[Art] Nyil's Digital Paintings (Commission: Liger dreamscape) (mature) [1/17/13]

Started by Nyil, December 02, 2011, 12:33:52 AM

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The old thread was getting a little crowded, and was full of old art. So, here's a new, less cluttered thread, with new art! First off, the piece from tonight's stream!

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A drop of water shall be returned with a burst of spring.

Interested in high fantasy and art nouveau? Check out my art page! http://www.furaffinity.net/user/nyil/


I really enjoy your SciFi/Fantasy/dream scape whatever you want to call it compositions. The colors please and wondering what inspires them intrigues!
Heroic adventuring at the speed of slow.
Never mistake kindness as a sign of weakness.
Not a complete idiot, parts missing.

Dropping Proeliator from the name was way overdue.

Avi by Tabi



A drop of water shall be returned with a burst of spring.

Interested in high fantasy and art nouveau? Check out my art page! http://www.furaffinity.net/user/nyil/


A drop of water shall be returned with a burst of spring.

Interested in high fantasy and art nouveau? Check out my art page! http://www.furaffinity.net/user/nyil/


Redcaps are for real my favorite faerie creature because somewhere, someone decided that there was a creature that lives in abandoned castles and murders people who wander by it, to dye his cap in their blood - and if he doesn't, and the blood in his cap dries out, he dies.

Poor thing.

This... was a warmup speedpaint type thing, and was tonsoffun.
A drop of water shall be returned with a burst of spring.

Interested in high fantasy and art nouveau? Check out my art page! http://www.furaffinity.net/user/nyil/


... Iiiii think I'm glad that I live in the US now, where there aren't any abandoned castles to worry about with something like that.


Quote from: Inumo on December 06, 2011, 11:31:21 PM
... Iiiii think I'm glad that I live in the US now, where there aren't any abandoned castles to worry about with something like that.

Thankfully, all we have to worry about are abandoned mines, dark forests, dark streets, abandoned buildings, condemned buildings, and monsters under the bed.

I love the fairer folk <3
A drop of water shall be returned with a burst of spring.

Interested in high fantasy and art nouveau? Check out my art page! http://www.furaffinity.net/user/nyil/


A drop of water shall be returned with a burst of spring.

Interested in high fantasy and art nouveau? Check out my art page! http://www.furaffinity.net/user/nyil/


A drop of water shall be returned with a burst of spring.

Interested in high fantasy and art nouveau? Check out my art page! http://www.furaffinity.net/user/nyil/


catch a falling star
and put it in your pocket
never let it fade away

catch a falling star
and put it in your pocket
save it for a rainy day

for love may come
and tap you on the shoulder
some starless night

just in case you feel
you wanna hold her
you'll have a pocket full of starlight

catch a falling star
and put it in your pocket
never let it fade away

catch a falling star
and put it in your pocket
save it for a rainy day

for love may come
and tap you on the shoulder
some starless night

just in case you feel
you wanna hold her
you'll have a pocket full of starlight
(mmmmm hmmm)

catch a falling star
and put it in your pocket
never let it fade away

catch a falling star
and put it in your pocket
save it for a rainy day

for when your troubles
start multiplying
and they just might

its easy to forget them
without trying
with just a pocket full of starlight

catch a falling star
and put it in your pocket
never let it fade away

catch a falling star
and put it in your pocket
save it for a rainy day
save it for a rainy day


(love the art, Nyil!)
Heroic adventuring at the speed of slow.
Never mistake kindness as a sign of weakness.
Not a complete idiot, parts missing.

Dropping Proeliator from the name was way overdue.

Avi by Tabi



A drop of water shall be returned with a burst of spring.

Interested in high fantasy and art nouveau? Check out my art page! http://www.furaffinity.net/user/nyil/


A drop of water shall be returned with a burst of spring.

Interested in high fantasy and art nouveau? Check out my art page! http://www.furaffinity.net/user/nyil/


I was just in one of those moody moods, where I just kinda had to paint something to get it out. Well, not matter how hopeless or rough things down here may look, at least the night sky always looks pretty and calm.

Full sizes:
A drop of water shall be returned with a burst of spring.

Interested in high fantasy and art nouveau? Check out my art page! http://www.furaffinity.net/user/nyil/

Corgatha Taldorthar

I've lurked in this thread a lot, and I really must say, your backgrounds are *amazing*
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on December 18, 2011, 01:18:09 AM
I've lurked in this thread a lot, and I really must say, your backgrounds are *amazing*

Oh, thank you very much! Honestly, backgrounds never really used to be my forte, so to hear that means a great deal to me!
A drop of water shall be returned with a burst of spring.

