Furrae Chronicles: Webs of Destiny (IC) [M] {2}

Started by Gareeku, July 21, 2006, 05:41:02 AM

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"Thanks," he said to Gabi.  "You're right of course.  Anyway, hiding in SAIA wouldn't even help.  You see, I met his father just before my conversation with Jonathan.  Arc's entire family are 'cubi apart from him, and that means he has access to the Academy via them.
Of course Fa'Lina would eat his soul if he managed to kill me within it, but I'm not sure he knows that.  Alexei's best advice was to avoid his son completely."

Jakob paused.
"So I don't know what to do.  It might be a good question for the Phoenix Oracles - assuming Arc doesn't put a bullet in me before we get there, of course."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Aisha deCabre

While waiting for an answer to her question, which didn't come until after a few moments, Aisha dusted the soil from her clothes and watched solemnly from one side as the graves were marked.

But as Gareeku walked on past, she caught his comment and curiously quirked her eyebrows.  "Yeah..." she finally muttered slowly and started to walk amongst the others.  The intricately-built gravesite was soon starting to be left behind them to sit in time's hands.

But, finally, Jakob had filled in the answer, to which she gave a nod of thanks.  Ah...so it IS the kidnappings.  Well, I can't think of any better group of adventurers to be investigating with.  Now, she too was pondering the riddle, just to keep her mind occupied...and trying not to think also that everything wasn't answered entirely...

"If it isn't the Oracles, then it's a good idea to be paying them a visit anyway for what they know," she commented.  "As for this 'Arcalane' guy...well, what worry could we have from one person?"
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


"I would have thought you'd have known that better than me,  Aisha," said Jakob, raising an eyebrow.  "No offence intended.   Arcalane is a highly proficient sniper with a gym bag full of guns.
Outside the tavern he put a gun to Gareeku's head and later shot him when he tried to escape.  He's killed as many people in about thirty years as I have in nine hundred, and doesn't seem to have much in the way of a conscience either.  Did you see what he did during the battle just now?"

Jakob paused, with the expression of one about to throw up and had to steady himself against one of the others.

"Excuse me...  He could be hiding anywhere.  His sniper rifle probably has a range of half a kilometer at least.  If he's set up an ambush, we won't know until someone drops dead."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Aisha deCabre

Aisha glanced back at Jakob as he spoke, quirking an eyebrow herself.  She was about to retort that, after all, she too was as proficient in stealth tactics.  But for all of her cockiness, the panther did in fact remember what had happened during the battle and kept silent.  The gunshot that happened just as she appeared...and the bandit that fell from the strike...the sound still rang in her ears.

And he made an attempt on Gareeku's life too?  Her teeth clenched slightly in her closed mouth.  For everyone to be up in arms over this guy, he MUST be dangerous.

"None taken," she finally replied, holding a hand up.  "My apologies, I didn't know."  Still, despite the sudden urge to stay on alert, she gave an assured smirk.  "At any rate then, I'm glad that I caught you when I did.  I don't know how good he is at keeping hidden, but I still dare say that no friends of mine will drop dead."  And if this sniper is staying close then I hope he hears that.

Her eyes then focused back to the path ahead, and her pace quickened to keep up after having slowed down to talk to Jakob.  The mist settled over the place like a veil, hanging heavier than the air that they were breathing and masking the sounds of the travelers' footsteps on the gravel.

"How far are we from the temple anyway...?" she inquired after a while.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


As the others left, Jakob hung behind for one last look at the grave site.  Forgive me, he thought, I tried to prevent it.  I might still have succeeded if it hadn't been for Arcalane.  He gave a sigh.

Gabi is right... I can't carry on like this.  Something has to be done about Arc, and soon.  I'm just glad they didn't ask me what the third choice was.

Head bowed in sorrow and shame, Jakob turned and strode away from the scene to catch up with the rest of the party.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Blaze glanced over at Gareeku with a concerned look. "It's not too far... hopefully. Unfortunately, I'm not too much help when it comes to weapons like guns. It wasn't until the past few years that I learnt that such things existed, so I don't have any experience with them."

He gave a crooked smile. "Funny really... I was trained for over four hundred years on using element magic, yet such a tiny thing like a piece of metal could be the end of us. I never thought it would be possible."

The squirrel looked thoughful for a moment before he changed his gaze to Aisha. "Sorry I didn't introduce myself. I'm Blaze Joybringer. By the looks of it, I suppose you're also a friend of my sister's?"

Aisha deCabre

While listening to the others and gauging the distance down the path, it still seemed to disappear in the slight layers of mist.  By now everyone was just waiting for the temple to come into sight...

