The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed

Started by Azlan, July 20, 2006, 11:18:17 PM

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Okay, I'm a good bit confused on how this structure works, is Valynth considered a "rookie" because he was newly recruited, or is he considered separate because of his rank?  And what are the ranks of everyone else?  All I know is that Valynth's a seargent and I'm not sure exactly who he's supposed to take orders from.

I think he reports and recieves orders from Romulus, but again I'm not very sure.
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


Technically your in my squad, but Ben out ranks you so you take orders from him aswell. You're also a rookie to me and the others in my first squad. You just got there and we've never seen you in battle. So we're gonna make sure we can count on you in a firefight. So right now you'r basically doing the same thing the other new people are doing.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


The special forces operatives are all ranked as E-4, specialist or corporal depending on their MOS, in Romulus's squad.  Valynth is E-5, sergeant, and the second to Romulus who is E-7, sergeant first class.

Benjamin Foster is the team leader of the new squad and E-6, staff sergeant with Alex Kiel as his second and an E-5 as well.

All the other 'recruits' are ranked E-3, Lance Corporal. 

Because Romulus and Benjamin are both senior, higher ranking NCOs and team leaders, they have the command authority to direct more junior NCOs and enlisted personnel.  This is the authority granted to them by the officers and obeying their orders is expected and required.  As special forces, your units are technically immune to the normal chain of command, bending will only to Special Forces Officers, operational commanders and mission commanders.  This does not mean you can disrespect officers or disobey lawful orders given in non-mission situations. 

Example: A fire breaks out on a base and an Ensign, Officer grade O-1, takes charge and begins directing fire suppression.  He orders Romulus and his team to operate the fire suppression equipment.  In this situation the officer can assume command and direct his team.  During a mission on the battlefield the same officer, if he found himself for some strange situation with Romulus's team, would be expected to take the appropriately respectful direction given by Romulus.  If this Ensign was a special forces officer of the appropriate type (Military Intelligence Tactical Assault or such, but not Military Intelligence Networking Engineer) then he could assume command.

Note: The most senior NCO you have is Senior Chief Petty Officer Amanda Wilcox, grade E-8.  She is a human female and a rare cyborg type.   
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


I will be getting to response for the current line either tomorrow or Thursday.  I need to do a bit of restructure to accommodate a personnel and player level change.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Important note: My internet access may be limited until Saturday/Sunday because I will be flying out to Connecticut to help setup my company's new branch out there.  It will be a gruelling few days.  My hotel may or may not have internet access that is easily useable.  My laptop is running a Vista Build and I've been having problems between it and my wireless.  This will be my first trip with the new laptop.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


You must forgive Shadesfox and myself, our planetside post titles originate from the Led Zeppelin song - Immigrant Song.

It looks like a bit of action is coming to fruition.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


The following characters and their players are officially canned, if this has occurred in error, please PM me or post here.

Ink - Morgan Summers

Poofy - Lee Cohen

Supercheese - Robert MacDuff

Eibbor - Absalom

BillBuckner - Conrad Tomczyk

Valkyn - Lucas Marcone

Valynth - Valynth Cernial

Metal Juggernaut - Sean "Boom" Davis

All these characters will remain as auto-enabled NPCs, especially Captain Summers and Commander MacDuff.

I am opening this up again, but potentials must be capable of participating to a reasonable level.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Excellent! This RP has occasionally attracted my interest, but I never actually read through the IC or OOC. Since this RP has been opened again, I'll be starting on that today. With any luck, my excellent abilities at fast reading may be able to get me though in some time. I'll see what's available when I catch up. See you then.



You should never have to apologize for Zeppelin!
The All Purpose Fox


Quote from: ShadesFox on July 18, 2007, 05:13:15 PM

You should never have to apologize for Zeppelin!

There are some unfortunate souls who do not appreciate teh Led Zeppelin...
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Azlan on July 18, 2007, 05:19:29 PM
There are some unfortunate souls who do not appreciate teh Led Zeppelin...

.. and they are truly unfortunate.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 18, 2007, 07:06:17 PM

.. and they are truly unfortunate.

A sad lot they are, doomed to wander the land between easy listening and soft rock.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Azlan, you've given us a list of those who are out, pending the reason for re-opening the RP. I'm still reading though the IC and OOC (though I'm more than halfway done), but it would be nice to have a clear list of those who are still in.