Interested in high fantasy and art nouveau? Check out my art page! http://www.furaffinity.net/user/nyil/


A drop of water shall be returned with a burst of spring.

Interested in high fantasy and art nouveau? Check out my art page! http://www.furaffinity.net/user/nyil/


A drop of water shall be returned with a burst of spring.

Interested in high fantasy and art nouveau? Check out my art page! http://www.furaffinity.net/user/nyil/


I swear to god, if I ever get into D&D this is going to be my character, I don't care how many rules I have to try to bend to get a mouse and a fiddle in there. IT WILL HAPPEN THAT WAY.

This was a little practice of textures and intricate things, and it was a lot of fun!

Full sizes:
A drop of water shall be returned with a burst of spring.

Interested in high fantasy and art nouveau? Check out my art page! http://www.furaffinity.net/user/nyil/


I believe you can BS it under kobold. I know there's -a- rodent race. Anyways.. love the patterns there, mousie. Very intricate. Hair too. Never anything wrong with that.


I love the green robe and the shoulder armor and you work with light is as excellent as ever!


Quote from: Kenji on December 26, 2011, 01:17:24 PM
I believe you can BS it under kobold. I know there's -a- rodent race.

Kobolds are rodents in WoW, but in D&D, they're actually a race of small reptile-men who hang out with dragons. :B Still, with a good DM, anything's possible. You could make up some kind of anthro-mouse race, or just be someone polymorph-cursed into one.

Oh, and a fiddle, you say? BARD. :>


Take the Perform (Strings) Skill and I believe there's many interesting items that go with a fiddle


Quote from: Kipiru on December 26, 2011, 01:46:06 PM
I love the green robe and the shoulder armor and you work with light is as excellent as ever!

Aha, thank you very much. The piece was very much an exercise in warm and cold colors, and the green suit the purpose of a colder color very well - it takes the warmth of an orange, and the cool of a blue very very well. I do love a good green.

I totes need to find a D&D group to play with - one that wouldn't mind a complete beginner, hahahaha. I tried to play it once or twice, but I spent so much time going "DURR" and looking at my character sheet and information that I got killed out of convenience before I could think to shout "thunderbolt" and throw a hankie at the DM. ... I hope I could be a little better at that now!
A drop of water shall be returned with a burst of spring.

Interested in high fantasy and art nouveau? Check out my art page! http://www.furaffinity.net/user/nyil/


A drop of water shall be returned with a burst of spring.

Interested in high fantasy and art nouveau? Check out my art page! http://www.furaffinity.net/user/nyil/


I have just a bit of critique towards your artwork and it is the mouse ears. They look very realistic but sometimes they look like they are not attached to the head, as if they are worn over the hair. I myself am terrible with animal ears, so this kind of bugs me, sorry.
As for the D&D thing- you should look for a group that doesn't stick to the rules that much. I myself am a DM and our party doesn't even bother with stats- we just go instinct.


So you mostly go by rule zero? "The DM is the last word?"


Quote from: justacritic on December 27, 2011, 08:31:17 AM
So you mostly go by rule zero? "The DM is the last word?"

Yes, I expect the players to react naturally to each situation, unencumbered by rules and stats and since we've been playing for so long we all know eachother's characters by heart we only roll a dice to make up for the element of chance. This leaves a lot more room for roleplaying instead of solving math problems.


Quote from: Kipiru on December 27, 2011, 02:17:45 AM
I have just a bit of critique towards your artwork and it is the mouse ears. They look very realistic but sometimes they look like they are not attached to the head, as if they are worn over the hair. I myself am terrible with animal ears, so this kind of bugs me, sorry.
As for the D&D thing- you should look for a group that doesn't stick to the rules that much. I myself am a DM and our party doesn't even bother with stats- we just go instinct.

Hey man, don't say sorry for making me a better artist. I'll keep this in mind, I see what you mean and I will work to fix it in the future. Thank you!
A drop of water shall be returned with a burst of spring.

Interested in high fantasy and art nouveau? Check out my art page! http://www.furaffinity.net/user/nyil/


Wanted to change my hair around, and practice matte surfaces vs shiny surfaces (hair vs fur/clothes) - texturally, accomplishing things in digital painting is a little more difficult. I'm discovering that I actually have to TEXTURE things, rather than draw a couple of lines, point with my magic finger and proclaim "THIS IS A ROCK." - if I do that, it won't look like a rock, it will simply look like plastic. First step around this is drawing a character that looks like it has more than one surface texture. I think I'm getting closer.

Full sizes:
A drop of water shall be returned with a burst of spring.

Interested in high fantasy and art nouveau? Check out my art page! http://www.furaffinity.net/user/nyil/