Furrae Chronicles: Webs of Destiny (IC) [M] {2}

Started by Gareeku, July 21, 2006, 05:41:02 AM

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Mel Dragonkitty

The attendant turned back towards Gabi. "Is there something else you require, madame?"
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


"I would like to know," Gabi began. "Have you heard anything about the kidnappings? Anything that could help us? Or... maybe something about William Starshine? He's a fox, with green hair, darker than mine. He loves travelling and... may be doing just about any job, but isn't likely to stay in one place for a long time."
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Feeling Aisha's hand rest upon his shoulder, Gareeku turned to the pantheress next to him and smiled slightly. Listening to her words, the wolf chuckled somewhat.
"So little, you think? When I transform I become a creature whose only instinct is to cause harm and devour souls. I don't want that creature free in this world. It's too much of a risk."

Continuing to listen as he looked back out at the landscape, Gareeku couldn't help but smile warmly at Aisha.
"Thank you Aisha. You're a true friend." he replied softly. Hearing the pantheress talk of letting the others know about the true nature of his 'condition', the wolf nodded slightly.
"I guess I'll have to let them know. It would be unfair to keep them in the dark. I've done that enough to people already." he replied.

It was then that Gareeku happened to notice the crow's presence as he glanced over in his direction.
"Did our little discussion interest you?" he commented as he knew the crow had been listening in, a tone of slight annoyance as he spoke.


The wolf looked aside, only to find the crow gone, without so much as a footprint or a scrape for a trace. Where he had stood was now only thin air, the moving of the gentle breeze that played over the monastery walls. Which of course meant that something was very wrong. Both Aisha and Gareeku were adventurers of experience, with well-honed and trained senses. And the nearest doorway out onto the balcony was about twenty feet off. Getting caught up in a conversation was excusable, but...

   Inside the monastery, past a corner down the hallway that led to the Oracle's rooms, walked the crow. He stopped just before the hallway, listening to the exchange between Gabi and the attendant and casting them both a quick look. Then, he paced off, into emptier, darker halls. It would seem he never left those halls, for someone else, who had stayed there for some time and for entirely different reasons, was the only one who did...


Looking over at where the crow once stood, Gareeku's eyes narrowed. The crow had been standing there, he was certain of it.
"That crow...there's something about him..." the wolf muttered to Aisha, turning to look at her with a concerned expression on his face. "I think we should keep an eye on him...I've got a feeling there's more to that guy than meets the eye..."

Looking back out at the landscape before them, another thought occured to Gareeku.
"That feline who brought the tea when we were talking to the oracle..." he continued. "I find it strange for someone who isn't some form of phoenix to be working at a phoenix temple. Maybe it's just me, but personally I've never seen it before. Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but I think the phoenixes here know something we don't."


"Oh, they know something allright," said a voice from behind Gareeku and Aisha. It was calm and melodious, a somewhat deep male voice with a low, very slight and smooth accent to it. "But they withhold everything that's precise. After all, if you mention the exact future, it's supposed to become true. Or that's what the experts say, at least."
   The figure behind them had just walked in, stepping up and placing himself leaning against the stone wall, with his hands folded over his chest. He was a feline, as black as Aisha but with pale grey eyes, just slightly bluish, and white markings on his body, and dressed in a dark grey, black and white vest-like robe over a black short-sleeved shirt and pants. And most prominently, on his back were a pair of black-feathered, white-tipped wings. His clear eyes watched them over a playful smile, his head just slightly tilted.
   "And it's worst when it's some tragic story to it all. Then they usually lock their beaks entirely about most things. I hope that's not the case with you..."

Mel Dragonkitty

"You do understand that I do not have the power of prediction. I only know things from more mundane resources,"  warned the grey feline. "And those resources have been few and far between since the bandits took over the valley. You are the first foreign visitors in several months. I know nothing about kidnappings." She paused then added, "Before the path closed I visited the local town for supplies. There was a green haired fox in the market. If he was the one you seek I can not say."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

Aisha deCabre

Aisha had to smile lightly at Gareeku's reply, dipping her head as she watched and listened to him before turning her head back at the landscape and the night-cloaked serenity of it.  Still she would be sad for the wolf, but at least his situation was better understood, and the panther indeed was determined to help him fulfill what the mortal world had left.

She nodded her head agreeingly upon his telling the others.  "It would be best.  Sometimes...it hurts to be left in the dark."  Her soft voice had a bit of reverence and knowledge behind it, from experience.