EDIT: Finished the OOC and IC threads. I'm still kind of drafting my character, so I'll read through the tech thread and post my character when I can.

EDIT EDIT: Just finished the Tech thread and *yawn* I'm hitting the sack. I'll post my character sometime tomorrow, maybe in the morning.


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 18, 2007, 08:45:15 PM
Azlan, you've given us a list of those who are out, pending the reason for re-opening the RP. I'm still reading though the IC and OOC (though I'm more than halfway done), but it would be nice to have a clear list of those who are still in.

Currently we have the following active members:

Daimien - Romulus Darkcloud (Special Forces, sergeant first class)

Paladin Sheppard - Kal Jeico (LAM pilot, 1st Lieutenant)

Prof B Hunnydew - Nova Hunnydew (military scientist/engineer, Lieutenant)

Shadesfox - Aaron Brown (military scientist, Major)

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Only four left? Holy-damn, you do need more PCs.
Yeah, Ill get my character up ASAP.


I prefer to be around 6, higher works, but it can be difficult to coordinate actions and keep everybody busy enough to be happy.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Yo! I'm intrested and have my character here.
Name: Joshua "Longshot" Dile
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Species: Feline-Cheetah
Occupation: Military Arms Inventor, Sec-Ops Sniper

Appearance: Tall, around 6', wearing hiking boots and, a Skin-tight digital catsuit (Provides camouflage appropriate to its surroundings) (ex. In an area under high video surveillance, it's digital camo, snowy, it's snow camo, etc.). Constantly has his "best friend", a modified plasma sniper rifle with 20x video scope, behind him.

General Background: Joshua always wanted to be an inventor, he had a love for guns, so he naturally worked to become an inventor for Military-grade weapons. He loved it, that is, until he heard about the war. Then he didn't want to just help them, he wanted to be one of them. He quit his inventing career to enter the army. He trained for years, and found himself at home far away from the battle, sniping out the enemy and covering what he called his family.

   Skilled in sniping and stealth.
   Highly Accurate.
   Mediocre with small arms.
   Familiar with most guns. (Does not necessarily mean he can use most guns...)

Modified plasma sniper rifle info-
-20x video scope- sends images to his contact lens HUD.
-Nitrogen Overheat Responce System [NORS (Pronounced "norse")]- Injects cooled nitrogen into the barrel after an overheat, shortens overheat recovery time by half.
-Attached laser pistol- A removeable laser pistol (Cannot be fired when attached)

So, this good?


*cough*Did you read entirely through the OOC, IC, and tech threads? I would suggest that you do,so you are completely familiar with everything.


I'm still reviewing tech's submission, but there will be a few issues with it... more to come on that.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Still Reviewing my submission?  :mowdizzy Gawd, it must be even longer than I did come in at a grand total of almost four complete pages in Microsoft Word *headslap*. I am so terribly sorry about that, my creativity (which rarely surfaces) just ran away with my. Sorry again! 

And by 'familiar', I meant familiar with setting, backdrop, and technology.


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 20, 2007, 06:09:20 PM
Still Reviewing my submission?  :mowdizzy Gawd, it must be even longer than I did come in at a grand total of almost four complete pages in Microsoft Word *headslap*. I am so terribly sorry about that, my creativity (which rarely surfaces) just ran away with my. Sorry again! 

And by 'familiar', I meant familiar with setting, backdrop, and technology.

It is rather long, but I have also been a bit busy.  I shall finalize my response later tonight.

Quote from: Catffeinated on July 20, 2007, 04:43:13 PM
Yo! I'm intrested and have my charicter here.
Name: Joshua “Longshot” Dile
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Species: Feline-Cheetah
Occupation: Military Arms Inventor, Militia Sniper

Appearance: Tall, around 6’, wearing hiking boots and, a Skin-tight digital catsuit (Provides camouflage appropriate to its surroundings) (ex. In an area under high video surveillance, it’s digital camo, snowy, it’s snow camo, etc.). Constantly has his “best friend”, a modified plasma sniper rifle with 20x video scope, behind him.