Listening to the squirrel, she suddenly turned her head with an interested look.  "Joybringer?" she smiled.  "No wonder you looked familiar.  Yes, I knew your sister...I was part of the past venture with she and Gareeku, and a few of the others."  Her head bowed politely.  "Good to meet you, Blaze.  How is your sister now anyway?"

At any rate, it was a good break to at least get some lightheartedness out of the trip.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Blaze smiled. "I haven't seen her in a little while because I've been travelling, but I'm sure she's her usual crazy self." He gave a casual shrug. "I really should get a Warp-Aci, but I like to get around the old fashioned way."


"Summoning a Warp-Aci isn't trivial," said Jakob, as he caught up with Blaze.  "It takes a lot of time and skill, and they can be a pain sometimes.  If you're still in the baking trade, it might not be a good idea as they're liable to eat a lot and they don't seem to have a very firm concept of private property.

"Petter always says they're for girls, but perhaps he's just jealous.  On the other hand, if he had summoned one, I probably wouldn't have to rescue him now.

"For what it's worth, I've managed to learn how to teleport of my own accord, although it took me the best part of two hundred years to get it down pat.
Still, one of these decades I might be tempted to summon one anyway, for the company if nothing else."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E



Arc kept moving, not wanting to arrive late, although his jog had picked up the pace, even if he had nearly done himself a mischief or two on the way down. Fortunately the semi-mountainous terrain seemed devoid of further bandits, meaning he could make good time. He scrambled his way down back into the forest and continued moving, making for the edge of the forest quickly.

Finally reaching the edge of the forest, he waited for the rest of the group to arrive, and although he figured he probably wouldn't have to be waiting long, there was probably a chance his sister would show up right about--

[Now.] He thought. Right on cue, there was a 'fwomp' noise and Arc found himself pounced to the floor, lying face down, and with his sister sat upon his back before he had a chance to react. Anya had arrived, of course, not holding her appearance back at all, as she never did get the hang of shapeshifting. She was, as ever, dressed for functionality rather than style - jeans, loose t-shirt, and a loose-fitting vest-jacket over the top of that. Not to mention boots.

"Punctual as ever, Anya."
"I'd hate to disappoint."
"Bah! You know I'd prefer you punctual to perforated."
"Well I suppose that is true."
"Now, d'ya mind? I'd like to stand up."
"Ha! Not like you need to be going anywhere right now, waiting for people."
"And it's bad manners to go reading people's minds like that."
"Oh please, like you could stop me."
*sigh* "True."
"Oh my, you have been busy."
"Oh, and... Pa wanted me to drop you a message."
"He did? I thought he disliked meddling in my affairs?"
"Well, usually he does. Apparently he's... concerned for your safety. Thinks you might be in over your head on this one."
"The whole Cross thing?"
"Tales for scaring children, Anya."
"You know I worry about you."
"Yes I know, you needn't remind me of my mortality."
"Oh stop pouting."
"How did you--?"
"You're predictable."
"Quite. I take it everything has been proceeding smoothly?"
"Quite smoothly, dear brother."
"Excellent. You know what happens if you mess up in class."
"Oh no... not your cooking."
"...I'm not quite that cruel, you know."
"If you keep facepalming like that, your paw will stick to your face."
"Either that or I'll break my skull."
"I suppose there is that."



As the others conversed, Gareeku stayed silent as he walked at the front of the group, focussing on the path ahead as the group made their way along it. Nearing the edge of the forest, the wolf's ears swivelled as his eyes narrowed.
"The breeze carries voices..." he muttered as he could hear the fainst whispers of distant voices, recognising one of them to be Arc's.


Gabi's ears perked. She managed to make out some of the words, but couldn't make much sense out of the dialogue. One thing was clear, though: Arc was not alone. And the female voice didn't sound like it belonged to someone she would like to meet. Had she just called him 'brother'?

"Is there a way, at least once on this journey, that things don't keep getting worse?," she whispered.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


"What is it?" hissed Jakob, seeing Gabi's ears twitch and sensing a wave of anxiety flowing through her.
Listening himself he became aware that the birds were very quiet, and that meant that they were not alone.
Ever since they had left the tavern, Jakob had been on a knife-edge over Arcalane, and so his first thought was of the bounty-hunter.

"At least there's the mist," he whispered back.  "If it is Arc, he won't be able to see well enough to pick us off at a distance.  He'll have to actually confront us if he's planning any kind of mischief." he paused.

"In a way, I hope it is him.  I don't want to have to bury any more bandits."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Aisha deCabre

Aisha kept up the walk, listening to the others converse and being slightly thankful for the fact that the mood had lightened if only a little bit.  The adventurer still sometimes found it hard to believe that she was on good terms with a few 'Cubi.  Hard to believe, but not impossible.  There was a stolen glance at Gareeku, who was the most quiet.  That wasn't all too unusual, but there was still something unsettling going on...

