The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed

Started by Azlan, July 20, 2006, 11:18:17 PM

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Question, Azlan. Would Nazareth be aware of things that go on inside and around the ship, though Mother's link? Specifically, could he get the conversation Aaron, Saioko, and Knight had when they were in the medical ward?


No, the link is specifically for flying - mostly external and flight systems.  He would have needed to have been actively accessing internal monitoring through a similar, but unrelated interface.  To avoid being distracting, Mother isolates all her input for crew to specific systems, and keeps pilots focused on piloting.  Piloting her is not like other ships found in SciFi, you do not become the ship wholly, just in the sense of flying it.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"




Just so everyone knows Romulus is hanging out in the Special Forces area.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


PBH, I haven't seen fit to promote Aaron, so the character is still a major.  He could be considered a captain, as in the ship's captain, but he is not a colonel.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Prof B Hunnydew

Oops..........Army ranks ...Navy ranks...sorry PBH


Aaron would take a promotion to colonel D:

Mmm... delicious O-6 pay grade.  In the modern military that is, like, a $11000 raise!
But now I'm wondering what Aaron even does with his pay <_<

Edit: left off a zero on the pay.  Really changed the meaning of the sentence...
The All Purpose Fox

llearch n'n'daCorna

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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


what about Ale and whores?

or, save it... and come back from a long deployment with a rather large sum sitting in an account for him...

whatever the case may be... i'm curious how azlan is going to have saioko react to knight's sudden urge to be sadistic, yet playful

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


I'm pretty sure Aaron would not go for whores.  Ale and poker aren't such a bad idea.  But on the other hand, Aaron was a grad student, and I can tell you from my IRL experience that one does not have TIME for ale and whores and poker.  Maybe one of them but certainly not all three.

I  can see Bas's second suggestion, but not quite deployments.  "Oh hey, it's pay day.  Wait, the mass spectrometer is burning.  Why is the mass spectrometer burning?  How does something like that even catch on fire?  What do you mean classified?  Can't be very well classified if it is BURNING."
The All Purpose Fox


I will probably get a response up tonight, PST.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Alexis shook her head, "sorry Knight, that system is temporarily available at this time."
It sounds like you may be missing an prefix there, azzy... ;)

Prof B Hunnydew

now  now donot get too nick picking.....or you can be my PBH


why is it, that as soon as i typed that, i got the image of Aaron popping into the command center, saying "quality escape pod time, BOW CHICK BOW WOW"  followed by "How the hell did you even hear that?!"... Arron's comeback "i'm like superman, i know when i'm needed"

i've been rewatching RvB

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


so, question for azlan. going through the technology thread, it says ISF infantry wear an armored exoskeleton, and the special forces variant has a type of optical camouflage... is that the type of armor the team has on board, or, is it something like i'm picturing the pirates wearing, being similar to the armor the colonial marines wore in the aliens film?

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


It's standard issue for the Special Forces. I belive it is anyway. I know my team and I used it when we went on station.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


It is standard Special Forces issue gear.  It is lightweight tactical armor, but it is a full suit.  It uses optical camouflage similar to the type used in Ghost in the Shell.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Uh, Basilisk? That "15 minuts until" is for getting to the point on the edge of the system where the thrid plant is in between the fourth and us. Then begins the actual going into the system, dodging sensor posts, and finally reaching the third planet for dropoff.


my bad.  i totally missed the "after we reach orbit, based on the current flight plan" part that i was going to put... but thanks for pointing that out...

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Sorry for the absence, but the last month has been very busy.  I have now become the sole technical contact between our new international offices in Germany, Japan, Singapore and Australia... which has led to some rather obnoxious hours.  I haven't had the energy to do much of anything. 
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Prof B Hunnydew

I feel your pain, Azlan.... I am pullling 12 hour days on my projects some 6 days a week... that is not count the hours I need to write daily reports on the work done.  That is all because we fired three techs and an engineer, despite the increase in work load. 



Yea, I feel ya.  I'm not even sure what my next two weeks will be like.  Or even where I'll be living <_<
The All Purpose Fox


We are entering the inner system space
Uhh... no we're not :animesweat


Just a quick heads up, I'll be moving tomorrow so I'm not sure when internet access will be back.  Soon, if I have any say in the matter.
The All Purpose Fox

Prof B Hunnydew

Quote from: techmaster-glitch on May 08, 2009, 09:15:57 AM
We are entering the inner system space
Uhh... no we're not :animesweat

Oh Are we not?... We entered the outer system, did we?
Last I knew we were 25 minutes...out. :mowdizzy



sorry, that was my fault i think, there were 2 separate things that we're supposed to be obviously 2 different events.  I'll go and make the separation more obvious.  The special forces were supposed to meet in 25 minutes to go over a proper briefing, and 15 minutes after the ship reaches orbit, the special forces mission can begin.  sorry for the confusion, let me go and edit some of the posts to make that more obvious.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Hoy, lemme explain the situation again. This has nothing to do with the ground operation planning at all.

There are several planets in the star system. The objective is on the third, the pirate fleet is on the fourth. We (were) hanging out at the very edge of the star system. Nazareth proposed, in order to evade Pirate sensors and the fleet, to go around the outside of the system, in a circle untile we reach the point where the third planet is in between us and the fourth. Then we will enter the system, going in a (relatively) straight line for the third planet.

Right now, we're on phase one of that; going around the system.


um.... what are we snagged on at the moment?

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Azzy's work I believe.  The thing he mentioned two weeks ago isn't the sort of thing to disappear quickly.
The All Purpose Fox


Quote from: Prof B Hunnydew on May 17, 2009, 09:59:40 AM
Command Center

***You've never met them.... met them****  Ixiah and Loki see a flash from young Nova's memory of a big jello mound with moving tentacles in a cave on unknown planet... the kitten is suddenly scared and screamed, but she was silenced with a tentacle over her mouth.***** but then, the memory is suddenly locked away from Nova, Loki and Ixiah.

"yummmm jello" whispers Nova.... she shakes her head and turns to her console... "Mother, The pirate fleet is gathering into a formation, but their heading out of system.  Liking a raiding squadron, they heading away from us.  That leaves fourth planet has with only two cruisers in space, a small station and the spaceport on planet on scanners." Nova reports as Aaron enters.


Ya, um, since subtle hinting is not working... I'll need to be blunt.  No, Nova has not met one of the old races... consider this analogy...

The universe is a huge, evergreen, temperate forest of the type we as players know exist on our world of Earth.  Each tree represents a planet.  Your character is a tiny ant on the tree, at the far end and no where near the center of this forest.

The ancient IoYu'IouOiyou'iuIy are tyrannosaurs, it is large, does not belong in this time or forest.  It is near the center of the forest, the oldest growth trees known.

Even if Nova is a bright, shiny ant that stands out from all the rest on your tree, and a tyrannosaur wanders by (which it would not by the way) you are so small and insignificant and the tyrannosaur so unobservant of such a tiny creature, that it would pass without seeing you.

I will have to request that you change this post and refrain from establishing relationships with such things without express permission.  I can write off that which has been posted in the older posts as dreams and delusions, but I must head this off before you cause more problems.

This goes for anyone, not just PBH.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"