General Background: Joshua always wanted to be an inventor, he had a love for guns, so he naturally worked to become an inventor for Military-grade weapons. He loved it, that is, until he heard about the war. Then he didn’t want to just help them, he wanted to be one of them. Unfortunately, he knew he couldn’t handle training, so he did the next best thing. He found a group of mercenaries, dedicated to helping the war end, fighting where the army wouldn’t. After awhile, they broke up after one of the members died, they were blaming each other. So, lately Joshua has just been roaming, looking for another opportunity like that to arise again.

   Skilled in sniping and stealth.
   Highly Accurate.
   Mediocre with small arms.
   Familiar with most guns. (Does not neccesarily mean he can use most guns...)

So, this good?

This needs a revision.  Getting a bit more familiar with all the threads in question is handy definitely.  For one, you would realize that this is a military based operation and the civilain participation is very limited.  A military engineer is a very possible idea.  Weapons engineers will not be as useful, as in any appropriate military, they get to design but not use the weapons. 

It is ultimately up to what you want to play, but consider carefully so that you are not stuck in a character that was not what you expected it to be.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Quote from: Azlan on July 20, 2007, 06:50:47 PM
For one, you would realize that this is a military based operation and the civilain participation is very limited.

What about freelancers? Would that be appropriate?

Quote from: Azlan on July 20, 2007, 06:50:47 PM
Weapons engineers will not be as useful, as in any appropriate military, they get to design but not use the weapons. 

Wrong there, most of the time the designers do test the guns as well as anything else related to it.


What about freelancers? Would that be appropriate?
I won't speak finally for Azlan, but I would guess that might be a no-no.

Wrong there, most of the time the designers do test the guns as well as anything else related to it.
Key word there; test, not use.


But not field usage, that's what I meant. You'd be able to try out your own stuff in a firing range, but you wouldn't even be cleared for actual combat, let alone using your own weapons in battle.


Quote from: Catffeinated on July 20, 2007, 10:00:08 PM

What about freelancers? Would that be appropriate?

Freelancer weapon engineers?  Those are called terrorists and criminals. 

Weapons Engineers are either military personnel, or are employees in the private sector that work for companies contracting to the military.  To be an independent freelancer, means you are working with substandard, old and obsolete designs for criminal or terrorist organizations.  Though there is a little Battletech influence, one thing there is not are large Mercenary groups fielding modern military equipment and fighting by contract to the highest bidder.

Quote from: Catffeinated on July 20, 2007, 10:00:08 PM

Wrong there, most of the time the designers do test the guns as well as anything else related to it.

Wow, someone just contradicted me in my own game... and in real life, where I have a plethora of experience with the branches of the US Military and Federal Government organizations.

Have you actually worked in this field?  As an employee for a government contractor or the actual military?  A weapon's designer might test an experimental prototype, but the design engineers usually only analyze demonstrations carried out by test engineers.  The final prototypes are tested by those who made the request for the hardware, the actual people who will be piloting, firing and maintaining the equipment.  Test engineers observe, calibrate and evaluate performance, but the client's own staff makes the full evaluation and submits improvement requests, approvals, identifies flaws that must be fixed and design issues that must be refined.

Yes, as a designer you would gain some familiarity in the use of the weapons you have worked on, but there is a big difference from temperature controlled, noise dampened firing ranges to that of frigid wastelands, steamy jungles or sweltering deserts with bullets whizzing around you as you fight the pain of the wound in your thigh and squint your burning eyes to see through the smoked of burning bodies and wreckage to draw a bead on an enemy doing the exact same thing to find you... think about it.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


There, modded it, threw away the whole 'militia' idea. Also, forgot to mention that he did in fact quit his inventing career. Added more detail about his weapon.
How's it now?


RP Note for Daimien:

Just a quick reminder, Romulus is still of the enlisted ranks.  He may be an Non-commissioned officer, but a certain level of respect is still afforded to officers, addressing them by rank or the appropriate sir/ma'am.  Even an outburst in the heat of the moment, such as calling Lt. Nova "woman", is an offense, should she chose to pursue it, that could lead to court-martial.  I doubt it, because of her nature and he propensity for familiarity, but it can happen.  Most likely it would lead to a demerit of some sort.     

