HAVE CALLED HER TO ASK ABOUT! THE WHOLE REASON THAT HE THOUGHT OF CALLING HER IN THE FIRST PLACE! He mentioned that it happened, but he didn't ASK about it, so we don't know if Da knows anything about it! All we know is she can't see Merlitz. We've got nothing on this supposed oracle who's giving out answers that don't make sense. That's called a clue, and he DIDN'T ASK ABOUT IT! GRAAAAAAA! *Is still upset about this*

Pyroduck did ask it, I just didn't draw it because I didn't want to spend another 1-2 comics of Pyroduck reaching a blank wall with each question. In hindsight I guess I should have since it would have added to the reason why he's freaking out.   

So I guess if there is anything to be upset about, its me being a lazy moron.

It really does feel like we've left out important details. Although since nobody else here is reacting to it, maybe it's just me. Or maybe everyone else is so caught up in the dramaticness of Pyro's reaction to Da's statement that they're overlooking what feels like a big gaping hole to me, I don't know.

Amber Williams

It is the unfortunate juggle.  While there are some folks who would probably enjoy page after page of explanations and back n forth dialogues, there is an equal amount of people who would get tired after a couple pages and feel the story is dragging. 

The main thing is Pyroduck knows Da fairly well, and Da knows Pyroduck fairly well ontop of she would know what Pyroduck is calling for and the various questions he would have.  In that sense, there was no reason for Pyroduck to have to ask because Da already knows the question.  That she didn't provide an answer at all is what is unsettling to Pyroduck as Da has always been one to provide some sort of insight or clue that even if it wasn't a direct answer, would give Pyroduck some indication or insight to the situation.  The only reason Pyroduck would have asked questions would have been for the narrative for the readers sake.    Which perhaps I should have done since it does seem to have upset you quite a bit.

I guess at the time I thought it unnecessary and wanted to continue the story on. 

Jasae Bushae

hmm...Well Fa'lina never suggested having any trouble with seeing abels future so im going to make the wild guess that cubi clan leaders trump oracles...

Hmm...Probably be nice to know if the oracles have ever tried predicting clan leaders, dragons or fae ever XD We know they were able to accuratly predict the fate of destania (it was the entire point of the aaryanna plot thingy) an they can predict dragons actions pretty well *points at pyroduck* though that might just be because hes nowhere near as mighty as the big older ones...

ponder ponder ponder

huh, browsing the phoenix information it seems i was over thinking it and this sorta thing happens alot XD http://www.missmab.com/Demo/phoenixb.php (notable figures) so it could be something relatively tame
I might be a hack writer but thats no reason not to Enjoy writing anyways


Quote from: Tapewolf on December 21, 2012, 11:21:50 AM
Quote from: Moonfire on December 21, 2012, 10:14:41 AM
When I saw the page, Destania first popped into mind. It would explain why she lived there in a state of relative calmness for 20+ years.

Destania used Cyra's power to hide Aniz from Hizell for a while. (Abel II #57)

Yeah, but I still think that kind of block would happen enough that they would know what was causing it by now, even if they didn't know who or why.

That's obviously being blocked too!  :grin


Quote from: Tapewolf on December 21, 2012, 12:52:57 PM
Another interesting thing is that Fa'Lina did foresee their demise if Abel didn't go with them.  Presumably the block was raised after then...

Fa'lina's ability seems to be specifically tied to SAIA and once they leave, the person. As she says, after a few months, she can no longer see their future.
I would tend to assume an oracle's insight would be from "above" instead (considering her link to the person direct and "inside").

Or, you could take it as further proof it's Destania's/Cyra's doing, and it doesn't affect Fa'lina's sympatico magic.


Hizel seems pretty darn powerful in his own right. We don't know all his capabilities, or even those of his allies.


Quote from: Amber Williams on December 21, 2012, 04:26:58 PM
It is the unfortunate juggle.  While there are some folks who would probably enjoy page after page of explanations and back n forth dialogues, there is an equal amount of people who would get tired after a couple pages and feel the story is dragging. 

The main thing is Pyroduck knows Da fairly well, and Da knows Pyroduck fairly well ontop of she would know what Pyroduck is calling for and the various questions he would have.  In that sense, there was no reason for Pyroduck to have to ask because Da already knows the question.  That she didn't provide an answer at all is what is unsettling to Pyroduck as Da has always been one to provide some sort of insight or clue that even if it wasn't a direct answer, would give Pyroduck some indication or insight to the situation.  The only reason Pyroduck would have asked questions would have been for the narrative for the readers sake.    Which perhaps I should have done since it does seem to have upset you quite a bit.

I guess at the time I thought it unnecessary and wanted to continue the story on. 

Meh, you can always have Pyroduck simply summarize his conversation later for Wildy or someone.  Exposition, for all its evils, is probably better than watching a phone conversation. :3

I'm also reminded of the time that Dan and Mab were discussing the events that got her kicked out of the fae kingdom.  "We don't need to exposition about something we both already know!"  So don't feel too bad about it. :3

My personal theory is that the mysterious force around Lost Lake is actually Amber and the comic itself!  After all, Amber has more power over the world than all of its inhabitants combined...  :P