Her ears quirked though as the conversation seemed to still be overheard by her guide, and she turned to look in that direction only for her eyes to widen a little bit.  He was gone...and what was perplexing, it all was gone, any kind of trace.  They would have heard him leave while speaking at least.  "Oh wonderful, more mysteries..." she muttered.  She was about to reply to Gareeku's comment about the Oracles and the strange servants they keep, only to swerve around at a stranger's voice.

She eyed the dark, winged feline with more surprise than anything first, followed by a hint of annoyance.  Aisha's eyes narrowed, and her right hand rested on her hip...a casual gesture were it not for the fact that it was the perfect position to quickly draw a weapon from her belt if she had to.  "Maybe it isn't..." she started.  "And who may I ask, are you?"
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


The feline made a friendly smile, just slightly showing teeth, and stepped forward, stretching out a hand toward them.
   "Ignatz Donovan, miss. Most pleased to meet you," he said, with a small nod of his head. "I am currently residing here for a short time as part of an assignment. And you people? I heard something about a kidnapping." He gave Gareeku's hand a firm shake, and Aisha's a kiss, his manners and his smile sly and almost a bit mischievous, but still very friendly. There was a sharpness to those clear eyes that hinted at a keen mind too, and perhaps greater age than his young appearance gave away.


Hearing the voice from behind him, Gareeku whirled round to find a winged feline, similar in fur colouration to Aisha, standing near them. Hearing his remark about the tragic story, the wolf folded his arms.
"And you are...?" he questioned as Aisha did. Taking the feline's hand in his, Gareeku returned the handshake with equal firmness as the stranger introduced himself, revealing his name to be Ignatz.
"I am Gareeku Manoko. Nice to meet you." the wolf replied as he introduced himself in return, bowing his head slightly in greeting as he spoke.

As Ignatz kissed Aisha's hand, Gareeku raised an eyebrow.
Quite the gentleman, I see... he thought to himself as he watched the feline's mannerisms. Thinking back to Ignatz's comment about the kidnappings, the wolf nodded his head in acknowledgment.
"Yes, there have been kidnappings. A couple of people close to me were taken, along with others who have connections to some of the other people in our group. I imagine the others are probably being shown theirs rooms at the moment." Gareeku explained, while at the same time observing the feline's almost mischevious mannerisms. "Pardon me for asking, but what is it you do that has lead your assignment to a phoenix temple? Just curious."


Leaning against the wall just beside the oak doors, Anzimani sipped her tea and went over the day's events in her mind. After some time, she was startled to find herself drifting off. She blinked herself awake, fumbled her now empty teacup, and just managed to catch it on the tips of her fingers. The phoenix looked around furtively to see if anyone had been watching. Satisfied that she had not been observed, she slipped out of one of the oak doors and left the temple.

Having almost fallen asleep, it would have made sense to simply ask for a room and go to bed, but Anzimani felt like taking a walk. The little adrenaline rush of lunging for the dropped teacup had left her quite awake. She half hoped that she might run into a phoenix oracle that she could ask her question, but she didn't have a real purpose other than getting some fresh air. As she walked, she realized that she was still holding her empty teacup. What to do? It really had quite a nice pattern on it... She looked around furtively for a second time. Seeing no one, she tucked the cup into the pack on her back with a swift arm movement, and kept on walking.

As she strolled, she heard voices that she recognized up ahead. Brightening, she quickened her step, until an unknown voice met her ears. She slowed again, intrigued. As the phoenix peeked around a column, a balcony came into view, just in time for her to see Gareeku shake hands with a feline she had never seen before. She assessed her options: she could come forth and introduce herself, or keep hiding behind a column, spying on the conversation. She padded forward, feeling a little awkward.

"Er, hello there. I'm Anzimani Havkova. I'm also helping to search for the ones who have been kidnapped." She held out her hand for a shake (there would be no hand kissing for her).


The feline looked to the side as he noticed Anzimani, tilting his head a bit at her apparition, making that handsome smile again, and taking her hand.
   "As I said, Ignatz. Charmed," he said, and made another one of those small nods. He scanned the phoenix top to toe, and then leaned a bit to the side, folding his arms again. "I was asked to deliver a message from the creature council here. I usually do not work for people like them, but it was a harmless mission and not one I could have easily passed up on." He shrugged and rolled his eyes, then smiled again. "It seems they were concerned with some 'cubi or demon business, perhaps both. Not that it matters to me," he said, and fluffed his wings a bit. Then, he cocked his head to the side again, looking curiously at them. "So. Kidnappings. There was more than one?"


After helping James to his room, Jakob had returned to the room in which they had met with the Oracle.  He wasn't entirely sure why, but it had seemed important to have done something contrary to the Oracle's request.