RP Note for Prof B Hunnydew:

It might not be appropriate to be so informal to other personnel, even those of lower rank... at least not until you've been working together long enough to become more informal.

Note on injury conditions:

Don't take Loki too seriously, his injuries are not trivial, but he's no medical expert.  He has a psychic diagnosis power that can reasonably accurately evaluate injuries and conditions, but he is still a "child" of his race, he is frightened and in pain, which has clouded his judgment, making him disregard his own evaluation.

If Nova has basic medical knowledge and a medical scanner, she knows that his injuries are not immediately fatal.  His commentary to the opposite is not based off of anything more then apprehension and fear... the pain and amount of bleeding is certainly very disconcerting to him as he has little experience in this area.  Like Nova's injury, sufficient bandaging and pressure will stem the hemorrhaging.  Eventually both will need to have the inclusion (bullet) removed and internal visceral damage sealed.  Death will only occur due to complete inattention via exsanguination or eventually possible infection. 
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Quote from: Catffeinated on July 20, 2007, 04:43:13 PM
Yo! I'm intrested and have my character here.
Name: Joshua "Longshot" Dile
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Species: Feline-Cheetah
Occupation: Military Arms Inventor, Sec-Ops Sniper

Appearance: Tall, around 6', wearing hiking boots and, a Skin-tight digital catsuit (Provides camouflage appropriate to its surroundings) (ex. In an area under high video surveillance, it's digital camo, snowy, it's snow camo, etc.). Constantly has his "best friend", a modified plasma sniper rifle with 20x video scope, behind him.

General Background: Joshua always wanted to be an inventor, he had a love for guns, so he naturally worked to become an inventor for Military-grade weapons. He loved it, that is, until he heard about the war. Then he didn't want to just help them, he wanted to be one of them. He quit his inventing career to enter the army. He trained for years, and found himself at home far away from the battle, sniping out the enemy and covering what he called his family.

   Skilled in sniping and stealth.
   Highly Accurate.
   Mediocre with small arms.
   Familiar with most guns. (Does not necessarily mean he can use most guns...)

Modified plasma sniper rifle info-
-20x video scope- sends images to his contact lens HUD.
-Nitrogen Overheat Responce System [NORS (Pronounced "norse")]- Injects cooled nitrogen into the barrel after an overheat, shortens overheat recovery time by half.
-Attached laser pistol- A removeable laser pistol (Cannot be fired when attached)

So, this good?

A few changes need to be made:

First is a basic issue, because of thermal and/or electric pressure expansion, plasma degrades rapidly limiting its useful range.  Lasers, matter weapons and particle beam style weapons are used for long range sniping typically.  If you wish to remain somewhat unique, then consider using a plasma laser sniper rifle, where a plasma stream or bolt is fired down a laser.  High-energy lasers ionize the air around their beam, heating the atmosphere and providing the plasma with an easy passage to the target.

Second basic issue, the whole NORS system would be great in an FPS, but in reality, even the most advanced alloys and synthetics (barring those from super advanced species) whole buckle and fracture (or at least become brittle) in instantaneous temperature changes.  Temperature controls the degree of plasma ionization, which is determined by the electron temperature relative to the ionization energy.  Even a typical "cold plasma" is several thousand degrees Celsius.  Injecting cooled nitrogen, at least you appear aware that it is a relatively dielectric gas, would not be especially prudent when you consider the expansion relative to the difference in temperature...

Minor statistical issue:
The character needs to be average with most guns.

*Be aware that army/marine personnel have at least:

Basic hand to hand training
Basic melee training (knives and such)
Familiarity with all small arms, heavy arms and vehicle mounted weapons
basics of grenade usage
field first aid
basic communications equipment usage

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Noted! First issue: I see your point there, and I like your idea, so if it's ok with you, I'll use it. The second issue: Understood, I'll replace it with an automatic vent release, how's that sound? Once the gun overheats, a vent near the back releases any heat trapped in the plasma chamber into the atmosphere. Unfortunately, that makes his location obvious to heat-sesitive devices, such as heat-seekers or thermal vision. And as for the minor note, I am aware, he just isn't as good with any heavy or medium arms that aren't rifles, (i.e. Chain guns, grenade launchers), as he is with rifle-style weapons (i.e. Sporting rifles, shotgun).
Would this be a good fix?