Furrae Chronicles: Webs of Destiny (IC) [M] {2}

Started by Gareeku, July 21, 2006, 05:41:02 AM

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James StarRunner

"Pen...cue? Pen...guy? Pengooey?" mumbled James. He remembered those odd creatures from before, but couldn't remember the name. "Anyways, I have some sandwiches if anyone's hungry. Don't worry, I have more than just peanut butter ones. I think I've got some roast beef sandwiches, PB and jelly, cold cuts, and some other random ones I was experimenting with. We could eat those on the way too. Just remember, even though I can stuff about anything in my bag, it's not infinite."

James fished some sandwiches out of his bag and offered them to the party. Suddenly he stopped and snapped his fingers. "PENQUI!"


Blaze gave a shudder- an unusual thing for him to do. "Yes, that's it... I swear Raine has the strangest taste in pets."


"Oh, I once had to give a lecture on penguins at school," Gabi commented and she searched her backpack for her next meal. "I learned some curious things about them which... would probably sound really boring if I started ranting," she reasoned. "I'm afraid I've never heard of penqui before, though. What are they like?"
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Jakob watched the others eat.  While a snack would have been refreshing, he wasn't sure an entire meal was called for.  Besides, there was the strong possibility he might lose it if anything graphically violent occurred.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Aisha deCabre

Aisha rolled her eyes with a light smirk, listening to the conversation taking place.  Not that she had anything to add to it, really, but instead perking a little when James told them about the types of sandwiches he had.  The panthress paused for a second, about to say something, when she was interrupted by her stomach growling.  Her ears flattened.  Treacherous gut...

Smiling, she raised a hand.  "Well, if we're having a quick picnic, then I call the roast beef."
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Upon the mention of a picnic, a loud growling noise was audible. Holding his hand to his stomach, Gareeku smiled slightly.
"Eheh...maybe a stop for a meal would be a good idea." the wolf commented, before stopping by the side of the path and sitting down on the grass. A realisation then occured to him.
"Hmmm...seems I forgot to pack food." Gareeku muttered. "Ah well. If the residents of the temple are nice enough, maybe I can grab a bite to eat there."

James StarRunner

"Dude! Sandwich!" said James as he tossed Gareeku a cold cut sub. "I bet they only have bird seed there. Anyways, let's get going, I'm getting anxious."


"Hmm?" Gareeku uttered in reply to hearing James' voice, turning around just in time to see his friend throw a sandwich at it. Catching it in one of his hands, Gareeku laughed as James spoke again. "Haha, you're probably right. Yeah, let's go. I want to get there before sunset if possible."

A while later, the group turned a corner in the path. Looking on round the corner, Gareeku let a small smile appear on his face. "We're here."
Before them, rising high into the sky, was the phoenix temple, situated on the side of the mountain they had arrived at the bottom of. The setting sun's light reflected off of the temple's walls, giving it a warm golden glow that made it shine like a warm beacon on the mountainside. At the bottom of the mountain, a winding stairway could be seen going from the mountain's base to the temple itself, and at the bottom of these stairs was a set of large gates.

"Halt! State your name and business! A voice suddenly called out, echoing around the surroundings as the wolf looked upwards towards the temple.
"My name is Gareeku Manoko, and me and my companions wish to see the aid of the oracles!" Gareeku called back in a loud and clear voice. A few moments of silence passed, before the gates in front of them suddenly began to open.
"Very well. You may enter." the voice called back as the gates opened, saying no more as the wolf walked through the now-open gates and began to ascend the stairway to the temple.

Aisha deCabre

As the group traveled along, Aisha was relieved when they had finally turned out of the ominous bandit woods and were traversing a friendlier trail, and also without any more trouble from them.  The panther had a slight smirk on her face, thinking of that.  And more think twice about whom they are attacking.  Still, now the foothills of the mountainous surroundings became more pleasant to look at.  Even more so when their destination came into sight.

The temple was as impressive as all had been.  Well-situated, a source of a benevolent feel about the place when first sighted.  No matter how many times one seemed to see a Phoenix Oracle temple, it was still beautiful and even somewhat intimidating.  Watching as the gates opened by Gareeku's request, the panther's eyes traced the long stairway carved deep in stone.  She started to follow alongside everyone else, thinking of things to ask the Oracles herself.

