03/29/10 [AS2#95] Wow...

Started by Rambon, March 29, 2010, 01:28:48 AM

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Don't have to kill anyone.  There are many ways to neutralize or subdue a threat.  I'm really starting to sound like a broken record here, to the point where even I'm pretty tired of saying it.  Abel hasn't been willing to entertain *any* of them.


Quote from: A. Lurker on March 30, 2010, 08:41:06 AM
Quote from: Lego3400 on March 30, 2010, 01:18:11 AM
There are many ways to kill without blood. Strangle them. Poison them. burn them alive, magic includes curshing them under piles of rock, freezing them solid.... MANY MANY Ways...

Sure, there are many ways to kill other people. Tell me, how many of them have you ever actually used?

Because, well, that's essentially what you're asking Abel to do. Forget all notions of civilized behavior and become some sort of vengeance-obsessed vigilante. Some cubi would evidently have no trouble with that -- witness Exhibit A, Aaryanna, right there --, but having grown up as essentially a normal kid among reasonably civilized Beings, Abel simply isn't one of them. Can't really say that I blame him for not wanting to become one, either.

(Let's not forget that this is the same Aary who will, a few hundred years down the timeline, suggest that Dan should practice with his cubi powers by grabbing some random girl off the street and rending her limb from limb -- and while his reaction made for a funny strip, I never once got the vibe that she was simply kidding. Her perspective is at least as skewed as Abel's in its own way.)

Oh, come on. Let's be realistic. Violence (and the threat of violence) is the cornerstone of civilisation. How long do you think society would last without an army and police force standing by to wreak retribution on people who stray too far from accepted social norms? There's no doubt that, if Aniz is the unsanctioned mad-dog he appears to be, he should be... dealt with, in whatever way is most effective. The only doubt I have about that is if the things he does are unsanctioned, or if Aniz serves a patron who shields him from the consequences of his actions. 


Quote from: Pascal on March 30, 2010, 09:09:19 AM
Quote from: A. Lurker on March 30, 2010, 08:41:06 AM
Quote from: Lego3400 on March 30, 2010, 01:18:11 AM
There are many ways to kill without blood. Strangle them. Poison them. burn them alive, magic includes curshing them under piles of rock, freezing them solid.... MANY MANY Ways...

Sure, there are many ways to kill other people. Tell me, how many of them have you ever actually used?

Because, well, that's essentially what you're asking Abel to do. Forget all notions of civilized behavior and become some sort of vengeance-obsessed vigilante. Some cubi would evidently have no trouble with that -- witness Exhibit A, Aaryanna, right there --, but having grown up as essentially a normal kid among reasonably civilized Beings, Abel simply isn't one of them. Can't really say that I blame him for not wanting to become one, either.

(Let's not forget that this is the same Aary who will, a few hundred years down the timeline, suggest that Dan should practice with his cubi powers by grabbing some random girl off the street and rending her limb from limb -- and while his reaction made for a funny strip, I never once got the vibe that she was simply kidding. Her perspective is at least as skewed as Abel's in its own way.)

Oh, come on. Let's be realistic. Violence (and the threat of violence) is the cornerstone of civilisation. How long do you think society would last without an army and police force standing by to wreak retribution on people who stray too far from accepted social norms? There's no doubt that, if Aniz is the unsanctioned mad-dog he appears to be, he should be... dealt with, in whatever way is most effective. The only doubt I have about that is if the things he does are unsanctioned, or if Aniz serves a patron who shields him from the consequences of his actions. 

If that was true, though, I wonder why Fa'Lina couldn't just chuck him back into Zvinth like she wanted to.  Why would Taun's clan care, if he was such a threat to the race? 