The panther was still mostly silent herself, instead concentrating with her own senses on the path before them, listening for more bandits or perhaps their infamous sniper.  The voices came across the wind to her own ears about the time that Gareeku and Gabi pointed them out.

So that could be Arc?  Hm, a few minutes into the journey through bandit country and already it might get more interesting.  Glancing at Jakob, Aisha kept a hand on her sword hilt out of caution.  "Me neither.  But at least they're easy enough to get out of our way..."
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Paladin Sheppard

Ephrael silently walked behind Gabi, almost in her shadow. "I hope so." She said in reply to Gabi's whispered coment.


"I wouldn't be too concerned for yourself, Ephrael," said Jakob.  "Unless there's something you're not telling us, he's more likely to be after me than you.  Assuming it is him, of course."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Gabi looked around, surprised that everyone had suddenly gathered around her. She felt the urge to say something, but wasn't sure of what, so instead, she kept listening.

"I think they've stopped talking," she said, still in a low voice but just loud enough for the others to hear her.

She sniffed the air. It helped that the wind was coming in the direction of the group, it brought some of Arcalane's scent with it.

"I'm sure it's him..." she added. "I wish I knew what he's up to. I doubt he'll want to confront us directly, it wouldn't be wise. And the female..."

She didn't finish the phrase. What was she going to say? Nothing was certain. She'd heard her call him brother, but that could mean many things. And she wasn't close enough to tell whether her smell was similar to his or she was just catching his smell mixed with hers. There was something different, that was certain, but still... to vague to draw conclusions. They'd have to get closer to be sure of anything, and that wasn't something she was looking forward to. Not without a good plan.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Anya yawns and stands up, stretching her wings and arms out, looking down at Arc has he hauls himself to his feet, brushing dirt off his clothing.

"Nothing worse than usual, I take?"
"Of course not. Usual being crawling through muddy fields."
"Aaaanyway, your friends are almost here."
"Yes. Quite. I sense you are practically a fountain thereof."
"Any more sarcastic comments like that and I'll--"
"You'll what?"
"That's what I thought."


((Just giving people a little more time to get closer... :P))


As the group neared, Gareeku could hear that it was definitely Arc's voice. The other voice, however, he had not heard before, and was quite curious to see who it was.
"Standing around and chatting? That's not like the Arc I know." the wolf said as Arc and his sister came into view. Walking up to the two of them, a smirk appeared on his face as he looked at Arc, before turning to the succubi as the smirk turned to a gentle smile. "A pleasure to meet you...and you are...?"


Here goes nothing, thought Jakob.   Here I am, dressed as the very person he's hunting.  No chance to back out now, I've just got to go with the flow.

Your move, he thought, readying a projectile shield.  It was technique he'd picked up of projecting a force barrier in the air, a circular region about a foot and a half in diameter extending from the palm of his hand.  It caused a very slight distortion if you knew where to look, but otherwise it was invisible.  This was due to the light-tunnelling effect Jakob had used on it - left on its own it would glow with a pale light.

The projectile shield was a very useful spell, but only really applicable for short range one-on-one combat as it had to be moved to cover a specific body part like the real shield an adventurer might use.  Against a hidden sniper or a second gunman from behind it was not much use.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Aisha deCabre

As with everyone else, Aisha had kept a curious focus on the conversation ahead, along with the group's reactions to it.  Already the panther felt that she knew enough about Arc from what she had been given, but she would have to wait and see what would happen before making any judgments.

Finally they came upon the two figures, and her eyes narrowed to see them better.  A hand rested lightly on the pommel of her sword.  Prepared, cautious, but altogether not ready for another fight.  She stayed briefly off to the side, watching as Gareeku greeted them, while her ears were pinned at the skull.  There was a curious glance cast at Jakob.  I wonder what ensues now.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Before Arc can get a word in edgeways, Anya introduces herself. Not wanting to interrupt, he keeps quiet for the time being, looking Aisha up and down before looking at Jakob and raising an eyebrow at the strange choice of clothing.

"Anya Celso. Nice ta meet ya." Anya nods to Gareeku, smiling a little. "I understand you've all already met my lout of a brother here." She chuckles. "Say, what are you doing out here, Jakob?" Anya eyes him. "I thought you were still in trouble after that one time you got caught on a 'nature documentary' filming?"


Jakob was initially somewhat thrown by the appearance of the succubus, but quickly settled into a state of relief.  Thank goodness for that, he thought.  I was afraid things were going to get nasty.  It seemed that he was to be spared a confrontation, at least for now.

"I'm on leave," he said, ignoring the jibe.  "My father has been taken in some kind of mass-kidnapping and I intend to try and rescue him.  Many of our party have similar aims," he added.  "We believe the same agency is responsible for them all."