"Here goes nothing," she muttered beneath her breath.  "Maybe."
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


"I see they had to be told who we are," Jakob said quietly to Blaze and Gabi, "and that rarely bodes well in my experience.  I just hope that what we learn is worth the bloody price we have paid to learn it."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Blaze nodded slightly. "Let's just hope that it was just some miscommunication that they didn't tell the guy at the front we were coming." He shrugged. "Oracles can get a little caught up in their own world sometimes."


Gabi sighed. "Whatever the reason is, I hope this isn't a total waste of time. With so many fakes around and all of them being cryptic either way, it's hard to tell which oracles are real. We must try, though. We just might be lucky."
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


When they came around the nearly last turn of the stairs, there was the clatter of flat soles on stone from above, and then a figure bustled into view before them. A crow dressed in a saffron yellow and orange robe with a simple golden pendant the shape of an eye and wearing some sort of sandals hastily made his way down the stairs toward them.
   "Oop... sorry... Gareeku Manoko?" he asked in a low, just slightly rasping voice, looking somewhat out of balance with suddenness. His face was just a bit confused as his gaze wandered between Gareeku himself and Jakob, then settled on the white wolf as he stopped. "Mr. Manoko and company? I'm sorry for my lateness. The Oracles have been expecting you."


"That's not a phoenix," Gabi thought. "Nor a penguin."
That thought almost made her chuckle, but she managed to stop herself and settled for a smile. She looked around at the rest of the group, and waited for Gareeku's reaction to follow.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Where is Arc? thought Jakob.  Some say that truth comes from the barrel of a gun, and much as I dislike the idea, he could be on the right track there.  Sometimes a death threat can be the only way to get sense from an Oracle.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


The somewhat disheveled crow fluffled his wings a bit, before taking on a more suitable, tidy posture and turning to the side, motioning with a hand.
   "Follow me please," he said, looking at them with a pair of glinting black eyes for just a moment, before leading on and moving up the stairs to the low slaps of his flat sandals. "Your business with the lost has concerned the Oracles," he said in a bit of a practiced tone, making very sure to emphasize the capitalization of the 'o', "and they would speak with you directly about this."


Jakob breathed a sigh of relief.  Back in Ha'Khun, he would have had to resort to trickery, threats or spies in order to get sense from the Oracles.  They might still have to do that, but the fact that the Oracles knew why they were there in advance was a good sign.  Perhaps the lives they had taken would not have been in vain.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Upon being addressed, Gareeku Manoko nodded his head.
"Yes. I am Gareeku Manoko." he stated flatly, before following the crow into the temple. The first room the group came too was a large hall, much like the type one one expect in ancient Greek temples, aside from the absence of a god statue, of course.

Walking as he listening to what the crow said, the wolf rolled his eyes somewhat.
"Yes, I'm sure they're deeply concerned." Gareeku replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm. He had had experience with phoenix oracles before; they weren't exactly the type to get involved in or be concerned about the affairs of others if they could help it.

Aisha deCabre

Aisha blinked curiously as they were greeted by a stranger upon ascending the stairs to the illustrious-looking temple, one who looked nothing like a Phoenix...but then again, anything was possible.  He was an avian.

She was as quiet as most of the group, bar for some whispering between a few, until they made it to the front doors and strode inside.  Her eyes rose quickly to the ceiling high above their heads, and came down again with a bit of stilled awe at the architecture, though the expression she had was one holding the fact that she too has seen so many of these temples before.

Hearing Gareeku's sarcastic voice, she turned and glanced back at the crow who had led them inside.  Her attitude wasn't too unlike that either.  "What special interest could the Oracles take in us, I wonder?"
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Either, the crow didn't really pick up on Gareeku's sarcasm, or he didn't care, since he just led on and through the magnificently built temple.
   "The Oracles know a great many things. They see the possibilities, the truths and the uncertainties. Even the smallest thing can change much," he said to them in that same reverent tone. "The wings of a butterfly..."
   The crow led on a bit further, and then stopped, standing to the side and bowing slightly forward while directing them ahead with an outstretched hand.
   "The Oracles," he simply said, holding like that a bit before straightening and folding his hands into the large sleeves of his robe and looking at them. "I shall be waiting for you."