Quote from: Pascal on March 30, 2010, 09:09:19 AM
Oh, come on. Let's be realistic. Violence (and the threat of violence) is the cornerstone of civilisation. How long do you think society would last without an army and police force standing by to wreak retribution on people who stray too far from accepted social norms? There's no doubt that, if Aniz is the unsanctioned mad-dog he appears to be, he should be... dealt with, in whatever way is most effective. The only doubt I have about that is if the things he does are unsanctioned, or if Aniz serves a patron who shields him from the consequences of his actions. 

It really is.  It's amazing how few people realize that.  It's a part of all life.  Plants, animals and even micro-organisms.  Violence and death are natural parts of life.  To turn your eyes away from it because it's scary or not nice is asking for it to blind side you.  We, as humans, have the benefit of the availability of higher things like Love and Compassion and Reason but we do ourselves a disservice if we deny the more basic aspects of what it means to be alive.  In all things, balance.

As for your theory?  It's a neat one, and there's no evidence to support it, but I'd be pleasantly surprised to find out that was the case.  Course, I'm pleasantly surprised and delighted by everything in this comic so far, so that's not a stretch.  I'm not interested in trying to spoil the story just yet though.  I'd rather sit back an watch it unfurl and let it tell itself out before I start trying to go trying to investigate things.  Wait until I have all of the data before I move, as it were.

A friend of mine once told me about something his friend had said to someone who kept speculating during a movie.   The comment was: "The movie starts, EXPLAINS ITSELF, and then ends.  Sit down and watch and you'll likely get your answers."  That's after two layers of paraphrasing, of course, but the point stands well I think.

Quote from: Arcblade on March 30, 2010, 09:19:37 AM
If that was true, though, I wonder why Fa'Lina couldn't just chuck him back into Zvinth like she wanted to.  Why would Taun's clan care, if he was such a threat to the race? 

A few folks have been wondering that, actually.  Hence why Pascal wondered if there wasn't someone pulling some strings for Aniz.  Someone bigger and nastier and with whom our little cuckoo's plans just happen to coincide with.  I mean, after the looney rebuilds his clan, just what do you think he might do with it?  In truth, I've got a couple of ideas that might be interesting if they were to come to pass. 


Quote from: Mao Laoren on March 30, 2010, 09:21:33 AM
A friend of mine once told me about something his friend had said to someone who kept speculating during a movie.   The comment was: "The movie starts, EXPLAINS ITSELF, and then ends.  Sit down and watch and you'll likely get your answers."  That's after two layers of paraphrasing, of course, but the point stands well I think.

Trying to figure things out ahead of time is kind of game my family and I play when we watch a movie or TV. In our defence, we don't get meta about it or anything (which would be cheating and no fun at all), but it does sometimes result in us spoiling surprises. In any event, it's a bad habit and I really should knock it off, especially in mixed company.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Mao Laoren on March 30, 2010, 06:33:38 AM
I don't know if you noticed it, but Kria was able to set up some wards that could hold a far older and far nastier being than Aniz:  Fa'lina.

I beg to differ. Kria was able to set up wards that SHE THOUGHT would stop Fa'Lina. That's a significant difference. I don't recall Fa'Lina testing the wards, or demonstrating just how ineffectual they would be against her, or even demonstrating that they actually worked.

We simply don't know if it would or would not have stopped her. Unless you know something I don't.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 30, 2010, 09:49:06 AM
I beg to differ. Kria was able to set up wards that SHE THOUGHT would stop Fa'Lina. That's a significant difference. I don't recall Fa'Lina testing the wards, or demonstrating just how ineffectual they would be against her, or even demonstrating that they actually worked.

We simply don't know if it would or would not have stopped her. Unless you know something I don't.

Fair point.  We don't know if they would have worked or not, but I don't see Kria as the bluffing sort nor the sort to take unnecessary risks.  Fa'lina also was pretty keen on the little pissing contest she was having with Kria so I kinda doubt she'd pass up the opportunity to play that chip, but that's pretty flimsy as far as evidence goes.

