[Modding] Hi all

Started by thegayhare, February 15, 2010, 01:10:44 PM

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I feel realy rather goofy putting this here but it's the only spot that kinda makes sense I guess

anyway I've finaly started back on my nerf modding project and wanted to know if I could ask you guys opinion on something.

Here is the gun

I was wondering what do you think about just leaving the adjustable butt off, I kinda like it but I'm not sure.  the first image is with the butt abd the second with out

Also I've been thinking of removing the built in bipods.  and you can see the gun with out them in the third image.  What do you think

Thanks for your time and sorry to be abother


I think you should integrate that puppy with a Titan and RF20.

Oh, wait... This isn't http://nerfhaven.com/forums/index.php?act=home. Whoops, my bad.

Considering that the gun is mostly air (I have a couple blue ones, fyi.) The bipod is mostly for looks. (Face it, it ain't the Vulcan's tripod.) So, removing it isn't going to do anything except remove excess weight and maybe allow a front-gun (Or a different pistol.) integration.

The butt, on the other hand, is somewhat useful as you get easy access to a second clip. (Or, a second Recon drum. Bwehehehehehe...) Most mods that I've seen keep the butt on, but reinforce it with some plastic piping, as those little clips can't take much force. On the other hand, if you plan on doing some major reworking of the internals (Which happens to be a be-yotch and a half, topped only by the Vulcan.) then leaving off the butt will make access slightly easier.

Really, it depends on what you're planning on doing, and I'm also aware that this is low-level mod stuff. Modding a Nite Finder is slightly harder.


well truthfully I'm just modding it for looks as a prop gun for my cyborg costume

Convention rules state I can't have any ammo in the gun or on my person so the extra clip isn't nessisary

I was thinking of adding a tactical light or lazer site where the bipod is but I don't know

Though for the look of It I realy want one of those thirty round drums

Infact I'll show you what the barrel extender is gogin to look like

Course this is crude with out the patchwork I'm going to do and the paint

but here


Hmmm... Well, in that case, bipod will certainly get in the way, and the shoulder is optional. Since you're using it as a (Gasp!) prop, the shoulder piece might be recommended as it makes the back end look more functional/realistic. Lugging around a nerf gun without ammo sounds blasphemous to me, but I can see their point. (Bunch of geeks + Nerf + Small spaces = CHAOS and possible property damage. Wicked-cool chaos, perhaps, but still chaos.)

If you're going to paint it, I'd recommend Krylon's Fusion line of paint as it's specifically made for plastics. (Most of the modders use it, and their nerf gear sees actual, foam-based combat.)

Oh, and helloooooooo nurse! http://www.amazon.com/Nerf-Raider-CS-35-Magazine-Clip-System/dp/B002VLAYQQ


Its still gonna be functional but yeah they don't need nerf wars in the middle of the hotel

Talking to security they told me it had to be obvouse that it was a prop so my mod paints leave most of the bright orange parts intact

Man they are selling Raiders for 100 bucks?

I've got to run down to walmart and grab me a few I could make a mint


Whoa... You're fast...

No, that appears to be a discontinued Walmart promo that features a second drum. Normally, they're around $35.

I need to order one of these for me, though: http://www.hasbrotoyshop.com/ProductsByBrand.htm?BR=582&ST=SO&ID=26272&PG=1



sorry just sitting here bored so I'm checking the board

breaking down my maverick to paint as well
I think Mavericks are my favorite blasters.


Mavericks aren't my fave... My all-time fave is the legendary Ballzooka. Sadly, the green balls don't fit, so it's been retired.

Still in the middle of looking around for one with a bonus drum...

Dude, WHAT THE HELL?! http://www.hasbrotoyshop.com/ProductsByBrand.htm?BR=582&ST=SO&ID=26310&PG=3

Ugh... Regretfully, I am forced to admit defeat... I can't find one with two drums... (Must've been a christmas special or something... AND I DIDN'T HAVE ANY CASH THEN! That, and I avoid stores during December like they're diseased...)


I've got a Maverick. I love it.

I think the gun would look better with a stock of some kind. On the one hand, the gun looks incomplete without the grey piece. On the other hand, I don't think the grey piece looks all that good. Maybe you could fabricate an alternate attachment, or modify the grey one.