It may just have been his paranoia talking, combined with his general distrust of Oracles, but there was something amiss here that he couldn't quite put his finger upon.

They tried to separate us, he thought, pacing softly up and down.  Tried to get us to rest, leaving us defenceless.  Of course if the Oracles mean me ill and they truly have the Gift, they will be able to pick me off no matter where I am.

But what if they're involved with the kidnappings themselves?  And even if it's not them, there's Arc to be reckoned with.  No.  If something bad is going to happen, it would be better to face it alongside the others.  Let's see where they are.

He crept softly out of the room and down the corridor.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Aisha deCabre

The suspicious look on the panther's face had turned into a polite smile as the felid introduced himself, her head nodding a brief greeting.  "Aisha deCabre," she spoke her name after he had kissed her hand, though nothing more was said from her as Gareeku briefed him about the kidnappings in their group.  She spotted Anzimani afterward, giving her a smile and a small wave before turning back to Ignatz.

Tilting her head, she too was a little curious as to what kind of business would bring him to the temple to hear about it, only to pin her ears back to her skull at the mention of demons.  "More than one in our group, yes," she answered for the kidnappings.  "However many more there are outside, one can't be sure.  Even before I met up with Gareeku and the others, rumors could be heard."

And we might as well be at the forefront, she added silently with an inward laugh.  Typical.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


"Thank you," Gabi replied with a smile, before heading to the rooms with the others.

She wasn't sure why, but hearing that little bit of news, however vague and old, gave her some comfort. It might have been someone else, but it could have been him, and that made the chance of him being alright a tiny bit higher. It was better than no news at all, and definitely better than bad news. And she could always check the town to learn more once the current mission was over... if they succeeded.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


The feline hummed and stroked his chin with a perturbed look at Aisha's response. He looked down on the ground for a brief second.
   "It is quite likely that the events would be tied to each other somehow. Or possibly just two sides of a single one," he hummed with a neutral, deductive tone. He then looked back up at the panthress and the wolf in turn. "I'm sorry to hear, really. I only hope that I will get a somewhat deductible answer to the Council's call for advice. It's not often that they wish to admit they might actually need advice at all, so..." he said, and trailed off a bit. He paced around them, and set his hands on the balcony's stone railing, peering out over the high castle walls and the beautiful landscape, the evening beginning to take hold of it.
   "I... wish that I could say I have anything to give you but tidbits and scraps. The Creature Council is aware of the kidnappings, that much I know. They don't seem to know much specific about who has been kidnapped... But I would guess they are withholding most of their knowledge, as usual..." He sighed and looked back at them. "Really. I'm just a messenger. Me and my sister usually work as traveling scholars."


Gabi took a look around the room. It looked quite comfortable, especially after having spent the last few nights in the open. But, even though she did feel rather tired, she wasn't ready to sleep yet. Not without knowing where Gareeku and Aisha were, nor what they were doing. She sat down for a moment,  gave her backpack a routine check to make sure everything was in order, and then left the room to search for the others. If they'd wanted time alone, they'd already had it by then.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Listening to the conversation unfold, Gareeku raised an eyebrow as he heard that the Creature Council knew about the kidnappings.
The Creature Council...I wonder why they've taken an interest... the wolf thought to himself as he let the words sink in.

By now, the sun had fully set into the horizon. The sky had now taken on a shade of dark blue, the first signs of stars beginning to twinkle in the evening sky as the land gradually darkened.
"I wonder where the others are..." he thought aloud as his mind thought back to the rest of the group. "Heh, they're probably getting aquainted with their rooms, I imagine. Say, do you know if there's anywhere around here that we can grab some food?"
As if on cue, a gurgling sound emitted from the wolf's stomach, causing him to rub the back of his head awkwardly as his cheeks turned a slight shade of pink.


Anzimani frowned. If the creature council knows, why aren't they sending anyone to help? It seems like if anything could strain relationships between creatures and beings, this could, she thought. Beings who hear about the kidnappings are likely to pin them on creatures before they have any of the facts. I thought this was exactly the sort of thing the Council is supposed to deal with.

Anzimani did not have much to do with the council, nor much knowledge about it. As the Phoenix was the only race to reject admission, representatives had no reason to visit her hometown, and the phoenixes there saw no reason why they should keep contact with the Council. Anzimani had never agreed with their self-imposed isolation; it seemed to her that it was better to know what everyone else was up to.