As for me knowing something you don't know?  Plenty of that.  Plenty of things you know that I don't know, too.  I'm not about to reveal all of my cards though.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Heh. For what it's worth, my take on the little pissing contest is that Fa'Lina knew that Kria was well outmatched, but wasn't about to squash her like a bug, because she wanted Kria to be reasonable about things, and stealing lollipops from babies doesn't make the baby likely to agree with you.

Minimal effort on Fa'Lina's part, maximum result. Of course, it depends on what result she wanted, and that is still a bit up in the air...

... but all that is a discussion for another thread and another time, I think.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 30, 2010, 09:59:56 AM
Heh. For what it's worth, my take on the little pissing contest is that Fa'Lina knew that Kria was well outmatched, but wasn't about to squash her like a bug, because she wanted Kria to be reasonable about things, and stealing lollipops from babies doesn't make the baby likely to agree with you.

Minimal effort on Fa'Lina's part, maximum result. Of course, it depends on what result she wanted, and that is still a bit up in the air...

... but all that is a discussion for another thread and another time, I think.

power, after all isn't about strength sometimes, it's about careful application and timing.. knowing when to use it.

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


Mao, not to be mean with this, but from your posts, you kinda seem like General Patton during WW2 with his 'slapping incident'. I'm sure most know about it, but being how Patton slapped and went on a tirade on a soldier for having Shellshock because of the war. A person's mind is fragile and fickle, 3 deaths plus what Aniz did would break a few people. Plus when one's mind breaks, one loses the ability to make decisions. Like I said in my first post, they go into a sort of auto-pilot. Emotions can play on it. Hence why Fa'lina removed Abel's emotions for a while so she could have a somewhat civil discussion with him.

Mental trauma affects people separately and everyone has a different limit. I don't like bringing myself into talks/arguments, but I'm going to be an example. I snapped in high school before. For a minor reason too. Doing work during english class, but as everyone was talking loudly, when the volume got too high, I broke into a hysterical fit with lots of tears. I had to be forcibly removed from the room and taken home. It may have been pointless, but mental wear is different for each person, like I said at the first point.

For Abel, the only way he could have done anything would have been if he was given psychological help. But when you're in a place where you're told what you 'should' do and what 'needs' to be done, no matter how much help if offered by people of dubious nature in the basic matter, it will amount to nothing. Abel should have been looked at by a mind wizard, not berated for basically what's gone from rolling down a hill to a leap over a cliff face.
Who is the sanest of us all? Why, the insane of course!


Quote from: InsanityRequiem on March 30, 2010, 10:25:52 AM
Mao, not to be mean with this, but from your posts, you kinda seem like General Patton during WW2 with his 'slapping incident'. I'm sure most know about it, but being how Patton slapped and went on a tirade on a soldier for having Shellshock because of the war. A person's mind is fragile and fickle, 3 deaths plus what Aniz did would break a few people. Plus when one's mind breaks, one loses the ability to make decisions. Like I said in my first post, they go into a sort of auto-pilot. Emotions can play on it. Hence why Fa'lina removed Abel's emotions for a while so she could have a somewhat civil discussion with him.

I like how you're straw manning me by comparing me to a completely different person and in an event that many people have very strong feelings about.  I appreciate it, I do.  If you want to burn me for Patton's sins, by all means.  He cursed at them, slapped them and yelled at them all the while flying into a rage at them.  I've done no such thing in this thread.  In fact, I've completely avoided it.  Thanks for comparing me to it though.  It's an awesome feeling.

I read your first post.  I know what you said and I still hold the opinion that he's a coward.  Nothing you've said here convinces me otherwise, even your attempts to demonize me and my opinion.

Quote from: InsanityRequiem on March 30, 2010, 10:25:52 AM
Mental trauma affects people separately and everyone has a different limit. I don't like bringing myself into talks/arguments, but I'm going to be an example. I snapped in high school before. For a minor reason too. Doing work during english class, but as everyone was talking loudly, when the volume got too high, I broke into a hysterical fit with lots of tears. I had to be forcibly removed from the room and taken home. It may have been pointless, but mental wear is different for each person, like I said at the first point.