Something with LEDs. LEDs make everything cooler.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


I would think that if you wanted to leave the adjustable butt off you would need chop off the end part where the butt normally sits as well.  Probably plasticard the end to cover it after chopping that part off.
The All Purpose Fox


Quote from: ShadesFox on February 15, 2010, 09:23:57 PM
I would think that if you wanted to leave the adjustable butt off you would need chop off the end part where the butt normally sits as well.  Probably plasticard the end to cover it after chopping that part off.

Bad idea, here's a pic below. (Courtesy of Nerfhaven. No, the photo and color-coding aren't mine.)

That plastic piece is held together by screws and has to be removed before opening the longshot itself. (It uses a couple of spring-powered latches to stay in place.) It can be done, but you'd have to gut a lot of vital internals to accomplish that. Plus, trying to mod this particular gun used to be the hardest challenge a nerfer could take on. (Dethroned by the Vulcan, FYI. Most mods for that end in decreased ranges and/or jamming.) Remember that thegayhare wants to keep it functional. (And I can't blame him. It's thirty bucks for those pieces of plastic.) Of course, with the gun un-modded and the stock barrel extension attached, you'll be lucky if you get five feet in range. (Well, I may be exaggerating a little, but the thing sucks as a Nerf gun with that extension on it.)

And seriously, you guys would be surprised at what a good paint job can do to these things. (Especially from some of the franken-guns I've seen Nerfhaven-goers crank out...) And as for WhiteFox's suggestion, a battery or two wouldn't be hard to insert/low-temp hot glue into the handle, or the shoulder stock. (It's got plenty of space since it's meant to hold a spare clip.)


I've decided to keep the stock but to flip it

this is a photomanip to show what I mean.the gun itself is out drying from it's first coat of paint


It's going to be a little hard since 1: The latch will be in the wrong place. 2: The stock will be in the way of the cocking mechanism. (But, you're just using it as an accessory, so it's not a big deal. Just leave the priming lever off and it'll be fine.) And 3: The grooves that it slides on will need to be changed.

There's a few pieces inside the stock itself you'll probably want to remove. They're held on with small screws and should be easy to remove. If you want the latching to still work, you'll need to drill a couple holes into the gun itself. (I don't have the space to test-modify one of my longshots right now. Plus, I'm still hammering out a different web novel.)


Oh no it should be finE I'm not going to bother with the sliding action on the stock I'm going to use epoxy to fix one side in place then screw it down
I've already trimmed the edges so it'll fit.

right now thou I'm contemplating electronicsI kinda wanna put something on the gun but I don't know what

also I got a great sugestion on my FA page about the bipods

Removing them and placing a cross bare grip
since the costume this gun is for has a clamp for the off hand a normal one wouldn't work but I think the Idea has some merit



Blades, man. Blades are always cool. If you want, there's prolly some advice in Nerfhaven for integrating a Nerf sword into a gun.

Of course, that might be a problem with the way you'll have that skull attached to the barrel extension...


I had thought of having a bayonett comming out from the skulls teeth  but I don't think that would fly

Maybe a chainsaw blade bayonette  Nah

I do still want to do a buzzsaw hand for my costume but I need to rig up a better setup then my last attempt. (I still have my home made foam saw blade.  I have it mounted on my wall)

Either that or find a nice cheep toy chainsaw.  I've seen some realy nice ones but It's more money then I'd want to spend on a toy I wanna tear apart for a costume prop


You're in luck! Forsaken Angel of NerfHaven (You can tell when something is his because it's freaking badass.) Did a mod with a toy chainsaw. http://nerfhaven.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=10596&hl=chainsaw

How much you planning to spend for a prop? There's this: http://www.walmart.com/ip/Chainsaw/13398132, but this might work out better: http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2303410. I don't have any Toys R Us around here anymore, and I don't know where you're at...


Gotta admit thats a cool mod

but I don't think it'll fit with my gun.  Very cool though

I think though I might use some of my red leds to  light up the barrel vents

I'm also thinking of maybe mocking up a drum clip of my own


Yeah, unless you're planning on making some kind of vertical slot through the skull, it won't fit. And if you did, it's be too short to look even semi-practical.