Jakob noticed that the succubus was staring at his attire and his face fell.  "There was a battle," he said bitterly.  "Started by your trigger-happy brother, I might add.  Many men died and despite my best efforts I was unable to save so much as a single soul.  As the killings will no doubt be attributed to my alter-ego of yore, playing the part may cause future bandits to think twice before tackling 'Johan Cross'." his voice filled with bitterness as he said the name.

"Distasteful as I find it, if dredging up my sordid past can prevent even one more killing, it will be worth the affront to my dignity.  Of course this brings its own problems..." he said, staring hard at Arcalane.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Anya frowns. "Strange. Well, I haven't heard anything about that, so I can't help you there. Good luck, I guess." She smiles, then Arc gets his word in edgeways.

"Started? Ha." His tail twitches. "I was following the group in higher terrain and keeping an eye on the lot of you. Much as I'd love to leave you in the hands of a mob of bandits, I'm not quite that cruel." Another twitch. "It was you or them. Be thankful I chose them." He smiles and his sister gives him a clip 'round the ear. "Ow-- besides, you can't pay those people. Next time they'd just want more. Think of it as doing a service to the community by restoring trade routing through the pass."

Arc turns his back and starts walking away slowly, leaving Anya and the others behind, although slow enough to allow someone to catch up with him.

"Perhaps the region can lose it's bad name, just like you've been trying to." He smirks.


Jakob watched Arc leave with a distrustful yet puzzled expression upon his face.  "It's strange how much he resembles my former self..."

Shaking himself back to the present, he turned and looked at Anya.  "You know him best," he said.  "Do you think he has really given up on the bounty, or is he just biding his time?"

Or perhaps he just doesn't want to fight me in front of his sister?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


"So she was his sister after all," Gabi thought, holding up her mental shield. "And she's a succubus. That's unusual. But she doesn't seem to be as heartless as he is. I wonder how someone can get to be like that."

She let others do the talking. She didn't seem to be needed right now, and couldn't trust herself to say anything without snapping at Arc. The sight of the newly-dead bodies was still fresh in her mind.

"There was another way, I'm sure," she thought, now without the shield as she didn't care if anyone heard that, and because constantly keeping the shield up might give the succubus the impression that she had something to hide. "It can't be 'kill or be killed'. It's too late now, but there must have been another way... if only we'd been able to think of it in time. Next time we must find it, before he gets his way again. And there will be a next time, whatever we're dealing with can't be good. Well... at least he's not attacking Jakob for now. I hope he understands. Right now I trust Jakob a lot more than I trust Arc."
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Anya shrugs. "It's hard to say. Getting into the parts of his mind where the 'important' stuff is like crawling through thorn bushes - invariably unpleasant and quite possibly rather painful." She smirks. "If he was going to have shot you, he'd have done it by now, I'll tell you that much."

She stretches again.

"Still, look at it this way - if he hasn't shot you yet, chances are he's trying to think of another way to clear up the situation. I'd suggest you find a way of keeping in touch with him." Anya yawns, thinking quietly to herself.


"Thanks, I'll bear that in mind," said Jakob.  "Perhaps we can come to some kind of agreement."

As long as it isn't the kind of agreement we came to with the bandits, he thought to himself.
Jakob turned away slightly, staring into space for a moment as an idea struck him - a counter-offer that Arc might well accept if he did give Jakob the chance to negotiate.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Staying silent, Gareeku listened as the others conversed.
Who would have thought it...Arc having a creature for a sister...let along a cubi... the wolf thought to himself with a slight smirk. Looking up into the sky, Gareeku could see that the sun was beginning its descent towards the horizon.

"Sorry guys, but I think we'd better get moving if we want to reach the temple by sunset." the wolf said with an apologetic smile, before turning to Arc's sister and bowing politely. "It was a pleasure to meet you ma'am, though you are quite welcome to join us if you wish."

Aisha deCabre

Aisha kept still to the side, observing the conversation that went on closely to see what would become of the tension felt.  It almost came to her as a surprise when nothing happened, though it was no more a surprise than seeing that Arc's sister was a Creature...a 'Cubi.  When she looked towards Aisha, her hand slid away from her belt, and she nodded back politely.  This looked to be Jakob's moment to see to.  But her eyebrow did quirk, watching Arc walk off with his statement.  Foreshadowing, have we?

But finally, hearing Gareeku say that they should keep moving, Aisha was as inclined to agree.  She nodded to Anya as well, with a polite smile.  "You might as well, there may be nowhere else to go unless you could say otherwise."  Looking ahead to the path, the panther kept her eyes on the horizon, just waiting for something to come into view.  I wonder just how ambiguous these oracles are.  She had a thoughtful look in her eyes, hidden by the neutral expression on her face.  None of the others have been helpful in seeking Ayan.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.