Yes, and I'm entitled to my opinion about those responses to wear.  Again, you're not doing anything to convince me here or show me evidence to the contrary.  All you're saying is that "Life is hard for some people, so you should be nicer."  Life is hard for EVERYONE.  As far as I'm concerned, Abel needs to man up.  He hasn't yet, so to me, he's a coward.

Quote from: InsanityRequiem on March 30, 2010, 10:25:52 AM
For Abel, the only way he could have done anything would have been if he was given psychological help. But when you're in a place where you're told what you 'should' do and what 'needs' to be done, no matter how much help if offered by people of dubious nature in the basic matter, it will amount to nothing. Abel should have been looked at by a mind wizard, not berated for basically what's gone from rolling down a hill to a leap over a cliff face.

You really think that getting psychological help is the only way to recover from a trauma?  Do you know how relatively new psychology is as a modern science?  How did people cope before it, hmm?

As for berating him?  People were trying to help him.  Look at Mink.  Mink was trying his damndest all along to help him and he just shut him out and convinced himself that Mink was wasting his time.

I'm going to say this, since you seem to be under a somewhat dangerous perception:  Psychology is not some magic pill that will sort out your troubles for you.  It will not give you the tools you need to solve your problems.  You, the person involved, has to take action.  You must get up and move, even if it's just the first step to ask people to help you overcome your fears and inhibitions.  He couldn't even do that.  He gave up.  He chickened out.  I have no sympathy for that kind of behavior.


Actually, I'm linking to how the coward comments are. Patten saw those with shellshock as cowards, unable to man up basically. You see Able as a coward and want him to man up. That's all that I'm comparing. Patten did the stupid with his violence.

So, you're saying that if your life went 100% like Abel's, no putting in what you went through in your own, you'd do differently?

And on the psychological help, the application of psychology is new through the use of shrinks. Throughout history, it has been happening since ancient times. Warriors of Sparta, Rome, Egypt, China, etc. from basically 20,000 BC through 1700s all told their tales. That was their means to psychological coping, sharing their wars and fights with their family, fellow warriors, etc. Nowadays, with the demonization of fighting and actually talking, specialists in the mind are growing to take that place for secluding talks.

And Mink? Mink isn't helping by telling Abel what to do, but by treating Abel as a person, not a tool to use nor as a means to an end. Mink is what Abel needs to begin the long process of healing. Someone who is a friend and there as a support. Mink's perfect for that! The squiggly that he is.
Who is the sanest of us all? Why, the insane of course!


Quote from: Mao Laoren on March 30, 2010, 10:39:21 AM
As for berating him?  People were trying to help him.  Look at Mink.  Mink was trying his damnedest all along to help him and he just shut him out and convinced himself that Mink was wasting his time.

To be fair, Mink's brand of helpfulness is... not to everyone's taste. Personally, I've always found aggressively upbeat people rather wearying.

And, with the regard to the psychology issue, people often didn't cope with mental illness prior to the advent of psychology. They just went mad and either were killed, ostracised, or had holes drilled in their heads to let out the evil spirits.


Quote from: InsanityRequiem on March 30, 2010, 10:57:02 AM
Actually, I'm linking to how the coward comments are. Patten saw those with shellshock as cowards, unable to man up basically. You see Able as a coward and want him to man up. That's all that I'm comparing. Patten did the stupid with his violence.

I've called Abel a coward and Patten called someone a coward.  Great link.  Patten flew into a rage at them too, and if you'd even read the wikipedia article on it: when a valid reason was given (the soldier had malaria and was a bit out of it as a result) Patten even apologized to one of the soldiers in question.  You've made the comparison between me and someone who was angry, tired and flew off the handle at someone else and who was arguably demonized for his actions.  Comparing me to him is, whether this was intentional or not, a demonization of me.  It weakens your argument and makes it look like nothing more than an attempt to strawman me.  I don't appreciate it.