Saying nothing, Gareeku followed the crow to the set of oak double doors, nodding his head in acknowledgment of what the crow said, before pushing the doors open and walking through into the smaller room; a dimly lit one, thanks to the setting sun viewable in the small window that the room featured.
"Ah yes. Gareeku Manoko and company. Welcome." A soft voice said. Sitting behind a small table was a orange-feathered phoenix; her red, flame-like hair glowing softly in the dim light of the room as she gazed at the group who had entered with her calm pupiless eyes. "The one who has not much time left is beginning to experience discomfort."

As if on cue, Gareeku winced from the dull ache that had appeared in his heart, his discomfort visible on his face for a few seconds, before shrugging it off and looking at the phoenix with a grim expression.
"Thank you for that." he stated flatly. "You know why we are here, of course. With that said, just tell us what we need to know."


Anzimani followed Gareeku through the doors and into the room. At the phoenix's words, she looked worriedly at the wolf, and her worry increased as she saw his discomfort. She knew that it would do no good to say anything about it now, though. Anzimani fixed her attention once more on the phoenix.

They might get lucky, and the phoenix would actually be helpful. She hoped that they would reveal something that could help her companions find their loved ones. (And she also hoped that she'd be there to help beat up whoever had kidnapped them. But she'd burn that bridge when she came to it.)

Aisha deCabre

As Aisha followed through the hallways, keeping with the group and looking around the various expressions on their faces, she was already getting the gist of the determination of getting here that they have had long before the panthress even joined.  That was certainly like them, she thought, so focused.  She wasn't much more so herself, by the time their guide had taken them in front of the large doors.  She stood straight and assumed a reverent look, stepping into the room while nodding politely to the crow.

The Phoenix looked like so many others from the temples, looking at the adventurers as if looking down on them, seemingly.  But at her comment to Gareeku, and his wincing, Aisha cast a look towards the wolf that held nothing short of shock, wondering if what she had heard was right.  ...Not much time left?

But it was seen that she was pretty much the only one who had that look...the others she noticed seemed somewhat solemn.  Her eyes narrowed briefly after a few moments.  So they were hiding something.  Shaking her head, she turned back to the Phoenix, awaiting its answer to Gareeku's demand, still holding a serious gaze.  Answers are much appreciated.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


"Now you know as much as we do," Jakob said to Aisha in a soft, almost whispered voice.  "It is not my place to reveal such personal secrets.  It was for Gareeku to tell you in his own way."
As the Oracle must have known, he added mentally.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Aisha deCabre

Because the party was in a place that called for quiet and respect, Aisha's response to Jakob was to cast a glance his way for a moment...were they not in the temple, the panthress would have shown her annoyance outright that nobody had just told her.  But the more she had time to think about it, the more questions that went through her mind, and the more that they were either cast aside or would be saved for later.

There was a stolen glance at Gareeku.  What came as a surprise was, after their escapades in their last adventure, he seemed to be one of those whom one would imagine couldn't die...and it was hard to think that nothing could be done to help, as one coming from the discipline of healers.

"I guess," she whispered back, sullen but understandably, before putting her gaze forward to the Phoenix again.  This wasn't the time for thinking that much.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Mel Dragonkitty

Just then a tea cart came squeaking up the hallway. The feline pushing the cart was so nondescript it was as if the cart was traveling by itself. To describe her as plain would raised her to a level of distinction she didn't possess, she was that unremarkable. The most outstanding thing about her was the starched and pristine whiteness of the apron she wore over her grey servant's uniform that was almost exactly the same dull color as her fur. With downcast eyes and barely audible whispers of "Excuse me," she threaded the cart between the adventurers and to a stop beside the Oracle. She then retreated to a corner to await further orders.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Hearing Jakob's whispers to Aisha, Gareeku glanced around to the pantheress, a somewhat apologetic look on his face as he did so, before turning back to the phoenix. "You didn't have to say that."

"I disgree, Gareeku Manoko." the phoenix replied calmly, gazing into his eyes with a calm yet serious expression. "If I had not said anything, would you have told her?"
Hearing this, the wolf looked away slightly. She knew the answer as he did; he most likely would not have told Aisha about it for at least a while.