She smiled as Gareeku's stomach growled, noting that she was hungry herself. She hadn't eaten anything in a while, if you didn't count the tea. Come to think of it, hunger was probably the reason for her growing headache. She rubbed a temple absentmindedly, brightening as she realized that the phoenix oracles would probably have more varied vegetarian cuisine than was common elsewhere.


The feline looked at the wolf and made a little smirk.
   "I think there's supposed to be supper at seven. They have a pretty good kitchen and dining hall here, but if you want more than water, seed bread and soup, you're going to have to order and pay for it," he said, and turned around, fluffing and then neatly folding his wings. He walked smoothly, his boot-like shoes only making soft tramps, away toward the doorway into the monastery. "I'll see if I can get my sister to join us. She's pretty shy, but I think you'll like her. You go ahead and go to the hall. It should be close by the entrance. You can ask someone there to direct you." He stepped in through the doorway with a last wave and a smile for them. "I'll catch up with you there!"

Mel Dragonkitty

All the guests having been shown to their rooms the attendant bowed to those still milling about and walked away. She didn't seem to be in a rush but she had the purposeful stride of someone going somewhere. She walked through the large, shadowed, and quiet public corridors then into the smaller, brighter, and busier servants passages. The avians she passed seemed to pay little attention to the feline in their midst. Finally she came out in a small garden. Or what had once probably been a very nice garden before some idiot had decided to extend one of the towers and block all it's sun. Now it was a forgotten spot where only the hardiest plants ran wild around forgotten fountains and benches. She chose an only slightly cracked bench near a fountain that still trickled in a tired and fitful stream to sit and wait.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


The girl did not have to wait long, as she had expected. She could not sense his approach, like she had before he had begun to mask the dark traces he trailed about a month ago, something that could have frustrated anyone. But she had done well for quite some time in a business where cleverness was a prerequisite, and after dealing with him for long enough she could almost precisely anticipate when he would show up.
   His entry though was, as usual, quite random. She heard his smooth voice from perhaps half a dozen paces behind her, before he let his steps become casual and audible, murring a bit as he sang in a somewhat slow, jazzy tone.

   "Mel, Mel, my cara-Mel,
    have you found something of use, pray tell?
    We're not in a hurry, but they might start to worry,
    and that can't be fixed with a simple spell..."

   He stepped into view around her, moving gracefully and slipping down onto the side of the fountain, looking over at her with a suave smile; the sly one, not the one she recognized as the ingratiating one he sometimes used. His grey, feline eyes glimmered slightly in that dark, adroit face, reflecting the evening lighting in hues of red and blue that usually were not there.
   It was probably a disguise, of course, like her own. But it still fit him, somehow.
   "I just spoke to the wolf and the panthress. They seem to know about more kidnappings than the ones concerning themselves, but no more, so nothing to gain there. The wolf seems to have a dark magic problem, a life-threatening one. And they smelled... sorrowful." He said that all in the same neutral tone, though his lips quirked just a bit at the mentioning of Gareeku's condition.

Aisha deCabre

The Creature Council...wonderful, Aisha thought to herself, crossing her arms as she heard about it.  She wasn't one to pay much attention to what kind of business they got into, but if it involved the kidnappings, already things were starting to get a little more complicated.  There was a light sigh as she glanced up at the sky for a moment, barely able to count the stars that had already shown themselves.  Let's hope that the Oracle could be able to tell us more, as she said.

She hid a light smirk, also having wondered where the others were...Anzimani so far was the only other one that had found them.  "Hm, they might not even stay in their rooms if we're all still separated, if I know them," she lightly muttered before quirking an ear at the thought of getting something to eat.  She laughed lightly, hearing the wolf's stomach complain before hers followed suit, which just made her laugh louder.  "I'll join you on the thought of food.  A journey taken on an empty stomach is torture."

With a quirked eyebrow, Aisha watched as Ignatz walked back into the temple.  An interesting stranger.  Then she gave a simple shrug, turning back to her comrades.  "Maybe we should head in, then?  We might run into the others on the way."  With that, she turned to the balcony's entryway and started towards it, a smile on her face, but pensiveness in her eyes after her conversation with Gareeku.  Light-heartedness...perhaps we need that on this journey as much as we do food.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Jakob heard footsteps as he padded softly down the corridor.  He couldn't get a hold on the owner's mind as it came into range - perhaps due to a spell of their own, but more likely an Oracle countermeasure throughout the temple to prevent 'cubi and other mindreaders getting hold of complete prophecies.

Jakob crouched around a corner and tensed himself for a moment, but then decided that it might look suspicious and relaxed until the other became visible.