Quote from: InsanityRequiem on March 30, 2010, 10:57:02 AM
So, you're saying that if your life went 100% like Abel's, no putting in what you went through in your own, you'd do differently?

If I went through life 100% like Abel, I'd be Abel.  I'm not.  I'm a very different person and have handled horrible situations and you don't see me bawwing about how hard it is.  How is this hard for you to imagine?  Have you become so fooled by everyone going on about their many psychological disorders that you can't believe that some people can actually stand up to trauma?  Do you honestly think there are no folks made of sterner stuff out there?  I don't like people who give up.  Even if he had tried, just a little, we would not be having this conversation.    He didn't.  He gave up.  I don't like him for it.  I see his choice as cowardly.

Quote from: InsanityRequiem on March 30, 2010, 10:57:02 AM
And on the psychological help, the application of psychology is new through the use of shrinks. Throughout history, it has been happening since ancient times. Warriors of Sparta, Rome, Egypt, China, etc. from basically 20,000 BC through 1700s all told their tales. That was their means to psychological coping, sharing their wars and fights with their family, fellow warriors, etc. Nowadays, with the demonization of fighting and actually talking, specialists in the mind are growing to take that place for secluding talks.

I'm sorry, but if you want to call 'just talking' Psychology, then we have a very different view of what Psychology is and does.  Here's the thing though.  The little rub in that.  Abel had the chance to do all of that.  People tried very hard to do that for him.  He turned them all away.  He curled up in his shell, pushed them all away and did nothing.  He just sat there and cowered.  Even those soldiers at least *tried* to seek help.  He did not.  He's a true coward.

Quote from: InsanityRequiem on March 30, 2010, 10:57:02 AM
And Mink? Mink isn't helping by telling Abel what to do, but by treating Abel as a person, not a tool to use nor as a means to an end. Mink is what Abel needs to begin the long process of healing. Someone who is a friend and there as a support. Mink's perfect for that! The squiggly that he is.

Not all of them were trying to tell him what to do.  In many cases they were saying that he had options and that there were those who wanted to help.  He turned every last one of them away from what we've been told so far.  So unless you know something I don't, I'd say you've got no case on that point.


wow, if this argument goes around any more, we'll haveta stick it in the LHC so it can go around even faster

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


Mao.  You may be of the opinion that Abel is a coward.  But I am of the opinion that you decided that because he didn't do what you wanted and are just trying to make your position appear more reasonable and evidence-based than it really is.  I also do not believe that InsanityRequiem was setting up a straw man.  He was focusing on the abrupt branding of people as cowards without due consideration.  He is not tarring you with all of Patton's sins.  He is pointing out the one you share.
In any event, you are not convincing anyone that Abel was a coward.  That is probably due in part to the fact that you will not entertain the possibility that he was not.


Quote from: Pvblivs on March 30, 2010, 12:33:05 PM
Mao.  You may be of the opinion that Abel is a coward.  But I am of the opinion that you decided that because he didn't do what you wanted and are just trying to make your position appear more reasonable and evidence-based than it really is.  I also do not believe that InsanityRequiem was setting up a straw man.  He was focusing on the abrupt branding of people as cowards without due consideration.  He is not tarring you with all of Patton's sins.  He is pointing out the one you share.
In any event, you are not convincing anyone that Abel was a coward.  That is probably due in part to the fact that you will not entertain the possibility that he was not.

weigh up the evidence that Abel hasn't matured much at all and you'll see he does have a slight yellow streak up his back.  >:3

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


Quote from: Pvblivs on March 30, 2010, 12:33:05 PM
Mao.  You may be of the opinion that Abel is a coward.  But I am of the opinion that you decided that because he didn't do what you wanted and are just trying to make your position appear more reasonable and evidence-based than it really is.  I also do not believe that InsanityRequiem was setting up a straw man.  He was focusing on the abrupt branding of people as cowards without due consideration.  He is not tarring you with all of Patton's sins.  He is pointing out the one you share.
In any event, you are not convincing anyone that Abel was a coward.  That is probably due in part to the fact that you will not entertain the possibility that he was not.