"Now then. Moving on..." the phoenix continued in that same calm voice. "You wish for assistance to your search for the lost."
"Yes." Gareeku replied. "We would indeed like your assistance, and without the vague metaphors, if you please."
"But before that...anyone for tea?" the phoenix replied. Moments later, a stanger entered the room pushing a tea cart. "I already know your answers, but it is polite to ask anyway. Thank you, miss...?"

Watching this, Gareeku would have a rather large sweatdrop running down the back of his head were this an anime.
She's an oracle...and she forgot her name...?! The wolf wondered mentally with some astonishment. However, the original feelings of anger and frustration quickly came back, his hands balling tightly into fists.
"For the love of...we do not have time for your fucking tea!!" Gareeku exclaimed angrily, banging his fist on the table that the oracle was sat at.

"The sun is setting, and you cannot hope to travel well in the dark of night, especially for those of you who require sleep." the phoenix replied in her calm voice. "And I will thank you not to swear or shout."
Gareeku was livid, simply put. His eye twitched slightly at the sheer nerve of this "high and mighty" phoenix. Deep down however, he knew she was right. It was then, however, that his hand clutched slightly over his heart once more as another dull ache shot through the region. "...fine."


Gabi grew more worried each time Gareeku and the oracle spoke. She heard Aisha whisper something, but it was over before she could pay attention. However it served to remind her that Aisha hadn't known about Gareeku's condition. Gabi wished she didn't have to keep any secrets from her, but it was not her call to tell her, just like it wasn't the Oracle's. Why had she done that? Her thoughts drifted back to Gareeku. He hadn't told her exactly what the problem was, only that she couldn't help her. Things had happened that had prevented her from inquiring any further, but was it true? She should at least try, what was there to lose?

They kept talking. The Oracle explained herself without a hint of remorse while a feline waitress brought tea. The whole scene looked surreal. Gabi's discomfort was already growing when Gareeku snapped at the feeling.

"Please stop," Gabi warned him. "We haven't been through so much to get here only to have another fight. Please let me have a look at you. Let me see if I can do something to help."
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


As Gareeku calmed himself down, he heard Gabi speak.
"Forgive me..." he muttered apolgetically in reply. "...and I told you before...healing magic cannot do away with what I bear..."

Turning round, the wolf then walked back to the entrance to the room, before stopping for a few seconds.
"My condition is voluntary..." he said in a calm, almost hard voice, before opening the doors and disappearing from view. Watching him go, the phoenix sighed.
"Don't worry about him, he's just going to get some air." she explained, before looking at the group with an apologetic expression on her face. "I am sorry you had to find out this way, for those of you who did not know beforehand. However, I forsaw that he would not let anymore people know of his..."condition", so to speak, so I felt something had to be said."

Aisha deCabre

Aisha's expression was still kept neutral and serious, even when it was mentioned by the Oracle that Gareeku wouldn't have said anything to her...and he confirmed it.  So he would have rather let it happen and come as a surprise instead?  The panther had seen enough sudden deaths...but another one?

She tried to keep her attention on the Phoenix, as they were there for another reason anyway.  Though the panther was slightly surprised at how the avian just immediately skipped the interrogation entirely, perhaps conveniently so when the tea was brought in by the feline, whom Aisha had given just a quick nod of greeting upon entrance.  Gareeku's harsh reaction was understandable at best, but they were allowed to stay it seemed, so there would be time.

She watched as Gabi tried to talk to him, while standing to the side...Aisha was as curious as anything as well, what kind of affliction couldn't be helped.  But upon the "voluntary" statement, she just stared, waiting until after he left the room to say something.  "So...he's just going to let it come?  Giving up?"  She said while throwing her hands in the air.  Though it was his decision...and thinking about it, an understandable one...it was still unimaginable as to how anyone would do that.

After a moment, the panthress turned and bowed her head slightly to the Oracle.  "Well, thank you at least for your hospitality, and...for letting us know," she added beneath her breath.  Aisha then thought of her own question and started to open her mouth, but then just shut it again, thinking better of it and saving it for later, after remembering how adamant she was on avoiding the last one.  What would it matter anyway?  For all I know my brother is dead.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.