"Ah, Gabi," he said in a tone of slight relief.  "Do you know where the others are, by any chance?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


"I was just looking for them," Gabi replied. "I think James is still in the room where we left him, but I haven't found anyone else yet. Except for you, obviously. This place is more confusing than it looked at first sight. So many corridors! They haven't been here, that much I know."
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Despite all the strange goings on, there was one person in the Oracle Temple who was completely ignorant of any mystery or intrigue. In fact, all Nyfe cared about at the moment was the fact that he had been sitting in a completely deserted corridor for over an hour, waiting to see an oracle about his dreams. He sighed for a moment, untwisted his head tentacles from behind his hair, wiggled them in an action akin to twiddling one's thumbs, then re-wrapped them back into their original position.

It's rude of them... he thought irritably. They told me to wait here for the next oracle, but I'm still waiting! Every second I waste in this boring hallway wiggling my head-tails is another second I'm not helping my village.

Tick... Tock... Ho... Hum...

Minutes flew by and still nobody came to get the young Mythos for his meeting with the oracles.

"This is like watching paint dry in hell." He said with a disgusted sigh.

He was about to twiddle his tentacles again when suddenly two quite interesting people met in the god-forsaken corridor that he had been banished to. One was a Wolf, the other a Vixen. Apparently they were looking for others. Maybe they knew when he could go see the oracles, at the very least they might be able to direct him to somebody who knew something. "Pardon me," Nyfe said as he stood. "I've been waiting here for over an hour for somebody to take me to the oracles. Er, you wouldn't be able to show me where the place was by any chance would ya?" He gave a too wide grin that most beings found unnerving since it showed off all his gnashing ripping teeth.


As she spoke, Gabi soon became aware of an unusual smell. It wasn't one of her companions, but it was probably someone. Another member of the temple staff, perhaps? But the smell was rather strange, and with no hint of fur or feathers.

She was about to mention it to Jakob, when the Creature approached them from one of the many corridors. His sight gave Gabi quite a start. She had seen very few mythos before, only from a distance, and none quite like this one. When he spoke, however, she calmed down. He seemed to be another guest looking for answers, just like them.

"I know where the hall is," she replied. "I think I can find the way back there. But I don't know if any of the oracles are available right now."

Something felt amiss. If he had come to see the oracles, why had no one given him any directions in over an hour? But then, what else could he be doing there? Gabi decided to wait and see what happened before drawing any conclussions. That had always worked for her so far, and the opposite never had as far as she could remember.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Anzimani watched as the feline left them. I look forward to meeting Ignatz's sister, if she is half as intriguing as her brother.

Ignatz's current form reminded the phoenix that she had not been keeping up with her change-practice. In order to keep her transformation from phoenix to feline from wiping her out when she needed to use her other form, she usually practiced the change nightly. She'd been slack the past few nights.

Hearing Aisha's words, she followed. "Sounds like a plan." As she walked Anzimani conducted a brief search of her pockets for money. She was running a little short, but she should have more than enough for a meal.

Keeping her hands in her pockets, she experimentally concentrated on the sharp, dark claws of her feline form. She was pleasantly surprised to find that it wasn't as hard as she had expected; she must be in better shape than she had thought. She let the claws melt back into her skin, pleased.

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel shrugged in answer to the question. "I couldn't get much. Blue squirrel got a response that drove him to a breakdown. The vixen is looking for a fox that must be a relative from the description. I got the impression that neither are related to kidnap victims. The wolf cubi is so jumpy that he'll probably accidentally hurt someone before long. The others were too quiet to get much from." Her eyes went distant and she chewed absently on her lip, "Letters. There was something about letters." She growled softly, "Damn the anti-mindreading charms in all the main rooms."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


The feline's smile upped a bit, and he leaned forward, placing his head in a big hand.
   "Well, at least it works well together with the anti-scrying to keep us covered from the seedpeckers," he murred, and tapped his cheek with a finger. He pondered for a second. "What do you suppose we do after this? We could pull a swap, if they decide to go alone. That panthress seemed your type, and if I can't take either of the wolves... Well, I haven't faked tears and sorrow in some time, but I don't think I've lost the touch. The squirrel seems to be less of a hard part to play, anyway, with being a bit aside." He looked up a bit at nothing in particular, and muttered. "Hopefully it will not come to that. But..."
   The feline stretched out his hand, and for a brief second it became ashen and coal-like, its claws growing longer and blackness hinting between cracks in the skin. He eyed it absentmindedly, before returning it to its previous state.
   "I told them that I would bring my sister to dinner with them," he then said quite humorously, eyeing Mel with obvious intent.