I will entertain it when evidence to the contrary is provided.  None has.  All that's been given so far is justifications of cowardice and attempts to make my opinions seem like more than they are in an attempt to cow me into repenting like some sorry little sinner.  If you want to make this personal, we can.  You want to start saying things about me without knowing me?  That's unfortunate.

I've provided what I feel is the evidence and gave my reasons.  If that's not enough for you, that's fine.  It's your opinion.  Attacking my opinion without supporting evidence though, just makes you a troll.  Particularly with the tone you're taking. But I'm not going to attack you on something as ephemeral as that.  I'll stick to your argument.

As for InsanityRequiem setting up a Strawman?  I'm sorry but when you take one thing that people have a strong feeling about and have been SHOWN to get mad about and then try and apply it to another argument, you're using a strawman argument.  You're attempting to take the vitriol that people felt over that event and use it burn the other person by likening them and their side to it.

I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything.  In fact, I'm stating my opinion and agreement with Aary's point of view.  Everyone else is trying to convince me that I'm wrong.

As for not giving due consideration?  I'm sorry, but Abel has been around in this comic for a while.  Both the main and his side one.  I've had time to think about this for a while and have never really liked Abel that much.  Forgive me if I'm happy to see someone confront this fictional character on an aspect of himself that makes me not like him.

tl;dr:  You're a troll.  Forum is srsbsns.


Essentially this situation can be summed up thusly:

Abel went through hell and had his world turned upside down.  His father then dragged him to SAIA and told him that if he did something stupid, he'd kill May. Abel then stayed at SAIA for roughly 39 years.  In that time, multiple people, including Aaryanna and Destania, offered him help with his situation, and he turned them down.  He had the opportunity to take combat classes, and did not.  Which bring us to now, with his mother dead of old age, and Aary thoroughly pissed off at him.  

Whether or not he's impressive for managing to avoid post-traumatic stress disorder/various other disorders, or a coward for his lack of action, is a matter of opinion.  

It's a fact that some people break down under mental and emotional stress, while some people go down, shake themselves off, and get right back up.  Those who break down tend to lose sight of reality for a time, seeing obstacles as greater than they truly are, living and reliving the same nightmares over and over without making progress, etc. 

Of the that former group, most get back up after a period of time.  Mao is quite right: psychology is a fairly new development in history.  Most mental and emotional injuries heal with time, with or without professional help.  The time involved may be anywhere from several weeks to decades, but eventually it happens.  


Quote from: Jasonrevall on March 29, 2010, 08:03:03 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on March 29, 2010, 07:12:38 PM
At the end of the day it's easy to look at something like this from an armchair and say that Abel's doing it wrong.  Would you or I do a vastly better job in his place if your life was completely destroyed?  I'm not convinced I would, frankly.  Then again I can recognise quite a few of Abel's flaws in myself.

You make an excellent point. We aren't in Abel's shoes so do we actually know what we ourselves would do in this situation? I myself would probably do some things that many would consider "cowardly".

True.  But you might be surprised by some people's reactions.  I'm a nice guy.  Probably too nice.  As a personal explanation: I don't want anyone to dislike me, so I go out of my way to avoid giving anyone a reason for dislike.

That said, the fastest way to make me act in potentially violent ways is to seriously mess with my friends and family.  The rare times that I've fought people is because of that, and I'd guess that in Abel's position I'd've helped myself to Destania's mentorship because I would be unable to ignore Aniz' threat against my Mom.
            <-- #1 that is!


Quote from: Turnsky on March 30, 2010, 12:48:44 PM
Quote from: Pvblivs on March 30, 2010, 12:33:05 PM
Mao.  You may be of the opinion that Abel is a coward.  But I am of the opinion that you decided that because he didn't do what you wanted and are just trying to make your position appear more reasonable and evidence-based than it really is.  I also do not believe that InsanityRequiem was setting up a straw man.  He was focusing on the abrupt branding of people as cowards without due consideration.  He is not tarring you with all of Patton's sins.  He is pointing out the one you share.
In any event, you are not convincing anyone that Abel was a coward.  That is probably due in part to the fact that you will not entertain the possibility that he was not.

weigh up the evidence that Abel hasn't matured much at all and you'll see he does have a slight yellow streak up his back.  >:3

You're using that little "I'm trolling you" smiley again. Don't think I don't see you.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Mao Laoren on March 30, 2010, 12:48:52 PM
I will entertain it when evidence to the contrary is provided.  None has.  All that's been given so far is justifications of cowardice and attempts to make my opinions seem like more than they are in an attempt to cow me into repenting like some sorry little sinner.  If you want to make this personal, we can.  You want to start saying things about me without knowing me?  That's unfortunate.

(Emphasis added; remainder left in for context.)

I'd strongly recommend, as a moderator, that the two of you do not take this option. Seriously. So far, while there has been disagreement, I've been willing to let it slide, because it's remained gentlemanly. At least a little bit.

Pascal, Pvblivs, I'm looking at you two. Mao knows what will happen if he steps over the line. Do you two? Don't make me regret my forbearance. You won't like my sock puppet.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Really? Damn it... I thought I'd managed to keep things from getting hostile, too.


QuoteI'd strongly recommend, as a moderator, that the two of you do not take this option.

I can assure you that I am not trying to make this personal.  For Abel's character, I simply think we don't know enough about him to make a judgement.  But on this thread I have made three comments, one stating that I thought that some people were rushing to judgement (and there are several people I thought did that), one in which I criticized a poor stance from someone who seems to be arguing from the point of assuming his conclusion and looks like he thinks everyone should agree with him (there I said that I though that the accusation of "straw man" was incorrect), and this one in which I am attempting to defend myself.

I am not seeking to offend anyone.  I did try to show someone what his posts looked like from another perspective.  If he took personal offense to that, I am sorry.


Quote from: Pvblivs on March 30, 2010, 02:17:12 PM
QuoteI'd strongly recommend, as a moderator, that the two of you do not take this option.

I can assure you that I am not trying to make this personal.  For Abel's character, I simply think we don't know enough about him to make a judgement.  But on this thread I have made three comments, one stating that I thought that some people were rushing to judgement (and there are several people I thought did that), one in which I criticized a poor stance from someone who seems to be arguing from the point of assuming his conclusion and looks like he thinks everyone should agree with him (there I said that I though that the accusation of "straw man" was incorrect), and this one in which I am attempting to defend myself.

I am not seeking to offend anyone.  I did try to show someone what his posts looked like from another perspective.  If he took personal offense to that, I am sorry.

So, you're assuming I'm rushing to judgement.  Saying I've got a poor stance but giving no evidence to the contrary of my points.  Assuming that I'm trying to convince others when I'm simply stating my opinion and reasons for it and giving my point of view when they try and tell me I'm wrong and then trying to tell me that  I apparently don't know what a straw man argument is.

Let's pick this one apart a bit:

Quote from: Pvblivs on March 30, 2010, 12:33:05 PM
Mao.  You may be of the opinion that Abel is a coward.  But I am of the opinion that you decided that because he didn't do what you wanted and are just trying to make your position appear more reasonable and evidence-based than it really is.

Looks to me like a personal attack.  I.E. Trolling.  You've made an assumption about me and even went so far as to claim (and in a very subtle way, truly) that I'm full of bullshit.

Quote from: Pvblivs on March 30, 2010, 12:33:05 PM
I also do not believe that InsanityRequiem was setting up a straw man.  He was focusing on the abrupt branding of people as cowards without due consideration.  He is not tarring you with all of Patton's sins.  He is pointing out the one you share.

Oh look!  You're calling me a sinner and assuming that, like Patton, that I'm rushing to these judgements.  As I've said, we've had Abel about for quite a while and I've seen enough to form my own opinion on him.  You've made some pretty quick judgements about me for someone who hasn't been on this forum very long or never even spoken to me.

Quote from: Pvblivs on March 30, 2010, 12:33:05 PM
In any event, you are not convincing anyone that Abel was a coward.  That is probably due in part to the fact that you will not entertain the possibility that he was not.

Aaaand look!  Another assumption!  TWO even!  I've struck gold here.  Not only did you assume that I was trying to convince others, but you've also outright tried to deny me credibility by saying I won't entertain alternatives.  Except, I have!

TL;DR: Again, you're a troll and now you're a back-pedaling troll.  I'll probably get smacked for posting this, but I don't care.


Coming at this whole thing from a different angle... What should Abel have done? Open question to anyone who wants to answer it. Given Abel's personal history and his level of access to the resources offered by SAIA, and discounting the possibility of directly assaulting Aniz due to Abels crippling haemophobia, what would you have done? Or, rather what course of action would you have recommended?


Quote from: Pascal on March 30, 2010, 02:54:09 PM
Coming at this whole thing from a different angle... What should Abel have done? Open question to anyone who wants to answer it. Given Abel's personal history and his level of access to the resources offered by SAIA, and discounting the possibility of directly assaulting Aniz due to Abels crippling haemophobia, what would you have done? Or, rather what course of action would you have recommended?

I've already stated my views on this, but to sum it up:  Anything.  He had so many options.  All of them were worth at least exploring, even if only to confirm his views and beliefs about the situation.  It may be that he checks them all out and then realizes :  "Damn, I can't win in any of these!  No matter what angle I've explored honestly, no matter how fully I've looked into it, they all  end in defeat!"


Yeah, yeah, but specifically. I'm not trying to trip you up or anything. I'm genuinely interested in peoples ideas.


Quote from: Pascal on March 30, 2010, 02:54:09 PM
Coming at this whole thing from a different angle... What should Abel have done? Open question to anyone who wants to answer it. Given Abel's personal history and his level of access to the resources offered by SAIA, and discounting the possibility of directly assaulting Aniz due to Abels crippling haemophobia, what would you have done? Or, rather what course of action would you have recommended?

Hooray, a possible constructive conversation.  Finally. 

Even if Abel didn't want to kill his father, he really should have at least enrolled in combat courses.  There are many ways to kill that don't involve seeing blood, and a few more than don't involve seeing blood 'til it's too late for the person. 

If he was up for protecting his mother, or even getting back into contact with her, enlisting Aaryanna or some of his more understanding classmates would have helped immensely.  Not only could they teach him tricks not taught in class, they could provide backup and ideas. 

Honestly, with the hemophobia, I'd probably see if I could overcome it.  Phobias are tricky, but the techniques used to remove them actually aren't that difficult.  Perhaps Mink would lend a hand?  Healing *is* something he wants to do, and mental healing is just as important as physical healing. 

Congo Jack

Quote from: Pascal on March 30, 2010, 02:54:09 PM
Coming at this whole thing from a different angle... What should Abel have done? Open question to anyone who wants to answer it. Given Abel's personal history and his level of access to the resources offered by SAIA, and discounting the possibility of directly assaulting Aniz due to Abels crippling haemophobia, what would you have done? Or, rather what course of action would you have recommended?
Leave SAIA. Flee that Tir-Na-Nog of stunted time. Go to Zinvth. Mock Aniz to lure him into Kria. DO NOT ask how he died.

Yes, I see how he couldn't do that. His will was broken and he didn't cope out by himself. Well, nice job of helping him whoever took responsibility for his life! Noone? Oh, not surprising. He truly should have stayed with Kria, with all her quirks, she genuinely cared for his well-being, unlike Fa'Lina.